NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2014 18560 1st Ave. NE, Suite #1, Shoreline, WA 98155 206-365-1536 • FAX 206-364-8930 • shorelines ACTIVITIES GUIDE Center Hours: 8:30am-4:30pm Monday-Friday Premises, classrooms and activities are handicapped accessible. . Leaving a legacy gift to the Senior Center See page 22 for more information Giving that Ripples to Future Generations CHECK US OUT ON THE WEB ... DATE: NEW Card # 2015 – SHORELINE – LAKE FOREST PARK SENIOR CENTER REGISTRATION - 2015 Office use only: Receipt # Amt Cash Check # Single ($25) Couple($45) AS OF JULY 1ST REDUCED RATE OF HALF PRICE_ FOR NEW MEMBERS ONLY LAST NAME: _____________________________________FIRST: _________________________MIDDLE INITIAL:______ ADDRESS:______________________________________________________________________ DAYTIME CITY:________________________________ZIP CODE:____________________ PHONE #: ( APT.#_______________ )______________________ CELL PHONE:________________________________EMAIL:____________________________________________________ Are you a current volunteer? Yes______ No______ Interested in volunteering? Yes______ No______ DATE OF BIRTH:_________________MALE:__________FEMALE:________ LOCAL EMERGENCY CONTACT:: . FAMILY/FRIEND: ___________________________________________ DAYTIME EMERGENCY PHONE # (_____)____________________________ CELL PHONE. (_______)_______________________________________ DOCTOR:__________________________________________________DOCTORS # (_____)____________________________ MEDICAL PROBLEMS: PLEASE LIST ALL CLASSES AND ACTIVITIES YOU PARTICIPATE IN ON A REGULAR BASIS : November-December 2014 The Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Senior Center Activities Guide is produced six times per year. The publication is mailed to all current members and community leaders. Table of Contents: Membership Form Table of Contents /Closures 1 Karaoke/Bingo Staff & Volunteers 2 Power of One, Social Work Services Other Services of Interest 3 Volunteer Opportunities, Membership Classes at a Glance Center Services/ Classes 4 18 19 20 21 Special Exercise & Evening classes Legacy Giving 22 Kitchen Corner Catering 23 24 8 Thank you and Chef Janice Rental and Travel Information 25 11 Winter Weather Information/Community 26 12 News Corporate Partnerships 14 2014 Has Been A Good Year! 27 Bargain Corner Special Programs 15 . November Menu December Menu 16 28 29 There’s a Lot going On! 17 Corporate Partnerships 6 Classes Special Interest classes Website: The Senior Center will be closed: November 11, for Veteran’s Day November 27 & 28 for Thanksgiving December 25 & 26 for Christmas 1 Classes at a Glance Staff and Volunteer Leaders Please note special summer class schedules throughout the guide. Meals on Wheels Coordinators: Director: Bob Lohmeyer EXERCISE Heather && Lois Ackerman Program Coordinators: Jon Ann Cruver LIFEHovey SKILLS SUPPORT GROUPS EnhanceFitness MWF 8:30-9:30AM & Judy Parsons Bargain Corner Manager:T Judith Enich 1:00-2:30PM EnhanceFitness MWF FULL 10:00-11:00AM Life’s Transitions Administrative Marilyn Yeider Center Board President: Chow Enhance FitnessSecretary: TTh 1:15-2:15PM Diabetes Group 3rdDavid T 9:45-10:45AM Soft Exercise WF 10:45-11:30AM Parkinson’s GroupPresident: 4th T 11:00-12:00PM Social Worker, Marriage/Family TheraCenter Board Vice Douglas Woods Fall Prevention Ex. WF FULL 11:15-12:15PM pist: Scott Theisen Caregivers 2ndEllen Th Sullivan 12:30-1:30PM Center Board Group Secretary: Tai Chi TF 10:45-11:45AM Footcare: Echo Aumick, CNA Stroke Group 2nd T 11:00-12:00PM Special Parkinson’s Exercise: see&page 9 Center Board Treasurer: Merlita Sansano Clutter Control 1st W 11:00-12:00PM Pole WalkingRN Classes see page 8 Jan Burnell, Member at Large: Gloria Kawabori DANCING Job Connections: Mike Speyer Board Members: Ron Carnell, Jerry CarTap Dancing*** T 9:30-10:20AM CRAFTS Kitchen Manager: Janice Bellotti-Pace riveau, Carol Cunningham, Bev Kay, Connie Line Dance T 1:00-2:30PM Lovgren, Handcrafters 9:30-11:30AM Linda Silliman,MSandra Sweeters Power of One Volunteer Coordinator: Hula Karen Kessinger Th 1:30-2:30PM GAMES Security: James Boushey Mah Jongg** M 9:30-12:30 Chess W 1:00-4:00PM Duplicate Bridge W 12:00-4:00PM . Knitting M 12:00-2:00PM Woodcarving T 1:00-3:00PM Quilting T 12:00-3:00PM Driftwood Sculpture F 12:30-2:30PM Table Tennis MWThF 2:30-4:15PM BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2015 ELECTION Scrabble Club Th 12:30-4:00PM EVENING CLASS Pinochle Current Th of the Senior 12:30-3:30PM members Center Hawaiian will find Hula a ballot M for the election 6:00-7:00PM EDUCATION/LANGUAGES of the 2015 Board of Directors insertedCAN in this Activities DO Low Impact Guide. ExerciseBallots Class Computers & Digital Cameras M or W need to be filled out and returned to the Center by December 3rd. T & Th 5:30-6:30PM There is provision for dual2:00-4:00PM membership households to vote on the same Asian Senior Concerns Foundation Spanish M on the 10:00-11:30AM ballot. Conversation You will find ballot: Intermed./Adv. Spanish T 10:00-11:30AM What’s Up/ New 10:30-11:30AM David Chow French Gloria Kawabori 3rd T SIGN UP for Exercise term. Class tickets, most All current board members seeking a second Th 10:00-11:30AM Let’s Discuss It! T Current Events Th Write from Life Line Dance class offered to Chinese speaking BevSeniors Kay onSandra Monday,Sweeters see page 5. classes, and events at the Senior Center’s 10:00-11:30AM Mieko Shimuka Charlotte Front Desk. Haines 1:00-2:30PM further information call the Center at 12:30-2:30PM BothF seeking a term as a For new board member. 206-365-1536 or see us on-line at Cell Phone: Special Class see page 6 Members of the Board of Directors serve a term of three years and may serve two consecutive terms and then must rotate off for one year beARTS E-mail: fore seeking another term. The Board meets on the second Wednesday Acrylic Painting Th 9:30-11:30AM **Mah Jongg meets at Third Place Commons of each month, except for10:00-11:30AM July. All regular meetings are open to the Senior Singers Th in Lake Forest Park, 17171 Bothell Way NE. general membership and the public. *** Tap Dancing meets in Spartan Gym. Purchase ticket at the Senior Center. 2 2 Classes at a Glance More information is in this Activities Guide. EXERCISE LIFE SKILLS & SUPPORT GROUPS EnhanceFitness MWF 8:30-9:30AM EnhanceFitness MWF FULL 10:00-11:00AM Life’s Transitions 1:15-2:15PM Diabetes Group 3rd T 9:45-10:45AM 10:45-11:30AM Parkinson’s Group 4th T 11:00-12:00PM Enhance Fitness TTh Soft Exercise WF Fall Prevention Ex. WF Zumba Gold TTh FULL 11:15-12:15PM T 1:00-2:30PM Caregivers Group 2nd Th 12:30-1:30PM Stroke Group 2nd T 11:00-12:00PM Specialized Exercise Classes see page 12 Clutter Control 1st W 11:00-12:00PM DANCING Living Well with Chronic Conditions see page 13 Tai Chi Line Dance Hula TF 9:00-10:00AM 10:45-11:45AM M 1:30-3:30PM Th 1:30-2:30PM CRAFTS GAMES Mah Jongg** M 9:30-12:30 Duplicate Bridge W 12:00-4:00PM Table Tennis MWThF 2:30-4:15PM Scrabble Club Th 12:30-4:00PM Pinochle Th 12:30-3:30PM . Handcrafters M 9:30-11:30AM Knitting M 12:00-2:00PM Woodcarving T 1:00-3:00PM Quilting T 12:00-3:00PM Driftwood Sculpture F 12:30-2:30PM M 6:00-7:00PM EDUCATION/LANGUAGES Computers & Digital Cameras M or W EVENING CLASS 2:00-4:00PM Spanish Conversation M 10:00-11:30AM Intermed./Adv. Spanish T 10:00-11:30AM What’s Up/ New 10:30-11:30AM French 3rd T Hawaiian Hula Th 10:00-11:30AM Let’s Discuss It! T 10:00-11:30AM Current Events Th Write from Life F CAN DO Low Impact Exercise Class T & Th 5:30-6:30PM SIGN UP for Exercise Class tickets, most classes, and events at the Senior Center’s Front Desk. 1:00-2:30PM For further information call the Center at 206-365-1536 or see us on-line at 12:30-2:30PM Cell Phone; IPad/Tablet Special Class see page 11. PAINTING & SINGING E-mail: Acrylic Painting Th 9:30-11:30AM Senior Singers Th 10:00-11:30AM **Mah Jongg meets at Third Place Commons in Lake Forest Park, 17171 Bothell Way NE. Revised 9/14 3 Center Services Services Center Our Senior Center does not endorse products or service providers. Our aim is to protect the elderly from Our Senior Center does not endorse products or service providers. Our aim is to protect the elderly from undue coercion. The Center is not a market place. We neither approve nor condone solicitation of undue coercion. The Center is not a market place. We neither approve nor condone solicitation of business within our facilities. Programs are offered for members’ enjoyment, entertainment and business within our facilities. Programs are offered for members’ enjoyment, entertainment and education. Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Senior Center does not discriminate against clients, applicants or education. Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Senior Center does not discriminate against clients, applicants or employees on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex, age, national origin, marital status, handicap, employees on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex, age, national origin, marital status, handicap, political ideology or sexual orientation. Please report any violation to the Center Director. political ideology or sexual orientation. Please report any violation to the Center Director. Deb Fredrickson, Dental Hygienist Deb Fredrickson, Dental Hygienist comes the third Thursday comes the third Thursday of the month. of the month. Alternative Medicine Clinic from Bastyr Alternative Medicine Clinic from Bastyr College of Natural Medicine: Appointments College of Natural Medicine: Appointments available every Monday, 8:30a.m.-3:00pm. available every Monday, 8:30a.m.-3:00pm. You can get a Naturopathic Medicine appointYou can get a Naturopathic Medicine appointment with Bastyr University held at the senior ment with Bastyr University held at the senior center. Assessments will be made by final year center. Assessments will be made by final year clinical students supervised by a licensed Natuclinical students supervised by a licensed Naturopathic Doctor (ND). Fee: $15 for the center ropathic Doctor (ND). Fee: $15 for the center to cover costs. For appointments call the Front to cover costs. For appointments call the Front Desk: 206-365-1536. Desk: 206-365-1536. Blood Pressure/Blood Sugar Service offered Blood Pressure/Blood Sugar Service offered every Monday, 9:00am-3:30pm by Bastyr every Monday, 9:00am-3:30pm by Bastyr Medical Students in the Craft Room. No fee, Medical Students in the Craft Room. No fee, drop-in. drop-in. Community Dining (Lunch Program): Sign Community Dining (Lunch Program): Sign in each day at the Front Desk. Hot lunches in each day at the Front Desk. Hot lunches served Monday through Friday, starting at served Monday through Friday, starting at 11:45AM Cost: $3.00 suggested donation if 11:45AM Cost: $3.00 suggested donation if 60+. Cost of the meal is $6.00 for all others. 60+. Cost of the meal is $6.00 for all others. Dental Care: The center offers dental hygiene Dental Care: The center offers dental hygiene services through All Smiles Dental Hygiene services through All Smiles Dental Hygiene Services. This is a fee based service with apServices. This is a fee based service with appointments open on the 3rd Thursday, every pointments open on the 3rd Thursday, every month. No medical coupons or sliding scale as month. No medical coupons or sliding scale as rates are lower than most dentists. Appointrates are lower than most dentists. Appointments will be arranged through the hygienist. ments will be arranged through the hygienist. Please come to the Center’s Front Desk, or Please come to the Center’s Front Desk, or call 206-365-1536 to give your name and call 206-365-1536 to give your name and phone number so she can contact you. phone number so she can contact you. Foot Care: Receive care Wednesdays, ThursFoot Care: Receive care Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays from a CNA, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 days & Fridays from a CNA, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. $20 for members & $25 for nonmemp.m. $20 for members & $25 for nonmembers. Adult Family Home fee is $18.00. Cancelbers. Adult Family Home fee is $18.00. Cancellations must be made at least one full day in lations must be made at least one full day in advance. Call for appointments, 206-365advance. Call for appointments, 206-365. 1536. Pay at the Front Desk. Please bring a 1536. Pay at the Front Desk. Please bring a clean towel with you to your appointment clean towel with you to your appointment Haircuts: 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in the Haircuts: 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in the Craft Room. Join the many satisfied customers Craft Room. Join the many satisfied customers of Teresa Vannoy-Draper. Make appointments of Teresa Vannoy-Draper. Make appointments at Front Desk or call 206-365-1536. $12.00 for at Front Desk or call 206-365-1536. $12.00 for members, $14 for nonmembers. members, $14 for nonmembers. Job Connections: If you’re looking for someJob Connections: If you’re looking for someone to do household repairs / work, or maybe one to do household repairs / work, or maybe you’re looking for a part-time job, contact our you’re looking for a part-time job, contact our Volunteer: Mike Speyer by leaving a message Volunteer: Mike Speyer by leaving a message at 206-365-1536. He will return your call. at 206-365-1536. He will return your call. Legal Consultation: Attorney Karl Flaccus or Legal Consultation: Attorney Karl Flaccus or an associate come on the 2nd Tuesday of each an associate come on the 2nd Tuesday of each month for free consultations, 8:30 - 10:30 am. month for free consultations, 8:30 - 10:30 am. Call the Front Desk Volunteers to schedule. Call the Front Desk Volunteers to schedule. Members served first. Members served first. Massage Therapy: Every Tuesday, (not a 5th Massage Therapy: Every Tuesday, (not a 5th Tuesday), 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., 15-minute Tuesday), 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., 15-minute chair massage: $12 for members; $14 for nonchair massage: $12 for members; $14 for nonmembers, provided by Sandi Nyitray, LMT. Apmembers, provided by Sandi Nyitray, LMT. Appointments at the Front Desk or call 206-365pointments at the Front Desk or call 206-3651536. 1536. 4 4 CLASSES Meals on Wheels: Anyone who is homebound due to illness or disability or has difficulty shopping or cooking, may apply for Meals on Wheels. To obtain an application, call Senior Services, 206-448-5767 or online: We also offer nutritional supplements such as Ensure at a discounted price. MOW volunteers are at the Senior Center on Tuesday and Thursday Mornings; orders are taken on Tuesday morning 9:00 a.m. - noon, for a Thursday morning delivery. Please make payments for classes at the Front Desk. All classes, activities and events arranged at this Senior Center are for the convenience and pleasure of the participants who desire to attend. The Senior Center does not assume any responsibility for the well being or safety of the participants or their property in any matters pertaining to said activities and events. Members and their guests participate at their own risk and should not expect or hold the Senior Center responsible in any way. The Senior Center offers a variety of classes, but does not endorse any speakers. Medical Equipment: Are you in temporary need of a walker, bath bench or commode? The Center has some items available for loan. See Front Desk, or call 206-365-1536. SHIBA: 3rd Friday of each month, 10:00AM to noon. A trained volunteer will be available to assist consumers (age 18 and up) with information on public and private health insurance options (including Medicare) available to them within the State of Washington. Call 206-3651536 at the Senior Center to make an appointment. Volunteer Transportation: Senior Services provides rides to medical appointments for people who have no other way (such as Metro, family, friends) to get there. For more information or to schedule a ride call 206-448-5740, Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Call by Wednesday of the week before your appointment. EXERCISE . SOFT EXERCISE: Wed & Fri, 10:45AM to 11:30AM Instructor: Lisa Stuebing. This chair exercise class is designed for people with limited mobility. Emphasis is on maintaining muscle tone and increasing range of motion. Light weights and resistance equipment are used. Fee: $3.00 per class for center members, $3.50 for nonmembers. Pay at the Front Desk. You may purchase a Soft Exercise ticket for up to 15 sessions, good for 90 days. ENHANCEFITNESS: Mon., Wed. & Fri.: SESSION 1: 8:30AM-9:30AM, in the Spartan Gym, SESSION 2: 10:00-11:00AM Dining Room. 10AM class currently FULL. Instructors: Toshiko Aramaki and Ce Boehm. For people wishing to improve physical conditioning and decrease risk of injuries. No charge for Eligible Van Shuttle Service to the Center: For sen- Group Health Members (those who have Medicare Parts A & B and are “locked in”), $3.00 iors who live in NE Seattle, Shoreline or Lake Forest Park. From your front door to our front per class for Center members, $3.50 nonmembers of the Center. Pay at the Front Desk. Purdoor, we can get you to the Senior Center for chase an EnhanceFitness ticket for up to 15 lunch and activities. The Senior Shuttle opersessions, good for 90 days. MUST talk with ates Mondays through Fridays, 9:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. All rides are free. Call 206-727-6262 the instructors before participating in any classes! to schedule a ride. Veteran Services: If you have questions regarding Veteran Benefits or services, please contact Joel Estey for an appointment or to answer questions; call him at 206-612-2816. See Page 8 for more Exercise Classes 5 . 6 . 7 Please note: will be the MORE focus of the class. Session 4: CLASSES DANCING. Explore apps: get a book, play a game, do Computers are availablelevel for use ENHANCE FITNESS: Tues & Thurs., 1:15PM- LINE DANCE Intermediate Lineby center your banking and much more! Fee: for all participants when not in use for instruction 2:15PM, in the Spartan Gym. Instructor, four classes: $40, members/ $43 for non-Dance class. Chinese/English speakers welSherry Herdrick. For people wishing to improve come. or the room Class: is in use for a class. Check Monday 1:30pm - 3:30pm members. A single class is $10 for memphysical conditioning and decrease risk of injuwith will the begin Front Desk for an3. available time. Classes November bers/$13 for non-members. ries. No charge for Eligible Group Health MemGAMES & CARDS p.m., in HULA: Thursdays, 1:30 p.m.-2:30 bers (those who have Medicare Parts A & B Pre-register at the Front Desk or call 206and are “locked in”), $3.00 per class for Center the WEDNESDAY Dining Room. DUPLICATE Instructor: Kathy BRIDGE: 365-1536 to nonmembers register andofpay a credit members, $3.50 thewith Center. DeAguiar. Early Bridge practice at 1:00 for those Wednesdays, Room, 12:00-4:00 PM for Paycard. at the Front Desk. Purchase an Enhanceplay time. BridgeFee: is a partnership. If wishing extra Duplicate practice time. $1.00 Fitness ticket for up to 15 sessions, good for you don’t havenon-members. a partner call Harley Hamilton members, $2.00 COMPUTER & CAMERA INSTRUCTION 90 days. MUST talk with the instructors at 206-763-2711. Fee: $1.50 for members. Individual instruction with computer/point $2.50 non-members. before participating in any classes! and shoot camera skills can be provided by CRAFTS TAI CHI/Qi Gong: Tuesdays, 10:45 a.m. TABLE TENNIS: Mon., Wed., Thurs. & Fri., appointment with our computer instructor, 11:45 a.m. and Fridays, 10:45 a.m. - 11:45 2:30 -4:15 PM. Exercise Fee: $1.00 per HANDCRAFTERS: Mondays, Room. 9:30 AM - 11:30 Dick Harrison. a.m., Spartan Recreation Center. Instructor: No play AM, session, Exercisenon-members, Room. A group$2.00. that meets eachon Mary Stokes. Helps breathing, balance, Thursday, Oct. 30 or Friday, Oct. 31. Instruction is available for any of stress the fol- week to help produce items for our Holiday Barelief. Fees:areas: $3.50 per single class for Center zaar held each November. lowing SCRABBLE CLUB: Thursdays, 12:30 up to members, $4.50 for nonmembers. . Computer Basics, 4:00 PM Game Room. PlayNoon-2:00PM, time, Fee: $1.00, BASIC KNITTING: Mondays, GOLD: Intermediate including ZUMBA TuesdaysComputer, and Thursdays, 9non-members, $2.00. No play Thursday, Exercise Room. Instructor: Donna Ault. DonnaOct in $3.00 Microsoft Word or Ex10, in the instruction Dining Room. for memcan 30 fix almost any mess and can teach you albers/$3.50cel, for non-members. Wendy Haber, most anything you need to know about knitPINOCHLE: Thursdays, 12:30-3:30 PM Bridge Certified Class will not meet ting! Fee: $1.00 members, non-members, Zumba Digitalinstructor. Camera Basics (for point-and Room. Join in on the fun! Fee: $1.00 per seson the 3rdshoot Thursday of eachnot month. cameras, SLR’s), . $2.00. sion, non-members, $2.00. No play Thursday, Working with digital picture files, A MATTER OF BALANCE: exercises and inforOct 30 WOODCARVING: Tuesdays, 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 with abalance. cameraFunding or cell phone, mation ontaken maintaining by the PM., Exercise Room. Taught by experienced Fire Email which includes sending attachShoreline Department. Next class: Look teacher, Jerry Clapp. Jerry will furnish material ments, for the 2015 schedule next issue. LIFE SKILLS SUPPORT GROUPS for beginners projects. & Experienced carvers Facebook, Skype bring their own projects. Tuesdays, Tools will be FALL PREVENTION EXERCISES: Wed. & Fri. can LIFE’S TRANSITIONS: 1:00 available for purchase. Fee:A$5 per class for life’s Exercise Room, 11:15AM to 12:15PM.Class 2:30 PM/ Game Room. place to discuss You may use one of our computers or bring members, $7 for nonmembers. There is an adcurrently FULL. Instructor Toshiko your own laptop. The Senior Center has events, changes and items of interest. Open ditional feeFacilitator: for projectCarolyn supplies. to all! Kruse, MSW. DonaAramaki, will be teaching with two computers with exercises Windows 7. a tion: $1.00. concentration on building and maintaining QUILTING: Tuesdays, noon - 3:00 PM, Craft Make an appointment for instruction at balance. Fee:Desk $3.00 memRoom. We welcome all level quilters!Open You are DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP: group, the Front orper by class callingfor the senior cenwelcome to join us and work on your own probers; $3.50 for non-members. You may third Tuesdays, 9:45-10:45 AM. Conference ter at 206-365-1536. ject.Room. Remember to buyScott tickets for theMSW. Holiday purchase a Fall Prevention ticket for Facilitator: Theisen, DonaAppointments can be Exercise made for Mondays or Bazaar quilt during the bazaar! up to 15 sessions, good for 90 days tion: $1.00. Wednesday, in one hour time slots between the hours of 2:00-4:00PM DRIFTWOOD SCULPTURE: Fridays, 12:30-Scott HARD OF HEARING GROUP: Contact Instructor: Elizabeth Lamphere. Fee: $20 for Senior Center Members/ $232:30PM. Theisen, MSW, about this group. for non-members (one hour minimum) Learn to transform rough wood into a beautiful PARKINSON’S GROUP: Openbasic group, fourth sculpture. The instructor will have tools Tuesday of each month, 11:00 AM. noon. Cancellations: Please notify the center 48available for $15. Fee: $6.25 for members, Exercise Room. Facilitator: Scott Theisen, $8.25 for non-members. hours in advance if you must cancel an apMSW. Donation: $1.00 See page 9 for informapointment. Refunds may or may not be tion on special exercise classes. given. Classes begin on September 15. 8 8 EDUCATION & LANGUAGES SPANISH CONVERSATION FOR ADVANCED BEGINNERS: Mondays, 10:0011:30AM. Game Room; fee: $1.00 members; $2.00 non-members COMPUTER & CAMERA INSTRUCTION Individual instruction with computer/point and shoot camera skills can be provided by appointment with our computer instructor, Dick Harrison. Instruction is available for any of the following areas: Computer Basics, Intermediate Computer, including instruction in Microsoft Word or Excel Digital Camera Basics (for point-and shoot cameras, not SLR’s), WHAT’S UP..WHAT’S NEW : Meets the third Working with digital picture files, Tuesday of each month, 10:30 AM to 1130AM. taken with a camera or cell phone, Enjoy guest speakers. Open to all Center par Email which includes sending attachticipants. See page 10 for more information. ments, Facebook, Skype INTERMEDIATE/ADVANCED SPANISH: Tuesday, 10:00-11:30AM, Craft Room. Instructor: Arantza Shuey, a native speaker. A class for those with some Spanish language skills. Fee: $16 for members, $20 for non members per month session. INTERMEDIATE FRENCH: Thursdays, 10:00 - 11:30AM Conference Room. Instructor: Jill Capozzoli. Intermediate level or above. Apprenez le français en s’amusant! Fee: $19 for members, $23 for non members per month. PLEASE NOTE: admission to the class is at the discretion of the instructor. Also, guest observers will need to meet with the instructor privately for an evaluation before they are admitted to the class. LET’S DISCUSS IT! Tuesdays 10:00 11:30AM., Game Room. Almost anything and everything is discussed. New members welcome! Fee: $1.00 members; $2.00 nonmembers. CURRENT EVENTS: Thursdays, 1:00 - 2:30 PM, Exercise Room. Facilitators: Dee Pinkerton & Harry Spizman. Fee: $1.00 for members, $2.00 non-members. WRITE FROM LIFE: The Story of YOU Fridays, 12:30-2:30PM, Instructor: Judith Martin Continue writing your life stories in this ongoing memoir-writing workshop. Emphasis on character development, emotion, dialogue, the senses, and time and place. Per month fee:$25 for members, $28 for non-members; $5 materials fee. Per instructor’s: one-week pre-registration before the class required. You may use one of our computers or bring your own laptop. The Senior Center has two computers with Windows 7. Make an appointment for instruction at . the Front Desk or by calling the senior center at 206-365-1536. Appointments can be made for Mondays or Wednesday, in one hour time slots between the hours of 2:00-4:00PM Fee: $20 for Senior Center Members/ $23 for non-members (one hour minimum) Cancellations: Please notify the center 48 hours in advance if you must cancel an appointment. Refunds may or may not be given. Please note: Computers are available for use by center participants when not in use for instruction or the room is in use for a class. Check with the Front Desk for an available time. 9 GAMES GAMES & CARDS & CARDS CAREGIVER’S CAREGIVER’S SUPPORT SUPPORT GROUP: GROUP: Open Open group, second second Thursday Thursday of each of each month, month, DUPLICATE DUPLICATE BRIDGE: BRIDGE: Wednesdays, Wednesdays, Bridge Bridgegroup, 12:30 12:30 -1:30 -1:30 p.m., p.m., Conference Conference Room. Room. Fa-FaRoom, Room, 12:00-4:00 12:00-4:00 PM PM for play for play time. time. Duplicate Duplicate cilitator: Randi Randi Warner. Warner. ThisThis group group is selfis selfBridge Bridge is aispartnership. a partnership. If you If you don’t don’t have have a a cilitator: directed directed andand supportive. supportive. TheThe present present memmempartner partner call call Harley Harley Hamilton Hamilton at 206-763-2711. at 206-763-2711. bers bers welcome welcome newnew participants. participants. Donation: Donation: Fee:Fee: $1.50 $1.50 for members. for members. $2.50 $2.50 non-members. non-members. $1.00. TABLE TABLE TENNIS: TENNIS: Mon., Mon., Wed., Wed., Thurs. Thurs. & Fri., & Fri., $1.00. 2:30 2:30 -4:15 -4:15 PM.PM. Exercise Exercise Room. Room. Fee:Fee: $1.00 $1.00 per per CLUTTER CLUTTER CONTROL: CONTROL: 1st 1st Wednesday Wednesday of of session, session, non-members, non-members, $2.00. $2.00. each each month, month, 11:00AM 11:00AM to noon to noon in the in the Game Game Room. FindFind ways ways to get to get rid rid of clutter, of clutter, howhow SCRABBLE SCRABBLE CLUB: CLUB: Thursdays, Thursdays, 12:30 12:30 up to up to Room. 4:00 4:00 PM PM Game Game Room. Room. PlayPlay time, time, Fee:Fee: $1.00, $1.00, to deal to deal with with it. Develop it. Develop a plan a plan to help to help youyou non-members, non-members, $2.00. $2.00. de-clutter. de-clutter. Fee: Fee: $1.00 $1.00 for for members; members; $2.00 $2.00 for for non-members. non-members. PINOCHLE: PINOCHLE: Thursdays, Thursdays, 12:30-3:30 12:30-3:30 PM PM Bridge Bridge Room. Room. JoinJoin in on in the on the fun!fun! Fee:Fee: $1.00 $1.00 per per ses-sesPAINTING PAINTING & SINGING & SINGING sion, sion, non-members, non-members, $2.00. $2.00. ACRYLIC ACRYLIC PAINTING: PAINTING: Thursdays, Thursdays, 9:30 9:30 a.m. a.m. - 11:30 - 11:30 a.m., a.m., Exercise Exercise Room. Room. JoinJoin us us each each week. week. Bring Bring your your acrylics, acrylics, pastels, pastels, al- alLIFE LIFE SKILLS SKILLS & SUPPORT & SUPPORT GROUPS GROUPS most anyany art art medium medium (No(No oils,oils, please.). please.). LIFE’S LIFE’S TRANSITIONS: TRANSITIONS: Tuesdays, Tuesdays, 1:00 1:00 - - most WeWe help help each each other other in class in class andand do our do our 2:30 2:30 PM/PM/ Game Game Room. Room. A place A place to discuss to discuss life’s life’s thing. thing. Fee: Fee: $2.00 $2.00 member, member, $2.50 $2.50 nonnon events, events, changes changes andand items items of interest. of interest. Open Open ownown members. members. to all! to all! Facilitator: Facilitator: Carolyn Carolyn Kruse, Kruse, MSW. MSW. DonaDonation: tion: $1.00. $1.00. SENIOR SENIOR SINGERS: SINGERS: Thursdays, Thursdays, 10:00 10:00 DIABETES DIABETES SUPPORT SUPPORT GROUP: GROUP: Open Open group, group, a.m. a.m. - 11:30 - 11:30 a.m., a.m., Bridge Bridge Room. Room. Fee: Fee: third third Tuesdays, Tuesdays, 9:45-10:45 9:45-10:45 AM.AM. Conference Conference $1.00 $1.00 members, members, $2.00 $2.00 non-members. non-members. . Room. Room. Facilitator: Facilitator: Scott Scott Theisen, Theisen, MSW. MSW. DonaDonation: tion: $1.00. $1.00. HARD HARD OF OF HEARING HEARING GROUP: GROUP: Contact Contact Scott Scott Theisen, Theisen, MSW, MSW, about about thisthis group. group. PARKINSON’S PARKINSON’S GROUP: GROUP: Open Open group, group, fourth fourth Tuesday Tuesday of each of each month, month, 11:00 11:00 AM.AM. - noon. - noon. Exercise Exercise Room. Room. Facilitator: Facilitator: Scott Scott Theisen, Theisen, MSW. MSW. Donation: Donation: $1.00 $1.00 SeeSee page page 9 for 9 informafor informationtion on special on special exercise exercise classes. classes. STROKE STROKE GROUP: GROUP: Second Second Tuesdays, Tuesdays, group group discussion. discussion. 11:00AM 11:00AM to 12:00PM. to 12:00PM. Conference Conference Room Room Scott Scott Theisen, Theisen, MSW, MSW, is is facilitator. facilitator. Donation Donation $1.00 $1.00 10 10 SPECIAL INTEREST CLASSES POLE WALKING A very popular class! New sessions are opening up. And, yes, the class will be held rain, shine or HOW TO USE YOUR CELL PHONE (SMART Phone) Thursdays, November 6, 20 , December 4; 10:00AM to 11:30AM We have five dates for you to 13, in the Game Room. What is covered: seschoose from; all classes limited sion 1. Turn it on and off, voice calls, face to face, tell your phone to dial, hands free! to 6 participants. Session 2: Take a picture, edit it, do a Tuesday, November 4: one session at video, make a slide show with music, get 1:00pm; prints from Bartell’s. Session 3: Maps and travel apps will be the focus of the class. One session at 2:30pm Session 4: Explore apps: get a book, play Monday, November 10: 2:30pm a game, do your banking and much more! Thursday, November 13: one session at Fee: for all four classes: $40, members/ $43 for non-members. A single class is $10 1:00pm for members/$13 for non-members. . One session at 2:30pm Pre-register at the Front Desk or call 206Pole Walking, developed as a summer training program for Nordic Cross Country 365-1536 to register and pay with a credit card. skiers is now a popular walking activity. gray skies! Walkers will lessen strain on hips and knees while getting some aerobic activity for better over all health. “All I need is time to figure this thing out!” Instructor: Lisa Stuebing Fee: $7.00 for members/$10 for nonmembers. Dress for the weather. Class maximum: 6. Pree-registration at the Senior Center Front Desk or by phone with a credit card (no debit cards, please.): 206365-1536. Learn to Walk Strong! 11 HOW TO USE YOUR IPAD, SPECIAL EXERCISE CLASSES TABLETS & SURFACES You Might Have Parkinson’s But It Doesn’t Have You! Tuesdays, November 4, 18, 25, December 2; 10:00-11:30am, The Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Senior Center is offering practical solutions for people with Parkinson’s disease and their care partners. Classes will focus on moving with less effort, balance and mobility, and also fall prevention. Class sizes are limited: minimum of five, maximum of 10. Bring your IPad, Tablet, Surfaces or laptop and learn how to use it; going from beginner to geek! Learn to live video chat with your grandchildren and search the web , plan a trip and more. Instructor: Linda Roddis Member fee: $40 and non-member $43 for all four classes or single class at $10 for members /$13 for nonmembers. The classes are taught by Lisa Stuebling, a certified older adult fitness instructor who specializes in brain health. All workshops include talk and movement. Come dressed in exercise clothing and be prepared to take notes. Care Partners are welcome and have complimentary registration. Pre-register at the Front Desk or call 206-365-1536 to register by phone, credit cards only please, no debit cards. . Exercise and Dopamine: Mondays: November 3, 10, 17, 24; 1:00-2:00PM NEW CLASS FOR EVERYONE: Brain Health and Wellness December 1, 8, 15 & January 12 Take your stroke recovery to the next level. Learn the latest science concerning exercise and Multiple Sclerosis. Learn to exercise to manage symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease. Discussion and exercise group will be lead by Lisa Stuebing, CPT. She is a member of the International Parkinson’s and Movement Disorder Society. Fee: $5 for members; $6 for nonmembers. Pre-register at the Front Desk or call 206-365-1536 12 Apply the latest science to ensure that your exercise routine is effective. Learn to maximize dopamine production. Discuss protecting and generating new neurons. Fee: $30 for members/$35 for non-members COMING IN NOVEMBER EVENING CLASSES HAWAIIAN HULA: Mondays, 6:007:00PM. People of all ages will benefit from this class that will broaden cultural horizons, help with grace, coordination flexibility and stamina. Living Well with Chronic Conditions This Six Session Workshop will be held: Wednesday, November 5December 10 12:30-3:00PM Fee: $8.00 for center members; $10 for non-members. Instructor: Kathy DeAguiar There is no fee for this 2 1/2 hour workshop. It is lead by trained volunteers with health conditions themselves. Find better ways to deal with pain. Discover ways to improve or maintain strength and energy. Improve nutrition Understand new treatment choices. Feel better about life. . CAN DO: Low Impact Exercise Class: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5:30-6:30PM Learn a variety of exercises to increase muscular strength, range of motion, boost your energy level, burn calories, reduce stress. All while the instructor adapts to your individual need. Cancer survivors and those with lymphedema are encouraged to come. Pre-register at the Front Desk or call us at 206-365-1536. First timers please come 10 minutes early to fill out forms. $6.00 for senior center members; $7.00 for non-members. Instructor: Toshiko Aramaki 13 . 14 Come in, Look for The Monthly Specials You will always find a deal! We're open Monday – Friday 9:30am – 3:30pm. Come meet Judith Enich, a retired teacher of 25 years, our volunteer store manager. She is in on Mondays and Fridays. Over the past 7 years she, along with the help of a couple dozen volunteers, has been very successful in helping raise funds to keep our senior center alive. Bargain Corner is run entirely by volunteers. Bargain Corner Store Manager, Judith Enich and Friend! New Volunteers are always welcome . Donations: We are happy to accept donations during our regular hours. We love gently used, clean items. Large furniture, exercise equipment, and large appliances can't be accepted; we simply don't have the room. You can also find us at bargaincorner on where we have collectibles, vintage, high-end items, and much more. Bargain Corner Bargain Corner * * * * * * November Special December Special 50% off a Single Item of Your Choice! 50% off a Single Item of Your Choice! One Coupon Per Day, Per Person. One Coupon Per Day, Per Person. Offer Ends 11/28/14. Offer Ends 12/31/14. All sales are final. All sales are final. All proceeds benefit the All proceeds benefit the Senior Center Senior Center 15 Special Programs & Events DECEMBER PROGRAMS NOVEMBER PROGRAMS Friday, Oct. 31 and Saturday, Nov. 1: The Holiday Bazaar, hours 10am to 4pm both days. Get an early start on your holiday shopping with over 20 craft vendors, our Silent Auction, maybe find a treasure at the Rummage Sale, buy goodies at the Bake Sale; have lunch with a friend. Friday, December 12: KARAOKE/ BINGO NIGHT! Doors open at 6:00 PM, for ages 21 and up. Reservations on-line until Wednesday December 10; walk-ins welcome on a space available basis after that. Tuesday, December 16: WHAT’S UP,WHAT’S NEW 10:30—11:30AM. : Recycling 2.0 – the latest on how to save Friday, November 14: KARAOKE/ money and the environment through recyBINGO NIGHT! Doors open at 6:00 PM, cling. Recology CleanScapes will make a for ages 21 and up. Reservations on-line presentation on the latest on what items until Wednesday, September 10th; walkcan be recycled; how to recycle items that ins welcome on a space available basis af- can’t be thrown in the bin, and how you can save money on your garbage ter that. bill. We’ll also bring recycled items from Tuesday, November 18: WHAT’S our retail store for a drawing. Fee: $1.00 UP,WHAT’S NEW 10:30—11:30AM . for members $2.00 non-members. Learning from John: Recovering from Stroke" "Learning from John" is a deeply Thursday, December 18: Happy Birthhuman story about regaining movement in day Member Lunch, free lunch to current a seemingly paralyzed leg after a stroke. members celebrating a birthday this It's a story of stubbornness, determination, month. Birthday celebrants and guests set-backs and accomplishments. We will plan to arrive at least by 11:00AM to pick dance! Coach Lisa Stuebing is activist for up your meal ticket! On a First- Comeolder adult access for affordable fitness First-Serve basis; no reservations. and wellness. Fee: $1.00 for members $2.00 non-members. Friday, December 19 Red Hat Society, 11:30 AM-1:30PM in the Craft Room. CoThursday November 20: Happy Birth- Queen Mums are Shirley Lee and Gwen day Member Lunch, free lunch to curElken. This group knows how to have fun! rent members celebrating a birthday this month. Birthday celebrants and guests Monday, December 22: Lunchtime plan to arrive at least by 11:00AM to pick Holiday Music, 11:45-12:30. Enjoy the up your meal ticket! On a First- Comemusic from the studios of Judi Cook and First-Serve basis; no reservations. her colleague. The young piano students Friday, November 21: Red Hat Society, will play a variety of holiday songs. 11:30AM-1:30 PM, in the Craft Room. CoQueen Mums are Shirley Lee & Gwen Elken 16 There’s a Lot Going On! MEMBERSHIP TIME FOR 2015! It is time to renew memberships to the Senior Center for the upcoming 2015 year. New members are welcome to join as well. Membership fees are the same as last year: $25 for an individual and $45 for a couple. Membership entitles you to discounts on class fees and activities, a free birthday lunch, and you will receive the Activities Guide 6 times during the year. The membership covers January to December 2015. A Special Note from our foot care provider, Echo Aumick: she asks that all members who participate in the footcare program please renew their membership before their first appointment in the new year. . If you need some special help, call 2-1-1 Give this number a call if you need: help paying rent and/or affording a rental deposit; help paying utility bills; how to access SNAP (food stamps); the location of a local food bank; the location of a shelter; the location of free or low cost health clinics; access to free or low cost dental care; help searching for affordable housing; help finding transitional housing; where to find holiday assistance for meals and gifts. Did You Know: You may be eligible for SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) Two-thirds of adults 50+ who are eligible for benefits do not apply because they think they are ineligible. Eligibility is based on a number of factors including income, household size and disability. If you live alone and make less than $14,079 per year or with another person and make less than $18,941 per year, you could be eligible. For more information contact Jen at Jewish Family Services (need not be Jewish to get the service): 206-461-3240 X3175 17 Karaoke/Bingo Reservations are highly recommended! Reservations made on-line. On-line reservations are done on our website: Walk-ins welcome, when space is available. Doors open at 6:00 PM, for ages 21 and up. Games begin at 7:00PM. Food, beer, wine and soft beverages sold. November 14 and December 12 Pre-register, bring all of your family and friends! . EAT, DRINK, SING SONGS, MAKE NEW FRIENDS… AND PLAY BINGO! 18 Power of One Program: Share What You Know Volunteer local! The Power of One Volunteer Program welcomes people from the community who want to support education by volunteering in Shoreline Public Schools. People give at least an hour a week helping in classrooms, libraries and/or other school programs. Opportunities include working with students in reading, math, writing, and other subjects or by sharing special skills and talents. Benefits of being a Power of One Volunteer include: share your knowledge and experience; contribute to a child’s school experience in a positive way; flexible times and schedules; access to training, support and other educational resources; School District Issued Photo ID Badge To get involved, contact Power of One Volunteer Coordinator Karen Kessinger at 206-365-1169 or The Power of One Volunteers is a program of the Shoreline-LFP Senior Center and the Shoreline School District. Check out our web site: The purpose of the Power of One Volunteer Program is to assist the Shoreline Schools to achieve excellent education for all students. We believe as caring adults we can assist all students to become successful learners. Social Work Services . COUNSELING Problem solving, family issues, adult children concerns, aging process questions, memory concerns, grief / loss issues, health questions, anxiety or depression. If you need someone to talk to who can give you objective feedback regarding your concerns, call Scott Theisen, MSW, Marriage /Family therapist, at 365-1536. at the Center every Tuesday and Wednesday, 9:30AM –4:30PM. ENHANCE WELLNESS PROGRAM Want to change something about your life: more friends, exercise, better health? Then come see Scott at the Center about the Enhance Wellness Program or call Scott for an appointment: 206-268-6761 to leave a message and he will call you back. DIABETES GROUP Open group. 3rd Tuesday of the month, 9:45-10:45 a.m., Conference Room. LIFE’S TRANSITIONS GROUP Open group. A safe place to discuss life’s events, changes and issues of interest. Bring a joke, cartoon, or story to share. Facilitator: Carolyn Kruse, MSW. Every Tuesday, 1:00-2:30PM Game Room. HARD OF HEARING GROUP Please contact Scott Theisen about this group. A PARKINSON’S GROUP Open Group, fourth Tuesday of each month, 11:00AM-noon Exercise Room. See page 9 with more information about two special exercise classes. A STROKE GROUP Second Tuesdays, Come for a group discussion: 11:00AM to 12:00PM. Scott Theisen, MSW, is facilitator. Conference Room. 19 CAREGIVER’S SUPPORT GROUP Open group, second Thursday of each month, 12:30-1:30, Conference Room. This group is self-directed and supportive. The present members welcome new participants. Donation: $1.00. CLUTTER CONTROL First Wednesdays, 11:00AM to noon, Game Room. All of the folks attending this class find it VERY helpful! Other Services of Interest Senior Rights Assistance Program Senior Rights Assistance (SRA) provides free legal and consumer information to older adults and their families. Highly trained volunteers support clients by helping to problem solve, providing information and resources and making appropriate referrals to other agencies within the community. Topics Covered: Estate Planning, End of Life Issues, Consumer Protection, Consumer Debt & Bankruptcy, Landlord Tenant, Homeowner Issues, Victims of Crime Assistance, Social Security, and Grandparents’ Rights In collaboration with the King County Bar Association, SRA coordinates the Elder Law Legal Clinic in Seattle and Kent. Clients can meet with an attorney for ½ hour and receive free legal advice on a variety of elder law issues. A new addition to the clinic is the creation of simple wills for clients who meet eligibility criteria. Clients can have a will created or updated. Call SRA at 206448-5720 to schedule an appointment or for more information. Water Conservation Project (WCP): Free water-saving toilets, including free installation, are available to Seattle homeowner who meet certain eligibility guidelines, for Shoreline residence you must receive services from SPU. Toilets are the biggest water-wasters in most homes so replacing old toilets with these great new ones will save a lot of money on utility bills. For more information call 206 4485751 Property Tax Exemption for 2005 and . beyond. For complete information contact the King County. Assessor’s Office at 206296-3920 for eligibility information. Utility Bill Discounts: Eligible senior citi- zens or people with disabilities can receive a 50 percent reduction on their Seattle City Light and Combined Utility bills. Call the Seattle Mayor’s Office for Senior Citizens at 684-0500 for application information. Low-Income Senior Sanitary Sewer Discount Program: For Lake Forest Park residents, 62-up Application/renewal forms available at the senior center or through the Minor Home Repair (MHR) : Minor Home City of Lake Forest Park: 206-368-5440. Repair's highly skilled Repair Technicians For Shoreline residents, 62-up: Application make minor plumbing, carpentry, and elec- through Ronald Water District: 206-546-2494. trical repairs and install wheelchair ramps, grab bars and handrails. This service is available to homeowners of all ages in Seattle, Shoreline and Bellevue. Income eligibility required. Call 206 448-5751. 20 Volunteer Opportunities Call Jon Ann or Judy to find out more on how to volunteer at your Senior Center: at 206-365-1536. HELP WANTED! Front Desk Bargain Corner formerly known Receptionists Volunteer for this as the Thrift Shop, a variety of posi“heart of the Center” position. Half day shifts, morning or afternoon. We need volunteers who enjoy meeting the public, can answer phone calls, handle money and help the public and participants with questions concerning the center’s programs and activities. Currently, we need volunteers for Thursdays. Please contact the Senior Center’s Administrative Assistant, Marilyn Yeider, for more information. 206365-1536 tions available. Half day shifts, morning or afternoon. Kitchen Helpers Needed: As most of you know Safeway gives us donation weekly on a Sunday. If . you know of someone with a van or large vehicle that could help pick up these donation (about a two hour commitment) once in a while please contact Chef Janice. Membership Membership for the 2015 calendar year is Membership must be renewed every year. $25.00 for a single household or $45 for a cou- Reduced membership dues in September ple. This membership will be good through 1st; will apply to NEW members only. December of 2015. Memberships at the Center’s Front Desk or You will be asked to show your membership mail in the application/renewal form included card in order to get member prices. We thank in this Activity Guide. Memberships can be you for your faithful membership and support. purchased or renewed at the Senior We are working hard so that we can continue Center Front Desk. to serve you well. 21 . 22 Kitchen Corner Catering Shorelin e Lake Forest Park Sen ior Cen ter 18560 1st Ave NE Shorelin e, WA 98155 Chef Jan ice: 206 -4090938 Do you have a Banquet coming up ? business breakfast, lunch meeting, wedding, anniversary, . office party, staff meeting or just need a menu or venue to celebrate or party? Catering available with facility rental Scratch, healthy, ethnic and vegan options Let us help you host your event with the economical space, great food, and excellent staff. Call us and let us help you plan your next event. No event too small. 23 Thank You Thank you to the Cities of Shoreline and Lake Forest Park for their generous support. Thank you to the Knossos Foundation and the Shoreline Public Schools Foundation in support of the Power of One Program and to United Way of King County. Thank you to the Shoreline Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services for including the Senior Center in their Recreation Guide. Thank you to the Starbucks on Ballinger Way; two Safeway stores: in North City at 15th and 175th and 155th and Aurora for their weekly pastry donations. From Chef Janice: Let me start out by thanking all of you who have sent best wishes, prays and encouragement to me and my husband, Lawrence, who had a stroke last month. He is doing well and hopefully he will be coming home soon from rehab. A Reminder: Because we want everyone to feel welcomed to our senior center and dining program we need to work to make sure that no one will be turned away from any table. Our policy has always been first . come, first served and that includes where people sit for the meal. Please leave at least one seat at a table for a new face or someone who just needs a seat, a friendly face and some good conversation. Isn’t that what we are all here for? Tables will no longer be reserved by anyone without permission from Chef Janice in advance of the day. More: It’s fall and with the weather is changing, and along with that will come new menus. Meals will be getting heartier and, as some of you have said, rib sticking! On November 4th we will celebrating an Polish Heritage Meal. Come join us for a delicious and different meal. November 17th will be our Thanksgiving Meal with all the trimmings. Please be aware there is an exercise class just before the meal, so be kind and do not try to seat yourself until the room is completely set up, there will be enough for all! The Birthday meal is on November 20th . December will bring us a Finnish Heritage Meal on December 9th, Birthday lunch is on December 18th. A Christmas meal on the December 23rd to celebrate the holiday season. Thanks to all of the participants who have helped as volunteers on a regular basis this year. Without all of you our program could not be such a success. Remember, we are always in need of more volunteers, please come and talk to me about what you can do to make us a successful program. Cooking Classes: 1:30-2:30pm Thanks again and Happy Holidays Nov. 13 & Dec. 3 (Holiday fun!) Members $5 Non-Members $7.00 Sign up at the Front Desk. 24 Rent the Senior Center for Your Special Event! November is National Care Provider Month The Senior Center is available on most week-ends for special events in our Dining/Bridge Rooms for up to 180 guests. Navigating the Elder Care Maze “I need to find assisted living for my mom.” “My father-in-law doesn’t drive and can’t use Metro. He needs information on transportation options.” “I'm providing regular care for my adult son, who has a disability. I need help!” “Who do I call?!” Classroom space is also available on most week-ends and evenings. Call 206-365-1536, Monday–Friday, 8:30AM to 4:30PM for more information. Ask for Bob. Catering service is available through the Center’s Kitchen Corner Catering Program. Find out more details when booking your event. Do those questions sound familiar? Finding help for an older adult or a loved one be a daunting task. Fortunately, two local programs provide guidance in navigating the maze of community and government programs: The Senior Center has easy access from I-5 with lots of parking available. . Travel Information Come by the center and check out all the listings at our travel desk or you may book a trip. If you arrange a trip through the travel company, call us to let us know. The travel company will give us a small commission. Thank you for your support. PLEASE NOTE: The Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Senior Center offers a variety of information classes, but does not endorse any speaker. The presenters have been asked not to solicit or call any clients and to give information ONLY. We suggest you listen to a variety of presenters before you make any kind of decision. Presentations are meant as an educational opportunity and no marketing is allowed. 25 Senior Information & Assistance (1-888-4ELDERS) is the go-to number for anyone age 60+ and their family members who needs help identifying resources that meet their needs. The King County Caregiver Support Network ( provides guidance to unpaid primary caregivers of adults of any age who are unable to care for themselves typically family members or close friends or neighbors. Senior Center Bad Weather Closures If the winter brings us some bad weather and closures are possible, the senior center will follow the Shoreline School District policy: If the schools close, the center will be closed. If the School District is late, we will open on time. In any case, call the center before venturing out in bad weather; teachers may cancel classes, or appointments and activities could change. To check on closures: tune in to your . local television station or search the internet “school closures”. COMMUNITY NEWS DATES FOR SOME FUN ACTIVITIES GOING ON IN OUR COMMUNITY: Holiday Crafts Market, Saturday, November 22; 9-4 at the Spartan Gym. Breakfast with Santa; Saturday, December 6, two seating times. Event at the Senior Center; buy tickets at the Spartan Gym. For more information on both of these events: call the Spartan Gym: 206-801-2600 Christmas Ship at Richmond Beach Saltwater Park; Tuesday, December 9, 7:30-8:30PM. Winter Solstice Stroll, Kruckeburg Botanical Gardens; December 19-21, 4:30-8:3-PM. Free event but time reservations needed. 206-546-1281 or 26 2014 Has Been a Good Year! March Madness at Karaoke/Bingo! January: The Year of the Horse February: Freezer Fund started. . April: new lounge furniture. June: Parkinson’s Class learns Pole Walking May: SMART Phone classes start July: ThimbleBelle Quilt Raffle ticket sales begin. October: Aloha Luau: the 10th Year! August: Reunion gathering of WWII Shipmates from the USS Bowers September: Zumba Gold begins! 27 November & December : coming up! Shoreline Lake Forest Park Senior Center November 2014 MONDAY Hot Lunch - Serving time 11:45 to 12:15 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 A $3 donation is suggested for seniors 60 and older. Persons under 60 can enjoy a meal for $6. Special Thanks To: Ivar’s & Starbucks for their generous monthly donations to Community Dining and all our daily hard working volunteers 3 Polish Heritage Meal Teriyaki Chicken Brown Rice, Oriental Vegetable Sauté Pineapple makowiec, a poppy seed pastry Sheppard’s Pie Romaine Salad with tomato, radish, carrot and dressing Roll with Butter Fruit Cocktail Taco Salad w/seasoned ground beef, Beans, cheese, tomato, olives, Mixed greens, and salsa. Tortilla Peach Mango Applesauce 11 Veteran’s Day Roast Turkey with Gravy, Candied Yams, Cranberry Sauce, Stuffing, Glazed Carrots, Bread & Butter, Marinated Vegetable Salad Pumpkin Pie topped with cream 24 Liver and Onions with Bacon Mashed Potatoes String Beans w/ red pepper Tropical Fruit Salad Lasagna Garlic Bread Sautéed Squash (zucchini and yellow) Green Salad Mixed Citrus Salad 13 7 BBQ Pork Stuffed Potato Glazed Carrots Chopped Salad Roll with Butter 13 Grilled Cheese Sandwich Pea Salad French Onion Soup Mandarin Orange Quiche Lorraine Braising Greens Carrot Raisin Salad Mixed Berry with yogurt Closed Thanksgiving Lunch 17 6 5 4 Pork Cutlet with Cabbage( schabowe z kapusta) Pierogi (potato, onion, cheese (surówka ) root vege salad 10 Holiday Bazaar Day No Community Dining Menu Come Join us for a delicious meal from Kitchen Corner Catering Milk Choices: Skim Non Fat Chocolate 2% 14 Baked Fish Steamed Basmati Rice Roasted Zucchini Green Salad Bread & Butter Seasonal Melon Mix Cooking class 18 Stuffed Peppers with Ground Beef, Marinara Sauce, and Cheese, Mashed Potatoes Shredded Carrot and Parsnip Slaw Bananas 19 Birthday Lunch Egg Salad Sandwich with Lettuce and tomato Cabbage Patch Soup Jell-O with Strawberries 25 26 Deviled Ham Salad Sandwich, lettuce, tomato Ivar’s Clam Chowder, Crackers Spiced Peaches Beef Stew Seasonal Green Salad With tomato and dressing Roll with Butter Apples and Orange Mix 20 Chicken Divan on a bed of Broccoli with Mornay Sauce Couscous, Green Salad w/tomato, dressing Bread with Butter Birthday Cake Closed for 27 21 Seafood Stuffed Tilapia Rice Pilaf Vegetable Gratin Apricot Applesauce Thanksgiving 28 Shoreline Lake Forest Park Senior Center December 2014 . MONDAY Hot Lunch Menu Served M-F 11:45-12:15 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 1 Sweet & Sour Chicken Steamed Rice Asian Vegetable Sauté Roll with Butter Mixed Melons THURSDAY 2 Bacon Burger with lettuce and tomato French Fries Vegetables sticks with Herb dip Fresh Orange 3 Ham Kabob Cheesy Grits Shredded Carrot and Parsnip Slaw, Bananas Cooking Class (Holiday Fun) 8 Finnish Heritage Meal 9 Finnish Pea Soup (Hernekeitto) Kalakukko fish pasty loaf, Dill cucumbers — tillikurkut Roasted root vegetables paahdetut uunijuurekse Tuuniomenat (Baked apple) Polish Dog on a Bun Sauerkraut & Sautéed Onions 4 Bean Salad Tomato Soup Fruit 15 Chicken Cacciatore Polenta with Cheese Roasted Broccoli Apple Bread Pudding 22 Ravioli with Meat Marinara Sauce Sautéed Spinach Garlic Bread Oranges 29 Roasted Chicken Caesar Salad Ivar’s Clam Chowder Roll & Butter Baked Pear 17 White Bean . Chicken Chili with Cheese and Onions Cornbread Seasonal Green Salad with marinated mix vegetables Pears Christmas Lunch 23 24 Prime Rib Apple Horseradish Sauce, Roasted Yukon Potatoes Green Beans, Winter salad w. dressing, Roll and Butter Bacon & Egg Salad Sandwich with Lettuce & tomato Mixed / Green Salad w/ dressing, Chunky Applesauce 30 Beef Enchilada topped with cheese Tomato, Black Bean & Corn Salad Collard Greens Berries Crispy Romano Baked Chicken Scalloped Potatoes Peas & Mushrooms with Onions Berries & Yogurt New Year Meal 5 Baked Pork Chop With mushroom gravy Baked Sweet Potato Mixed Vegetables Pears 11 Creamed Turkey on Buttermilk Herb Biscuit Salad with tomato, cucumber and Dressing, Pineapple Cream of Spinach Soup Baked Pear 16 Teriyaki Pineapple Burger on a Bun Sweet Potato Fries 3 Bean Salad Oranges 4 10 Hot Meatloaf Sandwich Butternut Squash FRIDAY 12 Crab Cakes Mixed Rice Pilaf with Cranberries Broccoli Apricots with Mango Birthday Lunch 18 Orange & Apricot Glazed Ham Potatoes Au Gratin Herb Buttered Cauliflower Spiced Peaches Roll & Butter Birthday Cake 19 Lentil Soup Turkey Pastrami Sandwich Coleslaw Mixed Fruit 25 Closed …….. 26 Closed See you on the 29th 31 Roast Pork with Caramelized Apples and Onions Carrots and Broccoli Baked Potato with sour cream & chives Roll, Peach Cobbler New Yeas Cheer Special Thanks To: Ivar’s & Starbucks and Safeway for their generous monthly donations to Community Dining and our daily kitchen Volunteers Milk Choices: Skim Non Fat Chocolate 2% A $3 donation is suggested for seniors 60 and older. Persons under 60 can enjoy a meal for $6.
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