EQUITY RESEARCH CANADIAN RESEARCH AT A GLANCE November 18, 2014 Price Target Revisions ! AuRico Gold Inc. ! Transcontinental Inc. Summary Young-Davidson to drive gradual re-rating Summary Sells consumer magazines to TVA for $56MM Summary PEA highlights underlying potential of Buritica Summary Field Trip Day 1 – Revealing the Secret Sauce... Summary Analyst Day Highlights: Continued focus on operational efficiencies Summary On the road with Clearwater Summary Investor Day: Near-term and long-term projects drive visible dividend growth Summary Q3/14 - Behind pipe Entice volumes key to exit target Summary Reaffirms 2015 Outlook and Long-Term Plan Summary Q4 expected to improve investor sentiment Summary Acquires consumer magazines from Transcontinental for $56MM ! Energy Insights ! Global Mining Trends & Values ! Integrated Oil and Senior E&P ! Paper & Packaging ! Precious Metals & Minerals Weekly Summary How OPEC’s Release Might Read ! First Glance Notes ! Continental Gold Limited ! Parex Resources Inc. Company Comments ! Bonavista Energy Corporation ! Clearwater Paper Corporation ! Inter Pipeline Ltd. ! Manitok Energy Inc. ! Penn West Petroleum Ltd. ! Redknee Solutions Inc. ! TVA Group Inc. Industry Comments Valuation Tables RBC International E&P Daily Summary Summary So what WTIE price are the large caps discounting? Summary Containerboard stats: 2nd consecutive month of box shipment growth encouraging Summary Chart of the Week: The status of lines of credit and levels of debt Summary PXT; PMO; LUPE; ENQ In-Depth Reports ! RBC Capital Markets US Equity Small Summary Cap Focus List and Monthly Outlook Priced as of prior day's market close, EST (unless otherwise noted). For Required Non-U.S. Analyst and Conflicts Disclosures, see Page 13. EQUITY RESEARCH U.S. RESEARCH AT A GLANCE November 18, 2014 Initiations ! OM Asset Management Limited Summary Initiating with an Outperform rating - distinct model helping drive growth Summary Raising Price Target; Enterprise Ramps and Buybacks on the Horizon Summary WSJ Reports INTC May Combine PCCG and Mobile Groups Summary Analyst day takeaways Summary Highlights from IR Seminar in Oslo Summary Third Quarter Earnings and Cheat Sheet Summary Stepping up to the plate: Strong October sales round out Q2 Summary On the road with Clearwater Summary Reaffirms 2015 Outlook and Long-Term Plan Summary Missing margin Summary More than just chicken ! Card Issuer Trust Trends – October Summary Credit Largely Favorable, Loan Growth Cools for Most ! ! Global Aerospace & Defense ! Integrated Oil and Senior E&P ! Paper & Packaging ! Precious Metals & Minerals Weekly Summary How OPEC’s Release Might Read Summary 3Q14 Earnings Wrap Summary So what WTIE price are the large caps discounting? Summary Containerboard stats: 2nd consecutive month of box shipment growth encouraging Summary Chart of the Week: The status of lines of credit and levels of debt ! ! RBC HDD Model: Solid Sep-qtr TAM, Summary Smiths revenue under pressure; HAL/BHI Weir read; IMI forecasts cut Summary Expect Dec-qtr TAM to come in at ~145M, with improving mix ! ! The Best 'Nets For Your Holiday Summary PXT; PMO; LUPE; ENQ Summary Top Internet Sector Picks Post Q3 Results ! Summary Spot Ethylene Flat as Buyers Remain on Sidelines Summary Stability Amid Transformation Price Target Revisions ! Seagate Technology First Glance Notes ! Intel Corporation ! Regency Energy Partners L.P. ! Statoil ASA Earnings Preview ! Autodesk, Inc. Company Comments ! Casey's General Stores, Inc. ! Clearwater Paper Corporation ! Penn West Petroleum Ltd. ! SABMiller plc ! Tyson Foods, Inc. Industry Comments 2014 Energy Insights Valuation Tables RBC European Industrials Daily Dec-qtr to benefit from enterprise RBC International E&P Daily Shopping List US Chemicals Weekly Watch In-Depth Reports ! Reynolds American, Inc. 2 EQUITY RESEARCH UK & European Research at a Glance November 18, 2014 Company Comments ! InternetQ PLC ! SABMiller plc Summary Tweaking estimates Summary Missing margin Summary How OPEC’s Release Might Read Summary 3Q14 Earnings Wrap Industry Comments ! Energy Insights ! Global Aerospace & Defense ! Global Mining Trends & Values ! Precious Metals & Minerals Weekly Summary Summary Chart of the Week: The status of lines of credit and levels of debt Valuation Tables Find our Research at: RBC Insight (www.rbcinsight.com): RBC's global research destination on the web. Contact your RBC Capital Markets' sales representative to access our global research site, or use our iPad App "RBC Research" Thomson Reuters (www.thomsononeanalytics.com) Bloomberg (RBCR GO) SNL Financial (www.snl.com) FactSet (www.factset.com) 3 Price Target Revisions AuRico Gold Inc.(NYSE: AUQ; 3.78; TSX: AUQ.TO) Dan Rollins, CFA (Analyst) (416) 842-9893; dan.rollins@rbccm.com Mark Mihaljevic (Associate) (416) 842-3804; mark.mihaljevic@rbccm.com Rating: Price Target: 52 WEEKS 22NOV13 - 14NOV14 Outperform 5.00 ▲ 4.75 Young-Davidson to drive gradual re-rating We expect AuRico to undergo a gradual re-rating as underground throughput at Young-Davidson nears steady-state, unit costs decline with economies of scale, and capital intensity wanes. Given the potential to deliver fundamental improvements and increased cash flow, we expect AuRico to outperform its peers. 4.95 4.50 4.05 3.60 3.15 15000 10000 5000 N 2013 D J F M A Close M 2014 J J A Rel. S&P 500 EPS, Adj Diluted Prev. 2013A 0.05 2014E (0.13)↑ (0.20) 2015E (0.01)↑ (0.16) 2016E 0.01↓ 0.03 S O N MA 40 weeks P/E 80.6x All values in USD unless otherwise noted. Transcontinental Inc.(TSX: TCL.A; 15.38) Haran Posner (Analyst) (416) 842-7832; haran.posner@rbccm.com Drew McReynolds, CFA, CA (Analyst) (416) 842-3805; drew.mcreynolds@rbccm.com 17.00 52 WEEKS • Young-Davidson ramp-up expected to drive re-rating. We expect the ongoing ramp-up of underground operations at Young-Davidson to be the primary driver of a gradual re-rating. With the underground operation expected to exit 2016 at 8 Ktpd (4 Ktpd at the end of 2014), we believe AuRico is well positioned to benefit from improving fundamentals over the next couple of years even at current prices. • Free cash flow expected to gradually improve. Unlike many of its peers that are paring back capital expenditures at their mines, AuRico continues to invest in Young-Davidson, which, in our view, does not put the long-term potential of its flagship mine at risk for short-term optics. Once at full throughput, capital expenditures should decline, which when coupled with higher production and lower cash costs bodes well for improving free cash flow. • Additional financing unlikely at spot metal prices/currencies. Given the company's improving fundamentals, we do not expect AuRico to require additional funding, at spot prices, to bring underground operations at YoungDavidson up to design levels. Longer-term, we believe AuRico will likely need to refinance a portion of its $315 million of debt which matures in 2020. Refinancing is a likely scenario in our view given that even at spot prices, AuRico is expected to be free cash flow positive beginning in 2017. Should metal prices remain weak, AuRico could gain additional financial flexibility by suspending/reducing its dividend (20% of cash flow), deferring discretionary capital, reducing exploration spending, or drawing down on its line of credit ($150 million). Rating: Price Target: 22NOV13 - 14NOV14 Sector Perform 17.00 ▲ 16.00 Sells consumer magazines to TVA for $56MM We incorporated the pending sale of TCL's consumer magazines into our forecast, and we made modest tweaks to our estimates ahead of 4Q. Our price target increases to $17 and we maintain our Sector Perform rating. 16.50 16.00 15.50 15.00 14.50 14.00 13.50 1600 1200 800 400 N 2013 D J Close F M A M 2014 J J A S O Rel. S&P/TSX COMPOSITE INDEXMA 40 weeks EPS, Ops Diluted Prev. 2013A 2.01 2014E 2.05↓ 2.09 2015E 2.19↓ 2.24 2016E 2.28 All values in CAD unless otherwise noted. P/E 7.7x 7.5x 7.0x 6.7x N • Sells consumer magazines to TVA. Transcontinental announced the sale of its consumer magazines produced in Montreal and Toronto, along with their associated websites to TVA Group for $55.5MM in cash. The sale is subject to approval by regulators, including the Competition Bureau. As part of the transaction, TCL has signed an agreement with TVA to continue printing these magazines for 7 years, and to extend the contracts signed in December 2013 to print other TVA magazines to the end of June 2022. • Strategic rationale - a focus on local media. Given the ongoing migration of national advertising dollars towards digital media, TCL will now focus on the local advertising market. We believe revenue associated with the divested magazines are ~$95MM, with EBITDA in the $7-8MM range. This maps to a relatively high transaction EV/EBITDA multiple of ~7.4x (pre-synergies), versus the 4.0x multiple our NAV applies for TC Media (we expect the transaction multiple for TVA will 4 decrease to a 4-5.5x range post-synergies). TCL will look to offset the divested EBITDA with additional cost savings across the organization. • Price target increases to $17. We have incorporated the transaction assuming it closes April 1, 2015 (mid-2Q). We have also made modest changes to our underlying revenue growth and margin assumptions for Printing and Media. The modest decrease in our EBITDA estimates is offset by the sale proceeds and a rolling forward of our valuation. First Glance Notes Continental Gold Limited(TSX: CNL; 2.27) Dan Rollins, CFA (Analyst) (416) 842-9893; dan.rollins@rbccm.com Mark Mihaljevic (Associate) (416) 842-3804; mark.mihaljevic@rbccm.com Rating: Outperform Risk Qualifier: Speculative Risk 52 WEEKS 22NOV13 - 14NOV14 5.00 PEA highlights underlying potential of Buritica Continental released a positive PEA on its high-grade Buritica project which, in our view, outlines the strong underlying economics of the project and ability to withstand lower metal prices and/or higher operating/capital costs. 4.00 3.00 Preliminary economic assessment highlights underlying potential of Buritica 2.00 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 N 2013 D J F Close M A M 2014 J J A S O N Rel. S&P/TSX COMPOSITE INDEXMA 40 weeks All market data in CAD; all financial data in USD. • The preliminary economic assessment (PEA) on Continental's high-grade Buritica project in Colombia demonstrates the strong underlying economics of the project. Given the projected after tax returns of 31.5% at $1,200/oz and 24.1% at $1,000/oz gold, the PEA in our view highlights the potential for Buritica to withstand lower metal prices and/or higher operating and capital costs should costs increase in the future. • Based on an upfront capital cost of $390 million, Buritica is forecast to produce 265 Koz of gold and 394 Koz of silver annually over a period of 18 years at a total cash cost of $431/oz and an average mine-site sustaining cash cost of $504/oz (based on sustaining capital of $347 million). Results stack up relatively well to our forecasts • The PEA compares favourably to our forecast of 226 Koz of gold and 275 Koz of silver over 15 years at an average cash cost of $528/oz and sustaining cash cost of $655/oz. We had assumed upfront capital costs of $350 million and sustaining costs of $437 million. • The major differences between our production forecasts is due to the company planning to expand throughput to 3,500 tpd from 2,000 tpd initially, compared to our forecast for an expansion to 3,000 tpd. Parex Resources Inc.(TSX: PXT; 9.60) Nathan Piper (Analyst) +44 131 222 3649; nathan.piper@rbccm.com Haydn Rodgers, CA (Associate) +44 131 222 4911; haydn.rodgers@rbccm.com 52 WEEKS Rating: Field Trip Day 1 – Revealing the Secret Sauce... 22NOV13 - 14NOV14 14.00 12.00 10.00 8.00 6.00 7500 6000 4500 3000 1500 N 2013 D J Close F M A M 2014 J J Outperform A S O Rel. S&P/TSX COMPOSITE INDEXMA 40 weeks N • Parex underlined its success, based on relentless cost control, rapid decisionmaking, and assessing near-term commercial viability of exploration. • Development risk maintains production to 2016/17: Parex has established a reputation for consistent q-o-q production growth. Swing producing fields (Kona and latterly Akira) allow delivery despite inevitable Colombian vagaries of transportation challenges, community issues, and timings of approvals. Internal estimates indicate that the current 26–30,000b/d production base could be maintained until late 2017 on development of existing reserves. Conservative growth assumptions (10–20% CAGR) could see this reach 40–50,000b/d in 3–4 years. Based on historical exploration success (60%), there is upside potential. There are 40 wells (17 exploration) planned for 2015 based on the constrained $330m capex plan (could expanded to $400–450m on higher oil prices) All market data in CAD; all financial data in USD. 5 Company Comments Bonavista Energy Corporation(TSX: BNP; 10.75) Michael Harvey, P.Eng. (Analyst) 403 299 6998; michael.harvey@rbccm.com Eric Gallie (Associate) (403) 299-7434; eric.gallie@rbccm.com 52 WEEKS Rating: Price Target: 22NOV13 - 14NOV14 Sector Perform 15.00 Analyst Day Highlights: Continued focus on operational efficiencies Bonavista's 2015 analyst day highlighted the company's continued commitment to improved operational efficiencies, in tandem with maintaining a stable financial position. The company's 5-year plan remains intact, pointing to a 5-year volume CAGR of 8%. 16.00 14.00 12.00 10.00 16000 12000 8000 4000 N 2013 D J F Close 2013A 2014E 2015E 2016E M A M 2014 J J A S O N Rel. S&P/TSX COMPOSITE INDEXMA 40 weeks CFPS Diluted 2.40 2.70 2.84 3.09 P/CFPS 4.5x 4.0x 3.8x 3.5x All values in CAD unless otherwise noted. Clearwater Paper Corporation(NYSE: CLW; 66.36) Paul C. Quinn (Analyst) (604) 257-7048; paul.c.quinn@rbccm.com Hamir Patel (Analyst) (604) 257-7145; hamir.patel@rbccm.com 52 WEEKS • 2015 program focused on continued strong efficiencies. Bonavista provided a detailed breakdown of its previously released 2015 program that includes net investment of $450 million ($550 million in E&D and $100 million of divestitures). A total of 121 wells are to be drilled next year with the majority of the allocation to the Glauconite (62 wells) and the Spirit River (33 wells). Operations are expected to drive production of 83,500 boe/d (midpoint), which equates to a capital efficiency below $25,000/boe/d, in line with prior years. • Five-year growth outlook intact, with the Spirit River accelerated. Bonavista updated its 5-year outlook with a 5-year production CAGR of 8% remaining intact. Adjustments to the plan include: 1) the inclusion of planned dispositions totaling 8,000 boe/d, 2) the drilling of 617 wells (was 804 wells) as better production rates and 2 mile horizontals reduce the rolling requirement; and 3) capital spending assumptions falling slightly due to the reduced well count. The largest move came from the Ellerslie, with BNP including 29 wells in its 5-year plan, versus 138 wells previously. The Spirit River saw the largest increase as 189 wells are now planned (previously 115 wells), with recent Falher results looking quite strong. Rating: Price Target: 22NOV13 - 14NOV14 Outperform 79.00 On the road with Clearwater Takeaways from three days of marketing recently with CLW's CFO John Hertz and Robin Yim (VP, Investor Relations). 70.00 65.00 60.00 55.00 50.00 1200 900 600 300 N 2013 D J F M Close A M 2014 J EPS, Adj Diluted Prev. 2013A 2.00 2014E 3.70 2015E 5.44↑ 5.22 2016E 6.87↑ 6.45 All values in USD unless otherwise noted. Robert Kwan, CFA (Analyst) J A Rel. S&P 500 S O MA 40 weeks P/E 33.2x 17.9x 12.2x 9.7x N • Tissue EBITDA margin goal of 17%; improvement to come from four buckets – With tissue margins hovering around 11% and the Shelby ramp-up largely behind it, Clearwater is focused on increasing profitability in tissue. First, Clearwater has an initiative at five of its lowest-performing tissue operations. Second, the company is looking to reduce its low-margin product offerings (SKU's). Third, Clearwater wants to standardize its converting lines to improve product flexibility and decrease handling and transportation costs. We estimate that these first three initiatives could deliver 1% to 2% of improvement over the next two years. Lastly, the company has started to undertake a number of supply chain improvements that we believe will deliver margin gains of 2% to 3%. • MLP conversion would be additional upside to our valuation – Management received a number of client questions on its MLP potential during our trip. Clearwater continues to explore this possibility, although the IRS currently has a moratorium on the issuance of private letter rulings. We believe the company's pulp/paperboard operations have as much validity to qualify for MLP status as kraft linerboard (and frankly the tissue paper machines would probably stand a good chance, too). In the event that forestry MLP's are possible, we would expect a valuation lift for Clearwater even if its small size precludes a partial conversion, as we suspect the "MLP-able" assets would likely become acquisition targets for larger MLP's looking for growth. Inter Pipeline Ltd.(TSX: IPL; 34.19) 6 Rating: Price Target: (604) 257-7611; robert.kwan@rbccm.com Michelle Zuliani (Associate) 604 257 7064; michelle.zuliani@rbccm.com 52 WEEKS Outperform 41.00 Investor Day: Near-term and long-term projects drive visible dividend growth 22NOV13 - 14NOV14 38.00 36.00 34.00 32.00 While largely informational, the Investor Day presentation supports our positive thesis for the stock by underscoring our view that Inter Pipe has an attractive pipeline footprint that has the ability to drive near-term and long-term cash flow growth that we expect to translate to above-average dividend growth. 30.00 28.00 26.00 16000 12000 8000 4000 N 2013 D J F Close M A M 2014 J J A S O N Rel. S&P/TSX COMPOSITE INDEXMA 40 weeks ACFFO/Sh Diluted 2013A 1.35 2014E 1.42 2015E 1.90 2016E 2.08 All values in CAD unless otherwise noted. Manitok Energy Inc.(TSXV: MEI; 1.61) Shailender Randhawa, CFA (Analyst) (403) 299-6576; shailender.randhawa@rbccm.com Keith Mackey, CFA (Associate) 403 299 6958; keith.mackey@rbccm.com 52 WEEKS • Attractive line of sight into future dividend growth. We believe that the combination of long-term oil sands (i.e., Cold Lake and Polaris) contracts that should contribute a roughly $300 million run-rate of EBITDA by early 2015 coupled with very high-return growth from the Conventional Pipeline business has the potential to underpin above-average dividend growth into the future. • Oil sands pipelines: the cash is on its way. With the first phase of the Polaris condensate expansion in service several months ago, Inter Pipe is set to place the Cold Lake dilbit expansion into service in early 2015. These two projects coupled with smaller connections are set to add roughly $300 million to annual EBITDA under long-term take-or-pay contracts. • Conventional pipelines: the high return driver of expected near-term growth. Primarily levering off of oil production growth in the Viking play, Inter Pipe's Conventional pipeline system has attracted 4 to 10-year take-or-pay contracts that are expected to generate roughly $25-30 million of annual EBITDA, underpinning less than half of the capacity of the $100 million expansion. If Viking production continues to grow, we believe that this type of high-return capital investment has the potential to drive continued double digit dividend growth. 22NOV13 - 14NOV14 3.00 Rating: Outperform Risk Qualifier: Speculative Risk Price Target: 2.75 Q3/14 - Behind pipe Entice volumes key to exit target Manitok Exploration's Q3/14 results were marked by an expected 11% sequential production decline with CFPS matching RBC and Consensus estimates. Tie-in of 2,000 boe/d of behind pipe volumes at Entice is key for Manitok to achieve its 2014 exit target and maintain balance sheet flexibility given the lower price environment. 2.70 2.40 2.10 1.80 4500 3000 1500 N 2013 D J Close 2013A 2014E 2015E 2016E F M A M 2014 J J A S O Rel. S&P/TSX COMPOSITE INDEXMA 40 weeks Total (boe/d) Prev. 4,113 4,750↓ 4,775 6,000 7,000↓ 7,250 All values in CAD unless otherwise noted. Greg Pardy, CFA (Analyst) (416) 842-7848; greg.pardy@rbccm.com Dillon Culhane, CFA, CA (Analyst) N • Entice tie-in key to achieving near-term operational and financial targets. Management estimates that its behind-pipe volumes total approximately 2,300 boe/d versus recent production of 4,800 boe/d exclusively from the Foothills. In response to an increasingly capital constrained environment, Manitok plans a single rig program at Entice in H1/15, which we estimate will keep H1/15 production volumes between 5,500 to 6,000 boe/d compared to its 6,100 to 6,500 boe/d 2014 exit target guidance. On its conference call, management indicated moving to two rigs at Entice in the second half of 2015 with roughly 80% of activity directed to lower risk development plus testing a new Glauc channel system at North Entice. • Discounted valuation reflects past operational surprises. At current levels, Manitok is trading at a 3.4x 2015E EV/DACF multiple (vs. <15,000 boe/d peers at 5.5x) and a P/NAV of 0.5x (vs. peers at 0.9x) at RBC's price deck. • Maintain Outperform, Speculative Risk rating and $2.75 price target. Our 12month price target is driven by our expectations of Manitok delivering improved Cardium Foothills execution, the 96,800 net acre Entice farm-in moving from delineation to development in 2015, with a stable financial outlook. Penn West Petroleum Ltd.(TSX: PWT; 4.72; NYSE: PWE) Rating: Sector Perform 7 Price Target: (416) 842-7915; dillon.culhane@rbccm.com Franz Hargo Muljo, CA (Associate) 416 842 8588; franz.muljo@rbccm.com 10.00 Reaffirms 2015 Outlook and Long-Term Plan 52 WEEKS 22NOV13 - 14NOV14 10.00 8.00 Penn West reaffirmed its 2015 production guidance of 95,000–105,000 boe/d and capital budget of $840 million. The company remains on track with its longterm plan, which is focused on debt reduction, profitable growth, execution, and cost control, and it is targeting an additional $500 million in non-producing asset dispositions by year-end 2015. 6.00 16000 12000 8000 4000 N 2013 D J F Close 2013A 2014E 2015E 2016E M A M 2014 J J A S O N Rel. S&P/TSX COMPOSITE INDEXMA 40 weeks CFPS Diluted Prev. 1.89 1.95 1.81↓ 1.84 1.95↑ 1.83 P/CFPS 2.5x 2.4x 2.6x 2.4x All values in CAD unless otherwise noted. • 2015 Guidance: Light Oil Focus. Roughly 70% of Penn West’s 2015 budget is focused on its three core light oil plays, with 44% allocated to the Cardium, 15% to the Viking, and 11% to the Slave Point. Our revised 2015 production outlook of 100,000 boe/d (vs. 98,500 boe/d previously) is at the midpoint of Penn West’s guidance and reflects its quarterly seasonality outlook. Our revised 2016 production outlook of 109,000 boe/d (vs. 101,200 boe/d) and capital spending of $1.2 billion (vs. $950 million) are in line with the company’s long-term outlook presentation. • Long-Term Plan. Under its long-term plan, Penn West is targeting average annual production growth of more than 8% (2015–19 CAGR), driving funds flow growth above 20% for the same period. The company pegs its 2015 oil & liquids weighting at 69%, with 40% of its production coming from core areas, and expects to boost these figures to 78% and 65%, respectively, by 2019. • Non-Core Asset Sales. Penn West is targeting $500 million in non-producing asset sales by year-end 2015, including its Duvernay shale position at Willesden Green (151,000 net acres), where it hopes to capture $4,000–5,000 per acre. Its Peace River Oil Partnership assets could also constitute a potential sale candidate. Redknee Solutions Inc.(TSX: RKN; 3.70) Paul Treiber, CFA (Analyst) (416) 842-7811; paul.treiber@rbccm.com Sean Ray, P.Eng. (Associate) (416) 842-6133; sean.ray@rbccm.com Rating: Price Target: 52 WEEKS 22NOV13 - 14NOV14 Outperform 5.50 Q4 expected to improve investor sentiment We are reiterating our Outperform recommendation on Redknee shares ahead of Q4 results. We believe Q4 results will help improve investor sentiment and raise visibility to post-NSN BSS margin expansion and cash flow. Our outlook calls for a sequential improvement in EBITDA margins, the first quarter of positive cash flow in more than one year, and 10% Y/Y growth in backlog. 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 4500 3000 1500 N 2013 D J F Close 2013A 2014E 2015E 2016E M A M 2014 J J A S O Rel. S&P/TSX COMPOSITE INDEXMA 40 weeks Revenue 142.0 258.1 267.0 274.3 All market data in CAD; all financial data in USD. N • Expect healthy Q4 results. Redknee is reporting Q4/FY14 results on November 19. We expect $61MM revenue (+7% Y/Y), essentially in line with the street ($62MM). We’re looking for -$0.07 GAAP EPS on $8.75MM restructuring charge. Street EPS estimates are inconsistent on restructuring charges; street average EPS is -$0.03, with a range from -$0.11 to +$0.03. • Margin rebound, positive cash flow may help improve sentiment. Our outlook calls for adj. EBITDA to rise to $4.2MM (6.8% adj. EBITDA margin) up from -$3.2MM (-5.0% margin) Q3 on an improved mix of license vs. professional services. We’re looking for +$9MM operating cash flow, an increase from $17.5MM Q3, on improved profitability and working capital. We expect backlog to rise 10% Y/Y to $176MM, up from $173MM Q3; Redknee has press released $44MM new contracts Q4/FY14E, up from $9MM Q3. • Catalysts on the horizon. Redknee is expected to close a large multi-million dollar deal by the end of CY14. Q1/FY15 (quarter ended December) is expected to benefit from recognition of the $9MM delayed software deal. Redknee’s restructuring (announced August 6) was implemented Q4 and is expected to drive $30-35MM annualized opex savings by FY16. • Valuation remains near trough levels. Redknee is now trading at 2.4x FTM maintenance, well below the 3x rule-of-thumb trough valuation for software companies. Additionally, Redknee is trading at 8.6x FTM EV/EBITDA, in line with 8 peers at 8.6x. Since April, the valuation of peers has increased from 7.3x FTM EV/ EBITDA, whereas Redknee’s valuation has declined from 13x FTM EV/EBITDA. TVA Group Inc.(TSX: TVA.B; 7.75) Haran Posner (Analyst) (416) 842-7832; haran.posner@rbccm.com Drew McReynolds, CFA, CA (Analyst) (416) 842-3805; drew.mcreynolds@rbccm.com 52 WEEKS 22NOV13 - 14NOV14 9.90 Rating: Sector Perform Risk Qualifier: Speculative Risk Price Target: 8.00 Acquires consumer magazines from Transcontinental for $56MM We incorporated the pending purchase of Transcontinental's consumer magazines into our forecast. Although we anticipate meaningful synergies, the increase in our EBITDA estimates is offset by the increase in net debt. Our $8 target is unchanged. 9.45 9.00 8.55 8.10 100 N 2013 D J Close F M A M 2014 J J A S O Rel. S&P/TSX COMPOSITE INDEXMA 40 weeks EPS, Ops Diluted Prev. 2013A 0.59 2014E 0.20 2015E 0.34↑ 0.25 2016E 0.60↑ 0.45 P/E 13.1x 38.8x 22.8x 12.9x All values in CAD unless otherwise noted. N • Acquires TCL's consumer magazines. TVA agreed to acquire 15 magazines from Transcontinental for $55.5MM in cash. The deal is subject to Competition Bureau approval. In contrast to the recently announced acquisition of Vision Globale ("VG"), which was mainly about transforming the asset mix, we believe this deal is mostly about synergies. • Expecting $10-14MM of incremental EBITDA. We believe the revenue associated with the acquired magazines is ~$95MM, with EBITDA in the $7-8MM range. This maps to a relatively high transaction EV/EBITDA multiple of ~7.4x (pre-synergies), versus the 3.5x multiple our NAV applies for TVA's Magazine segment. However, TVA expects the acquisition to contribute $10-14MM of EBITDA including synergies, which would lower the implied multiple to ~4-5.5x. • Our price target and SP rating are unchanged. We are incorporating the proposed transaction into our forecast assuming it closes April 1, 2015. Reflecting the acquired EBITDA and our expectation for cost synergies, our 2015E and 2016E EBITDA estimates increase from $51.4MM and $59.1MM, respectively, to $57.9MM and $69.8MM. The increase in our EBITDA forecast is offset by higher net debt associated with funding the acquisition. Proforma the purchases of VG and TCL's magazines (including the expected $100MM rights offering), we now forecast net debt/EBITDA of 1.9x exiting 2015E (versus 1.5x in 3Q14). Our $8.00 price target and Sector Perform, Speculative risk rating remain unchanged. Industry Comments Greg Pardy, CFA (Analyst) (416) 842-7848; greg.pardy@rbccm.com Energy Insights Leo P. Mariani, CFA (Analyst) (512) 708-6381; leo.mariani@rbccm.com • We have reduced our probability of an announced OPEC production cut of 0.5– 0.6 million b/d on November 27 from 50% to 35%, in the context of $75-$80/b Brent prices. There is no change in our view that Saudi Arabia requires a $100/b Brent price over the long haul to fund its fiscal requirements, but the kingdom appears willing to accept lower prices in the near term as it resets Brent price expectations. • OPEC’s forthcoming (ordinary) meeting on November 27 in Vienna has taken on a degree of importance not seen since the organization announced deep production cuts in December 2008. Indeed, over the past five years, OPEC meetings have largely been non-events, mainly because output disruptions in the Gulf region have been oil price supportive. Despite America’s tight oil growth, geopolitical events within OPEC, predominantly in Iran and Libya, have engendered oil market order, with Saudi Arabia bridging output gaps as needed. • Saudi Arabia’s conspicuous silence amid the sharp retreat in Brent prices during October and November has fueled market expectations that the kingdom is no longer willing to serve as the oil market’s de facto central bank – and that US tight oil has become the global swing producer. Such contentions are flawed in our minds. Helima Croft (Analyst) 212 618 7798; helima.croft@rbccm.com Dillon Culhane, CFA, CA (Analyst) (416) 842-7915; dillon.culhane@rbccm.com All values in USD unless otherwise noted. How OPEC’s Release Might Read 9 • In our eyes, Saudi Arabia has not abandoned its long-term role as the oil market’s ballast of stability, but it may desire that the responsibility for such be more broadly shared. Fraser Phillips, P.Eng. (Analyst) (416) 842-7859; fraser.phillips@rbccm.com Chris Drew, CFA (Analyst) +61 2 9033 3060; chris.drew@rbccm.com Timothy Huff (Analyst) +44 20 7653 4866; timothy.huff@rbccm.com Des Kilalea (Analyst) +44 20 7653 4538; des.kilalea@rbccm.com Ken Tham, CFA (Analyst) +61 2 9033 3064; ken.tham@rbccm.com Global Mining Trends & Values Commodity Price Performance: • Metal prices were up on average 1.5% last week. Uranium was the best performer up 13.6%, followed by silver up 3.3%, thermal coal up 1.9%, lead up 1.4%, gold up 0.9%, zinc up 0.7%, coking coal up 0.4%, and nickel up 0.4%. Aluminium was the worst performer down 2.7%, followed by moly down 1.1%, copper down 0.4%, and iron ore down 0.3%. Mining Share Price Performance: • Mining shares were down on average 1.3% last week. The best performing group was uranium up 12.7%, followed by nickel up 5.6%, aluminium up 3.7%, copper up 1.1%, miscellaneous down 2.2%, the diversified group down 2.7%, mineral sands down 6.8%, coal down 7.5%, and iron ore down 8.7%. Valuation: • Mining shares are now trading at an 11.5% discount to NAV at forward curve prices, versus an 11.3% discount one week ago. Long/Short Metal Positions: • RBC CM's proprietary data for the LME shows that the net short positions in nickel and lead decreased last week, while net short positions in copper increased last week. Net short positions in aluminium and zinc were unchanged last week. Exchange Inventories: • Total exchange inventories of aluminium, copper, and zinc decreased last week, while total inventories of nickel increased last week. Greg Pardy, CFA (Analyst) (416) 842-7848; greg.pardy@rbccm.com Integrated Oil and Senior E&P Dillon Culhane, CFA, CA (Analyst) (416) 842-7915; dillon.culhane@rbccm.com • Based on our net asset value analysis, our large cap independent and integrated coverage universe is currently discounting a long-term escalated WTI equivalent (WTIE) price of US$73/boe, unchanged from last week, and a long-term WTI price of US$88/b, also unchanged from last week. • Current WTIE implied prices would compare with prior 2009–2014 YTD peak and trough levels of US$84/boe and US$61/boe, respectively, while current WTI implied prices would compare with peak and trough levels of US$102/b and US $62/b, respectively. • Spot WTIE prices of US$64/boe (vs. US$65/boe) were down 2% from last week. Long-dated (2015–2018) WTIE prices of US$65/boe (vs. US$66/boe) were also down 2% from last week. • Our implied WTIE price (defined as an equivalent barrel economically weighted approximately 75% to WTI crude oil and 25% to Henry Hub natural gas) is the long-term price incorporated into our collective net asset value analysis, which equates current share prices for our group to a P/NAV ratio of 100%. This analysis incorporates an 8.5% after-tax discount rate. Please refer to Exhibit 1 for our WTI equivalent price analysis. Franz Hargo Muljo, CA (Associate) 416 842 8588; franz.muljo@rbccm.com All values in USD unless otherwise noted. Paul C. Quinn (Analyst) (604) 257-7048; paul.c.quinn@rbccm.com Hamir Patel (Analyst) (604) 257-7145; hamir.patel@rbccm.com All values in USD unless otherwise noted. So what WTIE price are the large caps discounting? Paper & Packaging Containerboard stats: 2nd consecutive month of box shipment growth encouraging • Slightly positive. Fibre Box and AF&PA US containerboard stats for the month of October were released. With the ISM index up at 59.0 (vs. 56.6 a year ago), and positive commentary by the major integrateds on October volumes, we were not all that surprised by the 2.9% increase in average weekly shipments. 10 • Inventories fell in October – US producer (combined mill and box plant) inventories decreased 2.5% m/m (-60K tons) to 2,331K tons, compared to the average inventory drawdown over the last 10 years in October of 52K tons. • Lower operating rates – The overall US containerboard mill operating rate (production divided by stated capacity) decreased from 97.8% in September to 96.9% in October. • Prices for kraft linerboard stable, but continued discounts in recycled grades (particularly medium) – Three/four grades have been trading below last year's levels (~$30 for recycled grades), while kraft linerboard prices have managed to hold steady. Northeast and Midwest discounts continue in response to an increase in capacity and aggressive start-up pricing. So far, it appears that major integrateds (IP/RKT/GP/PCA) have held firm at the expense of volume. RISI expects annual US box shipment growth of 1.9% in 2015 and 2.2% in 2016, supported by inshoring (energy costs make the US attractive for manufacturing while China's labor costs rise). RISI expects prices to remain flat for the balance of 2014 with a 20-30% chance of a $50-60/ton hike in 2015 (potential upside to our deck for flat prices into 2015/16). Stephen D. Walker (Analyst) (416) 842-4120; stephen.walker@rbccm.com Precious Metals & Minerals Weekly Valuation Tables Dan Rollins, CFA (Analyst) (416) 842-9893; dan.rollins@rbccm.com In this week's piece we analyze North American Tier I, II and III gold producer balance sheets and levels of credit line utilization. Sam Crittenden, P.Eng., CFA (Analyst) (416) 842-7886; sam.crittenden@rbccm.com Jamie Kasprowicz, P.Eng., CFA (Analyst) (416) 842-8934; jamie.kasprowicz@rbccm.com Akbar Badri (Associate) 416 842 7840; akbar.badri@rbccm.com Mark Mihaljevic (Associate) (416) 842-3804; mark.mihaljevic@rbccm.com Paul Hissey (Analyst) +61 3 8688 6512; paul.hissey@rbccm.com Cameron Klutke (Associate) +61 3 8688 6551; cameron.klutke@rbccm.com Jonathan Guy (Analyst) +44 20 7653 4603; jonathan.guy@rbccm.com Chart of the Week: The status of lines of credit and levels of debt • Exhibit 1 highlights the evolution of producer balance sheets since 2000, with the Tier I producers standing out as they added significant levels of debt (~10x increase in net debt over 5 years) that were employed to expand existing operations and build new mines as the gold price rose. • Exhibit 2 highlights Goldcorp, Eldorado, Alacer, Alamos, Argonaut, Klondex and Timmins superior balance sheet positioning vs their peers when considering debt to total capital and debt to EBITDA. Goldcorp, Agnico-Eagle, B2 Gold, Yamana and Dundee have drawn down significant amounts of the Lines of Credit. As management focuses on margins vs production growth, the divestment of high cost non-core assets and cost-cutting at existing mines has improved AISC costs. We believe this will likely continue and it is expected to help strengthen balance sheets over the next few years, assuming gold prices stabilize at the current levels. Timothy Huff (Analyst) +44 20 7653 4866; timothy.huff@rbccm.com Richard Hatch, ACA (Analyst) +44 20 7002 2111; richard.hatch@rbccm.com Ioannis Masvoulas, CFA (Associate) +44 20 7653 4647; ioannis.masvoulas@rbccm.com All values in USD unless otherwise noted. Al Stanton (Analyst) +44 131 222 3638; al.stanton@rbccm.com RBC International E&P Daily Nathan Piper (Analyst) +44 131 222 3649; nathan.piper@rbccm.com PXT.TO: Field Trip Day 1 – Revealing the Secret Sauce; PMO.L: Kenyan drilling now expected to start in January; Iraqi Oil Sales Through Kurdistan; LUPE:ST/ENQ.L: Dry hole offshore Sabah, Malaysia; Energy Insights - How OPEC’s Release Might Read Haydn Rodgers, CA (Associate) +44 131 222 4911; haydn.rodgers@rbccm.com PXT; PMO; LUPE; ENQ Victoria McCulloch, CA (Analyst) +44 131 222 4909; victoria.mcculloch@rbccm.com All values in USD unless otherwise noted. 11 In-Depth Reports RBCCM Global Research (416) 842-7800; rbccm-ie-publishing@rbccm.com RBC Capital Markets US Equity Small Cap Focus List and Monthly Outlook Paul C. Quinn (Analyst) (604) 257-7048; paul.c.quinn@rbccm.com Jason Arnold, CFA (Analyst) (415) 633-8594; jason.arnold@rbccm.com Gary Bisbee, CFA (Analyst) (212) 299-9842; gary.bisbee@rbccm.com Daniel R. Perlin, CFA (Analyst) (410) 625-6130; daniel.perlin@rbccm.com Matthew Hedberg (Analyst) (612) 313-1293; matthew.hedberg@rbccm.com Jonathan Atkin (Analyst) (415) 633-8589; jonathan.atkin@rbccm.com Scott Hanold (Analyst) (512) 708-6354; scott.hanold@rbccm.com Amit Daryanani, CFA (Analyst) (415) 633-8659; amit.daryanani@rbccm.com Robert Wetenhall (Analyst) (212) 618-3251; robert.wetenhall@rbccm.com Jake Civiello (Analyst) (617) 725-2152; jake.civiello@rbccm.com John Barnes (Analyst) (804) 782-4020; john.barnes@rbccm.com Rohit Kulkarni (Analyst) (415) 633-8652; rohit.kulkarni@rbccm.com David Francis (Analyst) 615 372 1337; david.francis@rbccm.com Joe Morford (Analyst) (415) 633-8518; joe.morford@rbccm.com Glenn Novarro (Analyst) (212) 428-6411; glenn.novarro@rbccm.com 12 Required disclosures Non-U.S. analyst disclosure Al Stanton;Nathan Piper;Haydn Rodgers;Victoria McCulloch;Michael Harvey;Eric Gallie;Greg Pardy;Dillon Culhane;Franz Hargo Muljo;Robert Kwan;Michelle Zuliani;Paul Treiber;Sean Ray;Paul C. Quinn;Hamir Patel;Dan Rollins;Mark Mihaljevic;Shailender Randhawa;Keith Mackey;Haran Posner;Drew McReynolds;Sam Crittenden;Jamie Kasprowicz;Akbar Badri;Paul Hissey;Cameron Klutke;Jonathan Guy;Timothy Huff;Richard Hatch;Ioannis Masvoulas;Fraser Phillips;Chris Drew;Des Kilalea;Ken Tham (i) are not registered/qualified as research analysts with the NYSE and/or FINRA and (ii) may not be associated persons of the RBC Capital Markets, LLC and therefore may not be subject to FINRA Rule 2711 and NYSE Rule 472 restrictions on communications with a subject company, public appearances and trading securities held by a research analyst account. Conflicts disclosures This product constitutes a compendium report (covers six or more subject companies). As such, RBC Capital Markets chooses to provide specific disclosures for the subject companies by reference. 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