u 3rd December, 2014 Newsletter 37 Dear Parents/Guardians, Staff, Students and Friends of St Thomas’ Thank you for the year that has been. We have been blessed to be able to work with an incredible group of teachers, school officers, parents, community members and students. Liz Jones and I have just finished reading and signing all 390 student reports and believe 2014 has been a year of enormous academic and personal growth for our students on so many different levels. Some of the examples of growth include: - the young students have learnt how to write in full sentences; skip count; attempt an approximation at spelling unfamiliar words; write poems; created art and craft masterpieces and learnt many new words in Italian. The older students have mastered two digit multiplication; written persuasive texts and poems; competed in cross country; attended their first school camp and addressed the school assembly for the first time. What a year of fabulous achievement and one of which we can be suitably proud. Congratulations to all involved in the development, nurturing and education of the students. It certainly was a team effort. Coming Events December 3 Graduation 6:30pm 5 Liturgy 11am 5 School closes 12noon January 2015 23 School office open 9am – 12 noon Wednesday 28 Term 1 commences Our end of year celebrations are wonderful occasions for our community to come together and celebrate all the joys that have been ours during a successful 2014. Friday evening’s Christmas concert and barbecue was a fabulous community celebration that marks the culmination of another year together. Congratulations to all the students who performed so enthusiastically and our heartfelt thanks go to the staff who put precious time into practising the songs and preparing the students so that they entertained us so well on the night. Friday evening’s end of year barbecue and disco gave us an opportunity for the school community to come together and celebrate the end of another year. Thanks to all those who prepared, organised, set up, cleaned and helped in any way to ensure a great evening for all. Tonight the Year 6 and 7 students will attend their graduation. The evening involves a liturgy and a graduation ceremony and is a very special night for these students and their families; full of wonderful memories, a tinge of sadness and hope for the future. Each of these students is a leader in their own particular way; however their legacy will be the kindness, generosity and dedication that they displayed on a daily basis. Congratulations on your graduation from St Thomas’ Catholic Primary School. Thank you for being role models of kindness, empathy and thoughtfulness within our school. You will certainly be missed but not forgotten. We pray that these students will continue to be blessed as they take this next important step in their life journey. Hannah Albury, Jake Aldiss, Keeley Allendorf, Jessica Atkinson, Guy Bacon, Harry Bailey, Isabella Barbagallo, Olivia Belither, Charlee Bougoure, Abbey Breitfuss, Samantha Buckley, Rebecca Cadman, Katie Cain, Timothy Calvisi, Cecilee Christie, Keenan Christie, Victoria Clunne, Ruby Coogans-Sorby, Lachy Cox, Isabella Dickson, Bethany Dimmick, Margo Doherty, Krista Doust, Jake Dove, Hugh Drummond, Dale D’souza, Stephanie Felesina, Jaydee Forbes, Bella Forster, Clara Hickey, Thomas Hickey, Sofia Jimenez, Mimi Job, Charlotte Kelly, Lilli Kermode, Georgia Kopp, Amelia Larsen, Ella Lavaring, Connor Leahy, William Lee, Lawrence Leotta, Noah Low, Luci MacDonald, Arabella Mann, Corey McNamara, Lily Milford, Zoe Nash-Arnold, Willis Newman, Taylah Noffke, Abigail Pellow, Amelia Pennisi, Fletcher Perkins, Naomi Perrier, Alice Power, Brenton Prause, Isabella Price, Millicent Price, Ivan Radovanovic, Eliza Rehbein, Lewis Reid, Paris Rowland, Madison Rubio, Oliver Ruys, Lilly Schwarzenecker, Abbey Seymour, Will Stankunas, Lily Terepai, Georgia Thomas, Lachlan Trembath, Alec Wilson, Charlotte Yeates, Will Youens, Elisa Zanatta. As you are aware students will be meeting (where possible) their 2015 class teachers tomorrow morning. Class placement requests (remembering that these were requests only and for educational purposes) closed on 31st October and classes have now been finalised. The class placement process is a lengthy and sometimes difficult one. It is our intention to adhere strictly to this process as any alterations cause a number of consequential changes. It also devalues the process itself, in that a number of professionals have invested hours to formulate the lists. It would be appreciated that you do not contact the school or approach any staff member regarding the placement of your child for 2015 – the 2015 class lists will remain as they are. Our end of year celebration on Friday will commence at 11am and will be a liturgy of thanksgiving together in the church. We hope many of you are able to join in this end of year celebration as we bid our Year 6 and 7 leaders farewell, as we acknowledge those staff and families leaving St Thomas’ and give thanks for this 2014 school year. During the liturgy we will present our local St Vincent de Paul group with our donations towards Christmas hampers for needy families. At this stage of the year we wish to extend our many thanks to all those who have assisted us throughout the year. The support that our parent body offers is of vital importance to our school and your commitment is very much appreciated. Thank you for the enthusiasm, time and effort that has gone into supporting the students in whatever request we placed for assistance during 2014. Your support has enabled us to be a vibrant community. Special mention must be made of the following:thanks to Donna Leahy for her fabulous efforts in running our tuckshop and to their willing band of helpers who ensure our Monday and Thursday lunches are ready when the hungry masses emerge at lunch breaks; thanks to Paula Lisignoli who operated the uniform shop throughout the year and gives of her time so freely to provide an opportunity for school uniform purchases to be such an easy arrangement; thanks to the P&F executive and to the School Board members for their unfailing support of the school. In fact to all of our 2014 helpers, whether you helped in the classrooms, on excursions, at tuckshop, on the P&F, on the School Board, in the library, at the fete or at any sporting event we offer our huge thanks. To all who have played a part in supporting our school community during the past year in whatever manner….you are a much needed and much valued part of our successful school. We offer our special thanks to Fr Peter Casey who is a vital part of our parish/school community. As we farewell Catherine Hertle we are endeavouring to find a replacement teacher for strings lessons in 2015. We will advise you when this happens. I offer our thanks to all staff for their wonderful efforts during 2014. We are very fortunate to have a genuinely cohesive group of professional, dedicated and willing staff who enjoy working with your children. I wish to offer my heartfelt thanks to Liz Jones, our APRE, for her enthusiasm, support and dedicated work in this role. I have appreciated her thoroughness, professionalism, gentleness and organisation and I know we have enjoyed her reflective, creative prayers and celebrations in 2014. Thanks Liz! We wish Liz a restful holiday as she takes some much deserved long service leave at the start of 2015. On the staffing front there will be a number of changes for the 2015 school year some of which were mentioned in previous week’s editions of Thomatalk. We bid a fond farewell to Scott Burns, Angela Moore, Peter Barber, Fiona Allen-Ankins (Music), Catherine Hertle (Strings), Michaela Langmaid (Year 5), Jenni Dilley (Year 5) and Michelle Daly (ESL). Each of these wonderful people has left their mark on the students, staff and school community. They have been a wonderful asset to our school and we thank them for their professionalism, enthusiasm and spirit of service. We thank them for sharing part of their life with us and we wish Peter, Angela, Scott, Fiona, Catherine, Michaela, Jenni and Michelle every happiness, peace, new challenges and an abundance of blessings for the future. We are fortunate in being able to offer Hilary Boxshall a further year with us at St Thomas’. We will welcome Mr Michael Brammer to St Thomas’ as teacher of our Year 5/6 class. Michael is an experienced teacher who, most recently has taught at St Rita’s Victoria Point. Welcome Michael. Included with this Thomatalk is a staff list for Term 1, 2015. Also included is an excellent article that will offer you some valuable reflection over the holiday period in readiness for 2015 and beyond. As we move into this season of Christmas let us remember and reflect. “He who has no Christmas in his heart will never find Christmas under a tree”. Author unknown The universal theme for Christmas is peace, the gift that Jesus gave the Apostles when he said to them, “Peace I bequeath to you, my own peace I give you, a peace the world cannot give, this is my gift to you”. – John 14:27. Peace is a gift that resides in the heart – not under the tree. So how is it that after a quick look around the world there seems to be many hearts that are without peace? Could it be that these hearts don’t have room for the peace that Jesus has to offer? The “Christmas heart” is a giving heart, a wide open heart that thinks of others first. The birth of Jesus was an event of great significance because it poured into a “sick” world the healing medicine of love which has transformed all manner of hearts for 2000 years. It is Jesus’ influence in our lives that stirs within us more kindness, more respect, more love, and more concern. It is because of Him and His teaching that we are motivated to reach out to those in trouble, distress and need, wherever they may be. When Jesus was born, a new power entered the stream of history, the power of love and spiritual transformation. That power for good is waiting in each of us. It has revealed itself to us. It is waiting for our response, perhaps renewed response. So where will the reality of Christmas be this year – in our heart or under the tree? Lord, when we commemorate Your birth this Christmas give us Your gift of peace to warm our heart, to quicken our faith and renew our commitment to Your word. May we truly sing, ‘Joy to the world, the Lord is come; Let earth receive her King Let every heart prepare Him room And Heaven and Nature sing’ We look forward to another busy, exciting and challenging year in 2015 as we continue to grow together as a community, but before that we look forward to the holidays ahead…a time to renew and refresh and time to spend together with family. God’s blessings, Lorraine Walker Helicopter Parents – Linda Sapadin I’ve yet to meet a parent who admits to being a “helicopter parent”. Sure, other parents hover over their kids – but me, I’m just checking on my kid to make sure she’s safe. Sure, some parents micromanage their child’s life – but me, I just want to make sure he won’t make a mistake that will mess up his life. Helicopter parents are so named because they hover closely overhead, rarely out of reach, whether their kids need them or not. These parents rush in to prevent any harm from befalling their children – not just physical harm but “unfair” treatment at school, on the athletic field or in extra-curricular activities. Helicopter parents “do” for their kids when their kids have trouble doing for themselves. The reason they “do” always seems reasonable. A child with a filled social calendar is too busy, too distracted or too forgetful to take responsibility for his own stuff. So, a caring parent picks up an application, drops off an assignment, fixes a fight between friends or “helps” him do his homework. So, what’s the big deal? Aren’t caring parents supposed to advocate for their child? Well yes, on occasion. But it’s amazing how quickly a “favour” can turn into an “expectation”, which then turns into a “way of life”. As strange as it may seem, it’s good for your child to be frustrated, bored, disappointed and even hurt. We learn as we live. If kids are rescued from their emotional states, how do you think they’re going to handle similar emotional states in adulthood? A one word answer suffices – poorly. They won’t be prepared to face life’s predictable adversities (I won’t even address the unpredictable ones). They will have trouble being resilient. They won’t know how to be resourceful. They will have low frustration tolerance. They will be easily bored. Despite having received an abundance of advantages in childhood, they may actually enter adulthood as emotionally handicapped individuals. If every time a youngster has a fight with a friend, a misunderstanding with a teacher or an argument with a coach, and a parent steps in to fix it, the child loses. He never gets the opportunity to be distressed – and put it in perspective. He never gets the opportunity to feel upset – and figure out how to deal with it on his own. He never learns the basic skills of conflict resolution which includes clarifying misunderstandings, forging compromises, proposing changes, initiating ideas and more. Kids also need to develop the ability to wait. In our culture of affluence, too often parents seek to satisfy their children’s wants (expressed as needs) quickly. Advertising feeds into this national addiction for instant gratification. We are told to rush right out to purchase the hottest toy, the latest fad, the coolest tech innovation. Waiting, however, is a fine way to build character. Immediate gratification, on the other hand, is a fine way to build narcissism. A whole generation of kids is being raised with industries devoted to keeping them entertained. Though almost all kids have more toys than their parents ever dreamed of, they’re still frequently bored, finding themselves with nothing to do, and lacking imagination to fix the problem. When a child is bored and a parent rescues him right away, a pattern develops in which the child does not learn how to be alone and does not know how to initiate an interesting activity. This is a prescription for developing feelings of helplessness, loneliness, deprivation (no matter how much they have) and lack of imagination. Though you may not be a fully-fledged helicopter parent, chances are strong that you display some characteristics of the syndrome. If so, consider taking a step backwards when your child is distressed, frustrated or bored. It’s not always easy, especially when it only takes a tear or a pout to trigger your “help” gene. To back off doesn’t mean that you’re an uncaring or indifferent parent. It doesn’t mean you abandon your child with no guidance as to how he might work out the situation for himself. It means that you’re teaching your child to become empowered by providing him with the space he needs to work things out for himself. As you offer your child the gift of independence, you also give yourself the opportunity to be a loving, caring parent without the need to be a whirlybird. Linda Sapadin, Ph.D is a psychologist in private practice who specialises in helping individuals and families overcome self-defeating patterns of behaviour. R.E. News As we head to the second Sunday in Advent, we may take the time to reflect upon what has happened to our spirit this year, it is a time to plan our thank yous and a time to renew. After this assessment we may decide that it is time to make a radical change. We can often face times when we must let go of past habits and actions that affect our spirit adversely. Use this time of Advent wisely. I wish you all a very happy and holy Christmas, a great welcome to the new year and a safe holiday. Farewell to those moving on and I look forward to welcoming our families back in Term One, even though it won’t be until week four. I am sure you will welcome Helen Brittain who will be acting in my position for those first weeks. ‘May the love of God, the peace of Christ and the friendship of the Holy Spirit be with you now and forever. Amen.’ Elizabeth Jones, APRE HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all those who have celebrated recently especially Anton Rigolizio, Finbarr Power, Charlotte Yeates, Malachy Cox, Neve McNamara, Flynn Hansen, Edison Murnane, Adele Day. Hope your day was great. Uniform Shop News School Shoes Our uniform supplier, Hosi Kozi, Riding Road Bulimba will donate 5% of all school shoe sales back to St Thomas’ School. Please just mention our school name when you make a purchase. Second Hand Uniforms Please ensure that all uniforms donated for sale are laundered and ironed. No stained or damaged goods will be accepted. Second hand hats and shoes are not sold. Additional opening hours before 2015 school year Last remaining day is Thursday, 22nd January 2015 8:00am – 10:00am You are welcome to place orders today and pay/collect in January. Paula Lisignoli, Uniform Shop Convenor Thomatalk 2015 As mentioned last week, our new look, online newsletter will commence in Term 1 next year. We will be adding a Business Directory to our website in place of the current advertising page. The St Thomas’ Community Business Directory serves to provide a listing of services available in our local community. The purpose of this directory is to: Provide families (and other website visitors) with the contact details of those in our community who provide a particular service, Provide families with an opportunity to advertise their business. Please note that St Thomas’ School does not sponsor, endorse, or recommend any of these organisations, services, or activities. Businesses will be listed under the Business Directory in the Contacts & Links section of the website menu and also via the Quick Links. An example of how the advertisement may appear is as follows: PLUMBERS WATERMARK PLUMBING Domestic, Commercial, Building and Maintenance John Lisignoli Mobile: 0417 620 502 Email: watplumb@bigpond.net.au If you would like to advertise your business, please complete the Business Directory application form (available via the Forms & Downloads section of the website) and return it to the school office. As soon as we receive your authority to advertise, and an email containing the business logo (if applicable), we will arrange for your advertisement to be uploaded onto our website. Please note the Principal must approve all advertisements as appropriate prior to advertisement being accepted. Sports News Live your life today! We have had a great year in the sporting field this year. Our students have been involved in many and varied activities promoting the benefits of health and fitness. The students have played a variety of sports from competitive team sports to individual, skill and fitness-based activities. Some of our sports have included cricket, netball, korfball, European handball, soccer, touch football, AFL, and basketball. Some of our individual activities include athletics, swimming, skipping, dancing and simple games. The students have had opportunities to be involved in district trials for various sports, carnivals for the three major sports of swimming, cross-country and athletics, gala days for various team sports, AFL, netball and touch football carnivals and inter-school sports. Our students have been great ambassadors for St Thomas’ at all sporting events showing good sportsmanship and a friendly, caring attitude for other sportspersons at the event. We are very proud of all of our students ‘sporting achievements. We also have a number of students who have achieved in their chosen sport at a higher level, we are very proud of all of our higher achieving athletes. As well as having talented athletes, we are a very lucky community to have a number of parents who generously give of their time and passion regularly to help the children especially in motor program and Prep class lessons. There are a number of children who are now able to perform forward and backward rolls and handstands as well as a number of specific skills and movements pertaining to team and individual sports. THANK YOU PARENTS FOR YOUR INTEREST, GENEROSITY AND PASSION FROM MYSELF AND THE CHILDREN. I wish you all a safe, relaxing, family and fun- filled and Holy Christmas and look forward to playing again in 2015. Janet McAfee, HPE Teacher to all the Year 5 parents and parents from other year levels who have assisted in making the Year 6/7 graduation reception so special. Your support of this event has been appreciated. Anne-Maree Timm and Amanda Yeates Year 5 CPRs Wrap Up for 2014 Good mental health is vital for life. Children who are mentally healthy are better able to meet life's challenges and have stronger relationships with the people around them. They are also better learners who are more likely to succeed at school. Good mental health when you are young provides a solid base for managing changes as you grow. Here at St Thomas’ we are committed to supporting children’s mental health and that is why this year we have taken on a whole school mental health framework and officially become a KidsMatter school! Earlier this term we saw the launch of KidsMatter at our school which included: Our special guest speaker Matthew Ames, who addressed both the upper and lower school with 5 very practical tips for increasing resilience or being ‘Bob Bounce Back’ Skipping mornings which have continued throughout the term A fantastic community breakfast with guest speakers from the Mater hospital who spoke to parents about identifying mental health concerns in our students and support options in the community The creation of a whole school artwork where every child has painted a fence post of themselves, to remind us that here at St Thomas’ “every face has a place”. Hopefully, you have been involved in some of these activities or have heard about them through the students. This is just the start of us working towards building a positive school community, which we know is an important factor in supporting our students’ mental health and wellbeing. Last Thursday we saw the Year 6 and 7 students donate the proceeds from the disco to two organisations related to KidsMatter- Renovating Matthew and The Talera Centre. Renovating Matthew manages funds raised for Matthew Ames’ prosthetics and associated care. Some of the funds are also donated towards other organisations that support individuals and families that are going through similar events to the Ames Family. The Talera Centre is a local organisation that provides free ongoing counselling and support for children and families who have had difficult, sad or scary things happen in their lives. They help children and their families to bounce back, feel safe and live happy lives. Next year we will continue on our KidsMatter journey, so stay tuned for more positive initiatives to support the mental health and wellbeing of our wonderful students. Thank you from your KidsMatter action team: Lorraine Walker, Charlotte Mercer, Peta Ebzery, Scott Burns, Jenny Little and Jane Seymour Band Room Banter Expression of Interest in the Band Program Years 3 to 6 for 2015. Lessons are open to students from Year 3 to 6. If anyone is interested in joining the band program to play flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, euphonium or percussion there are a number of ways we can help you with this. St Thomas’ has a library of Band instruments, which we hire to new students to the program for one year for a small levy of $30 per term. This helps both parents and students work out if they will enjoy playing an instrument before a large financial outlay is made. If you hire an instrument through the school lessons must also be attended through the school. This may be done either privately ($32 per half hour lesson) or in a small group ($17 per half hour lesson) and is paid for by the term. If anyone is interested in enrolling your little one in the Band program please contact me via email on ss1musictuition@gmail.com or by phone on 0410 557 348. Thank you. Samantha Sleep Speech and Drama Five clever students have participated in AMEB Voice and Communication Examinations. Those five students all gained a High Distinction for their programs. These clever and talented young ladies included Krista Doust, Clara Hickey, Georgia Thomas, Charlotte Yeates and Hilary Yeates. This is an excellent result and we are all very proud of you and your excellent communication skills. Your reports reflected your fine skills. If you would like your child to participate in Speech and Drama next year, please collect a form from the office and return it to school. I wish you and your families a blessed Christmas. Helen Galea Enrolment at Loreto College Loreto College is currently accepting enrolment applications for Year 7, 2018 (students in Year 4, 2015). Applications close on Friday, 6th February, 2015 – offers received after this date will be placed on a waiting list. Offers will be made during Term 1, 2015. Year 7, 2019 enrolment applications are now open and will close on 5th February, 2016. Loreto College only conducts interviews for students already accepted into the College and these will be held when students are in Year 6. For more information, please contact Ms Emma Beach, Manager of Enrolments on 3394 9999 or enrol@loreto.qld.edu.au Enrolment at Lourdes Hill College Applications for Year 7 2018 close on Friday 6th February 2015 Applications for Year 7 2019 (Year 3 students 2015) now open. If your daughter is currently in Year 3, 4 or 5 and you wish to submit an enrolment for her please contact the College on 3399 8888 or alternatively download from our website: www.lhc.qld.edu.au Free children’s dental program Metro South Health provides free dental care to children throughout our region. Who is eligible? All children aged 4 through to Year 10 Students in Years 11 and 12 who have a current Centrelink Card, Healthcare Card or Pension Card 0-3 year olds whose parents have a current Centrelink Card, Healthcare Card or Pension Card 2-17 year olds who are eligible for the Child Dental Benefits Schedule A parent or legal guardian is required to attend every dental appointment. To book an appointment, please phone 1300 300 850 2015 TERM DATES Term 1 Wednesday 28th January - Thursday 2nd April Term 2 Monday 20th April - Friday 26th June Term 3 Monday 13th July - Friday 18th September Term 4 Tuesday 6th October - Friday 4th December Professional Development Days (pupil free days) to be advised Parish News School Applications - Parish Priest’s Endorsement In the coming months you may need the Parish Priest’s endorsement of your application to enrol a child in an independent Catholic secondary school. Fr Peter is happy to assist with providing an endorsement for school enrolments however you will need to make an appointment to see him to discuss your requirements. Please contact the Parish Office on 3398 1154 to make an appointment. Thank you. 2015 Sacramental Program Registration for the 2015 Sacramental Program is now open. Children who will be in Year 3 and above in 2015 are welcome to register for the program. Dates and registration forms are available through the Parish Office or on our website - www.catholicsonthehill.org.au All children currently in Year 2 at St Thomas’ should have already received a form through the school and are asked to return these forms to the Parish Office as soon as possible. If your child will be in Year 4 or above in 2015 and has not yet made their Sacraments but you would like them to, please contact the Parish Office on 3398 1154. Becoming Catholic Do you know someone who might be interested in knowing about the Catholic faith? Information sessions are available early in the New Year at St Thomas'. Please contact Lisa at the Parish Office on 3398 1154 for details. Thank You Craft for Causes aid St Vincent De Paul. As with previous years, the Parish and School community never cease to amaze us with their warmth and generosity. This year Craft for Causes were able to again significantly aid St Vincent De Paul in their local appeal. I would like to thank all those who baked, sewed, gave their time, sold tickets, dropped off sweets, donated items for the raffles, made Christmas decorations, and browsed and purchased at the stall. The Craft for Causes committee rallied together for another successful year and we are very appreciative of the efforts of School and Parish Supporters. To all of those people, I would like to say thank you. We wish the St Vincent De Paul every success in their appeal and to our School and Parish Community a very warm and safe Christmas Break. We look forward to seeing you in the New Year! Angela McPherson 2015 STAFF Teacher Prep Blue Teacher Prep White Teacher 1 Blue Teacher 1 White Teacher 2 Blue Teacher 5/6 White Mrs Cathy Manteufel Mrs Natalie Bergin Mrs Jane Seymour Miss Jenny Little Mrs Jak Baer Mrs Tish Lee Mrs Liz Anderson Ms Helen Clarke Mrs Peta Ebzery Mrs Natasha Morrison Mrs Tamzin Hull Mrs Penney Taylor Ms Alison Clark Miss Kimberley Simpson Mr Michael Brammer Teacher 6 Blue Additional Classroom Support Learning Support Co-ordinator Additional Classroom Support Literacy Support ESL Teacher Teacher Librarian Teacher Librarian H & PE Teacher ICLT Teacher Mrs Hilary Boxshall Mrs Suzanne Dillon Mrs Ros Kelly Mrs Patricia Hickey Sr. Carmela Zammit To be advised Mrs Moira Stewart Mrs Lisa Irwin Mrs Janet McAfee Mr Paul Shaw Italian Teacher Mr Mario Collura Teacher 2 White Teacher 3 Blue Teacher 3 White Teacher 4 Blue Teacher 4 White Teacher 5 Blue Guidance Counsellor Music Teacher Administration Support Finance Secretary School Secretary/Teacher Aide School Secretary/Teacher Aide Teacher Aide Teacher Aide Teacher Aide Teacher Aide Teacher Aide Teacher Aide Prep Aide Prep Aide Library Aide Groundsperson Tuckshop Convenor Mrs Charlotte Smith Mr Adrian Van Praag SCHOOL OFFICERS Mrs Pattie Linning Mrs Robyn Weston Mrs Maree Shaw Mrs Gillian Mazoletti Mrs Andrea James Mrs Lyn Kasatchenko Mrs Paula Lisignoli Mrs Lucy Townsend Mrs. Michelle Gaddes Mrs Pauline Albiez Mrs Trudi Donda Mrs Bernadette Kelly Mrs. Mary Henricks ANCILLARY STAFF Mr Josh O’Connor Mrs Donna Leahy Thank you to all advertisers for your support during 2014 Safe and happy holidays everyone PLEASE REMEMBER SCHOOL FINISHES AT 12 NOON ON FRIDAY SCHOOL RE-COMMENCES ON WEDNESDAY 28th JANUARY, 2015. Camp Hill Bowls Club helloworld Capalaba Ray White Morningside Xennox Diamonds 07 07 07 07 3398 3245 3638 3210 1297 www.camphillbowls.com 4377 capalaba@helloworld.com.au 4700 6288 www.xennoxdiamonds.com.au 10 Stephen Street Camp Hill, Qld 4152 Email: stthomassponsorship@gmail.com Please support the wonderful sponsors that support our school! Camp Hill Bowls Club helloworld Capalaba Ray White Morningside Xennox Diamonds AJ Crossfit and Personal Training Carina Leagues Club Fruition Tuition - Camp Hill Highly Strung Imago Photography Langlands Park Memorial Pool Libertine Perfumerie Mama's Home McPherson Plant Hire Miss Cocoa Party Time Amusements Ray White Stones Corner Vivid Photography 0423 176 808 (07) 3843 9200 (07) 3843 0080 highlystrungmusic@gmail.com (07) 3395 5800 (07) 3397 7436 (07) 3216 0122 (07) 3357 3333 (07) 3843 4147 (07) 3868 4488 (07) 5543 6328 (07) 3394 2338 (07) 3391 7999 Aaron Dillaway MP ADG Engineers (Aust) Pty Ltd Bakers Delight Camp Hill Brisbane Marriott Hotel Bryan Byrt Volkswagen Cineplex Australia CocoBelle hair studio Crusty Devil Bakehouse Pty Ltd Domino's Pizza Carindale Frances Suter Photography Goodlife Health Club Holland Park Granada Café Tapas Bar Harvey Norman - Carindale Ithaca Ice Works John Pearcy Audiology Katrina Christ Photographer McGuires' Hotels Olli Skin Pig ‘n’ Whistle Renaissance Retirement Living Councillor Shayne Sutton Southern Cross Protection (07) 3399 9492 (07) 3300 8844 (07) 3324 9485 (07) 3303 8000 0418 886 777 (07) 3899 3450 (07) 3161 5331 (07) 3890 1018 (07) 3109 2099 (07) 3899 0107 (07) 3849 9700 (07) 3844 4757 (07) 3398 0600 (07) 3348 7855 (07) 3398 8862 (07) 3891 5885 (07) 33998222 (07) 3395 1088 (07) 3832 9099 (07) 3820 7700 (07) 3407 8200 1300 136 102 (07) 3398 1297 (07) 3245 4377 (07) 3638 4700 (07) 3210 6288 www.camphillbowls.com capalaba@helloworld.com.au www.xennoxdiamonds.com.au www.ajcrossfit.com www.carinaleaguesclub.com.au www.tutorfruition.com.au/camphill www.facebook.com/HighlyStrungAUS imagophotography.com.au www.langlandspool.com.au www.libertineparfumerie.com.au www.mamashome.com.au www.mcphersonplanthire.com.au www.misscocoa.com.au www.partytimeamusements.com.au raywhitestonescorner.com.au www.vividphotography.com.au www.aarondillaway.com.au www.adgce.com www.bakersdelight.com.au www.marriott.com.au 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Aaliya and I Basils Pty Ltd Brisbane Entertainment Centre bsorted Café XS Carindale Hotel Carr Automotive Charlies Fruit Market Clem Jones Centre Clout and Turner Travel Danzart Dreamworld Espial Interiors + Gifts Fluid the Color Salon Green Earth landscaping Pty Ltd Happy Cakes by Kylie Mann Heinz Meats Idyllic Beauty Jephson Hotel & Covet Bar and Restaurant Learn Music McDonalds Coorparoo Morningside Picture Framing Norman Park Central Newsagency Officeworks Woolloongabba Pacific Golf Club Pizza Capers Queensland Festival and Events Shazzle Dazzle Face Painting Stuart Harland -Place Camp Hill Studio Pilates International Tans Taekwondo The Green Papaya Village Roadshow Theme Parks Watermark Plumbing (07) 3511 7602 (07) 3397 9956 (07) 3899 1088 (07) 3899 9255 (07) 3896 2300 (07) 3343 0888 (07) 3395 2111 0414 714 701 0423 15 9991 (07) 3107 2111 (07) 3899 4555 (07) 3311 1991 (07) 3843 5366 13 33 86 0417 620 502 www.learnmusic.biz mcdonalds.com.au www.pro-photography.com.au 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