1st Edition - Duke Medical Centre

Sept - Nov 2014
Duke Medical Centre
Inside this issue:
Stoptober / Flu
Missed Appoint- 2
ments/ Online
In surgery
hours/Out of
Hours Information
Accident and
Street Merger
Fun page Recipes
Useful Telephone
Appointment Line:
0114 2722100
Home Visit Line:
0114 2720689
(between 1-4pm)
0114 2720689
Out of Hours
(between 6.00pm8.30am)
NHS Direct:
0845 46 47
Darzi Centre Walk
-in Clinic
0114 2412700
It’s here again!
The flu jabs will be available here at the surgery as of the 25th September.
To be entitled to a flu jab, you need to fit in to one or more of the following criteria’s, you
need to be:
Pregnant woman
Over 65
Please ring our surgery or book your flu jab with the reception team!
Smoking is responsible for
one in five adult death over
the age of 35, and half of
long-term smokers will die
prematurely due to smoking
related diseases.
commercial products on
the market that help us
through this process, sometimes more help is needed.
Having struggled on and off to
break this habit over the
years, I was approached at
Below is a case study of
Duke Medical Centre when I
patient who manage to stop. recently became a new patient. They explained to me
Having been a smoker for
the help they had on offer, in
over forty years the thought order to help me quit.
of quitting was a very difficult one. This was made
What was needed at this time
even worse because I was a is someone who understands
pipe smoker which meant
the process you are going
my intake of nicotine was far through, as well as someone
higher than that of a cigawho will give you the support
rette smoker.
and encouragement even if
you falter during the process.
‘I always wondered why I
With the help of the team I am
had started smoking but
now a non smoker, a position
found it very difficult to stop’. I never thought I could fill.
There are today plenty of
Current patient at Duke
Medical Centre.
The benefits of stopping:
Save money
Benefit your health
Younger teeth
Better skin
More energy!
If you are thinking about
stopping smoking please
contact the surgery, and
book in to see the
healthcare assistant for support and advice!
Duke Medical Centre Newsletter
What you Should know about missed appointments.
Many appointment are being missed in GP surgeries, (known as DNA) these can
cause serious delays in treatment for other patients. As we are not informed by patient of the cancellation we can not offer this to anyone else. Simple initiatives such
as sending letters and text reminders are now used by this practice, and are already
beginning to have an impact, but this still isn't enough. In our surgery alone over 136
appointment where missed in September.
If you feel you won’t need your appointment/or can’t make it, please give the surgery
at least 30mins notice of your cancellation by leaving your name, d.o.b, date and
time of appointment.
You can now book an appointment online!
You can now go online and book appointments directly with your surgery all you will
need to do is:
Ask at the main reception desk for a pin number to register online.
Go to our website: www.dukemedicalcentre.com
Click on registration Tab, once on registration page, click on the access emis
online link.
Once on registration screen click on new registration and follow the instructions, using the details the receptionist has given you.
When you have registered you will be able to go in and book appointments with your
surgery as well as order your repeat prescription.
Surgery Regular Opening Times
7.00 - 18.00
7.00 - 18.00
Wednesday: 7.00 - 18.00
7.30 - 12.00
8.30 - 18.00
Saturday & Sunday: Closed
Although the surgery opens before 8.30 from Monday to Thursday, please
note that the telephone system does not get transferred back from Out of
Hours Service until 8.30am.
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Sept - Nov 2014
Access to Surgery
How to access a doctor
If you would like an appointment within 48hrs, we
provide a telephone consultation service. You will
be asked for your name, contact details and a brief
description. You will be on the consultation list and
a doctor will call you back.
If an appointment is still needed, the doctor will be
able to book one for at your convenience.
Pre Bookable Appointment
You can book an appointment in advance with any
doctor (if available) between 2 days and 3 weeks.
The appointment line is usually busy between
08.30-09.30, so it would be advisable to ring later
in the day if you require a pre-bookable appointment.
Home Visit
Please ring 0114 2720689 before 10.30am if you
require a home visit.
Your details and contact number will be requested
and a doctor will call you back.
How to Access a Nurse/ Health care assistant
Access is by pre-booked appointment via the appointment line.
Repeat Prescription
In order to order your repeat prescriptions you
need to use one of the following methods:
Post, Fax, Email, or alternatively you can go
to our website dukemedicalcentre.co.uk and
click on the link http://emisaccess.co.uk for
You can find our address and number on the
back of this leaflet. You can also drop your
prescription off in surgery, in a red box situated on the wall just inside the door of reception. You can also ask you local pharmacy to
drop off/collect your prescription. (Please see/
check with your local pharmacy for more details)
Please give at least 48 hours before
Page 3
There are a number of places where you can
either speak to or be seen by a doctor or a health
care professional when the surgery is closed.
If you are wanting to speak to a doctor for advice
or a need a doctor when surgery is closed then
all you have to do is ring the surgery on: 0114
2722100 and you will be
automatically transferred to the Out of Hours
Service and can speak to a qualified health
advisor who can advise you on the appropriate
course of action.
The Out of Hours service is available from
06.00pm - 08.30am Monday - Friday and all
day Saturday & Sunday. The Out of Hours service is also available on Bank Holidays.
Should you want to be seen by a doctor then there
are a number of Walk-In centres situated in
Sheffield that you can attend for
minor ailments. There is no appointment
necessary, you can just walk in!!
Sheffield City GP Health Centre
(Darzi centre) 08:00 - 22.00
Rockingham House
75 Broad Lane
S1 3BP
Tel: 0114 2412700
Walk-in as an unregistered patient and see a GP
or a nurse without an appointment
The Walk-in Centre offers fast and convenient
access to healthcare advice and treatment for
minor illnesses.
Needing urgent dental attention and your regular dentist is closed??
Then ring the Emergency Dentist on:
0844 736 8440
The Urgent Dental Care line is available day and
night, 365 days a year, for both adults and
Sept—Nov 2014
Accident and emergency Information
Duke Medical Centre
28 Talbot Road
Sheffield S2 2TD
We are undertaking a survey of all our patients who have recently
been seen in the Accident and Emergency department at Northern
General Hospital.
Phone: 0114 2720689
Fax: 0114 2262804
The purpose of the survey is to find out why patients are using A&E,
as this is for emergencies and urgent conditions only.
Would you like to become more involved in this practice?
If so we are setting up a patient participation group.
This is a group of patient’s who wish to
become more involved in the practice decision making, supporting the practice and
facilitating communication between you,
the patient and the practice.
If you would like to join us, please contact:
Rachel Green (practice manager) or leave
your name at the reception.
Stoptober is back!
If you can stop smoking for 28 days,
you're five times more likely to quit.
After smoking for a while your body
adapts to getting regular doses of
nicotine from your cigarettes. When
you stop smoking you quickly remove the nicotine in your body. This
means you suffer withdrawal, leading to:
Bad moods, feeling irritable, craving
for cigarettes
Giving up smoking increases your
chances of living a longer and
healthier life, even if you've smoked
for 40 years. You'll start to notice the
benefits soon after quitting. For example:
after one month your skin will be
clearer, brighter and more hydrated
after three to nine months your
breathing will have improved,
and you will no longer have a
cough or wheeze
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Other services exist which are more appropriate for less serious
problems. Did you know that by attending A&E, it costs the NHS a
minimum of £85 before treatment is even given?
We are currently trying to reduce the number of patients attending the A&E inappropriately, and encouraging people to use other more appropriate and cost
effective ways of accessing medical treatment and advice.
This will enable seriously ill people to receive the treatment they
need faster and save money in the NHS which can be used to fund
other patient services. The NHS is currently in a serious financial
after one year your risk of heart attack and heart disease will have
fallen to about half that of a smoker
gym now!”
Nicotine replacement therapy
(NRT) - NRT comes in different
forms, including:
Mario, 51, has been smoking for 30
years before he went to Smokefree,
alongside his colleagues. His local
NHS stop smoking service offered to
run a group session in his workplace
so that Mario and the partners and
staff at his catering business could
support each other to break the addiction.
 chewing gum / skin patches
 inhalators, which look like plastic
The group sessions had a 100%
success rate and Mario and his
team were delighted.
There are different treatment that
can help you to quit smoking would
cigarettes through which nicotine is inhaled
 tablets, strips and lozenges,
which you put under your
 nasal spray
 mouth spray
Your GP can prescribe NRT or you
can buy it from a pharmacist.
Success Story!
“I can exercise much longer at the
Mario has noticed a wide range of
changes since giving up for good.
“I’m able to taste, smell—all my
senses seem heightened. I can also
exercise much longer at the gym
now. Although social gatherings
were initially the hardest time to resist the urge to reach for a cigarette,
now I feel a real sense of freedom.”
Join the thousands taking part in the
28 day Stoptober Challenge and
we’ll help you swap the smokes for
Sept—Nov 2014
Proposed Merger
Duke Medical Centre & Harold Street Surgery
Due to many Government changes that are currently taking place, the Doctors have decided to
look at increasing the patient population registered at Duke Medical Centre. With this in mind
we are now looking at merging with Harold
Street Surgery.
We believe that a single larger practice has several benefits for the patients of both surgeries, particularly in the continuity of care and availability
of GP’s and Nurses.
As a merged practice we would be able to offer/
increase services for Harold Street patients and
safeguard current primary care services offered
to patients at Duke Medical Centre.
Duke medical centre would be the main surgery
with Harold Street becoming a branch surgery.
All patients would have the opportunity of visiting both sites, with all telephone contact and
telephone consultations being taken at Duke
medical centre.
This is a great opportunity for the practice to give
patients more choice and increase services.
On 19 November 2013, Duke Medical Centre was
inspected by Care Quality Commission (CQC).
The Doctors would like to inform all of its patients that we met all the standards set out as
Respecting and involving people who use services
Care and welfare of people who use services
Cleanliness and infection control
Supporting workers
Assessing and monitoring the quality of series
Not only did we meet all the standards, but the
CQC assessors could not make any recommendations to help us improve.
As you can imagine, we are really pleased with
this assessment and would like to thank all the
patients who agreed on the day to be interviewed by the assessors and also the patients
who sit on our patient participation group, for
your kind comments.
A full copy of the report can be found on the patients reading table in reception waiting area.
Hi we’re on facebook, why
not join us and see all the
latest information about
our surgery.
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Sept - Nov 2013
With Halloween just around the corner here are some healthy recipes to try
at home!
Fresh ginger is a great addition to many vegetable soups. In this recipe, it gives the pumpkin flavour
a real lift.
Serves 4
1 tbsp olive oil
1 onion, finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed
2.5cm (1 inch) piece root ginger, peeled and grated
450g (3 cups) peeled and chopped pumpkin flesh
550ml (2 cups) vegetable stock
Sweat the onions gently in the olive oil for 5 mins, add the onion, garlic, ginger and pumpkin
and cook for 5 mins more.
Add the water or stock and simmer for 15-20 mins, until the pumpkin is tender.
Puree the soup in a blender or food processor and thin with a little extra stock, water or milk if
To make this one eyed monster:
Stuff a raisin into a regular marshmallow and then stick a skewer through it for the eye.
Cut triangles into slices of apple for the mouth. The tongue is a slice of grape.
Skewer one slice of apple next, then the grape, and lastly the other slice of apple.
Stick the skewer into half of an apple to make it stand up.
Were on the web
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Sept - Nov
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