EU – Middle East Forum (EUMEF)

EU – Middle East Forum
Constructive versus Destructive
Engagement –
Drivers and Implications of External
Actors’ Policies for North Africa
18th International Summer School
11 – 22 August 2014, Berlin
18th International Summer School
Constructive versus Destructive Engagement – Drivers and
Implications of External Actors’ Policies for North Africa
In cooperation with
German Council on Foreign Relations
EU – Middle East Forum (EUMEF)
Berlin 2014
Established in 1964, the Robert Bosch Stiftung GmbH is one of
the major German foundations associated with a private company.
It represents the philanthropic and social endeavors of Robert
Bosch (1861–1942) and fulfills his legacy in a contemporary ­manner.
The Robert Bosch Stiftung works predominantly in the fields of
International Relations, Health, and Education. The EU-Middle
East ­Forum, as well as its predecessors, the International Forum on
Strategic Thinking (IFST) and the Forum European Foreign and
Security Policy, have been carried out in close cooperation between
DGAP and Robert Bosch Stiftung.
The Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations (Institut für
Auslandsbeziehungen, ifa) is an organization operating worldwide
to promote intercultural exchange and dialogue between civil
societies. With funds from the German Federal Foreign Office, ifa
supports with its zivik Funding Programme projects of German,
international, and/or local non-governmental organizations to
support the transformation of the affected Arab countries from
autocratic models to functioning democratic systems reigned by the
rule of law and a constructive conflict culture.
Table of Contents
German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP)
EU-Middle East Forum (EUMEF)
The 18th International Summer School
Dina Fakoussa (EGYPT/GERMANY)
Christian Achrainer (GERMANY)
Julia Schöpp (GERMANY)
Salma Soliman (EGYPT/GERMANY)
Concept Note
Speakers (in order of appearance in the agenda)
Facilitators - Paper Presentations
Ibrahim El-Houdaiby (EGYPT)
Inken Wiese (GERMANY)
Jan Claudius Völkel (GERMANY/EGYPT)
Facilitators - Scenario Workshop
Paul Freiherr von Maltzahn (GERMANY)
Irene Weinz (GERMANY)
Peter Mares (GERMANY)
Fawaz A. Gerges (USA/LEBANON/UK)
Eberhard Sandschneider (GERMANY)
Sebastian Harnisch (GERMANY)
Magda Shahin (EGYPT)
Amine Aït-Chalaal (BELGIUM)
Kristina Kausch (GERMANY/SPAIN)
Michael Reuss (GERMANY)
Andrea Teti (ITALY/UK)
Andrew Hammond (UK/BELGIUM)
David B. Roberts (UK/QATAR)
Kristian Coates Ulrichsen (UK/NORWAY/USA)
Mensur Akgün (TURKEY)
Mohamed Elagati (EGYPT)
Johannes Gabriel (GERMANY)
Ingo Kollosche (GERMANY)
Participants (in alphabetical order)
Ahmed Hamdy (EGYPT)
Ahmed Sayed Ahmed Hassan (EGYPT)
Andrea Longo (ITALY)
Andrea Schill (GERMANY)
Arwa Kooli (TUNISIA)
Basma Serag (EGYPT)
Covadonga Bachiller López (SPAIN/GERMANY)
Davide Tramballi (ITALY)
Eda Sevinin (TURKEY)
Ezgi Uzun (TURKEY)
Giulia Cimini (ITALY)
Hamza Tayebi (MOROCCO)
Imen Shel (TUNISIA)
Khaoula Ajanane (MOROCCO)
Lucie Kirstein (GERMANY)
Martin Schiller (GERMANY)
Meike Lettau (GERMANY)
Meriem Dhaouadi (TUNISIA)
Mozynah Nofal (EGYPT)
Nizar Amri (TUNISIA)
Raffael Beier (GERMANY)
Rim Dhaouadi (TUNISIA)
Rim Koussa Dit Bacha (FRANCE)
Sara Hamouda (EGYPT)
Tariq Suleiman (EGYPT)
Zakian Benamar (MOROCCO)
Information and Logistics
Berlin City Guide
German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP)
The German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) is Germany’s network for foreign
policy. As an independent, non-partisan, and nonprofit membership organization,
think tank, and publisher, DGAP has been promoting public debate on foreign policy
in Germany for over 50 years. Among its over 2.500 active members are renowned
representatives from politics, business, academia, and the media – as well as more
than 70 companies and foundations which support DGAP’s work. DGAP’s goals are
to promote and contribute to foreign policy debates in Germany, to advise decision
makers from politics, business and civil society, and to inform the public about
foreign policy issues. DGAP comprises the think tank, the journal IP, the library and
documentation center, and the platform Young DGAP.
DGAP’s think tank works at the junction between politics, academia, and the
economy. Its work is interdisciplinary and policy-oriented and covers different areas
of German foreign policy in a globalized and rapidly changing world. The think tank’s
activities include research and publications, high-profile conferences and meetings as
well as programs for the advancement of young professionals.
The journal Internationale Politik (IP) appears in German as a bimonthly print magazine
and in English as an online magazine on German and European foreign policy. IP
Journal offers German perspectives on important foreign affairs issues as well as indepth analyses on central questions of German and European foreign policy by
renowned authors and experts in and outside of Germany.
The DGAP Library and Documentation Center (BiDok) is one of the oldest and most
significant specialized libraries in Germany that is open to the public. It holds
substantial collections on German foreign and security policy.
The Young DGAP is an initiative for members of DGAP under the age of 35. It aims
at encouraging more young people to take an active interest in foreign and security
policy through innovative events such as controversial debates and discussions with
senior decision-makers.
EU-Middle East Forum (EUMEF)
The EU-Middle East Forum (EUMEF) is one of the core programs for the
advancement of young academics and professionals at the DGAP. The Forum
conceptualizes and organizes different conference formats in order to provide young
experts from North Africa and the Middle East as well as Turkey and Europe with a
platform for discussion, exchange, and cooperation. EUMEF is the follow-up project
of the International Forum on Strategic Thinking (2006-2010) and the Forum
European Foreign and Security Policy (1997-2005). Like its predecessors, EUMEF
has been realized in close cooperation between the DGAP and the Robert Bosch
Stiftung. Since 2012, the program has also been supported by the Institute for Foreign
Cultural Relations (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, ifa) and the Federal Foreign
1. Topics
Since 2011, EUMEF has been focusing on the chances and challenges associated with
the current transformation processes in North Africa, as well as on German and EU
policies within the framework of these developments. EUMEF addresses security
questions as well as sociopolitical and socioeconomic issues, including subjects like
democratization, human rights, education, and migration.
2. Participants
Participants of EUMEF’s different conference formats come from the North-African
countries Egypt, Tunisia, and Morocco, from Turkey, and from Germany, France,
Italy, Greece, Spain, and the United Kingdom. The program targets students and
young professionals working in academia, politics, civil society, the media, and the
corporate sector.
3. Conference Formats
EUMEF offers three dialogue and educational formats and follows a multi-level
approach in order to bring together the decision makers of tomorrow during different
stages of their career. This allows for the development of a sustainable network.
International Summer Schools (ISS)
Every summer, the International Summer School invites 30 highly qualified students
at the end of their studies or recent graduates (with 1–2 years of work experience) to
Berlin for two weeks. The participants come from the fields of Political and Social
Sciences, Economics, Law, and Media and Communication Studies. Apart from
lectures by internationally renowned experts, discussions, working groups, and
workshops on a variety of topics, inter-cultural dialogue and social activities are also
part of the program. This allows students to get to know each other and to jointly
reflect on different perspectives of current political issues.
New Faces Conferences (NFC)
Each three-day New Faces Conference (NFC) brings together 20 young and mid-level
experts with relevant work experience. Participants are young professionals from
academia, politics, civil society, media, and the corporate sector. EUMEF organizes
two NFCs per year (in spring and autumn), usually in cooperation with partner
institutions in Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia or Turkey. Each NFC focuses on a specific
sub-topic of the Forum’s overall theme. The NFCs provide a forum to discuss current
political issues with peers from a variety of backgrounds, as well as with senior experts
from the respective fields. At the same time, the conferences enable participants to
expand their network and to initiate joint projects.
Alumni Conferences
Biennially, EUMEF invites all former ISS and NFC participants to reconvene in
Berlin for three days. The Alumni Conferences allow for a strengthening of the
network and an exchange among the alumni. Subjects addressed during these
conferences are derived from up-to-date political and security challenges and topics of
former conferences and summer schools. Participants also get the chance to present
their own initiatives and projects and to explore opportunities for cooperation with
other alumni. The next Alumni Conference will be held 13 – 15 November 2014.
4. Objectives
Reflection and analysis of political, socio-economic and security challenges, and
the sensitization for effective solutions and policies on a national and EU level
Exchange of know-how and experiences
Promotion of intercultural dialogue to increase understanding and trust between
young potential policy makers from Arab countries, the EU, and Turkey
Promotion of a pluralistic, tolerant, and respectful debating environment
Establishment of a network of high calibre future actors from North Africa, the
EU, and Turkey
5. Team
Head of Program: Dina Fakoussa
Program Officer: Christian Achrainer
Program Assistant: Julia Schöpp
Intern: Salma Soliman
EUMEF – Team
Dina Fakoussa (EGYPT/GERMANY)
Dina Fakoussa has been working for many years as Project
and Program Manager in international development
cooperation targeting the Arab region. Her last position
abroad was at the German Heinrich Böll Stiftung – The
Political Green Foundation in Lebanon, where she worked
for two years as Program Manager. She was in charge of
concept development of international conferences and
workshops on democratization, human and women rights,
conflict resolution, and climate change with a focus on
Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq, as well as networking with local
organizations, and drawing up analysis on political and
socio-economic developments in the region. Dina is Egyptian-German. She obtained
her BA in Political Science with a Minor in Economics from the American University
in Cairo and her MA in Political Science from the Freie Universität Berlin.
Christian Achrainer (GERMANY)
Christian Achrainer has been working as Program Officer for
EUMEF since January 2011. Prior, he worked as Program
Assistant and Program Officer for EUMEF’s predecessor
project, the International Forum on Strategic Thinking. His
research is mainly focused on the transition in Egypt and
German and European foreign policy towards the MENAregion. Besides his work at DGAP, Christian lectures at Freie
Universität and Humboldt Universität in Berlin and is a
Consultant for the German Society for International
Cooperation (GIZ). He studied Political Science, Sociology,
and Media and Communication Science at the Universities of
Düsseldorf, Bremen, and Turku. During his studies, Christian worked for the
Politische Vierteljahresschrift (PVS), the flagship journal of German Political Science.
Julia Schöpp (GERMANY)
Julia Schöpp is Program Assistant at EUMEF and has a BA
in Political Science from Freie Universität Berlin. Previously,
she was working at EUMEF as an Intern for three months.
From September 2012 until July 2013, she studied at Cairo
University, Faculty of Economics and Political Science,
where she focused on improving her Arabic skills. Besides,
Julia worked and interned with several organizations, such as
Amnesty International, UN Women, and the student
initiative “Middle East Excursion”. In October, she will start
her MA in Comparative & Middle East Politics and Society
at Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen.
Salma Soliman (EGYPT/GERMANY)
Salma Soliman is EUMEF’s intern and currently pursuing a
Master’s degree in Islamic Studies at Freie Universität Berlin.
She obtained her BSc in Political Science from the Faculty of
Economics and Political Science, Cairo University. After
graduation, she worked as Junior Researcher at Partners in
Development, a Cairo-based think tank specialized on political
and economic development. Salma has previously interned with
the Deutsche Welle TV in Berlin, Ashoka Arab World, and The
Daily News Egypt newspaper in Cairo. Her research areas of
interest include Middle East politics, EU-Medditerranean relations, Islamic political
theory, media and political communication, and gender studies in the Arab World.
The 18th DGAP International Summer School
After decades of relative stagnation, North Africa continues to grapple with the
radical upheavals of 2010/11 whose outcomes remain everything but predictable.
Internal actors, factors, and power dynamics largely determine the different courses
the countries are taking. Nevertheless their alarming socio-economic woes and deficits
in the political sphere render them dependent on external forces’ assistance and
interests. This holds true amongst others for the economy, the state administration as
well as civil society. Regional powers are additionally clearly influencing domestic
politics and power equations through their direct financial and political support of
specific political actors, while at the same time there is an increasing skepticism on the
societal level towards foreign engagement in general. The impact of these realities is
felt across different realms, be it political, economic, or social. Already undergoing
tectonic changes, their fragility and instability is further aggravated. Societies are
deeply divided over the future of their countries and domestic conflicts and grievances
are often intensified by the involvement of external actors.
The uprisings and toppling of the old regimes brought an era to an end in which longlasting alliances determined the external relations of North African states. Today, a
diversification of the countries’ foreign affairs accompanied by the wish for more
independence is taking place and the struggle for engagement and influence by
external actors is in full swing. Especially old allies such as the USA, France or the EU
who supported the former regimes face severe credibility problems, struggle to
maintain their influence, and/or lack the resources or will necessary to engage
constructively in North Africa. Traditional rivalries (re-)surface and new alliances with
regional and international powers are forged. As a result of a more assertive foreign
policy by new regional players such as Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey multilateral
engagement as such is transformed and the normative foundations of the international
system are witness to change. This might increasingly be mirrored in the policies and
politics of multilateral institutions such as the IMF or the World Bank.
Against this backdrop, DGAP’s EU-Middle East Forum (EUMEF) is hosting the
18th International Summer School on “Constructive versus Destructive Engagement Drivers and Implications of External Actors’ Policies for North Africa”. The Summer
School will provide participants with analytical tools to understand foreign policy
making before scrutinizing factors affecting the policy making of several key actors,
the nature and dimension of these policies, limits and opportunities of engagement,
and implications for North African societies, their economies, and politics. Among
others, issues such as the linkage between external actors and Islamist movements,
effects of conditionality and democracy promotion, and the impact of economic
cooperation and stabilization programs will be analyzed.
The International Summer School offers participants the opportunity to experience a
stimulating intellectual environment and acquire knowledge and valuable experiences.
Students attend lectures and panel debates in which renowned senior experts offer
their insights and analysis. Each participant presents a short input statement to jointly
reflect on different sub-topics and perspectives in small working groups. In a scenario
workshop, participants learn scientific techniques to think about future developments
and generate scenarios accordingly. Finally, students visit thematically relevant
institutions in Berlin and carry out joint social activities to network and intensify this
intercultural encounter.
Monday 11 August
Pick-Up in front of the Hotel
09.30 – 10.00
Opening of the 18th International Summer School
Amb. Paul Freiherr von Maltzahn (ret.), Secretary General of
Irene Weinz, Program Officer at the Department “International
Relations Europe and its Neighbours”, Robert Bosch Stiftung
Peter Mares, Head of zivik, Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations
10.00 – 11.00
Introduction to EUMEF and the Conference
Dina Fakoussa, Head of EUMEF
Christian Achrainer, Program Officer at EUMEF
11.00 – 11.30
Coffee Break
11.30 – 12.00
The Geopolitics of a North Africa in Flux – How the Arab
Uprisings reshape Power Structures, Alliances, and External
Fawaz A. Gerges, Professor of International Relations at the
London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and
Holder of the Emirates Chair in Contemporary Middle East Studies
12.00 – 13.00
Plenary Discussion
13.00 – 14.00
Lunch at DGAP
14.00 – 15.00
Getting to know DGAP – The Role of a German Think Tank
Eberhard Sandschneider, Otto Wolff-Director of the Research
Institute, DGAP
15.00 – 19.00
“Scavenger Hunt” through Berlin
Dinner at DGAP
- 10 -
Tuesday 12 August
09.45 – 10.30
Foreign Policy in the Making – How to analyze and explain
State Behavior
Sebastian Harnisch, Professor of International Relations and
Foreign Policy at Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg and
Deputy Executive Director at the Institute for Political Science
10.30 – 11.30
Plenary Discussion
11.30 – 12.00
Coffee Break
12.00 – 12.30
The United States between Hegemonial Ambitions and
Retreat – How the Super Power’s Strategic Reorientation
affects North African States
Magda Shahin, Professor and Director of the Prince Alwaleed
Center for American Studies and Research, School of Global
Affairs and Public Policy (GAPP), American University in Cairo
12.30 – 13.30
Plenary Discussion
13.30 – 14.30
Lunch at DGAP
14.30 – 15.00
New Realities but Old Strategies? France in a Changing
Amine Aït-Chalaal, Professor of International Relations and
Director of the Center for the Study of International Crises and
Conflicts (CECRI) at Université Catholique de Louvain
15.00 – 16.00
Plenary Discussion
16.00 – 16.30
Coffee Break
16.30 – 17.00
Preparation of Scavenger Hunt Results
17.00 – 18.00
Presentation of Scavenger Hunt Results
Dinner at DGAP
- 11 -
Wednesday 13 August
09.30 – 10.00
The EU between Self-Interest and Constructive Commitment
Kristina Kausch, Senior Researcher and Head of the Middle East
Programme, FRIDE, Madrid
10.00 – 11.00
Plenary Discussion
12.00 – 13.30
Visit to the Federal Foreign Office
12.00 – 12.30
Transformation Partnership and Beyond – Germany’s North
Africa Policies
Michael Reuss, Head of Division Transformations in the Arab
World, Federal Foreign Office
12.30 – 13.30
Plenary Discussion
14.00 – 15.30
Lunch at Brasserie in Berlin-Mitte
17.00 – 18.30
Visit to the Reichstag, Seat of the German Parliament
- 12 -
Thursday 14 August
09.30 – 10.00
Democracy Promotion – Failing the Mandate?
Andrea Teti, Director of the Centre for Global Security and
Governance, University of Aberdeen
10.00 – 11.00
Plenary Discussion
11.00 – 11.30
Coffee Break
11.30 – 12.00
Ideology, Power, and Politics – The Ambiguous Interplay
between External Actors and Islamist Movements in Egypt
Ibrahim El-Houdaiby, Cairo-based Senior Researcher and Author
12.00 – 13.00
Plenary Discussion
13.00 – 14.00
Lunch at DGAP
14.00 – 16.00
Working Group Session – Input Presentations 1 & 2
Working Group “Civil Society” – Facilitator: Ibrahim El Houdaiby,
Cairo-based Senior Researcher and Author
Working Group “Economy” – Facilitator: Inken Wiese, PhD
Candidate and Consultant
Working Group “Geopolitics” – Facilitator: Jan Claudius Völkel,
DAAD Longterm Lecturer at the Euro-Mediterranean Studies
Programme, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo
16.00 – 16.30
Coffee Break
16.30 – 18.00
Working Group Session – Input Presentations 3 & 4
Dinner at Pestana in Berlin-Tiergarten
- 13 -
Friday 15 August
09.30 – 11.00
Working Group Session – Input Presentations 5 & 6
11.00 – 11.30
Coffee Break
11.30 – 13.00
Working Group Session – Input Presentations 7 & 8
13.00 – 14.00
Lunch at DGAP
14.00 – 15.30
Working Group Session – Input Presentations 9 & 10
15.30 – 16.00
Coffee Break
16.00 – 17.30
Working Group Session – Summing Up
17.30 – 18.30
Plenary Session – Presentation of Key Findings
18.30 – 19.00
Submission of Travel Documents
Dinner at DGAP
Sunday 17 August
Meeting at Alexanderplatz (Weltzeituhr/World Time Watch)
13.00 – 15.00
Visit to the Hohenschönhausen Memorial, Former
Prison of the East German Ministry of State Security
Visit to Mauerpark Flea Market (optional)
- 14 -
Monday 18 August
09.30 – 10.00
Between Outreach, Patronage, and Repression – Saudi
Arabia’s Ambiguous Policies in the Region
Andrew Hammond, Policy Fellow at the European Council on
Foreign Relations (ECFR) in Brussels
10.00 – 11.00
Plenary Discussion
11.00 – 11.30
Coffee Break
11.30 – 12.00
Qatar Foundation, Al Jazeera, and Co. – Small State, Big
David B. Roberts, Lecturer at King’s College London
12.00 – 13.00
Plenary Discussion
13.00 – 14.00
Lunch at DGAP
14.00 – 14.30
Assertive Regional Politics of the Gulf – How the Rise of New
Players shakes the Normative Foundations of the
International System
Kristian Coates Ulrichsen, Research Fellow at Rice University's
Baker Institute for Public Policy in Houston
14.30 – 15.30
Plenary Discussion
16.45 – 18.45
Guided Walking Tour in Berlin-Kreuzberg
Dinner at Max & Moritz in Berlin-Kreuzberg
- 15 -
Tuesday 19 August
09.30 – 10.30
Introduction to Scenarios Approach
Johannes Gabriel, Founder and Director of Foresight Intelligence
(FI), Berlin
Ingo Kollosche, Research Associate at Technische Universität
10.30 – 11.30
Working Group Session – Environment Scanning
11.30 – 12.00
Coffee Break
12.00 – 13.00
Working Group Session – Environment Scanning (continued)
13.00 – 14.00
Lunch at DGAP
14.00 – 16.00
Working Group Session – Factor Assessment
16.00 – 16.30
Coffee Break
16.30 – 18.30
Working Group Session – Driver-Driven Analysis
Dinner at DGAP
- 16 -
Wednesday 20 August
09.30 – 10.30
Introduction to Scenarios Approach (Part II)
Johannes Gabriel, Founder and Director of Foresight Intelligence
(FI), Berlin
Ingo Kollosche, Research Associate at Technische Universität
10.30 – 11.30
Working Group Session – Scenario Construction
11.30 – 12.00
Coffee Break
12.00 – 13.00
Working Group Session – Scenario Construction
13.00 – 14.00
Lunch at DGAP
14.00 – 16.00
Working Group Session – Scenario Writing
16.00 – 16.30
Coffee Break
16.30 – 18.30
Gallery Walk
Dinner at DGAP
- 17 -
Thursday 21 August
09.30 – 10.00
Internal Struggles and Regional Ambitions – The Role and
Perception of Turkey in the Middle East
Mensur Akgün, Director of the Global Political Trends Center
(GPoT) and Chair of the Department of International Relations at
Istanbul Kültür University
10.00 – 11.00
Plenary Discussion
11.00 – 11.30
Coffee Break
11.30 – 12.00
Hidden Agendas and Close Partners – The Perception of
External Actors and Foreign Funding of Civil Society in
Mohamed Elagati, Executive Director of the Arab Forum for
Alternatives, Cairo
12.00 – 13.00
Plenary Discussion
13.00 – 14.00
Lunch at DGAP
14.00 – 15.30
Wrap-up Session, Feedback, Evaluation
Farewell Party at Mauersegler in Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg
- 18 -
Speakers (in order of appearance in the agenda)
Paul Freiherr von Maltzahn (GERMANY)
Paul Freiherr von Maltzahn has been Secretary General of
DGAP since September 2010. He entered the Foreign
Service of the Federal Republic of Germany in April 1970
and in his 40 years of service Paul von Maltzahn became a
specialist on Middle Eastern affairs. Starting 1973 in Beirut,
he witnessed the outbreak of the civil war in Lebanon, was
in Syria during the Assad regime’s fight for survival against
the Muslim brotherhood, and again was present during the
“October Revolution” of 1988 in Algiers. During his stay in
London from 1996 to 2000, he had a close view of the
“Blair Revolution” before moving as Ambassador to Egypt, followed by three years in
Iran where he was part of the E3 and P5 +1 negotiations on the Iranian nuclear file.
After having three further years in Indonesia he volunteered for one year in Baghdad
as his last posting. He has read Law and Arabic in Heidelberg, Munich, and Hamburg
and studied Political Sciences at l’Institut d’Etudes Politiques (Sciences Po) in Paris.
Irene Weinz (GERMANY)
Irene Weinz works as Program Officer at the department
“International Relations Europe and its Neighbours” of
the Robert Bosch Stiftung GmbH in Stuttgart, Germany.
Established in 1964, the Robert Bosch Stiftung is one of
the major German foundations associated with a private
company. It represents the philantropic and social
endeavors of Robert Bosch (1861-1942) and fulfills his
legacy in a contemporary manner. The Robert Bosch
Stiftung works in the fields of international relations,
health, science, education, society, and culture. Irene
Weinz is currently developing a strategy for the
foundation’s activities in the MENA region and is at the same time responsible for a
number of programs and projects in German-French relations. Before joining the
foundation in 2007, she worked as Research Assistant at the Department of Law at
the Freie Universität Berlin. During her studies of Political Science at Freie Universität
Berlin and Charles University Prague, she focused on international relations and civic
- 19 -
Peter Mares (GERMANY)
Peter Mares works for the Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen
(Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations, ifa) and is heading
the zivik Funding Program since 2006. The program operating worldwide - was established in the year 2001 and
provides advice on project ideas in the sphere of conflict
transformation and peace building. In its role as
intermediary between the German Federal Foreign Office
and civil society organizations it selects, funds, and
evaluates projects. Peter Mares has previously worked at the
Office of the President in Prague, Czech Republic, dealing
with communication and presentations. Additionally, he is editor of the books
“Frieden und Zivilgesellschaft - Programm, Praxis, Partner“ and “Erfolgreich
gewaltfrei - Professionelle Praxis in ziviler Friedensförderung“. He studied Political
Science, Sociology, and Slavonic Studies at the Universities of Nuremberg and
Fawaz A. Gerges (USA/LEBANON/UK)
Fawaz A. Gerges is Professor of International Relations at
the London School of Economics and Political Science
where he holds the Emirates Chair in Contemporary Middle
Eastern Studies. He was LSE’s inaugural Director of the
Middle East Centre from 2010 until 2013. He has taught at
Oxford, Harvard, and Columbia, and was a research scholar
at Princeton, and chair holder at Sarah Lawrence College,
New York. His special interests include Islam and the
political process, mainstream Islamist movements and
jihadist groups, Arab and Muslim politics in the 20th
century, the international relations and political economy of
the Middle East, the Arab-Israeli conflict, American foreign policy towards the
Muslim world, the modern history of the Middle East, history of conflict, diplomacy
and foreign policy, and historical sociology. He is author of several acclaimed
books, including the newly-released “The New Middle East - Social Protest and
Revolution in the Arab World” and “Obama and the Middle East”.
- 20 -
Eberhard Sandschneider (GERMANY)
Eberhard Sandschneider has been Otto Wolff - Director of
DGAP’s Research Institute since August 2003. He has held
a Chair for Chinese Politics and International Relations at
Freie Universität Berlin since 1998. He was Managing
Director of the Otto Suhr Institute from October 1999 to
March 2001 and Dean of the Department of Political and
Social Sciences from 2001 to 2003. Between 1995 and 1998,
he was Professor of International Relations at Johannes
Gutenberg Universität in Mainz. Eberhard Sandschneider’s
books include “Globale Rivalen - Chinas unheimlicher
Aufstieg und die Ohnmacht des Westens” (Global Rivals - China’s uncanny Rise and
the Helplessness of the West, 2008) and “Der erfolgreiche Abstieg Europas - Heute
Macht abgeben, um morgen zu gewinnen” (Europe’s Successful Descent - Giving
away Power today in order to win tomorrow, 2011). He was promoted to Professor
on the topic “The Stability and Transformation of Political Systems” (1993) and wrote
his doctoral thesis on “Military and Politics in the PR China 1969-1986” (1986).
Sebastian Harnisch (GERMANY)
Sebastian Harnisch is Professor for International Relations
and Foreign Policy as well as the Deputy Executive Director
at the Institute for Political Science, Ruprecht-KarlsUniversität Heidelberg. Previously, he taught at Universität
Trier and the University for the German Federal Armed
Forces in Munich as well as at the Al-Farabi Kazakh
National University, Almaty and the Beijing Foreign Studies
University, Beijing. His research and publications encompass
comparative foreign and security policy analysis, theories of
International Relations, Korean affairs, and nonproliferation
issues. His most recent publications include “Deutsche Außenpolitik und
internationale Führung - Ressourcen, Praktiken und Politiken in einer veränderten
Europäischen Union“ (2014), “Auf Augenhöhe - 50 Jahre Bundesministerium für
wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung“ (2012), and “Role Theory in
International Relations - Contemporary Approaches and Analyses” ( 2011).
- 21 -
Magda Shahin (EGYPT)
Magda Shahin is the Director of the Prince Alwaleed
American Studies Center and a full Professor at the
School of Global Affairs and Public Policy (GAPP) at the
American University in Cairo which she joined in 2011.
Her primary career has been in diplomacy as she held a
number of distinguished posts with the Egyptian Foreign
Ministry, namely as First Secretary in Bonn, as Counselor
in New York, as Deputy Chief of Mission in Geneva, and
lastly as Ambassador in Athens. She held the position of
Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for International Economics twice. Her area of
expertise is diplomacy, trade development, and negotiation, which has enabled her to
develop an excellent understanding of the US, US economic issues, and the interests
of US companies, first in a five-year posting to the US as part of the Egyptian mission
to the UN and subsequently as the Deputy Head of the Egyptian mission to the WTO
in Geneva. She has completed five years as Executive Director of the USAID Project
Trade Advisory Program to the Private Sector in the American Chamber of
Commerce in Egypt and counselor to the Egyptian Minister of Trade and Industry on
matters related to international trade and the World Trade Organization in the period
from September 2010 to June 2011.
Amine Aït-Chalaal (BELGIUM)
Amine Aït-Chaalal is Professor of International Relations
at the Political Science Department of the Université
Catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain/Louvain-la-Neuve,
Belgium) and Director of the Study Centre on
International Crises and Conflicts (Centre d'études des
crises et conflits internationaux/CECRI) at UCLouvain.
He holds a PhD in Political Science-International
Relations from UCLouvain and an MA in International
Politics from Ottawa University in Ontario, Canada. He
has taught and made research stays in various institutions
such as Monash University, Melbourne, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Nelson
Mandela Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution, New Delhi, Fundação Alexandre
de Gusmão/FUNAG, Brasilia, and Johns Hopkins University, Washington DC.
- 22 -
Kristina Kausch (GERMANY/SPAIN)
Kristina Kausch heads FRIDE’s Middle East and North
Africa Programme. She specialises in European foreign
policy and the EU’s relations with its Southern neighbours
democracy, human rights, governance, and Middle
Eastern geopolitics. She co-edited the books “Islamist
Radicalisation - The Challenge for Euro-Mediterranean
Relations” (CEPS/FRIDE, 2009) and “Europe in the
Reshaped Middle East” (FRIDE, 2012). Kristina Kausch
also appears regularly on English-, Spanish- and Germanspeaking media. In parallel to her position at FRIDE, she
teaches postgraduate International Relations at the CEU San Pablo University in
Michael Reuss (GERMANY)
Michael Reuss has been Head of the Division
“Transformations in the Arab World” of the Federal
Foreign Office since August 2011. Prior, he worked as a
Deputy Head of Mission at the German Embassy in
Sanaa, as the First Secretary of the Political Department
for the Permanent Mission of Germany to the EU in
Brussels, at the German Embassy in Lagos, and as an
Exchange Officer at the British Foreign Office, London,
amongst others. Michael Reuss joined the German
Diplomatic Academy from 1992 until 1993 after
graduating from Medical University in Munich and Sydney and working as a Junior
Resident in Neurology/Psychiatry in Munich for two years
- 23 -
Andrea Teti (ITALY/UK)
Andrea Teti is the Director of the Centre for Global
Security and Governance as well as Lecturer in
International Relations at the University of Aberdeen. He
holds an MA (Hons) and a PhD from the University of
St. Andrews. His main research interests and publications
focus on European and US democracy-promotion
policies in the Middle East, Egyptian politics, Islamist
movements, civil society, and labour movements.
Previously, he was Lecturer in International Relations at
the Universities of Exeter and Plymouth, and visiting
fellow at the University of Turin and at the Anna Lindh Chair of Euro-Mediterranean
Studies of the University of Salerno.
Andrew Hammond (UK/BELGIUM)
Andrew Hammond has been a Policy Fellow at the
European Council on Foreign Relation’s Middle East and
North Africa Programme since October 2013. His
research covers Islamist movements, human rights issues,
Arab media, and cultural affairs in Egypt and the Gulf.
He previously worked as a journalist with BBC Arabic
radio, was a founding member of the Cairo Times news
magazine, and worked as a correspondent for ten years
with Reuters where he was Bureau Chief in Riyadh from
2006-2009. Andrew Hammond has covered the Arab
Spring uprisings in Egypt, Tunisia, Bahrain, Yemen, and Morocco and reported from
Iraq before and after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein. He has authored three
books: “Popular Culture in the Arab World” (2004), “What the Arabs Think of
America” (2007), and “The Islamic Utopia - The Illusion of Reform in Saudi Arabia“
- 24 -
David B. Roberts (UK/QATAR)
David B. Roberts joined the Defence Studies
Department at King’s College London in October
2013. Prior to moving to King’s College, he was the
Director of the Qatar office of the Royal United Services
Institute for Defence and Security Studies (RUSI Qatar).
He obtained his PhD from Durham University, his MA
in Diplomacy from Nottingham University, and his MA
(Hons) in International Relations from St. Andrews
University. His primary research interest focuses on
Qatar’s foreign policy. In particular, his PhD sought to
understand the core rationale of Qatar’s recent flurries in the world of international
relations. His book “Qatar - Securing the Global Ambitions of a City State” will be
published in 2015. Otherwise, David Roberts is interested in wider Gulf international
relations and domestic political issues as well as questions of a future Gulf security
architecture, energy relations particularly with East Asia, and emerging military
strategy and doctrine in the Arab Gulf states.
Kristian Coates Ulrichsen (UK/NORWAY/USA)
Kristian Coates Ulrichsen is the Baker Institute Fellow for
Kuwait. Working across the disciplines of Political Science,
International Relations, and International Political Economy,
his research examines the changing position of Persian Gulf
states in the global order, as well as the emergence of longerterm, nonmilitary challenges to regional security. Previously, he
worked as Senior Gulf Analyst at the Gulf Center for Strategic
Studies and as Co-Director of the Kuwait Program on
Development, Governance, and Globalization in the Gulf
States at the London School of Economics (LSE). He is a
visiting fellow at the LSE Middle East Centre and an associate fellow at Chatham
House in the United Kingdom. Kristian Coates Ulrichsen has published extensively
on the Gulf. His books include “Insecure Gulf - The End of Certainty and the
Transition to the Post-Oil Era” (2011). He is currently completing a book on Qatar
and the Arab Spring and has been commissioned to write a textbook on the Gulf and
international political economy.
- 25 -
Mensur Akgün (TURKEY)
Mensur Akgün is Professor at Istanbul Kültür University,
political analyst, columnist in Turkish Daily Star, and a
civil society activist. Together with his colleague Sylvia
Tiryaki he founded the Global Political Trends Center,
an Istanbul based research institution, which is operating
under the auspices of Istanbul Kültür University. He has
also been the Director of the Foreign Policy Program at
the Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation
(TESEV) and the editor of the News Perspectives
Quarterly (NPQ-Türkiye). Mensur Akgün teaches
courses on international relations and Turkish foreign policy at the Faculty of
Economic and Administrative Sciences of Istanbul Kültür University where he also
holds the position of Chair of the Department of International Relations. His
geographic areas of interest include the Middle East, Cyprus, Turkey, and Armenia.
Mohamed Elagati (EGYPT)
Mohamed Elagati is Executive Director of the Arab Forum for
Alternatives, a researcher in Social Sciences, and a civil society
expert. He is conducting research on civil society, social
movements, and political reform in the Arab Region and
writes policy analysis, recommendation papers as well as book
chapters. Additionally, he is a writer in the Egyptian newspaper
El-Shorouk and the Lebanese newspaper As-Safir. He recently
issued the book “How did the Egyptians Vote in the
Transitional Period? From the Revolution to the Constitution”
(2013). He is a leading expert in the field of non-profit management, civil society
organizations’ strategic planning, training, capacity building, and evaluation as well as
project coordination. He worked with a diverse range of civil society organizations
active in development from different countries.
- 26 -
Facilitators - Paper Presentations
Ibrahim El-Houdaiby (EGYPT)
Ibrahim El Houdaiby is a political researcher and author.
Currently establishing a new research center with AlShorouk Newspaper, he formerly worked as Senior
Researcher at House of Wisdom Foundation for Strategic
Studies. As a graduate of the American University in Cairo
(2005), he holds a BA in Political Science and an MA in
Political Science and Development Studies (2012). He also
earned a diploma in Islamic Studies from the High Institute
of Islamic Studies in 2010, where he is currently pursuing
his MA in Islamic Shariah. He is a lecturer at AMIDEAST
Cairo, writes a weekly column for the Arabic Daily AlShorouk, and is a freelance columnist in English language Al-Ahram Online. His
research focuses on Islamic movements, democratization, and political economy of
the Middle East.
Inken Wiese (GERMANY)
Inken Wiese is a PhD candidate in Cultural Anthropology
at Universität Konstanz. She focuses on Qatar and the
UAE as donors of international development assistance.
Before that, she worked at the German parliament as an
advisor on Middle Eastern affairs and on the German
military intervention in Afghanistan. She also managed an
NGO which facilitates political education for Palestinian
and Israeli political youth organizations. As a consultant to
various German NGOs and development organizations,
Inken Wiese trained Afghan political parties and politicians
in election campaigning. She also worked as an election
observer in Bosnia Herzegovina and Georgia. She studied Middle Eastern Studies and
International Law at Freie Universität Berlin, Cairo University, and Harvard
- 27 -
Jan Claudius Völkel (GERMANY/EGYPT)
Jan Claudius Völkel is a DAAD Visiting Professor at the
Euro-Mediterranean Studies Program, Faculty of
Economics and Political Science, Cairo University. Prior,
he held teaching and research assignments with the
Universities of Freiburg, Salzburg, Innsbruck, Duhok (Iraqi
Kurdistan) and the European University Institute Florence.
Moreover, Jan Völkel was a visiting researcher at the
Université de Montréal and at the Bahcesehir University in
Istanbul. He is also the regional coordinator for the Middle
East and North Africa region at the Bertelsmann
Transformation Index.
- 28 -
Facilitators - Scenario Workshop
Johannes Gabriel (GERMANY)
Johannes Gabriel is the founder of Foresight
Intelligence, a newly formed firm that supports strategic
planning and decision-making processes in organizations
through training, research, and consulting. He is also a
non-resident fellow with the Global Public Policy
Institute (GPPi) in Berlin and has been a member of
GPPi’s Global Governance Futures team. From 2009 to
2011 he was a PhD fellow with the Society and
Technology Research Group in Berlin, the Daimler AG’s
foresight division. Johannes Gabriel then worked as a
freelancing researcher and consultant with federal administration bodies, think tanks,
and firms. For instance, he was involved in research on the future of China’s society
and conducted an analysis of informal networks as part of a strategic foresight
consultancy for a multinational corporation in Southeast Asia. He has (co-)authored
research articles for, among others, the yearbook of the German Council on Foreign
Relations, the European Journal of Futures Research, and Internationale Politik.
Ingo Kollosche (GERMANY)
Ingo Kollosche is Research Associate at Technische
Universität Berlin and is teaching Future Studies at the Chair
of Integrated Transport Planning. From 2000 to 2009 he was a
Research Assistant at the Society and Technology Research
Group in Berlin, the Daimler AG’s foresight division. He
studied Political Science and Sociology at Humboldt
Universität Berlin and Duke University Durham. During his
studies and work, Ingo Kollosche has been interested in a
wide range of topics, including social change, comparative
politics, and literature.
- 29 -
Participants (in alphabetical order)
Ahmed Hamdy (EGYPT)
Ahmed Hamdy has been working as a political researcher at
the Nile Center For Strategic Studies since February 2014.
Prior to this, he was a Research Assistant at Al-Ahram Center
For Strategic Studies since his graduation from the Faculty of
Economics and Political Science, Cairo University in August
2012. In his research he mainly focuses on international
relations issues, especially those affecting the MENA region.
These include the foreign policies of major powers and the
international system which have an impact on the domestic
and foreign policies of the MENA countries. Currently,
Ahmed is interested in learning Hebrew as he is planning to become more specialized
on the Arab-Israeli conflict. Moreover, he is going to enroll in a Master program for
Political Science at Cairo University or a European University if he finds a suitable
Ahmed Sayed Ahmed Hassan (EGYPT)
Ahmed Sayed Ahmed Hassan has been working as a
Teaching Assistant at the British University in Egypt
(BUE) in the Business Administration Department since
October 2012. Prior to this, he was studying Accounting
and Financial Management at the BUE and was ranked
first among his cohort upon graduation. During his
studies, he worked for AIESEC exchange programs
which motivated him to encourage student exchanges and
promote cultural understanding. Following the 25th of
January Revolution, he showed interest in the political
and economic studies with his graduation thesis on
financing SMEs in Egypt after the revolution. Currently, Ahmed is pursuing his MA
in Euro-Mediterranean Studies at Cairo University in which he mainly focuses on
Western foreign policies and the Middle East in the aftermath of the uprisings.
- 30 -
Andrea Longo (ITALY)
Andrea Longo has recently received his BA in Social
Sciences from the Campus of Middle Eastern and
Mediterranean Studies of Sciences Po Paris. Between August
2013 and July 2014, he spent one year at the American
University of Beirut where he focused on Levantine modern
history and geopolitics and boosted his Arabic language
skills. In Beirut, he worked as a Research Assistant with the
UN in the Arab World Program and the Refugee Policy and
Research Program at the Issam Fares Institute of Public
Policy and International Affairs (IFI). Thereby, Andrea
strengthened his writing skills on a range of different formats such as event
summaries, press releases, policy memos, and research papers. Furthermore, he
worked as an intern at the International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ), where
he explored important issues related to the culture of impunity and amnesia
characterizing today’s Lebanese society, legacy of the Lebanese Civil War. Next year,
he will start a Law degree at Torino University in Italy in order to consolidate his
knowledge with a complementary legal perspective.
Andrea Schill (GERMANY)
Andrea Schill read European Studies with a major in
Political Science and a minor in English Studies at the
Universität Passau in Germany and the University of
Sussex in the UK. Her thesis dealt with the relevance of
political street art during the Euro crisis in Greece and
the Arab Spring in Libya and Egypt. She is interested in
the power of civil society as well as in art as a tool for
protest in times of political struggle. For her Master’s
degree in Political Science, Andrea moved to Berlin one
year ago to study at the University of Potsdam. Her main
areas of interest are Egypt, Libya, Lebanon, and Syria as well as the European Union’s
neighbourhood policy, political culture, and social policy. She gained work experience
as an intern at an organisation for European politics and integration and at a
consultancy for strategic corporate and political communication. On a voluntary basis,
Andrea works with children at asylum-seeker housing.
- 31 -
Arwa Kooli (TUNISIA)
Arwa Kooli is a Tunisian journalist who has been working for
ElAssabah ElOussboui, a weekly independent newspaper
based in Tunis since June 2011. Her work focuses on national
and international political issues especially those related to
American and European foreign policy in the MENA region.
She received her Master’s degree in 2011 and is now enrolled
at her second year of PhD studies, working on social media
and the political communication process in Tunisia. Arwa
studied Journalism at the Institute of Press and Sciences of
Information in Tunisia and is currently a part-time teacher at
the same institute, providing classes on investigative reporting, infographics, and TV
production. She received several trainings related to journalism and civil society and
has a passion for languages and networking with people from around the world.
Basma Serag (EGYPT)
Basma Serag is currently pursuing an MA in European
Mediterranean Studies from Cairo University. She graduated
from the American University in Cairo (AUC) in January
2013 with a BA in Political Science, specializing in Public
and International Law and a minor in History. She also
participated in two Moot Court Competitions, representing
AUC in Sharjah, one was The Monroe E. Price
International Media Law Moot Court Competition at the
University of Oxford in 2010 and one at the Susan J. Ferrell
Intercultural Human Rights Moot Court Competition at the
School of Law at St. Thomas University in Miami in 2011. She also worked for
AIESEC AUC as a Local Committee Vice-President of the Outgoing Global
Community Development Program for the term January – December 2012. Since
March 2013, Basma has been working in project management at Emirates NBD,
Egypt in the retail head office, and is to commence her work as a Research Assistant
at AUC beginning September.
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Covadonga Bachiller López (SPAIN/GERMANY)
Covadonga Bachiller López is a trained lawyer specialized
in the field of human rights, migration, and refugee law.
She studied Human Rights and Humanitarian Law at the
European University Viadrina and at the Turku Law
School. During her studies, she was an active member of
Amnesty International and she collaborated as a Legal
Advisor with the NGO KUB-Berlin (Contact and
Consultation Center for Refugees and Migrants). She
worked for UNHCR in Cairo and in Madrid. Covadonga
is currently doing a traineeship at the European Court of
Human Rights.
Davide Tramballi (ITALY)
Davide Tramballi has been working as Research Assistant
with ISPI (Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale) in
Milan since April 2014. At ISPI, he mainly follows the South
and Eastern Mediterranean region, monitoring the current
volatile geo-political situation and researching on Egypt and
the roots of the crisis in the Levant in particular. Prior to this,
Davide worked as a Junior Policy Officer at the International
Peace Institute of New York where, among other issues, he
focused on the security crisis in the Sahel and the context of
the Failed Cities in Africa, South Asia, and Latin America.
While studying International Relations at the University of
Milan, Davide spent some time in Lebanon interning at a French-written newspaper
and at the Lebanese Central Bank. Additionally, he worked at the electoral campaign
of the current mayor of Milan in 2010/11. David graduated from LSE in Conflict
Studies and Comparative Politics.
- 33 -
Eda Sevinin (TURKEY)
Eda Sevinin is an MA student at Middle East
Technical University (METU), Department of
Political Science and Public Administration. She has
been working as Research Assistant at the Scientific and
Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)
since 2013 on the project “Unusual Voting Behaviour
and Mobilized Participation - A Research on the
Villages of Mass Voting Behaviour in the Region of
South Anatolian Project 1991-2011”. Concurrently, Eda
has been working as Research Assistant at Hacettepe
University’s Migration and Politics Research Center (HUGO) in a research project
about the Syrians in Turkey and their social acceptance and integration. In her
ongoing studies she mainly focuses on migration, human rights, democracy, and
social movements with a special emphasis on the EU migration policies and their
implications for the Middle East and North Africa Region as well as migration
uprisings in the EU countries. Starting in September 2014, Eda will continue her
graduate degree at the Central European University in Budapest along with her
ongoing research projects.
Emma Scott is a security and defence freelance analyst with
Business Monitor International in the UK and an affiliate
researcher to the Centre for Chinese Studies of Stellenbosch
University in the Western Cape, South Africa. She has a
Research Master in Geopolitics from the French Institute of
Geopolitics, Paris University. For her thesis topic examining
Chinese power in the Suez Canal, she went to Egypt for field
research in February 2013. Prior to that, Emma obtained two
postgraduate certificates, one in Geopolitical Analysis of
Powers and one in International Relations and Conflict
Analysis from the Centre for the Study of International Crisis and Conflict at the
Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium. She has interned at the European Union's
Institute for Security Studies where she researched the Iran sanctions and the IsraeliPalestinian conflict. Emma also possesses a Professional Master in Humanitarian
Action from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands and a BA in Politics with
- 34 -
Ezgi Uzun (TURKEY)
Ezgi Uzun is a PhD candidate in Political Science at
Sabanci University, Istanbul. Her research focuses on
security studies, nuclear proliferation, and securitization of
religion in international politics as well as political
transformations in the Middle East and Iranian and Turkish
foreign policies. Her articles on Iran’s nuclear program and
NATO missile defense shield appeared in refereed
academic journals in Turkey and abroad. She studied
Translation and Interpreting Studies and Political Science at
Bogazici and Sabanci Universities in Istanbul and has been
working as a Teaching Assistant at Sabanci University since 2009.
Giulia Cimini (ITALY)
Giulia Cimini holds a Master’s degree in Relations and
Institutions of Asia and Africa from L’Orientale
University of Naples, Italy. Previously, she received a
BA in International Relations and Political Sciences with
a specialization on Middle Eastern Studies and Arabic
Language. In 2011 she spent a period of study in Syria
where she worked on her language skills. Her research
interests include the European Union’s foreign policy
towards the Mediterranean, especially European
democracy assistance, and the international relations of
the Middle East as well as Islamist movements and the domestic politics of the
MENA region. Giulia was awarded the “Europe and Youth 2012” prize by the
Regional Institute for European Studies of Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy) for an essay on
the transformations of North Africa in the aftermath of the Arab upsrisings. She is
also interested in journalism and contributes to the blog of the International
Journalism Laboratory at L’Orientale. Starting in October 2014, she will be travelling
to Jordan to attain professional Arabic fluency.
- 35 -
Hamza Esmili is a first year Master student in Politics,
Sociology, and History at École des Hautes Études en
Sciences Sociales and Université La Sorbonne in Paris.
Involved in the struggle for better redistribution in
Morocco, he is a member of Autre Maroc, an association
which aims to analyze and create the conditions for a global
social movement in Morocco. Hamza is also engaged in
humanitarian work since he served as a teacher for two
months in a Beninese village.
Hamza Tayebi (MOROCCO)
Hamza Tayebi has been a part-time Lecturer of English
and Cultural Studies at the Faculty Of Letters Dhar
Mehraz in Fez since September 2013. In 2011 he
obtained his Bachelor degree in English Studies from
Mohamed V University in Raba. Subsequently, he
enrolled in the Master program in Cultural Studies at the
Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences Dhar Mehraz in
2011. In 2013 he defended his MA dissertation about the
shift towards tabloidization in Moroccan broadsheets
and continued his studies in the PhD program in Media
and Cultural Studies in September 2013. In his PhD research he is mainly working on
religion and politics in Moroccan print media. In January 2014, Hamza was granted
the Scholarship of Excellence by the National Centre for the Scientific and Technical
Research. Among his recent publications are “Discourse Analysis of Moroccan
Partisan Press - Al Alam”, “Al Itihad Al Ichtiraki and Attajdid as Case Studies”, and
“Moroccan Independent Press and the Myth of the ‘Moroccan Spring”.
- 36 -
Imen Shel (TUNISIA)
Imen Shel was selected to pursue her Master’s degree in
Cross-Cultural Studies at the Higher Institute of Languages
of Tunis where she is currently preparing her Master’s
thesis. Prior to that, she obtained her Bachelor’s degree
from the Higher Institute of Human Sciences of Tunis in
2012. Imen has always been interested in and involved with
the civil society in Tunisia. She worked for many NGOs
such as Munathara and the Foundation For the Future. In
June 2011, she was selected for the SUSI program for
Student Leaders on Social Entrepreneurship at the
University of Connecticut, USA which was a unique experience that enabled her to
acquire social entrepreneurship skills. Imen also joined the training of trainers on
observing elections and trained more than 100 observers in many regions of Tunisia.
As for the future, Imen is highly interested in joining politics and contributing directly
to the transitional democratic process of Tunisia.
Khaoula Ajanane (MOROCCO)
Khaoula Ajanane is a freelance journalist and writer for
several Moroccan news outlets inside and outside
Morocco where she has mainly covered political issues
with a focus on Morocco. She recently obtained her BA
in English Studies and is strongly interested in media,
politics, and cultural studies. She is also a political and
social activist in Agadir, where she is a member and the
Inner Communication Officer at the local secretariat of
the ruling Justice and Development Party (PJD). She is
also a member of the Executive Bureau of the Regional
Women Committee of the PJD in the region of Agadir Idaoutanan and a founding
member of the local women committee, serving as their General Secretary. Moreover,
Khaoula is the General Secretary of Oufla Youth Association, an NGO concerned
with the training, mentoring, and funding of youth self employment that she cofounded in 2013. In 2007 she was selected to participate in the highly competitive
MEPI Student Leaders Program by the US Department Of State.
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Lucie Kirstein (GERMANY)
Lucie Kirstein recently spent two semesters in Lebanon where
she studied Arabic and interned with a Lebanese NGO
focusing on civil war memory after finishing her
undergraduate studies at the French-German Campus of
Sciences Po Paris. After an internship with the Friedrich
Ebert Stiftung Beirut, she conducted extensive research on
UN Peace Operations for the “UN in the Arab World”
section at the Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and
International Affairs (IFI). She recently wrote a working
paper on the Deauville Partnership between the former G8,
international financial institutions, and Arab countries. The paper analyzes structural
adjustment during Egypt’s political transition and the consequences for social justice
and labor. In September 2014, Lucie will start her Master’s degree at Sciences Po
Paris’ School of International Affairs (PSIA) with a focus on International Security
and Political Economy in the MENA region. Since her 20-month peace service in
Costa Rica (2009-2011), Lucie actively contributes to the work of the German peace
and development NGO EIRENE International.
Martin Schiller (GERMANY)
Martin Schiller is a collaborator at Konsentio Public
Affairs, a Brussels-based consultancy engaged in a business
initiative involving the five Maghreb countries. He holds a
Master’s degree in Political Science and European Studies
from Sciences Po Paris and the Freie Universität Berlin.
Fascinated by comparative politics, the diversity of foreign
policy cultures, and their impact on foreign news reporting,
Martin has written his MA thesis on the coverage of the
Tunisian Revolution in French and German print media.
Eager to expand his research on the perception of the 2011
uprisings he is currently preparing a PhD proposal in
Communication Sciences on Western media coverage of the Arab Spring at the Freie
Universität Berlin. Besides internships at the European affairs division of the German
Ministry of Economy and the Federation of German Industries (BDI), Martin has
also been working as an assistant at DGAP’s Program on Franco-German relations.
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Meike Lettau (GERMANY)
Meike Lettau is a PhD student at the UNESCO-Chair
“Cultural Policy for the Arts in Development” at
Universität Hildesheim in Germany, focusing her research
on arts and cultural policy in transforming countries like
Tunisia and Egypt. She holds an MA degree in Arts and
Cultural Mediation from the Institute for Cultural Policy at
Universität Hildesheim. Her fields of interest are
international cultural relations and German foreign cultural
policy. She is a member of the Cultural Innovators
Network (CIN), a Euro-Mediterranean network initiated by
Goethe-Institut that advocates social and cultural change through cross-cultural
dialogues within the MENA region. Furthermore, Meike is working as an assistant at
the ifa-Gallery of the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations in Berlin. In the past she
has worked with several international cultural institutions such as Goethe-Institut
Pune, KHOJ International Artists’ Association and ARThinkSouthAsia in New Delhi.
For the latter, she has been awarded a fellowship by the German Academic Exchange
Service (DAAD).
Meriem Dhaouadi (TUNISIA)
Meriem Dhaouadi has been working as a Program Assistant
for the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed
Forces (DCAF) since November 2013. Prior to that, she
worked as a journalist for and She
has been writing for Foreign Policy magazine,,, and numerous
other media outlets. Meriem studied Anglo-American Studies
at the University of Tunis. During her studies, she worked
with many youth grassroots organizations to achieve social
- 39 -
Mozynah Nofal (EGYPT)
Mozynah Nofal holds a Bachelor’s degree in Public Affairs
and Policy Management, with a specialization in
Development Studies from Carleton University in Ottawa,
Canada. She has recently finished a UN learning internship in
Geneva through CIVICUS where she participated in the
Human Rights Council session as well as in other UN bodies.
Presently she is the Director of Ihyaa in Tripoli, which is a
multidimensional program for 100 children in a Syrian refugee
camp in Lebanon. Mozynah has previously conducted
research in the fields of human rights, development, and the
Arab world. She has also worked with IPDET – International Program for
Development and Evaluation Training in partnership with the World Bank as a
Program Officer. In the coming period Mozynah will be pursuing a degree in
Educational Policy and Reform.
Nizar Amri (TUNISIA)
Nizar Amri is a Master student of International Relations
at the Higher Institute of Human Sciences of Tunis.
Previously, he studied English Literature and Civilization
at the University of Social and Human Sciences of Tunis
where he graduated in 2013. Besides, Nizar is a freelance
translator. He has been working regularly with the New
Arab Debate Team (NAD) that discusses controversial
issues in the post-revolutionary countries in the Arab
world. He has also done an internship with Force
Management Tunisia where he worked on human
resources management. Nizar is engaged in associative life
as he is a member of the International Relations Association and United College
Association. These two associations mainly work on shaping students’ debating and
English language skills. Additionally, he volunteered in organizing two World Forums
in Tunisia in 2013: The World Social Forum (WSF) and World Forum Science and
Democracy (WFSD). Nizar is interested in a variety of subjects related to his studies,
such as international organizations, sustainable development, and IR theories.
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Raffael Beier (GERMANY)
Raffael Beier has recently started working as a Research Fellow
at the Institute of Development Research and Development
Policy (IEE) at Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) after finishing
a study period in France. He is already enrolled as a PhD
student in International Development Studies in the same
institution since November 2013. His PhD thesis is about
welfare effects of slum clearance projects in Morocco. His
research focus is on urban development as well as on urban and
regional economic policy in the MENA region. In 2012, he
obtained his BSc in Geography at the Geographical Institute of
the RUB with a published work about the impact of the financial crisis on the urban
development of Düsseldorf, Germany. Afterwards, he started a Master program with
a focus on Urban and Regional Development Studies. During his studies, he worked
as a Research Assistant at the Institute of Development Research and Development
Policy where he focused on regional policy in the Mediterranean.
Rim Dhaouadi (TUNISIA)
Rim Dhaouadi has been working as a Legal Officer for
Democracy Reporting International (DRI) since
February 2014. She joined DRI Headquarters in Berlin
as an intern in July 2012 and worked as a Program
Assistant with DRI Tunis in 2013 where she closely
studied, analysed, and supported the constitution-making
process. Rim is also a research fellow with the GermanArab Transformation Partnership Research Group
“Tunisia in Transition”, focusing on the perception of
international organisations during the constitutional
process. Her interests include post-revolutionary legal and intstitutional reforms in
Tunisia and the impact of the political transition on Tunisia’s foreign policy. Since
May 2014, Rim is the treasurer of Legal Education Advancement and Development –
LEAD, a new-born association that promotes the reform of the legal education
system in Tunisia. Rim holds a Bachelor of Law from the Faculty of Judicial, Political,
and Social Sciences of Tunis and a Master’s degree in International Law and Human
Rights from the Faculty of Law and Political Science in Aix-en-Provence.
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Rim Koussa Dit Bacha (FRANCE)
Rim Koussa Dit Bacha has been studying Political
Science at Sciences Po Paris since September 2010.
She started her studies at the French German Campus
in Nancy with a focus on European Union studies. From
October 2012 to July 2013 she went on to study at Freie
Universität Berlin (FU) and graduated with a double BA
in Political Science, a joint program between Sciences
Po Paris and the FU. She wrote her Bachelor’s thesis
on Hizbullah and its interaction with the Lebanese
state. She also did a two months internship at the
German Parliament at the International Relations and Foreign Affairs working
group of the fraction DIE LINKE. In September 2013, she was admitted to the
Sciences Po Doctoral School for the Research Master in International Relations.
She is currently researching the role of Hizbullah Secretary General Hassan
Nasrallah’s charismatic personality in the production of Hizbullah’s foreign policy.
Sara Hamouda (EGYPT)
Sara Hamouda has been working as a Senior Economic
Researcher at the Cabinet of the Minister of International
Cooperation since 2008. She is in charge of cooperation
with regional and Arab funding institutions such as IFAD,
OFID, IDB, Arab Fund for socio-economic development,
and the Saudi Development Fund. Sara obtained a
Master’s degree in International Development at Hankuk
University, South Korea in February 2012. In her research,
she focuses on aid effectiveness and Middle East Studies.
She graduated from the Faculty of Economics and
Political Sciences at Cairo University where she studied Political Sciences, Public
Management, and European Studies. During her studies, Sara has been an active
participant in several simulation models and Arab-European dialogues. She also
interned at the US Congress in September 2007 and the German Bundestag in April
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Tariq Suleiman (EGYPT)
Tariq Suleiman is studying Architecture and Urbanism at
the Arab Academy for Science and Technology in Cairo.
He holds special interest for human rights and social
justice. He has been involved in political activism in
Egypt since 2010 and the successive incidents that led to
the uprising in the beginning of 2011. After being arrested
in a protest in February 2012 and spending a month in
political imprisonment, he grew more involved in human
rights activism rather than political activism. He has been
working with the Cairo Institute for Human Rights
Studies since September 2012 and coordinates human rights campaigns with the
institute’s Alumni club. Being concerned about social justice and studying architecture
and urbanism, Tariq became more interested in urban development in Egypt. He has
been working with independent urban activists and Megawra - The Built Environment
Collective on upgrading informal settlements and fighting to stop forced eviction of
their inhabitants. He wishes to continue working on social urban development after
Zakian Benamar (MOROCCO)
Zakian Benamar is a PhD student at the Faculty of Letters,
Chouaib Doukkali University. He has worked as a part-time
Lecturer at the Faculty of Letters, Abdelmalik Essaadi
University in Tetouan. His main interests are media
discourses, Euro-Mediterranean relations, and political
reforms in the Arab region since the uprisings in 2011. He
has published a number of articles tackling different issues.
Zakian is a founding member and an activist in the Youth
Initiative of the New Millennium, a Moroccan organization
which works on peace and political issues. During his
academic career, he worked on media discourses, namely on the media image of Islam
after 9/11 in Western countries.
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Zuzana Novakova has been working as a FutureLab
Europe Program Executive for the European Policy Centre
in Brussels since 2012, being involved in a number of
research projects in the field of Euro-Mediterranean
relations. She is also a PhD researcher at the International
Institute of Social Studies in The Hague (ISS) and Erasmus
University Rotterdam, focusing on policy responses to
transitions in the European neighbourhood. Zuzana holds a
double degree in Public Policy with a focus on Governance,
Democracy, and International Relations from Institut
Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals and the ISS in The Hague as well as a degree in
European Studies from Comenius University in Bratislava. Prior to her current
position, she worked for the Centre for the Research of Ethnicity and Culture in
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Information and Logistics
Emergency Numbers
Dina Fakoussa
Christian Achrainer
Julia Schöpp
Salma Soliman
+49 (0)176 64916226
+49 (0)172 653 65 36
+49 (0)177 50 16 630
+49 (0)152 57695161
Library and Documentation Center (BiDok) - DGAP
Opening Hours:
Library FAQ:
Wifi is provided on DGAP’s entire ground floor: Kabel Deutschland Hotspot
Dress Code
For the Summer School smart casual wear is sufficient. For the visit to the Federal
Foreign Office we don’t have a formal dress code (suit) but you should wear
something appropriate.
Participation and Punctuality
It is absolutely mandatory to be on time for every activity during the Summer School.
You are required to be at DGAP on time for each session. Repeated failure to be
punctual and unexcused absence from any activity will lead to non-reimbursement of
travel grants and exclusion from the Summer School.
- 45 -
DGAP is located on Rauchstraße 17/18, 10787 Berlin.
The Golden Tulip Berlin - Hotel Hamburg is located on Landgrafenstr.4,
10787 Berlin (phone: +49(0)30 264770 - fax: (+49) 302629394 - Email: It is a ten minute walk to DGAP (see map).
- 46 -
 Take Bus X9, direction “Zoologischer Garten”, and get off at
“Zoologischer Garten” which is the last stop (5 stops, approx. 20 minutes).
From there:
 To DGAP: Change to Bus 200, direction “Michelangelostraße”, and get off
at “Corneliusbrücke” (3 stops, approx. 10 minutes),
o Walk about 30 meters in the driving direction of the bus and turn
left into “Rauchstraße”. The DGAP is the last building on the left.
 To GOLDEN TULIP Hotel: Change to Bus 100, direction “S+U
Alexanderplatz”, and get off at “Schillerstraße” (3 stations).
o The Golden Tulip Berlin – Hotel Hamburg is located on
Landgrafenstr. 4. Walk back approx.. 100m in the direction where
the bus came from and you will find the street. You will reach the
hotel after approx. 100 meters.
 Walk to the S-Bahn/train station and take S-Bahn “S 9”, direction “S+U
Pankow”, and get off at “Ostkreuz” (9 stops, approx. 25 minutes).
 Change to S-Bahn “S 5”, direction “Spandau”, and get off at “S+U
Zoologischer Garten” (10 stops, approx. 20 minutes). From there:
 To DGAP: Take Bus 200, direction “Michelangelostraße”, and get off at
“Corneliusbrücke” (3 stops, approx. 10 minutes),
o Walk about 30 meters in the driving direction of the bus and turn
left into “Rauchstraße”. The DGAP is the last building on the left.
 To GOLDEN TULIP Hotel: Change to Bus 100, direction “S+U
Alexanderplatz”, and get off at “Schillerstraße” (3 stations).
o The Golden Tulip Berlin – Hotel Hamburg is located on
Landgrafenstr. 4. Walk back approx. 100m in the direction where
the bus came from and you will find the street. You will reach the
hotel after approx. 100 meters.
Walk to the train station “S Flughafen Berlin-Schönefeld Bhf” and take the
train RE7, direction „S+U Zoologischer Garten” or RB14, direction
“Nauen”. Get off at “Zoologischer Garten”. From there:
To DGAP: Take Bus 200, direction “Michelangelostraße”, get off at the
third stop “Corneliusbrücke”,
o Walk about 30 meters in the driving direction of the bus and turn
left into “Rauchstraße”. The DGAP is the last building on the left.
To GOLDEN TULIP Hotel: Change to Bus 100, direction “S+U
Alexanderplatz”, and get off at “Schillerstraße” (3 stations).
- 47 -
The Golden Tulip Berlin – Hotel Hamburg is located on
Landgrafenstr. 4. Walk back approx.. 100m in the direction where
the bus came from and you will find the street. You will reach the
hotel after approx. 100 meters.
 Take any S-Bahn leaving from track 16 (S5, S9, S75, all westbound),
direction “Zoologischer Garten”, “Westkreuz”, “Spandau” (3 stops, approx.
5 minutes) and get off at “Zoologischer Garten”. From there:
 To DGAP: take Bus 200, direction “Michelangelostraße” and get off at
“Corneliusbrücke” (3 stops, approx. 10 minutes),
o Walk about 30 meters in the driving direction of the bus and turn
left into “Rauchstraße”. The DGAP is the last building on the left.
 To GOLDEN TULIP Hotel: Change to Bus 100, direction “S+U
Alexanderplatz”, and get off at “Schillerstraße” (3 stations).
o The Golden Tulip Berlin – Hotel Hamburg is located on
Landgrafenstr. 4. Walk back approx.. 100m in the direction where
the bus came from and you will find the street. You will reach the
hotel after approx. 100 meters.
Taxis are available at the airport and main station. Please note that due to
regulations by its donors DGAP does not cover taxi costs! The estimated fares
are as follows:
Tegel Airport (TXL) to DGAP, Rauchstr. 17/18: approx. 15-20€
Schönefeld Airport (SXF) to DGAP, Rauchstr. 17/18: approx. 30-35€
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Berlin City Guide
Places to see and visit during the day
Within a short walking distance from your hotel you can find the Neue
Nationalgalerie (New National Gallery). The building was designed by the famous
architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (Potsdamer Str. 50; Tue, Wed & Fri 10-18, Thu
10-22, Sat. & Sun. 11-18).
Potsdamer Platz lies northeast of the Neue Nationalgalerie along Leipziger Straße.
Rebuilt after the fall of the wall in 1989, this area has become quite popular for its
shops, restaurants, and cafés, and of course for the Sony Centre. The Sony Centre is
considered one of the finest pieces of modern architecture in Berlin and houses over
40 theaters in its Cinema complex, as well as a film museum.
Between Potsdamer Platz and Anhalter Bahnhof you will find the permanent open air
exhibition “Topography of Terror” (Niederkirchnerstrasse 8), which covers the
history of the National-Socialist era. You will also find parts of the Berlin Wall
(approx. 200m) on the north side of the exhibition area.
North of Potsdamer Platz on Ebertstraße you will find the Brandenburg Gate. It
was first constructed in 1791 and is, as a symbol of German reunification, probably
the best known landmark in Berlin. On the west side of the Gate is the Tiergarten, a
big park in the center of Berlin and a wonderful location to relax. Located extremely
close to the DGAP and a nearby lake, the “Café am Neuen See” is one of Berlin’s
nicest beer gardens. The Tiergarten is also home to the Siegessäule, a 62 meter high
victory column at the roundabout called “Großer Stern”, which was erected in 1873
to commemorate Prussia’s defeat of Denmark, Austria, and France. It was originally
built in front of the Reichstag but was moved to the park in 1939. Nice view from the
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In walking distance from the DGAP you will find the famous Kurfürstendamm
(better known in Berlin as “Ku’damm”) and the Tauentzienstraße. It is mainly a
shopping district. Another symbol of Berlin located in this area is the KaiserWilhelm-Gedächtnis-Kirche (Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church). The church
consists of a bombed out steeple from the Second World War with a modern version
of the church erected next to it. This area attracts a number of street performers and
souvenir vendors. On the Tauentzienstraße near the Wittenbergplatz you’ll also find
the KaDeWe, the largest department store in continental Europe. Built in 1906 and
nearly completely destroyed during the Second World War, its 6 floors are definitely
worth a look. The food court on the 6th floor is especially impressive—though quite
East of the Brandenburg Gate is Unter den Linden, a wide boulevard with a number
of cafés, restaurants, and shops. It stretches almost till Alexanderplatz. If you follow
this alley from the Brandenburg Gate and pass the Pariser Platz, it will take you past
the German Guggenheim of Berlin, the German Historical Museum, the Berlin
Cathedral, as well as the former site of the Palace of the Republic, which has
recently been demolished.
A bit further down the road, where Unter den Linden crosses Spandauer Straße, you
will see the famous Rotes Rathaus, Berlin’s town-hall (named for its red bricks),
where the current mayor Klaus Wowereit presides. Next to it you find the
Nikolaiviertel, where you can get an impression of 13th century Berlin. It is now wellknown for its pubs, wine taverns, and little shops.
From the same square you will see the Fernsehturm. It is Berlin’s most famous
tower and dwarfs the city landscape, rising 368 meters above the ground. Open 09:00
a.m.-until midnight, you can take the elevator up to the observation deck (203m). The
admission fee is € 12,00. There is also a café at the top, which does not only offer
food and drinks but also an impressive view over Berlin (it might be smart to make a
Where Spandauer Straße turns into Rosenthalerstraße, you find the Hackescher
Markt along with the Hackesche Höfe. The Höfe are artistic courtyards complete
with outdoor cafés and a theatre (the Chamäleon). There is also a beach bar
(“Strandbar Mitte”), located between Hackescher Markt and the new Bodemuseum
on the Museumsinsel, a peninsula on the Spree river home to Berlin’s most
important museum complex.
There are many more sights in Berlin that are definitely worth seeing, although they
are further away from the city’s centre. One of them is Schloss Charlottenburg, a
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palace located in the Western part of Berlin. It is the largest house of the
Hohenzollern family (Tue-Sun 10-18; 12€; Bus 145 to Schloss Charlottenburg). In the
former western part of the city you will also find the Alliierten Museum (Allied
museum) on Clayallee 135. The museum documents the presence of American,
British and French troops in Berlin from 1945 to 1994 and includes larger objects
such as former aircrafts and the original Checkpoint Charlie building at
Friedrichstraße (Thu-Tue 10-18, closed on Wed; S 1 to “Zehlendorf”, then Bus 115;
or U3 to “Oskar Helene Heim”, then Bus 115 or 183 to “Alliiertenmuseum”).
A sight not to miss in the East of Berlin is the East Side Gallery. The “gallery” is the
largest remaining piece of the Berlin Wall designed by more than 100 artists after the
fall of the Berlin Wall (U1, U15 to Warschauerstraße or S3, S5, S7, S9 to Ostbahnhof
or Warschauerstraße; the actual wall is located on Mühlenstraße, between the two
stations Warschauer Str. and Schlesisches Tor).
Other places to visit in Kreuzberg include the Mauermuseum (The Wall Museum;
U6 or Bus M29 to Kochstraße, Museum Hours: daily 09:00-22:00) and Checkpoint
Charlie, a reconstruction of the former crossing station between the old East and
West Berlin. A few blocks southeast of Checkpoint Charlie you can find the Jewish
Museum (Lindenstraße 9-14; Mon. 10:00-22:00, Tues.-Sun. 10:00-20:00).
Places/Districts to go to at night
Crowd: „Mediterranean Flair“ with a (strong) touch of Punk Rock, students, artists,
and hipsters
U Kottbusser Tor
U Görlitzer Bahnhof
U Schlesisches Tor
U Mehringdamm
Places to see: Oranienstraße, Wienerstraße, Paul-Linke-Ufer, Bergmannstraße,
Viktoriapark, Gräfestraße, Maybachufer
Crowd: mainly Arabic and Turkish neighborhood, but more and more students and
artists are moving there > highly interesting mixture: Orient meets hipsters
U Hermannplatz
- 51 -
U Rathaus Neukölln
U Schönleinstraße
U Boddinstraße
Places to see: Weserstraße, Hobrechtstraße,
Crowd: Tourists, students and young families
U Warschauerstraße
S Ostkreuz
Places to see: Simon-Dach-Straße, Boxhagener Platz and surroundings
Crowd: Academics and business people in their mid-30s, gays, lesbians (especially
around Nollendorfplatz)
U Kleistpark
S Julius-Leber Brücke
U Eisenacher Str.
U Nollendorfplatz
Crowd: Academics, young families, young professionals, media people, artists, new
bohemians, Swabians, LOHAS
U+S Eberswalder Straße
U+S Schönhauser Allee
Places to see: Kastanienallee, Pappelallee, Kollwitzplatz, Helmholtzplatz, Mauerpark
Crowd: Tourists, young urban professionals, media & soap crowd, trend-setters,
S Hackescher Markt
U Oranienburgerstraße
U Rosenthalerplatz
Places to see: Oranienburger Straße, Hackescher Markt, Rosenthaler Straße,
Torstraße, Zionskirchplatz, Friedrichstraße
- 52 -
Crowd: Business-people, old West Berlin bourgeoisie and young posh ‘natives’ (born
in Berlin)
S Savignyplatz
S Charlottenburg
Places to see: Savignyplatz, Stuttgarter Platz, Leonhardtstraße, Rönnestraße, Olivaer
Movies in English are widely screened in Berlin, just make sure to look for the right
code: OV (original version), OmU (original version with German subtitles) and
OmE/OmenglU (original version with English subtitles).
Movie theatre close to the hotel:
Cinestar Im Sony Center
Potsdamer Platz 4
Telefon 018 05/24 63 62 99
S-Bahn: Potsdamer Platz; U-Bahn: Potsdamer Platz
Bus: 148, 200, 248, 348, N5, N52, TXL
City Magazines:
Exberliner (<>)
Zitty (<>)
Tip (<>)
030 (for free in almost every Bar/Café/Club) (<>)
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Herausgeber: Forschungsinstitut der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e. V., Berlin | Rauchstraße 17/18 | 10787 Berlin
Tel.: +49 (0)30 25 42 31-0 | Fax: +49 (0)30 25 42 31-16 | | | © 2014 DGAP