ASB Site Leader Application Due: Friday, October 31st by 5:00 p.m. Submit completed application, copy of valid drivers license, and a copy of medical insurance card to the Office of Student Volunteerism at SSB 3.600, email to, or fax to (972) 883 - 6183 Applicant's Name:_______________________________________ Packet Contents l. Cover Page ...................................................................................................................................................................... Page 1 II. Overview of Site Leader Responsibilities.............................................................................................................. Page 2 lIl. Overview of Site Leader Responsibilities - Continual ..................................................................................... Page 3 IV. Applicant Data .............................................................................................................................................................. Page 4 V. Trips Preference to Site Lead.......................................................................................................................................Page 5 VI. Site Leader Questions................................................................................................................................................. Page 6 Van trip registration will be available online on Wednesday, December 3rd at Noon For Official Use Only: Upon submission of application check for completion of each page and initial corresponding boxes. Page 1 _____ Page 5 _____ Copy of Valid Driver's License or Photo I.D. _____ Page 2 _____ Page 6 _____ Copy of Valid Medical Insurance Card _____ Copy of Valid Car Insurance _____ Page 3 _____ Page 4 _____ Required of potential drivers, See Page 4. Page 1 of 6 Overview of Site Leader Responsibilities Initial This is only an overview. Additional responsibilities and obligations will be discussed in training. Friday, October 31st - Site Leaders / Asst. Site Leaders Applications Due Friday, November 14th - Site Leaders / Asst. Site Leaders notified of trip placements Wednesday, December 3rd at Noon - Van Trip Online Registration Begins (team members) ASB Training Dates: Initial by each of the following dates to confirm that you understand you are required to attend all of the meeting times. Wednesday, January 14th, 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm: Leadership meeting (Site Leaders / Asst. Site Leaders & RUO) - Phoenix Room (SU 2.508) Wednesday, January 28th, 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm: Leadership meeting (Site Leaders / Asst. Site Leaders & RUO) - Phoenix Room (SU 2.508) Wednesday, February 11th 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm: Leadership meeting (Site Leaders / Asst. Site Leaders & RUO) - Libra Room (SU 1.614) Friday, February 13th 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm: Mandatory Leadership Retreat - Residence Hall Tuesday, February 24th 10:00 am - 11:00 am: ASB Orientation for all participants (Option A) - Galaxy Wednesday, February 25th 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm: Leadership meeting (Site Leaders / Asst. Site Leaders & RUO) - Libra Room (SU 1.614) Friday, February 27th 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm: ASB Orientation for all participants (Option B) - Galaxy Wednesday, March 11th 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm: Leadership meeting (Site Leaders / Asst. Site Leaders & RUO) - Phoenix Room (SU 2.508) Sunday-Saturday, March 15th-21st ASB travel dates (may vary per trip) Wednesday, March 25th 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm: Leadership meeting (Site Leaders / Asst. Site Leaders & RUO) - Libra Room (SU 1.614) Friday, April 17th 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm - ASB Reflection Reception - Faculty Staff Dining Hall List known conflicts (include date and reason): Trip Dates: I am available throughout the week of Spring Break, March 15th-21st, 2015. Trips may be scheduled at any time during these days. ASB participants must travel and stay with group for the duration of the trip. Team Meetings: I understand that it is my responsibility as a Site Leader to schedule, prepare, and host team meetings through mid-April 2015. The specific times will be determined per team according to the majority of team members schedules. As a Site Leader I am also expected to help coordinate and support my team's activities, including, but not limited to, service projects, team building and other ASB events. Financial Obligations: I understand my spot is not confirmed and I will not be able to go on the trip until my Alternative Spring Break Fee is paid in full by the deadline. Cancellation Policy: I understand that all payments are non-refundable. If I am on an air travel trip and I cancel my participation I understand that my airplane tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable. Should I cancel my participation, I am responsible for making necessary adjustments and paying cancellation fees. Page 2 of 6 Overview of Site Leader Responsibilities - Continued Medical Insurance: I must have medical insurance in order to participate in Alternative Spring Break. I am required to provide current proof of medical insurance at least one month prior to departure. Student health insurance is available at or may be available through the Office of Student Volunteerism. Weapons, Drugs, and Alcohol: Use and/or possession of weapons, alcohol or illegal drugs is forbidden while traveling on a University-sponsored trip. The Alternative Spring Break program prohibits the purchase and consumption of alcohol and illegal drugs by all participants, regardless of age, during all ASB events, including travel to and from sites. I understand that if I do not follow this policy I will be asked to withdraw my participation, am responsible for any costs incurred and will have to return to my place of residence at my own expense. Scholarship Release: Pursuant to The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, I hereby consent to the release of my grade point average [cumulative and prior terms(s)] and grade reports for prior terms to the Assistant Director of the Office of Student Volunteerism. This information may be used by the office for use in awards recognition and for verification of achievement of minimum academic standards. I understand that I must be a registered student at UT Dallas in good academic standing in order to serve as a Site Leader. This authorization shall remain in effect as long as I am enrolled at this institution, unless I revoke this authorization in writing. I have read and I agree to adhere to the Overview of Site Leader Responsibilities. Signature: Date: Page 3 of 6 Alternative Spring Break 2015 UT Dallas Office of Student Volunteerism 800 W. Campbell Rd., SSB 33 Richardson, TX 75080 972-883-6131 Site Leader Application Complete this application and return to the Office of Student Volunteerism, SSB 3.600, by 5:00 p.m. Friday October 31st, 2014. Incomplete applications will not be considered. ASB Fee is not due when application is submitted. ASB Fee wil be determined upon confirmation of Site Leader placement and will be due Friday, November 21st, 2014 by 5:00 p.m. Applicant Data Name Student ID E-mail Address Cell Number Classification Home Number Major T-Shirt Size Address 1 City Address 2 State Zip General Information If not selected to be a Site Leader, are you interested in becoming an Assistant Site Leader? Yes No Site Leaders and Asst. Site leaders are expected to drive during the trip. Do you have a United States-issued driver's license? Drivers License # Yes You must provide copies of your driver's license and valid car insurance with application. State Issued Are you CPR certified through March 2015? If not, would you be willing to become certified? No Yes No Yes No List any allergies or dietary needs: List any accommodations that you need, i.e. sign language interpreter, wheelchair access, etc. Please attach a copy of your drivers license, car insurance and medical insurance card to this application. 11/10 Page 4 of 6 Trip Preference to Site Lead *All trip destinations and trip cost are subject to change. Location assignment will be discussed and confirmed once approved for Site Leader position. Full payment due at registration for all trips. For Site Leaders, ASB fee will be determined upon your confirmation of Site Leader placement and will be due by Friday, November 21st, 2014. Air Travel Trips Social Issue: Sustainability Agency: Petaluma Bounty ASB Fee: $450.00 Petaluma, CA Social Issue: Hunger and Homelessness Agency: Atlanta Center for Self Sufficiency ASB Fee: $350.00 Social Issue: Education Agency: Junior Achievement of New York (JANY) ASB Fee: $450.00 New York, NY Atlanta, GA Van Trips Social Issue: Affordable Housing Agency: Habitat for Humanity ASB Fee: $100.00 Social Issue: Park Preservation Agency: Oklahoma State Parks ASB Fee: $75.00 Jackson, MS Hulbert, OK Social Issue: Environmental Conservation Agency: Galveston Bay Foundation Galveston, TX ASB Fee: $100.00 Social Issue: Animal Services Agency: Turpentine Creek Wildlife ASB Fee: $100.00 Social Issue: Social Services Agency: San Antonio Food Bank ASB Fee: $100.00 San Antonio, TX Social Issue: Immigration and Refugee Services McAllen, TX Agency: Proyecto Azteca ASB Fee: $100.00 Social Issue: Disaster Relief Agency: Rebuilding Together OKC ASB Fee: $100.00 Moore, OK Eureka Springs , AR #1 Preferred Social Issue #2 Preferred Social Issue #3 Preferred Social Issue #4 Preferred Social Issue Page 5 of 6 Site Leader Questions Please answer each of the following questions. You may attach a separate sheet with your responses. 1) Briefly describe the most memorable experience of your previous ASB trip or favorite volunteer experience and why it has led you to want to become a Site Leader for ASB. 2) Respond to the following scenario: Due to transportation issues (flight delayed, van issues, etc.) your group can't get home for another day. Many of your members are concerned about academics and work in the upcoming week and tensions are high. How do you keep moral up and ease tensions? 3) Please share any other information or comments you would like to add pertaining to your potential role as a Site Leader and/or your participation in the Alternative Spring Break program. The University of Texas at Dallas is an affirmative action/equal opportunity university. Students with disabilities needing assistance contact 972-883-6393. TX Relay: 1-800-RELAYTX Page 6 of 6
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