Wyoming Public Schools Wyoming High School A MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL Greetings again Wyoming Wolves family, First of all, I wanted to update you on some of the staff happenings here at WHS. Back on October 30 our staff had a professional development day and really did some great learning. All staff members were able to visit with some local businesses. Through these visits, the staff was able to learn about each business, what they do for the community, how they have changed over the years and what they look for in new employees, etc. This time was very positive for all of our staff as we learned some valuable lessons. Certainly we learned some basic things related to being on time and attendance. But we also learned that employees are valued for their ability to work in groups, to present problems and solutions and to think creatively and effectively. These lessons, along with our own content, can now be discussed and presented to our students as we move forward, learning together! Through our visits, we were also able to share some of the things we are doing as a school and to help solidify our partnerships. It was a great day of learning. A big thanks goes out to the local businesses including, Weller Auto Parts, Consumers Energy, General Electric, and Gordon Food Service. We had a great day. Included here are some pictures from our learning. Finally, I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. This is a wonderful time of year to spend with family and friends and to remember all that we have. I know I am thankful for the many great people at Wyoming High School, the great students and parents who make this all a positive learning community! Take care and be safe. Nate Robrahn (616) 530-7580 Robrahn@wyomingps.org December 2014 Page 2 Wyoming High School WYOMING GIVES BACK HOLIDAY EVENT BAND & CHOIR HOLIDAY CONCERT Dec. 4th 5-7pm @ Rogers Plaza Tuesday, December 15th 7:00 pm Dan Heintzleman Fine Arts Center Wyoming/Kentwood HOLIDAY PARADE Dec. 6 10:00am on Division Ave. November Students of the Month Congratulations to the following students... 10th grade Edgar Portuondo Isabella Grays 11th grade Chris Hanson Mikayla St. John 12th grade Tyler Peters Kaley Fox CONGRATULATIONS to the following students for being named STUDENTS OF THE MONTH at KCTC! Madison Maslonka Trevor Reno Ezequiel Sanchez Lagunas Jasmine Lipscomb Mitchel Duncan Page 3 Wyoming High School ROBOTICS The female members of our Robotics team participated in a "Girls Only” Robotics Competition that took place near Detroit. With a Rookie “Drive Team” and Floor Coach that has limited experience they became a dominant scoring force and made it to the Semi-Finals out of a field of 32 Teams. Please congratulate the following team members for their excellent performance: Jessyka Monroe, Milexis Gonzales, Julia Vu, Kristina Frantz, Tiffany Le , Vanessa Tijerina Montes, Rian DeYoung and Danielle Schumcher. PARENT ADVISORY MEETINGS Our next Parent-Advisory Meeting will be on January 14 at 10:00am & 6:00pm. Parents and guardians are invited to meet with Mr. Robrahn to discuss what is happening at our High School. There will be two meetings per day to accommodate different work schedules & parent availability. The morning meeting content will be exactly the same as the evening. Please contact Mr. Robrahn if you have questions or a topic of interest for the meetings. Mark your calendar for April 15 at 10:00am & 6:00pm. Counselor Corner December Seniors should have their applications to their colleges of choice by now. It is important that students get applications done so that they can be considered for financial aid. College websites will give you dates for when applications need to be in to be considered for scholarships. For example GVSU must have all information to them before Dec 31st to be considered for scholarships. Reminder that transcript requests are not sent over Winter break so request should be made early. FAFSA – there will be a FAFSA informational meeting on January 28th at 7:00pm. Senior and junior parents are encouraged to attend. The FAFSA website is not available until January 1st for the following school year but you can get your pin number at any time from www.fafsa.ed.gov. Juniors won’t be applying for FAFSA until January of their senior year but it doesn’t hurt to get a handle on the information early. Sophomore and junior students still have an opportunity to change their GPA for college acceptance. Now is the time to have your student look at the colleges they are interested in online to see what their admissions requirements are for GPA and ACT. Juniors will be taking the ACT on March 3rd as part of state testing. They will also take the WorkKeys which is used by Michigan Works and other businesses for job placement. Please encourage your student to do well on these two tests. All transcript requests for current students as well as graduates need to be through www.parchment.com . To make the process go smoothly be sure you use your legal name as shown on your diploma or schedule and choose the high school you graduated from correctly – i.e. if you graduated in or after 2013 your high school is Wyoming High School. GUITAR CLUB You may have heard more music around the building lately. That's because students have been gathering in Mr. Pittman's room after school on Wednesdays to improve their guitar skills. The club is open to any student who has a guitar and already knows how to play some songs. Students work together to share and learn new songs. Ukeleles and banjos are also welcome, but all instruments must be acoustic, not electric. Varsity Cheer Winter 2014-15: The Wyoming Varsity Competitive Cheer team is looking forward to their upcoming season with much excitement and anticipation. The Lady Wolves will host a Scrimmage/Clinic at Wyoming HS on Friday, December 5th from 5 until 9 pm. There will be over 20 Varsity and MS teams in attendance and this will give all teams the opportunity to get some early performances in without the pressure of ‘game day’! Spectators are welcome. $2.00 at the door, 5 and under free, immediate family household cap of $10.00. No passes will be honored for this event since it isn’t a competition. Please plan to join us!! On Thursday, December 11th all members of the Wyoming Competitive Cheer program will be on hand at the Jr. High to help with and cheer on our two Middle School teams, we welcome everyone in the community to come check out this event at 6:00 pm at the Jr. High. On Saturday, January 11th we will host our Annual Wyoming Wolves Invitational at Wyoming H.S. – the program will start at 9:00 a.m. with MS teams and then the afternoon Divisions start at Noon for JV and Varsity teams. This will be the final event we host for the Winter season, so please make sure to stop in and check it out!! The Varsity Cheer team is comprised of 7 Seniors (all returners), 7 Juniors (5 are returners) and two Sophomores (1 returner), we are excited about the talent on our team and are looking forward to a very successful and meaningful season. Our JV team has 3 sophomores and 11 Freshman this season, we are very pleased to see their numbers increased from last year and are looking forward to seeing them compete at a higher level this season. Page 6 Wyoming Way Weight Program Congratulations to Mr. Tom Hudson (High School) and Mr. Craig Vanvliet (Jr. High) for the installation of the new Wyoming District wide weight lifting program. Over the past six months our teachers have orchestrated huge improvements to the Junior High and High School weight rooms. Mr. Hudson and Mr. Vanvliet have worked on providing Wyoming students with new equipment. Wyoming weight equipment is the best equipment used by colleges and universities across the country. The equipment is the newest, updated and tailored to sports/academic performance. The Equipment is a perfect match the new Wyoming District Wide (7th-12th.) Weight Program. (Speed, Strength Training). Last June our teachers and coaches went through a morning training session taught by weight lifting experts. The intent was to learn the techniques and benefits of the new district wide program. The SST program incorporates power, strength, agility and speed. Our students will be bigger, faster, stronger and more confident in athletics and academics. The most striking noticeable element about the Wyoming Way program is that our students are constantly moving while performing lifts and building strength. Recently a GVSU Kinesiology professor visited the Jr. High Weight room and was absolutely thrilled to see how our athletes were performing in class. He remarked about the tremendous data that links performance in the weight room and gym class to academic achievement. He also recommended that our State Representative visit our weight room to see the excitement, commitment and hard work of our Wyoming Public School students. Win Forever. %22.)$,5 Our annual Barnes & Noble Book Fair will be held December 5-6 at Barnes and Noble in Rivertown Crossings Mall. Come and enjoy music, kids crafts, visits by our student athletes, and art work provided by our art students. Friday night includes a reading of "The Polar Express" by a special conductor and a visit from Santa! Have your purchases gift wrapped by our friendly elves. A portion of all sales will benefit the Senior All-Night Party. If you aren't able to make it to the store that weekend shop online at www.bn.com and use the code 11414042 at checkout and a portion of your sale will automatically go to the SANP. This code can be used online or in-store December 5-9. Wyoming High School Sports Congratulations to the following players for being selected to the O.K. Bronze All-Conference Team!!! Tennis: Austin Paxson, Football: Max Kallemeyn, D.J. Donaldson, Mike Williams, Soccer: Adrian Romero Lopez, Juan Gonzalez, Volleyball: Ashley LeMieux, Wyoming Wolves on Facebook/Twitter: @WyomingWolves Receive information and pictures of sporting events and school activities many times while the events are actually happening. Important school related information will be distributed immediately on the Wyoming Wolves facebook/twitter. No more waiting around the news. You will receive news in real time. Join the other thousand Wyoming facebook friends. @WyomingWolves. FUN! CONGRATULATIONS 2014 HOMECOMING KING & QUEEN Nicholas Staten & Ashley LeMieux BOYS BASKETBALL—Pup Basketball in full swing! All elementary players are beginning to prepare for January and February Saturday morning games in the West Michigan Basketball League hosted by Wyoming Public Schools. The 7th and 8th grade basketball teams have bee playing games and will wrap up their school season in December. Information on second season will be available soon for those 78ers that want to pursue their basketball career. &RQJUDWXODWLRQVWRWKHIROORZLQJDWKOHWHVIRUPDNLQJWKH:ROYHV%DVNHWEDOOWHDPV )5(6+0(1%2<6%$6.(7%$// -9%2<6%$6.(7%$// Ja'En Branch &HVDU$OD\R Brendan Berg Jr Donny Buentello 'RQQLH$OIRUG Carlos Amoros Sr Baron Bykerk (QULTXH%DHQD Marvin Dolleman Jr Colin DeYoung 5REHUW%URRNV Melvin Frazier .HYLQ%XUNH Nick Staten Sr JaQuarrie Garrett 'LRQ+ROORZD\ Jalen Primus Sr Connor Zuidema Sr Robbie Anderson Sr Jacob Traylor Sr Nurri Benjamin Jr Zach Mann Jr Chase Vander Klay Sop Edwin Martinez Jr Jesse Flores Sr Grant Nabors Fres Calvin Gondick ,YDQ/RQJRULD Jo'Vaun Jones (]UD0D\ Daron Lewis Jackson McClure &DOHE3LFNHUG Arion Taylor )UDQNLH5DPLUH] Xavion Terpstra $PLU6KDULI Tyler VanDongen 7UDHYRQ:DUG Carter VanDyke -DFRE:HVWSKDO 9$56,7<%2<6%$6.(7%$// )5(6+0(1 -9*,5/6%$6.(7%$// 9$56,7<*,5/6%$6.(7%$// *,5/6%$6.(7%$// 6\GQH\%DFLJDO .LDUDK&RSHODQG -DVPLQH$OOHQ 7D\ORU&RPSDQLRQ $LJHULP6FRE\ 'H/DQH\%XFKDQDQ +DOH\)LQFK $QDVWDVLD5DPRV 'DUOHQH%XUNH6DQFKH] +DQQDK+DODV &ODLUH+HQGULFNVRQ .DWULQD'HDQ -HVVLFD-LURXV $OLQD0ROHWWH $OH[DQGULD/RRQVIRUW .LDUD.RUQRHOMH *DEULHOOH0HQDUG /LOOLDQ0DHGH 9LFWRULD/DQH 0RQLFD-DEORQVNL -\OHH0DUVKDOO 0HOOH ಬ DQQD/RQJRULD 1RHO+HUQDQGH] 0DFNHQ]LH3HWHUVHQ $O\QHPDJRRQ -DQD\7UD\ORU $OLVFLD6KDFNV 1LFROH5XVH 0HQHOLVLD0F*HH %ULDQQD6PDOO 3H\WRQ:RUVW $OOLVRQ/HZLV +DLOHH6SHQFHU .HMDQHH7UD\ORU 5HEHFFD+DUH Page 10 Schedule of Events December 2014 Sun 7 14 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Athletic 2 3 4 5 6 Parade Boosters 6:30 It’s a Wonderful Life It’s a Wonderful Life It’s a Wonderful Life It’s a Wonderful Life 10 11 12 13 8 9 15Holiday 16 17 18 19 20 Concert 7 pm 21 22 29 B Dec. 3-6 It’s a Wonderful Life7:00om at Auditorium Dec. 4 Wyoming Gives Back 57pm Dec. 5-6 Book Fair at Barnes and Noble 23 W 28 Dec. 2 Athletic Boosters Meeting 6:30pm 24 I 30 R N 25 T 26 E 31 E A WYOMING HIGH SCHOOL 1350 PRAIRIE PARKWAY SW WYOMING, MI 49509 (616) 530 –7580 (616) 530-7589 (Fax) Attendance Line (616) 257-9250 K 27 R Dec. 6 Holiday Parade 9 am Dec. 15 Band & Choir Holiday Concert. Dec 22-Jan 2. Winter Break
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