A guide to natural remedies for Crohn’s and Colitis www.crohn-colitis-online.de By Andreas Ulmicher http://www.crohn-colitis-online.de © 2014 Andreas Ulmicher, naturopath This article is for free and can be distributed without alterations Contents of this brochure are protected by laws of copyright. Any changes that are intended to make others believe that someone else than Andreas Ulmicher is author of this brochure are prohibited. This brochure may not be distributed commercially nor sold. Please note: The tips, therapies, supplements, natural remedies and nutrition suggestions provided on this page / article cannot replace direct diagnosis, advice, counselling or therapy by a certified physician, naturopath, pharmacist or any other therapist. Please don’t take any medication or supplement, don’t alter their dosage or skip them before consulting a physician, alternative therapist or pharmacist! Dear reader! Prescription medication for Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis is a sample of immune suppressants. If anything, they don’t work for everybody. At times, we need this medication to prevent the worst case scenarios to happen. But what if they don’t work? What if you only suffer from mild symptoms and are afraid of the side effects of prescription medication? What of the long-term consequences? If you are thoughtful, you might consider that there is more to life than just temporarily suppressing inflammation symptoms. Intake of prescription medication has its time and its justification. But if you would fare better on natural remedies then you should take the chance. Of course, there is more than just probiotics considering the problem of inflammatory bowel diseases. In fact, I noticed in recent years that they don’t have much of an effect at all if not accompanied by consequential natural therapy. There are some natural substances in supplementation that have the potential to alleviate Crohn’s and colitis symptoms. Of course, none of them help everybody. I have selected the ones I and my patients tried over the years and earned the best results with. Here is my personal list of 10 totally natural remedies that work one way or the other to improve IBD symptoms and overall health. 1. African frankincense You might have heard by now of the Indian frankincense, with is a traditional remedy to alleviate inflammations of any kind, especially those of the bowel. I did some research on that and I found African frankincense to be even more effective. African frankincense contains some other boswellic acids than Indian frankincense, AKBA among them. AKBA is a very powerful anti-inflammatory agent. AKBA stands for acetyl-keto-βboswellic acid, which makes the African frankincense about 4 ½ times more powerful in anti-inflammatory effects than the Indian frankincense. Here in Germany, the anti-inflammatory agents from Indian frankincense are not officially available on the market of natural remedies and supplements, only an extract of the whole plant is. Some physicians and naturopaths order Indian frankincense from foreign. Yet still, with the availability of African frankincense there is no need to. Its Latin name is Boswellia carterii. 2. Siberian ginseng (Eleutherokokk) You may ask yourselves what the heck ginseng might have to do with inflammation relief? It is not that much the inflammation itself, but the circumstances of which chronic inflammations develop: more than 80% of all patients with an IBD suffer from chronic exhaustion of the autonomic nervous system. That is why the effect of cortisone is actually twofold: besides its effect of suppressing the immune system, cortisone relieves inflammation through its effect is a long term stress hormone. It activates the sympathetic nervous system. Siberian ginseng does pretty much the same. That’s why I recommend its use together with African frankincense to ease the symptoms of the IBD while possibly reducing prescription medication. 3. Detox and digestion aid: humic acids I met humic acids are couple of years ago when a manufacturer sent me a sample to try out for myself. I did, and I recall not to go to the restrooms for two or three days. Of course, I was in a healthy condition back then. But from all the patients in the course of time I prescribed this natural remedy, at least 95% showed improvement: reduction of bowel movements, less diarrhea, formed stools. Humic acids, to me, are some kind of miracle tool of nature: first discovered in its use for soil fertilizing in arboreta, it was used for enhancing metabolism of breeder animals. Breeders who used them noticed that animals fed with humic acids hardly got sick anymore, did not need any more antibiotics or other medication and developed meat of much higher quality than their fellow animals that weren’t fed humic acids. Humic acids unify four advantages that fit in the needs of patients with inflammatory bowel diseases: first of all, they optimize the pH levels inside the intestine (both small and large) which causes a better intestinal flora to establish. Second, they make chylus to stay a bit longer in the small intestine, so much more amino- and fatty acids get absorbed. Third, they bind minerals and trace elements organically and therefore, make the bio-available more readily. And fourth, they have some detox properties for the large intestine. I found them to be much more effective than probiotics, especially at the beginning of a natural treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases. 4. Coordinates the immune system: Vitamin D3 To put it bluntly: actually vitamin D is not a vitamin at all; it is a hormone, or rather a hormonal precursor. During the last years, vitamin D has gained particular interest in supplementation research and studies. Apart from its ability to influence bone density and calcium metabolism, vitamin D is able to coordinate the immune system in a way that both over activity and under activity can be normalized. Thus, autoimmune diseases as well as immune weaknesses can be influenced positively. Patients with allergies, Multiple Sclerosis, asthma, autoimmune diseases can profit from taking vitamin D as a supplement. It’s got even potential to stop or prevent cancer on its track. The German DGE, which is the counterpart to the US FDA, recently recommended leveling up the daily intake of vitamin D to at least 1,000 international units. 5. Omega 3 fatty acids Bowls nutrition experts and naturopaths complain about the imbalanced intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids: the ratio between Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids in normal nutrition is predestined to enhance inflammatory processes inside the body. While for optimum performance, this ratio should been between one-to-one and oneto-three, ratios of one-to-20 are normally to be found in civilizing nutrition nowadays. Long-term nutrition with this kind of racial will provoke inflammatory processes anywhere in the body. So consequence is natural: supplementing Omega 3 fatty acids to lessen inflammatory activity. Recently, krill oil was announced to have even more advantage over fish oil: the specific compounds of krill oil are able to repair damaged DNA. Because krill oil is further down the food chain, it is even less burdened with environmental toxins. For that reasons, it’s the best way to supplement Omega 3 fatty acids. 6. Inhibiting free radicals on their tracks: zinc Zinc is one of the most requested and recommended supplements when dealing with Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis. There are three reasons for this: first, most of the zinc we do receive from protein rich foods, which are pretty hard to ingest with an inflammatory bowel disease. Second, zinc is an important antioxidant. It protects the intestinal mucosa from free radicals which can damage its cells and annihilate their functions. Third, zinc is an important component of many enzymes. You have to know that enzymes are not only important for digestion; they have other important functions in overall internal metabolism, too. There is yet another reason to take zinc: Mercury intoxication is pretty common among those who have (or had) amalgam fillings. Even if these are removed, mercury is pretty difficult to channel out of the body. Zinc helps to replace mercury inside the cells and thus, helps to detox. The best time to take zinc is before 7 AM, for the body only fully absorbs it when taken in the early morning. 7. Enhancing metabolic functions and detox: S-Adenosylmethionine Much less common as a supplement for inflammatory bowel diseases is SaMe, or S-Adenosyl-methionine. Yet still, it is to be found in the very same food where zinc and vitamin B12 are found, also. Which means it’s found in protein rich foods. SaMe has some particular functions that make it interesting as a supplementation for Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis. First of all, it enhances liver detox by maintaining high levels of Glutathione and thus, can participate indirectly in building up and maintaining a proper gut flora. This ability is particularly important when antibiotics were taken in clinical history on a regular base. Second, SaMe has a particular ability to improve joint pain and inflammation. Third, it improves hormonal properties of serotonin, dopamine and melatonin and consequently, fights exhaustion and depression, both of which are pretty common as symptoms of inflammatory bowel diseases. Tip: as long as no larger parts of the small bowel are removed surgically, the body profits from stimulating stomach acid for protein digestion. Proper protein digestion enhances the absorption of vitamin B12, zinc and Methionine, to which SaMe is a precursor. 8. Controlling diarrhea the natural way: Saccharomyces boulardii Some yeast may be hazardous when it comes to Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis. But not this one: saccharomyces boulardii has even made its way to conventional medicine when it comes to fighting excess diarrhea. While we are at it, one suggestion: don’t take loperamide or similar drugs to prevent diarrhea. In some cases, these drugs can cause rupture of the intestinal lining and consequently, acute peritonitis - a condition which can be lethal. Saccharomyces boulardii, on the other hand, does not slow down intestinal peristaltic chemically, but it binds harmful germs and helps getting rid of them. Furthermore, it helps establish a more “steady” intestinal flora. 9. Benign subspecies of Escherichia coli If you ever have lab checked your feces, your physician might have advised you to do something against Escherichia coli. While most subspecies of this particular germ are more or less harmful to the intestinal environment, one has shown to be particular benign. This subspecies has been discovered by a German physician named Alfred Nissle during the First World War, and it has been named after him. Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 is now common and widespread as a natural remedy for ulcerative colitis here in Germany. This subspecies of Escherichia coli prevents free oxygen to diffuse through the intestinal wall and to act as a free radical. Only in an oxygen free large bowel, natural fermentation processes can be assured. During this processes, soluble fiber is converted to short chained fatty acids, which directly nourish the intestinal mucosa. Free oxygen inside the large bowel prevents these processes and causes the mucosa to degrade. The particular quality of this probiotic makes Escherichia coli Nissle and accepted and widespread replacement for the various forms of Mesalazine in the prevention of flare ups of ulcerative colitis. used during a flare up, but rather in between flare ups, if overeating or indulgence lead to acute diarrhea (not all diarrhea actually derives from the disease!). When taken during a flare up, it might prevent diarrhea as well, but in exchange, it intensifies abdominal cramps before defecation. 10. Uzara root prevents diarrhea Yet still, it’s a wonderful adjunct to Saccharomyces boulardii, let’s say, when the going gets rough! I first made contact with this natural remedy way in the past, during my own suffering from Crohn’s disease, back in the 80s. It is natural, and, as far as I recall, quite powerful in stopping diarrhea. I would not recommend this particular remedy to be More contributions to natural improvement of IBD’s? Feel free to write to me at: info@crohn-colitis-online.de About Andreas Ulmicher and www.crohn-colitis-online.de Andreas Ulmicher, born 1970, is a state-certified naturopath with his practice in a spa in the center of Germany. He was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease in 1987 during a severe flare up and was hospitalized for many weeks, while a struggle for his life ensued. Weighing less than 110 pounds at 6 feet 2 inches, he nearly died. During the decade that followed, Andreas Ulmicher went through a very chequered clinical history. After another flare up which hospitalized him with a large abscess he left the clinic on his on responsibility, searching for natural ways out of the disease. He is now symptom-free for more than 15 years and doesn’t depend on prescription medication, either. His intention is to show sufferers from inflammatory bowel diseases possibilities to improve their health. An excerpt of Andreas Ulmicher’s clinical history from 1987 (in German): Andreas Ulmicher – then and now! Andreas Ulmicher at the end of the 80’s weighing less than 125 pounds Andreas Ulmicher in early summer 2013 with about 210 pounds! About http://www.crohn-colitis-online.de http://www.crohn-colitis-online.de is a German and English info site about holistic aspects of inflammatory bowel diseases (Crohn’s disease, ulcerative Colitis). This site was initiated by German naturopath and author Andreas Ulmicher. Aspects of naturopathy, homeopathy, nutrition, supplementation, detox, and psychosomatic issues are discussed. Medical aspects are discussed in Andreas Ulmichers IBD blog. The site contains some info material for free. E-Book Andreas Ulmicher’s rough guide to natural therapy of IBD’s is an e-book available at amazon discussing various aspects of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative Colitis from a naturopathic / holistic point of view. Aspects of metabolic typing and its appliance to IBD’s are discussed, furthermore this e-book contains basic information about supplementation, natural remedies, detoxing methods. At the end of the e-book, Andreas Ulmicher provides a list with links to useful material and literature. Order now! Social media Do you like http://www.crohn-colitis-online.de? Share it with your friends! Recommend this site to a friend: Click here! Share this site on Facebook: Click here! Share this site on twitter: Click here!
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