Shepherd of the Mountains Lutheran Church 7 5 0 S e n e c a L a ne , I n d i an T r a il s A d d i t i o n P . O . B o x 3 2 57 , Ja c k s o n, W Y 8 3 0 0 1 - 3 2 5 7 P h o n e : 3 0 7 - 73 3 - 4 3 82 N ove m b er 2014 THE SHEPHERD’S STAFF INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Pastor’s Message 2 Events/ Announcements 3 Meet the Volunteer 4-5 Outreach/Volunteer News 6 Thanksgiving Service 7 Youth News 8 Schedule of Ministers 9 Calendar Insert Worship Schedule 9:00am Adult Study/Sunday School 10:00am Traditional Worship with Holy Communion MARK YOUR CALENDAR Nov. 2 Guest Pastor: Rev. Frank Johnson Nov. 9 Guest Pastor: Bishop Martin Wells Nov. 11 Council Meeting at 6:00pm Nov. 23 Only one service at 10:00am— Thanksgiving Service Nov. 23 Thanksgiving Potluck following 10:00am service (No 8:00am worship during November) IMPORTANT DATES AND TIME CHANGES During the month of November there will not be the 8:00am spoken worship service. November 2nd—All Saints’ Sunday: Welcome Rev. Frank Johnson, supply pastor November 9th—Welcome Bishop Martin Wells and Kristin Koskella the new ELCA Net-Worker November 23rd—Thanksgiving worship at 10:00am followed by a turkey potluck dinner. SOTMLC makes every reasonable effort to ensure the accuracy and validity of the information provided in its newsletter. PA S TO R ’ S M E S S A G E PAGE 2 After prayerful consideration and conversation with my wife, our bishop, church council and staff, and several friends, I want you to know my plan to retire in January 2015 from my ministry as a pastor at Shepherd of the Mountains Lutheran Church. My last Sunday as your pastor will be the last Sunday in January (January 25th). When I became your pastor in 2010, I made a commitment to serve for four to five years. In January, I will have served five. These years have been among the richest, most challenging and most rewarding of my career. It has been a privilege and an honor to be your pastor for these last years. It is a joy to be able to work with people who want to learn how to take the gospel more seriously. I hope my departure in January makes room for an interim pastor to serve you well while your call committee works with the recommendations that come from the congregation and moves into the process of calling your new pastoral leadership for the next era of Shepherd of the Mountains. I want to say a special word of appreciation and thankfulness to the people who stepped forward to be leaders in this congregation while I was pastor. I especially want to thank Bob Krause, Dan Schou, Kim Hunt and Mike Eden for their leadership as council presidents, their support and love. I want to thank all those who serve on the church council—for their willingness to take a look and support God’s vision for mission for Shepherd of the Mountains. In my call as a pastor I have been greatly blessed with support, particularly in the last three years with Mitzi, whose gift for ministry and compassionate heart are true blessings to Shepherd of the Mountains. For 46 years in ministry this is one of the finest coworkers I’ve had. She is more than a secretary to me, I consider her to be a friend. There is the possibility that I may serve for a while at Star Valley United Church. Now that I have resigned here, I have let them know that I am available to be called as their pastor. So, the ball is in their court and God will decide. It has been a joy for me to share life among you with De. She has found rewarding relationships with you, has appreciated worship here, and has felt rewarded by her engagement with Circle of Care and the Hospitality and Welcoming Ministry Board, and much more. We both will miss you dearly, and will remember our time with you with fondness and gratitude. We are thankful for the relationships that we’ve formed during these five years and that is why we must say, “so long” but refuse to say, “goodbye.” We will see you in our travels, during worship and at fellowship events for many years to come! Contact Information: (307) 713-6179 Cell (307) 883-3159 Home And finally, I want to thank my wife and my true companion, De, for all she does to make our life together a joyful and loving relationship. God loves you and so do we, Pastor Al and De Schoonover EVENTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS Page 3 Daylight Savings Ends: Please remember to set your clocks back one hour before you go to bed on Saturday, November 1st. Daylight savings time ends on Sunday, November 2nd at 2:00am. Saturday Night, November 1st► All Saints’ Sunday: Please join us in welcoming Rev. Frank Johnson who will be the supply pastor on All Saints Sunday, November 2nd. Please add the names of your Christians friends and loved ones that you would like us to remember on this day to the sign-up board provided in the narthex. Sunday, November 2nd► Please welcome Bishop Martin Wells and Kristin Koskella (the new NetWorker). We are grateful that they are joining us for worship on Sunday, November 9th. Bishop Wells will be preaching the sermon and will be available for conversation following worship. Sunday, November 9th► Tuesday, November 11th► Church Council Meeting: Tuesday, November 11th at 6:00pm. Sunday, November 23rd► Thanksgiving Worship Service and Turkey Potluck Dinner: The annual Thanksgiving worship service will be held on Sunday, November 23rd at 10:00am. Ruth Ellefson has a wonderful service planned with readings of thanksgiving and music. A sign-up sheet for the turkey potluck dinner is located on the table in the narthex. K N E E R E P L AC E M E N T S U RG E RY Pastor Al will be at home recovering from his knee replacement surgery on Wednesday, October 29th. He thanks you for your prayers and well wishes. He will be back in the pulpit on Sunday, November 16th. DECEMBER Community Blood Drive: The blood drive will be at Shepherd of the Mountains on Wednesday, December 3rd from 12:30 pm to 6:00 pm and on Thursday, December 4th from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. Thank you to each and every one who supports this great cause. To sign up or volunteer, please contact Jolene Moulder at 413-4561. M E E T T H E VO L U N T E E R An interview with Nikki Thompson Q: Nikki, tell us about your family and your background. A: My parents, Rick and Colleen, migrated to Wyoming from southern Minnesota in the early 80s. When Mom was expecting me they learned I had spina bifida, so they went back to Minneapolis where they knew they would have family support and great medical facilities, so that is where I was born. We all returned to Jackson when I was about 5 weeks old. My brother, Chris, was born 1991. I graduated from Jackson Hole High School in 2002 and went to college in Rock Springs for a year, majoring in journalism, but I had to quit due to health reasons . . . I had sixteen surgeries in about a two-year period. I currently have an apartment in Pioneer Homestead. Q: How and when did you become part of the Shepherd of the Mountains Lutheran Church family? A: My parents and I transferred to Shepherd of the Mountains Lutheran Church (from Redeemer Lutheran) in 1989 when I was about 5 years old, so this is really the only church home I remember. The first location I remember worshipping was at the old Kindercampus, which is where the Center for the Arts stands now. We worshipped in different areas of that building as well as the other elementary schools. Most of those buildings don’t exist anymore. I remember when we broke ground for the new church, we went out there as a congregation and took a shovel and broke the ground and we all took a rock from the soil to keep. Page 4 Meet the Volunteer is a new addition to our monthly newsletter and will focus on interviewing one of Shepherd of the Mountains Lutheran Church’s outstanding volunteers from time to time. What a nice way to get to know our members, their families, and all that they do for the church and our community. Q: What areas of the church life of Shepherd of the Mountains Lutheran Church have you been a part of? A: I recently was on Church Council for three years and served as secretary, and I have been on the Youth and Education Board about four years. I’ve been the church’s liaison for Old Bill’s Fun Run for Charities, filling out the registration paperwork and attending the awards party. I have helped out with Fellowship over the years. Before we had a church secretary I helped out with preparing the bulletins and some administrative work. I usher and count offering. I’ve also helped with scheduling nursery volunteers. Q: You served on Council for 3 years. Did you learn anything new about the church? A: It takes a lot to run a church! Q: What has been challenging for you in volunteering? A: Being in a wheelchair I am somewhat limited in what I can do physically, like lifting and doing dishes at church (darn!), but other than that I am game for pretty much anything. Q: What is the most rewarding part of your involvement? Continued on page 5 M E E T T H E VO L U N T E E R C O N T I N U E D A: I have really enjoyed getting to know the people and watching the church grow and change. Q: Do you have a vision for the church? A: That we keep growing in faith. Q: How has your faith been important to you over the years? A: My faith has kept me stronger in weaker times. Q: What occupies your time when you are not serving at Shepherd of the Mountains? Page 5 we just have to wait until the building is up, which hopefully will be done next summer. I will work about 12 to 15 hours per week as a supervisor in the greenhouse, in charge of developmentally challenged adults. WOW, Nikki! You are a busy young lady! Thank you for sharing your gifts and talents in so many ways with your community, Shepherd of the Mountains Lutheran Church and ultimately to the glory of God. You are such a blessing! A: I get out and about quite a bit. I learned to drive when I was 15. My dad had a little Windstar and he put hand controls and a wheel chair lift in it. I enjoy movies, Jackson Hole Live Concerts, going out to eat with friends and family, electronics, computer, keeping up with people through FaceBook. I participate in a lot of outdoor activities through Teton Adaptive Sports, like skiing, biking, and kayaking. From age 7 through high school I was involved with the March of Dimes to raise money for research to combat birth defects and premature births . . . and I helped raise $30,000 during that time. Most of that was by phone but I would also go door to door to raise funds. Recently I have been helping with fundraising for the Teton Timberwolves, which is the local adult team of Special Olympics. It’s a mix of Community Entry Services clients and independent athletes. I serve as a job coach, which has entailed helping a local young person deliver newspapers to the Living Center, and helping supervise another young lady with her daily grooming and hygiene. Q: I’ve heard you might be involved with the new Vertical Harvest venture? A: Yes, we are finishing up training soon—we’ve been training since June, learning about the plants we will be growing and about the hydroponic system. Then “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace.” 1 Peter 4:10 Page 6 VO L U N T E E R I N G Meal Ministry SOTMLC would like to begin a MEAL MINISTRY by having a ready and ample supply of frozen meals available at the church that can be taken to community members who may have an illness, new baby, death in the family, etc. If you would like to bring an item, please leave it in the freezer in the storage area behind the sanctuary. Please mark it with your name and phone number, name of dish, cooking instructions and the date you made it. In addition, please include the list of all major ingredients (such as, pasta, peanuts, ginger, cilantro, tomato paste, type of meat, etc. as some families have food allergies.) SOTMLC will then put a label on the item so it is ready to be distributed. Please call Jolene Moulder, 413-4561, for more information. Serving God Through Serving Others Warm Clothing for Kids on South Dakota Reservations A request for donated warm clothing for children on South Dakota Reservations has gone out to the communities. If you have any used winter clothing that you would like to donate, please mail items to: Native American Heritage Association, 12085 Quaal Road, Black Hawk, SD 57718-9862. If you are unable to afford postage, Marylou Klene has agreed to pay delivery costs. Pre-addressed mailing labels are also available in Mitzi’s office. Community Blood Drive The blood drive will be at Shepherd of the Mountains on Wednesday, December 3rd from 12:30 pm to 6:00 pm and on Thursday, December 4th from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. Thank you to each and every one who supports this great cause. To sign-up or volunteer, please contact Jolene Moulder at (307) 413-4561. DRIVERS NEEDED Circle of Care is in need of people who are willing to drive friends to Idaho Falls for doctor’s appointments and hospital visits. Circle of Care will pay for the gas costs. If you are able to assist in this area, please contact Carolyn Daily at (307) 690-1172. Page 7 THANKSGIVING Now Thank We All Our God Hymn #840 This very familiar Thanksgiving hymn was born out of a background of distress and grief. Written in 1636 by German pastor Martin Rinkhart, this hymn was taken from Ecclesiastes. In Germany it has become the national Le Deum and is sung at all festive occasions. German pastor Martin Rinkhart served in the walled town of Eilenburg during the horrors of the Thirty Years' War of 1618-1648. Eilenburg became an overcrowded refuge for the surrounding area. The fugitives suffered from epidemic and famine. At the beginning of 1637, the year of the Great Pestilence, there were four ministers in Eilenburg, but one abandoned his post for healthier areas and could not be persuaded to return. Pastor Rinkhart officiated at the funerals of the other two. As the only pastor left, he often conducted funeral services for as many as 40 to 50 persons a day—some 4,480 in all. In May of that year, his own wife died. By the end of the year, the refugees had to be buried in trenches without funeral services. Now thank we all our God With hearts and hands and voices, Who wondrous things has done, In whom this world rejoices; Who, from our mothers’ arms, Has blest us on our way With countless gifts of love, And still is ours today. DATE: TIME: November 23rd 10:00am Thanksgiving Worship Service “Let Us Give Thanks” Please join us for our annual Thanksgiving service on Sunday, November 23rd at 10:00am—actually 9:50am for a Thanksgiving sing-a-long! We encourage you to invite your family and friends, everyone is welcome. We will have some special music and Thanksgiving readings and Bible verses. Come, “Let us give thanks.” —Ruth Ellefson Shepherd of the Mountains will provide turkeys and we will need volunteers willing to cook them. The Hospitality and Welcoming Committee will need volunteers to help set up, serve and clean up. The potluck sign-up sheet will be located on the table in the narthex. Thank you for your willingness to help! This is one of the favorite and well attended events of the year. We are thankful to each of you who help make this such a continued success. YO U T H N E W S In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:18 ~ Every November, you hear about being thankful and grateful for all the blessings in your life. Sometimes you hear the word "thankful" so often that it ceases to have meaning to you. I urge you this Thanksgiving to view the subject of thankfulness with a new energy and focus. What does the word "thankful" actually mean? The dictionary defines the word thankful: 1. feeling gratitude: feeling or expressing gratitude. 2. glad about something: glad or relieved about something How has God blessed you this past year? Can you recall specific times when you called out to Him in prayer? How did God respond to your request? Sometimes God doesn't answer our prayers the way that we think that he should answer them. God sees our situation much better than we do and we can trust that he always has our best interest in mind. We only see a tiny piece of the big puzzle and God has the entire puzzle in his vision. Do you ever find it difficult to be thankful? Sometimes situations in our lives can make being thankful a difficult chore. Even in the worst of times we can find reasons to be thankful. Knowing that Jesus loves us and chose to willingly die for us is a very big reason to be thankful this year. Knowing that God is in control and that he has a purpose for our lives is another reason to be thankful. God blesses us in so many ways and sometimes we fail to see or recognize His handiwork in our lives. Think about all the wonderful things in your life such as family and friends. Sometimes a brother or a sister can seem to be anything BUT a blessing but think about how empty your life would be without them. Be thankful for your mom and dad. Take the time to tell them how much you appreciate all the little things they do for you. Write them a note and let them know that what they do for you is valued by you. Be thankful for the home in which you live. If you have a warm bed to sleep in and good food to eat, then you should thank God for providing for your needs. Give back to someone who is not as fortunate as you and donate food or your time this holiday season to them. - See more at: PAGE 8 Page 9 SCHEDULE OF MINISTERS The Schedule of Ministers serving during the month of NOVEMBER If you are unable to serve on your scheduled day, please switch with someone and notify the person in charge of scheduling that area. Thank you for your willingness to serve. Ordinary Time: A Season of Green In the long series of Sundays following Pentecost and before Christ the King at the end of November, the chancel and those who preside in it wear the liturgical color green –the color of life and growth. DATE SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY Nov. 2 Nov. 9 Nov. 16 Nov. 23 Nov. 30 Thanksgiving 1st Advent All Saints Liturgical Assistant 8:00AM No 8am service No 8am service No 8am service No 8am service No 8 am service 10:00AM John Daily Mike Eden Scott Daily Heidi Schmillen Holly Luense Betsy Scott Jo Schmillen Diana Eden Sherry Kinsella Rose Jeske Altar Minister 10:00 Lector AM Rusty Mizelle Mary Lou Klene Vicky Springer Thanksgiving Dale Jeske Greeter 10:00AM Carole Liebzeit Susan Freeze Lorrie Lee-Wells Nancy Ninnemann Mike Eden Ushers 10:00AM Sherry Kinsella Tracie Welch Freeze Family McCreedy Family Schmillen Family Moulder Family Carolyn Svendsen Christina Mizelle Steffan Freeman Rose Jeske Jo Schmillen Steffan Freeman Nikki Thompson William Shedd Lorrie Lee Wells Christina Mizelle Counters ►November NOVEMBER READINGS 2 First Reading Second Reading Gospel Revelation 7:9-17 1 John 3:1-3 Matthew 5:1-13 ►November 9 First Reading Second Reading Gospel Amos 5:18-24 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 Matthew 25:1-3 ►November 16 First Reading Second Reading Gospel Zephaniah 1:7, 12-18 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 Matthew 25:14-30 ►November 23 Thanksgiving Service ►November 30 First Reading Second Reading Gospel Isaiah 64:1-9 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 Mark 13:24-37 Shepherd of the Mountains Lutheran Church P.O. Box 3257 Jackson, WY 83001
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