Cheshvan/KislevTevet 5775 Vol. LIII No. 2 November/December 2014 UPCOMING EVENTS The Malverne Jewish Center BRINGS THE MOVIES TO YOU! Sunday, November 2nd, 2014 at 1:30 p.m. Bernard Berger Room Left Luggage starring Isabella Rosselini and Maximillian Schell Semi-Annual Congregation Meeting Sunday morning, November 9, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. immediately following 9:00 a.m. morning minyan Community Kristallnacht Commemoration Sunday, November 9, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. at JCC of West Hempstead, 711 Dogwood Avenue, W. Hempstead. Speaker: Manny Bekier, Jewish activist, Nazi hunter sponsored by: Elmont J.C.,Congregation Beth Israel, Franklin Sq. J.C., Malverne J.C., J.C.C. of W. Hempstead, Valley Stream J.C. Light collation following program See page 2 for details Annual Malverne Community Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service Sunday, November 23rd, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. Church of the Intercessor, St. Thomas Place, Malverne Chanukah 5775 December 16 - 24, 2014 Malverne Village Menorah Lighting at Malverne LIRR Station Tuesday, December 16th at 5:30 p.m. Collation and deli dinner following. Reservations required for dinner. services Rabbi Meir S. Dvir David Feldman, President Every Shabbat morning at 9:30 a.m. Weekday Evening Minyan - Monday at 7:30 p.m. Every Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. Shabbat candlelighting November 7th November 14th November 21st November 28th - 4:26 4:19 4:14 4:10 p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. December 5th - 4:09 p.m. December 12th - 4:09 p.m. December 19th - 4:11 p.m. (Light fourth Chanukah candle before Shabbat candles) December 26th - 4:15p.m. !"# !"# !"#$%$$% ! $ 2 3/4 # 56 ! 50 ! $ 78 &'( " # $ $ % & ( )*+,- %& ./ # # / / - / 0 $ 1 )*** $% & Malverne Jewish Center 2 November/December 2014 President’s message MJC IS NOT A SPECTATOR SPORT Hope you had a peaceful and enjoyable High Holiday season. If you attended our services, as they say, religiously, I think you’ll agree with me that they were both enriching and enjoyable, with traditional and at times unique melodies chanted by Rabbi Dvir and Sarah Liberman. While it may have felt at times that your new address was One Norwood Avenue, I’m certain you’ll agree that all the hard work and preparation was very apparent. There are so many people to thank, but I’d like to particularly extend a special thank you to Rabbi Dvir and Sarah Liberman for the beautiful and enriching services. I’d also like to say thank you to the people who made our shul attractive and comfortable, assured that all went as planned and blew a pretty mean shofar; most notably Herb Brodsky, Carl Dropkin, Sy Goldberg and David Mack. On Yom Kippur I delivered a message, the premise of which I believe is worth referencing here, particularly for those who missed it the first time. While my message was delivered referencing a metaphor previously used by Rabbi Dvir in his Rosh Hashanah sermon, it is important that we all grasp the inherent meaning of the message if the Malverne Jewish Center is continue to exist as a stand-alone congregation. The metaphor the Rabbi used likened the Jewish service to a sporting event, where the number of spectators far outnumbers the players on the field, or the active participants of the event. The Rabbi’s motivation of course, was to encourage our more active participation in the service, whether by accepting an aliyah or by just davening aloud, instead of ceding the service entirely to the service leader, in effect making him or her only active participant. While Rabbi Dvir addressed the Jewish service, I’m going to use a similar metaphor to describe life at the Malverne Jewish Center. Now, let’s honest with ourselves. How many of us are truly participants in the life of our shul versus those of us who are satisfied to be just spectators? How many of us attend Shabbat services on a regular basis, serve on our committees, help plan and run our programs and events, or just get together with our shul friends to discuss a book or take in a movie? How many of us attend our weekly minyan services, where we most often have to do without the required ten participants? Conversely, how many of us are content to just sit in the bleacher seats and let somebody else do it; let somebody else make certain that our shul is there for us when we need it? If this sounds somewhat direct and harsh, that is not my purpose. Rather, my purpose is to awaken you to MJC and to invite our spectators to become active participants in the life of our shul. While we are a small congregation, the Malverne Jewish Center has so much to offer, the least of which is the friendship of a wonderful group of people. Yes, in addition to our religious services, we offer an array of educational, cultural and social programs. Whether your interest is in Hebrew or Russian classes, lectures dealing with serious or entertaining subjects, old or newer Jewish-oriented and even Yiddish movies, or an occasional party, we offer them all and we invite and encourage you to be both a spectator by enjoying them and an active player in making them happen. While our shul has so much to offer, we cannot continue to do so at the same level unless we have your support and involvement. The support to which I’m referring is not your financial support, although we need that as well. Rather, it’s what I call the YOU support, where YOU come down from the stands and transform yourself (kinda like Clark Kent and Superman) from a spectator to an active participant in the everyday life of our shul. We need you to be an active player where you no longer leave it to your fellow congregants to assure that your shul is there when you need it to celebrate a joyous occasion or to provide Jewish support for a sad one. Where you avail yourself of the friendships your fellow congregants offer and work with them to make our shul what we want it to be and to perhaps grow in the coming year and beyond. It’s a deal you can’t refuse; by being there for your shul will assure that your shul will continue to be there for you. But without your active involvement, we can no longer continue to provide that assurance. So, as I look forward to empty spectator stands and a crowded playing field in the year ahead, I’d ike to extend Emilee’s and my best wishes for a shanah tova and a happy, healthy and peaceful New Year to you and your loved ones. Let’s pledge to be active participants in adding back the vibrancy of not too long ago to our shul in the coming year Dave Feldman November/December 2014 3 Malverne Jewish Center IN THE FAMILY MAZEL TOV TO: Jaci & Mel Bernstein on the engagement of their grandson, Matthew, to Nicole. Matthew is the son of their children, Arlene & Richard. Benita & Bob Ganz on the birth of their granddaughter, Haley Rose. GET WELL WISHES TO: Murray Greenspan Barbara Heitner Lottie Tartell CONDOLENCES TO: Stanley Wallach on the passing of his sister, Florence Cogan on September 9, 2014. THANK YOU NOTES: Sincere thanks to all for the good wishes on the engagement of our grandson, Matt, to Nicole. It is always fun to share good times with family and friends. Fondly, Jaci & Mel I would like to thank all my friends at MJC for their thoughtful words of condolences, donations and phone calls on the passing of my sister, Florence. Your kindness and caring were greatly appreciated. Stanley Wallach We mark the passing of our Charter Member Phil Stein on September 17, 2014. Condolences may be send to his son, David at 70 Morris Avenue, Malverne NY 11565. MJC BOOK CLUB I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays. The MJC Book Club held its first meeting of 5775 on Monday, October 20, 2014. The book we discussed was “The Paris Architect” by Charles Belfoure, an architect turned writer. Our discussion leader was Barbara Heitner. We were a small group and everyone present contributed to a very engaging discussion. Our next selection is “Tale of Love and Darkness by Amos Oz. Our next discussion will take place on Monday December 15, 2014 after the evening minyan. The book is available through the Nassau County Library system and also as an electronic resource. Reserve the following dates for our book club meetings for 5775: Monday, December 15, 2014, Monday, February 16, 2015, Monday, April 20, 2015, Monday June 15, 2015 and Monday, August 17, 2015. I look forward to seeing you there. Sue Dropkin Malverne Jewish Center 4 November/December 2014 DONATIONS GENERAL FUND: Gloria Berger – Mazel-tov to Jaci & Mel Bernstein on the engagement of their grandson, Matthew, to Nicole. In memory of Wendy Weinstock’s father. Elaine Fleischman – Get well wishes to Bernie Schwam. Benita & Bob Ganz – In memory of Harold, Mimi and Joan Ganz. In honor of the birth of Haley Rose Ganz. Haley is the daughter of Josh & Marcia Ganz, granddaughter of Benita & Bob Ganz,and greatgranddaughter of our late members, Harold & Mimi Ganz. Pat Sachs – Mazel-tov to Jaci & Mel Bernstein on the engagement of their grandson Matt to Nicole. Speedy recovery wishes to Murray Greenspan Gloria Berger Mildred Castleman Emilee & Dave Feldman Barbara Heitner Adele Kraetz Suzi & Bernie Schwam Lottie Tartell Cis Vinik Ethel & Stanley Wallach Speedy recovery wishes to Barbara Heitner Gloria Berger Mildred Castleman Emilee & Dave Feldman Murray Greenspan Adele Kraetz Pat Sachs Suzi & Bernie Schwam Lottie Tartell Cis Vinik Ethel & Stanley Wallach Get well wishes to Lottie Tartell Gloria Berger Mildred Castleman Emilee & Dave Feldman Murray Greenspan Cis Vinik In memory of Florence Cogan. sister of Stanley Wallach Gloria Berger Mildred Castleman Emilee & Dave Feldman Elaine Flesichman Murray Greenspan Adele Kraetz Rosalie Mednick Lynn Myron Pat Sachs Suzi & Bernie Schwam Lottie Tartell Cis Vinik In memory of Phil Stein Gloria Berger Mildred Castleman Emilee & Dave Feldman Murray Greenspan Rosalie Mednick HERMAN & MURIEL LEVINE JEWISH EDUCATION FUND: Linda & Herb Brodsky – Mazel-tov to Jaci & Mel Bernstein on the engagement of their grandson, Matthew, to Nicole. Get well wishes to Murray Greenspan. Get well wishes to Barbara Heitner. In memory of Florence Cogan. Get well wishes to Lottie Tartell. In memory of Phil Stein MJC MITZVAH PROJECT The Malverne Jewish Center continues in its 10th year of committment to the needy of our community by donating to Hatzilu Rescue and the Rina Shkolnik Food Pantry in Woodmere. All non-perishable, kosher foodstuffs are appreciated. There are certain items that particularly needed: √ Canned tuna,salmon √ Coffee √ Dry cereal √ Pasta √ Instant Hot cereal √ Fruit salad √ Rice √ Puddings √ Macaroni & Cheese √ Canned or packaged soup (low sodium) √ All juices (in plastic or cardboard containers) √ Mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard √ Nutrition supplements, such as Ensure √ Juices (in plastic or cardboard containers) √ Paper goods, health care products, dertergents, soap, diapers and baby wipes Please leave your donations in the collection box located in the Bernard Berger Room. Let’s continue making 5775 the year of giving! Dave Feldman, President November/December 2014 5 Malverne Jewish Center YAHRZEIT NOVEMBER 1 Solomon Bernstein 2 Esther Dinkoff 3 Marcus Eisner 4 Samuel Batt 5 Sylvia Schor 6 Abraham Glaubman Lou Lazear 7 Sarah Rothman 8 Mark Radwin 9 Pincus Levy 10 Ida Bloch Jaffe 11 12 14 16 17 21 22 DECEMBER 2 Bertha Gottlieb Harry Greifer Tessie Jacoby Martin Radwell 3 Jerome Muchnick 4 Helen Saal 5 Marvin Bogan 8 Edith Lazear Dena Roth Teitelbaum 9 14 16 17 18 19 20 Joyce Kazlow Seymour Bernstein Ida Senkowitz Adele Fleischman Herman Levine Carrie Schechter Lew Lewis Israel Rubin Saul Lewis Esther Wallach Frances Littauer Rose Swahn 23 25 26 Mollie Frimet Nathan Markowitz Nellie Kalter Robert Tartell Joseph Kalter Jacob Castleman William Eisner Kate Fidler Fannie Zuckerman 23 24 27 28 29 30 26 27 28 29 David Gotlieb Hyman Kramer Lawrence Frimet George Redstone Hilda Bernstein Helen Rabin Jacob Roth Doris Ainbinder Boris Barishnikow Fannie Kugelmass Meyer Vinik Morris Hammerschlag Max Shapiro David Weinberg Charles Cohen Max Schonberg Mollie Greenspan Howard Burns May their souls be bound up in life. May they rest in peace. Amen yahrzeit fund Rae Angel Florence Lewis-Baker Gloria Berger Dvora & Julie Bernstein Florence Burwick Susan & Carl Dropkin Rose Eisner & Francine Eisner Stephen Frank Malverne Jewish Center Marilyn Goldberg Paul Goodman Harvey Levine Lynne Robbins Barbara Rothstein Bette Rothstein Pat Sachs Phyllis Seltzer 6 Bernie Schwam Lottie Tartell Babette Yablon November/December 2014 Celebra te! Celebrate! It’s easy to celebrate your simchas with a Shabbat kiddush/light lunch at the MJC. Just call the office (593-6364) and reserve the date with Jaci. The shopping, setup, serving and cleanup will be done for you. A donation of $50 will cover the cost of a standard kiddush. You may, of course, add special items, at cost. RABBI’S OFFICE HOURS Rabbi Dvir will be in his office on the following days: Tuesday 10:30 am – 12:15 pm Thursday 10:30 am – 12:15 pm Sunday 10:00 am – 11:30 am Everyone is invited to drop by with or without an appointment. YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS TO THESE MALVERNE JEWISH CENTER FUNDS ARE APPRECIATED GENERAL FUND - supports the activities and operations of the Malverne Jewish Center. RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND - funds are donated to worthy causes and individuals selected by the Rabbi. TZEDAKAH FUND -helps support both Judaic and secular programs. It can be donated to throughout the year either through contributions to the pushke at minyan or by designating some of your contributions to this fund. HERMAN AND MURIEL LEVINE JEWISH EDUCATION FUND - established by the Levine/ Brodsky families. Funds are used for the presentation of educational and cultural programs at the synagogue. MARTIN RADWELL MEMORIAL BOOK FUND - funds are used to purchase books and other enhancements to the synagogue. November/December 2014 7 Malverne Jewish Center MALVERNE JEWISH CENTER ONE NORWOOD AVENUE MALVERNE, NEW YORK 11565 An Affiliate of IJ Morris providing the most affordable graveside and chapel services on long island with dignity and compassion . advanced planning available . centrally located to long island’s cemeteries . chevra kadisha services 46 Greenwich Street . transportation from any state . monuments available in all cemeteries . 100 percent service guarantee . Hempstead . NY . 11550 . 516.486.1060 . Our Advanced Planning Counselors specialize in creating plans that cater to the different needs of all families. participating member of The Pre Plan TM an FDIC insured fund for pre-paid funeral arrangements. Malverne Jewish Center 8 November/December 2014
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