Cheadle Parish Church Those who are blessed, are called to be a blessing! In Touch 30th November 2014 First Sunday of Advent Victorian Market Drop-In Sunday Peel of Bells TODAY! Come along to Café One any time between 10.30am and 12 noon to hear more of what's happening on the Market day. Get the 'Victorian look' - feel free to bring along any clothing items you might already have, there are also items in stock available to borrow. All welcome! This afternoon, bell-ringers from Cheadle and other churches in Cheshire and Lancashire will attempt to ring a full peal of over 5,000 changes at St Mary’s to mark the beginning of Advent, and as advance notice of the Victorian Market. Festival Choir Rehearsals will start tomorrow at 7.30pm and all present members of the choir are encouraged to attend. New members are always welcome! Further rehearsals are on 8th Dec (start time 7pm) and 15th Dec at 7.30pm. Carols by Candlelight services are on 21st December at 6.00pm and 8.00pm. Please bring a copy of the 'Messiah' if you have one - if not you can borrow one from us. This is a Church Family choir so all ages can come. If you have enjoyed singing with a choir years ago or indeed never sung in one but would like to have the experience - just come along and see if you enjoy singing God's praise as much as we do! Phone Vera 0161 439 - 3740 for further information. The intention is to ring non-stop, starting at 1:30pm, and if successful the peal should finish around 4:30pm. First time? Welcome! Make yourself at home. Need anything? Ask one of our welcome team who’d love to help. Stay for a chat! There are refreshments after the main services, served at the back Giving? There’s no collection during services. Please place any gifts in the box near the main door. Standing order and giftaid forms are available. Young children? Use our sound-proofed Tower Room if they get restless, or join in Sunday clubs at Upper Room Deaf? An induction loop is available. Mobiles? Please turn OFF, unless on call Prayer? There is prayer support after 9.30 & 6.30 services, and during communion, at the front of the church by the Cheadle Cross. Check it out! (Inside this issue) ⇒ Events this week p2 ⇒ Christmas Events p2 Historical footnote - the first peal on the 8 bells at St Mary’s Cheadle was rung on April 9th, 1882. There have been only 23 successful peals rung on the bells in total, with the latest having been rung on Advent Sunday last year. Remember to pray for Cheadle as the 50 days of prayer goes on! ⇒ Events Further Afield p3 ⇒ Victorian Christmas p3 ⇒ Events and Calendar p4 ⇒ Prayer Section p4 Advent of what…? This last few days have become a new festival for our age: two days ago was Black Friday—the busiest internet shopping day, as people order things so as to guarantee delivery for Christmas. Getting ready for the postman has taken over from getting ready for Jesus! Rob Munro Of course, Advent isn’t really about ‘getting ready for Christmas’ anyway, it is being ready for Jesus’ return, his second coming—looking for the day when every human being will face Jesus, as their king, like it or not, and then realise and enter their eternal future, on the basis of the faith they have had in him. The urgency of being ready for that is far more significant than missing a Christmas delivery date! How do we help Advent be about the right sort of preparation? It starts when we let the needs of others take greater priority than our own. It starts in the events of next Saturday, when the Cheadle Victorian Market will draw thousands of people into direct contact with Christians, in the context of a Christmas celebration, and we all have the privilege of sharing the reason for the hope that we have. Of course, we all need to be part of that to enable the day to have that effect—I hope you have signed up for some or all of it, that you will dress up to add to the atmosphere and that you will speak up for the real Christmas message as we host many people from our community. So this Advent Sunday, let’s make sure we are ready, not just for lots of fun Christmas activity, for busy services and gatherings, but ready to share the good news, the hope we have, to a world that needs to be prepared for Jesus’ return. Yours in Christ, Rob Page 2 In Touch THIS WEEK Parish Office Penny won’t be in work Monday 1st December. SHARE CHRISTMAS Events to pray for and invite friends to! Those marked are particularly suited for bringing guests to. Saturday 6th December Victorian Christmas Market Day Bereaved Please pray for Phil Goulding and the wider family as they mourn the loss of Phil's father last week— the funeral took place on Thursday. Monday 8th December 2.00pm Belmont Nursing Home Carol Service (come and join in) Wednesday 10th December 10.00am Mustard Seed Christmas Party 2.00pm Mitchell House Carol Service (come & join in!) DECKers 6.30pm Together Trust Carol Service (open to all) will meet on Thursday, 4 December at 1.30pm at Iris' house. We meet to do crafts, chat and eat cake! If you want help with transport or want to know more about the group please contact Vera on 0161 439 3740 10.00am Noah’s Ark Christmas Activities Friday 12th December 7.30pm Inters Christmas Party Saturday 13th December 4pm Discoverers Christmas Party No Limits Friendship Group Next meets on Friday 28th November at 1pm in the UR. Advance Notice: Please note the last meeting of the year will be on Friday 19th December and then meetings start back on Friday 16th January. The meeting which should happen on Friday 2nd January has been cancelled due to it being so early in the New Year. Sunday 14th December 6.30pm Informal Carol Service – contemporary Christmas celebration led by The NET Monday 15th December 10.00am Christmas Gifts Distribution Tuesday 16th December 2.00pm Tuesday at Two Christmas Meeting 7.00pm Kingsway Carol Service The Forge Since September we have begun a project for the Cheadle community as part of our 20/20 vision. The Forge is our commitment for the provision of a Youth Group for the 9-14 year olds in the community, as well as the church. A friendly atmosphere with lots going on! Sports, crafts (loom bands, baking etc), Xbox Kinect, music, monthly special theme nights and much more. As a team we believe this is an amazing opportunity and we know God will bless it. So we need you to spread the word to friends and family and pray for God's guidance and provision. The Forge meets 7:45-9:15pm every Friday in term time in UR. Any questions see Eddie, Andy or any of the Forge Team. Wednesday 17th December 7.00pm Lady Barn House School Carol Service Friday 19th December 10.00am Cheadle Primary Carol Service 5.30pm “Carol Singing around the Village Christmas Tree” – with Cheadle Village Partnership and Traders. Starts in church with mulled wine and mince pies before Cheadle Green for Carol singing just after 6pm Sunday 21st December 9.30am The Nativity— Christmas story with Juice Puppets 11.15am Traditional Morning Prayer and Carols 6.00pm Carols by Candlelight (Lessons & carols, both 8.00pm Carols by Candlelight with Cheadle Festival Choir) NB Christmas refreshments are served before the two evening services. Monday 22nd December 8.00pm In Transit Open Mic Event in Café One Knitters Innocent Smoothies are again looking for knitters of little hats, to go on their drinks bottles. 25p from every drink purchased "wearing a hat" goes to AGE UK. Merilyn has patterns if you would like to join in with this. Enquiries 439 3628 Gospel for Asia’s Christmas Gift Catalogue One Gift Can Change a Life Over 100,000 families in South Asia have been helped through the Christmas gift distribution. Will you join us in adding many more to that number this year? You can pick up your free GFA Christmas Gift Catalogue at the door or see Helen White. For more details you can contact Helen on 07766145026 or email: Christmas Eve (Wednesday) - 24th Dec 12.30pm Carol-singing in Costa Coffee 3.30pm Nativity in the Park at Diamond Jubilee Park nr St Cuthberts 4.00pm Christingle Service– a special service for families the night before Christmas 8.00pm Christmas Eve Holy Communion Christmas Day (Thursday) - 25th Dec 8.00am Holy Communion 9.30am Family Christmas Celebration 11.15am Christmas Communion 12.30am Christmas lunch at St Cuthberts on Christmas day for all those who would otherwise be spending Christmas alone. To join in you will need to book a place: Tel 428 5212 or e-mail: In Touch JOIN IN WITH ... Page 3 FURTHER AFIELD Prisoner of the Month During December please pray for: Maryam (also known as Nasim) in Iran Please pray for Maryam, serving the second year of a 4 year sentence in Iran. Maryam is believed to be in poor health physically and emotionally. Please remember all prisoners of faith this Christmas time. Ecumenical Advent Service Sunday 7th December at 4pm Gatley URC Everyone is warmly invited to join in this service ecumenical service before heading off to their own churches for evening worship. ALL IS CALM Cards giving information about the above event will be available soon. Please make a note of the date and don’t miss the chance to be involved in St Mary's part of the event. The In Yer Face theatre group is wooping with excitement as Tickets for their World War One play ALL IS CALM at the Imperial War Museum North on 14 December, are on sale! Buy tickets for what writer and director Matt Britton is calling 'an original play and midnight carol concert in one'. Every member of the audience gets a free WW1 gift! Call box office 0845 208 0500. Please note that this production is billed as an evangelistic opportunity for you to invite friends that haven't heard the Gospel to. For more info speak to Rob Kates 07745 545 042 Cheadle Victorian Christmas Market Outreach Just six days to go! A Christmas outreach to our community - please join the team and help make it happen Urgently needed Stewards: Volunteers willing to give one or two hours on the day to help steward at one of the Park and Ride venues - Kingsway High School or Together Trust, Schools Hill. Come on your own or bring a friend! Please contact Peter Fraser 428 0917 Programme Deliverers: If you live outside the parish, would you be willing to deliver programmes to the homes in your area? Please speak to Robert Webster 07772862324 As we approach the day, please pray that through the Market, God would use us richly as a church to extend his love and share his offer of peace to all who come this Christmas. Page 4 In Touch For our partners in mission For Church Family Today is Global Day of Prayer for Iraq and Syria please pray for both Christians who remain and those who have left their homes under the threat of persecution and death threats Pray that their faith might be upheld in the dreadful situation in both these countries. For the bereaved Cyril Faulkner Please pray for Gill cancer treatment McCumsky and Lisa Daphne Graham Cox following the at home post surgery Ray & Linda Collier death of their mother, Beryl ongoing treatment Pullen. Beryl’s Lilian Lund at home funeral is in church Kathleen Pearson tomorrow at 2pm. Christmas Story Trail is running over the next fortnight at Hazel Grove Baptist Church - Please pray for Peter and Julie Fraser and the team as they reenact the Christmas Story - Pray for good health for Peter and Julie and that all attending may learn more about the Christ child born to be their Saviour. home after hospital Mary Robertson in interim care Andrew Smith For prayer meetings ongoing care 555 Prayer—every Christine Thompson Sunday 5.55pm in ongoing care Church Tower room Muriel Webb post surgery Saturday Prayer— weekly 9am in Church For the housebound Main Church Prayer—1st Wed 8pm Stephen Davies ongoing care Israel Prayer— 2nd Sean McCausland Monday’s 2 pm in nursing care Prison Prayer— 1st Hazel Muckells in long-term care Monday’s 8pm Edna Needham Persecuted at home church—Sunday 5th Jim Seddon Oct 4pm in long-term care Aileen Tompkins Missionary — 2nd at home Tuesday 8pm Frank Wagstaffe CHHS Prayer — as in hospital advertised PRAYER CHAIN Send urgent requests to or ring the Church Office on 428 8050 to be forwarded in confidence. Student of the Week: Lucy Burrows studying Geography at Nottingham University What’s Happening! Sunday 30th Nov First Sunday of Advent 8.00am 9.30am 10.30am 11.15am 5.55pm 6.30pm Monday 1st Dec 9.00am 2.00pm 6.00pm 7.30pm Staff prayers/meeting in UR Funeral of Beryl Pullen in church Primary Saints in Upper Room Juice Puppets in Upper Room Festival Choir rehearsal in church Tuesday 2nd Dec 2.00pm 3.45pm 7.45pm 8.00pm Tuesday at Two meet in UR Dynamos after-school club in UR Bell Ringing practice in church Christianity Explored in Café One Wednesday 3rd Dec Thursday 4th Dec Friday 5th Dec 10.00am Mustard Seed meets in Upper Room 8.00pm Upper Room Prayer Meeting 9.30am Bible Study & Bright Start crèche in UR 1.30pm DECKers meets at Iris’ home 10.30am Third Age Keep Fit in UR 1.00pm No Limits meets in UR 7.45pm The Forge meets in the UR Victorian Christmas Market Day Saturday 6th Dec Sunday 7th Dec Second Sunday of Advent 8.00am 9.30am 11.15am 4.00pm 5.55pm 6.30pm What’s Coming Up! Victorian Christmas Market Saturday 6th December “All is Calm” (Imperial War Museum) Sunday 14th December The Net led “Informal Carol” service Sunday 14th December Community Carols (at Cheadle Green) Friday 19th December Safari Supper Collect for First Sunday of Advent Rector: Rob Munro 428-3440 Associate Minister Eddie Scrase-Field 915 9849 Assistant Minister(3rd age) Mike Lowe 01625 525718 1 Thes 5:1-11 11.15am (p686) Isaiah 2:1-5 (p1187) 1 Thes 4:1-12 (p1019) 6.30pm Newman 428-5212 Curate: (Due to start July 2015) Simon Donohoe Today’s Bible Readings 9.30am Service Saturday 31st January Contacts Associate Minister (St.Cuths) Mike Isaiah 2:1-5 1 Thes 4:1-12 Mark 13:24-end Holy Communion (Eddie Scrase-Field) Nine-thirty Service (Eddie Scrase-Field) Morning Prayer (Eddie Scrase-Field) Ecumenical Advent Service at Gatley URC Prayer meeting in church Holy Communion (Rob Munro) For a full list of our Christmas Activities look on page 2 Almighty God, give us grace to cast away the works of darkness and to put on the armour of light, now in the time of this mortal life, in which your Son Jesus Christ came to us in great humility; that on the last day, when he shall come again in his glorious majesty to judge the living and the dead, we may rise to the life immortal; through him who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. 8.00am Holy Communion (Rob Munro) All Age Service (Rob Munro) Victorian Market “Drop-in” Café One Morning Prayer (Rob Munro) Prayer meeting in church Evening Service (Eddie Scrase-Field) (p686) (p1187) Service John 15:12-17 (p1188) Prov 17:9-17, 18:24 (p1083) (p652) Church Office (Penny or Sheila) , The Upper Room, 11 Wilmslow Road, Cheadle, SK8 1DW Phone: 0161 428 8050 Fax: 0203 479 5591 or /
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