Document 64536

B6 | April 19, 2012 | Shakopee Valley News
A meditation class led by
a Buddhist Monk from 10:10
to 11:30 a.m. Saturdays at the
Chanhassen Library. Classes
are open to all regardless of
experience. There is no charge
but donations are welcome.
Call Ralph at (952) 934-9727,
CPR anytime classes are
from 6 to 7 p.m. once a month
at St. Francis Regional Medica l Center, Shakopee. T he
free class teaches lifesaving
skills in case of an emergency.
Call the Ask St. Francis information line at (952) 428-2000;
Scott County Library presents free, hands-on computer
classes at the Scott County
Government Center’s Professional Development Center,
200 Fourth Ave. W., Shakopee.
Call (952) 707-1770 to register.
Classes Microsoft Word Basics:
Building Job Skills, from 6:30 to
8:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 24 and
Microsoft PowerPoint Basics:
Building Job Skills, from 6:30
to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 15.
Ca re Pa r t ner Supp or t
workshop, “Every time Life
Ch a n ge s, Blow Bubble s ! ,”
will be from 1:30 to 2:20 p.m.
Thursday, May 3 at Prairie
Adult Care, Victory Lutheran
Church, 16200 Berger Drive,
Eden Prairie. Pat Samples,
inspirational speaker and the
author of three books on family
caregiving, will help attendees
discover strengths when faced
with the challenges of change.
Refreshments and suppor t
group to follow.
Child M ind Institute’s
Speak Up for Kids, an annual
nationwide public education
campaig n during National
Ch i ld r en’s Ment a l He a lt h
Awareness Week, will host a
free workshop at from 6:30 to
7:45 p.m. Monday, May 7 at the
Chaska Community Center,
community room, 1661 Park
Ridge Drive, Chaska. Heather
Koster Burke, a license social
worker and a mentalhealth psychotherapist, will speak “When
to Worry About Your Child’s
Worries: Helping Children and
Teens Cope With Worry, Fear
and Anxiety.”
An All of Your Business
Workshop, “How to get a lender to say yes,” will help you
learn how to craft an effective
business proposal from 6:30 to
8 p.m. Tuesday, May 8 at the
Shakopee Library. Registration
is required; call (952) 707-1770.
Basic Internet class at
6:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 9 at
the Shakopee Public Library.
The hour-long class covers
popu lar websites, Internet
safety and more. Space is limited; call the library or sign up
at the desk upstairs.
T he Nat iona l A l l ia nce
on Mental Illness (NAMI)
of Minnesota will hold a free
workshop for parents of children with challenging behaviors or mental illness in Belle
Plaine on May 15, from 6 to
8 p.m. at School District Center,
130 S. Willow St. Learn the role
of county crisis teams, deescalation techniques and how to
create effective crisis plans.
For information or to register
call (651) 645-2948.
Small-business owners
held from 1 to 3 p.m. the third
Saturday of each month at the
Minnetonka Community Center. Contact Jason R. at (952)
Gamblers Anonymous/
Ga m-A non suppor t g roup
meets weekly at 6:30 p.m. Saturdays at Shepherd of the Lake
Lutheran Church, 3611 North
Berens Road NW., Prior Lake.
Contact Charlie at (952) 8849417 or Michael at (952) 6078619.
Alanon meets at 7:30 p.m.
Mondays at First Presbyterian
Church, 909 Marschall Road S.
Call (952) 920-3963.
Women’s Connection, a
support group for women with
cancer, meets from 7 to 8 p.m.
the fourth Monday of each
month at St. Francis Regional
Medical Center. Pre-register by
calling (952) 428-2700.
G a mbler s A nony mou s
(GA) meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays
at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church,
5634 Luther Drive in Prior
Overeaters Anonymous
meets from 7 to 8 p.m. Tuesdays
at Christ Lutheran Church,
1053 Jefferson St., Shakopee.
Call Nancy (612) 250-0075 or
Steve (612) 845-2672.
TABLE, a small group for
parents whose children have
special behavioral, learning
or emotional challenges, meets
from 7:15 to 8:45 p.m. the second
and fourth Tuesdays of every
month at Shepherd of the Lake
Lutheran Church, 3611 North
Berens Road, Prior Lake. Call
Mary Wangerin at (952) 4471884 or visit
Parental support group
for parents of children with
Loaves and Fishes offers
free community meals from
5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays at the
Church of St. Mark, 350 Atwood
St. S., Shakopee. Visit
CAP Agency WIC voucher
pick-up for residents of Scott
County is from 9 a.m. to noon
and 1 to 4 p.m. the second Monday, third Thursday and fourth
Tuesday of each month at the
CAP Agency, 712 Canterbury
Road S., Shakopee. Call (952)
Minneapolis Salvation
A r m y w i l l b e c ol l e c t i n g
gently used clothing, shoes,
house wares and furniture
from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday,
April 14 at the Chanhassen
Cub Foods, 7900 Market Blvd.,
Chanhassen. More information
Scouting for Food.
Chaska American Legion
hosts a burger night from 5 to
7:30 p.m. the second and fourth
Tuesdays of the month at Chaska American Legion Post 57,
102 Fourth St. W., Chaska.
Scouting for Food, a doorto-door food collection by the
Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturing, and Girl Scouts for
the CAP Agency, will be 9 to
11 a.m. Saturday, April 28. Have
your food on your doorstep by
8:30 a.m.
Foreign Wars placed flags on
graves in the area cemeteries
May 26 in preparation for
the observance. The grave
designating was completed
by 2:30 p.m. and within less
that an hour at 3:15, a call was
received that vandals had
been at work.
Intention of filing for State
Senator when filing opens
on June 13 is announced
this week by Richard Mertz,
Shakopee, real estate and
insurance agent. Mertz will
be seeking selection in the
PHOTO COURTESY ‘THE SHAKOPEE SCRAPBOOK’ new 12th legislative district
Metcalf Car Dealership, northeast corner of First Avenue created by the statewide
redistricting enacted by the
and Fuller Street.
1959 legislature. The new
district is comprised of Le
three-act play by William
Sueur and Scott counties.
Gibson, to be staged during
the later part of June.
From the Shakopee Valley
Memorial Day Observance
News, 1962
held May 30 at the courthouse
The Shakopee Community
Theater group is now readying grounds was somewhat
From the Shakopee Argusmarred with reports of flag
for its coming season, and is
Tribune, 1952
vandalism. As is customary
in the midst of preparations
NOTICE: Application in
each year, the American
for its first presentation, “The
writing will be received by
Legion and Veteran of
Miracle Worker,” a dramatic
the City Council of the City
of Shakopee for the position
of Assessor. Salary for the
Assessor has been set at $850.
Applicants must also appear in
person. The Council reserves
the right to reject any and or
all bids. City of Shakopee, by
F.A. Dircks, City Recorder.
Weekend Special at
Duebens, Shakopee...stamped
pillow cases $1 a pair — 3-inch
hemstitched hem ready to
be embroidered; flour sacks
$.29 — large size, bleached
to a spotless white. “The
Best” in flour sacks. Dress or
sport socks $ .37 — you have
never seen a value like this...
beautiful argyles, diamond
and other gay weaves.
25 years ago....Maurice
Stans, an honor student in
1925’s graduating class of
the Shakopee High School,
maintained an “A” average in
an accountant’s night school
course at Northwestern
University, Chicago, while
holding a good position
during the day.
meet at 7:30 a.m. Thursdays at
the Knights Event Center, 1760
Fourth Ave. E., Shakopee, to
promote your business. Bring
business cards. Free continental breakfast served. Call Annette at (952) 681-7582 to RSVP.
Knitters of all ages and
abilities are invited to a casual evening of knitting together from 7 to 9 p.m. the third
Thursday of each month at the
Chanhassen Fire Station, 7610
Laredo Drive. Enter through
the door at the back of the building. Call Karen at (952) 474-1604
or Janet at (952) 975-6030.
Two Eagles Detachment
Marine Corps League meets
at 7 p.m. the third Thursday of
each month at the VFW Post
6208, 16306 Main St. in Prior
Shakopee Jaycees‘ general membership meeting is
7:30 p.m. the first and third
Thursdays of each month at the
Jaycees’ office, 121 Lewis St. S.
Christian Motorcyclists
Association‘s local chapter,
Spoke-N-Word, meets at 9 a.m.
the third Saturday of the month
at the Anchor Center, 752 Canterbury Road in Shakopee. Coffee and rolls served at 8:30 a.m.
Call (952) 448-7553.
Shakopee Heritage Society‘s annual spring membership meeting is 1 p.m. Saturday, April 21 in the Shakopee
Library’s downstairs meeting
room. Guest speaker is David
Regan, who will reminisce
about his father’s Shakopee
Drug Store. The meeting is
open to the public.
Newcomers of the Southwest Suburbs invite newcom-
ers to join them the fourth
Tuesday of the month from 10 to
11:30 a.m. at the Dunn Brothers
Coffee Shop, 8107 Eden Prairie
Road, Eden Prairie, for coffee
and conversation. The next
meeting is April 24. No need to
RSVP. Learn more at
Alcoholics Anonymous
(AA) meets at 7 p.m. Wednesdays, 7 p.m. Thursdays and
9 a.m. Saturdays at St. John’s
Lutheran Church, 119 Eighth
Ave., Shakopee; at 7 p.m. Mondays at the Jackson Townhall,
1001 County Road 78 E.; and at
7:30 p.m. Tuesdays at the Shakopee Community Center, 1255
Fuller St. S., Shakopee. The
24-hour AA hotline number is
(952) 922-0880 or visit
Caregiver support group
meets from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. the
third Thursday of the month at
Prairie Adult Care, 16200 Berger Drive (Victory Lutheran
Church) in Eden Prairie. Call
(952) 949-3126.
Caregiver support group
meets from 5 to 6 p.m. the third
Thursday of each month at
SarahCare Adult Day Center,
4833 W. 123rd St. in Savage. Call
(952) 465-0555.
Celebrate Recovery, dealing with hurts, habits and
hang-ups for all individuals in
our community, runs from 6:30
to 8:30 p.m. Fridays at Friendship Church, 17741 Fairlawn
Ave., Prior Lake. Contact celebraterecovery@; (952) 447-0546.
Overeaters anonymous
new member meetings are
autism meets at 6:30 p.m. the
last Wednesday of each month
at the Savage Public Library,
13090 Alabama Ave. S. Call
Anna Wetzel at (952) 882-4989,
e-mail annamail@usfamily.
Collected by Don McNeil
Shakopee Heritage Society,
30 years ago...
From the Shakopee Valley
News, 1982
Shakopee has been chosen
among American cities as
the site for the National
Consumer Education Week
kickoff on April 26. President
Reagan has already signed
a proclamation and so has
Gov. Al Quie, who will read
his proclamation during a
ceremony at 1:30 p.m. April
26 at the First National Bank
of Shakopee. Shakopee was
chosen as the site because
this is where Consumer
Education Week first started,
said Virgil Mears, who
coordinates the program for
Shakopee Independent School
District 720.
Toro Co. of Bloomington
has announced tentative
plans to sell its Shakopee
Die-Casting facility as part
of an overall consolidation
of operations in Minnesota,
Iowa and Wisconsin. Toro
is the largest independent
marketer and manufacturer
of snow removal and lawn
equipment in the county.
Erratic snowfall and tight
economy over the past
couple years are largely
responsible for the $20
million in losses realized
over the last 18 months.
Citizens of Shakopee,
which Cable TV system
is best for you? We
believe it is Progress
Valley Totalvision...local
ownership, most advanced
system, programming and
lowest monthly rates. If
you are thinking about
cable TV, why not think
about the costs involved,
the difference between PVT
Cable and Zylistra Cable,
and come the public hearing
April 27 at 7 p.m. at the high
school cafeteria.
50 years ago...
60 years ago...
Shakopee American Legion
E. 1st Ave., Shakopee
ions C
Friday, April 20, 2012
Bacon Wrapped
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