Court confirms Dr. Graham Hunter guilty of Unprofessional Conduct

Media Release
November 18, 2014
Court confirms Dr. Graham Hunter guilty of Unprofessional Conduct
Alberta’s Court of Appeal has confirmed family physician Dr. Graham Hunter is guilty of
unprofessional conduct for pursuing a relationship with a patient.
The original decision was made by a Hearing Tribunal of the College of Physicians & Surgeons of
Alberta in March 2012. However, Dr. Hunter appealed the decision first to College Council, and
then to the Court of Appeal. The College waits for all appeal processes to be complete before a
disciplinary decision can be made public.
The Timeline:
Dr. Hunter was suspended by the College for two months, with one month held in abeyance
pending fulfilment of the following terms and conditions:
1. Dr. Hunter will undergo, at his own cost, a multi-disciplinary assessment at a facility
acceptable to the Complaints Director. The assessment will involve an assessment of
current fitness to practice and need for treatment. If he is able to return to practice after the
completion of the suspension, conditions may be imposed on his practice.
2. If Dr. Hunter is deemed not fit to practice, he will be suspended, and cannot return to
practice until he is deemed fit to do so, with or without conditions.
3. Dr. Hunter will, at his own expense, undertake and complete any treatment recommended
by the multi-disciplinary assessment program.
4. Dr. Hunter will, at his own expense, complete a boundaries course acceptable to the
Complaints Director.
5. If, as a result of the multi-disciplinary assessment, there is a need for further treatment or
practice conditions:
a. The Complaints Director will impose such conditions; and
b. If there is any dispute regarding the imposition of conditions, the matter may be
remitted to a Hearing Tribunal for a decision.
6. When Dr. Hunter returns to practice or if he is found to be unfit to practice as a result of
the multi-disciplinary assessment, he will, at his own cost, enter into a continuing care
agreement with the College for participation in the aftercare program for boundary
7. Dr. Hunter is responsible for the costs of the investigation and hearing.
8. Should any dispute arise between the parties regarding the above-referenced orders,
including a disagreement regarding the conditions to be imposed on Dr. Hunter’s practice
permit as referenced in #6, the matter may be remitted to a Hearing Tribunal for further
CPSA Hearing Tribunal Decision
CPSA Council Decision
Alberta Court of Appeal Decision
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Good medical practice is what the College of Physicians & Surgeons of Alberta is about. We issue practice permits to those who meet education
and training criteria, ensure Alberta physicians uphold ethical and medical practice standards, and investigate and resolve physician-related
complaints. We also accredit various medical facilities and provide direction on policy issues that help ensure responsible healthcare delivery.
For more information contact: Kelly Eby, ABC
Director, Communications & Government Relations, CPSA
780-969-4973 or via