ROTARY ABORIGINAL & TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER TERTIARY SCHOLARSHIP SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION Rotary International celebrated its Centenary on February 23rd, 2005. In recognition of this important milestone, the Rotary Club of Balwyn established a Scholarship ("Scholarship") for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Island students to study at an approved tertiary institution (TAFE, University or other approved institution) for a period of up to four years duration. The inaugural Scholarship was awarded on a biannual basis in 2005 and was followed by another Scholarship awarded in 2007. As a result of significant financial support and sponsorship from the Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development as well as Skills Victoria, the Department of Aboriginal Affairs and the Department of Justice, it has now become possible for the Scholarship to be offered on an annual basis. The Rotary Club of Balwyn will select the Scholarship winner(s) on the recommendation of the Advisory Board. Their recommendation will be based on this written application and an interview (of short-listed applicants) to be carried out in Melbourne, early in 2015. The date for interview has yet to be confirmed, but is likely to be Thursday, February 12, 2015. Scholarship applicants who are short listed for interviews must make themselves available on this date or possibly on an alternate date, which will be nominated in January 2015. The successful applicant must also be available to attend the presentation evening on Tuesday February 24, 2015. The value of the Scholarship will be UP to $25,000 per annum (UP to $100,000 over four years), which will be paid regularly throughout the academic year. On information provided by the Australian Taxation Office, it is anticipated that the Scholarship funds will be tax free in the hands of the recipient. However, Scholarship winners should not rely on this advice and should make their own enquiries from the Australian Taxation Office. Closing Date for Applications is Friday November 21, 2014 Please return completed Applications to Rotary Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Tertiary Scholarship PO Box 125 Balwyn VIC 3103 Enquiries Bob Batrouney Ph 03 9417 1185 Email Hugh Trumble Ph 03 9859 2784 Email Updated July 2014 1 Scholarship Value The value of the scholarship is UP to a maximum of $25,000 pa payable for a maximum of four years. The amount payed by this scholarship will be a maximum of $25,000 per annum reduced by the value of any Centrelink benefits received and also the value any other scholarships or awards payed over more than one year. Each year the actual amount to be paid under this scholarship will be recalculated taking account of the current Centrelink benefits received together with any other changes to scholarships or awards. Once established for that scholarship year (March 01 – February 28(29)), the value of the scholarship paid for the scholarship year will not be altered. By way of example, if the winner of this scholarship was in receipt of Centrelink benefits of $8,000 pa and a small scholarship provided by their tertiary institution of $2,000 pa, then the maximum amount payable under this scholarship would be $15,000 pa ($25,000 less $10,000). The Rotary Club reserves the right to award a scholarship that, following these rules, will bring the total income, (including Centrelink payments, other scholarships and this scholarship) to less than $25,000 pa. Incidences of scholarship offers at less than $25,000 pa will be rare and only occur under exceptional circumstances. Award Criteria Applicants must be able to demonstrate their consciousness of and identify as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Island person and be recognised as such by their community. Applicants must also be enrolled and making good progress in the final year of their secondary education at a school located in Victoria or be in the process of completing a “gap” year. The student’s home address must also be located in Victoria or in an adjoining state immediately adjacent to the Victorian border (eg towns located on the Murray River but just within NSW). Students who have already enrolled in or commenced a course of tertiary study at the time of application are INELIGIBLE to apply for the Scholarship. The scholarship is only tenable at tertiary institutions physically located in Melbourne. eg students planning to attend Deakin University in Geelong or the University of Ballarat are ineligible to hold this scholarship, Copies of this Application Form and Rules and Regulations for the Scholar may be down-loaded from the Rotary Club web-site, (Enquiries Links and Downloads). The Scholarship winner(s) will be required to agree to these Rules and Regulations and acknowledge their agreement by signing a copy of them prior to receiving the Scholarship. Applicants who accept another Scholarship or award of significant monetary value may be ineligible to be awarded this Scholarship. An example of the latter would be accepting entry into the BA (Extended) program at the University of Melbourne, which would render an Applicant ineligible for the award of this Scholarship. Key steps to lodge an Application 1. Complete this Application and forward it by mail to arrive prior to November 21, 2014. The address to send the Application is shown on the front page. [If a new Application Form is required, it may be downloaded from the Rotary Club of Balwyn website . Click on the Enquiries, Links and Downloads Tab and then click on the Rotary Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Scholarship Application link. From here the Application Form may be printed.] 2. Prior to Monday January 12, 2015, you must send a transcript of your VCE or VET results, details of preferred courses and details of any offers received from tertiary institutions to the address shown on the front page of this application. You should also forward documentary proof of any Centrelink benefits received as at January 01, 2015. 3. You must be available for interview to be held in Melbourne on Thursday February 12 2015 (or such alternate date that may be advised). 4. You must be available to attend the presentation evening to be held on Tuesday February 24, 2015 at a normal dinner meeting of the Rotary Club of Balwyn. 2 Eligibility 1. You are of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent and are recognized as such by your community. 2. You are currently in year twelve, attending a school located in the State of Victoria. If you completed year twelve in 2013, have not previously enrolled in any course of tertiary study and are completing a “gap” year in 2014, you are also eligible to apply. 3. You are enrolled or plan to enrol at a tertiary institute of study that is physically located in Melbourne. If you have any questions as to whether your proposed institution complies, please contact one of the persons named on page 1. 4. Your normal home address is Victoria or in NSW or SA but, in the case of the latter two states, it must be immediately adjacent to the Victorian border. 3 APPLICATION FORM PLEASE COMPLETE ALL SECTIONS AND DO NOT WRITE ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THE APPLICATION. ATTACH ADDITIONAL SINGLE-SIDED PAGES IF THIS FORM HAS INSUFFICIENT SPACE. Applicant’s Full Name _____________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________ ____________________State______Postcode_______ Telephone Number _________________Mobile______________________ Email _____________________________________________ Date of Birth _____/____/______Gender Male □ Female □ Name of School/Institution _____________________________________________ School Address _____________________________________________ ____________________State______Postcode_______ Year Level in 2014 _____________________________________________ The Applicant acknowledge that the Scholarship is offered for one year but will be extended for up to a total of four years, subject to continued satisfactory academic progress and subject to full compliance with the Rules and Regulations by the Scholarship recipient. The Rotary Club of Balwyn will appoint two Mentors to the Scholarship winner, one a member of the Rotary Club of Balwyn and the second an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Island person. The Scholarship winner will be required to remain in contact with the two Mentors throughout the duration of the award and to take reasonable guidance and advice regarding lifestyle, financial management and study habits from these Mentors. The Scholarship holder should regard the Mentors as resources who can provide considerable assistance and support to the awardee. Scholarship winners are responsible for enrolling at the institution of their choice and in their chosen field of study. Applicants proposing to study in a course of longer duration than four years are encouraged to apply as, under certain circumstances, it may be possible to extend the duration of the Scholarship. It is hoped to announce the name of the Scholarship winner(s) during February 2015. Scholarship winners MUST study in an institution located within the Melbourne Metropolitan area. Scholarship winners will not be allowed retain their scholarship, if they elect to change the location of their studies to a tertiary institution located outside the Melbourne Metropolitan area. Scholarship holders are required to be guests of the Rotary Club of Balwyn at their regular meetings on a number of occasions throughout the duration of their scholarship and, at these meetings, provide a brief verbal report of their progress in their chosen field of study. □(please tick this box) I acknowledge that I have read and understood “The Rules and Regulations for the Scholar” and fully understand that the value of the scholarship is UP to $100,000 (UP to $25,000 pa) and the maximum annual value to be awarded under this scholarship will be reduced by at least the value of any Centrelink benefits received plus any other scholarships or awards covering more than one year. You acknowledge and will be prepared to sign and abide by these rules if awarded the Scholarship. 4 Signature of Applicant ______________________Date_____/____/_____ Academic Results COMPLETE THE RESULTS FOR THE MOST RECENT SCHOOL YEAR AVAILABLE. IN MOST CASES THIS WILL BE FOR YEAR 11. YEAR SUBJECT UNIT RESULT VCE OR YEAR 12 RESULTS. IN MOST CASES THESE WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE UNTIL AFTER SUBMISSION OF THE APPLICATION. APPLICANTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR FORWARDING A CERTIFIED COPY OF THEIR RESULTS TO THE ADDRESS SHOWN ON THE FRONT SHEET SO AS TO ARRIVE PRIOR TO MONDAY JANUARY 12, 2015. YEAR 12 SUBJECT UNIT RESULT 5 Significant Achievements LIST ANY PARTICULAR ACHIEVEMENTS YOU HAVE MADE AND SCHOLARSHIPS OR ANY AWARDS YOU MAY HAVE RECEIVED. THESE MAY BE IN THE AREAS OF YOUR SCHOOL, COMMUNITY OR SPORTING ACTIVITIES OR ANY OTHER ACTIVITIES YOU MAY HAVE BEEN INVOLVED WITH. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Community Interests and Involvement HAVE YOU BEEN INVOLVED IN ANY COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES? IF YES, PLEASE DETAIL YOUR ROLE AND THE EXTENT OF YOUR INVOLVEMENT IN BOTH INDIGENOUS AND NON INDIGENOUS AREAS. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 6 Aboriginal or Torres Strait Island Heritage PLEASE EXPLAIN IN YOUR OWN WORDS WHAT YOUR ABORIGINAL OR TORRES STRAIT ISLAND HERITAGE MEANS TO YOU AND HOW DOES BEING AN ABORIGINAL OR TORRES STRAIT ISLAND PERSON IMPACT ON YOUR DAILY LIFE? YOU SHOULD ALSO DETAIL YOUR PAST AND CURRENT INVOLVEMENT AND PARTICIPATION IN INDIGENOUS COMMUNITY EVENTS. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Connectedness to your Indigenous Community IN YOUR OWN WORDS, EXPLAIN HOW YOU CONNECT TO AND INTERACT WITH YOUR LOCAL INDIGENOUS COMMUNITY. IF POSSIBLE YOU SHOULD LIST YOUR FAMILY MEMBERS AND YOUR RELATIONSHIP TO THOSE PEOPLE. AS A MINIMUM YOU SHOULD LIST THE NAMES OF YOUR PARENTS AND GRANDPARENTS AND THE TRIBAL OR COMMUNITY NAME TO WHICH THEY BELONG ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 7 Proposed Use of Scholarship PLEASE PROVIDE AN OVERVIEW OF HOW YOU INTEND TO USE THIS SCHOLARSHIP IF IT IS AWARDED TO YOU. YOU SHOULD INCLUDE SUCH MATTERS AS COURSE DETAILS, INSTITUTION DETAILS, STARTING DATE, LENGTH OF COURSE ETC. ALSO INCLUDE DETAILS OF HOW THE FUNDS WILL BE USED: FOR EXAMPLE, COURSE FEES, BOOKS AND OTHER EDUCATIONAL MATERIAL, LIVING EXPENSES, ACCOMMODATION ETC. . SUBMISSION OF A BUDGET WOULD ASSIST IN ASSESSING YOUR APPLICATION ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Other Scholarships and Awards PLEASE DETAIL ALL OTHER AWARDS OR SCHOLARSHIPS EITHER WON OR APPLIED FOR THAT WILL OPERATE DURING 2015 AND/OR IN SUBSEQUENT YEARS. IF YOU ARE CURRENTLY WAITING TO HEAR ABOUT ANY AWARDS OR SCHOLARSHIPS FOR WHICH YOU HAVE APPLIED, PLEASE LIST THESE AS WELL AS THE DATE ON WHICH THE OUTCOME OF THESE WILL BE KNOWN TO YOU. ARE ANY OF THESE OTHER AWARDS OR SCHOLARSHIPS MEANS TESTED? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 8 Current Academic Interests and Career Plans PLEASE DETAIL YOUR LONG TERM PERSONAL AND CAREER GOALS ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Other Financial Support THE SCHOLARSHIP IS NOT MEANS TESTED, HOWEVER, YOU SHOULD PROVIDE SPECIFIC DETAILS OF ALL OF THE OTHER SOURCES OF FUNDING, INCLUDING GOVERNMENT FUNDING OR SUPPORT THAT WILL BE AVAILABLE TO YOU DURING YOUR PROPOSED COURSE OF STUDY, IRRESPECTIVE OF WHETHER OR NOT YOU ARE SUCCESSFUL IN GAINING THIS SCHOLARSHIP. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Other Supporting Data PLEASE INCLUDE ANY FURTHER DATA IN SUPPORT OF YOUR APPLICATION THAT HAS NOT BEEN COVERED IN A PREVIOUS SECTION. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 9 Referee Statement TWO REFEREE STATEMENTS ARE REQUIRED. REFEREES ARE TO COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING DETAILS School/Institutional Referee Name of person supplying Reference: ____________________________________________________ Position within School/Institution ____________________________________________________ Address of Institution ________________________________________________ _____________________________State_____P/Code________ Telephone and/or Email Contact ____________________________________________________ PLEASE WRITE A PARAGRAPH INDICATING WHY YOU BELIEVE THIS STUDENT SHOULD RECEIVE A SCHOLARSHIP. YOU MAY WISH TO COMMENT ON THE FOLLOWING AREAS: ATTENDANCE, PROGRESS IN COURSE, POTENTIAL FOR SUCCESS IN THE COURSE, CONTRIBUTION TO THE INSTITUTION AND WIDER COMMUNITY, FINANCIAL NEED, COMMITMENT TO STUDY AND LEADERSHIP ROLES/POSITIONS WITHIN THE INSTITUTION. PLEASE ALSO COMMENT ON THE STUDENT’S MATURITY AND ABILITY TO LIVE AWAY FROM HOME IF THIS IS RELEVANT TO THE STUDENT’S PROPOSED STUDY NEXT YEAR. IF INSUFFICIENT ROOM, FURTHER COMMENT MAY BE ATTACHED. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Signature ______________________________________ Date ______/_____/_____ Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Community Referee Name of person supplying Reference: ____________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________ State _____ Postcode________ Telephone and/or Email Contact ____________________________________________________ I, (insert full name)______________________________________ as a member of the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander community at (insert locality)________________________ attest to (insert applicant’s name)________________________________’s statement confirming their identity as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander for the purpose of the Rotary Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Tertiary Scholarship for 2015. I have known the applicant for _________ years. Further comments may be attached. Signature ______________________________ Date ______/________/________ 10 Statement of Aboriginality IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE TWO STATEMENTS IT IS CRITICAL TO THE APPLICATION PROCESS THAT A CERTIFICATE OF ABORIGINALITY RELATING TO THE APPLICANT AND SIGNED UNDER SEAL BY A RECOGNISED BODY OR INSTITUTION (eg LAND COUNCIL) IS ATTACHED TO THIS APPLICATION. APPLICATIONS MADE WITHOUT THIS CERTIFICATE WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY DISQUALIFIED. 11
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