NORTH BURLINGTON WOMEN’S PROBUS CLUB NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2014 NEWSLETTER VOLUME 8, ISSUE 2 MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT – BETTY GORDON Haven’t we had a magnificent Fall – I hope you have been able to enjoy some outdoor time. At our September and October Meetings, we welcomed 33 new members to our Club. Our current membership is 272. We are now in our 8th year of operation. I thought for the benefit of our new Club Members I’d provide a brief outline of our meetings. Our Meetings are scheduled for the first Thursday of each month, with exception to January and September 2015 – for these months the scheduled meeting time is Thursday – January 8th and September 10th, 2015. Members start coming to the Monthly Meetings between 9:00 am and 10:00 for social time. During this time information is available about upcoming events and sign up for activities and groups sponsored by the club. This time allows for members to sign up, if they wish to participate or purchase tickets for upcoming events. Also available to purchase are the monthly 50/50 tickets; the draw is done at the close of the meeting. At 10:00 our official meeting begins – the first part of the meeting is to call upon Executive Members who have information to share with the membership. The major portion of our meeting is dedicated time for the quest speaker. The last portion of the meeting is to thank our greeters and make the draw for the 50/50 ticket holders and close the meeting. The meeting is adjourned between 11:30 and 11:45. The Speakers’ Committee schedules speakers well in advance. The speakers cover a wide range of interests and topics and for the most part the speakers live within our community or close surrounding areas. 1 There are no official luncheons planned following the meeting; however there are many members who do meet for lunch; don’t hesitate to ask to join any of the groups. Our priority is to provide a welcoming atmosphere. As our members come from many backgrounds with a variety of interests; please take the time to introduce yourself; you will soon meet many interesting women. There are various groups set up to arrange for speakers, plan special events and organize various interest groups. Please feel free to put your name forward if you are interested in participating in any of the groups. If you have any suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact me or any executive member of the club. Our membership dues for the forthcoming year are due by the end of the June each year – the annual dues are set as $30.00. For new members there is an initiation fee of $30.00 for the first year. The Membership Co-ordinator starts setting up a table to accept these payments in April and May. Membership dues are to be paid by cheque. This helps ensure our membership list is current and accurate. This year’s membership list will be forwarded in November. PARKING PASSES Parking passes for 2015 will be available for sale at the November and December meetings. After that you will have to contact me directly at or 905-634-6490 to get one. The cost is $24.00 with a cheque to be made out to the North Burlington PROBUS Club. There will be a table at the back of the room in November and one at the Golf Club in December. Thank you. Joanne Gilleland 50/50 DRAW The winners for the 50/50 Draw at our September Meeting were Joanne Gilleland and Susanne Suthers. They each won $21.00. Carolyn Millar The winners for the 50/50 Draw at our October Meeting were Adrianne Winslow and Linda Sutton. Lynne Ennis-Smith 2 SHOPPING IN ST. JACOB’S – OCTOBER 15TH 3 PROBUS MEETINGS 4 SPEAKER AT NOVEMBER 6 MEETING Karen Candy will speak to the members at the November 6th Meeting with respect to the challenges and issues in the delivery of palliative care services with specific reference to the operation of the Carpenter Hospice in Burlington. SPEAKER AT DECEMBER 4 MEETING On December 4th, our speaker will be Carole Bertuzzi Luciani, who is a selfproclaimed ‘Moodivator’. Her topics are diverse and include: ‘Achieve Balance – Recycle Yourself for the Future’, ‘Dealing with the Public’, ‘Humour... Sure Beats Stress’ and ‘Be Moodivated’. Each is delivered in an engaging manner and sprinkled with her unique brand of humour. Audiences cannot help but ‘get the message’. She is the author of “I Have a Story for You” a collection of true short stories guaranteed to leave a smile on your face. The two-volume work has already achieved Canadian Best Seller status. SPEAKER AT JANUARY 8 MEETING On January 8th, Neil McGavock will be placing an emphasis on the contribution of women to the Canadian war effort during WW II. Since retiring in 2009, he has been a volunteer with the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum in Hamilton. He has served as a Tour Guide and a member of the Speakers Bureau. Currently, he is the Coordinator of the Voices from the Past Committee that carries out interviews with former air force veterans, primarily from WW II. SPECIAL EVENTS COMMITTEE If one can gauge the success of an outing by the smiles and laughter of the ladies, as they boarded the bus after attending the FOOTLOOSE performance in St. Jacob’s, I think it’s safe to say that it was a definite success! I would like to extend a “thank you” to all who came. Your response makes our efforts seem worthwhile. Our next “event” is our annual Christmas Luncheon on Thursday, December 4, 2014. This year it will be held at the Burlington Golf and Country Club. The menu sounds delicious: Artisan Bakery Breads Sweet Potato and Cranberry Soup 5 Chicken Supreme with Orange and Brandy Glaze served With Roasted Potatoes and a Medley of Fresh Seasonal Vegetables Day and Night Belgium Chocolate Igloo Coffee/Tea/Decaf (vegetarian meals upon request) Tickets will be available at the Thursday, November 6 Meeting: $40 for members; $45 for guests. Please have your cheques made payable to the North Burlington PROBUS Club. Remember this will be the last time we see you before the luncheon so if you are unable to make it to the meeting, please arrange to have someone purchase a ticket for you. See you in November! Heidi Paterson INTEREST GROUPS Most of the interest groups are now well under way. I hope you have found something to your liking. Should you have a suggestion for a new group, please feel free to contact me. I would be happy to assist you. Joining a group and / or participating in an activity are excellent ways to develop new friendships and to enjoy the company of other members of the Club. I will continue to update you at the monthly meetings. Have a wonderful Holiday Season with family and friends. Colleen Jokinen Some of our interest groups with the contact names and e-mails: Euchre Marg Boardman Mah Jong Mary Bedard Ros Reycroft Walking Group Deborah Ilton Marathon Bridge Beryl Gorrie 6 Monday Book Club Flo Babiak Movie Night Carol Caunce PROBUS Meetings – September 2014 to June 2015 2014 September 4, 2014 October 2, 2014 November 6, 2014 December 4, 2014 Christmas Luncheon – to be held at the Burlington Golf and Country Club 2015 January 8, 2015 February 5, 2015 March 5, 2015 April 2, 2015 May 7, 2015 June 4, 2015 Annual General Meeting – Venue in planning PROBUS - Start of the New Year September 10, 2015 October 1, 2015 November 5, 2015 December 3, 2015 7 Christmas Luncheon – Venue to be planned
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