CHRISTCHURCH BOROUGH COUNCIL PLANNING SERVICES WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT ON CURRENT PLANNING APPLICATIONS SORTED BY WARD 02 December 2014 The attached list contains all undetermined planning applications together with their current state of progress. In accordance with the Constitution adopted by the Council on 5th September 2001 (as amended) Members have 5 working days from the date of recommendation to refer any application to the Planning Control Committee. The request must be in writing specifying the planning reason for it. Any application where the final recommendation is contrary to the initial recommendation will be referred to the Committee. Any application which attracts 12 or more objections, where the recommendation is to approve, or a petition containing 25 or more signatures will also be referred to the Committee. Other applications may be referred at the discretion of the Development Management Manager. weeklywardlistrpt Page 1 the discretion of the Development Management Manager. Page 2 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: 8/14/0567 LA Burton & Winkton Target Date: 11/12/2014 Logged Date: 26/Nov/2014 Location Burton Primary School Campbell Road Proposal Erection of single storey detached pre-school and associated landscaping Applicant Member Referral Date Ms D Thomas 23/12/2014 Officer: Agent: Jo Cleaves Process DEL Recommendation To Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response Target Date: 8/14/0562 Full 02/01/2015 Logged Date: 19/Nov/2014 Location 8 Redwood Drive Homefield Park (Winkton Conservation Area) Proposal Erection of car port over existing parking space, with roller shutter door Applicant Member Referral Date Mr C Adams Agent: 16/12/14 Officer: Quantum Group - N White Richard Castro-Parker Process DEL Recommendation To Latest Update Public Consultation 1 letter of objection Consultee Response weeklywardlistrpt Page 2 Page 3 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: 8/14/0470 Full Burton & Winkton Target Date: 19/11/2014 Logged Date: 03/Oct/2014 Location 112 Stony Lane Burton Proposal Demolish existing dwelling and erection of 2 detached 3 bed dwellings, with revised access and parking provisions Member Referral Date Applicant Caleb Development Agent: 4/11/14 Officer: Ken Parke Planning Consultants - C McNulty Kevin Chilvers Process DEL Recommendation To GRANT Latest Update Subject to legal agreement Public Consultation 7 letters of objection 1 other letter Consultee Response Transport Development Management Rec 20/10/2014 - NO OBJECTION, subject to the following condition(s): Before the development is utilised the existing highway vehicular crossings shall be expunged and reinstated to a specification which shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied or utilised until the parking and turning indicated on the submitted details has been constructed. Thereafter, these areas shall be maintained, kept free from obstruction and available for the purposes specified. Before the development is commenced the first 5 metres of the access crossing, measured from the nearside edge of the carriageway, shall be laid out and constructed to a specification submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Natural England weeklywardlistrpt Reason: In the interests of road safety. Rec 13/10/2014 - objects to this application proposal unless the applicant contributes to the mitigation set out in the SPD in accordance with the levels and procedures for this contribution. This advice on mitigation also applies in meeting legislative and policy considerations on the protection, conservation and enhancement of the heathland SSSIs and Ramsar site. Page 3 Page 4 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: Burton & Winkton Burton Parish Council Rec 27/10/2014 - no objection in principle as similar developments have already been built in this area. Members, however, still have concerns over access and exit at this site as they consider this dangerous being on the corner of Footners Lane and Stony Lane with the amount of fast moving traffic in the area. Target Date: 8/14/0095 Full 18/04/2014 Logged Date: 07/Mar/2014 Location Salisbury Road Burton (Winkton Conservation Area) Proposal Erect 4x age restricted dwellings (demolish classrooms and games courts) (Revised scheme following withdrawal of 8/13/0384) Applicant Member Referral Date Mr J Shaffer Agent: 01/04/2014 Officer: Quantum Group - N White Alex Sebbinger Process DEL Recommendation To GRANT Latest Update Public Consultation 6 letters of support 2 other letters Consultee Response Transport Development Management Burton Parish Council weeklywardlistrpt Rec 01/04/2014 - NO OBJECTION, subject to the following condition: The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied or utilised until the access, turning and parking indicated on the submitted details have been constructed. Thereafter, these areas shall be maintained, kept free from obstruction and available for the purposes specified. Reason: In the interests of road safety. Note to Case Officer. Refuse collection location(s) need to be carefully addressed, especially as the road will not be adopted and refuse lorries might not enter the site. Rec 02/04/2014 - No objection in principal but with the following qualifications: 1.Concerns over provision of parking spaces for visitors as parking is becoming an issue in Winkton since the opening of Homefield Grange and Homefield Park. 2.Providing requirements of green belt developments are met. Page 4 Page 5 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: Burton & Winkton Target Date: 8/13/0385 Cons 31/10/2013 Logged Date: 24/Sep/2013 Location Former Homefield School, Salisbury Road Proposal Demolition of remaining classrooms and games court Applicant Member Referral Date Mr J Shaffer Agent: 05/11/2013 Officer: Quantum Group - C Wilsdon Alex Sebbinger Process DEL Recommendation To GRANT Latest Update Public Consultation 1 letter of support Winkton Residents Association have no objection to application 8/13/0385 Consultee Response Target Date: 8/13/0289 CLEUD 05/08/2013 Logged Date: 13/Jun/2013 Location The Barn, 41 Burley Road Proposal Certificate of lawfulness to allow the continued use of 'The Barn' as a residential dwelling Applicant Member Referral Date Mr I Kendall Agent: 17/09/2013 Officer: Richard Castro-Parker Process COM Recommendation To LAWFUL Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response Count of applications: weeklywardlistrpt 6 Page 5 Page 6 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: Grange Target Date: 8/14/0416 Full 22/10/2014 Logged Date: 29/Aug/2014 Location 56 Mudeford Lane Proposal Erection of detached 3 bed dwelling with associated parking and access following demolition of the existing garage Member Referral Date Applicant AJ Developments Ltd Agent: 23/09/2014 Officer: Anders Roberts & Assoc Kevin Chilvers Process DEL Recommendation To GRANT Latest Update Awaiting clarification regarding affordable housing contribution Awaiting final clarification Public Consultation 1 letter of objection Consultee Response Transport Development Management Rec 08/09/2014 - NO OBJECTION, subject to the following condition(s): The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied or utilised until the parking indicated on the submitted details has been constructed. Thereafter, these areas shall be maintained, kept free from obstruction and available for the purposes specified. The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied or utilised until provision has been made to ensure that no surface water drains directly from the site onto the adjacent public highway. Natural England Count of applications: weeklywardlistrpt Reason: In the interests of road safety. Rec 04/09/2014 - Natural England objects to this application proposal unless the applicant contributes to the mitigation set out in the SPD in accordance with the levels and procedures for this contribution. This advice on mitigation also applies in meeting legislative and policy considerations on the protection, conservation and enhancement of the heathland SSSIs and Ramsar site. 1 Page 6 Page 7 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: Highcliffe Target Date: 8/14/0555 Full 13/01/2015 Logged Date: 01/Dec/2014 Location 22 Abingdon Drive Applicant Proposal Remodel existing property to include new gable to front. Install balustrade to rear Member Referral Date Agent: Mr & Mrs Pike 23/12/2014 Officer: Coast & Country Architecture - D Crain Alison Underwood Process DEL Recommendation To Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response Target Date: 8/14/0556 Full 13/01/2015 Logged Date: 28/Nov/2014 Location 420 Lymington Road Proposal Demolition of existing building and erection of block of 2 A1 (Retail) shops and 8 (7x1 and 1x2 bed) apartments with bin and cycle store and access from Poplar Close Applicant Member Referral Date Tony Wood Holdings Ltd Agent: 23/12/2014 Officer: Anders Roberts & Assoc Kevin Chilvers Process DEL Recommendation To Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response weeklywardlistrpt Page 7 Page 8 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: Highcliffe Target Date: 8/14/0546 Full 12/01/2015 Logged Date: 27/Nov/2014 Location 38 Wharncliffe Road Applicant Proposal Erection of 1 x 5 bed dwelling following demolition of the existing property Member Referral Date Jackson Developments Ltd Agent: 23/12/14 Officer: Anders Roberts & Assoc Kevin Chilvers Process DEL Recommendation To Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response Target Date: 8/14/0528 CLEUD 25/12/2014 Logged Date: 05/Nov/2014 Location 19a Rothesay Drive Proposal Certificate of Lawfulness for loft conversion to existing roof space, including flat roof dormer on rear elevation, alterations to the existing dormer and roof light to the front elevation Applicant Member Referral Date Mr & Mrs Carson Agent: 2/12/14 Officer: The Design Studio C Morris Diana Mezzogori-Curran Process DEL Recommendation To LAWFUL Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response weeklywardlistrpt Page 8 Page 9 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: Highcliffe Target Date: 8/14/0527 Full 15/12/2014 Location 1 Abingdon Drive Proposal Erection of single garage Logged Date: 30/Oct/2014 Applicant Member Referral Date Mr & Mrs Jordan Agent: 2/12/14 Officer: The Design Studio C Morris Alison Underwood Process DEL Recommendation To GRANT Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response Transport Development Management Rec 04/11/2014 - No objection to the proposal. Target Date: 8/14/0526 CLOPD 15/12/2014 Logged Date: 30/Oct/2014 Location 1 Abingdon Drive Proposal Certificate of Lawfulness for a proposed development to replace existing conservatory with a rear conservatory. Extend existing rear flat roof dormer Applicant Member Referral Date Mr & Mrs Jordan Agent: 9/12/14 Chris Morris Officer: Alison Underwood Process DEL Recommendation To LAWFUL Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response weeklywardlistrpt Page 9 Page 10 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: Highcliffe 8/14/0505 CLOPD Target Date: 04/12/2014 Logged Date: 21/Oct/2014 Location 22 Jesmond Avenue Applicant Proposal Certificate of Lawfulness for the erection of a single storey extension with false pitch, to rear following demolition of the existing consevatory Member Referral Date 18/11/2014 Officer: Agent: Mr A Gallop Melanie Smith Process DEL Recommendation To LAWFUL Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response Target Date: 8/14/0413 CondR 13/10/2014 Logged Date: 27/Aug/2014 Location 18a Bucehayes Close Proposal Variation of Condition 2 of Application 8/14/0056 to allow the extension of units 3 & 4 to incorporate a third bedroom to both dwellings (AMENDED DESCRIPTION)(AMENDED PLANS REC 3/11/14) Applicant Member Referral Date Moortown Deveopments Ltd Agent: 07/10/2014 Officer: Anders Roberts & Assoc Kevin Chilvers Process DEL Recommendation To GRANT Latest Update Public Consultation 10 letters of objection Consultee Response Transport Development Management Rec 02/09/2014 - NO OBJECTION to the proposal. Rec 07/11/2014 - No objection to the proposal. weeklywardlistrpt Page 10 Page 11 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: Highcliffe Target Date: 8/13/0393 Outl 26/11/2013 Logged Date: 29/Aug/2013 Location Cobbs Holiday Park Gordon Road Proposal Outline Application to erect 29x3 bed and 3x4 bed open market houses, 3x1 bed and 3x2 bed flats and 3x3 bed houses for social housing and 4x2 bed intermediate houses (total 45 dwellings). Matter for consideration is access and layout. (Outline Planning Permission)(AMENDED DESCRIPTION & AMENDED PLANS) Member Referral Date Applicant Cobbs Holiday Park Agent: 24/09/2013 Officer: Ken Parke Planning Consultants - K Parke Alex Sebbinger Process COM Recommendation To GRANT Latest Update 1. You are advised that the parking area and communal areas surrounding the proposed affordable housing must be designed so that the landscaping is provided to ensure that the development is softened in relation to the surroundings. Furthermore, you are also advised in reserved matters submissions that landscaping must be provided between the proposed access road and No. 30 Gordon Road. 2. In accordance with paragraphs 186 and 187 of the NPPF Christchurch Borough Council (CBC) takes a positive and proactive approach to development proposals focused on solutions. CBC work with applicants/agents in a positive and proactive manner by; • offering a pre-application advice service, and • as appropriate updating applications/agents of any issues that may arise in the processing of their application and where possible suggesting solutions. • The applicant was provided the opportunity to submit amendments to the scheme/ address issues which were found to be acceptable and permission was granted/ Public Consultation 9 letters of objection 1 letter of support 2 other letters Consultee Response Environment Agency weeklywardlistrpt Rec 25/09/2013 - no ojection in principle to development occuring on this site however object to the current application on flood risk grounds. Rec 30/10/13 - We note that the agent for the site has responded to our objection by confirming that it is an outline planning application for 45 dwellings with all matter reserved except for the point of access. However we maintain our objection that the application is supported by an unsatisfactory FRA (See letter for reasons of objection) Received 22/11/13 We have received additional information / comments from Ken Parke Planning, dated 30 October 2013, and have the following comments to make. Page 11 Page 12 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: Date 02/12/2014 Highcliffe Flood Risk We note that the agent for the site has responded to our objection by submitting alternative layouts that indicate that minimal culverting of the watercourse would occur. The agent states that the majority of the site is in Flood Zone 1, when considering our flood map. However, it our opinion that until the applicant has a full understanding of flood risk to the site from all flood risk sources (i.e. Fluvial, surface water, groundwater etc.) including allowances for climate change, they cannot be fully informed as to the available land for development potential. Therefore, we do not believe that the applicant can demonstrate the Sequential Approach, as they do not know how much of the site is reasonably available outside of the flood risk areas to deliver the number / type of units under this application. Whilst we appreciate that this Outline Application with all matters reserved except for access, it would be remiss of us not to advise at this stage on this issue that could have an impact on the development potential of the site / future reserved matters applications. Therefore, as no updated Flood Risk Assessment has been submitted we maintain our objection that the application is supported by an unsatisfactory FRA. However, if you feel that the matters below can be adequately addressed within any future reserved matters application then please re-consult us.In order for the applicant to gain a full understanding of the present day and future (including climate change) Flood Zones (including the Functional Floodplain Flood Zone 3b) affecting this site to apply the Sequential Approach we would expect any applicant to have: -an up to date comprehensive flood estimation hydrological study and hydraulic model of both the Chewton Common stream and the Cranemoor Dyke; and -the model to include climate change and blockage / failure sensitivity testing. For further advice notwithstanding the above and irrespective of Flood Zone, our Asset Performance Engineers would wish to see a minimum 2m easement adjacent to all Main River channels on this site to allow for future maintenance. We would also wish for any new development to enhance the watercourses and open up any culverts on site to improve the site. This should be weeklywardlistrpt Page 12 Page 13 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: Date 02/12/2014 Highcliffe factored into any modelling of the watercourses. NOTES TO LPA / APPLICANT We would not wish to see private gardens fronting or abutting the Main River. We would not wish to see any construction / ground raising / obstructions to flow etc. Placed within the Flood Zones. All works (permanent or temporary) in, under, over, or within 8m of a Main River (the Cranemoor Dyke to the north of the site and the Chewton Common Stream that runs through the heart of the site are both Main Rivers) require our prior written Flood Defence Consent under the Water Resources Act and Land Drainage Byelaws. The need for this consent is over and above the need for planning permission. Rec 23/12/13 - Concerns remain because the application specifically states number of units as weLl as access for approval at this stage. If no detailed FRA is availabe EA do not accept that the number of units and/or any indicative layout can be accepted at this stage. Once the broad principle of developable area has been agreed the number of units and layout can be set. The LPA must be satisfied that they can secure a condition to ensure no development (and permit only public open space) within the future Functional Floodplain (considered to be land below 25.45mAOD adopting a precautionary approach). If this were the case then the EA could remove objection subject to conditions including appropriate finished floor levels for all dwellings and surface water management scheme. (SEE EMAIL FOR FURTHER ADVICE AND COMMENTS) Received 07/02/2014 Thank you for consulting the Environment Agency on the Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) report prepared by Such Salinger Peters (dated Jan 2014) that supports this application. We have the following comments to make. Flood Risk We have had the FRA report peer reviewed by consultants on our behalf. The review has highlighted a number of areas of concern over the FRA and the supporting hydrology and hydraulic model. Therefore, until we are satisfied that the FRA and accompanying details are fit for purpose we are unable to offer a 'no objection' response to this planning application which now includes the proposed layout. Due to the technical nature of the modelling / FRA weeklywardlistrpt Page 13 Page 14 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: Date 02/12/2014 Highcliffe we are corresponding directly with the FRA consultant over these issues. We would anticipate that a revised FRA or addendum to this FRA will need to be submitted to support his planning in due course. Rec 09/04/2014 - We have no objection the outline application, which now includes access and layout, subject to the following conditions and informatives being included in any planning permission granted. Flood Risk With respect to FRA Volume 1 of 2 Version 3 (Third Issue dated 17/3/14) and Model Report (March 2014) we have no further concerns over the model or hydrology. However flow estimation in small semi-permeable catchments like this is problematic and can be subject to considerable uncertainty. Should re-development of this site take place extremely careful detailed design consideration and a conservative approach will be required to ensure no significant flood risk to the site or increase in flood risk to the surrounding area. CONDITION: No development shall commence until a scheme for the detailed design of the proposed re-designed Main River channel though the site, including any removal of existing structures or addition of new structures, ensuring no flood risk to the site or increase in flood risk elsewhere has been submitted and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall be implemented prior to commencement of development of the site. The scheme shall include details of how the redesigned channel and any associated structures will be managed and maintained over the lifetime of the development. REASON: To ensure appropriate flood risk mitigation and minimise flood risk. CONDITION: No development shall commence until a scheme for the detailed design of failsafe measures required to safely capture and route all existing fluvial flow that exceeds the Gordons Road culvert and flows overland into the site, during events up to and including the 1 in 100 year event, into the site and safely back into the channel without increasing flood risk has been submitted and weeklywardlistrpt Page 14 Page 15 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: Date 02/12/2014 Highcliffe approved by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall be implemented prior to commencement of development of the site. REASON: To ensure appropriate flood risk mitigation and minimise flood risk. CONDITION: Finished floor levels should be at least 300mm (600mm preferably) higher than the 100-year flood levels with blockage and 10% increase in roughness to reflect uncertainties in the modelling. REASON: To ensure appropriate flood risk mitigation and minimise flood risk. Surface Water Management CONDITION: No development shall commence until a detailed scheme for limiting the surface water run-off generated by all events up to and including the 1 in 100 year critical storm including climate change allowance, such that it will not exceed the run-off from the undeveloped site and will not increase the risk of flooding off-site has been submitted and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The details shall include supporting strategy details including scheme drawings and calculations, including demonstration that the critical storm is being used, and that any exceedence flows will be contained prior to controlled discharge, and details of how the scheme will be managed and maintained over the lifetime of the development. REASON To ensure adequate allowance for surface water management is made and that the scheme. We would expect the surface water management scheme for the proposed development to meet the following criteria before discharge of the condition below: - A clearly labelled drainage layout plan showing the pipe networks and any attenuation ponds, soakaways and drainage storage tanks etc. This plan should show any pipe node numbers referred to in the drainage calculations and the invert and cover levels of manholes. - A manhole schedule. - Model runs to demonstrate that the critical storm weeklywardlistrpt Page 15 Page 16 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: Date 02/12/2014 Highcliffe Wessex Water weeklywardlistrpt duration is being used. - Confirmation of the appropriate discharge rate, with any flow control devices indicated on the plan with the rate of discharge stated. Any rainfall runoff from the site must be limited to existing rainfall runoff rates and volumes and discharged incrementally for all return periods up to and including the 1 in 100 year storm. Using the IOH 124 method of flow estimation we estimate the Q100 to be approximately 10.5l/s/ha and recommend this figure is used in the calculations. - Calculations showing the volume of attenuation provided, demonstrating how the system operates during the 1 in 100 critical duration storm event. - The surface water drainage system must incorporate enough attenuation to deal with the surface water run-off from the site up to the critical 1% Annual Probability of Flooding (or 1 in a 100year flood) event, including a 30% allowance for climate change for the lifetime of the development. Drainage calculations must be included to demonstrate this and that the critical event is being used (e.g. Windes or similar sewer modelling package calculations that include the necessary attenuation volume). - If there is any surcharge or 'exceedence' flooding from the system, overland flood flow routes and 'collection/storage' areas within the site (e.g. car parks, landscaping) must be shown on a drawing. All exceedence flow must be contained and attenuated within the site prior to discharge into the water course, and must not be allowed to simply flow uncontrolled into the watercourse. CIRIA good practice guide for designing for exceedance in urban drainage (C635) should be used. - There must be no attenuation areas within areas of fluvial floodplain. - The adoption and maintenance of the drainage system must be addressed and clearly stated. - Where infiltration forms part of the proposed stormwater system such as infiltration trenches and soakaways, soakage test results and test locations are to be submitted in accordance with BRE digest 365. Rec 17/9/2013 - Comments - See letter for advice Received 19/3/14 No additional observations in this instance and refer to previous correspondence. Page 16 Page 17 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications Date 02/12/2014 WARD: Highcliffe Transport Development Management Rec 30/9/13 - extension requested Rec 23/10/13 - No objection in principle for the details relating to access of this outline application subject to an amended plan being submitted showing 4 revisions. Upon receipt of which final observations will be provided. Rec 30/01/2014 - Referring to amended plans 2608-03F & 2608-04F, some issues still remain to be addressed. DCC still have no objection subject to an acceptable amended plan being submitted. Received 20/02/2014 In addition to the application plans I refer to the amended plan(s) received from the agent on 30/1/14, namely Nos. 2608-03G and 2608-04G. The County Highway Authority has NO OBJECTION, subject to the following conditions: The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied or utilised until the access, geometric highway layout, turning and parking areas shown on Drawing Number 2608-03G have been constructed, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Thereafter, these shall be maintained, kept free from obstruction and available for the purposes specified. Reason: In the interests of road safety. Before the development commences or to a timescale to be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority a scheme showing precise details for the piping or culverting of the roadside ditch for the length/width of the access shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority. Any such scheme shall require approval to be obtained in writing from the Local Planning Authority. The approved scheme shall be constructed before development commences. Reason: In the interests of road safety. Note to Case Officer: Please issue the following important informatives with any planning consent: The applicant is advised that, notwithstanding this consent, if it is intended that the highway layout be offered for public adoption under Section 38 of the Highways Act 1980, the applicant should contact Dorset County Council‟s Developer-Led Infrastructure team. They can be reached by weeklywardlistrpt Page 17 Page 18 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: Date 02/12/2014 Highcliffe telephone at 01305 225401, by email at, or in writing at Developer-Led Infrastructure, Dorset County Council, County Hall, Dorchester, DT1 1XJ. The applicant is advised that notwithstanding this consent, Section 184 of the Highways Act 1980 requires the proper construction of vehicle crossings over kerbed footways, verges or other highway land. Before commencement of any works on the public highway, Dorset County Council‟s Dorset Highways should be consulted to agree on the detailed specification. Contact can be made by telephone to Dorset Direct (01305 221000), by email at, or in writing at Dorset Highways, Dorset County Council, County Hall, Dorchester, DT1 1XJ. The existing street lighting column may to be relocated/replaced and sufficient time and resource should be allowed for this. The preferred location in this type of situation may be directly opposite the new junction. Contact can be made by telephone to Dorset Direct (01305 221000), by email at, or in writing at Dorset Highways, Dorset County Council, County Hall, Dorchester, DT1 1XJ. Changes to the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 effective on 6th April 2012, grant certain powers to Lead Local Flood Authorities, i.e. Dorset County Council, and involves works to ordinary watercourses; these being all watercourses which are not designated 'Main River' by the Environment Agency. Activities which require prior Land Drainage Consent (LDC) include: permanent and temporary obstructions to watercourse flow, including the installation of culverts. From 6th April 2012 all applications for LDC on ordinary watercourses are to be made to the Flood Risk Management team ( who are part of the Developer Lead Infrastructure Group / Dorset Highways Management Service. Applications with relevance to Main Rivers and associated flood plains are to be made to the Environment Agency in the usual way. I confirm that in this instance no transport contribution will be required. weeklywardlistrpt Page 18 Page 19 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: Highcliffe 8/12/0412 CondR Target Date: 30/11/2012 Logged Date: 09/Oct/2012 Location 2A Kilmington Way Applicant Proposal Variation of Condition 1 of appeal APP/E1210/A/11/2164161 to allow the windows of bedroom 2 & 3 of Plot 1 and bedroom 3 of Plot 2 to be opening to a maximum of 100mm and have opening fanlights. Variation of Condition 3 of application 8/10/0557 to allow the retention of the existing boundary treatment between 2 & 2D Kilmington Way Member Referral Date Mr J Tye Agent: 27/11/12 Miles & Co Officer: Mark Taylor Process DEL Recommendation To REFUSE Latest Update Public Consultation 1 letter of objection Consultee Response Count of applications: weeklywardlistrpt 10 Page 19 Page 20 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: Jumpers 8/14/0510 CLOPD Target Date: 12/12/2014 Logged Date: 23/Oct/2014 Location 28 Bronte Avenue Proposal Certificate of lawfulness for the conversion of the existing garage to habitable accommodation Applicant Member Referral Date Mr & Mrs Gadsden Agent: 9/12/14 JC Architectural Design Officer: Richard Castro-Parker Process DEL Recommendation To GRANT Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response weeklywardlistrpt Page 20 Page 21 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: Jumpers Target Date: 8/14/0474 Full 27/11/2014 Logged Date: 07/Oct/2014 Location Land to rear of 26-28 Flambard Avenue Proposal Erection of 2 x 3 bed bungalows to the rear with associated turning facilities and garages Applicant Member Referral Date Mr B Willis Agent: 2/12/14 Officer: Ken Parke Planning Consultants - R Henderson Kim Bowditch Process DEL Recommendation To REFUSE Latest Update Public Consultation 17 letters of objection Consultee Response Natural England Transport Development Management Rec 20/10/2014 - Objects to this application proposal unless the applicant contributes to the mitigation set out in the SPD in accordance with the levels and procedures for this contribution. Rec 20/10/2014 - NO OBJECTION, subject to the following condition(s): The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied or utilised until the access, parking and turning indicated on the submitted details has been constructed. Thereafter, these areas shall be maintained, kept free from obstruction and available for the purposes specified. Before any other operations are commenced the visibility splay areas as shown on Drawing Number J.45.2014.02 shall be cleared/excavated to a level not exceeding 0.6 metres above the relative level of the adjacent carriageway. The splay areas shall thereafter shall be maintained and kept free from all obstructions. Reason: In the interests of road safety. weeklywardlistrpt Page 21 Page 22 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: Jumpers Target Date: 8/14/0080 Outl 28/04/2014 Logged Date: 17/Mar/2014 Location 41 The Grove Proposal Outline application for the erection of 4 semidetached dwellings (Matters for consideration are access, layout and scale) Member Referral Date Applicant Mr J Lammering Agent: 08/04/2014 Officer: Willams Lester - N Ham Kim Bowditch Process COM Recommendation To REFUSE Latest Update •Ask applicant to withdraw & re-submit Public Consultation 1 other letter Consultee Response Natural England Rec 31/03/2014 - We have tried to access this proposal through the Council‟s website, but the relevant information is not available for us to view. Without access to sufficient information, we are unable to provide the authority with advice on this proposal. We shall attempt to access this proposal through the Council‟s website in seven days time. If information is then available for us to view, we will consider the proposal and provide advice to the authority within 21 days as usual. If information becomes available before seven days and the authority wish us to commence the 21 day consultation period sooner, then please inform us as soon as the information becomes available. Rec 03/04/2014 - Objects to this application proposal unless the applicant contributes to the mitigation set out in the SPD in accordance with the levels and procedures for this contribution. This advice on mitigation also applies in meeting legislative and policy considerations on the protection, conservation and enhancement of the heathland SSSIs and Ramsar site. Issues concerning other designated sites - No objection- no conditions requested The application site lies in close proximity to Avon Valley (Bickton to Christchurch) Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). This is part of the Avon Valley Special Protection Area (SPA) which is also a wetland of international importance under the Ramsar Convention (Ramsar site). Natural England is satisfied that the proposed development being carried out in strict accordance weeklywardlistrpt Page 22 Page 23 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: Date 02/12/2014 Jumpers Transport Development Management Count of applications: weeklywardlistrpt with the details of the application, as submitted, will not damage or destroy the interest features for which these sites have been notified. We therefore advise your authority that this SSSI does not represent a constraint in determining this application. Should the details of this application change, Natural England draws your attention to Section 28(I) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended), requiring your authority to reconsult Natural England. Rec 20/04/2014 - No objection 3 Page 23 Page 24 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: 8/14/0410 Full Mudeford & Friars Cliff Target Date: 09/12/2014 Logged Date: 22/Oct/2014 Location 21 Bure Lane Applicant Proposal First floor extension to enlarge bedroom 2, form dressing room and ensuite and enlarge master bedroom Member Referral Date Agent: Mr P Hayward 2/12/14 Officer: Tim Furmidge Process Mills Barry J DEL Recommendation To GRANT Latest Update Public Consultation 1 letter of objection Consultee Response Target Date: 8/14/0469 Full 08/12/2014 Logged Date: 21/Oct/2014 Location 24 Seaway Avenue Proposal Erection of 2 storey extension to rear Applicant Member Referral Date Mr & Mrs Gunning Agent: 2/12/14 Officer: Foxwood Designs Richard Castro-Parker Process DEL Recommendation To GRANT Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response weeklywardlistrpt Page 24 Page 25 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: 8/14/0514 Full Mudeford & Friars Cliff Target Date: 08/12/2014 Logged Date: 20/Oct/2014 Location 1 Medina Way Applicant Proposal Erection of first floor side extension (Revised scheme following refusal of 8/13/0590) Member Referral Date Mr & Mrs M Eagling Agent: 2/12/14 Officer: Jo Cleaves Process WB Planning DEL Recommendation To REFUSE Latest Update Public Consultation 13 letters of objection Petition for the proposal, with 36 signatures Petition against the proposal, with 48 signatures Consultee Response Target Date: 8/14/0494 CondR 01/12/2014 Logged Date: 10/Oct/2014 Location 116 Mudeford (Mudeford Quay Conservation Area) Proposal Variation of Condition 7 of Application 8/13/0371 to allow the bedroom windows on North, East and West elevations to be clear glazed Applicant Member Referral Date Mr L Davis Agent: 4/11/14 Officer: Kim Bowditch Process DEL Recommendation To REFUSE Latest Update Public Consultation 4 letters of objection 1 other letter Consultee Response weeklywardlistrpt Page 25 Page 26 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: 8/14/0462 Full Mudeford & Friars Cliff Target Date: 10/11/2014 Logged Date: 24/Sep/2014 Location 4 Rook Hill Road Proposal Erection of detached 4 bed dwelling following demolition of existing (amended scheme following approval of 8/14/0189) Applicant Member Referral Date Mr K Dearsley Agent: 4/11/14 David SmithArchitect Officer: Kim Bowditch Process DEL Recommendation To REFUSE Latest Update Public Consultation 1 letter of objection Consultee Response Natural England Transport Development Management weeklywardlistrpt Rec 03/10/2014 - Natural England has previously commented on this proposal and made comments to the authority in our letter dated 12th May 2014 (Your ref: 8/14/0189, Our ref: 120576). The advice provided in our previous response applies equally to this amendment although we made no objection to the original proposal. Should the proposal be amended in a way which significantly affects its impact on the natural environment then, in accordance with Section 4 of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006, Natural England should be consulted again. Rec 20/10/2014 - No objevtion to this proposal. Page 26 Page 27 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: 8/14/0461 Outl Mudeford & Friars Cliff Target Date: 12/12/2014 Logged Date: 23/Sep/2014 Location MCA Training Centre Penny Way Proposal Outline application for the erection of up to 26 dwellings (revised scheme following refusal of 8/13/0443) Applicant Member Referral Date Maritime & Coastguard Agency Agent: 14/10/2014 WYG Officer: Kim Bowditch Process COM Recommendation To Latest Update Public Consultation 45 letters of objection 5 other letters Consultee Response Wessex Water Natural England Transport Development Management weeklywardlistrpt Rec 07/10/2014 - There is adequate capacity in the local public foul network to accommodate predicted foul flows only from the proposed development; point of connection subject to application and agreement. There must be no surface water connections to the public foul sewer network. The applicant‟s consultants have been in contact with Wessex Water to discuss the surface water drainage from the site and it has been agreed in principle that an attenuated discharge rate of 20 l/s maximum can be accepted into the public surface water sewer which discharges to sea. This proposal will also require the acceptance of your Authority and the Environment Agency. Rec 14/10/2014 - objects to this application proposal unless the applicant contributes to the mitigation set out in the SPD in accordance with the levels and procedures for this contribution. This advice on mitigation also applies in meeting legislative and policy considerations on the protection, conservation and enhancement of the heathland SSSIs and Ramsar site. Rec 17/10/2014 - Whilst there are still some concerns with regard to possible improvement works on Penny Way between the car park access and the site the County Highway Authority has NO OBJECTION to the proposal in principle subject to suitable mitigation and revised layout being agreed as part of the deferred matters application should it follow. Page 27 Page 28 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications Date 02/12/2014 WARD: Mudeford & Friars Cliff Environment Agency Rec 10/10/2014 - We have no objection to the proposed development subject to the following conditions and informative being included in any planning permission granted. Flood Risk We have reviewed the submitted Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) prepared by Parsons Brinkerhoff dated Version 1.0 dated September 2013. Whilst we have no objection to the principle of the development proposals we note that there is a possible overland flood source from the east, of which no assessment has been made within the FRA. Further, there is no evidence within the FRA that the Shoreline Management Plan status for this stretch of coastline has been considered. Please consult with your Authority‟s Drainage Engineers to consider these matters. They may require an updated FRA in this regard prior to planning approval. We note the outline proposals for the surface water management and in general we find them acceptable. The detailed design of the scheme will need to be assessed but this can be dealt with under the planning condition and should accord with the design advice below: CONDITION: No development shall commence until a surface water management scheme for the site, based on sustainable drainage principles and an assessment of the hydrological and hydrogeological context of the development, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The submitted details shall clarify the intended future ownership and maintenance provision for all drainage works serving the site. The scheme shall subsequently be implemented in accordance with the approved details before the development is completed. REASON: To prevent the increased risk of flooding and ensure future maintenance of the surface water drainage system. There must be no interruption to the existing surface water and/or land drainage arrangements of the surrounding land as a result of the operations on the site. Provisions must be made to weeklywardlistrpt Page 28 Page 29 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: Date 02/12/2014 Mudeford & Friars Cliff ensure that all existing drainage systems continue to operate effectively and that flood risk to the surrounding area is not increased as a result of the development. Contaminated Land We have reviewed the Phase 1 Land Quality Assessment, MCA Training Centre, Steamer Point, Christchurch Maritime and Coastguard Agency May 2012 (ref. 92767BV-BBR) by Parsons Brinckerhoff and the Interpretative Site Investigation Report (March 2013) by Parsons Brinckerhoff. Due to limited intrusive work carried out to date (with respect to the risk to controlled waters) to delineate the level of potential contamination as outlined in the Phase 1 Report, we would recommend inclusion of the following conditions: CONDITION No development approved by this planning permission shall take place until a remediation strategy that includes the following components to deal with the risks associated with contamination of the site shall each be submitted to and approved, in writing, by the local planning authority: 1. A preliminary risk assessment which has identified: - all previous uses - potential contaminants associated with those uses - a conceptual model of the site indicating sources, pathways and receptors - potentially unacceptable risks arising from contamination at the site. 2. A site investigation scheme, based on (1) to provide information for a detailed assessment of the risk to all receptors that may be affected, including those off site. 3. The results of the site investigation and the detailed risk assessment referred to in (2) and, based on these, an options appraisal and remediation strategy giving full details of the remediation measures required and how they are to be undertaken. 4. A verification plan providing details of the data that will be collected in order to demonstrate that the works set out in the remediation strategy in (3) are complete and identifying any requirements for longer-term monitoring of pollutant linkages, maintenance and arrangements for contingency action. Any changes to these components require the express written consent of the local planning weeklywardlistrpt Page 29 Page 30 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: Date 02/12/2014 Mudeford & Friars Cliff authority. The scheme shall be implemented as approved. REASON To protect controlled waters. CONDITION If, during development, contamination not previously identified is found to be present at the site then no further development (unless otherwise agreed in writing with the local planning authority) shall be carried out until the developer has submitted a remediation strategy to the local planning authority detailing how this unsuspected contamination shall be dealt with and obtained written approval from the local planning authority. The remediation strategy shall be implemented as approved. REASON To protect controlled waters. weeklywardlistrpt Page 30 Page 31 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications Date 02/12/2014 WARD: Mudeford & Friars Cliff Planning Policy Team Leader CBC Rec 16/10/2014 - The main policy issues to be considered on this site are the principle of residential development on the site, the loss of the training centre, impacts on designated open space and affordable housing provision. Policy ENV9 relates to the detailed design and layout of the proposals, and is therefore best considered by the Case Officer based on consideration of detailed plans and a site visit. This policy comment does not therefore consider Policy ENV9. In terms of existing open space designations, the site is already fenced off from the Steamer Point woodland, and the accesses to this area are separate from the MCA site. Development of the site does not appear to compromise this, and therefore no policy issues arise from the application in respect of open space. Although this site does not fall within a B1, B2 or B8 use class it was considered as part of Stage 1 of the Christchurch and East Dorset Employment Land Review (2007). The assessment of the site concluded that the site did not score highly in terms of its potential significance to employment generation, and that its location might also mean that securing alternative employment uses on the site may not be desirable. The site‟s very prominent coastal location, and its proximity to and access through residential areas, mean that, in practice, the potential for employment re-use or redevelopment will be very limited. In conclusion, there is no compelling case to protect this training centre use on the site, and the principle of residential redevelopment is therefore supported in policy terms. The proposed application is liable to make contributions towards heathland mitigation in accordance with the South East Dorset Heathland SPD and the South East Dorset Transport Contributions Scheme 2. Policy LN3 of the Core Strategy sets out a presumption that affordable housing will be provided onsite for sites resulting in a net increase of 15 or more dwellings weeklywardlistrpt Page 31 Page 32 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications Date 02/12/2014 WARD: Mudeford & Friars Cliff Coast Protection Officer CBC Rec 16/10/2014 - Having carefully read the consultants Cliff/Slope Stability Assessment I am satisfied the proposed development will have no adverse effect on the stability of the existing cliff/slope or coast protection assets below it. weeklywardlistrpt Page 32 Page 33 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: 8/14/0415 Full Mudeford & Friars Cliff Target Date: 11/11/2014 Logged Date: 22/Sep/2014 Location Little Haven Mudeford Quay (Within Mudeford Quay Conservation Area) Proposal Erection of attached 3 bed dwelling with new access following demolition of existing property (revised scheme following refusal at appeal of 8/12/0194 and 8/12/0195) Member Referral Date Applicant Mr A Griffiths Agent: 14/10/2014 Officer: Ken Parke Planning Consultants - G Wright Kevin Chilvers Process DEL Recommendation To Latest Update To be considered by next Architects Panel Amended plans required Public Consultation 51 letters of objection 2 other letters Consultee Response Natural England Rec 13/10/2014 - No objection – with conditions This application is immediately adjacent to Christchurch Harbour Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). However, given the nature and scale of this proposal, Natural England is satisfied that there is not likely to be an adverse effect on this site as a result of the proposal being carried out in strict accordance with the details of the application as submitted. We therefore advise your authority that this SSSI does not represent a constraint in determining this application. Should the details of this application change, Natural England draws your attention to Section 28(I) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended), requiring your authority to re-consult Natural England. This is based on our understanding that the application does not include any of the following elements: or encroachment of development onto the foreshore; or structures; or Christchurch Harbour SSSI Conditions machinery to reduce unnecessary noise; weeklywardlistrpt Page 33 Page 34 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: Date 02/12/2014 Mudeford & Friars Cliff machinery (i.e. plant resulting in a noise level in Page 2 of 3 excess of 69dbAmax – measured at the sensitive receptor) to be undertaken during the bird overwintering period (i.e. October to March inclusive). Heavy machinery constitutes, for example, use of pneumatic drills, diggers, dumper trucks and lorries. Note: The sensitive receptor is the nearest point of the SSSI or any SSSI supporting habitat (e.g. high tide roosting site); stored or disposed of within the SSSI during or after construction; provided with a map that clearly shows the boundaries of the Christchurch Harbour SSSI in relation to the development site. These conditions are required to ensure that the development, as submitted, will not impact upon the features of special interest for which the SSSI is notified. weeklywardlistrpt Page 34 Page 35 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications Date 02/12/2014 WARD: Mudeford & Friars Cliff Transport Development Rec 10/10/2014 - No objection to the proposed Management development subject to the following informatives and advice being included in any planning permission granted. Flood Defence Consent INFORMATIVE Under the terms of the Water Resources Act 1991 and the Land Drainage Byelaws, the prior written consent of the Agency is required for any proposed works or structures in, under, over or within 8 metres of the top of the bank of the Christchurch Harbour , designated a 'main river'. The need for Flood Defence Consent is over and above the need for planning permission. To discuss the scope of our controls and to obtain an application form please contact Yvonne Wiacel . Pollution Prevention During Construction INFORMATIVE Safeguards should be implemented during the construction phase to minimise the risks of pollution from the development. Such safeguards should cover: - the use of plant and machinery - oils/chemicals and materials - the use and routing of heavy plant and vehicles - the location and form of work and storage areas and compounds - the control and removal of spoil and wastes. The applicant should refer to the Environment Agency's Pollution Prevention Guidelines at: -prevention-guidance-ppg Flood Risk We recommend that all flood protection measures are incorporate in the design of the scheme given the nature of the location. We would recommend that finished flor levels are raised above existing. RECOMMENDATION: The Council‟s Emergency Planners should be consulted in relation to flood emergency response and evacuation arrangements for the site. We strongly recommend that the applicant prepares a Flood Warning and Evacuation Plan for future occupants. The Local Planning Authority may wish to secure this through an appropriate condition. We can confirm that the site does lie within a Flood Warning area. Rec 17/10/2014 - No objection weeklywardlistrpt Page 35 Page 36 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: Mudeford & Friars Cliff English Heritage Rec 14/10/2014 - Our specialist staff have considered the information received and we do not wish to offer any comments on this occasion. Recommendation The application(s) should be determined in accordance with national and local policy guidance, and on the basis of your specialist conservation advice. Target Date: 8/14/0401 Full 03/11/2014 Logged Date: 10/Sep/2014 Location 125 Mudeford (Grade II Listed Building) Proposal Formation of detached double garage to replace existing Member Referral Date Applicant Mrs S Kriskinans Agent: 7/10/14 Officer: Aspire Architects LLP - M Stevens Alison Underwood Process DEL Recommendation To Latest Update Tree report likely to be required Public Consultation 1 letter of support Consultee Response weeklywardlistrpt Page 36 Page 37 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: 8/14/0320 Outl Mudeford & Friars Cliff Target Date: 19/08/2014 Logged Date: 24/Jun/2014 Location 10 Friars Road Proposal Outline application to sever the land and erect a dwelling (matters for consideration are access, layout and scale) Member Referral Date Applicant Mrs M Parsa Agent: 15/7/14 WB Planning Officer: Tim Furmidge Process DEL Recommendation To GRANT Latest Update awaiting UU information Date extended Public Consultation 5 letters of objection Consultee Response Transport Development Management Count of applications: weeklywardlistrpt Rec 15/07/2014 - NO OBJECTION, subject to the following condition(s): The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied or utilised until the parking indicated on the submitted details has been constructed. Thereafter, these areas shall be maintained, kept free from obstruction and available for the purposes specified. Before the development is commenced the first 5 metres of the access crossing, measured from the nearside edge of the carriageway, shall be laid out and constructed to a specification submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: In the interests of road safety. 9 Page 37 Page 38 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: 8/14/0475 Full North Highcliffe & Walkford Target Date: 16/01/2015 Logged Date: 01/Dec/2014 Location 56 Plantation Drive Applicant Proposal Conversion of existing flat roof to terraced area to include 1.8m privacy screens Member Referral Date Agent: Mr C Soares 23/12/2014 Officer: Aspire Architects LLP - M Stevens Melanie Smith Process DEL Recommendation To Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response Target Date: 8/14/0573 Full 12/01/2015 Location 44 Hinton Wood Avenue Proposal Erection of a carport Logged Date: 28/Nov/2014 Applicant Member Referral Date Mr & Mrs P Jackson Agent: 23/12/2014 Officer: Foxwood Designs Melanie Smith Process DEL Recommendation To Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response weeklywardlistrpt Page 38 Page 39 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: North Highcliffe & Walkford Target Date: 8/14/0561 CLOPD 03/01/2015 Logged Date: 21/Nov/2014 Location 73 Plantation Drive Applicant Proposal Certificate of Lawfulness for the erection of a single storey rear extension Member Referral Date Ms K Hicks Agent: 16/12/14 Officer: John Lewis and Associates - Mr J Lewis Alison Underwood Process DEL Recommendation To Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response Target Date: 8/14/0500 Full 22/12/2014 Logged Date: 17/Nov/2014 Location Land adj 16 Walkford Road Proposal Part retrospective application to replace the existing store with a new build 2 bed bungalow Applicant Member Referral Date Mr M Bennett Agent: 09/11/2014 Officer: Richard Castro-Parker Process DEL Recommendation To Latest Update Public Consultation 1 other letter Consultee Response weeklywardlistrpt Page 39 Page 40 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: 8/14/0482 Full North Highcliffe & Walkford Target Date: 05/01/2015 Logged Date: 11/Nov/2014 Location 7 Amberwood Gardens Proposal Conversion and extension to existing roof to include front and rear dormers. Single storey side extension incorporating internal and external modifications Applicant Member Referral Date Mr & Mrs M Bull Agent: 9/12/14 Officer: DUA Architecture LLP Mr Martin Hammond Richard Castro-Parker Process DEL Recommendation To REFUSE Latest Update Public Consultation 3 letters of objection Consultee Response weeklywardlistrpt Page 40 Page 41 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: 8/14/0446 Full North Highcliffe & Walkford Target Date: 11/11/2014 Logged Date: 18/Sep/2014 Location Land rear of 53 - 55 Glenville Road Proposal Erection of 2 x 3 bed semi-detached dwellings with associated parking and access from Tresillian Way (revised scheme following withdrawal of 8/14/0096) Member Referral Date Applicant Landmark Estates (GBR) Ltd Agent: 14/10/2014 Pure Town Planning - Matt Annen Officer: Kevin Chilvers Process DEL Recommendation To GRANT Latest Update Subject to comments from Highway Authority and a UU. To next Architects Panel for a view. Public Consultation 1 letter of objection Consultee Response Natural England weeklywardlistrpt Rec 02/10/2014 - Natural England objects to this application proposal unless the applicant contributes to the mitigation set out in the SPD in accordance with the levels and procedures for this contribution. This advice on mitigation also applies in meeting legislative and policy considerations on the protection, conservation and enhancement of the heathland SSSIs and Ramsar site. Page 41 Page 42 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications Date 02/12/2014 WARD: North Highcliffe & Walkford Transport Development Rec 22/10/2014 - The County Highway Authority Management has no objection in principle subject to an acceptable amended plan being submitted showing the following revisions upon receipt of which final observations will be provided: A revised plan is required showing the extent of the highway particularly between the rear of the property and the private access as part of the front garden, drive (and possibly the building) appears to be shown on this area which is not permissible. This part of the drive would need to be constructed as vehicle crossing as it will lie in the highway. (See s184 informative below). The applicant should be made aware that whilst the sites redline boundary abuts the highway this will only facilitate pedestrian access as it doesn‟t contain the first part of the private access from the back edge of the footway of the highway. This could be an issue for the applicant if they don't have a right of access; though this is a private matter. A PDF plan of the highway has been provided separately to the Planning Case Officer and can also be obtained from Dorset Highways Information. Planning Policy Team Leader CBC weeklywardlistrpt Informative: The applicant is advised that notwithstanding this consent, Section 184 of the Highways Act 1980 requires the proper construction of vehicle crossings over kerbed footways, verges or other highway land. Before commencement of any works on the public highway, Dorset County Council‟s Dorset Highways should be consulted to agree on the detailed specification. Rec 08/10/2014 - I have looked at the site of land to the rear of 53 – 55 Glenville Road which has a brook running to the western edge of the site. I understand from the Environment Agency flood mapping that the site is affected by flood zone 2 as a result of proximity to the brook. If the proposed development is located outside of the flood zone I would consider that the proposal meets the tests of the NPPF and the sequential approach in locating development in the lowest area of floodrisk. I understand that the development red line boundary is now located in flood zone 1 which would accord with the sequential approach and the availability of sites in flood zone 1. Page 42 Page 43 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: 8/14/0157 RM North Highcliffe & Walkford Target Date: 29/04/2014 Logged Date: 08/Apr/2014 Location 16 Walkford Road Proposal Reserved matters appliction (to consider landscaping) following grant of 8/13/0246 to sever the curtilage and convert and extend the existing garage to from two bedroom dwelling. The construction of a replacement storage building to serve Public House Member Referral Date Applicant Mr M Bennett 6/5/14 Agent: Officer: Jo Cleaves Process DEL Recommendation To GRANT Latest Update Awaiting amended plans and additional info re trees. Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response Count of applications: weeklywardlistrpt 7 Page 43 Page 44 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: Portfield Target Date: 8/14/0553 Full 09/01/2015 Logged Date: 27/Nov/2014 Location 16 Beaulieu Road Applicant Proposal Erection of 4 bed dwelling with integral garage following demolition of the existing property Member Referral Date Agent: Mr T Robinson 23/12/2014 Officer: Alison Underwood Process Anders Roberts Cheer - S Taylor DEL Recommendation To Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response Target Date: 8/14/0549 Ad 29/12/2014 Logged Date: 17/Nov/2014 Location Pizza Hut (UK) Ltd Barrack Retail Park Proposal Installation of 3x illuminated rail mounted 'sky' letters, 1x illuminated 'Pizza Hut' sign, 4x illuminated red tube lights around roof edge, 1x wall mounted illuminated 'takeaway' sign, 1x illuminated faux neon 'hat' sign, 1x illuminated menu sign and 1x illuminated high pole sign Applicant Member Referral Date Pizza Hut (UK) Ltd Agent: 09/12/2014 Officer: Pegasus Group - C Rands Melanie Smith Process DEL Recommendation To Latest Update Public Consultation 1 letter of objection Consultee Response Transport Development Management weeklywardlistrpt Rec 28/11/2014 - No objection to the proposal. Page 44 Page 45 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: Portfield Target Date: 8/14/0540 Full 26/01/2015 Logged Date: 06/Nov/2014 Location Christchurch Hospital, Fairmile Road (Within Christchurch Hospital Conservation Area) Proposal Demolition of the existing 'Wendy House' and provision of 35 senior living apartments with basement car parking, replacement tree planting, landscape treatment, band stand and associated infrastructure (Application submitted to revise previously approved senior living apartments 8/13/0028) Applicant Member Referral Date Royal Bournemouth & Christchurch Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Agent: 02/12/2014 Officer: Quantum Group Graham Parkes Kim Bowditch Process DEL Recommendation To Latest Update Public Consultation 4 letters of support Consultee Response English Heritage Wessex Water weeklywardlistrpt Rec26/11/2014 - Our specialist staff have considered the information received and we do not wish to offer any comments on this occasion. Rec 01/12/2014 - The Foul and Surface Water Drainage Statement (September 2012) accompanying the application is in general accordance with these discussions. The Strategy is developed to ensure foul drainage does not exceed existing flows, surface and foul water flows will be separate with surface water draining via SUDs Arrangements. The applicant is reminded that there must be no tree planting within 3 metres of sewers in accordance with the current version of Sewers for Adoption Page 45 Page 46 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications Date 02/12/2014 WARD: Portfield Natural England Rec 14/11/2014 - It appears to Natural England that the consultation above is not materially different from a previous application 8/13/0028 in respect of the 35 senior living apartments. Natural England therefore advise that our comments regarding that application, should be applied to this application. "In respect of 35 senior living apartments, objection pending mitigation contribution The application site lies in the vicinity (within 5 km and beyond 400m) of heathlands that are notified as SSSIs for the special interest of their heathland habitats and associated plant and animal species. The SSSIs are part of the Dorset Heathlands Special Protection Area (SPA) on account of rare or vulnerable heathland bird species and are also part of a Ramsar site on account of rare or vulnerable heathland wetlands and associated rare wetland species. They are additionally part of the Dorset Heaths Special Area of Conservation (SAC) on account of rare or vulnerable heathland and associated habitats and some individual species. The proximity of the European sites (SPA and SAC) raises considerations on the requirements of the Habitats Directive 1992 for these sites to be maintained or, where necessary, restored at a favourable conservation status (Article 3 (1)). Determination of the application should be undertaken with regard to the requirements of the Habitat and Species Regulations 20121, in particular Regulations 61 and 62; and legislative and policy considerations on the protection, conservation and enhancement of the interest features of the SSSI and Ramsar site. There is considerable documented information showing that urban development in the area around lowland heathland has an adverse effect on the quality of heathland interest features underlying the designation of the European sites, Ramsar site and SSSIs. Key references can be found at st/ourwork/heathlands/default.aspx In our view the proposal is not directly connected with, or necessary to, the management of the European sites. Owing to the proximity of the proposal to the European sites, Natural England is of the opinion that the additional residential development, in combination with other dwellings proposed near to the European sites, would be likely to have a significant effect on the heathland interest features of these sites in the context of Regulation 61. Before granting planning weeklywardlistrpt Page 46 Page 47 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: Date 02/12/2014 Portfield permission the competent authority should undertake an appropriate assessment of the implications of the development on the European sites in light of their conservation objectives. The conservation objectives are to maintain and, where not in favourable condition, to restore, the heathland and other habitat and species interest features. Whilst on its own the development may not adversely affect the integrity of the European sites, in combination with other dwellings proposed near to the European sites, the development without mitigation would be likely to contribute to a deterioration of the quality of lowland heathland and its interest features. Natural England notes the applicant‟s commitment to make an appropriate developer contribution towards the Dorset Heathlands Supplementary Planning Document (DH SPD), as a means to addressing an adverse effect on the integrity of the European site. The appellant will need to contribute towards this through a unilateral undertaking. It would be possible to mitigate the effects through the types of measures set out in the Dorset Heathlands SPD. The measures will be subject to monitoring and evaluation, and modification where necessary to ensure that as a whole they deliver effective mitigation across the European sites. On this basis Natural England considers that implementation of the SPD can allow the Competent Authorities in South East Dorset to conclude no adverse effect on the integrity of the European sites from the envisaged amount of housing development in the area between 400m and 5km from these sites in the period to the end of 20142. Natural England objects to this application proposal unless the applicant contributes to the mitigation set out in the SPD in accordance with the levels and procedures for this contribution. This advice on mitigation also applies in meeting legislative and policy considerations on the protection, conservation and enhancement of the heathland SSSIs and Ramsar site." weeklywardlistrpt Page 47 Page 48 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications Date 02/12/2014 WARD: Portfield Transport Development Management Rec 11/11/14 - The County Highway Authority has NO OBJECTION, subject to the same condition(s) previously recommended for planning application 8/13/0028 subject to the following potential issue being adequately addressed. It appears that whilst the layout of the access road to the first part of the site is broadly as previously proposed; the informal zebra crossing now appears to be further south in the public highway. Previous discussions indicated part of the public highway is to be stopped up and so this should not be a problem provided the crossing will not be in the public highway. It has been previously explained that there are two routes open to undertake this stopping up. As the stopping up is to implement a planning application the Town and Country Planning Act could be used. For this you will need to apply to the Secretary of State. Some guidance can be found at the following location with more advice available by contacting the National Transport Casework Team. weeklywardlistrpt Page 48 Page 49 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: Portfield Target Date: 8/14/0480 Full 18/12/2014 Logged Date: 29/Oct/2014 Location Land between 7-11 Beaulieu Road Proposal Erection of two x 3 bed semi-detached dwellings to include 2 parking spaces per dwelling Member Referral Date Applicant Mr J Duckett Agent: 9/12/14 Officer: Simon McCormack Architecture Kevin Chilvers Process DEL Recommendation To GRANT Latest Update Grant on receipt of UU and tree comments Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response Transport Development Management Rec 17/11/2014 - he County Highway Authority has NO OBJECTION, subject to the following condition(s): Before the development is commenced the first 5 metres of the access crossings, measured from the nearside edge of the carriageway, shall be laid out and constructed to a specification submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: In the interests of road safety. The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied or utilised until the parking indicated on the submitted details has been constructed. Thereafter, these areas shall be maintained, kept free from obstruction and available for the purposes specified. Reason: In the interests of road safety. Informative: The applicant is advised that notwithstanding this consent, Section 184 of the Highways Act 1980 requires the proper construction of vehicle crossings over kerbed footways, verges or other highway land. Before commencement of any works on the public highway, Dorset County Council‟s Dorset Highways should be consulted to agree on the detailed specification. Contact can be made by telephone to Dorset Direct (01305 221000), by email at, or in writing at Dorset Highways, Dorset County Council, County weeklywardlistrpt Page 49 Page 50 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: Date 02/12/2014 Portfield Hall, Dorchester, DT1 1XJ. weeklywardlistrpt Page 50 Page 51 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications Date 02/12/2014 WARD: Portfield Natural England weeklywardlistrpt Rec 13/11/14 - Issues concerning designated heathland sites The application site lies in the vicinity (within 5 km and beyond 400m) of heathlands that are notified as SSSIs for the special interest of their heathland habitats and associated plant and animal species. The SSSIs are part of the Dorset Heathlands Special Protection Area (SPA) on account of rare or vulnerable heathland bird species and are also part of a Ramsar site on account of rare or vulnerable heathland wetlands and associated rare wetland species. They are additionally part of the Dorset Heaths Special Area of Conservation (SAC) on account of rare or vulnerable heathland and associated habitats and some individual species. The proximity of the European sites (SPA and SAC) raises considerations on the requirements of the Habitats Directive 1992 for these sites to be maintained or, where necessary, restored at a favourable conservation status (Article 3 (1)). Determination of the application should be undertaken with regard to the requirements of the Habitat and Species Regulations 20101, in particular Regulations 61 and 62; and legislative and policy considerations on the protection, conservation and enhancement of the interest features of the SSSI and Ramsar site. There is considerable documented information showing that urban development in the area around lowland heathland has an adverse effect on the quality of heathland interest features underlying the 1 The Conservation of Habitats and Species (Amendment) Regulations 2012. These regulations consolidate the Conservation (Natural Habitats, & c.) Regulations 1994 and their amendments, and introduce some changes. Regulations 9(5), 61 and 62 referred to in this letter are unchanged from the previous Regulations. Page 2 of 3 designation of the European sites, Ramsar site and SSSIs. In our view the proposal is not directly connected with, or necessary to, the management of the European sites. Owing to the proximity of the proposal to the European sites, Natural England is of the opinion that the additional residential development, in combination with other dwellings proposed near to the European sites, would be likely to have a significant effect on the heathland interest features of these sites in the context of Regulation 61. Before granting planning permission the competent authority should Page 51 Page 52 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: Date 02/12/2014 Portfield undertake an appropriate assessment of the implications of the development on the European sites in light of their conservation objectives. The conservation objectives are to maintain and, where not in favourable condition, to restore, the heathland and other habitat and species interest features. Whilst on its own the development may not adversely affect the integrity of the European sites, in combination with other dwellings proposed near to the European sites, the development without mitigation would be likely to contribute to a deterioration of the quality of lowland heathland and its interest features. The application proposal does not include mitigation that would avoid or reduce an adverse effect on the integrity of the European sites. It would be possible to mitigate the effects through the types of measures set out in the Dorset Heathlands SPD. The measures will be subject to monitoring and evaluation, and modification where necessary to ensure that as a whole they deliver effective mitigation across the European sites. On this basis Natural England considers that implementation of the SPD can allow the Competent Authorities in South East Dorset to conclude no adverse effect on the integrity of the European sites from the envisaged amount of housing development in the area between 400m and 5km from these sites in the period to the end of 20142. Natural England objects to this application proposal unless the applicant contributes to the mitigation set out in the SPD in accordance with the levels and procedures for this contribution. This advice on mitigation also applies in meeting legislative and policy considerations on the protection, conservation and enhancement of the heathland SSSIs and Ramsar site. Issues concerning protected species We have not assessed the application and associated documents for impacts on protected species. Natural England has published Standing Advice on protected species. The Standing Advice includes a habitat decision tree which provides advice to planners on deciding if there is a „reasonable likelihood‟ of protected species being present. It also provides detailed advice on the protected species most often affected by development, including flow charts for individual species to enable an assessment to be made of a protected species survey and mitigation strategy. weeklywardlistrpt Page 52 Page 53 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: Date 02/12/2014 Portfield You should apply our Standing Advice to this application. If protected species or biodiversity interests are likely to be affected, or if the application exceeds 0.1 ha, then in line with the Dorset Planning Protocol Natural England recommends that this is achieved by requesting a Dorset County Council Natural Environment Team (DCC NET) approved Biodiversity Mitigation Plan (BMP). A standard format for a BMP is available on the Dorset For You website: The plan should include the biodiversity mitigation and enhancement measures that will be incorporated into the development. The DCC NET approved BMP should be received prior to determination, with any permission subject to a condition for implementation in full. Please note that provided the application is supported by a NET approved BMP then no further consultation with Natural England is required 2 This advice does not apply to every individual application. Further considerations for appropriate assessment can apply to „significant site applications‟, for example, proposals that are large in scale or would cause a loss to alternative greenspace in conflict with aims of the Framework. Page 3 of 3 As Standing Advice it is a material consideration in the determination of applications in the same way as any individual response received from Natural England following consultation. However, the Standing Advice should not be treated as giving any indication or providing any assurance in respect of European Protected Species (EPS) that the proposed development is unlikely to affect the EPS present on the site; nor should it be interpreted as meaning that Natural England has reached any views as to whether a licence may be granted. If you have any specific questions on aspects that are not covered by our Standing Advice for European Protected Species or have difficulty in applying it to this application please contact us at For any queries relating to the specific advice in this letter only please contact Chelsea Hayward on 0300 060 0841. For any new consultations, or to provide further information on this consultation please send your correspondences to weeklywardlistrpt Page 53 Page 54 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: Portfield Target Date: 8/14/0506 Full 05/12/2014 Logged Date: 21/Oct/2014 Location Unit 9 Christchurch Retail Park Proposal Increase glazed shop front area to front and install windows to west elevation Applicant Member Referral Date LondonMetric Saturn Ltd Agent: 11/11/14 Officer: Blue Sky Planning Ltd Kevin Chilvers Process DEL Recommendation To GRANT Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response weeklywardlistrpt Page 54 Page 55 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: Portfield Target Date: 8/14/0491 Full 04/12/2014 Logged Date: 20/Oct/2014 Location Land at Avon Trading Park Proposal Erection of 1x B1 (Office) and B8 (Storage and Distribution) unit Applicant Member Referral Date Mr J Beauchamp Agent: 18/11/2014 Benjamin & Beauchamp Architects Officer: Kim Bowditch Process DEL Recommendation To GRANT Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response Transport Development Management Rec 10/11/14 - The County Highway Authority has NO OBJECTION, subject to the following condition(s): The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied or utilised until the parking and turning indicated on the submitted details has been constructed. Thereafter, these areas shall be maintained, kept free from obstruction and available for the purposes specified. Reason: In the interests of road safety. weeklywardlistrpt Page 55 Page 56 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: Portfield Target Date: 8/14/0444 Full 06/11/2014 Logged Date: 17/Sep/2014 Location 164-174 Barrack Road (A&G Hand Car Wash) Proposal Erect canopy over rear car washing area and new boundary fence (AMENDED DESCRIPTION) Member Referral Date Applicant Mr Yanni Agent: 25/11/14 Officer: Flaxton Engineering Ltd Mr Steve Ansell Tim Furmidge Process DEL Recommendation To GRANT Latest Update Reconsult on amended plans Public Consultation 1 letter of objection Consultee Response weeklywardlistrpt Page 56 Page 57 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: Portfield Target Date: 8/14/0392 Full 10/10/2014 Logged Date: 20/Aug/2014 Location 80 Clarendon Road Proposal Erection of detached bungalow to rear with associated parking and access Member Referral Date Applicant Mrs A Heather O'Brien Agent: 30/09/14 Anders Roberts Cheer Ltd Officer: Kim Bowditch Process DEL Recommendation To GRANT Latest Update Awaiting confirmation of UU Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response Transport Development Management Rec 02/09/2014 - NO OBJECTION, subject to the following condition(s): The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied or utilised until the parking and turning indicated on the submitted details has been constructed. Thereafter, these areas shall be maintained, kept free from obstruction and available for the purposes specified. Reason: In the interests of road safety. Informative: The applicant is advised that notwithstanding this consent, Section 184 of the Highways Act 1980 requires the proper construction of vehicle crossings over kerbed footways, verges or other highway land. Before commencement of any works on the public highway, Dorset County Council‟s Dorset Highways should be consulted to agree on the detailed specification. weeklywardlistrpt Page 57 Page 58 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: Portfield 8/14/0329 CLOPD Target Date: 10/09/2014 Logged Date: 18/Jul/2014 Location 5 Hanover Close (Hanover House UK Ltd) Proposal Certificate of Lawfulness for a change of use from B8 to B1 Applicant Member Referral Date Ms L Mail Agent: 07/10/2014 Officer: Jo Cleaves Process DEL Recommendation To LAWFUL Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response Count of applications: weeklywardlistrpt 9 Page 58 Page 59 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: 8/14/0566 Full Purewell & Stanpit Target Date: 15/01/2015 Logged Date: 28/Nov/2014 Location 6 Ledbury Road (Adj to Stanpit and Fishermans Bank Conservation Area) Proposal Erection of single storey rear extension Applicant Member Referral Date Mr A Griffiths Agent: 23/12/14 Officer: Diana Mezzogori-Curran Process DJM Design DEL Recommendation To Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response Target Date: 8/14/0551 Full 08/01/2015 Logged Date: 26/Nov/2014 Location 8 Pauntley Road Proposal Roof alterations to include raising the ridge height and forming gable ends to front and rear. Erection of single storey extension to rear with pitched roof and gable end Applicant Member Referral Date Mr S Giltrap Agent: 23/12/2014 Officer: Ecclestone Design Richard Castro-Parker Process DEL Recommendation To Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response weeklywardlistrpt Page 59 Page 60 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: Purewell & Stanpit Target Date: 8/14/0569 CLOPD 08/01/2015 Logged Date: 21/Nov/2014 Location 2 Haven Close Applicant Proposal Certificate of Lawfulness for the part conversion of the garage to habitable accommodation Member Referral Date Mr & Mrs Forrest Agent: 16/12/14 Officer: Foxwood Designs Alison Underwood Process DEL Recommendation To Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response Target Date: 8/14/0538 Full 18/12/2014 Logged Date: 05/Nov/2014 Location 52 Minterne Road Proposal Erection of rear and side extension, re-model internal layout to include new roof and loft conversion Applicant Member Referral Date Mr C Irwin Agent: 2/12/14 Officer: Coast & Country Architecture - D Crain Melanie Smith Process DEL Recommendation To Latest Update Public Consultation 1 letter of objection Consultee Response weeklywardlistrpt Page 60 Page 61 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: 8/14/0508 Full Purewell & Stanpit Target Date: 05/12/2014 Logged Date: 21/Oct/2014 Location 48 Minterne Road Proposal Erection of rear extension, gabled roof extension, dormer and loft conversion Member Referral Date Applicant Mr & Mrs R McCoy Agent: 2/12/14 Officer: Foxwood Designs Melanie Smith Process DEL Recommendation To GRANT Latest Update Planning Application 8/14/0508 is hereby approved, in accordance with the approved drawings stamp dated received 10/10/14 and FRA stamp dated received 25/11/14, as it is the view of the Council that the development authorised by this permission satisfies the requirements of saved policy H12 of the Borough of Christchurch Local Plan (2001) and policies HE2, KS1 and ME6 of the Christchurch and East Dorset Local Plan (2014). The attached conditions are required in order to ensure the development, once commenced or constructed, continues to comply with the policies set out above. In accordance with paragraphs 186 and 187 of the NPPF Christchurch Borough Council (CBC) takes a positive and proactive approach to development proposals focused on solutions. CBC work with applicants/agents in a positive and proactive manner by; • offering a pre-application advice service, and • as appropriate updating applications/agents of any issues that may arise in the processing of their application and where possible suggesting solutions. This planning permission does not convey the right to enter land or to carry out works affecting or crossing the boundary with land, which is not within your control without the landowners consent. This is, however, a civil matter and this planning consent is granted without prejudice to this. This permission is granted under Town and Country Planning legislation and does not alter or impinge upon the rights of adjoining landowners under common law or under the Party Wall Act 1996. If any part of the development is physically attached to, or relies for support on, the neighbouring property the consent of the relevant landowners/occupiers will need to be obtained under the provisions of the Party Wall Act 1996. Please note that the bat/bird survey submitted is valid for a period of 12 months only. Should works to the property begin after this period the advice of the author of the report and/or Natural England should be obtained. Public Consultation 1 other letter Consultee Response Count of applications: weeklywardlistrpt 5 Page 61 Page 62 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: St Catherine's and Hurn Target Date: 8/14/0571 CondR 13/01/2015 Logged Date: 28/Nov/2014 Location 27 River Way Applicant Proposal Variation of condition 2 of application 8/13/0212 (allowed by appeal) to allow amended treatments and to increase the size of the single storey element to the rear Member Referral Date Agent: Mr Hounsell 23/12/2014 Officer: Trinity Architecture Limited - J Frampton Kevin Chilvers Process DEL Recommendation To Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response Target Date: 8/14/0560 Full 08/01/2015 Logged Date: 27/Nov/2014 Location 16 Bosley Way Proposal Enlargement and extension of roofspace for habitable accommodation with dormers to front and rear and erection of side and rear extension (following demolition of existing garage and conservatory) (Revised scheme following withdrawal of 8/14/0460) Applicant Member Referral Date Mr & Mrs Vanreenen Agent: 23/12/14 Officer: The Design Studio C Morris Tim Furmidge Process DEL Recommendation To Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response weeklywardlistrpt Page 62 Page 63 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: 8/14/0568 Full St Catherine's and Hurn Target Date: 08/01/2015 Logged Date: 24/Nov/2014 Location 114 River Way Applicant Proposal Erection of rear extension following demolition of garage (revised scheme following grant of 8/13/0575) Member Referral Date Mr & Mrs Taylor Agent: 16/12/2014 Officer: Richard Castro-Parker Process Rodway DEL Recommendation To Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response Target Date: 8/14/0534 Full 30/12/2014 Logged Date: 10/Nov/2014 Location 8 Durlston Crescent Proposal Erection of first floor roof extension to rear Applicant Member Referral Date Mr & Mrs Turner Agent: 02/12/21014 Officer: Foxwood Designs Alison Underwood Process DEL Recommendation To Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response weeklywardlistrpt Page 63 Page 64 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: 8/14/0535 Full St Catherine's and Hurn Target Date: 29/12/2014 Logged Date: 10/Nov/2014 Location 62a Hurn Way Applicant Proposal Erection of detached pitched roof garage Member Referral Date Mr C Palmer Agent: 02/12/2014 Officer: Richard Castro-Parker Process Street M DEL Recommendation To Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response Target Date: 8/14/0532 Full 25/12/2014 Logged Date: 10/Nov/2014 Location 12 Moors Close Proposal Single storey extensions to front and rear Applicant Member Referral Date Mrs S Bullus Agent: 02/12/2014 Colin R Fulton Architect Officer: Richard Castro-Parker Process DEL Recommendation To Latest Update Public Consultation 1 other letter Consultee Response weeklywardlistrpt Page 64 Page 65 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: 8/14/0512 Full St Catherine's and Hurn Target Date: 18/12/2014 Logged Date: 07/Nov/2014 Location 8 Dudmoor Farm Road Applicant Proposal Demolition of existing property and erection of new dwelling Member Referral Date Mr M Brandon Agent: 2/12/14 Officer: Kevin Chilvers Process Burns R DEL Recommendation To Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response Target Date: 8/14/0545 LA 24/11/2014 Logged Date: 04/Nov/2014 Location Chapel Lane Proposal Variation of Conditions 1 and 4 of planning permission 8/13/0403 to allow operation of road sweeping plant until 31 December 2015 and increase in annual throughput to 30,000 tonnes Applicant Member Referral Date Mr T Dampney Agent: 2/12/14 Officer: Alliance Planning Sarah Evans Kim Bowditch Process DEL Recommendation To NO OBJECTION Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response weeklywardlistrpt Page 65 Page 66 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: 8/14/0520 Full St Catherine's and Hurn Target Date: 19/01/2015 Logged Date: 28/Oct/2014 Location Hale Farm, Parley Green Lane (Adjacent to Rights of Way) Proposal Proposed development of a Solar Energy Farm and connection to the Local Distribution Network for the local generation of low carbon electricity. Applicant Member Referral Date Hale Solar Limited Agent: 25/11/14 Officer: Alliance Planning Kim Bowditch Process DEL Recommendation To Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response Transport Development Management Rec 10/11/14 -The County Highway Authority has NO OBJECTION, subject to the following condition(s): Before the development is commenced the first 50 metres of the access crossing, measured from the nearside edge of the carriageway, shall be laid out and constructed to a specification submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. East Midlands Airport Reason: In the interests of road safety. Rec 12/11/2014 - The development has been examined against the aerodrome safeguarding criteria and due to the location of the array calculations show that the development would cause unacceptable levels of solar glare to aircraft operating in and out of Bournemouth Airport. The effect on operations in pronounced and severe throughout the year, making aircraft operations unsafe if the development was to go ahead. As a result Bournemouth Airport objects to the proposal on the grounds of air safety. weeklywardlistrpt Page 66 Page 67 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications Date 02/12/2014 WARD: St Catherine's and Hurn Natural England Rec 26/11/2014 - Natural England does not consider that this application poses any likely or significant risk to those features of the natural environment1 for which we would otherwise provide a more detailed consultation response and so does not wish to make specific comment on the details of this consultation. The lack of case specific comment from Natural England should not be interpreted as a statement that there are no impacts on the natural environment. weeklywardlistrpt Page 67 Page 68 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications Date 02/12/2014 WARD: St Catherine's and Hurn Environment Agency Rec 12/11/2014 - Have no objection to the application but recommend the following informatives are included on any permission granted Surface Water Management Whilst we accept the principle that volumes of surface water will not be significantly increased by the development, there is the potential for drainage patterns and concentrations to be adversely impacted. For this reason, we have following advice with regards to surface water flows. You should also consult your local drainage engineer to establish if there are any further requirements. INFORMATIVE Measures to offer betterment on existing surface water rates and volumes to reduce flood risk elsewhere should be considered given the scale of the development. The installation of swales on the downstream boundaries of the sites would ensure that there is no change on drainage patterns from the development. These should be installed prior to construction to manage the risk of changes during these operations. Groundwater Protection / Pollution Prevention During Construction INFORMATIVE Safeguards should be implemented during the construction phase to minimise the risks of pollution from the development. Such safeguards should cover: - the use of plant and machinery - oils/chemicals and materials - the use and routing of heavy plant and vehicles - the location and form of work and storage areas and compounds - the control and removal of spoil and wastes All works must be undertaken in accordance with the Environment Agency's Pollution Prevention Guidelines which can be viewed at the following link: -prevention-guidance-ppg In the event of a pollution incident, the site operator must contact the Environment Agency immediately by calling 0800 80 70 60. Access Tracks Construction INFORMATIVE weeklywardlistrpt Page 68 Page 69 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: Date 02/12/2014 St Catherine's and Hurn Use of road planings (tarmac scalpings) for track construction requires a Use of Waste in Construction exemption (U1) under the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2010. It allows the use of suitable wastes for small scale construction but does not allow treatment of wastes to be carried out unless covered by a different exemption. For more guidance including permitted types of waste and tonnage please visit: weeklywardlistrpt Page 69 Page 70 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications Date 02/12/2014 WARD: St Catherine's and Hurn Hurn Parish Council Rec 19/11/2014 - object to the above application, for the following reasons: 1.It was noted that the suggested life of the solar farm would be 35 years (not the usual 25), and it was felt that the loss of green belt land for such a considerable period of time was inappropriate and unacceptable, especially as the proposed site is productive agricultural land. It will reduce the openness of the green belt between Hurn and Parley. 2.Hurn Parish already has the largest solar farm in the country along Chapel Lane, which was submitted in 3 separate applications. The Parish Council believe that sufficient green belt land has already been taken up and enclosed by those 3 solar farms in Hurn, and that should additional farms be granted in a different location, they would have a detrimental cumulative effect on the green open space in the Parish. Councillors felt that “enough is enough”. 3.The solar farm would detrimentally effect the open visual aspect of this green field and green belt site and surrounding area. 4.The Parish Council is aware of a proposal for a second solar farm close to Hale Farm, at Woodtown Farm in the Parish of West Parley, East Dorset (application No. 3/14/0956/FUL). It seems that Hurn Parish Council has not been consulted on this application, and Parley Parish Council has not been consulted on the Hale Farm application as it is in the Parish of Hurn, Christchurch. Together these proposals would have a detrimental cumulative visual effect on the area between Hurn and Parley. It is also the Parish Council‟s understanding that further applications may come forward for solar farms in the vicinity of Hale and Woodtown Farms. 5.The Parish Council is aware that one of the solar farms off Chapel Lane, which backs on to housing in Barrack Road, Parley, emits a constant “buzz” even at night when the panels are not operating. This is causing annoyance and distress to Parley residents. Whilst the operators of the site are investigating the cause, this has been continuing for many months, and the problem has not been resolved. Clearly solar farms can cause noise problems for residents as well as the loss of visual amenity, both of which would be unacceptable in weeklywardlistrpt Page 70 Page 71 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: St Catherine's and Hurn the Hale Farm location. Target Date: 8/14/0519 Full 10/12/2014 Logged Date: 28/Oct/2014 Location 23b Springfield Avenue Proposal Retrospective application for the retention of oak framed car port to existing garage Applicant Member Referral Date Mr P Capron Agent: 2/12/14 Officer: Alison Underwood Process DEL Recommendation To GRANT Latest Update Public Consultation 1 letter of support Consultee Response weeklywardlistrpt Page 71 Page 72 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: St Catherine's and Hurn Target Date: 8/14/0502 CondR 09/01/2015 Logged Date: 23/Oct/2014 Location Chapel Lane, Parley Proposal Variation of condition 2 of application 8/13/0332 to allow changes to the appearance/specification of plant equipment Applicant Member Referral Date ESS Solar Limited Agent: 9/12/14 Officer: Alliance Planning Kim Bowditch Process DEL Recommendation To GRANT Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response English Heritage Natural England weeklywardlistrpt Rec 13/11/14 -No comments. Rec 05/11/2014 - No objection- no conditions requested. Natural England is satisfied that the proposed development being carried out in strict accordance with the details of the application and complying with the remaining conditions attached to the original application (8/13/0332), as submitted, will not damage or destroy the interest features for which these sites have been notified. We therefore advise your authority that this SSSI does not represent a constraint in determining this application. Page 72 Page 73 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications Date 02/12/2014 WARD: St Catherine's and Hurn East Dorset District Council Rec 12/11/2014 -Please be advised that this Council has recently provided an EIA Screening request for a Solar Energy Farm at nearby Woodtown Farm (250m to the east of the Parley Lane site). The EIA Screening concluded that an EIA was not required although the applicant was advised to provide a landscape and visual assessment, to provide a nature conservation mitigation scheme, and an archaeological assessment. The applicant was further advised that due to the close proximity of the runway to Bournemouth Airport they might wish to liaise with the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) to ascertain whether the proposed development impacted on airline safety. A planning application (3/14/0956/FUL) for the Woodtown Farm site has recently been registered by this Council and you may wish to view the details to ascertain whether the cumulative effect of both developments was likely to cause harm. I will contact you in due course to request Christchurch Borough Council‟s formal view on this application. Hurn Parish Council Rec 14/11/14 - HPC discussed the application at their meeting on 10/11/14 and has no comment as insufficient information was supplied to make a judgement. There was no detail of what the condition is, or what difference there would be to the developmnet if the variation was granted. East Midlands Airport Rec 01/12/2014 - The proposed development has been examined from an aerodrome safeguarding aspect and does not conflict with safeguarding criteria. Accordingly, this department has no safeguarding objection to the proposal. Environment Agency Rec 14/11/14- No Objection. Bournemouth Borough Council Rec 30/10/2014 - Bournemouth BC previously responded to the original proposal. The same issues are likely to be relevant I do not wish to comment further. In the circumstances I do not intend to make a formal comment on the application and will rely on your authority's assessment of impact and the benefit of sustainable energy. weeklywardlistrpt Page 73 Page 74 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: 8/14/0517 Full St Catherine's and Hurn Target Date: 08/12/2014 Logged Date: 23/Oct/2014 Location 10 Old Barn Road Proposal Retrospective application for the erection of a 2 storey rear extension with an amended roof form (following approval of planning application 8/14/0137) Applicant Member Referral Date Mr AB Bowden Agent: 2/12/14 Officer: Jo Cleaves Process DEL Recommendation To GRANT Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response weeklywardlistrpt Page 74 Page 75 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: 8/14/0485 Full St Catherine's and Hurn Target Date: 09/12/2014 Logged Date: 22/Oct/2014 Location Parley Court Farm (Adjacent to a Public Right of Way) Proposal Installation of 7 shepherds huts to be used as accommodation Applicant Member Referral Date Mr T Dampney Agent: 2/12/14 Officer: Alliance Planning Kevin Chilvers Process DEL Recommendation To REFUSE Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response East Midlands Airport Hurn Parish Council Transport Development Management weeklywardlistrpt Rec 12/11/14 - The proposed development has been examined from an aerodrome safeguarding aspect and does not conflict with safeguarding criteria. Accordingly, this department has no safeguarding objection to the proposal. Rec 14/11/14 - No objectiion subject to the following conditions being attached to any grant of permission: 1. The huts are only to be used in association with the existing wedding business. They must not be a stand-alone business. 2. The huts will only be used for a few nights at a time. They must be unoccupied for a certain number of nights per year to be specified by CBC. 3. If the existing wedding business ceases to trade the huts must be removed. If the above conditions are not attached to any grant, then the Parish Council would object to the application. Their concern is that at a future date the huts could be used for accommodation purposes not associated with the wedding business. Rec 31/10/2014 - No objection to the proposal. Page 75 Page 76 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: 8/14/0515 LA St Catherine's and Hurn Target Date: 10/11/2014 Logged Date: 22/Oct/2014 Location Chapel Lane, Parley Proposal Proposed reconfiguration of existing and consented development; introduction of new plant and processes; increase in permitted throughput; partial widening of access road; partial realignment of Bridleway E62/29; new landscaping and associated matters Applicant Member Referral Date Mr T Dampney Agent: 18/11/14 Officer: Alliance Planning Kim Bowditch Process DEL Recommendation To NO OBJECTION Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response weeklywardlistrpt Page 76 Page 77 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: 8/14/0465 Full St Catherine's and Hurn Target Date: 03/12/2014 Logged Date: 17/Oct/2014 Location 2 The Grove (The Crooked Beam Restaurant) Proposal Change of use from A3 (Restaurant and Cafe) to C3 (Residential) to form 2 flats at ground floor (Revised scheme following refusal of 8/14/0152) Member Referral Date Applicant Mr Simon Hallam Agent: 18/11/2014 Officer: Aspire Architects LLP - M Stevens Kim Bowditch Process DEL Recommendation To GRANT Latest Update Subject to UU for Heathlands and affordable. Public Consultation 1 letter of objection 1 other letter Consultee Response Transport Development Management Rec 07/11/2014 - NO OBJECTION, subject to the following condition(s): The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied or utilised until the parking indicated on the submitted details has been constructed. Thereafter, these areas shall be maintained, kept free from obstruction and available for the purposes specified. The existing highway vehicular crossings shall be expunged and reinstated as raised footway with full face kerb within 2 months of the new access being brought into use. Reason: In the interests of road safety. weeklywardlistrpt Page 77 Page 78 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: 8/14/0487 Full St Catherine's and Hurn Target Date: 01/12/2014 Location Bostwick Farm Matchams Lane Proposal Retention of storage containers Logged Date: 16/Oct/2014 Applicant Member Referral Date Mr D Smith Agent: 25/11/14 Sheerin Bettle Architecture - J Green Officer: Kevin Chilvers Process DEL Recommendation To GRANT Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response Hurn Parish Council Rec 14/11/14 - HPC discussed the application at their meeting on 10/11/14 and resolved to object. They considered that the development is not appropriate in the green belt and no special circumstances have been provided. Paragraph 87 of the National Planning Policy Framework states "inappropriate development is, by definition, harmful to the green belt and should not be approved except in very special circumstances". Comment was made that need for these units had not been demonstrated, as there are local business areas, for instance the airport business park, that are not in the green belt that are specifically designated as appropriate for this type of development. The site is bounded by two holiday parks and a residential house, and the immediate local area has several other tourist sites. The Parish Council supports tourism in this area and considers commercial development to be inappropriate in this context. weeklywardlistrpt Page 78 Page 79 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: 8/14/0476 Full St Catherine's and Hurn Target Date: 01/12/2014 Logged Date: 10/Oct/2014 Location Land to the rear of 12 Dudmoor Farm Road Proposal Change of use from residential outbuildings (sheds) to dog grooming facility Applicant Member Referral Date Miss S Rutter Agent: 25/11/14 Officer: Aspire Architects LLP - M Stevens Kevin Chilvers Process DEL Recommendation To GRANT Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response Target Date: 8/14/0498 Full 28/11/2014 Logged Date: 09/Oct/2014 Location Existing mast site St Catherines Hill Proposal Installation of 2no. dipole antennas, a 1.8m diameter satellite dish and development ancillary thereto including 2no. GPS antennas. (Re-submission of scheme withdrawn under Application 8/14/0435) Applicant Member Referral Date Arqiva Ltd Agent: 4/11/14 Officer: Waldon Telecom Ltd Kevin Chilvers Process COM Recommendation To GRANT Latest Update Public Consultation 1 letter of support Consultee Response Natural England Hurn Parish Council weeklywardlistrpt Rec 27/10/2014 - No objection - no conditions requested. Rec 15/10/2014 - No objection. Page 79 Page 80 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: 8/14/0458 Full St Catherine's and Hurn Target Date: 25/11/2014 Logged Date: 07/Oct/2014 Location Iford Golf Centre Riverside Avenue Proposal Create Adventure Golf facility on existing Putting Green and revision of existing car parking area Applicant Member Referral Date Playgolf Management Ltd Agent: 4/11/14 Officer: ADP Ltd - S Belcham Kim Bowditch Process COM Recommendation To Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response Environment Agency Rec 19/11/2014 - No objection to the proposed development subject to the following conditions and informatives being included in any planning permission granted. Flood Risk There must be no raising of ground levels above existing level in the floodplain of the River Stour, which is considered to be land below 4.4mAOD. This should be demonstrated by predevelopment and post development surveys. We would also recommend that you liaise with the Local Authority Technical Services / Drainage Engineers to establish if there are any other sources of flooding / historic flooding in this area or any impacts on the local watercourse. CONDITION: There shall be no raising of ground levels above existing ground level in the floodplain of the River Stour. The design flood level is considered in this location to be land 4.4mAOD. Hurn Parish Council weeklywardlistrpt REASON: To prevent a loss of floodplain and increase in flood risk. Rec 20/10/2014 - No objection. Page 80 Page 81 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: St Catherine's and Hurn Target Date: 8/14/0436 CLEUD 11/11/2014 Logged Date: 18/Sep/2014 Location Longcroft Barrack Road Proposal Certificate of lawfulness for the erection and retention of a steel clad dwelling Applicant Member Referral Date Mr P Dick Agent: 14/10/2014 Officer: HLF Planning - D Bevan Kim Bowditch Process DEL Recommendation To Latest Update Public Consultation 1 letter of support Consultee Response weeklywardlistrpt Page 81 Page 82 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: 8/14/0412 Full St Catherine's and Hurn Target Date: Location Proposal 17/11/2014 Logged Date: 28/Aug/2014 Chapel Lane, Parley - Adjacent to Eco Sustainable Solutions Ltd (adjacent to a Right of Way) Extension of solar energy farm to cover an area of 7.2 hectares of land between existing Phase 1 and Phase 2 solar farms and connection to the local distribution network Member Referral Date Applicant Mr T Dampney Agent: 07/10/2014 Officer: Alliance Planning Kim Bowditch Process DEL Recommendation To GRANT Latest Update Extension of time 20/12/14 Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response Bournemouth Borough Council West Parley Parish Council Dorset Wildlife Trust Rec 10/09/2014 - Previous comments still relevant, do not wish to comment further Rec 18/09/2014 - no objection to the current application as it is infill within the existing Phase 1 and 2 developments. Rec 20/10/2014 - We have an interest in this proposal due to its potential impacts on the East Parley Common SNCI SU00/100 which has been identified as of importance for its areas of dry and wet heath and remnant mire, supporting 11 Dorset Notable Species. We support the comments made by Natural England in their letter of 15 October. We recommend that the Council defers decision until the further information requested by Natural England is submitted by the applicant. Additionally we have concerns that this development could negatively affect the SNCI . The proposed locations of the solar panels between the 2 SNCI compartments and between one of the compartments and the designated site (Parley Common SSSI, SPA, SAC, Ramsar) will further isolate the SNCI habitats and likely affect movement of species between sites, especially as the survey carried out by the developer indicates good connecting habitat within the area proposed for solar panels as shown on Figure 2 Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey Map of the preliminary Ecological Appraisal. weeklywardlistrpt Page 82 Page 83 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications Date 02/12/2014 WARD: St Catherine's and Hurn East Midlands Airport Rec 01/10/2014 - The proposed development has been examined from an aerodrome safeguarding aspect and does not conflict with safeguarding criteria. Accordingly, this department has no safeguarding objection to the proposal. Natural England Rec 17/10/2014 - OBJECTION – further information required. The applicant has not provided sufficient information to allow Natural England to advise your authority that the development will not harm species which are protected under the Habitats Regulations 2010 in particular smooth snakes and sand lizards . These species and their foraging and resting places are strictly protected under the Habitats Regulations. They are known from the adjacent Parley Common SSSI and are typical species for the SAC. Given the proximity of similar habitats in the SNCIs and rough grassland habitat in the development area a reptile survey is required to determine the value of the development area for the European Protected Species (EPS) from both a protected species but also a European designated site perspective. The habitat is also a potentially important foraging area for SPA birds such as woodlark, no survey information is available. weeklywardlistrpt Page 83 Page 84 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications Date 02/12/2014 WARD: St Catherine's and Hurn Environment Agency Rec 17/09/2014 - no objection to the application but we recommend the following informatives are included on any permission granted Surface Water Management Whilst we accept the principle that volumes of surface water will not be significantly increased by the development, there is the potential for drainage patterns and concentrations to be adversely impacted. For this reason, we have following advice with regards to surface water flows. You should also consult your local drainage engineer to establish if there are any further requirements. INFORMATIVE Measures to offer betterment on existing surface water rates and volumes to reduce flood risk elsewhere should be included given the scale of the development. The installation of swales on the downstream boundaries of the sites would ensure that there is no change on drainage patterns from the development. These should be installed prior to construction to manage the risk of changes during these operations. Land Drainage Consent INFORMATIVE If any work obstruct the flow of a watercourse (permanently or temporarily, including culverting) you will require prior Land Drainage Consent from Dorset County Council as the Lead Local Flood Authority. You are advised to contact the Flood Risk Management team at Dorset County Council to discuss requirements. Pollution Prevention During Construction INFORMATIVE Safeguards should be implemented during the construction phase to minimise the risks of pollution from the development. Such safeguards should cover: - the use of plant and machinery - oils/chemicals and materials - the use and routing of heavy plant and vehicles - the location and form of work and storage areas and compounds - the control and removal of spoil and wastes All works must be undertaken in accordance with the Environment Agency's Pollution Prevention Guidelines Access Tracks Construction weeklywardlistrpt Page 84 Page 85 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: St Catherine's and Hurn INFORMATIVE Use of road planings (tarmac scalpings) for track construction requires a Use of Waste in Construction exemption (U1) under the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2010. It allows the use of suitable wastes for small scale construction but does not allow treatment of wastes to be carried out unless covered by a different exemption. Hurn Parish Council Rec 15/09/2014 - No objections Target Date: 8/14/0362 CLEUD 15/09/2014 Logged Date: 24/Jul/2014 Location The Stables Dudmoor Farm Road Proposal Certificate of lawfulness for the change of use of the existing stable as a residential dwelling Applicant Member Referral Date Mr N Robinson Agent: 19/8/14 Officer: Kim Bowditch Process DEL Recommendation To NOT LAWFUL Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response weeklywardlistrpt Page 85 Page 86 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: 8/14/0327 Full St Catherine's and Hurn Target Date: Location Proposal 01/09/2014 Logged Date: 14/Jul/2014 The Office Parley Court Farm Parley Green Lane (Within curtilage of a Grade II Listed Building) Roof, window and door replacement, external refurbishment works, internal alterations to existing building situated within curtilage of a Grade II Listed Building. Change of use of 1st floor from C3 (Residential) to B1 (Office). Demolition of existing conservatory Member Referral Date Applicant Mr T Dampney Agent: 05/08/2014 P H Warr plc Officer: Melanie Smith Process DEL Recommendation To GRANT Latest Update Awaiting confirmation of UU re transport constributions Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response Transport Development Management Hurn Parish Council weeklywardlistrpt Rec 30/07/2014 - No objection to the proposal. Rec 18/08/2014 - No objection Page 86 Page 87 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: 8/14/0264 Full St Catherine's and Hurn Target Date: 16/07/2014 Logged Date: 04/Jun/2014 Location 12 (Stable Cottage) & 13 Dudmoor Farm Road Proposal Change of use of exsiting dwelling (C3) to Offices (B1). Change of use of existing office (B1) to a dwelling (C3) Member Referral Date Applicant Miss S Rutter Agent: 1/7/14 Officer: Aspire Architects LLP - M Stevens Kevin Chilvers Process DEL Recommendation To GRANT Latest Update Subject to consideration of implications of adjacent residential appeal decision - awaiting completion of Section 106 Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response Transport Development Management Rec 10/06/2014 - NO OBJECTION to the proposal but it should be noted that Dudmoor Farm Road is a private street and not public highway maintainable at public expense and that the red line boundary doesn‟t extend to the public highway. The applicant should be advised that the Advance Payments Code under Sections 219-225 of the Highways Act 1980 may apply in this instance. The Code secures payment towards the future making-up of a private street prior to the commencement of any building works associated with residential, commercial and industrial development. The intention of the Code is to reduce the liability of potential road charges on any future purchasers which may arise if the private street is not made-up to a suitable standard and adopted as publicly maintained highway. Further information is available from Dorset County Council‟s Developer-Led Infrastructure team. They can be reached by telephone at 01305 225401, by email at, or in writing at Developer-Led Infrastructure, Dorset County Council, County Hall, Dorchester, DT1 1XJ. To fight fires effectively the Fire and Rescue Service needs to be able to manoeuvre its equipment and appliances to within a specified distance of any premises. The applicant should be advised to consult with Building Control and Dorset Fire and Rescue Service to ensure that Fire Safety - Approved Document B of The Building Regulations 2000 - can be fully complied with as weeklywardlistrpt Page 87 Page 88 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: St Catherine's and Hurn this may be an issue. Target Date: 8/14/0122 Full 19/06/2014 Logged Date: 09/May/2014 Location Hurn View House 5 Aviation Park West Proposal Re-site Bio-Treatment plant to new land and place portable building at the end of the site nearest 'Meggitts' Extend car park up to the portable building and fence boundary Member Referral Date Applicant Mrs T Moss 03/06/2014 Agent: Officer: Jo Cleaves Process DEL Recommendation To GRANT Latest Update Awaiting further information from Applicant Awaiting legal Public Consultation 1 other letter Consultee Response Environment Agency Hurn Parish Council weeklywardlistrpt Rec 23/05/2014 - No objection to the development , but recommend the following informatives. We can also offer the following advice regarding flood risk. Foul Drainage The National Planning Policy Framework Planning Practice Guidance states that when drawing up wastewater treatment proposals for any development, the first presumption is to provide a system of foul drainage discharging into a public sewer to be treated at a public sewage treatment works (those provided and operated by the water and sewerage companies). This should be done in consultation with the sewerage company of the area. Where a connection to a public foul sewer is not feasible (in terms of cost and/or practicality) a package sewage treatment plant can be considered. The package sewage treatment plant should offer treatment so that the final discharge from it meets the standards set by the required Environment Agency Environmental Permit A proposal for a package sewage treatment plant and infrastructure should set out clearly the responsibility and means of operation and management to ensure that the permit is not likely to be infringed in the life of the plant. Rec 19/05/2014 - No comments Page 88 Page 89 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: St Catherine's and Hurn Target Date: 8/06/0372 Renew 20/10/2010 Logged Date: 22/Jun/2006 Location Bournemouth Sports Club, Chapel Gate Proposal Renewal of planning permission 8/01/0462 for outline planning permission for the erection of 2 indoor sports buildings and extension of the main clubhouse building and associated car parking areas Member Referral Date Applicant Bournemouth Sports Club Agent: 26/7/06 Miller. Martin Officer: Giles Moir Process COM Recommendation To GRANT Latest Update Additional information received 25th August 2010 - Flood Risk Assessment Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response East Midlands Airport Hurn Parish Council weeklywardlistrpt Rec 30/6/06 - Request for further info. Rec 13/07/2006 - No objection but would like to make the following conditions, external lighting must be flat glass, full cut off design with horizontal mountings and ensures there is no light spill. No building shall be constructed higher than neighbouring builidngs. Any construction work must comply with Safeguarding of Aerodromes Advice Note 4, Cranes and Other Construction Issues, whereby if a crane is required the airport must be notified prior to work commencing. All landscaping must comply withAdvice Note 3, Potential Bird Hazards from Amenity Landscaping and Building Control. Rec 23/9/2010 - we have no objections to the proposed renewal provding the following condtions from the previous consent are replicated on any new consent. Rec 13/07/2006 - No Objection Page 89 Page 90 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications Date 02/12/2014 WARD: St Catherine's and Hurn Environment Agency Rec13/07/2006 - Object as there is no Flood Risk Assessment. Rec 4/8/06 - Remove objection following receipt of letter from Mr M Miller. Considered that confirmation that ' all surface water from the proposed development will be discharged to soakaways' constitutes a basic flood risk assessment. Further comments re. Land drainage consent & that any culverting of watercourse requires the prior written approval of the EA. Natural England Transport Development Management East Dorset District Council Sport England Count of applications: weeklywardlistrpt Rec 23/9/200 - we have no objection to the proposed development subject to the following condtions and informatives being included in any planning permission granted. Rec 20/09/2010 - No Comments Rec 18/07/2006 - No Objection Rec 6/7/06 - EDDC surprised that scheme received PP in first place & wishes to object to the renewal on the grounds that it would be inappropriate development in the green belt & would conflict with the openess of the Green Belt and the purpose of including land in it. Rec 6/7/06 - Supported the original application (8/01/0462) & wishes to support the renewal. 26 Page 90 Page 91 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: 8/14/0576 Full Town Centre Target Date: 15/01/2015 Location 1 Kingfishers 15 Willow Way Proposal Extension to existing balcony Logged Date: 01/Dec/2014 Applicant Member Referral Date Mr Bates Agent: 23/12/2014 Officer: Richard Castro-Parker Process Richards B DEL Recommendation To Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response Target Date: 8/14/0541 Full 06/01/2015 Logged Date: 21/Nov/2014 Location 2 Gleadowe Avenue Proposal Erection of double garage to rear of property Applicant Member Referral Date Mr P Buckle Agent: 16/12/14 Officer: Diana Mezzogori-Curran Process DEL Recommendation To Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response weeklywardlistrpt Page 91 Page 92 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: Town Centre Target Date: 8/14/0554 CondR Location Proposal 16/02/2015 Logged Date: 19/Nov/2014 Land rear of 43 High Street (Christchurch Central Conservation Area & Adjacent to Grade II Listed Building) Variation of Condition 2 to enable the approved A1 shop to be used as an A3 Restaurant/Cafe and the approved A3 Restaurant/Cafe as an A1 shop Applicant Member Referral Date Renaissance Retirement Ltd Agent: 16/12/14 Tanner & Tilley Officer: Kim Bowditch Process DEL Recommendation To Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response English Heritage Transport Development Management weeklywardlistrpt Rec 27/11/2014 - Our specialist staff have considered the information received and we do not wish to offer any comments on this occasion. Recommendation: The application(s) should be determined in accordance with national and local policy guidance, and on the basis of your specialist conservation advice. Rec 21/11/2014 - No objection to the proposal. Page 92 Page 93 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: Town Centre Target Date: 8/14/0558 CondR Location Proposal 01/01/2015 Logged Date: 17/Nov/2014 The Priory Vicarage 13a Church Street (within Christchurch Central Conservation Area, Grade II Listed Building and affecting setting Variation of Listed condition 3 of application of Grade II* Building and setting of 8/11/0524 to allow occupation of the house by Priory) tenants Applicant Member Referral Date Mr R Hawkins Agent: 09/12/2014 Officer: Melanie Smith Process DEL Recommendation To Latest Update Public Consultation 1 letter of objection 1 letter of support Consultee Response English Heritage Rec 01/12/2014 - Our specialist staff have considered the information received and we do not wish to offer any comments on this occasion. Recommendation: The application(s) should be determined in accordance with national and local policy guidance, and on the basis of your specialist conservation advice. weeklywardlistrpt Page 93 Page 94 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: 8/14/0509 Full Town Centre Target Date: 15/12/2014 Logged Date: 23/Oct/2014 Location Twynham School, Sopers Lane Applicant Proposal Erection of 2 storey block of 6 classrooms Member Referral Date Twynham School Agent: 9/12/14 Officer: Alison Underwood Process Dorset County Council - Peter Moore DEL Recommendation To GRANT Latest Update Public Consultation 1 other letter Consultee Response Environment Agency Rec 14/11/14 - No objection. These are ancillary buildings to the main use and falls within the scope of our Local Flood Risk Standing Advice. Therefore, please refer to this advice for determining this application. Target Date: 8/14/0504 Ad 04/12/2014 Logged Date: 20/Oct/2014 Location 22 Saxon Square (Robert Dyas Ltd) (within Christchurch Central Conservation Area) Proposal Replacement of 1x illuminated fascia Applicant Member Referral Date Robert Dyas Ltd Agent: 18/11/2014 Officer: Zillwoods Limited Melanie Smith Process COM Recommendation To GRANT Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response weeklywardlistrpt Page 94 Page 95 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: 8/14/0352 Ad Town Centre Target Date: 06/10/2014 Logged Date: 12/Aug/2014 Location Saxon Square Shopping Centre (Christchurch Central Conservation Area) Proposal Installation of 3 x internally illuminated direction signs, 4 x halo illuminated fascia signs and 29 non-illuminated projecting signs (amended description). Applicant Member Referral Date Mr B Taylor Agent: 2/9/14 DDA Display - J Laverack Officer: Melanie Smith Process COM Recommendation To GRANT Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response Conservation Officer CBC Transport Development Management weeklywardlistrpt Rec 18/08/2014 - Whilst some of the elements (the Projecting and Directory Signs) are acceptable subject to detail changes and Condition, Signs A – D are entirely inappropriate and would merely add to the existing visually and materially inappropriate signage, contrary to the aims and aspirations of the Council, as outlined in their published Conservation Area Appraisal and Shopfronts and Advertising Design Guide. With this major shortcoming in mind, the proposals as here presented cannot be supported from a Conservation Standpoint and I would therefore recommend that they be rejected. Rec 24/11/2014 - I consider the signage will not pose any highway safety issues. Page 95 Page 96 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: 8/14/0285 Full Town Centre Target Date: 30/07/2014 Logged Date: 10/Jun/2014 Location Christchurch Sailing Club The Quay (Christchurch Central Conservation Area) Proposal Erection of single storey first floor extension to rear (SE elevation) Member Referral Date Applicant Mr R Cobelli Agent: 1/7/14 Officer: Aspire Architects LLP - M Stevens Richard Castro-Parker Process COM Recommendation To GRANT Latest Update Planning Application 8/14/0078 is hereby approved, in accordance with plan numbers ASP.13.057.001 revision C, ASP.13.057.009 received on 22nd May 2014 and ASP.13.057.006 revision B, ASP.13.057.007 revision B, ASP.13.057.008 revision B received on 7th August 2014 unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority as it is the view of the Council that the development authorised by this permission satisfies the requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework and Policies BE4, BE16, ENV7, ENV8 of the Borough of Christchurch Local Plan (2001) and KS3 and KS12 of the Christchurch and East Dorset Local Plan Core Strategy (2014). The attached conditions are required in order to ensure the development, once commenced or constructed, continues to comply with the policies set out above. In accordance with paragraphs 186 and 187 of the NPPF Christchurch Borough Council (CBC) takes a positive and proactive approach to development proposals focused on solutions. CBC work with applicants/agents in a positive and proactive manner by; • offering a pre-application advice service, and • as appropriate updating applications/agents of any issues that may arise in the processing of their application and where possible suggesting solutions. • The applicant was provided the opportunity to submit address issues which were found to be acceptable and permission was granted. • was provided with pre-application advice, • the application was dealt with/approved without delay. Public Consultation 27 letters of objection 1 letter of support Consultee Response weeklywardlistrpt Page 96 Page 97 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: 8/14/0251 Full Town Centre Target Date: 11/07/2014 Logged Date: 02/Jun/2014 Location Rear of 1-3 High Street (Town Centre Conservation Area) Proposal Erection of 2½ storey building comprising 4x2 bed and 5x1 bed maisonettes (9 in total) and 227m² of commercial floor space (A1 Retail, A2 Financial and Professional, B1 Offices & D2 Assembley & Leisure) with associated parking and access from Sopers Lane Member Referral Date Applicant Mr A Brown Agent: 30/09/2014 Officer: Ellis and Partners D Rainback Kim Bowditch Process COM Recommendation To GRANT Latest Update Archaeological investigations required - extension of time requested. Public Consultation 4 letters of objection Consultee Response Planning Policy Team Leader CBC Rec 23/10/2014 - My comments in relation to this application are restricted to the following issues: • Mix of Uses • Contributions • Affordable Housing Commercial Uses: The application site is located to the rear of the High Street and the Primary Shopping Frontage identified in Policy CH3 of the Core Strategy but within the Primary Shopping Area. The proposal for 237sqm of A1 retail floorspace is appropriate in this location at ground floor level, providing a continuation of an active retail frontage from the High Street and contributing to retail floorspace requirements identified in Policy KS8. Residential Units: The principle of residential development in this location above ground floor level is accepted and will make a contribution to housing requirements identified in Policy KS4 of the Core Strategy and the Town Centre Vision set out in Core Strategy Policy CH1. The Bournemouth and Poole Strategic Housing Market Assessment (2011) identifies local housing need and assesses future housing need by tenure and size. In terms of market housing greatest demand is for 2 and 3 bed dwellings in Christchurch with very limited demand for 1 bedroom dwellings for market housing. In terms of affordable housing, greatest demand is for weeklywardlistrpt Page 97 Page 98 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: Date 02/12/2014 Town Centre 1 and 2 bed dwellings, however no affordable housing is proposed as part of this scheme. Affordable Housing Provision: Detailed pre application advice has been provided by the Christchurch development management team on this proposal prior to adoption of the Core Strategy and prior to the 14th March when guidance was issued regarding the status of the Core Strategy in decision making. In this respect, pre application advice has been provided in accordance with Policy H8 of the 2001 Christchurch Local Plan. Policy H8 required affordable housing on sites of 15 or more dwellings or on residential sites of 1 hectare or more. As such the Council has not requested an affordable housing contribution for 9 dwellings. Contributions: This development is liable to make a payment in accordance with the adopted Dorset Heathlands Planning Framework to mitigate increased recreational pressure on the Dorset Heaths. Natural England weeklywardlistrpt The proposal is also liable to make a contribution under the South East Dorset Transport Contributions Scheme. I understand that Dorset County Council have advised on uplift in trip generation from the proposal and have concluded that the proposal would result in a decrease in trips and no contribution is required. Rec 11/06/2014 - Natural England objects to this application proposal unless the applicant contributes to the mitigation set out in the SPD in accordance with the levels and procedures for this contribution. This advice on mitigation also applies in meeting legislative and policy considerations on the protection, conservation and enhancement of the heathland SSSIs and Ramsar site. Page 98 Page 99 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: Date 02/12/2014 Town Centre Wessex Water weeklywardlistrpt Rec 10/06/2014 - Wessex Water can advise the following comments in response to your consultation letter. Water Supply and Waste Connections Please note that Semcorp Bournemouth Water is responsible for Water Supply in this area. Waste water connections will be required from Wessex Water to serve this proposed development. Application forms and guidance information is available from the Developer Services web-pages at our website Please note that DEFRA intend to implement new regulations that will require the adoption of all new private sewers. All connections subject to these new regulations will require a signed adoption agreement with Wessex Water before any drainage works commence. Further information can be obtained from our New Connections Team by telephoning 01225 526333 for Waste Water. Protection of Existing Assets A public rising main is shown on record plans within the land identified for the proposed development. It appears that development proposals may affect existing infrastructure. It is recommended that the applicant contacts Wessex Water Sewer Protection Team for further advice on this matter. Building over existing infrastructure will not be permitted (without agreement) from Wessex Water under Building Regulations. Building Near to a Public Sewer/Rising Main No building will be permitted within the statutory easement width of 3 metres from the pipeline without agreement from Wessex Water. Please telephone our Sewer Protection Team to discuss further 01225 526333. Sprinklers Non domestic supplies required for firefighting or commercial use will require assessment with networks modelling subject to design requirements. We will normally recommend the use of storage tanks where network capacity is not available or where off site reinforcement is necessary to provide the stated demand. Page 99 Page 100 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications Date 02/12/2014 WARD: Town Centre Transport Development Management DCC Archaeologist Rec 23/06/2014 - NO OBJECTION, subject to the following condition(s): The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied or utilised until the cycle parking indicated on the submitted details have been constructed. Thereafter, these shall be maintained, kept free from obstruction and available for the purposes specified. Reason: In the interests of road safety. Rec 30/06/2014 - The site of the proposed development lies within the historic core of Christchurch. Known archaeological remains in the vicinity include, to the south-west, Scheduled Monument 1002371 ('Site of Town Walls in, and E of, Druitt Gardens') which covers part of the town's Saxon defences and, to the east and north, the Saxon remains recorded in Saxon Square and the early Saxon cemetery recorded on the supermarket site across Fountain Way. Hence, it is likely that the proposed development would affect archaeological remains, and so I advise that Christchurch Borough Council should request the applicant to carry out an archaeological evaluation of the proposed development, before determination, in order for an informed planning decision to be made. It would also be appropriate for the applicant to assess the impact of the proposed development on the setting of the nearby Scheduled Monument. Count of applications: weeklywardlistrpt 9 Page 100 Page 101 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: 8/14/0521 Ad West Highcliffe Target Date: 09/01/2015 Logged Date: 27/Nov/2014 Location 104 Saffron Drive (Hoburne Dental Practice) Proposal Installation of non illuminated fascia sign and non illuminated post mounted sign Applicant Member Referral Date Mr P Willy 23/12/14 Officer: Agent: Melanie Smith Process DEL Recommendation To Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response Target Date: 8/14/0563 CLOPD 05/01/2015 Logged Date: 24/Nov/2014 Location 79 Smgglers Lane North Proposal Certificate of Lawfulness for the erection of roof extensions to form 2 side gables. Erection of rear dormer and roof link to existing side garage Applicant Member Referral Date Mr S Phillips Agent: 16/12/2014 Officer: Diana Mezzogori-Curran Process DEL Recommendation To Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response weeklywardlistrpt Page 101 Page 102 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: 8/14/0493 Full West Highcliffe Target Date: 05/01/2015 Logged Date: 11/Nov/2014 Location 3 Clive Road Proposal Extend and convert existing garage to form habitable accommodation Applicant Member Referral Date Mr & Mrs Coombs Agent: 2/12/14 Officer: Structural Consultancy Services - B Morton Diana Mezzogori-Curran Process DEL Recommendation To Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response weeklywardlistrpt Page 102 Page 103 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: 8/14/0513 Full West Highcliffe Target Date: 22/12/2014 Logged Date: 06/Nov/2014 Location 47 Smugglers Lane North Proposal Sever land and erect 1 x 4 bed chalet bungalow with garage following demolition of existing garage Applicant Member Referral Date AJ Housing Ltd Agent: 2/12/14 Officer: Anders Roberts & Assoc Kevin Chilvers Process DEL Recommendation To Latest Update Public Consultation 3 letters of objection Consultee Response Natural England Transport Development Management Rec 25/11/2014 - Objects to this application proposal unless the applicant contributes to the mitigation set out in the SPD in accordance with the levels and procedures for this contribution. Rec 27/11/2014 - NO OBJECTION, subject to the following condition(s): The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied or utilised until the access, parking and turning indicated on the submitted details has been constructed. Thereafter, these areas shall be maintained, kept free from obstruction and available for the purposes specified. Reason: In the interests of road safety. weeklywardlistrpt Page 103 Page 104 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: 8/14/0537 Full West Highcliffe Target Date: 17/12/2014 Location 9 Buckland Grove Proposal Erection of conservatory to rear Logged Date: 31/Oct/2014 Member Referral Date Applicant Mr & Mrs JJ Swaine Agent: 2/12/14 Officer: Diana Mezzogori-Curran Process Ernest Hague DEL Recommendation To GRANT Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response Target Date: 8/14/0467 Full 16/12/2014 Logged Date: 24/Oct/2014 Location 18 Primrose Way Proposal Erection of single storey rear extension and formation of first storey extension over existing garage Member Referral Date Applicant Mr M Dewey Agent: 9/12/14 David Arthur Officer: Melanie Smith Process DEL Recommendation To GRANT Latest Update Grant subject to receipt of amended plans Public Consultation 1 letter of objection 2 letters of support Consultee Response Transport Development Management weeklywardlistrpt Rec 28/11/2014 - no objection to the proposal Page 104 Page 105 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: 8/14/0511 Full West Highcliffe Target Date: 09/12/2014 Logged Date: 22/Oct/2014 Location 6 Birchwood Close Applicant Proposal Single storey ground floor rear extension and new dormer to front elevation Member Referral Date Mr & Mrs K Dingley Agent: 25/11/14 Officer: David Mann Architect Alison Underwood Process DEL Recommendation To GRANT Latest Update Public Consultation 1 other letter Consultee Response Target Date: 8/14/0516 Full 08/12/2014 Location 101 Forest Way Proposal Porch infill to side of property Logged Date: 21/Oct/2014 Applicant Member Referral Date Mrs Newman Agent: 11/11/14 Zenith Staybrite Officer: Diana Mezzogori-Curran Process DEL Recommendation To GRANT Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response weeklywardlistrpt Page 105 Page 106 Date 02/12/2014 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT of Planning Applications WARD: 8/14/0443 Full West Highcliffe Target Date: 08/12/2014 Logged Date: 21/Oct/2014 Location 87 The Meadway Applicant Proposal Erection of single storey extension to side following demolition of the existing garage Member Referral Date 2/12/14 Officer: Agent: Mr A Burgess Jo Cleaves Process DEL Recommendation To GRANT Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response Target Date: 8/14/0499 Full 03/12/2014 Logged Date: 17/Oct/2014 Location 14 Rossley Close Applicant Proposal Roof enlargement to provide additional accomodation at 1st floor level to include dormer windows and roof lights. Erection of rear single storey pitched roof extension and demolish existing conservatory Member Referral Date Mr & Mrs Mahony Agent: 2/12/14 Chris Morris Officer: Kevin Chilvers Process DEL Recommendation To GRANT Latest Update Public Consultation None to date. Consultee Response Count of applications: weeklywardlistrpt 10 Page 106 Development Services Appeal Progress Schedule for w/c 02 December 2014 Planning Code, Location Address and Inspectorate Reference 8/13/0082 Land r/o 44 Purewell (Purwell Conservation Area) BH23 1ES Proposal Type of Appeal Case officer Start Date Questionnaire and Supporting Documents Statements Due Sent Due Sent Final Comment Date Site Visit Date Hearing or Inquiry Date 18/11/2014 N/a Demolition of existing workshop and erection Written Rep of 2 storey 2 bed detached dwelling KB 24/01/2014 07/02/2014 05/02/2014 07/03/2014 07/03/2014 28/03/2014 Written Rep Sever land and erect 1x4 bed detached dwelling with associated parking and access from Woodhayes Road. Erect 2 storey extension to the southen elevation of the existing property. Demolish existing garage JMC 22/05/2014 05/06/2014 29/05/2014 26/06/2014 26/06/2014 24/07/2014 N/a Written Rep The use of land and the replacement of existing established use of 2 no. residential caravans with a single dwelling house (resubmission) KC 24/06/2014 08/07/2014 01/07/2014 29/07/2014 29/07/2014 26/08/2014 N/a 15/09/2014 23/09/2014 N/a Decision and Date APP/E1210/A/14/2212353 8/13/0515 1 Woodhayes Avenue BH23 4RW APP/E1210/A/14/2218766 8/13/0316 17 Dudmoor Farm Road BH23 6AQ APP/E1210/A/14/2220643 8/12/0514 Berry Hill Purification Works, Watery Lane, Throop (CONSULTATION ONLY) Access track and Bailey Bridge to serve Berry Hill Sewage Treatment Works (CONSULTATION ONLY) Hearing KB 14/07/2014 28/07/2014 Variation of Condition 2 so as to allow changes to the ground floor layout (increasing living space to flat 1 and decreasing the number of seperate shop units by 1) Written Rep JMC 07/08/2014 21/08/2014 14/08/2014 25/09/2014 24/09/2014 09/10/2014 Retrospective application for the erection of Written Rep a boundary wall (AMENDED DESCRIPTION) MS 20/08/2014 03/09/2014 27/08/2014 24/09/2014 17/09/2014 22/10/2014 18/08/2014 APP/C1245/A/2221524 8/14/0046 The Royalty Inn 60 Bargates APP/E1210/A/14/2223283 8/14/0194 1 Hestan Close BH23 2TG 21/10/2014 N/a Dismissed 25/11/2014 APP/E1210/A/14/2223910 8/13/0474 Meteor Retail Park Somerford Road BH23 3RU APP/E1210/A/14/2224606 appealprogschedulerpt Written Rep Outline application for the erection of an A1(Retail) warehouse park to provide a new food store with associated changes to the highway and car parking arrangement (matters for consideration are access and layout) (Revised scheme following grant of KC 05/09/2014 19/09/2014 12/09/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 07/11/2014 N/a Page 1 Development Services Appeal Progress Schedule for w/c 02 December 2014 Planning Code, Location Address and Inspectorate Reference 8/13/0550 Proposal Formation of 2x studio flats in roofspace Type of Appeal Case officer Start Date Questionnaire and Supporting Documents Statements Due Sent Due Sent Final Comment Date Site Visit Date Hearing or Inquiry Date Written Rep KB 10/09/2014 24/09/2014 15/09/2014 15/10/2014 15/10/2014 12/11/2014 N/a Conversion of existing garage in to a self Written Rep contained studio apartment with access from Stanley Road KC 18/09/2014 02/10/2014 24/09/2014 23/10/2014 23/10/2014 20/11/2014 N/a Written Rep Demolition of existing buildings and structures. Redevelop site to provide a new food store (Class A1) with associated undercroft and surface parking, servicing, pedestrian access (including new link to Bridge Street) and vehicular access KC 22/09/2014 06/10/2014 26/09/2014 27/10/2014 27/10/2014 24/11/2014 N/a Written Rep Conversion of existing roof space to 2x studio flats to include roof lights to front and rear KB 08/10/2014 22/10/2014 15/10/2014 12/11/2014 12/11/2014 10/12/2014 N/a Erection of 11 x 2 bed dwellings with integral garages and associated access and parking following demolition of the existing KC 15/10/2014 29/10/2014 16/10/2014 19/11/2014 17/12/2014 09/12/2014 KB 19/11/2014 03/12/2014 01/12/2014 24/12/2014 21/01/2015 N/a Decision and Date 9 The Grove BH23 2EX APP/E1210/A/14/2224976 8/13/0544 R/o 350/350a Lymington Road BH23 5EY APP/E1210/A/14/2225627 8/13/0366 Land West of Stony Lane and North of Bridge Street (Formerly Beagle Aircraft Ltd) & (Formerly Car Sales Garage) APP/E1210/A/14/2225348 8/13/0489 23-25A Purewell (Purewell Conservation Area) BH23 1EH APP/E1210/A/14/2226057 8/13/0459 60 Purewell (Priory Engineering Co Ltd) (within Purewell Conservation Area) BH23 1ES Hearing APP/E1210/A/14/2226773 8/13/0525 The Pines 39 Mudeford BH23 3NQ Demolition of existing hotel and erection of Written Rep 1x block of 8x2 bed flats with associated bin and cycle storage and parking provision APP/E1210/A/14/2228799 appealprogschedulerpt Page 2
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