First Sunday of Advent St. Frances Xavier Cabrini 475 Main Street West Springfield MA 01089 Office Hours: Monday / Wednesday / Friday 9:00am until 3:00pm Business: (413) 736-4071 FAX: (413) 734-5484 MISSION STATEMENT: Daily Mass — 7:30am Monday through Friday (Chapel) St. Jude Novena with Mass Tuesdays — 7:15pm (Church) Saturday Vigil — 4:00pm (Church) Sunday Masses — 8:30am and 10:30am (Church) Confessions — Sat. 3:15pm (Church) Baptisms — anytime! Please contact Celeste Labbe for details. Sacrament of the Sick — anytime! Please contact the priest. Funerals — Monday through Saturday; please contact the priest. Weddings — year round! Please contact the priest with advance notice (normally one year). Generations of Faith — Saturdays; please contact Celeste Labbe. Home Visits — yes! Please contact Deacon Philip or Francesca Brandt; always private and personal! We are a diverse Roman Catholic faith community proudly located within the Merrick Section of West Springfield. Our Lord calls us to reach beyond the care and support of each other to foster an active Apostleship with our neighbors. We strive to lovingly trust in the power of the Holy Spirit. Through the Eucharist and Daily Prayer, we seek to accept within ourselves the profound love Jesus has for us individually, joyfully expressing this gift with every person we meet. We strive to consciously live out the words of Christ: “love one another as I have loved you!” Spiritual Support Father Piotr Pawlus Parish Secretary Edward Parent Deacon Donald Philip Pastoral Minister Francesca Brandt Religious Ed. Director Celeste Labbe 29/30 NOVEMBER 2014 FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT Pilgrimage to Portugal and Spain Join Fr. Poitr Pawlus of our parish and Fr. Tomasz Parzynski of St. John the Evangilist, Agawam for a comprehensive tour to Portugal and Spain, September 15 - 16, 2015, 11 days and 10 nights. This tour will travel through many important cities and countryside visiting the sacred sites. You will visit and pray at the famous shrines of Fatima, Santarem, Zaragoza and Montserrat. You will also tour magnificent palaces, experience the blend of the different cultures and admire the timeless works of art. The cost of the tour is $3,770.00 per person, double occupancy. Single room supplement $560.00. Bus transportation to Logan Airport in Boston will be available at additional cost. A deposit of $200.00 per person is required at the time of booking with full payment due by August 1, 2015 payable by check. The price of the tour includes a built-in discount of 2% for payment by cash or check. To make reservations contact PAT TOURS, 1285 Riverdale Street, West Springfield, Ma. 01089, email: For information, call PAT TOURS at (413) 747-7702. Our Lady of the Cross Parish, Holyoke LaSalette Shrine Bus Trip On Sunday December 7th there will be a bus trip to the LaSalette Shrine in Attleboro, Ma. On the way to the shrine the bus will stop at Wright’s Farm Restaurant for lunch. There will be time to walk the ground of the shrine to see the Christmas light and visit the gift shop. There will also be an opportunity to attend a concert by Fr. Pat, the “Singing Priest.” The bus will leave at 1:45pm sharp and will return approximately at 10pm. The cost of the trip will be $39.00 which includes bus and lunch. To register, please mail a check payable to Our Lady of the Cross to 23 Sycamore St. Holyoke, Ma. 01040. For more information, please call Charlotte Martin at 636-6872 The feast of the IMMACULATE CONCEPTION of our Blessed Mother, Monday, December 8th, is a Holy Day of Obligation. Mass will be celebrated in the Chapel at 7:30 AM, and in the Church at 12:10 PM. Please mark your calendars for this feast in honor of our Mother, the Patroness on the United States. Are you aware the church doors to the Dominican Nuns are open DAILY from 7:00am until 5:30pm? Now you do! Go and offer your heart to Jesus — let Him know you; let Him love you; let Him embrace you; let him heal you! Congratulations to the Newly Confirmed in our Parish: Vanessa Lucy Bonobo Elise Therese Solis-Caron Matthew Patrick Labbe William Francis Picard Andre Christopher Roy Chloe Catherine Roy and Victoria Cecilia Sutherland from St John the Evangilist, Agawam May the good Lord bless them in all of their endeavors! Pro-Life Reflections From today's 1st Reading, Isaiah 63: "...all of us have become like unclean people..." The continued diminishment of legal protection of human life in all of it's stages taints us all. Calling all Altar Servers, new, old and aspiring! Father Piotr and Deacon Don will offer training after the 10:30 AM Mass on Sunday, December 7th. All servers are encouraged to participate, as we have made a few minor changes to details of serving Mass. New servers - 4th grade through adult - are most welcome! If you are at another Mass that weekend, we will begin at 11:30 AM, and be finished by 12:15 PM. Our Parish’s “Take; Leave; Share” library/ food pantry is a program of tangible food for mind, body and soul alike. Although we don’t intend to refuse anyone, these items are explicitly for the use of our Faith Community. If you feel called by the Lord to “Take; Leave; Share” then please do! Pope Francis has already reminded us, more than once, that our world doesn’t lack sufficient food or education; what humanity lacks most is the Virtue of Generosity . . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Due to the early printing of the bulletin because of the Thanksgiving Holiday the Sunday offerings for Nov. 22/23 will be posted the following weekend Dec. 06/07. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ADVENT PROGRAM AT CABRINI: Enter into the spirit of ADVENT! On Wednesday evenings, December 3rd, 10th and 17th, you are invited to the Church for an hour of prayer and reflection. Each week will have exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, and a period of silent adoration. Deacon Don will present a reflection on "The Prophets of Advent", and we will close with Benediction. All are welcome - and the Church is handicap-accessible! FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT The Nocturnal Adoration Society of Agawam and West Springfield Our parish will host the Nocturnal Adoration Society of West Springfield for their First Friday hour of Adoration on Friday, December 5th, from 7-8 PM in the Church. We will pray the Office of The Blessed Sacrament as well as having time for private prayer before the Monstrance. All are welcome. If you would like more information about the Society, which meets on First Fridays at various parishes, please call Sue Zimmerman, 737-8431. ST. THOMAS THE APOSTLE CEMETERY – WEST SPRINGFIELD Christmas logs/Winter decorations can be placed in the cemetery beginning Monday, December 1, 2014 and can remain in the cemetery until March 15, 2015. West Springfield’s Ecumenical Outreach free, hot and delicious meals are being served at the First Congregational Church of West Springfield at 20 Lathrop Street. Breakfast will be served on Saturday December 20th & 27th, from 9:00am until 10:00am, sponsored by the W. Spfld. Rotary Club & the Lion’s Club; Supper will be offered on Wednesday December 10th from 5:00pm until 6:00pm, sponsored by St Thomas School Staff. Free clothing and limited groceries will also be offered for those in need. Please come and bring many loved ones — God cares and so do we! Cookbooks Make Great Gifts! The Italian Cultural Center of Western Massachusetts, Inc. is proud to announce the publication of its very own "homemade" cookbook, Mangia! Ci fa bene! It is a delightful cookbook with over 160 tried and tested family recipes contributed by our members and friends, many of which have been prepared for generations. You will find many of your favorite Italian dishes, as well as other recipes that are not so well known, but delicious! The recipes are divided into categories for special occasion, delectable entrees, side dishes and desserts for your family dinners. The price of Mangia! Ci fa bene! is just $15.00. These cookbooks make great Christmas gifts, hostess gifts, and gifts for teachers. Your purchase will promote traditional Italian cooking, as well as support the Italian Cultural Center. Supplies are limited, so get your copies soon! The cookbooks can be purchased at any of our events or member meetings. They can also be ordered for home delivery (shipping charges will apply) by calling 413-784-1492, emailing us at, or writing us at 56 Margaret St., Springfield, MA 01105. 29/30 NOVEMBER 2014 Italian Cultural Center Christmas Dinner Buon Natale! The Italian Cultural Center of Western Massachusetts, Inc. will hold its annual Prime Rib Christmas Dinner on Friday, December 12. The event will be held at the Italian Cultural Center, 56 Margaret St., Springfield, with a cocktail hour at 6 p.m., dinner at 7 p.m. The menu will include antipasto, garden salad, baked stuffed shrimp, prime rib, roasted potatoes, ziti, dessert and coffee. Throughout the evening you will be entertained by the beautiful voice of Olivia Panetti. Only 100 reservations will be taken, so make them early. Reservations are available now and will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis. The dinner price is $30 for ICC members, $35 for nonmembers and must be paid for in advance. Call Nancy at 413827-9350 to make your reservations. The deadline for reservations is December 5, 2014, so call today. Buon Appetito! We are looking for donations of artificial Christmas trees for the church. They do not have to be pre lit and can be of any size and in reasonably good condition. If you would like to donate toward the purchase of a tree just place your offering in an envelope marked Christmas trees. ~~Fr. Piotr Pawlus~~ St. Mary Guild’s, 34th Annual Holiday Craft Fair on Saturday, December 6, 2014 from 9 AM to 3 PM in the St. Mary parish gym, located at 56 Hopkins Place, Longmeadow. This year’s show features over 50 of the area’s finest artists and craftsmen. Some of their specialties include: lit glass presents, hand painted pashmina shawls, hand spun wool clothing, aged stitcheries, carved wood miniatures, pocketbooks, hand painted pictures and wine glasses, stained glass lamps, crocheted & hand knits, hand sewn fabric creations, grapevine wreaths & swags, silk florals, dolls, quilting, ribbon & fashion accessories, birdhouses, vintage jewelry, honey, chocolates, jams, soaps, wood cutting boards and a large variety of holiday & personalized ornaments, centerpieces and much more. There will be used book tables featuring childrens books, paperbacks and hard bound. Children can “buy a present and gift wrap it” ($.10 - $5.00) for family members at the Kids Korner on the stage. Our huge raffle baskets, worth over $100.00-$300.00 have special themes like Wine and Beers, Kid’s Toys and Games, Tools, Gift Certificate Trees, and more. You don’t have to be present to win. Lunch will be served 11 AM – 2 PM featuring delicious homemade foods. Donuts and coffee will be available all day and a bake sale section with delicious homemade items, pies and breads. PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR DAILY PRAYERS Darlene Duval, Brianna Croteau, Rita Coffey, Ann McCarthy, Ellen-Marie Ferrara, Marie Colbert, Barbara Warren, John Fitzgerald, Julie Miller, Eleanoir Longe, Beverly Strodel, Sheila & Hugh Crean, Katherine Monko, Jean Perrault, Jean-Carol Broka, Fr. Charles Gonet, Paul Dansereau, Terry Croteau,, Katriana Lawson, Michael Blanchet, Joseph Murat, Ronald St. George, Maria Accorsi, Roseann Durkee, Robert Chelli, Al Claycomb, Willie Johnston, Sean O’Neill, Anthony Seville, Ida Pagon, Darillyn Paterson, Mary Moran, Thomas Merck, Ann McCarthy, Ryan. SANCTUARY LAMP 29/30 NOVEMBER 2014 Church: for Peace in the Middle East Chapel: for our Military Personnel For a Mass Intention celebrated or Sanctuary Lamp lit “In memory of, in honor of, or any intention for the living and the deceased,” please call our secretary at 736-4071. MASS INTENTIONS Saturday First Sunday of Advent 11/29 4:00 PM Jeff Zimmerman, req. by Sue & Evan Sunday 11/30 8:30 AM Carmen Revilla, req. by Antonio DiGioia and Sixto & Victoria Revilla 10:30 AM Larry Senez 3rd Aniv., req. by Connie Senez Monday 12/01 7:30 AM Joseph Marie Toan Ngueyn, req. by wife Mai Tuesday 12/02 7:30 AM Phero Mai Quy, req. by Lynn Mai 7:15 PM Joseph & Maria Bui, req. by family Wednesday St. Francis Xavier, Priest 12/03 7:30 AM Guise Mai Loi, req. by Lynn Mai Thursday St. John Damascene, Priest & Doctor of the Church 12/04 7:30 AM For the People of St. Frances Cabrini Friday 12/05 7:30 AM Communion Service by Deacon Donald Philip Saturday Second Sunday of Advent 12/06 4:00 PM Margaret E. Nostin - 8th Aniv., req. by daughter Bridget Sunday 12/07 8:30 AM Janet Small, req. by Hosner family 10:30 AM William Accorsi, req. by His Wife and Family Our Catholic tradition calls us to pray for the dead, especially in the celebration of Holy Mass. To request a Mass Intention for the repose of a soul, please call the Parish Office at 736-4071. Masses may be celebrated for the intentions of the living as well as the dead. A stipend of $10.00 is normally rendered for each request. In faith, hope and love, please say a Daily Rosary for our local clergy: Sunday, Bishop Mitchell Rozanski, Bishop Timothy McDonnell, Bishop Joseph Maguire (Springfield); Monday, Fr. John Scheaffer (Lee); Tuesday, Dn. James Conroy (West Springfield); Wednesday, Msgr. Michael Shershanovich (Pittsfield); Thursday, Dn. Leo Coughlin (Hampden); Friday, Fr. Jose Siesquen Flores (Springfield); Saturday, Dn. Ralph Cyr (Pittsfield). READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Isaiah 2:1-5; Psalms 122; Matthew 8:5-11 Tuesday: Isaiah 11:1-10; Psalms 72; Luke 10:21-24 Wednesday: Isaiah 25:6-10; Psalms 23; Matthew 15:29-37 Thursday: Isaiah 26:1-6; Psalms 118; Matthew 7:21-27 Friday: Isaiah 29:17-24; Psalms 27; Matthew 9:27-31 Saturday: Isaiah 30:19-26; Psalms 147; Matthew 9:35-10:8 Sunday: Isaiah 40:1-11; Psalms 85; 2 Peter 3:8-14 Mark 1:1-8 LAY MINISTRY SCHEDULE Lector Sacristan E. Minister 29/30 NOVEMBER 2014 — FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT Saturday 4:00 PM Phyllis B. M. Moran Server: S. Zimmerman Sunday 8:30 AM Jo P. Server: Jon P. M. Colbert Paul B.; B. Malvezzi B. Remillard L. Philip R. O’Connor; B. Remillard 10:30 AM C. Labbe B. Remillard Server: M. Labbe Greeters: Lucinda & Michael Barrett St. Jude Novena 7:15 PM John M. M. Moran Deacon Don John M.; F. Brandt B. Malvezzi 06/07 DECEMBER 2014 — SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT Saturday 4:00 PM Paul B. Server: M. Moran M. Moran Sunday 8:30 AM B. Morin B. Remillard Server: B. Remillard 10:30 AM John M. B. Remillard Server: M. & S. Ryder Greeters: Steve & Rachel Svec St. Jude Novena 7:15 PM P. Kelly M. Moran Deacon Don Phyllis B.; B. Malvezzi L. Philip Jo P.; R. O’Connor C. Senez Jane M.;D. Salter Phyllis B. 109 Main Street 745 Cooper Street West Springfield, MA 01089 Agawam, MA 01001 FUNERAL Joseph D. Curran HOMES Telephone (413) 781-7766 Family Owned T.J. O’Brien Glasses & Contacts Current Technologies Regular Eye Exams Dr. Paul V. Benoit 120 Westfield St. West Springfield, MA 01089 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 413-733-2316 WHY IS IT A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower JOHN R. 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CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 800-566-6150 • David M. Mol, Executive Director 1043 Westfield St. West Springfield 732-2278 000058 St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263
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