PUBLICATION OF THE BISHOP PAIUTE TRIBE N OVEMBER 2014 Upcoming Committee Meetings... November 2014 4th Enrollment Committee Meeting Cultural Center @ 5:00pm 5th TEPA Committee Meeting EMO-B Conference Rm. @ 2:00pm 12th Parent Advisory Committee Meeting Education Center @ 12:00pm 12th Elders Committee Meeting Elders Building @ 12:00pm 12th Gaming Commission Meeting PPC Conference Rm. @ 5:00pm 12th BPDC Board Meeting BPDC Conference Rm. @ 6:00pm 12th Cultural Advisory Committee Meeting Cultural Center @ 6:00pm 13th Law Enforcement Committee Meeting Tribal Chambers @ 9:00am (Continued on page 4) Photo courtesy of Melissa Haskins Tribe is awarded an Indian Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG) … B y Li n d a A k y űz , Gr a n t s The Bishop Paiute Tribe has been notified that it has received a US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Indian Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG) for $605,000 to renovate/rehabilitate and expand the existing Bishop Indian Education Center (BIEC, the Education Center), formerly known as the Owens Valley Indian Education Center. The Education Center, since its inception in 1968, has provided academic tutoring; career and college counseling services; scholarship assistance; recreational activities; and family learning activities for the Indian people of the Bishop area. The BIEC inspired a grass-roots movement that originally established 10 Indian education centers throughout California. State funding for these centers was appropriated by Senate Bill (SB) 2264, championed by the Late California State Senator George Moscone, with the support of community organizers from the Native American Training Associates (NATA) Institute—the Late Joe Carrillo, the Late Dan Bomberry, and (Continued on page 2) this issue Low Income Housing Tax Credit Project Update P.3 Head Start News P.4 EMO News P.6 Pabanamanina Pow Wow P.10 Reflections of the Nuumu P.12 Enrollment Department P.14 BUHS Homecoming P.16 BIEC News P.18 Bishop Tribe Postings P.22 Tribal Meetings and Events P.24 BISHOP PAIUTE TRIBAL COUNCIL CHAIRMAN Gerald Howard VICE-CHAIRMAN Kris Hohag SECRETARY/T REASURER Earleen Hess-Williams COUNCIL MEMBER Gertrude “Lynn” Brown COUNCIL MEMBER William “Bill” Turner ICDBG Award… (Continued from cover) Andy Anderson. As a result of this legislation, California presently has 27 Indian Education centers that serve as educational resource centers for Indian students, their families, and the public schools. The Tribe’s Community Development Department will renovate the current permanent 3,129 -square-foot BIEC building, construct a 3,116-square-foot extension/addition to the permanent building, pave approximately 15,000 sq. ft. of dirt-surfaced parking northwest of the permanent building for a park-and-ride/parking lot and improved emergency-services access, and repave approximately 6,500 sq. ft. of the existing paved parking lot. The buildings will be compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and will provide a safe and welcoming environment for students and families. The expansion will provide semi-private tutoring rooms for students and program-centered office space for BIEC staff. The Project will begin in April 2015, and all work will be completed by September 2016. All BIEC programs will continue during construction and renovation: students and staff will be housed in the new expansion and in the modular unit east of Barlow Gym during renovations of the current building. The Tribe looks forward to implementing this project, which will further enhance educational and socioeconomic opportunities for the Indian people of the Bishop area. The Tribe appreciates HUD’s funding of this project and the continued support of the HUD Southwest Office of Native American Programs for the Tribe’s public facility projects. The meeting was originally scheduled for November 8, 2014. GENERAL COUNCIL MEETING TRIBAL OFFICE CONTACT: TRIBAL ADMINISTRATION TEL (760) 873-3584 FAX (760) 873-4143 Paiute Professional Center 50 Tu Su Lane Bishop, CA 93514 New Date: Tuesday, November 25, 2014 Time: Dinner at 5:30 p.m. • Meeting at 6:00 p.m. • Place: Community Center 405 N. Barlow Lane • Bishop, California • Here’s the link: Elders Election: Tuesday, November 18, 2014 2 BISHOP PAIUTE TRIBAL NEWSLETTER November 2014 BISHOP PAIUTE TRIBAL NEWSLETTER November 2014 Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Update… By Bishop Paiute Tribal Council (BPTC) The Bishop Paiute Tribe was awarded a California Low Income Housing Tax Credit project in March 2014 for the construction of two subdivisions on the reservation. The Central subdivision was located on the corner of Diaz and Barlow lanes and the Eastern subdivision was to be located near the old sewer ponds east of See Vee lane. The project would have consisted of thirty homes and a community center. The project would have been financed through state and federal tax credits. All participants would qualify for housing based on their household income. The project had to follow strict guidelines and timeframes mandated by investors, state housing officials and the IRS. The Tribal Council was faced with important decisions to make, concerning this project, and very little time with which to make sound decisions. On September 9, 2014 the Tribal Council had to select an investor based on their offer to purchase the tax credits. There were multiple offers to consider, but time was short, and Travois the company that helped with the application recommended an investment firm by the name of Prestige to purchase the Tribe’s tax credits. The Tribe was always under the impression that the project would be financed with tax credits and the Tribe would receive a developer fee for the project in the amount of $1.4 million. This would be the Tribe’s profit and no other costs would be incurred by the Tribe for this project. On October 10, 2014 the Tribal Council had a teleconference with Prestige to come to a financial arrangement for the project. The teleconference revealed that the Tribe would finance $1.9 million for the project. Prestige’s partner, Bank of America, was willing to offer a thirty year loan to the Tribe for the $1.9 million needed to start construction. The Tribal Council made the decision to stop the project before incurring any further costs for the project. There were other unknowns about this project that made going ahead a very scary endeavor for the Tribe. The Tribe will continue to seek affordable housing opportunities for its members in the future. The LIHTC B-23 Project will be one of the topics for discussion at the General Council Meeting on November 8, 2014. Bishop Paiute Tribal Council 3 Upcoming Meetings Head Start News… (Con tinued fro m co ver) By Susie Cisneros, Director, Bishop Indian Head Start Bishop Indian Head Start Policy Council 13th Regular Tribal Council Meeting Tribal Chambers @ 5:30pm 18th Tribal Court Advisory Committee Meeting Tribal Chambers @ 9:00am 18th Tribal Court Tribal Chambers @ 11:00am Community Representative We are looking for Community Representatives to be a part of our Policy Council. Community Representatives are voting members of the Policy Council. During the meetings, all members hear reports and discussions and ask questions about Head Start matters. Motions are 18th Owens Valley Board of Trustees Meeting Big Pine—Wellness Ctr. @ 3:00pm made and votes taken to approve decisions dealing with the Head 18th Enrollment Committee Meeting Tribal Chambers @ 5:30pm criteria, etc. We also ask Community Representatives to share infor- 19th Land Assignment Committee Meeting Tribal Chambers @ 6:00pm Start information to their community. 19th Cultural Advisory Committee Meeting Cultural Center @ 6:00pm Community Representative please complete and return a Community 20th THPO Committee Meeting EMO-B Conference Rm. @ 5:30pm 24th Gaming Commission Meeting PPC Conference Rm. @ 5:00pm Start budget, grant applications, staffing, program options, enrollment mation about relevant community activities as well as to bring Head If you are interested in volunteering as a Head Start Policy Council Rep Nomination Form. Forms are available on the website at: Susie Cisneros, Director Bishop Indian Head Start 405 North Barlow Phone: 760-872-3911 Head Start Core Objectives Enhance children’s growth and development Strengthen families as the primary nurturers of their children Provide children with educational, health and nutritional services Link children and families to needed community services Ensure well-managed programs that involve parents in decision-making 4 BISHOP PAIUTE TRIBAL NEWSLETTER November 2014 BISHOP PAIUTE TRIBAL NEWSLETTER November 2014 5 EMO NEWS Taking Root: Nature-based Learning in the Eastern Sierra Taking Root is an environmental education program for 3rd graders in Bishop and is in its second year. The program is a partnership between the Bishop Paiute Tribe Environmental Management Office, the Inyo County Superintendent of Schools, Eastern Sierra Audubon, CA Fish and Wildlife, and Eastern Sierra Institute of Collaborative Education. Starting this November students in participating 3rd grade classrooms will take monthly field trips from the back gate of their school to the Tribe’s Conservation Open Space Area (COSA) to learn about local wildlife, plants, insects, and birds. The purpose of the Taking Root program is to connect students with the natural world in the place where they live. In today’s world, many children do not play outside and never have the experience of exploring, camping, watching birds, and building forts. The main objective is to insure that all students know that nature is safe, fun, and deserves respect. We want them to enjoy being outside and get curious about it. We want them to use all their senses and be aware of the natural world around them and how they fit into it. Currently it is planned that six classes will participate in eight monthly field trips this year. For more information about the program contact Brian Adkins at EMO (760) 873-3584. Did you know… The Tribe has a scientific internship position? The position is a Physical Science Technician with the Environmental Office’s Water Quality Control Program. This position provides experience working in a scientific laboratory and conducting field work. The position is currently open, so if you are interested in saving up for college while gaining valuable experience, check with the Human Resources Department or apply online. 6 BISHOP PAIUTE TRIBAL NEWSLETTER November 2014 BISHOP PAIUTE TRIBAL NEWSLETTER November 2014 7 Honoring our Native American Veterans November 9th, 2014 5:00-8:00 pm Barlow Lane Gym Please come and join us to honor our Native American Veterans that have served our country. For more information please contact: Summer Linton (760) 920-7527 Proudly sponsored by: Bishop Paiute Tribe, Bishop Tribal Youth Council, and OVCDC NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BISHOP PAIUTE TRIBE A Public Hearing on the INDIAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (ICDBG) PROGRAM FY2015 GRANT will be held on Thursday, November 13, 2014 at 5:30 pm in Bishop Paiute Tribal Office- Tribal Chambers, 50 Tu Su Lane in Bishop, California. The purpose of this hearing will be to receive input and comments about housing and public facilities needs and about potential projects to be applied for under the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) ICDBG program for the Fiscal Year 2015. The hearing is proposed to: · furnish residents with information concerning the amounts of funds available for proposed community development and housing activities; and · to obtain the views of residents on community development and housing needs and the range of activities that may be undertaken with the ICDBG grant The contents of any plan that comes out of this hearing may be examined by Tribal Members and will have an open comment period. Tribal Members will also have the opportunity to review and comment on the Tribe’s performance under any active community development block grant. Written public comments concerning this matter may be submitted to: Bishop Paiute Tribe at 50 Tu Su Lane, Bishop, CA 93514 by February 14, 2015. If you have any questions or need further clarification on this hearing please contact the Tribal Office at (760) 873-3584. Also, please visit our website for information on public hearings, agendas and community flyers at: 8 BISHOP PAIUTE TRIBAL NEWSLETTER November 2014 BISHOP PAIUTE TRIBAL NEWSLETTER November 2014 2014 Bishop Union High School Fall Semester Honor Roll Selia Amisone Tiarney Andreas Sabrina Barlow Morgan Cunha Wallace Eddy Jr. Kerisa Isaac Xochitl Martinez George Meneses Sierra Merchant 3.5 4.0 3.66 3.5 3.8 4.0 3.8 4.0 3.75 Michael Molina 3.66 Cecilia O’Dell 3.66 Jaden Piper 3.66 Justice Piper 3.5 Tava Sam 3.8 Topah Scherer 3.83 Tamia Shoshone 3.83 Thomas Sills 4.66 Moran Braithwaite-West 3.83 9 PABANAMANINA POW WOW Due to the hard work of our Pow wow Committee (Page Linton, Tammy Andrade, Alison Piper, Cyndie Summers, Tonia Cozad, June Piper, Charlene Talas, Wanda Summers, Lynette Romero, Ambroshia Stone, Joan Huff, Fawn Piper, Amber Kinney and David Thunder Eagle) and with the support of the Bishop Tribal Council , Tribal Office/Finance Staff, Paiute Palace Casino and their Administrative/Marketing staff and the Owens Valley Career Development TANF Program, the 2014 Pow Wow was a great success! We would like to acknowledge our Head Staff: M.C. Ruben Littlehead; Arena Director Ben Wolf; Head Man Colton Tohannie; Head Woman Taunie Cullooyah and our Dance & Drum Coordinator, Algin Scabbyrobe. We hope you enjoyed our head drums, Cozad Singers and Young Spirit. Again, our head staff and drums are notably some of the best and respected individuals across the country and we were pleased to be able to bring them to our pow wow for your enjoyment. We would like to acknowledge a few “locals” who also fulfilled important roles for the pow wow: Flag carriers Jeff and Justin Davis, head boys Wokoba Spoonhunter and David Gonzales, head girl Nosidhtsi’ Lewis. Congratulations to our Royalty: Miss Pabanamanina Hannah Frankson, Jr. Miss Princess Washya Martinez and Tiny Tot Princess Tso’Apa Andrade who will represent for one year. We know they will do a great job promoting our pow wow, the Bishop Tribe, their families and our community. Thank you to the community for always being supportive of the Pow Wow Committee and our efforts to continue to bring to you one of the best pow wows possible. Also, we would like to thank the Bishop Indian Sports Club and the Timbisha Shoshone Tribe for their financial contributions to the pow wow and especially the Bishop Indian Tribal Youth Council for their time and effort preparing the arbor (it looked great!). Also big thanks to Megan Barlow, Jade Lawrence, the maintenance staff of the Paiute Palace Casino, the finance department of the Bishop Paiute Tribe, Emma Williams, The Bishop Paiute Tribal Council (Gerald Howard, Kris Hohag, Earleen Williams, Lynn Brown, William Turner), Former Tribal Council Members: Chad Delgado, William Vega & Monty Bengochia; The staff of the Bishop Paiute Tribe, The staff of the Paiute Palace Casino, The Owens Valley Career Development Center/TANF Program and Staff, Owens Valley Board of Trustees, Bishop TERO, Tara Frank, Frank Rinella, Charlene Keller, Glenn Nelson, Bishop Elders Program, BUHS Native American Student Association and all of our volunteers! 2014-15 Princesses Hannah Frankson Washya Martinez Tso’Apa Andrade Currently we are preparing to fundraise for the 2015 pow wow. We have a few souvenir T-shirts for sale that would make great Xmas gifts for only $10! Keep an eye out for our upcoming BINGO fundraisers, Taco sales, Sees Xmas candy sales! Your support is always appreciated! “LIKE” our FACEBOOK page! 10 BISHOP PAIUTE TRIBAL NEWSLETTER November 2014 November 2014 BISHOP PAIUTE TRIBAL NEWSLETTER LIHEAP Update… By Star Narcomey, Social Services Coordinator As of November 3, 2014 the Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) has depleted all the winter heating funds. If you need assistance please contact the IMACA office at (760) 873-8557. If you have any questions you can call me at (760) 873-4414 Ext. 3 Sincerely, Star Narcomey Social Service Coordinator Saturday, December 6, 2014 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Barlow Lane Gym 390 N. Barlow Lane Bishop, California VENDERS: $20 Each, plus a donated item for the raffle. ($5 additional table- limit is two tables per vender) Setup time: 7:00 am Questions? Call (760) 937-5120, (760) 9207195, (760) 920-1820 or (760) 263-4507 11 Pictured to the left is the Old School House, which is now the Presbyterian Church which is located on the corner of West Line Street and Pa Me Lane. Pictured above: Do you know any of these young Owens Valley Paiute Women? Photograph is circa 1920s Thanks for sharing these pictures! November 2014 Bishop Tribal Enrollment Moratorium Extended to January 12, 2015 The Moratorium on Enrollment for the Bishop Paiute Tribe has been extended to January 12, 2015, this is due to the recent hiring of the new Enrollment Officer getting up to speed on major duties of the office. ENROLLMENT UPDATE Additionally, there are several new Enrollment Committee members who need to be updated in order to affectively fulfill their position duties. 14 The Enrollment Office will continue to provide service to the Tribal Community as needed and office hours will continue as normal. Also the Enrollment office has initiated a new Security Plan for the office and changes to the office with some new equipment; as we move more towards Digital Recordkeeping. TRIBAL I.D.’S AND FILE DOCUMENTS ID Cards can be requested throughout the week on the appropriate form; however the actual ID card will be processed on Wednesdays only. Also Enrollment will not be processing requests for copies of documents out of membership files; this practice has led to incomplete files. SOME IDEAS TO MAKE YOUR FALL GATHERING SEASON A TIME TO REMEMBER: · · · · · · · Cook Pine nuts together Canning or make some jelly. The kids will love to learn. Take a walk together Go fishing at the River Repair your Regalia Bead, Bead, Bead Photography in the Fall is the Best! FAMILY TREE Our family, without whom we would not have our Tribal Identity; get to know your grandmothers and grandfathers. Ask Questions of them and about them. When completing your Family Tree provide as much as you know about their lives, give meaning to their existence not just for Enrollment but for our future, our children. 2014 ENROLLMENT COMMITTEE MEMBERS: * Robin Howard * Theresa Hooper * Rhonda Schultz * Thomas Mitchell * Teresa Martinez Per Capita Pay-Out Information The payout of Per Capita to the membership of the Bishop Paiute Tribe is scheduled for December 10, 2014. In order to be eligible, enrolled members need to be up-to-date on all accounts; please make sure to get all your accounts in order. Also, if you have a new address please make sure the Enrollment Office is aware of your new address information. For those of you who need to Opt Out of this payment, please make sure we have your Request to do so. If you have any questions please give us a call at the Enrollment Office and we will be glad to help you out. BISHOP PAIUTE TRIBAL NEWSLETTER November 2014 BISHOP PAIUTE TRIBAL NEWSLETTER November 2014 Employee Fundation The Employee Fundation is sponsored 100% by the Bishop Paiute Tribal Employees through Voluntary Payroll Deduction. This program funds events/ activities such as: a) Employee Annual Events (i.e. Christmas Party, Employee Recognition Day) b) Flowers and/or Cards to employees for; Illness/ Injury, Birth of a Baby, an Immediate Family Member’s Death. The Employee Fundation really needs your support; out of 154 employees; 61 employees are voluntarily doing payroll deduction for the Employee Fundation; please contibute and be apart of our TEAM!! The Human Resource Department would like to shout out a huge “Thank You” to the following sixty-one (61) employees for their Voluntary Contribution each month for their part in making the “EMPLOYEE FUNDATION” a success, we couldn’t have done it without you: Grace McClenaghan, Tara Frank, Mervin Hess, Garrett Bryan, Rhonda Schultz, June Piper, Lynette Blossom, Valerie Spoonhunter, Topah Spoonhunter, Helena McKellips, Margaret Romero, Leonard Pueblo, Joyce Alvey, Jordan Andreas, Emma Williams, Rebecca Houle, Jodi Poncho, Casey Smith, Star Narcomey, Rena Brown, Hidonee Spoonhunter, Stephanie Nelligan, Michael Jones, Steve Hernandez, Francie Tallon, Bonnie Foroudi, Mitchell David, Patricia Bengochia, Barrett Cox, Steven Barlow, Jr., Rodolfo Torres, Anthony Barlow, Dennis Dore, Paul McKellips, Dave Moose, Gloriana Bailey, Susie Cisneros, Amanda Miloradich, Paula Manriquez, Donna Thomas, Gwen Turner, Annette Dondero, Dawn Conway, Laura Ketcham, Brian Poncho, Mary Enriquez, Hillary Frank, Laurie Allred, Ambroshia Mitchell, Alexandria Linton, Thomas Gustie III, Toni Richards, Catherine Larsen, Billy Barlow, Geraldine Weaver, Brian Willis, Everett Piper, RoseMarie Denver, James Wade, Dean Turner and Gaylene Moose. Please be on the look-out for raffle tickets for sale for an iPad and a Christmas Get-Away Shopping Spree; so please watch for tickets to buy and win one of these awesome prizes and $!! Please support the Fundation; monies earned from the sales will go directly back into the Employee Fundation for future use for wonderful and exciting events for the Tribal Staff. If you are a Bishop Paiute Tribal Employee and not signed up yet for Voluntary Payroll Deduction for the “Employee Fundation” and wish to start, please call or stop by the Human Resource Department. Again, we would like to thank those employees who have been in support of the program! Public Works Department … By Barrett Cox, Public Works Director With the summer season finally over I thought I would bring up the topic of water conservation. This past summer, the Bishop Reservation used over 1,000,000 gallons of domestic water! That’s almost 1,500 gallons of water per household per day, for the summer, which is nearly five times the national average. In the summer the average daily flow that enters the sewer mains is about 250,000 gallons which means that over 750,000 gallons per day is used that does not enter the sewer system. Where does all that water go? Most of it is used outside the home, watering lawns and gardens, swamp coolers, swimming pools, washing cars, etc. So the problem is with using all that water? One problem is cost. In the summer, the electricity at the pump houses costs several thousand dollars per month. Annually it costs over $84,000 per year just in electricity costs. Since the water and sewer is paid for by the users that means that you know who is really paying the bill for all that electricity. And it’s not just the electricity costs it’s the wear and tear on the pumps, valves and distribution system that cost money too. So what’s a person to do? After all it’s hot outside and the lawn needs watering and the car is dirty. Well, for starters you can follow a few simple tips to help minimize your water use in the summertime. 1. Do your outside watering in the mornings and evenings. The evaporation rates in the middle of the day cause most of the water to disappear into the air rather than down to the roots of your lawn. Remember that watering hours are restricted to 5am-10am and 5pm-10pm. 2. Check your faucets, hoses, sprinklers, Toilets and swamp coolers for leaks. A 10 cent hose washer can save up to 100 gallons per day. Don’t have any hose washers or not sure how to change them out? Got a leak you can’t fix? Give us a call and we will help you out. 3. Water your lawn less frequently. Your lawn needs only about 1 inch of water per week to stay green and healthy. Most people tend to over water their lawns. How can you tell if you are overwatering? Place a coffee can or a baking dish out on the lawn while you water. If you get more than an inch in the container you are probably overwatering. Like to Wash your car every week? Pull it up on the lawn to wash it and you will kill two birds with one stone. Don’t worry, the soap in your car wash won’t hurt the grass. By just thinking about how much water you might be using you are taking the first step towards conserving water. Every drop counts and who knows, if we can conserve enough water, you might just see a drop in your future water bill. The Public Works Department is open M-F 8am-5pm. If you have any questions or need assistance please give us a call at 760-873-6638. 15 Bishop Union High School Homecoming 2014 Carrie, Woodrow and Woodie Reynolds Charlie Stone, Thomas Montoya and Arlene Montoya Ryan Lent and Desiree Torres Scott Bayhurst, Desmond Frank and Jackie Bayhurst Alex Romero, Wallace Eddy Jr. and Tony Marquez Sam Moose Carrie Jones, Leticia Gonzales and Carlos Gonzales Lisa, Ty and Darryl Tucker Rubee Manuelito 16 BISHOP PAIUTE TRIBAL NEWSLETTER November 2014 BISHOP PAIUTE TRIBAL NEWSLETTER November 2014 The Native American Student Association (NASA) has participated in a variety of activities in the month of October. The month was filled with football games, volleyball games, homecoming parade and dance. The N.A.S.A. club and the entire school voted for homecoming court and class/club representatives for homecoming. N.A.S.A Club Prince was Thomas Montoya and Princess, Leticia Gonzalez. Other representatives on the court included: Ty Tucker -Senior Prince Desmond Frank - Senior Prince Jade Whiteside - Freshman Princess Students worked hard to create their float and stayed after school to work on it. All the hard work paid off as they won the float contest amongst the clubs at BUHS. A huge Carrie Jones, Tom Gustie, Jasmine Andreas, High Country Lumber, for assisting with the float. From building the back drop, to storing it at your home your help does not go unnoticed. Again thank you for all of your help and support!! Native American Student Association 2014 Homecoming Prince and Princess Thomas Montoya and Leticia Gonzales Freshmen Princess: Jade Whiteside Parents: Amanda Narcomey and Jason Whiteside Lenaya Moose, Tamia Shoshone, Madison Barlow, Tiarney Andreas (Miss Bishop Paiute Tribe) Rubee Manuelito, Sabrina Stone, Xochitl Martinez, Sabrina Barlow, Jordan Frankson, Hannah Frankson, Carlos Gonzales and Antonio Garcia Jordan Frankson and Shelby Logan 17 Bishop Indian Education Center… 18 BISHOP PAIUTE TRIBAL NEWSLETTER November 2014 BISHOP PAIUTE TRIBAL NEWSLETTER November 2014 19 20 BISHOP PAIUTE TRIBAL NEWSLETTER November 2014 TUNIWA NOBI FAMILY LITERACY PROGRAM ADULT EDUCATION PROGRAM IS OFFERING: WHEN: TUESDAY, NOV. 4TH, THURSDAY, NOV. 13, TUESDAY NOV. 18TH AND 25TH. WHERE: TUNIWA NOBI CENTER2574 DIAZ LANE TIME: 6-7:30PM SNACKS & STUDY MATERIALS WILL BE PROVIDED: ¨ 14-15 CA Commercial Driver Handbook ¨ Class C Driver Handbook ¨ Pre-Trip Inspection Call Tuniwa Nobi to get signed up! 760/872-2115 Open to Native American Community with children living in the home ! 760/872-2115 Cruz on over & learn a new job skill to add to your resume!! 21 Bishop Paiute Tribe Postings… Public Service & Meeting Information BOARD & COMMITTEE VACANCIES REQUIREMENTS TO APPLY: *NEW—Constitution Committee: 13 members needed Meetings To Be Determined Court Advisory Committee: Three(3) members needed Meets once a month every third Tuesday proceeding Tribal Court Cultural Advisory Committee: Two (2) member needed Meets monthly intermittently Tribal Environmental Protection Board (TEPA): One (1) Members Needed Meets once a month every first Wednesday *MUST BE A TRIBAL MEMBER *MUST BE INTERESTED IN SERVING THE TRIBAL COMMUNITY *SUBMIT A LETTER OF INTEREST TO THE TRIBAL OFFICE THE BISHOP PAIUTE TRIBE Wednesday, November 19, 2014 6:00 p.m. Barlow Lane Gym 390 N. Barlow Lane Bishop, CA Proudly Sponsored by: For more information please contact Lidia or Brian at 760-873-4414. 22 BISHOP PAIUTE TRIBAL NEWSLETTER November 2014 November 2014 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT DECEMBER 2014 UPCOMING EVENTS… Dec 6th ….……….…Christmas Bazaar– Barlow Lane Gym Dec 17th …………...Winter Family Gathering Dec 19th…………...Tribal Children’s Gift Giving 2 BTYC Mtg. @ 2pm -Wunut Novie- 3 Daylight Saving Time Ends 9 10 4 Enrollment Committee Meeting @ 5pm -Cultural CenterCounty Elections 7am-8pm Precinct 111: -Tribal Chambers- 11 Tribal Offices Closed -Veterans Day- Honoring our Native American Veterans Dinner 5pm-8pm -Barlow Lane Gym- 16 17 BTYC Mtg. @ 2pm -Wunut Novie- BIEC Event: Open House @ 6pm -Education Center- 18 Tribal Court Advisory Comte. Meeting @ 9am -Tribal ChambersTRIBAL COURT @ 11am -Tribal Chambers- 1 Dec 24th & 25th…Tribal Offices Closed – Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Dec 31st……..…..Tribal Offices Closed – New Year’s Eve 5 6 TEPA Committee Meeting @ 2pm -EMO-B Conf. Rm.- 12 Law Enforcement Committee Mtg. @ 9am -Tribal Chambers- 19 20 FFP Event: Fall Family Gathering 6pm -Barlow Lane Gym- THPO Committee Meeting @ 5:30pm -EMO-B Conf. Rm.- Land Assignment Comte. Meeting @ 6pm -Tribal ChambersCultural Advisory Committee Mtg. @ 6pm -Cultural CenterTERO Workshop: Carpentry Training from 8am-4pm -Public Works Garage (630 Brockman Lane)- See Flyer 8 Toiyabe Board of Directors Meeting @ 9am Wellness Center Big Pine, California General Council Meeting—Moved to: November 25, 2014 Miss Bishop Paiute Tribe Pageant — Moved to: November 15, 2014 14 15 13 PAC Meeting @ 12pm -Education CenterGaming Commission Meeting @ 5pm -PPC Conference RoomElders Committee Meeting @ 12pm -Elders Bldg.BPDC Board Mtg. @ 6pm -Tribal ChambersCultural Advisory Committee Mtg. @ 6pm -Cultural Center- OVBT Meeting @ 3pm Big Pine, Calif. Enrollment Committee Meeting @ 5pm -Tribal Chambers- 7 Cultural Center Grand Re-Opening 11am2pm -Cultural Center- Regular Tribal Council Meeting @ 5:30pm -Tribal Chambers- Miss Bishop Paiute Tribe Pageant @ 3pm -Cultural Center- Public Hearing: ICDBG FY 2015 5:30pm -Tribal Chambers- Fishing Season Ends 21 22 RAVE Women’s Group 6pm RAVE Office (2490 Diaz Lane) BIEC Event: Graduating Seniors Cap and Gown Workshop 9am-2pm -Community Center- 27 28 29 Tribal Offices Closed -Thanksgiving Day- Tribal Offices Closed -Day after Thanksgiving- BUESD School Board Meeting @ 6pm -Tribal Chambers- Cultural Center “Buying Days” from 6:30pm-8:30pm -Cultural CenterElders Election -Details—TBA 23 24 BTYC Mtg. @ 2pm -Wunut Novie- Commodity Distribution 7am-Noon -Education Center- 30 BTYC Mtg. @ 2pm -Wunut Novie- 25 Gaming Comm. Mtg. @ 5pm -PPC Conf. Rm.- General Council Meeting Dinner @ 5:30pm Meeting @ 6pm -Community Center- *Meetings and Events are subject to cancellation and change. 26 4th Quarter Voters Distribution -Mailed- JANUARY 2015 UPCOMING EVENTS… Jan 1st …….…Tribal Offices Closed – New Year’s Day Jan 19th……...Tribal Offices Closed – Martin Luther King Day 23 BISHOP PAIUTE TRIBE PST. STD. MAIL U.S. POSTAGE. PAID BISHOP, CA PERMIT NO. 36 Paiute Professional Building 50 Tu Su Lane Bishop, CA 93514 760.873.3584 ph 760.873.4143 fax Return Service Requested PUBLICATION OF THE BISHOP PAIUTE TRIBE 24 Keogh’s Hot Springs Photo courtesy of Melissa Haskins
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