Request for Qualified SLBE/ELBE/DBE/DVBE/MBE/WBE and OBE Subcontractors/Suppliers for the following: CITY OF SAN DIEGO - AC WATER GROUP 1006 & STORM DRAIN GROUP 1006 SAN DIEGO, CA - PROJECT NO. K-15-6267-DBB-3 BID DATE/TIME: JANUARY 7, 2015 @ 2:00 PM Please respond by: January 6, 2015 Sub bids requested from SLBE/ELBE/DBE/DVBE/MBE/WBE and OBE Sub/Suppliers: Video Recording of Pre-Existing Conditions, Traffic Control, Traffic Control Plans, WPCP, Concrete Flatwork, Crack Seal, Asphalt Paving, Storm Drain Inlet Protection, RPMS Type 2 Slurry Seal, Striping, Cut & Plugs, Connections to existing water main, Highline Installation, Highline Removal, Highline Maintenance & Repairs, Furnish Highline Materials, Aggregates Supplier/Manufacturer, Asphalt Materials Supplier/Manufacturer, Pipe & Fittings Suppliers, Trucking. **This project is subject to Prevailing Wage Rates, Certified Payroll Required.** Plans, Specifications and Project Requirements are available at our office at No Cost. Assistance in obtaining Bonding, Insurance, Lines of Credit, necessary Equipment, Supplies, Materials or related assistance or services is available. TC CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. Contact: Elan Schier 10540 Prospect Ave., Santee, CA 92071 Phone (619) 448-4560 ext. 141 • Fax (619) 448-3341 equal opportunity employer License No. 402459 S T E V E P. R A D O S , I N C . An Equal Opportunity Employer is requesting quotations from all qualified DBE/MBE/WBE subcontractors and/or material suppliers for the following project: WAT E R T R A N S M I S S I O N M A I N W E S T S U R FA C E WAT E R L O C A L P I P E L I N E S , W O O D L A N D F R O M E A S T S T. T O A S H L E Y AV E . , A L O N G T H E S O U T H S I T E O F C I T Y O F W O O D L A N D , C A L O C AT E D I N Y O L O C O U N T Y, C A - O W N E R : C I T Y O F W O O D L A N D B I D D AT E : D E C E M B E R 1 8 , 2 0 1 4 @ 2 : 0 0 P M We are requesting bids for the following trades and/or Material Suppliers: asphalt, construction staking, construction area signs, plane asphalt concrete, hydroseeding, asphalt concrete, paving asphalt (asphalt concrete), reinforcing steel, welded steel pipe, concrete curb & sidewalk misc., thermoplastic traffic stripe & marking, painted traffic stripe & marking, pavement marking, surveyor, trucker, land surveying, cathodic protection materials. Bid documents can be viewed at or obtained from: or call Signature Reprographic at tel 916-454-0800 or or call Steve P. Rados, Inc. @ 916-475-1654 to schedule spec & plan viewing at 9550 Elder Creek Road, Sacramento, CA. Steve P. Rados, Inc. (SPR) is an Equal Opportunity Employer and a signatory Union Contractor. Subcontractors will be required to abide by the terms and conditions of the AGC Long Form Subcontract incorporating prime contract terms and conditions, including payment provisions, and insurance requirements. SPR’s listing of a subcontractor is not to be construed as an acceptance of all subcontractor ’s conditions or exceptions included with the subcontractor ’s quotes. Subcontractors may be required to provide payment & performance bond from an approved surety company for 100% of the value of the subcontracted work. SPR will pay bond premium up to 1.5% (optional). We will split items of work and provide assistance for obtaining bonds, lines of credit and/or insurance. Assistance is available in obtaining necessary equipments, supplies, materials & related assistance or services. SPR requires that subcontractors and suppliers price quotes be provided at a reasonable time prior to bid to enable a complete evaluation. We also require that subcontractors do the same Good Faith Effort in accordance with the job specification of the Agency. STEVE P. RADOS, INC 2002 E. McFadden Ave., Ste. 200, Santa Ana, CA 92705 tel (916) 475-1654 fax (916) 475--1655 Rob Wojcik - Email: CHUMO CONSTRUCTION, INC. Sub Bids Requested From Qualified (DBE/UDBE) Subs and Suppliers I S S E E K I N G Q U A L I F I E D , C E RT I F I E D M B E / W B E / D B E / D V B E / S B E / U D B E SUBCONTRACTORS AND SUPPLIERS FOR: CITY OF INGLEWOOD STREETS AND ALLEYS REHABILITATION PROJECT, FY 2014-15 BID NO. CB-14-31 #08-0M2004 - FOR CONSTRUCTION ON STATE HIGHWAY IN RIVERSIDE COUNTY NEAR ANZA AND CAHUILLA FROM EAST OF CARY ROAD TO EAST OF KIRBY ROAD IN DISTRICT 08 ON ROUTE 371 08-Riv-371-67.7/72.9 - (9% DBE) BID DATE/TIME: DECEMBER 4, 2014 - 2:00 PM Please respond by: 2:00 pm We h a v e i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t t h e p l a n s , s p e c i f i c a t i o n s , a n d r e q u i r e m e n t s i n o u r office located at 14425 Joanbridge St., Baldwin Park, CA. Our office hours are 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. Copying services are available. CHUMO CONSTRUCTION, INC. Contact: George Chumo 626-960-9502 • FAX 626-960-3887 14425 Joanbridge Street Baldwin Park, CA 91706 an equal opportunity employer 100% Performance and Payment bonds with a surety company subject to approval of Chumo C o n s t r u c t i o n C o m p a n y, I n c . a r e r e q u i r e d o f s u b c o n t r a c t o r s f o r t h i s p r o j e c t . C h u m o Construction will pay bond premium up to 1.5%. Subcontractors will be required to abide by terms and conditions of the AGC Master Labor Agreements and to execute an agreement utilizing the latest AGC Standard Long Form Subcontract incorporating prime contract t e r m s a n d c o n d i t i o n s , i n c l u d i n g p a y m e n t p r o v i s i o n s . C h u m o C o n s t r u c t i o n ’s l i s t i n g o f a S u b c o n t r a c t o r i s n o t t o b e c o n s t r u e d a s a n a c c e p t a n c e o f a l l o f t h e S u b c o n t r a c t o r ’s c o n d i t i o n s o r e x c e p t i o n s i n c l u d e d w i t h t h e S u b c o n t r a c t o r ’s p r i c e q u o t e . C h u m o Construction requires that Subcontractors and Suppliers price quotes be provided at a reasonable time prior to the bid deadline to enable a complete evaluation. For assistance with bonding, insurance or lines of credit contact George Chumo at (626) 960-9502. FOR: BID DATE: DECEMBER 10, 2014 @ 11:30 AM TRADES REQUESTED (but not limited to): COLD MILLING, CRACK SEAL, LOOPS, MANHOLE ADJUSTING, SIGNS, STRIPING/MARKING, SURVEY/SURVEY MONUMENT, SWPPP, TRAFFIC CONTROL, EQUIPMENT RENTALS, MATERIALS AND TRUCKING S U L LY- M I L L E R C O N T R A C T I N G C O M PA N Y An Equal Opportunity Employer License No. 747612A, C-10 1 3 5 S . S t a t e C o l l e g e B o u l e v a rd , S u i t e 4 0 0 , B re a , C A 9 2 8 2 1 Phone: (714) 578-9600 • Fax: (714) 578-9672 Contact: Estimating Department Plans, specifications and project requirements are available on the Sully-Miller web site at Plans, specification and project requirements are available from the City of Inglewood, Dept. of Public Works, One Manchester Blvd., 90301. Sully-Miller is willing to set aside any portion of work, no matter how small to encourage (DBE/UDBE) participation. If you require information regarding assistance in obtaining bonding, insurance, credit, equipment, supplies, materials, or related services, please call our office. 100% Payment and Performance Bonds May Be Required VALENTINE CORPORATION 111 P e l i c a n Wa y, S a n R a f a e l , C A 9 4 9 0 1 Request for Qualified MBE/WBE/DBE/DVBE/SBE/UDBE Subcontractors and/or Suppliers for the Following Project: COUNTY OF ALAMEDA- REPLACE TWO 60” TIDE GATES AND WOOD SERVICE PLATFORM AT THORTON AVENUE, NEWARK - #FC 5-213 BID DATE/TIME: DECEMBER 16, 2015 @ 2:00 PM Please respond by: December 16, 2015 @ 1:00 pm Valentine Corporation will be bidding the above referenced project as a general contractor. Your firm is invited to submit a sub bid in your area of expertise. Plans and specifications are available in our office for review. Our estimating team will be available before the date of the bid should you have any questions or require technical assistance. Areas of work that we require sub bids for are as follows: Requesting MBE/WBE/DBE/DVBE/SBE/UDBE Subcontractors and/or Suppliers For, But Not Limited To: WPCP, Traffic Control, Clear & Grub, CL Fencing and Gate, Erosion Control. We look forward to receiving your written quotation via facsimile on or before the date of bid. It is the policy of Valentine Corporation to encourage the utilization of MBE/WBE/DBE/DVBE/UDBE firms at all levels of construction contracting. Valentine Corporation may require a Performance and Payment Bond. If so, the bond premium will be paid for by Valentine Corporation. We will contact you prior to the date of the bid to discuss this project with you. For more information regarding this project call: Va l e n t i n e C o r p o r a t i o n • L i s a D a v i s Phone 415-453-3732 ext. #10 • Fax 415-457-5820 E q u a l O p p o r t u n i t y E m p l o y e r Griffith Company is seeking 9% DBE Subs and Suppliers for the following project: CITY OF LONG BEACH ALAMITOS AVENUE FROM 7th STREET TO ORANGE AVENUE - LONG BEACH, CA R-6967, PW5062-40, STPL-5108 (062) BID DATE: DECEMBER 10, 2014 @ 10:00 AM SUBS AND SUPPLIERS NEEDED FOR, BUT NOT LIMITED TO: SURVEYING, SWPP PREPARATION, UTILITY ADJUSTMENT, CONCRETE REMOVALS, COLD MILL, UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION, CRUSHED MISCELLANEOUS BASE MATERIAL, ASPHALT RUBBER HOT MIX, ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT MATERIAL, ASPHALT OIL, CONCRETE MATERIAL, STORM DRAIN, SIGN AND STRIPE, ELECTRICAL, EQUIPMENT RENTAL, TRUCKING (HAUL) GRIFFITH COMPANY Mauro Donate (562) 929-1128 • Fax (562) 864-7938 12200 Bloomfield Ave., Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 Griffith Company is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Assistance is available in obtaining bonds, lines of credit, insurance or other technical information. Plans available from owner or are available for review at our office in Santa Fe Springs prior to bid day. Please contact our office at 562-929-1128 for more information. Certification must be faxed to 562-864-7938. Request for Certified DVBE Subcontractors and/or Suppliers for the following: RINCON MIDDLE SCHOOL CLASSROOM ESCONDIDO, CA PROJECT NO. 2015-07 B I D D AT E / T I M E : D E C E M B E R 9 , 2 0 1 4 @ 2 : 0 0 P. M . Please respond by: December 2, 2014 Request for Certified DVBE Subcontractors/Suppliers for the following trades: DEMO, CONCRETE, REBAR, METAL FABRICATION, PLASTERING, ROUGH AND FINISH CARPENTRY, INSULATION, SHEET METAL, ROOFING, DOORS, CABINETS & COUNTERTOPS, GLAZING, PAINT, ACOUSTICAL CEILING, DRYWALL, TILE, SIGNAGE, TOILET PARTITIONS, BATH ACCESSORIES, FIRE ALARM, PLUMBING, HVC, ELECTRICAL, ASPHALT PAVING, STRIPING, SITE UTILITIES, GRADING, EXCAVATING, BACKFILLING, TAB, CONTROLS, SHADES, CERAMIC TILE, VCT, CARPET, KITCHEN AND LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT. Plans and specifications may be obtained by contacting NEI Contracting and Engineering, Inc. at or by calling 619-434-6156. For more information contact: NEI Contracting and Engineering, Inc. Dawn Andalora 335 “E” Street, Suite B C h u l a Vi s t a , C A 9 1 9 1 0 619-434-6156 • Fax 619-434-6137 we are an equal opportunity employer R E Q U E S T F O R Q U A L I F I E D / C E RT I F I E D D B E S U B C O N T R A C TO R S / S U P P L I E R S KARABUILD DEVELOPMENT, INC. CITY OF FREMONT - PROJECT NO. 8460 (PWC) NILES BLVD OVERHEAD BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PROJECT FREMONT, CA (DBE Goal 8%) BID DATE: DECEMBER 9, 2014 AT 2:00 PM Tel: (818) 817-9300 • Fax: (818) 817-9333 Requests Sub-bids for all trades from qualified MBE/DBE/WBE/UDBE Subcontractors and Suppliers for the INGLEWOOD RESIDENTIAL SOUND INSULATION PROGRAM PHASE X, GROUP 11-J BID DATE: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2014 AT 11:00 A.M. PHASE X, GROUP 12-J BID DATE: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2014 AT 11:00 A.M. PHASE X, GROUP 21-J BID DATE: MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2014 AT 11:00 A.M. Work includes: Windows & Installation, Doors & Installation, Fireplace, HVAC/Ventilation, Electrical, Hazardous Material Abatement, and Insulation. All the Plans and Specifications for Inglewood Residential Sound Insulation Bid Phase X, Group 11-J, Phase X, Group 12-J and Phase X, Group 21-J are available at Karabuild’s office. Please call Anna ASAP if interested. Phone (818) 817-9300, Fax (818) 817-9333. Items of work available, but not limited to: CAS/Roadway Signs, Bridge Demolition, Clear & Grub, Erosion Control, Landscaping/Irrigation, AC Paving, Cold Plane AC, CIDH, Joint Seal Assembly, Post Tensioning, Rebar, AC Dike or Curbs, Underground Utilities, Fencing, Metal Railing, MBGR, Bridge Concrete Barrier, Striping, Electrical, Minor Concrete, Masonry, Aggregates (Class 1 ASB, Class 2 AB, Rip Rap & Import Borrow R-40), Ready Mix, Concrete Pumping, Concrete Piling, Steel Pipe Pile, Welded Steel Pipe, Underground Pope Products (RCP& ACP), Misc. Iron & Steel, Misc. Metals, Trucking, SWPPP Plan, SWPPP Materials, Lead Compliance Plan, Geotextile Materials, Bridge Bearings, Underground Precast, Street Sweeping, Traffic Control, Vibration Monitoring & Surveying. Non-DBE Subs/Suppliers: You will be expected to carry a proportionate percentage of 2nd-tier DBE goal participation with your quote. 2nd-tier DBE goal participation will be evaluated with your price. Performance & Payment Bonds by admitted surety, naming prime contractor as the obligee, in full amount of the subcontractor’s bid, subject to approval by Flatiron required. Bonding and insurance assistance is available. Flatiron will pay bond premium up to 2.0%. Worker’s Compensation Waiver of Subrogation required. Please contact Flatiron for any bonding and insurance needs, or if any other assistance is needed to facilitate your participation this project. Flatiron is signatory to the Operators, Laborers, Carpenters, Cement Msons, Pile Drivers & Iron Workers Unions. Quotations must be valid for same duration as specified by owner for contract award. Plans and specs are available for purchase from ARC in Milpitas by calling 408-262-3000. Plans & Specs are availalbe for viewing in Flatiron’s Benicia office by appointment. Flatiron will grant you access to our FTP site for free download and viewing upon request. Please call for an appointment to view in ur office or FTP Site access. Please contyact Lillian Simon at Quotes can be send directly to our BID FAX 707-746-1603. Assistance available to meet contract requirements. F L AT I R O N W E S T I N C . AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 2100 Goodyear Rd., Benicia, CA 94510 Phone (707) 742-6000 Fax (707) 746-1603 An Equal Opportunity Employer OHL USA/OLTMANS JV SUBCONTRACTOR REQUEST FOR QUOTATION REQUESTING SUB-BIDS ON ALL TRADES From Qualified Subcontractors & Suppliers expressly DBE For the following Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) project: DIVISION 16: SOUTHWESTERN YARD #C0991 - CRENSHAW/LAX TRANSIT CORRIDOR Bids requested for (but not limited to) architectural design, asphalt paving, catenary, communications, electrical, engineering design, fencing, glass/glazing, landscaping, mechanical, misc. concrete, painting, plumbing, prestressing, rail, railings, ready mix, rebar, road signs, roofing, signage, specialties, steel structures, storm drain, striping, traffic control. BIDS: DECEMBER 11, 2014 AT 2:00 PM BIDS DUE BEFORE: DECEMBER 9, 2014 AT 5:00 PM Plans & Specs are available at OHL offices from 7:00 am - 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday at: OHL USA/OLTMANS JV is an AAE/EOE 1920 Main St., Suite 310, Irvine, CA 92614 Phone: 949-242-4432 • Fax: 949-231-1255/949-231-1256 Or anytime at the DropBox Link below: https://www.dropbox/com/sh/mpp4Yq5gbsrfc7j/AACgg/3pnEYkd5lrx5dXH-Cva?d1=0. Contact: OHL USA Estimating Department. - Craig Huss Oltmans Estimating Department - David Pulley 100% BONDING MAY BE REQUIRED FOR ALL SUBCONTRACTORS. ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE IN OBTAINING BONDS, LINES OF CREDIT, INSURANCE, NECESSARY EQUIPMENT & TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE.. OHL USA/OLTMANS JV INTENDS TO CONDUCT ITSELF IN “GOOD FAITH” WITH ALL CATEGORIES OF DISADVANTAGED, SMALL, MINORITY AND WOMEN FIRMS REGARDING PARTICIPATION ON THIS PROJECT. THEREFORE PLEASE SEND YOUR CERTIFICATIONS PRIOR TO QUOTES. PLEASE RESPOND BACK VIA EMAIL or FAX (include ANY DISADVANTAGE CERTIFICATE and/or applicable certifications issued and validated by pertinent agencies) EMAIL: Craig Huss at, David Pulley - OHL FAX: (949) 231-1255/(949) 231-1256 OLTMANS FAX: (562) 699-3128 Ames Construction, Inc. is seeking certified and qualified DBE subcontractors and/or suppliers to meet the 3% goal for the following: PROJECT: OWNER: BID DATE/TIME: PLEASE SUBMIT BIDS TO: DBE Subs/Suppliers Required: Lead compliance plan, construction area signs, traffic control, objects and markers, barricades, pvmnt markings, PCMS, railing-K/cable/WB, SWPPP, soil binder, erosion control, fencing, street sweeping, biologist, demo, cold plane, bridge removal, clear & grub, imported borrow, rock blanket, boulder, landscaping & irrigation, pipe-PVC/GSP/CHDP/alt pipe culvert/CSP/WSP/alt flared end/DIP, aggregatesbase/LCB, HMA, Rubberized HMA, asph dike, asph paving, Jointed concrete pvmnt, joint seal, grind pvmnt, MSE, F & D steel pile, CIDH pile, PC conc pipe manhole, PS CIP conc, struct conc, ret wall, minor conc, concrete backfill, drainage, architectural treatment, rebar, sign structure, roadway signs, stain concrete, RSP, conc ditch lining, conc slope paving, misc iron & stl, fencing, wd post guardrail, pedestrian barricade, conc barrier, terminal system, electrical, dust control, const signs, dev wtr supply and concrete supply. Ames intends to conduct itself in good faith with DBE firms for participation his project. Ames will work with subcontractors to breakdown items into economical feasible packages. Ames will require bidder to provide performance and payment bonds for the full amount of the Subcontract values. Costs of the bonds are to be provided as a separate line item. Please call to discuss how Ames Construction, Inc. can assist you in your bonding, credit and/or insurance needs. Also, let us know if you need assistance in obtaining necessary equipment, supplies, or materials for this project. We are an equal opportunity employer. Ames’ Subcontract terms and conditions will apply to any contracts resulting from this request. The Subcontractor, by submission of its bid, agrees to the “Terms and Conditions” including all Exhibits and Attachments of Ames Subcontract Agreement. Ames reserves the right to accept or reject any or all quotations. Pricing submitted to Ames construction for this project must be valid and may not be withdrawn for 90 calendar days from the d ate of bid opening. Our contact for this project is Chris Acosta.. He can be reached at 951-356-1275. Please fax quotes to 951-549-9003. Plans and specifications can be viewed and downloaded at: G R I F F I T H C O M PA N Y REQUESTING SUB-BIDS ON ALL TRADES From Qualified DBE Subcontractors & Suppliers DBE Goal: 6%, F o r t h e f o l l o w i n g p r o j e c t : R E Q U E S T F O R C E RT I F I E D D B E S U B C O N T R A C T O R S & S U P P L I E R S : INTERSTATE 10 AT JEFFERSON STREET INTERCHANGE (B2-0388) LOCATION: INDIO, CA - OWNER: COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE BID DATE: DECEMBER 10, 2014 AT 2:00 P.M. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD - ROSEDALE HIGHWAY WIDENING PROJECT NO. TRRH17 S C O P E O F W O R K : L e a d C o m p l i a n c e P l a n , C A S , Tr a ff i c C o n t r o l S y s t e m , Ty p e I I I B a r r i c a d e , Te m p o r a r y P a v e m e n t M a r k i n g ( P a i n t ) , Te m p o r a r y Tr a ff i c S t r i p e ( P a i n t ) , C h a n n e l i z e r, Te m p o r a r y P a v e m e n t M a r k e r, P o r t a b l e C h a n g e a b l e M e s s a g e S i g n , Te m p R a i l i n g ( Ty p e K ) , Te m p C r a s h C u s h i o n , S W P P P, E r o s i o n C o n t r o l , Te m p o r a r y H y d r a u l i c M u l c h ( B o n d e d F i b e r M a t r i x ) , Te m p o r a r y D r a i n a g e I n l e t P r o t e c t i o n , Te m p o r a r y F i b e r R o l l , S t r e e t S w e e p i n g , C o n c r e t e Wa s h o u t , A b a n d o n I n l e t , A b a n d o n P i p e , R e m o v e F e n c e , M B G R , R e m o v e T h e r m o p l a s t i c Tr a ff i c S t r i p e , R e m o v e T h e r m o p l a s t i c P a v e m e n t M a r k i n g , R e m o v e P a v e m e n t M a r k e r, R e m o v e R o a d s i d e S i g n , R e m o v e S i g n P a n e l , R e m o v e D r a i n a g e F a c i l i t y, R e m o v e P i p e , R e m o v e I n l e t , Remove Headwall, Remove Concrete Pavement, Fencing, Adjust Inlet, Cold Plane, Curb & G u t t e r, R e f i n i s h B r i d g e D e c k , C o n c r e t e S i d e w a l k , B r i d g e R e m o v a l , R e m o v e B o l l a r d , R o a d E x , D i t c h E x , I m p o r t B o r r o w, E m b a n k m e n t , R o c k B l a n k e t , M u l c h , P a c k e t F e r t i l i z e r, H y d r o s e e d , S y n t h e t i c Tu r f , L a n d s c a p i n g , F i b e r R o l l s , C l a s s I I A g g B a s e , H M A ( Ty p e A , Ty p e A M o d i f i e d , B r i d g e ) , P l a c e H M A , Ta c k C o a t , H e a d w a l l , D r i l l a n d B o n d D o w e l , B a r R e i n f o r c i n g S t e e l ( B r i d g e ) , S i n g l e A l u m i n u m S h e e t , R o a d s i d e S i g n s , S u r v e y, C o n c r e t e P i p e , M i n o r C o n c r e t e , F r a m e a n d G r a t e , M a n h o l e F r a m e a n d C o v e r, O b j e c t M a r k e r, P e d e s t r i a n B a r r i c a d e , Tu b u l a r H a n d r a i l i n g , E n d A n c h o r A s s e m b l y, T h e r m o p l a s t i c S t r i p i n g , P a v e m e n t M a r k e r ( N o n - R e f l e c t i v e , R e t r o r e f l e c t i v e ) , Tr a ff i c M a n a g e m e n t S y s t e m E l e m e n t s , S i g n a l a n d L i g h t i n g , L i g h t i n g , C l o s e d C i r c u i t Te l e v i s i o n S y s t e m , C o n s t r u c t i o n S t a k i n g a n d S u p p o r t , A l o n R e l o c a t i o n Wo r k , Ta c k C o a t , 1 6 ” D u c t i l e I r o n P i p e , D u s t C o n t r o l P l a n a n d I S R , Tr u c k i n g . BIDS: D E C E M B E R 1 7 , 2 0 1 4 AT 11 : 0 0 A M B I D S D U E : D E C E M B E R 1 7 , 2 0 1 4 AT 11 : 0 0 A M Plans & Specs are available for review from 7:00 am - 5:00 pm Monday through Friday at: (AN 11 2 8 GRIFFITH EQUAL C O M PA N Y OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER) C a r r i e r P a r k w a y Av e n u e , B a k e r s f i e l d , C A 9 3 3 0 8 Phone: (661) 392-6640 • Fax (661) 393-9525 Contact: W A LT W E I S H A A R , E S T I M AT O R 1 0 0 % B O N D I N G M AY B E R E Q U I R E D F O R A L L S U B C O N T R A C T O R S . A S S I S TA N C E AVA I L A B L E I N O B TA I N I N G B O N D S , L I N E S O F C R E D I T, I N S U R A N C E , N E C E S S A R Y E Q U I P M E N T & T E C H N I C A L A S S I S TA N C E . G R I F F I T H C O M PA N Y I N T E N D S T O C O N D U C T I T S E L F I N “ G O O D FA I T H ” W I T H D B E F I R M S R E G A R D I N G P A R T I C I P A T I O N O N T H I S P R O J E C T. REQUEST FOR SUB-BIDS Los Angeles Engineering, Inc. is requesting Subcontractor bids, Supplier bids & Vendor bids from certified DBE Firms for the following work: Traffic Control, Electrical, Clear and Grub, AC Paving, Miscellaneous Concrete, Signing and Striping, Fence, Landscape and Irrigation OWNER: CITY OF RIALTO PROJECT: METROLINK PARKING LOT EXPANSION PROJECT - #120808 BIDS: DECEMBER 4, 2014 AT 3:00 PM Plans, specifications and requirements for the work are available for review in our office at 633 N. Barranca Ave., Covina, CA 91723, Mon-Fri 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, or by Owner of Rialto, 335 W. Rialto Ave., Rialto, CA 92376. Los Angeles Engineering, Inc. will provide information to interested business enterprises including DBE’s in obtaining bonding, lines of credit, and insurance required by the Owner or Los Angeles Engineering, Inc. upon request. Los Angeles Engineering will assist interested business enterprises including DBE’s in obtaining necessary equipment, supplies, materials or related assistance. Bonds may be required for subcontracts over $100,000.00. For technical assistance related to plans, specifications, and requirements for the work call Joseph Haygood at 626-454-5222 Ext. 208, email at or via our web site In accordance with California Public Contract Code Section 4108 amended January 01, 1992, all subcontracts will be awarded on Los Angeles Engineering, Inc. standard form of subcontract and may include the requirement to provide a Payment and Performance Bond from a T-Listed Surety. We will pay premium up to 1.5% of Bid Amount. For additional information contact Joseph Haygood at (626) 454-5222 Ext. 208. Los Angeles Engineering, Inc. 633 N. Barranca Ave., Covina, CA 91723 (626) 454-5222 x208 • Fax (626) 454-5226 Contractor’s License No. 591176 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER INTERSTATE 10 AT JEFFERSON STREET INTERCHANGE PROJECT, INDIO COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE TRANSPORTATION DEPT. DECEMBER 17, 2014 @ 2:00 PM Ames Construction, Inc. 391 N. Main St., Ste 302, Corona, CA 92880 Ph: 951-356-1275, Fax: 951-549-9003 • • • • • • Quotes requested for, but not limited to, the following types of work: AC Dike • Aggregate Supply • Asphalt Paving • Biologist • Bridge Demo • Clear and Grub Cold Plane • Concrete Barrier • Concrete Ditches • Concrete Supply • Construction Area Signs Driven Pile • Electrical • Erosion Control • Fencing and Railing • Grinding • Guardrail Imported Borrow • Joint Seal • Landscape and Irrigation • Materials Trucking • Minor Concrete Miscellaneous Iron and Steel • Noise Monitoring • Overhead Signs and Foundations • Pipe Supply Prestressing • Reinforcing Steel • Roadside Sign • Slope Paving • Storm Drain • Striping • Survey Plans and specifications can be downloaded, at no cost from at the following link: Additionally, plans and specifications are available at Flatiron’s offices in San Marcos, CA and Chino Hills, CA. Please call to make an appointment to view plans and specifications. Assistance in obtaining bonding, lines of credit, insurance, equipment, supplies and materials is available upon request. Flatiron analyzes and considers each DBE quote, including those that are broken down into economically feasible units to facilitate bidding. Quotations must be valid for same duration as specified by Owner for contract award. Bond Requirements: Notwithstanding any contrary language in a bid to Flatiron West, Inc. (”Flatiron”) or any prior course of dealing between Flatiron and a bidder, and unless waived in writing by Flatiron, Flatiron reserve the right, pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 4108 and otherwise, to require each bidder to provide payment and performance bonds assuring bidder’s obligations to Flatiron in the amount of 100 percent of the bid to Flatiron. Flatiron will reimburse the bond premium at actual cost not to exceed 3%. The surety on the bonds must be a California admitted surety. Non-DBE Subs/Suppliers: Indicate 2nd tier DBE participation offered on your quotation as it will be evaluated with your price. F L AT I R O N W E S T, I N C . 1 7 7 0 L a C o s t a M e a d o w s D r i v e , S a n M a rc o s , C A 9 2 0 7 8 Phone (909) 597-8413 • Fax (909) 597-8635 C o n t a c t : S a n d r a F re n c h , E s t i m a t i n g A d m i n i s t r a t o r - E m a i l : O C L A B i d s @ f l a t i ro n c o r p . c o m An Equal Opportunity Employer Griffith/Coffman Joint Venture is seeking 15% DBE Subs and Suppliers for the following CITY OF LOS ANGELES, LOS ANGELES WORLD AIRPORTS - RUNWAY 6L-24R SAFETY AREA AND REHABILITATION PROJECT AT THE LOS ANGELES INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, LOS ANGELES, CA PROJECT NO. BAVIN ID 21518 BID DATE: DECEMBER 9, 2014 BID TIME: 2:00 PM SUBS AND SUPPLIERS FOR, BUT NOT LIMITED TO: SURVEYING, SWPP PREPARATION, ELECTRICAL (AIRFIELD), STRIPING, TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL, ASPHALT PAVING, ASPHALT MATERIALS, ASPHALT OIL, CONCRETE PAVING, CONCRETE PAVING MATERIALS, GEOTEXTILE FABRIC, JOINT SEAL, FENCING, STORM DRAIN, CONCRETE SAWING, EXCAVATION AND PREPARATION, CLEAR AND GRUB, SUBGRADE PREPARATION, CRUSHING, RECYCLING CONCRETE BASE MATERIAL, PRECAST BOX CULVERT, SECURITY SERVICES, EQUIPMENT RENTAL, TRUCKING (HAUL), ON SITE TRAILER RENTAL Plans & Specifications are available from the Owner, Los Angeles World Airports on the BAVIN website, Bid ID 21518 or in our plan room for viewing at 12200 Bloomfield Ave., Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670. If you have any questions contact Gary Gibson: Phone 562/929-1128, Fax: 562/864-7938 or e-mail: Regarding bonds, lines of credit, and insurance, it is our policy that for bonded jobs a subcontractor bond is required if the subcontract is $500,000.00 or greater, insurance coverage needs to correspond to those required in the main contract. Assistance will be given in obtaining bonds, insurance and lines of credit. For additional bonding assistance you may contact Merriwether & Williams through the Los Angeles Bond Assistance Program, GRIFFITH/COFFMAN JOINT VENTURE Gary Gibson ( 5 6 2 ) 9 2 9 - 11 2 8 • F a x ( 5 6 2 ) 8 6 4 - 7 9 3 8 1 2 2 0 0 B l o o m f i e l d Av e . , S a n t a F e S p r i n g s , C A 9 0 6 7 0 G r i f f i t h / C o f f m a n J o i n t Ve n t u r e i s a n E q u a l O p p o r t u n i t y E m p l o y e r. P l e a s e c o n t a c t o u r o f f i c e a t 5 6 2 - 9 2 9 - 11 2 8 f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n . C e r t i f i c a t i o n m u s t b e f a x e d t o 5 6 2 - 8 6 4 - 7 9 3 8 . R E Q U E S T F O R C E RT I F I E D D B E S U B C O N T R A C T O R S & S U P P L I E R S : SUBCONTRACTOR REQUEST FOR QUOTATION CALIFORNIA INCLINE BRIDGE - LOCATION: SANTA MONICA, CA OWNER: CITY OF SANTA MONICA BID DATE: DECEMBER 4, 2014 AT 2:30 P.M. Ames Construction, Inc. is seeking certified and qualified DBE subcontractors and/or suppliers to meet the 3% goal for the following: Quotes requested for, but not limited to, the following types of work: • Aggregate Supply • Anti-Graffiti Coating • Asphalt Paving • Bridge Demo • CIDH • Clearing and Grubbing • Concrete Barrier • Concrete Supply • Electrical • Erosion Control • Fence • Joint Seal • Joint Trench • Landscape and Irrigation • Materials Trucking • Minor Concrete • Miscellaneous Iron and Steel • Pipe Supply • Prestressing • Railing • Reinforcing Steel • Roadside Sign • Striping • Survey • Wet Utilities Plans and specifications are available at no cost from at the following link: Additionally, plans and specifications are available at Flatiron’s offices in San Marcos, CA and Chino Hills, CA. Please call to make an appointment to view pans and specifications. Assistance in obtaining bonding, lines of credit, insurance, equipment, supplies and materials is available upon request. Flatiron analyzes and considers each DBE quote, including those that are broken down into economically feasible units to facilitate bidding. Quotations must be valid for same duration as specified by Owner for contract award. Bond Requirements: Notwithstanding any contrary language in a bid to Flatiron West, Inc. (”Flatiron”) or any prior course of dealing between Flatiron and a bidder, and unless waived in writing by Flatiron, Flatiron reserve the right, pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 4108 and otherwise, to require each bidder to provide payment and performance bonds assuring bidder’s obligations to Flatiron in the amount of 100 percent of the bid to Flatiron. Flatiron will reimburse the bond premium at actual cost not to exceed 3%. The surety on the bonds must be a California admitted surety. Non-DBE Subs/Suppliers: Indicate 2nd tier DBE participation offered on your quotation as it will be evaluated with your price. F L AT I R O N W E S T, I N C . 1 7 7 0 L a C o s t a M e a d o w s D r i v e , S a n M a rc o s , C A 9 2 0 7 8 Phone (909) 597-8413 • Fax (909) 597-8635 C o n t a c t : S a n d r a F re n c h , E s t i m a t i n g A d m i n i s t r a t o r - E m a i l : O C L A B i d s @ f l a t i ro n c o r p . c o m An Equal Opportunity Employer D E S I LVA G A T E S Construction 11555 Dublin Blvd., P.O. Box 2909 Dublin, CA 94568-2909 (925) 829-9220 • Fax (925) 803-4263 Contractors License No. 704195A Desilva Gates Construction Is requesting Qualified DBE (Disadvantaged Business Enterprises) subcontractors/suppliers for the following Project: PROJECT: FOR CONSTRUCTION ON STATE HIGHWAY IN SACRAMENTO COUNTY IN AND NEAR ISLETON FROM ROUTE 12 TO 0.5 MILE NORTH OF ROUTE 220 CONTRACT NO. 03-2F9904, FEDERAL AID PROJECT ACNH-P160(022) OWNER: STATE OF CALIFORNIA - DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1727 30th Street, Bidder’s Exchange, MS 26, Sacramento, CA 95816 BID DATE: DECEMBER 3, 2014 @ 2:00 P.M. ESTIMATOR: STEVE LIPPIS We hereby encourage responsible participation of local Disadvantaged Business Enterprises, and solicit their subcontractor or materials and/or suppliers quotation for the following types of work including but not limited to: AC DIKE, COLD PLANE, CONSTRUCTION AREA SIGN, CRACK SEALING, ELECTRICAL, GUARDRAIL, ROADSIDE SIGNS, RUMBLE STRIP, STRIPING, SWPPP PLAN, TRUCKING, WATER TRUCKS, STREET SWEEPING, RUBBERIZED HMA (GAP GRADE) MATERIAL. 100% Performance and Payment Bonds may be required for full amounts of the subcontract price. Surety company will have to be approved by DeSilva Gates Construction. DeSilva Gates Construction will pay bond premium up to 2%. Subcontractors must possess current insurance and worker’s compensation coverage meeting DeSilva Gates Construction’s requirements. Please call if you need assistance in obtaining bonding, insurance, equipment, materials and/or supplies. Plans and specifications are available for review at our Dublin office. REQUEST FOR CERTIFIED DBE SUBCONTRACTORS & SUPPLIERS: INTERSTATE 215 AT NEWPORT ROAD INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENTS CONTRACT NO. B5-0682 - LOCATION: MENIFEE, CA (RIVERSIDE COUNTY) OWNER: RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT ENGINEERS ESTIMATE: $25,000,000 - $29,000,000 - DBE Goal - 3% BID DATE: DECEMBER 3, 2014 AT 2:00 P.M. Quotes requested for, but not limited to, the following types of work: • Aggregate Supply • Asphalt Paving • Bridge Deck Drainage System • Cathodic Protection • CIDH Pile • Clear and Grub • Cold Plane AC • Concrete Barrier • Concrete Supply • Construction Area Signs • Drill and Bond Dowel • Electrical • Erosion Control • Fence & Railing • Formliner • Ground Anchor • Guardrail • Hydroseed • Imported Borrow • Joint Seal • Landscape & Irrigation • Minor Concrete • Miscellaneous Iron & Steel • Overhead Signs • Pipe Supply • Precast Concrete • Prestressing • Reinforcing Steel • Roadside Sign • Rock Slope Protection • Rumble Strip • Shotcrete • Striping Plans and specifications are available at no cost, in the following options: • Document are available for download at our FTP site at • Documents are available for inspection at Flatiron offices in San Marcos, CA and Chino Hills, CA. Please call to make an appointment to view plans and specifications. PROJECT: OWNER: BID DATE/TIME: PLEASE SUBMIT BIDS TO: INTERSTATE I-215 AT NEWPORT ROAD INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENTS, MENIFEE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE TRANSPORTATION DEPT. DECEMBER 10, 2014 @ 2:00 PM Ames Construction, Inc. 391 N. Main St., Ste 302, Corona, CA 92880 Ph: 951-356-1275, Fax: 951-549-9003 DBE Subs/Suppliers Required: Develop Wtr Supply, lead compliance plan, construction area signs, traffic control, objects and markers, barricades, pvmnt markers, temp signal system, PCMS, railing-K/metal/cableWB-31, pedestrian barricade, SWPPP, soil binder, erosion control, fencing, street sweeping, demo, cold plane, bridge removal, clear & grub, imported borrow, rock blanket, landscaping & irrigation, pipe-PVC/RCP/Alt flared End Section, alt in-line/flared terminal system , WSP casing, permanent water line facilities, drainage, RSP, misc iron and steel, misc metal, midwest guardrail syst, vegetation control, hydroseed, agg base, HMA, lean conc base, rubberized HMA, paving, joint seal, F&D steel piling, CIDH piling, PS CIP conc, struct conc, minor conc, concrete barrier, signal and lighting, electrical, ramp meter system, dust control, architectural surface, fractured rib texture drill & bond dowel, rebar, concrete supply, shotcrete, sign structure, roadway signs, alt pipe culvert. Ames intends to conduct itself in good faith with DBE firms for participation his project. Ames will work with subcontractors to breakdown items into economical feasible packages. Ames will require bidder to provide performance and payment bonds for the full amount of the Subcontract values. Costs of the bonds are to be provided as a separate line item. Please call to discuss how Ames Construction, Inc. can assist you in your bonding, credit and/or insurance needs. Also, let us know if you need assistance in obtaining necessary equipment, supplies, or materials for this project. We are an equal opportunity employer. Ames’ Subcontract terms and conditions will apply to any contracts resulting from this request. The Subcontractor, by submission of its bid, agrees to the “Terms and Conditions” including all Exhibits and Attachments of Ames Subcontract Agreement. Ames reserves the right to accept or reject any or all quotations. Pricing submitted to Ames construction for this project must be valid and may not be withdrawn for 90 calendar days from the d ate of bid opening. Our contact for this project is Thony Le.. He can be reached at 951-356-1275. Please fax quotes to 951-549-9003. Plans and specifications can be viewed and downloaded at: R E Q U E S T F O R C E RT I F I E D D B E S U B C O N T R A C T O R S & S U P P L I E R S : HALLER WASH BRIDGE AT ROJO WASH BRIDGE AND CLIPPER VALLEY WASH BRIDGE CONTRACT NO. 08-0N56U4 - LOCATION: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CA OWNER: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (CALTRANS) - DBE Goal - 5% BID DATE: DECEMBER 18, 2014 AT 2:00 P.M. Quotes requested for, but not limited to, the following types of work: • AC Dike • Aggregate Supply • Asphalt Paving • Biologist • Bridge Demo • Clear and Grub • Cold Plane AC • Concrete Barrier • Concrete Supply • Construction Area Signs • Electrical • Erosion Control • Guardrail • Hydroseed • Imported Borrow • Joint Seal • Materials Trucking • Miscellaneous Iron and Steel • Pipe Supply • Precast Girders • Reinforcing Steel • Roadside Sign • Rock Slope Protection • Striping Plans and specifications can be downloaded, at no cost from Caltrans web site at: Additionally, plans and specifications are available at Flatiron’s offices in San Marcos, CA and Chino Hills, CA. Please call to make an appointment to view pans and specifications. Assistance in obtaining bonding, lines of credit, insurance, equipment, supplies and materials is available upon request. Flatiron West, Inc. analyzes and considers each DBE quote, including those that are broken down into economically feasible units to facilitate bidding. Quotations must be valid for same duration as specified by Owner for contract award. Bond Requirements: Notwithstanding any contrary language in a bid to Flatiron West, Inc. (”Flatiron”) or any prior course of dealing between Flatiron and a bidder, and unless waived in writing by Flatiron, Flatiron reserve the right, pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 4108 and otherwise, to require each bidder to provide payment and performance bonds assuring bidder’s obligations to Flatiron in the amount of 100 percent of the bid to Flatiron. Flatiron will reimburse the bond premium at actual cost not to exceed 3%. The surety on the bonds must be a California admitted surety. Non-DBE Subs/Suppliers: Indicate 2nd tier DBE participation offered on your quotation as it will be evaluated with your price. F L AT I R O N W E S T, I N C . 1 7 7 0 L a C o s t a M e a d o w s D r i v e , S a n M a rc o s , C A 9 2 0 7 8 Phone (909) 597-8413 (ext. 2075) • Fax (909) 597-8635 C o n t a c t : Ve ro n i c a G a rc i a , E s t i m a t i n g A d m i n i s t r a t o r E m a i l : O C L A B i d s @ f l a t i ro n c o r p . c o m An Equal Opportunity Employer REVISED Sub Bids Requested From Qualified (DBE) Subs and Suppliers FOR: CITY OF CHINO HILLS PEYTON DRIVE WIDENING - PHASE 3 AND ENGLISH CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO. S12012 & 800360 BID DATE: DECEMBER 2, 2014 @ 10:00 AM POSTPONED FROM DECEMBER 1, 2014 @ 2:00 PM TRADES REQUESTED (but not limited to): CLEARING/GRUBBING, COLD MILLING, ELECTRICAL, FENCING-CHAIN LINK/PVC TRAIL, CONCRETE STRUCTURES & REBAR, LANDSCAPE/IRRIGATION, MANHOLEADJUSTING, MASONRY, SIGNS, STRIPING/MARKING, STRUCTURES-CATCH BASINS/JUNCTIONS, SWPPP, EQUIPMENT RENTALS, MATERIALS AND TRUCKING S U L LY- M I L L E R C O N T R A C T I N G C O M PA N Y An Equal Opportunity Employer License No. 747612A, C-10 135 S. State College Boulevard, Suite 400, Brea, CA 92821 Phone: (714) 578-9600 • Fax: (714) 578-9672 Contact: Estimating Department Plans, specifications and project requirements are available on the Sully-Miller web site at Plans, specification and project requirements may be obtained from the Engineering Department, 14000 City Center Drive, Chino Hills, 91709, for a fee. Sully-Miller is willing to set aside any portion of work, no matter how small to encourage (DBE) participation. If you require information regarding assistance in obtaining bonding, insurance, credit, equipment, supplies, materials, or related services, please call our office. 100% Payment and Performance Bonds May Be Required Assistance in obtaining bonding, lines of credit, insurance, equipment, supplies and materials is available upon request. If you require any technical assistance, please contact us. Flatiron analyzes and considers each DBE quote, including those that are broken down into economically feasible units to facilitate bidding. Quotations must be valid for same duration as specified by Owner for contract award. Bond Requirements: Notwithstanding any contrary language in a bid to Flatiron West, Inc. (”Flatiron”) or any prior course of dealing between Flatiron and a bidder, and unless waived in writing by Flatiron, Flatiron reserve the right, pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 4108 and otherwise, to require each bidder to provide payment and performance bonds assuring bidder’s obligations to Flatiron in the amount of 100 percent of the bid to Flatiron. Flatiron will reimburse the bond premium at actual cost not to exceed 3%. The surety on the bonds must be a California admitted surety. Non-DBE Subs/Suppliers: Indicate 2nd tier DBE participation offered on your quotation as it will be evaluated with your price. Please indicate your intentions for bidding on this project by completing this form and returning by Fax to 760-471-4880 or email to Should you have any questions or need additional information please contact Veronica Garcia at 70-916-9075. We lock forward to working with your company on this bid and future projects. FLATIRON WEST, INC. 1770 La Costa Meadows Drive, San Marcos, CA 92078 Phone (760) 916-9100 (ext. 2075) • Fax (760) 471-4860 Contact: Veronica Garcia - Email: An Equal Opportunity Employer R E Q U E S T F O R C E RT I F I E D D B E S U B C O N T R A C T O R S & S U P P L I E R S : INTERSTATE 10 AT JEFFERSON STREET INTERCHANGE (B2-0388) LOCATION: INDIO, CA - OWNER: COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE BID DATE: DECEMBER 17, 2014 AT 2:00 P.M. Quotes requested for, but not limited to, the following types of work: • AC Dike • Aggregate Supply • Asphalt Paving • Biologist • Bridge Demo • Clear and Grub • Cold Plane • Concrete Barrier • Concrete Ditches • Concrete Supply • Construction Area Signs • Driven Pile • Electrical • Erosion Control • Fencing and Railing • Grinding • Guardrail • Imported Borrow • Joint Seal • Landscape and Irrigation • Materials Trucking • Minor Concrete • Miscellaneous Iron and Steel • Noise Monitoring • Overhead Signs and Foundations • Pipe Supply • Prestressing • Reinforcing Steel • Roadside Sign • Slope Paving • Slope Protection • Storm Drain • Striping • Survey Plans and specifications can be downloaded, at no cost from at the following link: Additionally, plans and specifications are available at Flatiron’s offices in San Marcos, CA and Chino Hills, CA. Please call to make an appointment to view plans and specifications. Assistance in obtaining bonding, lines of credit, insurance, equipment, supplies and materials is available upon request. Flatiron analyzes and considers each DBE quote, including those that are broken down into economically feasible units to facilitate bidding. Quotations must be valid for same duration as specified by Owner for contract award. Bond Requirements: Notwithstanding any contrary language in a bid to Flatiron West, Inc. (”Flatiron”) or any prior course of dealing between Flatiron and a bidder, and unless waived in writing by Flatiron, Flatiron reserve the right, pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 4108 and otherwise, to require each bidder to provide payment and performance bonds assuring bidder’s obligations to Flatiron in the amount of 100 percent of the bid to Flatiron. Flatiron will reimburse the bond premium at actual cost not to exceed 3%. The surety on the bonds must be a California admitted surety. Non-DBE Subs/Suppliers: Indicate 2nd tier DBE participation offered on your quotation as it will be evaluated with your price. F L AT I R O N W E S T, I N C . 1 7 7 0 L a C o s t a M e a d o w s D r i v e , S a n M a rc o s , C A 9 2 0 7 8 Phone (909) 597-8413 • Fax (909) 597-8635 C o n t a c t : S a n d r a F re n c h , E s t i m a t i n g A d m i n i s t r a t o r - E m a i l : O C L A B i d s @ f l a t i ro n c o r p . c o m An Equal Opportunity Employer OHL USA, INC. REQUESTING SUB-BIDS ON ALL TRADES From Qualified Subcontractors & Suppliers expressly DBE DBE Goal: 3%, For the following County of Riverside Project: NO. B2-0388 I-10 AT JEFFERSON BLVD. - CITY OF INDIO The I-10 at Jefferson Street project is located in the County of Riverside near Indio. The project involves demolishing the existing bridge and northbound Indio Boulevard overcrossing and modifying existing on- and off-ramps to -10 Eastbound/Westbound. The Jefferson and Indio Blvd overcrossings will be replaced with a new six-lane bridge with bicycle lanes on each side and sidewalk on northbound side of Jefferson Street. SCOPE OF WORK: Aggregate Base, Asphalt, Backfill, Bridge Demo, Cast Iron Pipe, Clear & Grub, Concrete Barrier, Concrete Pavement, Curb & Gutter, 54”-60” CIDH (for signs), 6”-24” Steel Pipe Casing Electrical, Erosion Control, Excavation, Fencing, Imported Borrow, Irrigation, Joint Seal, Landscaping, MBGR, MSE Walls, Railing, Rebar, Sidewalks, Sign Structures, Steel Piling, Storm Drain, Striping, Structural Concrete, Traffic Control. BIDS: DECEMBER 10, 2014 AT 2:00 PM BIDS DUE BEFORE: DECEMBER 10, 2014 BY 1:00 PM Plans & Specs are available at OHL offices from 7:00 am - 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday at: OHL USA, INC. is an AAE/EOE 1920 Main St., Suite 310, Irvine, CA 92614 Phone: 949-242-4432 • Fax: 949-231-1255/949-231-1256 Or anytime at the DropBox Link below: https://www.dropbox/com/sh/utcfwr5m7woy7sb/AADtlHff-Wxjb-dYYCMe8aWka?dl=0 Contact: Estimating Department. - Kevin Abbott 100% BONDING MAY BE REQUIRED FOR ALL SUBCONTRACTORS. ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE IN OBTAINING BONDS, LINES OF CREDIT, INSURANCE, NECESSARY EQUIPMENT & TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE.. OHL USA, INC. INTENDS TO CONDUCT ITSELF IN “GOOD FAITH” WITH ALL CATEGORIES OF DISADVANTAGED, SMALL, MINORITY AND WOMEN FIRMS REGARDING PARTICIPATION ON THIS PROJECT. THEREFORE PLEASE SEND YOUR CERTIFICATIONS PRIOR TO QUOTES. PLEASE RESPOND BACK VIA EMAIL or FAX (include ANY DISADVANTAGE CERTIFICATE and/or applicable certifications issued and validated by pertinent agencies) Phone: 619-284-4871 Fax: 619-284-0895 Equal Opportunity Employer Whitwer Construction, Inc. 8265 Commercial, Ste. SF 10, La Mesa, CA 91942 Request for Qualified MBE/WBE/DBE/DVBE/SBE/UDBE Subcontractors and/or Suppliers For: NEW CLASSROOM BUILDING AT RINCON MIDDLE SCHOOL ESCONDIDO, CA PROJECT NO. 2015-07 BID DATE/TIME: 2:00 P.M., DECEMBER 9, 2014 Contact: CRAIG WHITWER (619) 284-4871 • Fax (619) 284-0895
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