Religious Retirement Fund, give thanks! A parishioner writes, “We thank God today and every day for every religious sister who taught us in school, not only our ABCs, but alos to love God.” Share your gratitude for the senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests who made a positive difference in so many lives. Please give generously to next week’s collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious. Join Us for the Rosary Please join us in saying the rosary in the church immediately after mass. Special Thank You Thank you to the volunteers who helped prepare the church for advent – CeCe and Ron Hartt, Terri MacDonald, Beverly Ramsey, Carol Lee and Diane Stapleton. Knights of Columbus Fundraiser The Knights of Columbus are hosting a charity fundraiser to purchase an ultrasound machine for the Mountains Pregnancy Center. Tickets are $30.00 for a fun evening of Bingo and a Spaghetti and Meatballs Dinner on December 5th at 5:00 p.m. at the Our Lady of the Lake Hall – 27627 Rim of the World Dr. Crest Park. Please see Les Payne or Ron Hartt after mass for information and tickets. human life has value and worthy of protection, particularly the most vulnerable in our community. The event starts at 10 a.m. at La Placita Olvera, Downtown LA and then begins with a walk up Temple Street, across Grand Avenue and down 1st Street. It then concludes with entertainment and exhibits from community organizations. For more information, please contact Mary Huber at 909-475-5352 or or check out the website http:// We are looking forward to seeing you. Mountain Helping Hands Toy Drive This year, we have over 300 kids (about 187 families) on the list. We need toys for ages newborn to 18 years old. Toys may be brought to the church and we will deliver them to Dixi Willemse, Running Springs Fire, Director of Operations for this drive. If you could, please include a gift bag and tissue. Thank you all for the your support of this very important and charitable cause. Parish Support $604.00 Flowers $25.00 Total P. O. Box 2400 30480 Fredalba Road Running Springs, CA 92382 Phone/Fax (909) 867-2832 Rev. Michal Osuch, C.R. Pastor - (909) 337-2333 Parish Registration: Please call parish office. If you move or change your address, please notify the Parish Office at 867-2832. Mass Schedule: Saturday, 4:00 p.m., Confession at 3:30 before Mass. For all Sacraments, Sacramental preparation, and Religious Education, please call Our Lady of the Lake at (909) 337-2333. Church Website November 29 Parish Collection St. Anne in the Mountains Catholic Church and Retreat Center $629.00 For parishioners on Internet, Our Lady of the Lake and St. Anne's are now on a WEB site. It can be reached on http:// Knights of Columbus Celebrate the beauty and dignity of every human life! Contact: Les Payne (661) 902-3280 Bishop Gerald Barnes and Auxiliary Bishop Rutilio del Riego would like to cordially invite you to join them at the first ever One1Life LA Walk for Life in Los Angeles, January 17th, 2015. By joining them and your Christian brothers and sisters, you are sharing the Church’s teaching that all Directors: Terri & Larry Mac Donald, 867-2893 • Food Program, 3rd Thursday, 4:00−5:30 p.m. Family Assistance Program Second Sunday of Advent December 7, 2014 Mission Statement It is the desire of St. Anne Christian Community always to be a reflection of the beauty which surrounds us. In the true spirit of the gospel, we will strive to dedicate ourselves to the service of others. May we never miss the opportunity to extend a kindness -- remembering always that what we do for another we do for Christ. May we never knowingly contribute to the suffering in the world -- but rather, always be a positive force in each life we touch. May we freely share our joys and sorrows with one another, thus strengthening the bonds of our friendships, and enriching our lives. May all our actions be aimed at bringing others closer to God. May the welcome we extend to visitors make them truly aware of our love for them − for there is no such thing as a stranger, but only a friend we haven't met as yet. Spiritually Speaking ... EXILE Both Isaiah and Peter had the task of comforting and encouraging their communities during times of exile. The Israelites were in geographic exile from Israel; to them this was, in effect, the same as being in exile from their God. The early Christians, following the Resurrection, expected an immediate return of Christ in glory; they, too, felt in “exile” as the delay of the Second Coming grew longer and longer. All four of scripture’s authors today—Isaiah, the psalmist, Peter, and Mark—hasten to help us see things in God’s terms, not ours. They want us to know that we can never truly be exiled from God, or from God-among-us, since we know that when the faithful are gathered, Christ has come into their midst. Instead, we are encouraged today to do what we can from our end to shorten the time of our exile: to repent of our sins, to return our lives to the Lord, to live as people who seek the coming day of the Lord, when “kindness and truth shall meet; justice and peace shall kiss” (Psalm 85:10). Treasures from our Tradition Have you seen Antiques Roadshow on television? People bring attic treasures to experts for appraisal and possible cash. Catholic attics, or maybe Grandma’s wall, often hold a “sick call crucifix.” It is a curiously bulky crucifix hiding a sliding panel and a secret compartment. Two tiny candles, a squeeze bottle of holy water, a stringy purple ministole, a tube of prayers, and some cotton balls are all hidden inside. The cross folds up to form a minialtar that can be propped up by a sick person’s bed. All that is needed is a priest with the oil of the sick and Holy Communion. Forty years ago, when these crosses enjoyed great popularity, the sacrament of the sick was often an encounter between priest and sick person alone, and often only in a last crisis of illness. Gradually, we are reclaiming the sacrament of anointing from this minimal, hidden expression. It is celebrated more richly and more often, even in the Sunday assembly, at every stage of illness and across a wide range of human suffering. The “sick call crucifix” is not a tradition, it is a curiosity from another time, but it reminds us of true tradition: we are a people who care for our sick, who accompany them in faith, and who sustain them with an experience of Christ’s presence. Social Hour We’re looking for volunteers to host social hour after masses on 2nd or 4th Sunday of each month. Please let Melanie Hopkins or Diane Stapleton know if you would like to host social hour on one of these days or would like to bring a dessert to share. Your help in making parishioners and guests feel welcome at St. Anne in the Mountains is always appreciated. If you have any questions or are interested in hosting social hour, please contact either Melanie 867-4699 or Diane 867-1115. Music Ministry - Accompanist Do you play the piano or organ? Would you like to join the music ministry program at St. Anne? The Music Ministry is looking for a backup/part time accompanist to support the choir on an occasional basis. If you are interested, please talk to Vada Godwin before or after Mass. Thank you! God’s Word Today Advent is such a wonderful liturgical season. We are treated to a feast of scripture readings that can serve to inspire us as we wait in joyful hope for the coming of the Lord. In today’s first reading, Isaiah announces that God’s glory will be revealed and that we are to have no fear as we anticipate the tremendous burst of glory that the Lord’s coming will ignite. Saint Peter, in today’s second reading, reminds us to conduct ourselves in holiness and devotion as we ready ourselves to welcome the Lord at the end of time. The central figure for this second Advent Sunday is John the Baptist, who points not to himself but to the one who is to come, who will baptize with the Holy Spirit. As God’s word of preparation is proclaimed today, let us ready ourselves to receive the Lord in each and every moment of our lives. Let us learn to expect miracles among God’s holy people. Date January 3 January 10 January 17 December 6 December 13 December 20 December 24 December 27 Please Pray For: Kate Helfrich Alice Reilly Stella Witczak Ann Williams Roberta Schnoebelen Jamie Spencer Kathy Johnson Sue Vasby Loren Grannis Carol Camp Julieanne Legge Nathan Godwin Fr. Bob Erickson Dan McDowell Marge Babel Tammy Talovich CarolAnn Doyal Tina Winters Bob Riggio Justin Hodges Gloria DeMent Kathy Hefner Alek Brown Bev Dunivent Joan Lucas Frances Danita Bidoglio Costantino Frank Brown Bruce Wood Russ Womack Jane Black Cindy Hogan Ron Abel Steve Millsap Ben Huerta Jeff Frantz Nick Rivas Janeen Chery Barnes Johnson Helen Fontaine Annette Hoffman Eileen Johnson Pat Murphy Celine Thivodeau Stephen Perrone Lacee Brandon Michelle Gramann Harry Pray Liam Christofferfen If you know of anyone who needs our prayers or anyone whose name can be removed from our prayer list please submit their name. Schedule - Lectors, Ministers, Hosts and Ushers Lector Eucharistic Ministers Social Hour Hosts Ron Terri and Diane Gwen CeCe and Ron Diane Les and Sandy Gwen Diane and Beverly Diane Diane CeCe and Ron Gene and Gwen Gene Les and Sandy CeCe and Ron Melanie Dave and Sandy CeCe Gene and Gwen Christmas Leftovers! Ushers Gene and Keith Bob and Errol Jerry and Larry Ivan and Dave Gene and Keith Bob and Errol Jerry and Larry Ivan and Dave
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