Queen Parish Site: Queen of Peace 820 North Hills Avenue, Ardsley, PA 19038 of Peace Parish Parish E-mail: queenofpeaceparish@comcast.net Parish website: www.qofpeacechurch.org Rectory Phone: 215-887-1838 Rectory Fax: 215-887-8328 Worship Site: St. John of the Cross 2741 Woodland Rd, Roslyn, PA 19001 Convent Phone: 215-887-4785 PREP Phone: 215-886-3014 Pastor Rev. John J. Nordeman E-mail: qofppastor@comcast.net Deacon Deacon Raymond Jacobucci Sunday Ministry Rev. Rene Barczak, O.F.M. Joseph Costello - Parish Business Manager E-mail: qofpbusiness@comcast.net Music Ministry Dee LeFevre Organist/Pianist Parish Secretary E-mail: queenofpeaceparish@comcast.net Marie DePasquale Adult/Youth Choir Director Parish Services and Support Coordinator Email: qofpservices@comcast.net Chris Marsh - St. John of the Cross Worship Site Skipp Webb & Joe Wright Maintenance P.R.E.P. Anne Florian E-mail: qofpprep@comcast.net Mon. – Fri.: 9:00 AM-12:00 PM & 1:00 PM-4:00 PM Masses Saturday Evening: 5:00 PM, Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:00 AM Daily: 8:00 AM (Monday thru Saturday) !"#!" New Parishioners Catholic families who are living within the boundaries of Queen of Peace Parish are encouraged to register at the rectory. $ % $%'% *+//";<#'= < '< > ? <<<K =#<' T<$#U <<% $ $%$< =#<' $ <<< Sacrament of Marriage Couples planning to marry should contact the Pastor at least six months to =%V <% X == #<% marriage can be made. Care of the Sick Each week the Holy Eucharist is brought by an Extraordinary Minister to = <%< Y %%'<Y$ <<$Z<<[' %\#%$ZVY '<=X<Y%=< Good Shepherd Catholic Regional School Phone: 215-886-4782 | Fax: 215-517-6708 | School Website: www.gscregional.org Principal: Sister Patricia Healey, I.H.M. | E-mail: spatriciahealey@gscregional.org Advancement Director: Mrs. Barbara A. Gress School Business Manager: Mrs. Marilyn Shapiro Phone: 215-886-0126 Phone: 215-884-1591 | Fax: 215-887-9241 E-mail: advancement@gscregional.org E-mail: businessmgrgscregional@gmail.com November 30, 2014 FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Saturday, November 29, 2014 5:00 PM Nicholas Prozzillo req. by Marie Prozillo Sunday, November 30, 2014 Is 63:16b-17, 19b, 64:2-7 / 1 Cor 1:3-9 / Mk 13:33-37 7:30 AM Alfonso Taglianetti req. by Jack & Pat Thompson 9:30 AM Charles Petosa req. by Betty & Joan Dominick 11:00 AM Robert J. Valenti, Sr. req. by Peg Valenti Monday, December 1, 2014 Is 2:1-5 / Mt 8:5-11 8:00 AM Missa Pro Populo (Mass for the People) Tuesday December 2, 2014 Is 11:1-10 / Lk 10:21-24 8:00 AM Lewis Dominick req. by Joan Dominick Wednesday, December 3, 2014 Is 25:6-10a / Mt 15:29-37 8:00 AM William Timmins req. by Pat Timmins Thursday, December 4, 2014 Is 26:1-6 / Mt 7:21, 24-27 8:00 AM Tom & Mary Pietray req. by the Grundy Family Friday, December 5, 2014 Is 29:17-24 / Mt 9:27-31 8:00 AM Joseph Cochrane req. by Florence Cochrane Saturday, December 6, 2014 Is 30:19-21, 23-26 / Mt 9:35 –10:1, 5a, 6-8 8:00 AM John Foley req. by Bill Grundy 5:00 PM Philip Wright req. by Lu Anne Wright Sunday, December 7, 2014 Is 40: 1-5, 9-11 / 2 Pt 3:8-14 / Mk 1:1-8 7:30 AM Charles & Mary Zollner req. by Mary Muni 9:30 AM David H. Kelley req. by Nancy Kelley 11:00 AM Nicky Spano req. by Vinnie Spano SANCTUARY LIGHT MEMORIAL Week of November 30, 2014 In Memory of George & Janet Urmson Requested by The Carr Family IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Monday, December 8th is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. It is a Holy Day of Obligation. Masses on the Holy Day will be at 8:00 a.m., 12:00 noon and 7:00 p.m. Due to the Thanksgiving Holiday this edition of the bulletin went to the printers early. Collection amounts for November 22/23 will be posted in the December 6/7 bulletin. Thank you for your understanding and Thank you for your continued generosity. REST IN PEACE: Queen of Peace Parish expresses our sympathy and the promise of our prayers to the family and friends of: Sara R. Benn PLEASE PRAY for all those who are ill at home, in nursing homes, in hospitals and especially for: Savilla O’Brien, Bob Price, Tracy Nagle, Robert Engerer, Edward & Kathleen O’Lone, Maryann Ostrowski, Joe Zaro, Kendall Anderson, Samantha Lohr, Elanore Oakes, Joan Murphy, Gilbert Lewis, Harry Wilson, Irene Pomerink, Brigid Cawley, Charles Nicholson, Alice Opdyke, Eleanor Slavin, Roberta Leadford, Eleanor Simpson, Marie Valoris, John Regan, Tom Mitchell, Geri Fritz, Beatrice DiSandro, Steven Ring, Livia West, Tony Powers, Elaine Hopham, Dominic Kramer, Mary Krivitzki, Philip Kennedy, Joseph Greco, Keith Yarnell, Sloane Kalin, Bill Acker, Jim Blurton, John Cawley (of England), Marion Kash, Margaret Hebert, Baby Francesca Dever, Phil Adamo, Jr, Margaret Forcey, Thomas Forcey, Andy Funk, Matthew Gallagher, Tom Henry, Joseph Kendra, Jessica Kennedy, Ryan Kraenbring, Steven Knox, Joseph Kraft, Florence McDermott, Sr. Marcille McEntee, IHM, Barbara McKenna, Kate McManus Stephen Pearson, Tommy Tilman, Rebecca Voltmer - Francis Walter, Donna Whelan, Joseph Wolos, Sr., John Wrigley, Rose Manzo, Vivian Razler, David Tack, John Kozlevcar, Donna Mellon, Stephen Costello, Betty Jean Smith, Pauline Tack, Martin Lennon, Mary Kay Mooney, William Trippel, Michael Dougherty, Sr., Marian McCullough, Michael Tillger, Al Dean, Elaine Scully, Cathy McClelland, Harry & Pat Neubert, Claire Marron, Fred Woodward, Sr., Jerry Giovinazzo, Roberta McCormick, Clarence Windish PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS all people serving in our Armed Forces at home and overseas, especially: 1st Lt. Sean Dudley, Jake Kelley, Jeffrey Rohrback, DC.FA Thomas A. Forcey (Japan), Scott Chilman, Josh Verlin, Bill Dougherty, Edward Short, Drew Pascuzzi, Thomas Meehan (Afghanistan), Jimmy Bell (USS George HW Bush Air Craft Carrier) QofP– 149 p.2 PASTOR’S COLUMN: Dear Friends In Christ, On this 1st Sunday of Advent we begin a new liturgical year. We also begin a new prayer initiative as a parish. We ask you all to please take a copy of the booklet available to you as you leave Church today. The title of it is Sacred Space. It consists of a 1 page reflection for each day of Advent. There is a brief instruction about a unique way to pray with the reflection in the front of the booklet. Please put aside a brief period of time for prayer each day of this Holy Season and remember to pray for our parish family. We will also begin to pray the prayer for the World Meeting of Families before each Mass. (You will find it on the inside cover of your misalette or in your pew). As I am sure most of you have heard by now, Pope Francis is going to join us for the World Meeting of Families which will take place in Philadelphia, next September. Using this bulletin, we will keep you updated with the latest information about this great event and we will also share some of the reflections and teachings on the family which will help you to prepare for it. To begin our parish celebration of the family, I ask that you make your best effort to come to Mass next Sunday, December 7th, as a family. There will be doughnuts and coffee available after each Mass on Sunday. Please take this opportunity to spend time together as a family of faith & share in Christian friendship together. Have a blessed week. Yours In Christ, Father John Nordeman Learn about the World meeting of Families, how to prepare your parish, get involved, or get your copy of the official Catecheses on our new website: World Meeting2015.org The full Preparatory Catechesis will be available for purchase on our website. Below is a glimpse into the ten themes on which the preparatory catechesis will elaborate: CREATED FOR JOY: We are more than an accident of evolution. We are greater than the sum of our biology. God exists. He is good. He loves us. He made us in his image to share in his joy. He takes an active hand in our lives. He sent his only Son to restore our dignity and lead us home to him. THE MISSION OF LOVE: God works through us. We have a mission. We are in the world for a purpose — to receive God’s love and to show God’s love to others. God seeks to heal a broken universe. He asks us to be his witnesses and helpers in that work. THE MEANING OF HUMAN SEXUALITY: The tangible, earthly, corporeal world is more than inert matter or modeling clay for the human will. Creation is sacred. It has sacramental meaning. It reflects God’s glory. That includes our bodies. Our sexuality has the power to procreate, and shares in the dignity of being created in the image of God. We need to live accordingly. TWO BECOME ONE: We are not made to be alone. Human beings need and complete each other. Friendship and community satisfy that longing with bonds of common interest and love. Marriage is a uniquely intimate form of friendship that calls a man and a woman to love each other in the manner of God’s covenant. Marriage is a Sacrament. Married love is fruitful and offered without reservation. This love is in the image of Jesus’ faithfulness to the Church. CREATING THE FUTURE: Marriage is meant to be fertile and welcome new life. Children shape the future, just as they themselves are shaped in their families. Without children, there can be no future. Children reared with love and guidance are the foundation for a loving future. Wounded children portend a wounded future. Families are the bedrock for all larger communities. Families are domestic churches, places where parents help children discover that God loves them and has a plan for each child’s life. ALL LOVE BEARS FRUIT: Not everyone is called to marriage. But every life is meant to be fertile. Every life has the power and the need to nurture new life — if not through bearing and raising children, then through other vital forms of self-giving, building and service. The Church is an extended family of different vocations, each distinct but each needing and supporting the others. Priesthood, religious life and the celibate lay vocation to enrich, and are enriched by, the witness of the married state. The different ways of being chaste and celibate outside of marriage are ways of donating one’s life to God’s service and the human community. LIGHT IN A DARK WORLD: At its best, the family is a school of love, justice, compassion, forgiveness, mutual respect, patience & humility in the midst of a world darkened by selfishness and conflict. In these ways, the family teaches what it means to be human. However, many temptations arise which try to coax us into forgetting that male and female are created for covenant and communion. For example, poverty, affluence, pornography, contraception, philosophical and other intellectual mistakes can all create contexts that challenge or threaten healthy family life. The Church resists these things for the sake of protecting the family. A HOME FOR THE WOUNDED HEART: Many people, especially today, face painful situations resulting from poverty, disability, illness and addictions, unemployment, and the loneliness of advanced age. But divorce and same-sex attraction impact the life of the family in different but powerful ways. Christian families and networks of families should be sources of mercy, safety, friendship and support for those struggling with these issues. MOTHER, TEACHER, FAMILY: The Nature and Role of the Church: The Church has institutional forms because she must work in the world. But that does not exhaust her essence. The Church is the Bride of Christ, a “she,” not an “it.” In the words of Saint John XXIII, she is our mother and teacher, our comforter and guide, our family of faith. Even when her people and leaders sin, we still need the Church’s wisdom, Sacraments, support and proclamation of the truth, because she is the body of Jesus himself in the world; the family of God’s people writ large. CHOOSING LIFE: God made us for a reason. His love is our life mission. This mission enables us to find our true identity. If we choose to embrace this mission, we will have a new perspective on many issues, not just the family. To live the mission of the domestic church means that Catholic families will sometimes live as minorities, with different values than their surrounding culture. Our mission of love will require courage and fortitude. Jesus is calling, and we can respond, choosing lives of faith, hope, charity, joy, service, and mission. QofP – 149 pg. 3 THE JACKPOT IS $100,000.00! Tickets are available for purchase each week after Masses or at the Rectory. Due to the Thanksgiving Holiday this edition of the bulletin went to the printers early. Winning numbers for Nov. 24th will be posted in next week’s bulletin. Our next drawing will be Mon., Dec. 1st. with an anticipated Jackpot of $100,000.00 LECTOR SCHEDULE YEAR B – 2014-15 1ST SUNDAY OF ADVENT 11/29 – 5:00 PM Terry Kittredge Charles Zwicker 11/30 – 7:30 AM Michael Breslin 9:30 AM Cathy Bryson Chris Carson 11:00 AM Dave Willard Meghann Ruhling 2ND SUNDAY OF ADVENT 12/06 – 5:00 PM Liz Evans Caroline Maher 12/07 – 7:30 AM Priscilla Auriello 9:30 AM Diana Figueroa Anne Lyons 11:00 AM Mary Unger Stephanie Unger ALTAR SERVER SCHEDULE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29 5:00PM - Andrea & Jessica Sokolski, Megan Strange SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30 7:30AM - Alyssa Sacco, Maria Notarianni 9:30AM - Sophie Buttry, Desi White, Isabella Chesnes 11:00AM – K.Discavage, Jack Duffey, Armando Ugarte SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6 5:00PM - Liam Casey, Meghan Zwicker, Will Price SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7 7:30AM - Melissa Olimpo, Christopher Gress 9:30AM - Nicole Nguyen, Megan Arble, Madison Gass 11:00AM - Jubel Simenthy, Cassandra Simenthy, Sayla Garcia DECEMBER 8 - IMMACULATE CONCEPTION 12:00 PM - Stephen Ciavardelli, Samantha Carlson 7:00PM - Enzo Kerwood, Sophie Bttry MEN OF QUEEN OF PEACE CHRISTMAS PARTY MOQOP members and Church ushers will have their annual Christmas party on Thursday, December 11th at 7:30 p.m. in Lynaugh Hall. All parish men ages 18 and older are invited to join this organization. We ask all of our families of our parish, of all ages, to make their best effort to come to Mass, as a family, on Sunday, December 7th. This is our first celebration of family life in preparation for the World Meeting of Families which will take place in Philadelphia, in September of next year. We will serve coffee and doughnuts after each Mass on Sunday so please take advantage of this opportunity to spend time together in faith and to share in Christian friendship. Christmas Trolleys Do you hear what I hear? It is the sound of the Queen of Peace Parish Carolers spreading Joy as we continue this Christmas tradition. This year the Trolleys will visit our homebound parishioners on Friday, Dec. 19th, departing our parking lot at 5:30 p.m. We have 70 seats available… so sign up quickly! Contact the Rectory at 215-887-1838 to reserve your seat, sign-ups are on a first to call basis. EVERYONE is invited to join us in Lynaugh Hall beginning at 8:00 p.m. that evening to greet the carolers as they return and enjoy hot chocolate and tasty treats together. Join us for this wonderful, festive event! GIVING TREES “Giving Trees” for the benefit of the residents of Edge Hill & Brookside Nursing Homes, will be in the vestibules of the Church beginning this weekend, November 29 & 30. Please select a tag from the tree and return the items by Sat. & Sun., December 13th & 14th. We ask you to place the items listed on the tag in a Holiday Gift Bag. Items include: Kleenex, Comb or brush, Hand cream, Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Polident or Fixodent, Coin Purse, White Socks, Large Print Word Find (no crossword puzzle books). Tie the Giving Tree Tag to the handle of the Gift Bag. Thank you for kindness and generosity for the residents of our local care facilities. QUEEN OF PEACE SODALITY Sodality meets Tuesday evenings from 6:45 to 7:20 p.m. for prayers for the Perpetual Novena in Honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal and devotions All are welcome to join us Tuesday, December 2nd for the Benediction and Evening Prayer (White Evening Prayer booklets) QofP – 149 pg. 4 Director of Religious Education: Mrs. Anne Florian e-mail: qofpprep@comcast.net Phone: 215-886-3014 Religious Education Office is open daily, Mon-Fri. 10-3 REMINDER: All forms and projects for Confirmation are due back on or before January 7. Sponsors who are NOT members of Queen of Peace MUST have a letter of eligibility from the parish in which they are registered. December January PREP Calendars December 3 Regular Class December 10 Level 4 students to present The Christmas Story during PREP time IN CHURCH. Parents welcome. Light refreshments afterward in Lynaugh Hall. December 17 NO CLASS Christmas Break January 7 Regular Class January 14 Regular Class January 21 Regular Class January 28 Regular Class RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) The RCIA is the sacramental process by which a person seeks full initiation into the Catholic Church through the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. If you are interested in learning more about becoming a Catholic, please contact Anne Florian at the PREP Office at 215-886-3014 SAFETY ASSISTANTS We are in need of (4) adults who are willing to assist PREP parents and students to safely cross North Hills Avenue on Wednesday nights from 7:30 – 7:55 p.m. Interested? Contact Anne Florian @ 215-866-3014. Private School and Home School Parents, please contact Anne Florian to obtain the Confirmation Application and Sponsor Information sheets needed for your child preparing for Confirmation in March. Do you have questions or concerns that you would like to share with the Transition Team? YOU CAN SEND AN E-MAIL TO THE TRANSITION TEAM! In order to facilitate communication with your transition team, there is now available an e-mail for any questions or feedback. This will help the team to work in collaboration with Fr. Nordeman as we continue to merge and become one parish. Please feel free to contact the Transition Team through email at transitionteam@qofpeacechurch.org. It has been known that knitters and crocheters derive a great deal of pleasure giving their projects to others. It’s one way to let others know of our love, appreciation, and concern. QoP wishes to keep the Prayer Shawl Ministry going, but we need your help. Baby blankets will be made and given to welcome the newly baptized into our parish. Blankets or shawls will be made and given to those in need of physical or emotional healing in our parish. There is a generous spirit in our community, and we know we can count on your help. Besides volunteers to knit and crochet, we’d like to find someone to oversee this ministry. If you think you might be interested, please call Lorraine at the rectory for more information. Adult Faith Formation at Queen of Peace A few weeks after the New Year, in January, we are going to offer you a blessed opportunity to grow in your faith. We are going to be viewing, in small groups, the inspiring and informative DVD series produced and narrated by Father Robert Barron. The series is called Catholicism and Father Barron is an excellent presenter who went all around the world to film at the great sites of Christianity in order to form us all in our Catholic faith. In one instance, he filmed at the site of Jesus' birth in Bethlehem as he speaks to us about the Incarnation. In another instance he goes to the Mount of the Beatitudes when he speaks about Jesus' great Sermon on the Mount and so on. A number of our parishioners have already viewed the series and had the opportunity for discussion about each part of the series and how it nurtured their own faith. They will be helping to facilitate conversation among all who will come share in this faithful, fruitful endeavor as we seek to grow together as the Body of Christ, the Church. Times and places to meet will be posted soon in the bulletin. We hope and pray that you will consider joining us for this time of prayer, learning and reflection. 3RD ANNUAL ARDSLEY TREE LIGHTING CEREMONY Saturday, December 6th at 6:00 p.m. Ardsley Community Center Join us for Caroling, Craft Vendors, Yummy Treats and a visit from Santa Claus! Questions? Contact Township Commissioner Dennis Zappone at 215-887-0224 or dczapp2@verizon.net QofP – 149 pg.5 Good Shepherd Catholic School A School fostering: God + Scholarship + Community + Service What does GSC offer?... As a school community we model the Gospel values of faith, hope and love to lead our students to a deep and meaningful relationship with GOD. We challenge our students to value SCHOLARSHIP as a life-long love of learning. We lay the foundation for our students to become caring, responsible members of the global COMMUNITY. We lead our students to reach out to others through acts of charity and SERVICE in our parishes and neighborhoods. This is the MISSION of Good Shepherd Catholic School. GSC has all the advantages of a private school experience, but without the private school cost! Come join us! GSC Alumni News… Each quarter the faculty of Archbishop Wood High School recognize one of their students from among all their classes. This student is awarded the “Cornoam Fidelitas Merebit Award.” The award recognizes that student who impressed their teacher by truly living the motto of Archbishop Wood High School – “Faithfulness Merits the Crown,” faithful to their job as a student. The students will be recognized at a breakfast reception on Friday, November 21 in the school cafeteria. We are proud of the following students who are graduates of GSC and recipients of this award: Sophomore Class Kevin Discavage – Biology Kathryn Ratner – Medical Careers Junior Class Kristin Boligitz – French 3 Mackenzie Stovall – American Studies Senior Class Griffin Kidd – Theology 4 Hannah Seaver – Theology 4 Samantha Stasen – Forensic Science O Come All Ye Faithful… The school community of GSC will re-enact the story of the first Christmas on December 17 at 7:00 PM in Queen of Peace Church. Join us for prayer and song as we praise and give thanks to God for giving us the gift of Jesus, our Savior. Box Tops…Your “Box Tops” are valuable to us! With your support in this simple collection, we are able to purchase many worthwhile educational resources. The money received has really helped to support our technology fund. Keep cutting out those labels and send them into school. Thank you for always helping us in this endeavor. QofP – 149 pg. 6 From the Advancement Office Good Shepherd Catholic School Experience GSC “We chose GSC because God lives in this school.” A parent’s testimonial. Please partner with us and share our message regarding enrollment opportunities. We are excited to announce our “Year of Christian Witness” transfer grants available to students in public, private or charter schools, grades 1 - 8. We welcome an opportunity to talk with your friends, family, and neighbors regarding enrollment opportunities here at Good Shepherd Catholic School. We strongly believe that at Good Shepherd Catholic School we offer families an affordable, faith-based academy experience for their children while ensuring a rewarding academic journey for each student. Thank you very much for honoring Good Shepherd Catholic School with your faith, commitment, and QofP – 149 pg. 6 support. Barbara A. Gress Advancement Director Good Shepherd Catholic School advancement@gscregional.org 215-886-0126 PLEASE SUPPORT Good Shepherd Catholic School students through Opportunity Scholarships The * OSTC Program is like free money for GSC from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Please consider using your State tax dollars to help Good Shepherd Catholic School students. As a business owner you can do this by simply redirecting to GSC the State taxes you already pay. Please contact me to begin your participation in this program on behalf of GSC students. I am happy to provide you with more information and to answer any questions you may have. My office # is 215-886-0126. Please feel free to contact me via email as well at advancement@gscregional.org. * Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit Program *************************************** Like and Follow ! us on FaceBook – Good Shepherd Catholic School View and Tour ! Our website – www.GSCregional.org Michael F. Breslin, Esq. KNAPP’S SERVICE STATION INC. PARISH MEMBER 1196 Easton Road • Roslyn, PA 19001 Wills, Trusts, Estates, Real Estate, Tax & Business Law COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE 215-881-7789 ANGELONE FUNERAL HOME, INC. Domestic • Foreign • Light Trucks • Vans Exhaust • Brakes • Tire Batteries PROVIDING QUALITY SERVICE FOR 45 YEARS 501 North Easton Road • Willow Grove 215-659-0202 Leandro N. Angelone, Jr. - Supervisor 215-884-9520 Hrs: M-F 7-8, Sat 7-5, Sun - Closed MONTCO REHAB PHYSICAL THERAPY Choose us for Personal Care MICHAEL GIULIANI, MPT, PhD 1345 EASTON RD., ROSLYN 215-885-2022 COATES & COATES P.C. ANDREW A. COATES • MARYANNE C. 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