6B CROSBY-IRONTON COURIER Wednesday, Nov. 26, 2014 Aitkin’s Fish House Parade Friday, Nov. 28 The 24th Annual “World Famous Fish House Parade” will be presented by the Aitkin Area Chamber of Commerce on Friday, Nov. 28 at 1 p.m. The Grand Marshall is award-winning outdoorsman and television producer Ron Schara. The parade is open to anyone who would like to enter a float with an ice fishing theme. There are many great activities including shopping, eating, arts and crafts, Santa and Mrs. Claus will also stop by between 11 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. to make a special visit. The United Methodist Church is hosting a spaghetti feed from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Landing is serving Prime Rib and Vegetable Soup starting at 3 p.m. For more information visit: www.aitkin.com, call 927-2316, or email upnorth @aitkin.com. Girls Night Out Dec. 4 Girls Night Out on the Cuyuna Range is coming Thursday, Dec. 4. Shop from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. in Bay Lake, Deerwood, Crosby and Ironton. Numerous businesses are participating in giving out $500* plus many other fabulous gift baskets and gift items and certificates. The drawings start at 8:30 p.m. sharp at C-I Pub in Ironton. Pick up your official entry form from any participating business or in the Wednesday, Dec. 3 of the Courier or at any of the participating businesses. Visit two participating businesses in Deerwood, eight in Crosby and two in Ironton to complete your entry form. Only one stamp per person. You may not get stamps for a friend or family member’s entry form. Be at C-I Pub in Ironton no later than 8:25 p.m. to turn in your completed entry form for a chance to win $500* in Cuyuna Cash. Cuyuna Cash may be spent at any of the participating businesses. You must be 18 years of age or older to participate and you must be present to win. Men are not excluded from this event! *Cash prizes paid in Cuyuna Cash. Cuyuna Range Women’s Club to meet Monday The Christmas meeting of the Cuyuna Range Women's Club will be held at 1 p,m on Monday, Dec 1, in the meeting room of the Hallett Memorial Library in Crosby. The speaker of the day will be Tammy Jo Johnson of "Our Wine House" in Crosby. Johnson will explain about the many practical uses for the items available at Our Wine House, such as various wines, flavored olive oil and vinegars, including Balsamic vinegar. She will share the nutritional value of olive oil and vinegar. She will explain the winemaking process at their facility. There will be some helpful early Christmas ideas for cooking, baking and gift-giving. Special Christmas and Holiday music will be provided by the Cuyuna Range Elementary School third grade class, accompanied by their teacher, Michelle Johnson. CRES music instructor Scott Ruffing has trained the children in these delightful songs. A brief business meeting led by president Myrna Nelson will follow the entertainment. Refreshments will served by a committee of Sylvia Graff, Nancy Jann and Meredith Poland. All area women are welcome to attend this meeting and invited to join the Women's Club. John Taylor Ward in concert Dec. 5 Collaborating with festival favorite, pianist Mary Jo Gothmann, John Taylor Ward will perform Robert Schumann's song cycle Liederkreis, along with other vocal selections and holiday favorites. The program will also include performance by violinist Jeremy Rhizor, another favorite from the 2014 Festival and Prelude series! The concert will be held at 7 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 5 at Lutheran Church of the Cross in Nisswa. No tickets or admission required; free will donations will be accepted at the door. Remember When? Courier Crossword —Answers on page 6 Excerpts from the Courier files 95 years ago… Wednesday, Nov. 28, 1919 Indian Agent Boyd and his assistants made raids on blind pigs in the east end last week and caused to be dumping in the sewers 2750 gallons of grape wine. The carpenters have finished repairing the village fire hall and they now have it in shape to house the new fire truck for the winter. Jos. Harroun, who lives at the Cuyuna-Mille Lacs Mine location, had the misfortune to lose his home by fire last Monday morning. He was at work as watchman at the mine when the fire started. He lost all his belongings in the fire. New Fords, equipped with self-starter, have just been received at LaVictoire’s Garage in Crosby and are selling for $663. 85 years ago… Thursday, Nov. 28, 1929 A. J. Ruttger and Hans G. Skau of the Bay Lake district have built a dam across the creek between Hamlet and Portage lakes, south of Deerwood, to make a pond for the propagation of bass for planting in nearby lakes. Spring rains are expected to give the dam a nine-foot head of water and it is said that it will be possible to raise bass by the thousands. Iron ore shipping at the Head of the Lakes closed for the season on Monday. Albert Graton, Deerwood, purchased a model 96-A Whippet coupe at the J. M. Maguire Garage this week. Sanitary Meat & Grocery has homemade bread six-cents for a one-pound loaf and peaches 15-cents per dozen. 75 years ago… Thursday, Nov. 30, 1939 The Cuyuna Range is quietly observing Thanksgiving today. Other than family gatherings and special religious services in the new high school auditorium this morning, no other celebrating or community activity will mark the day. According to an announcement made this week, Miss Helen Seavey, has purchased Linn’s Beauty Shop from Miss Linnea Strait and has taken over active management. Cuyuna reports the new school building is about completed and is to be ready for occupancy soon. Manganese reports that the first service was held Sunday in the new church. The younger folks sang “Count Your Blessings” with four boys singing the verses. been serving as substitute patrolman for some time. Richard A. Landholm, Philip A. Chase, Jon David Pakerinen, George W. Anderson, Stanton Ose and Judy A. Schlegelmilch have been cited for outstanding performance on the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test last spring. the school board and the C-I Quarterbacks. Bay Lake Marine began construction of a second sales and showroom building in Deerwood, north on Highway 6. Ron Christenson, Deerwood, was the winner of $50 in Fiesta Bucks in a contest sponsored by 28 local businesses. Ron Tagtmeier of Ironton, member of the Ironton Fire Department, won a fully Wednesday, Nov. 26, 1969 equipped 1949 Chevrolet Before a crowd of 12,000 pumper in raffle drawing Nov. persons, the Scorpion Stinger 18, sponsored by the Emily swept 29 of 55 places at the Fire Department. second annual Chicago-land Snowmobile Association Drag and Oval on Sunday, Nov. 16. The Crosby Village Wednesday, Dec. 1, 1999 Council passed an ordinance to Trocano Italian Restau-rant become effective Jan. 1, 1970, held their fifth annual commucombining the offices of clerk nity Thanksgiving dinner. and treasurer. Nearly 300 people, including Supt. Gordon Ose received shut-ins and the elderly, word this week from the execenjoyed the free turkey and utive secretary of the ham dinner with all the trimMinnesota School Boards mings. Over $1,000 was colAssociation that a portion of lected for the Cuyuna Range his column of last December, Food Shelf. The Superintendent’s Desk, Footings were poured last will be published in the week for the 8800 square foot November issue of the Lake Country Foods and Gas Minnesota School Board in Emily. Scott Myogeto, Journal. owner, expects the new superGrocery specials this week market to be open by April 15. include tomato soup, 10¢ per A new “caterpillar” at can; sherbet, 3 pints for $1; Emily Charter School playtangerines, 39¢ per dozen; russet potatoes, 10-lb. bag for ground makes recess more fun! 79¢; and moist smoked pic- Parents and friends assembled the equipment recently. nics, 43¢ per lb. The Grand Lodge of Masons of Minnesota will honor Gene Foote tomorrow night for 50 years of continuWednesday, Nov. 28, 1979 The Courier is now using a ous membership in Cuyuna computerized system for mail- Range Lodge #276, Crosby. ing each week, a process which reduces mailing time from something over four hours to Wednesday, Dec. 2, 2009 45 minutes. The American Bankers The boat trailer manufac- Association has selected John turing business isn’t a winner, L. Ohlin, president/CEO of as far as Scorpion Industries, First National Bank of Inc. is concerned. This part of Deerwood, to serve on the the local firm’s production will ABA America’s Community be phased out and will account Bankers Council. Approxifor part of a layoff of employ- mately 85 bankers from across ees the end of this week. the nation make up the council The City of Ironton adopt- which meets twice a year. ed a new policy regarding resiMarian Segersten and Bob dents running water to prevent Novak were recently recogwinter freezing. Anyone wish- nized at the Jessie F. Hallett ing to run water as a precaution Memorial Library in Crosby against freezing must obtain an for serving three consecutive authorization from the office of three-year terms on the Library the city clerk. Board. Dan Biever shot a 14-point during the second weekend of rifle season. The buck weighed Wednesday, Nov. 29, 1989 in at 186 pounds. Two new scoreboards costWinners in the Deerwood ing nearly $7,000 have been Fire Department’s bingo and installed in C-I High School raffle were: first prize, Travis Woock Gymnasium in time for Mohs, Deerwood; second the upcoming basketball and prize, Jan Habighorst,, wrestling seasons. The cost of Deerwood; and third prize, Joe the scoreboards was split by Simons, Crosby. 45 years ago… 15 years ago… 35 years ago… 5 years ago… 25 years ago… IRONTON FIRE DEPARTMENT 65 years ago… Thursday, Dec. 1, 1949 The PTA of Cuyuna is sponsoring a card party this evening at the Cuyuna School. Tickets are 25-cents. Come shuffle board at the Ironton Legion Club. No admission charge. Morin Hardware has electric trains for $16.95 and up, and Gilbert erector sets for $1.75 and up. James Soderman and Walter Schultz were winners respectively of the first and second prizes in Minnesota Power & Light Company’s 4-H Farm and Electrification Contest. Ham Bingo & Raffle Sat., Dec. 6 • 7 p.m. Joe Plut will retire this week after 30 years in the Crosby Post Office. Fellowemployees and friends will entertain at a stag party for him this Saturday evening. Close to a thousand people visited the Cuyuna Range Bowling Center on Sunday during grand opening festivities at the newly-constructed bowling alleys on Crosby’s Main Street. Alan Bjerkness has been named full-time member of the local police force. He has Jacobs Realty in Crosby is proudly accepting donations for the Toys for Kids program for our area youth. Please drop off your new unwrapped toys before the end of the day, Wednesday, Dec. 3. Jacobs Realty is open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturdays, 9 a.m. to noon. Your tax deductible gift will be used to assist families in our community through the Heartland Detachment, Inc., Marine Corps League. All donations stay in the Brainerd Lakes Area. Ironton American Legion Raffle Tickets • $1.00 Donation • Need Not Be Present to Win Permit Xb-02515 First Prize: Benelli Nova 12-Guage Camo Second Prize: $50 Cash • Third Prize: Large Ham HOURS: Open at 2 p.m. Tues.-Sat. • 218-546-5975 (For tickets, contact any Ironton Fire Dept. Auxiliary member or Fireman) Located 4 miles north of Crosby at the Jct. Hwy 6 & CR 11 55 years ago… Wednesday, Dec. 2, 1959 Toys for Kids drive at Jacobs Realty in Crosby 546-8053 Happy Hour: 2-5 p.m. Daily Kitchen Open Tues-Wed-Thur-Fri Nights! Burger Night Tired of Turkey?!? Every Tues. 4:30-7:30 p.m. Homemade Pizza Daily! Take-Out W elcome Pulled Pork, Bean & Potato Salad Buffet Fri., Nov. 28 • 4 p.m. til gone! “Home of the Famous Char-Broiled Bridge Burger” Open Daily 10 a.m. to 1 a.m. • Breakfast Daily…10 a.m.-Noon Full Menu/ Banquet Facilities Available MEAT RAFFLE SATURDAYS 4 P.M. • SUNDAY 5 P.M. Thanksgiving Buffet Thurs., Nov. 27 11 a.m. til gone Join us for a home cooked ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT Thanksgiving Buffet, $11.95 11 a.m. til gone Get stuffed with traditional Thanksgiving buffet featuring Jo Mama’s homemade pies! Please call for reservations MEAT RAFFLES DOWNTOWN CUYUNA (218) 772-0252 Saturdays, 2 p.m. Sundays, 3:30 p.m. Cuyuna Fire Dept. (LIC. NO. B-02163) Live Music…“Whiskey Tango” MEGA, MEGA, MEGA Sat., Nov. 29 SMEAR, 2 P.M. EVERY THURSDAY Dine-in Specials MONDAY-BURGER NIGHT, 5-9 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 10 a.m. to 1 a.m. • Sat. 8 a.m. to 1 a.m. • Sun.10 a.m. to 10 p.m. 8 p.m. to Midnight “Where old friends meet and new ones are made” USE ALLEY FOR BACK DOOR PARKING DOWNTOWN CROSBY • 546-5465 Hours: Monday-Saturday 9 a.m. to Close Sunday 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. MEAT RAFFLE Wed., Nov. 26 • 6 p.m. “All trails lead to the Woodtick” Hamburger, $3.49 • Cheeseburger, $3.99 Bacon Cheeseburger, $4.49 Served with Fries or Tots. BEST BLOODY MARYS IN THE AREA TUESDAY-PASTA BOWLS, 5-9 House Pasta Bowl, $6.49 Chicken Alfredo Bowl, $6.99 WEDNESDAY-WING NIGHT, 5-9 6-Piece, $4.95 • 12 Piece, $9.95 • 18 Piece, $14.95 THURSDAY, RIB NIGHT, 5-9 1/2 Rack, $8.95 • Full Rack, $15.95 FRIDAY, WALLEYE BASKETS, 5-9 D CLOSE ing giv Thanks ... Day Happy g! givin Thanks Walleye Basket, $10.95 COUPON $1 Off Any Food Basket Item NOV. 26-DEC. 2, 2014 • DINE-IN ONLY CROSBY BAR • 546-5465 MEGA MEAT RAFFLE Sat., Nov. 29 • 3:30 p.m. Second chance drawing to follow Meat Raffle, Saturdays 3:30 p.m. Crosby Fire Dept. Charitable Gambling Lic.#A02476-001
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