St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School ABN 66 789 035 993 Royston Parade, Asquith, 2077 Phone: 9477 3800 Fax: 9476 3944 All correspondence to: Post Office Box 3021, Asquith 2077 Website: Email: NEWSLETTER NO 36 — 19 November 2014 We acknowledge the Guringi and Dharug people - the first custodians of this place. KU-RING-GAI CHASE CATHOLIC PARISH Parish Clergy Fr Jinto Pallathukuzhiyil HGN Administrator of Ku-Ring-Gai Chase Parish Fr Thomas Alackakunnel VC Assistant Priest of the Parish Deacon Kevin Hale WEEKEND MASS TIMES St Patrick’s Asquith: Saturday Vigil – 6.00 pm Sunday – 8 am, 10 am, 6 pm St Bernard’s Berowra Heights: Saturday Vigil—5.30 pm Sunday—9 am Peat Island Chapel: Chapel Lane, Mooney Mooney Diary Dates NOVEMBER 1721 Well-Being Week 22 Parish Mass & BBQ and St Patrick’s 6pm 24 Staff Development Day— Pupil free Day 27 Parent Prayer Morning 9am in the School Hall 27 School Disco—K-2 5.00pm, Years 3-6 7pm 28 Kinder 2015 Orientation morning 2 28 Assembly—2.00pm 6 Gold 28 P&F Barefoot Bowls Evening 30 First Sunday of Advent 4 8.15am Band Breakfast (Mufti) Dear Parents and Carers This Sunday we celebrate a special feast of Jesus, the Feast of Christ the King. Jesus was a different kind of king: He was born in a little village, the child of a peasant woman. He learned to be a carpenter, and worked in his father's carpentry business until he was thirty years old. Then he spent three years as an itinerant preacher, telling people about God and God's love. He never wrote any book. He never held any office. He never went to a university. He never had a family or a house of his own. He never travelled more than 200 miles from the place he was born. He never commanded a great army and never won any wars - for he opposed violence. Since then, many centuries have come and gone... All armies ever to have marched, all ships ever to have sailed the seas, all parliaments that ever sat, all kings that ever reigned, ... have not had such a profound influence on the people of this planet as did this carpenter's life. This Saturday evening the school has been given the responsibilities of many ministries at the 6pm Mass. I hope to see you there and I hope you can stay for the BBQ afterwards. Following this, at 8pm, there will be an auction of Father Pat McMaugh’s belongings in the hall. Well-being Week This week is our Well-being week. There is no formal homework and there is no staff meeting this week. I hope that you are able to spend some quality time with your children in the place of usual homework. Staffing 2015 Of the many roles that comes with being Principal, is the complex task of staffing and employing staff. It requires careful planning, and a job that I take very seriously. This year we have had a number of temporary staff, due to permanent teachers being on Maternity Leave, and other forms of Leave as well. These teachers have made great contributions to our community and I am thankful to them for this. However, as some positions here are only temporary, these teachers have been applying for jobs elsewhere. Katelyn Eves (teacher of 4 Gold) will be leaving us as she has a position at St Bernard’s at Berowra. Similarly, Melissa Mackenzie (teacher of 2 Gold) has also acquired a position at St Bernard’s at Berowra. Rebecca Raso (teacher of Year 5 Green) has been successful in acquiring a position at St Kevin’s at Dee Why. As more staffing decisions are made I will keep you informed. © St Patrick’s School, Asquith. Material in the newsletter is not to be reproduced without the permission of the school principal. Science and Technology Next Monday is a Pupil Free Day where the teachers will look at the new Science and Technology syllabus and its implementation in 2015. Thank you for your understanding in this matter as I know Pupil Free Days are sometimes inconvenient for families. P&F AGM Last week we had a well-attended P&F AGM and I thank the parents who were able to attend. I am grateful that a number of parents are able to stay on the committee. However, a number of parents on the P&F Executive are stepping down at the end of this year and I am thankful for their generosity. The retiring members are: Amy Gill and Clare Haymen (Vice-Presidents), Luisa Musumeci (Secretary) Shelley Miller and Simone Tobin (Class parents), Gill McGregor (Diocesan Parent Council), Mandy Fayers and Sheridan Old (Canteen) New members for 2015 include Peter Cleary (Vice President), Karen Price (Secretary), Veronica Hall and Jen Starling (Class Parents coordinators) At this stage we do not have a volunteer to look after the canteen. If you are interested please contact David Massa (President), or myself, about the role. If we do not have someone to take on this role, we will not be able to run a canteen next year. Year 6 Studies of Government Early this morning our Year 6 children accompanied by their teachers left for their trip to Canberra. This excursion fits in well with the children’s study of Government. Please pray that they have a great trip and return safely on Friday afternoon. I am thankful to Steve Russell, the Mayor of Hornsby Shire, who came to school on Monday and spoke with the children about Local Government. End of 2014 School Year As the year draws to a close, please find below a list of dates that you may want to note in your calendar. The last day of school for the children in Wednesday, 17 December. The last day for the staff is Thursday 18 December. If you are taking your children out of school earlier than the 17 December, can you please let the school know? Saturday 22 November – 6pm - Parish/School Mass and Barbecue Monday 24 November – Pupil Free Day Thursday 27 November – 9am - Parent Prayer Friday 28 November – 9am – 2015 Kindergarten Orientation Friday 28 November – 6pm – Barefoot Bowls Thursday 4 December – 6pm – Christmas Concert Thursday 11 December – 9am - Volunteer Thank you Morning Tea Monday 15 December – 7pm Year 6 Liturgy Tuesday 16 December – 9am End of Year Mass and Last Day for Year 6 Students 2015 Commencement Date At the beginning of next year, we will begin the 2015 school year by conducting Mathematical Assessment Interviews (MAI) for the children. The information gained from conducting these interviews is invaluable and allows the class teacher to gain a detailed insight into the student’s mathematical understanding. Having this insight informs the teacher’s teaching so the students are taught at their exact “point of need”. We will have two days of Interviews on the 28 and 29 January for children in Years 1-6. Therefore, all children from Years 1-6 will commence school on Friday 30 January. Children in Kindergarten 2015 will commence with half days to 12 noon the week commencing 2 February 2015, with full days commencing Monday 9 February. They will do the Best Start Programme for 2 hours by appointment on 28, 29 and 30 January. We will send home shortly information about the online booking system so that parents with children in Years 1-6 MAI can book a time on the 28 or 29 January. Leaving Students If your family is planning to leave St Patrick’s at the end of 2014, can you please write to me letting me know of your intention? We always have families interested in coming to St Patrick’s so I need to know if there are any vacancies. Parent Prayer Next Thursday morning, November 27, commencing at 9am, we will again meet for a reflection morning that will be facilitated by Virginia Ryan from the Catholic Schools Office. It is a few hours of time for you to relax and unwind, a morning of reflection and meditation. If you have pre-schoolers, there will be qualified child-minding available. If you are able, I’m sure it will be time that you find worthwhile. Going home today is a separate note regarding this with a return section so will have an idea of numbers. 4 December 2015 On Thursday 4 December, at 6pm, we will have our End of Year Christmas gathering. Each class will be performing an item, which will tell the story of Christmas. It will also be a time to acknowledge staff and families who will be leaving our School Community. If there is a reason that your child will not be there, can you please let me know. There is a note going home today regarding the Barbeque starting at 5pm before we start the concert at 6pm. Bernard Cumming Principal Assistant Principal News STUDENT ABSENCE A reminder to all parents and caregivers that the recording of student attendance and absence is a legal requirement and notifications about student absence is essential. If an absence note comes home about a previous absence could you please fill it in and return it to the classroom teacher as soon as possible so that our records are accurate and up to date. You can send notification by email to or download the absence form on the school newsletter. Thank you for your co-operation. YEAR 6 CANBERRA EXCURSION We headed off early this morning for three days in our nation’s capital. You can follow our trip, comment and see photos as they happen by logging on to: We will be uploading regularly throughout the day and look forward to hearing from family and friends. Just click on the message tab and leave a message and we will relay it to the students. Click on the photo tab to view photos of where we have been, and you can also leave a comment here. This blog is open to all the St Patrick’s community so don’t think that just because you don’t have a child in Year 6 you can’t comment – we welcome all comments! Offexploring is also a free app for your mobile device. CREATIVE WRITER REQUIRED I am looking for a willing community member who has approximately 10 spare minutes a week to take over the changing of the sign out the front of the school. Training will be provided! A distinctive way with words will help! Please contact Mark if you are interested. DIFFERENTIATING USING BLOOM’S TAXONOMY Last week we looked at an overview of Bloom’s taxonomy as a way of developing higher order thinking. This week we will unpack the first two levels. Remembering: recalling information At this level students could be asked to: Recognize list describe Name locate find Label recall cite identify give example sort Understanding: explaining ideas or concepts At this level students could be asked to: Interpret summarise infer Classify compare explain Outline review identify main idea paraphrase estimate define As you can see as we go up the taxonomy the thinking is developed and moves beyond the ‘how, when, where, why and what’. More levels next week along with a review of our Canberra journey. Cheers Mark Fawkner REC News Whole School Family Mass – This Saturday 22 November This Saturday 22 November our whole school community Years K – 6 and their families are invited to attend 6pm Mass to celebrate with the Parish community. All the children will be participating in various ministries during the Mass and we hope you can all come along and celebrate with us and enjoy a sausage sandwich after Mass. St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal – ‘Do Something About It’ We are in our last few days of bringing in items to support the St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal. A big thank you to all those who have been bringing in items our baskets of food, toys and gifts look amazing! We will be presenting our items for the Appeal at our Whole School Family Mass on Saturday 22 November. We ask that all items be sent into school to your child’s class by Friday 21 November to allow hampers to be made up and picked up by St Vincent de Paul. Below are some suggestions for items which you might like to send in to help make up our Christmas Hampers: * Tins of ham * Rice * Christmas cake/puddings * tea/coffee * Christmas treats (pretzels, Christmas candy) * milo/hot chocolate * Tins of fruit * pasta * Tins of vegetables (carrots, peas, corn & potatoes) * Biscuits * Soft drinks/fruit juice * Gravox * Lollies * Chips * Gifts for any age – infant to adult/ male or female (please do not wrap gifts as we need to be able to see what the gift is to distribute the item to where it is most needed) Thank you for your generosity in helping to make this festive season a special time for families in need this Christmas. Parent Prayer Session- Next Thursday 27 November Next Thursday 27 November we will be holding our second Parent Prayer Morning. It will be facilitated by Mrs Virginia Ryan and Father John Frauenfelder. We would like to extend an invitation to all the members of our St Patrick’s Community to join us on this morning. St Patrick’s Christmas Concert – The Christmas Star On Thursday 4 December the children of St Patrick’s will be taking us on the journey of ‘The Christmas Star’. We look forward to seeing all or families on the evening. *******WE NEED YOUR HELP****** We need some assistance with making some simple props for the evening. If we have any talented Mums or Dads out there we would love your help. We would especially love some help from any handy Dads who might be able to build us a simple backdrop for the evening. If you are able to assist please contact Miss Nadine Smith. Thank you Term 4 Dates For Your Diary Week 7 Saturday 22 November – Whole School Parish Mass and BBQ - 6:00pm Week 9 Thursday 4 December Whole School Christmas Celebration - 6:00pm Week 11 Monday 15 December - Year 6 Graduation - 7:00pm Week 11 Tuesday 16 December – Whole School End of Year Mass - 9:00am Well Being Week Reflection Blessed is the child who is believed and challenged. Blessed is the child who can share problems - unafraid. Blessed is the child whose school is a haven of happiness. Blessed is the child to whom life is a book of knowledge. Blessed is the child who is allowed to pursue curiosity into every worthwhile field of information. REC News (Con’t) Blessed is the child who has someone who understands that childhood griefs are real and call for understanding and sympathy. Blessed is the child who is led gently by the hand along the pathway of life by someone who is guide, companion and inspiration. Blessed is the child whose efforts to achieve have found encouragement. Blessed is the child who has learned freedom from selfishness through responsibility and cooperation. Blessed is the school, which sees in the child the hope of the future and dedicates itself to the realisation of that hope. Miss Nadine Smith Religious Education Coordinator Office News 2014 School Fee accounts are now overdue. Please ensure your final payment is received by us by 28 November 2014. All late accounts will be referred to the Catholic Schools Office for collection. If you are experiencing any difficulties please contact Mr Cumming or Mrs Taylor in the Office as a matter of urgency. Honour Awards Congratulations to the following children who received an award for Week 6, Term 4: K Gold Anopa C, Heidi N K Green Mason S, Tatiana D 1 Gold Cassidy S, Lennox L 1 Green Holly S, Harper H 2 Gold Noah M, Chloe R 2 Green Principal Awards Well done and congratulations to the following children who received have Principal Award for Term 4: Rhys H 1 Gold Arielle S 1 Gold Sofia T 1 Gold Sofia S 1 Green Ariella R 1 Green Anna S, Eve S Aaron R 2 Gold 3 Gold Amelia B, Tony R Audrey L 2 Green 3 Green Siobhan W, Marco S Julian G 4 Gold 4 Gold James M, Casey G Shane J 4 Gold 4 Green Dolla J, Sarah G Sam V 4 Gold 5 Gold Yumina P, Pedro R Isabella T 5 Gold Charlie C 6 Gold 5 Green Erin O, James A Mila D 6 Gold 6 Gold Lucy H, Jordan B Chelsea M 6 Gold 6 Green Ambrose H, Ben G Priscilla R 6 Green Band Olivia N—Alto Saxophone 2 Green Aaron M—Alto Saxophone 2 Green Amelia B—Clarinet 3 Gold Nick H 6 Green Ryan J 6 Green Principal Awards (Con’t) Well done and congratulations to the following children who have received their 100 stamp Principal Award for Term 4: Aidan D Kinder Gold Joel F Kinder Green Veronica D Kinder Green Rebecca P 1 Gold Sophia G 1 Green Abbey B 2 Green Rhea D 3 Green Edie T 3 Green Jasmine P 4 Green Jemma D 4 Green Jaydan R 4 Green Sarah W 4 Green Georgie W 6 Green Eliana S 6 Green A huge congratulations to the following children who have received their 150 stamp Principal Award for Term 4: Uniform Shop News We have been busy with next years Kindergarten children, having packed over 35 starter packs. These are ready for collection at the end of the 2nd Orientation Day on Friday 28 November 2014. The Uniform Shop will be business as usual for the remainder of term 4, opening on Tuesday mornings from 8.45 - 9.15. We will also be open at the end of the school holidays, on Wednesday 28 January 2015 from 9.00 AM - 11.00 AM, for all the children who have grown over the Christmas break. This is also a Mathematics Interview Day. We would like to thank you for your support during 2014 and wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Claire, Helen and Debbi Canteen News Sheridan S Kinder Gold Augustine J Kinder Gold Olivia S Kinder Gold Annah F Kinder Gold Volunteers are asked to arrive at around 12.45 pm and report to the School Office to sign the Visitor’s Register and collect the key to the canteen, etc. Sophie R Kinder Gold The Canteen helpers for this week are: Wow our first child for 2014 to receive a 200 stamp Principal Award for Term 4— terrific effort by: Alison D Kinder Gold Fri 21/11 Lana W, Erin B, Rosemary D Mon 24/11 Allyson S, Rachel R Wed 26/11 Trisha R, Michelle M St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School, Asquith STUDENT ABSENTEE NOTE We are required by law to record all absences for children enrolled in our school with an accompanying note. My child _______________________________________ of class _____ was absent from school on the following date/s: _________________________________________________________ Please sign below to indicate that your permission was given for this/these days absent. I, ____________________________________ verify that my child was absent from school with my permission on the dates above. Reason: ________________________________________________________________ Signature: ____________________________________________Date: _____________ NEWS from the Sister Catherine McAuley Library & Contemporary Learning Centre (the “CLiC”) The aim of the challenge is to encourage children to broaden their reading choices by borrowing and reading books from the large selection at St Patrick’s… While many children achieve new awards each week, we like to acknowledge and congratulate our BRONZE, SILVER & GOLD award winners at Monday Assembly and in our newsletter: BRONZE Sarah M, Lauren L DIY WORKSHOPS Thankyou to Kaden & Matthew for their well-liked DIY on Minecraft. DIY WORKSHOPS: TERM 4 Week EVERY MONDAY IN THE CLiC 1:00 – 1:25 Who? Class Workshop Mia & Annabelle G Yr 3 How to make square Scoobies 9 (ON WEDNESDAY due to Pupil Free Day on Monday) Tea, Lily & Emily Yr 5 How to decorate cupcakes 10 Stephanie, Jacinta & Amelia Yr 3 How to make 3D animals 8 Parish News 'When words fail, music speaks.' Give your child the gift of music in a fun, supportive, group environment in the parish Children's Choir. All children entering Year 3 in 2015 will be eligible to join the Choir from the first Friday in February 2015. No qualifications are necessary, just a love of singing. Children's Choir sings at 10am Mass every 2nd and 4th Sunday during school terms and practises every Friday from 4 to 5pm except during school holidays. Enquiries: Patricia Smith 9482 7935 P&F News P&F Presidents Report: 2014 – Year of Major Changes! First and foremost a new principal and I would like to thank Bernard for a fabulous job he has done this year. He has had a huge learning curve as well as stepping into the big shoes that Robert Peers left behind. Bernard entered St Pat’s knowing that there will be a school review and also having to deal with a lot new teachers. This meant he had very little time to settle in. Throw in water shortages and a few other adventures, made for an interesting year. I remember chatting with Bernard at the start of term 2, and he still felt he had only been at the school a couple of weeks. No doubt he will enjoy the Christmas break and a chance to reflect on 2014. Many of us have only known one Principal and have become very comfortable and confident with Robert’s way of doing things. I would also like to thank the parent body for embracing Bernard in such an open and encouraging way to make his job as easy as possible. Personally, I would like to thank Bernard for making my job very easy, by being so reachable and open to both new ideas and existing ways of doing things. To Mark Fawkner who is stepping down from the Assistant Principal role. Thank-you for the time and effort invested into that position. There is so much behind the scenes work the Mark does which makes the school run so seamlessly. Changes have not been limited to staff, but also to school activities including the Kindy Ball and School Musical. The new formats have worked well and embraced by all. Again, I would like to thank the parent body for both questioning and challenging the new formats and yet still participating and accepting the new ideas. On the P&F side the introduction of Men in the Morning has been successful and something that we will continue to do again next year. Old faithful’s such as the Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Grandparent’s Day continue to be expected success and enjoyed by all. Fete 2014 Another wonderfully successful event, both financially and importantly from a community point of view. It was a little warm on the day and yet there was no shortage of smiles and sense of fun. However, nothing like that happens without a lot of time and effort in planning and organising. Again I would like to thank school, particularly the Office ladies, and Bernard and Mark for their time and support for all things fete. Thanks to all the Stall Holders and those who volunteered on the day in whatever capacity. And finally the Fete Committee for the hours they invested in making the day the success that it was. The funds will go towards the redoing of the playground equipment. David Massa Parish News Community News
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