Clarendon Avenue School 915 Clarendon Avenue, Mukwonago, Wisconsin 53149 Phone Number: 262-363-6286 FAX Line: 262-363-6289 Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Clarendon Web: District Website: Follow us on Facebook Twitter: @MASDClarendon NEWSLETTER November, 2014 From the Principal NO SCHOOL Dear Parents/Guardians: Wednesday, Nov. 26 We have completed one quarter of our school year so far and lots of learning has taken place at Clarendon so far this year. To maximize the benefit of your child's education, it is critical they have regular attendance at school. A recent review of student attendance data by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction shows that regular school attendance from Kindergarten on is essential to successful learning. (Conf. Comp. Day) Thursday, Nov. 27 (Thanksgiving Day) Friday, Nov. 28 (Day after ThanksgivingNo School) Monday, Dec. 1 (Flex Workday) For instance, even missing as little as one in ten days has a big impact on reading and math achievement. Students with good attendance are more than twice as likely as their peers to score proficient on state math and reading tests. Finally, good attendance starts early. Research shows that the attendance habits established in Kindergarten through Grade 2 leaves a lasting impression on their attendance in later grades. In other words, poor attendance in early grades tends to result in poor attendance -- and often, lower academic achievement -- in their later elementary and middle school years. Check out the infographic on page 2 for more information. Please do your best to support good attendance at Clarendon Avenue Elementary! Thank you! END OF TRIMESTER ONE The first trimester ends Tuesday, November 25, 2014. Report Cards will be available on the Parent Portal after 3:30 p.m. Monday, December 8. If you have not signed up for a parent portal, please see the district website for information on how to sign up for one. 1 Dress For Success Please send your children to school prepared for the colder weather we will be experiencing. PLEASE mark jackets, hats, gloves, etc. with their names. Every year we have to donate several boxes full of clothing to charity simply because we cannot identify the owners. 2 a Vocal/Band/Orchestra Concerts…mark your calendar Thursday, December 18 – 7:00 p.m. th 5th & 6 Grade Vocal/Band/Orchestra Concert 2:00 p.m. – Rehearsal Thursday, March 26 - 7:00 p.m. rd th 3 & 4 Grade Vocal Concert 2:00 p.m. – Rehearsal Thursday, May 7 – 7:00 p.m. st nd 1 & 2 Grade Vocal Concert 2:00 p.m. – Rehearsal Thursday, May 28 – 7:00 p.m. th th th 4 , 5 & 6 Grade Band/Orch. Concert 2:00 p.m. - Rehearsal *************************************************************************** Cougar Character Counts! The students and staff at Clarendon Avenue School take great pride in our school-wide Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) system, Cougar Character Counts. Throughout the year, the staff works together to teach the students about our character traits, Respect, Organization, Academics, Responsibility, and Safety. They are always on the lookout for students who are displaying the character traits and making our school a better place through positive behaviors. When a student earns a ROARS certificate, he or she puts it in the bin for his or her Pack. There are three Packs at Clarendon, White, Gold, and Blue. One class from each grade level is in each pack, so that students can work with other children in all of the grade levels in order to earn a Pack Party at the end of the month. The Pack Party is a special activity, like a dance or a special play in the gym, for the Pack that has the highest total points at the end of the month, including ROARS and Spirit Points. The ROARS and Packs have really helped motivate our students to be on their best behaviors and to be positive citizens at Clarendon. Last year, we had over 5,000 ROARS written. This year, our goal is to write even more ROARS and to continue to reduce the amount of behavioral incidents at Clarendon. This program is definitely working, thanks to our students, their families, and our staff. Keep up the great work! Parent Alert Some of you may be aware that the Choking Game -- a potentially harmful and even deadly activity -- is being played in some of our neighborhoods by some of our kids. If you haven't heard of it, here are some resources to provide you with information. Of course, these resources are intended for parents and guardians only. Notes from the Health Room Please remember to call and report any diagnoses of infectious diseases to the office if you visit a doctor and have a confirmed case of strep, pink eye, etc. We use this information to track trends in the school. The child’s name will remain confidential. Please see the District Nurse's article on returning to school after illness. Please remind your children that good hand washing is very important to staying healthy. With the winter months upon us, students often get wet and are in need of a change of clothing. If you have any of the following that you would be willing to donate to stock the health room, it would be greatly appreciated: boys or girls sweat pants sizes 5-16, girls long or short sleeve shirts sizes 5-16, children's socks and underwear, children's mittens/gloves or snow pants sizes 5-16. Also, any gallon size plastic ice cream pails that could be used as sick buckets are needed. Thank you in advance. 3 Health Room Guidelines For Return To School After Illness BEST PRACTICE: Please keep your child home until he or she is symptom-free from fever, bacterial infection, vomiting, diarrhea, or rash for at least 24 hours. Please help prevent the spread of illness & infection of other students. Students presenting with a temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or greater should not attend school. They should be home from school and be fever free for a minimum of 24 hours without the aid of fever reducing medications before returning to school. Students that visit their physician’s office or clinic for diagnosis and treatment and are started on antibiotics for bacterial infection (strep throat, pink eye, etc.) should be home from school until 24 hours after antibiotic treatment was initiated. Students presenting with vomiting and/or diarrhea (3 or more loose stools in 24 hours) should be home from school and be free of vomiting and/or diarrhea for a minimum of 24 hours before returning to school. Students sent to school with any of the above symptoms may be detained in the health room until parent / guardian is able to pick their child up from school. Students with the above symptoms will NOT be allowed to return to the classroom. The only exception to these guidelines would be written confirmation from physician that the student is safe to return to school and/or direct communication of physician/nurse with District Nurse. Thank you for trying to keep Mukwonago School District a safe & healthy place to learn. Laura Heidelmeier RN, BSN Mukwonago School District Nurse 262-363-6292 x 27515 Get Connected @ Clarendon Avenue Elementary School Library Access Online School Subscriptions @ Home TumbleBooks • Username: clarendonwi • Password: books Tumble Book has content most appropriate for those in grades K-6. It includes animated talking picture books, chapter books, videos, and non-fiction titles. Log in using username and password above. Miss Zielke , Library Technology Specialist 5th & 6th Grade Basketball th th Students in 5 & 6 grade were given registration forms in October for participating in our school basketball th program. Students should return this form with payment to the school office by November 8 . Practices will be one day a week from 3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. in the school gym. Parent volunteers will be needed as coaches. If you are interested in coaching, contact Toby Monogue at 262-363-7077 or See the District Website “Community Bulletin Board”,, for information about many school district/community programs/events. 4 Clarendon Ski Club at Alpine Interested in learning to SKI or SNOWBOARD? Already know how and want a discounted rate on lift tickets and rentals? Join our club! For a one-time fee of $16, students will get a free lesson, and a discounted rate for rentals ($16 & $10 Helmets) and lift ticket ($16) for the whole winter season (Sun. - Fri. evenings- including Holidays!) at Alpine Valley Resort. On school event nights (FRIDAYS starting 12/5) and scheduled outings (tentatively 12/1, 1/23, 2/23, & 3/9), parents, friends, and guests will receive the SAME rate! Weekly attendance is not mandatory. LEARN MORE: Come to Clarendon’s Art Room on 11/13 at 7:00pm or email Marnie Phillips: Forms can be filled out at the meeting, and Student Club Cards can be purchased. Presented by the Mukwonago Area Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Midnight Magic December 6, 2014 “Snow Place Like Mukwonago” 10:00 a.m. to Midnight SCHOOL BOARD AND COMMITTEE MEETINGS – NOVEMBER See for dates and times of meetings. School Counselor’s Note Helping Children Manage Their Emotions Parents naturally want their children to lead happy, successful lives. When parents observe frequent temper outbursts and notice their child’s inability to play well with others, they worry that those behaviors will interfere with their child’s present or future success. Certainly we know that an individual’s abilities to manage emotions and get along with others are important factors in success at school and work. But what exactly does “managing emotions” and “getting along with others” mean? How can parents help their children handle those emotions and act accordingly? The first step is helping children recognize and name their feelings. Young children typically “act out” their feelings by stomping their feet, slamming the door, yelling, crying, pouting. Parents can help their children by interpreting these behaviors using an emotional vocabulary: “It sounds like you’re angry with Justin for not sharing his toy.” “Did it hurt your feelings when Mary wanted to play with Karen instead of you?” “It makes you angry when you can’t go outside.” Parents can also model emotional literacy by labeling their own feelings: “I’m worried right now because I can’t find my wallet.” Helping children distinguish between feelings and actions is another important step in emotional development. It is important to teach children that all of their feelings are okay. Let them know that even parents, teachers, and counselors sometimes feel sad, angry, worried, frustrated, scared, annoyed, or nervous. So what can you do when you’re sad, angry, or worried? Learning how to manage emotions is an important aspect of emotional development, and children learn to manage their emotions by watching significant adults in their life. If they see their parents yell and scream when angry, it is likely that they will yell and scream also. Parents can help their children manage their behavior by helping them to identify acceptable ways to express emotions. “You can’t kick the dog when you’re angry, but you can hit the punching bag, scream into a pillow, run around the block, or hit a tennis ball.” 5 Helping your child recognize the feelings of others is another essential social skill. Discussing events, stories, and television shows with your child are ways of helping her with this skill: “I wonder how Steve felt when the teacher said that.” “Do you think the teacher was frustrated when everyone was talking at once?” Children develop emotional security and positive social skills in an atmosphere of positive regard with fair and consistent limits and consequences. Noticing your child’s positive behaviors, praising her accomplishments, listening to his accounts of the day, demonstrating patience when she makes a mistake, encouraging his talents and interests, showing consideration for his or her feelings, loving unconditionally – these are ways your child will develop into a secure, loving and resilient individual. These are the ways parents can help: • • • • • Encourage children to identify their emotions. Teach alternatives to “acting out.” Model appropriate behavior. Praise positive behaviors. Don’t be afraid to ask for professional help. Occasionally parents may need to seek professional help for their child. The following questions from When Your Child Needs Help: A Parent’s Guide to Therapy for Children by Norma Doft with Barbara Aria can help you determine when to seek professional help: • • • • • Is my child experiencing prolonged and intense discomfort? How long has the problem been going on, and how intense is it? Is my child’s problem affecting other areas of his development? Is my child’s problem spreading to other areas? Is the family affected by the child’s problem? Adapted from Other Sources and Resources: Faber, A., & Mazlish, E. (2012). How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk. New York: Avon. Gottman, J. (1998). Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child: The Heart of Parenting. New York: Simon and Schuster. Webster-Stratton, C. (n.d.). Helping Children Learn to Regulate Their Emotions. Retrieved October 1, 2014, from NOVEMBER 2014 PTG NEWS Chip Shoppe/Mr. Z’s Fundraiser Thank you to all the families and friends who participated. Profits will be used to supplement the cost for all fieldtrips and for continued technology in the classroom. Thank you to those who helped during the fundraiser pick-up: Laura Forster, Kelly Forster, Sherry Wiltsey and Becky Magestro. Scholastic Book Fair We met our goal of $11,500.00 in sales at the Scholastic Book Fair. Thank you to all who shopped over the lunch hours and in the evening during Grandparent Lunch Week. It was wonderful to see that in this age of electronic entertainment, children and their parents still love to read. We also thank everyone for their contributions to the All for Books program. Over $700.00 was collected in the classrooms. This dollar amount will be matched by Scholastic in book donations to needier schools. Profits from the Book Fair will be used to purchase books and magazines for classrooms, along with saving money for an end of year school event. 6 Thank you to all the volunteers who helped with set-up, running the sale and packing up after it was over: Vicki Meyer, Sara Janskey, Sherry Wiltsey, Jeni Nicoson, Katy Robidoux, Christy Diekfuss, Toni Krajnek, Nicole Hunkel, Shannon Dohm, Sharon Semrow, Angela Hagner, Summer Braun, Melissa Hoeft, Kelly Forster, Andrea Thompson, Lori Stetter, Dawn Lange, Bev Dahms, Teresa Reichmann and Renee Howell. Grandparent Lunch Week It was great to see our Clarendon Family and Friends supporting our students. Over 460 visitors came to school that week. We hope everyone had a good time and enjoyed our spirit week. Thank you to all the volunteers:, Jessicca Basaldua , Tony Benitez, Summer Braun, Ann Galinsky, Lisa Ingram, Kara Meissen, Dottie Meisenheimer, Xue Willhite and some Student Council members. Marcus Movie Tickets and Market Day Thank you to those that purchased Marcus movie tickets and Market Day desserts. Pick-up/Delivery for these items are: th Market Day desserts – Thursday, November 6 (same as Market Day Pick-up) st Marcus Movie Tickets – Will be sent home with your child Friday, November 21 Scrip Thank you to all that participated last month. As most of you know, we are going to start doing Scrip every month. So if you are able, you can start planning ahead for your grocery shopping, gas, home improvements, birthday parties, and of st course the holidays coming up. Every little bit helps! November flyers went home on October 31 ; they are due back by th th Friday, November 7 . Gift Cards will be delivered to the oldest to bring home on Friday, November 14 . Upcoming PTG Events th November 7 – Scrip Orders Due th November 5 – PTG Meeting 6pm @ MHS th November 6 – Market Day Pickup/Desserts th November 14 – Scrip Orders Delivered by Please remember to save: Box Tops for Education Labels for Education Markers – Old/Used/Broken Crayons – Old/Used/Broken Soda/Beverage Plastic Rings Pop Tops Printer Cartridges Next PTG meeting Wednesday, November 5 at 6:00 p.m. at the High School District Parent Meeting will be after the PTG meeting, 7:00-8:30 p.m. Labels for Education The Labels for Education program is a school fund raising program designed with busy families in mind as an alternative to traditional fund raising. By saving and redeeming product UPCs and beverage/sauce caps from participating products schools can earn FREE educational merchandise, such as computers, software, sports equipment and books just to name a few. You can help by saving UPCs and beverage/sauce caps from participating products and giving them to the school. The school redeems the points collected for FREE Educational Merchandise! Box Tops for Education Update With over 250 participating products, it’s an easy way for our school to earn money. Each Box Top is worth 10¢. In the month of September we collected over 3500 Box Tops. Our top collectors this month are Ms. Vick’s class, followed by Mrs. Christiansen’s class and Mr. Wright’s class. Help us reach our goal this year by sending in your Box Tops. 7 8 Midnight Magic 2014 Gingerbread House Contest “Snow Place Like Mukwonago” Sponsored by Jane Walters-Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Walmart Entry drop off – Monday, December 1st 4pm to 8pm at The Garden Mart - W297 S9115 Hwy 83, Mukwonago Entries will be on display December 1st – December 6th 8 am to 8 pm Ribbons will be placed on winning entries Saturday, December 6th for the Midnight Magic Event Be considerate of our Gingerbread Village Host. Please pick up your entry by Monday, December 8th. ********************************************************************************* NAME_____________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS______________________________CITY_______________________ZIP_______ EMAIL____________________________________PHONE___________________________ Judging Categories/Please circle one: Pre-K 1st to 4th 5th to 8th 9th to 12th Individual 18+ Family & Friends Seniors WINTER GYMNASTICS SESSION 2014-15 Updated 6/25/14 Winter classes will be held in the High School Gym balconies. All classes are for girls only, with the exception of one boy’s class on Wednesday for 1st -3rd grade boys. Beginner classes meet once a week; 4th through 8th grade advanced classes meet twice a week. The most advanced “Special Class” meets two times a week; totaling 4 hours. The Special Class is for the gymnast who is working on competition skills. Please register in advanced so we can hire enough teachers for your gymnasts. Please no refunds after the first class!!! We do not confirm registrations-simply come to the first class. PLEASE PRE-REGISTER!! PLEASE PRE-REGISTER!! PLEASE PRE-REGISTER!! Monday Classes Times Preschool(4yrs) 5:30-6:30 Dates for all Monday gymnasts K-1 Beg. “ “ Nov. 17 Dec. 8, 15 Jan 5, 12 Feb 9, 16 2-3 Beg. “ “ 2-3 Adv. “ “ 4-5 Beg.-----------------------6:30-7:30 4-5 Adv.----------------------- “ “ (1st Meeting) Advanced classes meet M & W 6-7-8 Beg.----------------------- “ “ 6-7-8 Adv. -----------------------“ “ (1st Meeting) Advanced classes meet M & W Wednesday Classes Times Preschool (4yrs) 5:30-6:30 Dates for all Wednesday gymnasts K-1 “ “ Nov. 19 Dec 10, 17 Jan 7, 14 Feb 11, 18 2-3 Beg. “ “ 2-3 Adv. “ “ rd “ “ 1-3 Grade Boys 4-5 Beg.----------------------- 6:30-7:30 4-5 Adv. “ “(2nd Meeting) 6-7-8 Beg. “ “ 6-7-8 Adv. “ “(2nd Meeting) ***If school is canceled due to weather, gymnastics classes will also be canceled with no possibility of make up. ****Please follow schedule as listed above. Mark your calendars. SPECIAL CLASS---Meets on all of the above dates for two hours each day. Monday and Wednesday from 6:30-8:30. Gymnasts enrolled in “Special” class are working on more advanced skills and are interested in future competition. Skills they should be able to do are front and back walkovers, back handsprings on floor, kips on bars, handsprings on vault and cartwheels on beam. !!! PLEASE PRE-REGISTER !!!!! PLEASE PRE-REGISTER !!! Please clip and mail this bottom portion: Make checks to MARGIE CANFIELD, 605 W. School Rd., Mukwonago, WI 53149 Gymnastics as subject line Please fill out form Name: ____________________________Grade: _____ Phone: ____________________ completely!! Class: _________________ Day(s): M / W Enclosed$: __________ Beginner once a week class=$50.00. Advanced twice a week: $75.00. Special class $110.00 Medical Issues:___________________________________ E-mail: ________________________ Insurance Company/Policy Number: ________________________________________________________ Questions: “Gymnastics” in subject line. Extra Registration Forms: (camps) I understand that injury may occur while participating in these classes and will not hold Mukwonago Gymnastics/Margie Canfield/Mukwonago School District and or its instructors liable for any cost that may occur due to un-fortunate injuries. Parent Signature: ___________________________________________________ If form/fee is received with in 7 days of first class add a $5.00 late fee. Winter 2014/15 November 2014 Clarendon Avenue Elementary School Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 915 Clarendon Avenue Mukwonago, WI 53149 Phone: 262-363-6286 Press 1—Attendance Press 3—Health Room Press 0— Main Office 2 3 Daylight 2nd Grade WildSaving Time Ends life In Need Presentation 4 4B & 4C Field Trip 8:45-12:15 Election Day-Wear Red, White & Blue Fax: 262-363-6289 5 School Spelling Bee 8:40 a.m. 6 7 1st Grade Monster Literacy Day 8 District PTG Mtg. 6:00 MHS 9 10 11 McTeacher Night Veterans Day at McDonalds 4:00—7:00 p.m. 12 13 14 3rd Grade Field Ski Club Meeting Trip 7:00 p.m. Art Rm. 9:00—2:20 p.m. Wauk. Co. Museum/Retzer Nature Center 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 School Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 8:30 a.m.—3:30 p.m. Wednesday: 8:30 a.m.– 2:30 p.m. Sat Fri 18 Kndg. Field Trip 8:45 a.m. — 12:00 p.m. UW-WhitewaterYoung Aud. American Education Week November 17th —21st 23 24 2nd Gr. Field Trip 9:00-10:45 a.m. Retzer Planetarium School Board Meeting at D.O. 7:00 p.m. 30 1 NO SCHOOL 25 End of 1st Trimester NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL HAPPY THANKSGIVING NO SCHOOL Town of Vernon Parks & Recreation Activity Guide Deadline December 1, 2014 *VOLLEYBALL (CHILD) DEADLINE IS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEW OFFERINGS: *Cards, Gab & Games * Hunter Safety * Conceal & Carry * *Snowmobile Safety * Poms * Pre-Ballet Princesses * * My Parent & Me * Volleyball * Adult CPR * Book Club * * Menu Planning * Canvas Painting * Andy Hoppe - Recreation Director Susie Feuerstein- Recreation Assistant W249 S8910 Center Drive Big Bend, WI. 53103-0309 Phone: 262-662-4451 E-mail: Website: Adult/Senior Activities Canvas Painting Young at Heart (Seniors) 10:00am-12:00pm 3rd Wednesday – Jan 21, Feb 18, Mar 18 Vernon Activity Center Let your inner artist out! You will be provided with an 11x14 canvas. All paint supplies will be provided. You will be given minimal instruction on different strokes, brushes, etc. The amount of creativity is up to you! Cards, Gab & Games Mondays 10:00am-12:00pm November 3-March 30 Big Bend Lions Clubhouse Enjoy playing cards? Try your hand with us. Cards aren’t your thing? Gather some friends for Games (Dominos, Mahjong, etc.) Coffee provided. Contact the recreation department to be added to the list. No registration or fee Book Club January-March 2nd Monday of month 10:00am-12:00pm (Jan 12, Feb 9, Mar 9) or st 1 Tuesday of month 7:00pm-9:00pm (Jan 6, Feb 3, Mar 3) Big Bend Library Come with a book you have read to share with the group. Leave with a book recommended by a member or choose a different book. Contact the recreation department to be added to the list. No registration or fee $25/participant/class Non-Resident $37/participant/class (Please indicate date(s) you are signing up for on registration form) Canvas Painting (Adults) 7:00pm-9:00pm 4 Wednesday, Jan 28, Feb 25, Mar 25 Vernon Activity Center th Let your inner artist out! You will be provided with an 11x14 canvass to paint. All supplies will be provided. You will be given minimal instruction on different strokes, brushes, etc. The amount of instruction is up to you! $25/participant Non-Resident $37/participant/class (Please indicate date(s) you are signing up for on registration form) Volleyball (Adult) Weeknight 6:30pm or 7:30pm January-March Area school based on availability Get your team signed up for 6v6 indoor volleyball. Max 8 player roster. $125/team Non-resident fee does not apply (Captain-please submit one registration form of your team’s behalf) Menu Planning Saturday, Jan 17th 9:00am to 12:00pm Vernon Activity Center Are you tired of always trying to think of an answer to the big question of the day, “What’s for dinner?” This one day workshop on menu planning was designed for you! Learn how to create a menu plan tailored to your family, create your own personal grocery list and learn how to successfully use it. Learn cost saving tips on your grocery bill and how to involve your family with dinner time prep. (All menu board supplies provided.) $30/participant Non-Resident $42/participant Adult CPR January 14 - 6:30 p.m. or March 11 – 6:30 p.m. Vernon Fire Station #1 $25/participant Non-resident $37/participant (Please indicate date(s) you are signing up for on registration form) Safety Hunter Safety $10 Vernon Town Hall Snowmobile Safety $10 Vernon Town Hall Conceal &Carry $50 February Vernon Town Hall *PLEASE BE SURE YOU ARE ON OUR MAILING LIST AS WE WILL BE EMAILING THE DATES/TIMES/LOCATIONS OF THESE CLASSES Children’s Activities American Red Cross Babysitter’s Training Course Saturday, January 24th orSaturday, March 14th 8:00a.m.-1:00p.m. Vernon Activity Center This program prepares your child with the training every parent wants in a babysitter – including safety, basic child care, safe play, first-aid, and critical emergency action skills. An authorized Babysitter’s Training Instructor will teach the class. Students will receive a handbook, a CD-ROM that has numerous forms discussed during class to print out and use, and a pocket first-aid booklet to keep once the class is over. Age requirements: must be 10 years of age before or on the date of the class. This is a one day course for the certification. All participants will be certified by the end of the day! Each student must bring his or her own lunch. Maximum of Twelve Students. Based on a first-come, first-serve basis! $65/participant Non-Resident $77/participant (Please indicate date on registration form) Children’s Activities Volleyball Beginning Jan-end of March Friday night games Practice at neighborhood school, day/time based on gym availability 3rd& 4th grade coed 5th& 6th grade coed $52/participant Non-Resident $64/participant *NOTE: THIS DEADLINE FOR THIS ACTIVITY IS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7!!! Pre Ballet Princesses Ages 3-5 Mondays, Jan 5- Feb 9 or Tuesdays, Jan 6-Feb 10 9:45-10:30am Vernon Town Hall Calling all Princesses! In the 45 min. magical princess themed class, dancers will learn ballet, creative movement and individual dance steps. Each week dancers will explore a new princess with story, movement and props! Attire-leather ballet shoes, leotard and tights. $44 per participant Non-Resident $56/participant (Please indicate day you are signing up for on registration form) My Parent & Me(Walkers-Pre K) Mondays, Jan 5- Feb 9, 2014 or Tuesdays, Jan 6-Feb 10 9:15-9:45 a.m. Vernon Town Hall Parents have a chance to interact with their child in this 30 min fun class! A combination of music, creative movement and basic tumbling with the use of props will be the perfect mix to get your day started! This program is geared to help develop motor skills, musicality, coordination and self-confidence. Attirecomfortable clothes. $25 per participant pair a warm-up, introductory training of pom technique, and combinations using pom movement and a mini routine performed at a basketball game! Attire- white canvas shoes.Poms, shirt, & shorts provided $50 per participant Non-Resident $62 per participant Futsal March 3-April 7 Big Bend Elementary School *Location subject to availabilty 3:45pm-5:00pm 3rd& 4th grade coed Wednesdays 5th& 6th grade coed Tuesdays Playing FUTSAL will help your child build confidence and develop skills and techniques; mainly passing, dribbling, and ball control. The game is played with a low-bounce ball on the gymnasium floor. $45/participant Non-Resident $57/participant Energy Burner (K, 1st,& 2nd Grade) March 2, Mondays 3:45pm-5:oopm Big Bend Elementary School *Location subject to availability Non-Resident $37/participant Take a break from television and electronic devices and participate inEnergy Burner! Poms (1st-3rd Grade) Wednesdays 2:45-3:50 January 28 -March 7 Big Bend Elementary School(Stage)* *Location subject to availability No dance experience needed. This class is designed for children who are interested in combining beginning dance skills with over the top energy and enthusiasm! This class introduces basic pom movements and terminology. Each class incorporates This session is designed to burn off some of that energy we’ve built up with all-time favorite games like Capture the Flag, obstacle courses, tag, doctor ball, and relay races!!! $35/participant Non-Resident $47/participant Children’s Canvas Painting Big Bend Elementary School 2nd Wednesday of month 2:30pm-3:30pm (Jan 14, Feb 11, Mar 11) or Clarendon Avenue School 2nd Wednesday of month 2:30pm-3:30pm (Jan 14, Feb 11, Mar 11) or Park View Middle School Last Thursday of month 2:30pm-3:30pm (Jan 29, Feb 26, Mar 26) Not a fan of sports? Try this painting class to explore creativity and have fun doing it. Your child will get an 8x10 canvas to create their masterpiece. The class will be offered right after school at the schools above. $10/participant Non-Resident fee does not apply Activity Locations: Vernon Activity Center W249 S8910 Center Drive White House across parking lot from Vernon Town Hall Vernon Town Hall W249 S8910 Center Drive Vernon Fire Station #1 W233S7475 Woodland Ln Waukesha Big Bend Library W230 S9185 Nevins Street Big Bend Elementary W230 S8695 Big Bend Drive Big Bend’s Lion Clubhouse The Floyd E. Swayze Community Center W231S9205 Riverside St Big Bend Clarendon Avenue School 915 Clarendon Avenue Mukwonago Park View Middle School 930 N Rochester St, Mukwonago To have the most current dates, activities, and information from Town of Vernon Park and Recreation, please contact us and provide an email address. UpComing Events Christmas in Vernon! Non Resident Fee – Who does this apply to? Any person who does not pay taxes in Vernon. The fee is to cover field maintenance, equipment, etc. The taxes that are paid in other municipalities go to their town improvement. Thank you for understanding! Do you have a talent you’d like to share? Do you have an idea for a program you’d like to see offered? We’d LOVE to hear from you! Sunday, December 7, 2014 3:00pm to 6:00pm Vernon Fire Department Station #1 Big Bend Library Santa & Mrs. Claus - A Christmas Program Tuesday December 9th @ 6:30 Pre-Registration is appreciated (262)662-3571 Thank you to our wonderful sponsors! TOWN OF VERNON PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT REGISTRATION FORM Please return to: Town of Vernon Parks & Recreation Department W249 S8910 Center Drive, Big Bend WI, 53103 (262) 662‐4451 Email: Email Address Participant Name Parent Name Parent Name Address Primary Phone # City, State, Zip Secondary Phone # Americans with Disabilities Act – Town of Vernon complies with the American with Disabilities Act and will make reasonable modifications to support inclusive recreation participation. The Recreation Department requests ample notice regarding special assistance needs. This will allow our department proper planning time to accommodate special assistance needs. For answers to your questions about recreation inclusion, call Vernon Recreation Department at (262) 662‐4451 or email the Vernon Recreation Department at I/We need reasonable modification to participate in recreational programming. Circle one: Yes or No _____ Resident (Town of Vernon) *Check if willing to Coach _____ Check One: _____ Non Resident ($12.00) OPTIONS for Youth Sport Shirt Sizes are as follows: YOUTH SIZE = YS (6‐8) YM (10‐12), YL (14‐16), ADULT SIZES = AS AM AL AXL Activity Name Sex Shirt Size Grade (youth only) School Attending Age FEE (see above) FRIEND REQUEST ONLY ONE FRIEND NAME request per participant. Friends MUST request each other. Friend’s Name is: (only one) ___________________________________ (multiple name requests will not be reviewed) Total *PAYMENT MUST BE INCLUDED* LATE FEES Registration received after 3:30 pm on the deadline date are considered late. A non‐refundable late fee of $15 per participant, per activity will be assessed. Please add this to your registration fee. The Parks & Recreation Director will determine acceptance of late registration. Please initial the following: I have read the Athlete Concussion and Head Injury Information ABC’s of concussion SIGNATURE: Adult Participant or Parent /Guardian Signature (if participant under 18 years of age): _______ DATE: Town of Vernon Recreation Department Agreement to Release I, ____________________________________________ (Parent/Guardian’s name) and the participant named _________________________________, my child or wards, agree as follows. I understand that the requested program, like all activity, has some inherent risk involved. The participant is in good physical condition appropriate for the stated activity/program. I assume full responsibility for injuries incurred while taking part in an activity/program. In consideration of my or my child’s use of the Town of Vernon facilities, including the park and other facilities, and my, or my child’s participation in recreational or other activities/programs sponsored by the Town of Vernon, agree to release the Town of Vernon Board of Supervisors, the Town of Vernon Plan Commission, the Town of Vernon Park and Recreation and all officers, agents, and employees (the Indemnified Parties) from any duty which they may have, and agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Indemnified Parties from all claims, actions, expenses and compensation, on account of, or in any way growing out of, any and all personal injuries and property damage which I or my child may now or hereafter have, either before or after my child’s use of any Town Park or facility and participation in any Town sponsored recreational or other activities/programs. I promise to indemnify the Indemnified Parties for any damages or sum of money paid by the Indemnified Parties to or on behalf of my child for any injury sustained by my child as a result of the use of the Town’s park facilities or other facilities and my child’s participation in recreational or other uses sponsored by the Town. I give my permission to the Town of Vernon Recreation Department to take action (call emergency vehicles, transport to doctor/ hospital) when my child requires immediate medical attention due to accident or illness while under his/her/their supervision. I am aware of and understand that there may be potential risk inherent with participation in any recreation activity/program, and that the Indemnified Parties are not liable for any injury that may occur. The Town of Vernon does not provide accident insurance and cannot assume responsibility for injury to any participants in its recreation programs. Dated this _____________day of, _________________________________________2014 Signed _________________________________________________________________________________________________ PARENT & ATHLETE AGREEMENT As a Parent and as an Athlete it is important to recognize the signs, symptoms,and behaviors of concussions. By signing this form you are stating that youunderstand the importance of recognizing and responding to the signs, symptoms, and behaviors of a concussion or head injury. Parent Agreement: I _________________________________ have read the Parent Concussion and HeadInjury Information and understand what a concussion is and how it may be caused. Ialso understand the common signs, symptoms, and behaviors. I agree that my child mustbe removed from practice/play if a concussion is suspected.I understand that it is my responsibility to seek medical treatment if a suspectedconcussion is reported to me.I understand that my child cannot return to practice/play until providing written clearancefrom an appropriate health care provider to his/her coach.I understand the possible consequences of my child returning to practice/play too soon. Parent/GuardianSignature_________________________________________Date__________________ Athlete Agreement: I_______________________________ have read the Athlete Concussion and HeadInjury Information and understand what a concussion is and how it may be caused.I understand the importance of reporting a suspected concussion to my coaches and myparents/guardian.I understand that I must be removed from practice/play if a concussion is suspected. Iunderstand that I must provide written clearance from an appropriate health care providerto my coach before returning to practice/play.I understand the possible consequence of returning to practice/play too soon and that mybrain needs time to heal. AthleteSignature_________________________________________Date__________________
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