LIFESAVERS RENCE ON HIGHWAY SAFETY P E F N O RIOR LC A N IT IE O I S NAT Whether You’re a Novice or Seasoned Safety Professional, Lifesavers is for You! March 15–17, 2015 Hyatt Regency Chicago REGISTRATION & EXHIBIT BROCHURE w w w.l i fe saver scon ference.or g T NA AL ION FER CON E N C E O N H I G H WAY S A F E T Y PR I OR ITI ES Ten Great Reasons to Attend Lifesavers 1. Geared for all. Whether you’re a state or local highway safety official, police officer or first responder, private or non-profit program provider, student or academician, Lifesavers’ comprehensive program is for you. “All of the sessions I attended were FANTASTIC!” 2. Affordable. Sponsorships, off-season scheduling, government-rate rooms, and an early-bird registration fee mean attendance won’t bust your budget. 3. Proven programs. The 80+ workshop agenda includes cutting-edge programs that are proven to work through research and/or evaluation. “Enjoyed the speakers…they were motivated, experienced in their field and had top-notch credentials.” 4. Hot topics. From distracted motorists and pedestrians to new technologies, drugged driving, driverless cars, and more Lifesavers will focus on the topics impacting roadway safety today. 5. Knowledgeable, engaging speakers. Each workshop features leading experts and practitioners in traffic safety who are selected not only because they’re knowledgeable, but skilled in engaging and energizing an audience. “Great variety of topics to choose from addressing current issues.” 6. National leaders. The nation’s top safety professionals from NSC, GHSA, SKW, IIHS, MADD, AAA, NDAA, NHTSA and other federal agencies, and the auto and insurance industries will be in Chicago. 7. Inside information. What’s trending in highway safety and what will the next highway reauthorization bill look like? Get the scoop from knowledgeable insiders. “I left with increased knowledge that has prompted a change in my thinking and actions” 8. Tremendous networking. You’ll have numerous opportunities for formal and informal peer exchange, plus one-on-one discussion with more than 2,000 U.S. and international safety professionals. 9. State-of-the-art products. More than 100 companies, organizations and government agencies exhibit their latest products, services, programs, and/or publications – some only at Lifesavers! “The exhibit hall vendors’ commitment to developing and showcasing great products was evident and appreciated.” 10. Friendly people. From the exhibitors and speakers to volunteers and attendees, everyone feels welcome, prompting participants to return year after year. 2015 NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGHWAY SAFETY PRIORITIES Whether You’re a Novice or Seasoned Safety Professional, Lifesavers is for You! What is Lifesavers? Lifesavers is the premier national highway safety meeting in the United States dedicated to reducing the tragic toll of deaths and injuries on our nation’s roadways. Drawing over 1,900 participants in 2014, Lifesavers continues to be the essential conference since its start in 1982. Each year, Lifesavers provides a forum for the presentation of proven countermeasures and initiatives that address today’s critical highway safety problems. The Lifesavers Conference is Offered at a Value that Cannot be Matched by Any Other Highway Safety Conference! The Lifesavers Conference brings together a unique combination of public health and safety professionals, researchers, volunteers, and practitioners who are committed to sharing best practices, research, and policy initiatives that are proven to work. You can’t get the kind of information that is conveyed at this conference anywhere else at this value. There is no professional training that provides the same kind of information that compares with the Lifesavers Conference. 2015 Program at a Glance and Exhibit Hours Saturday, March 14 Monday, March 16 Pre-Meetings (see next page for more information) 1:00pm – 6 :00pm Registration Open 2:00pm – 6:00pm Exhibit and Poster Setup 7:30am – 5:00pm Registration Open 8:00am – 4:30pm Exhibit Hall Open Sunday, March 15 7:30am – 5:30pm Registration Open 7:30am – 1 2:00pm Exhibit and Poster Setup 8:30am – 10:15am Opening Plenary 10:30am – 12:00pm 1st Workshop Session 12:00pm – 6:00pm Exhibit Hall Open 12:00pm – 1:30pm “Taste of Chicago” lunch in Exhibit Hall 1:30pm – 3 :00pm 2nd Workshop Session 3:00pm – 3:30pm Complimentary Refreshments and Networking in Exhibit Hall 3:45pm – 4:45pm 3rd Workshop Session (one-hour session) 5:00pm – 6:00pm Welcome Reception and Poster Presentations (closed during Awards Luncheon) 8:00am – 8:45am Continental Breakfast in Exhibit Hall 9:00am – 10:30am 4th Workshop Session 10:30am – 10:45am Break 10:45am – 1 2:15pm 5th Workshop Session 12:30pm – 2:00pm Public Service Awards Luncheon 2:15pm – 3:45pm 6th Workshop Session 3:45pm – 4:30pm Complimentary Refreshments and Networking in Exhibit Hall 4:30pm Exhibitor Move out 4:30pm – 8:00pm Networking Groups (Rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis for informal discussion groups. Email to reserve a room.) Tuesday, March 17 8:30am – 1:00pm Registration Open 9:00am – 10:30am 7th Workshop Session 10:30am – 10:45am Break 10:45am – 1 2:15pm 8th Workshop Session 12:15pm – 1:30pm Closing Plenary Luncheon 2015 NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGHWAY SAFETY PRIORITIES Pre-Conference Sessions Check back on the website for additional meetings that may be added. Death Notification: Delivering the News with Compassion for the Bereaved and Concern for the Messenger Date: Saturday, March 14, 2015 Time: 9:00am – 3:00pm Location: Hyatt Regency Chicago Seminar participants will identify their role with a bereaved family/individual in the aftermath of a loved one’s death and realize how each participant may be called upon to serve death notifications in the future. Goals and agenda of the seminar are: • Emotional Hazards of Crisis Work • Needs of the Newly Bereaved • Best Practices for Proper Death Notifications PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. The seminar fee is $75. Register by March 2, 2015 by emailing Lauren London at, she will guide you through registration and payment process. Mothers Against Drunk Driving’s Power of Parents Facilitator Training Date: Saturday, March 14, 2015 Time: Location: 9:00am – 12:00pm & Hyatt Regency Chicago 1:00pm– 3:00pm (both morning and afternoon training sessions are required for certification) MADD’s Power of Parents community-based program (30-minute parent workshops) is facilitated around the country by trained and certified Power of Parents Facilitators. You can facilitate MADD’s Power of Parents parent workshops in your community after you attend the Facilitator training and receive certification. Training includes a step-by-step Facilitator Guide and Resource CD that prepares you to begin facilitating workshops and training other Facilitators immediately. PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. The training fee is $75 and includes the Facilitator Training Guide, Resource CD, research-based Parent Handbook, and sample collaterals. Register by January 30, 2015 by emailing Theresa Hill at, who will guide you through registration and payment process. Strategic Communications in Today’s Communications Ecosystem Date: Saturday, March 14, 2015 Time: 1:00pm – 4:00pm Location: Hyatt Regency Chicago In the new expanded ecosystem of communications, all channels are related and much happens in the digital space. Our target audience can be tough to reach. Knowing your way around the many channels of communications and understanding how they feed into each other is key to achieving results that will change behavior. Learn the meaning of paid, owned, and earned media and the tactics that fit under each category. Learn how to leverage the relationship between the categories and how to gain insight into what mix and approach is working best. There is no fee for this session, but pre-registration is required. To register, contact Lucia Sanchez at CPS Boot Camp: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly Target Audience: CPS Technicians and CPS Instructors/Instructor Candidates Date: Time: Saturday, March 14, 2015 2:30pm – 5:00pm Location: Hyatt Regency Chicago What are some things that work well, that need improvement, and need to be tossed to make CPS more relevant and efficient for you? Attend this conference pre-session to share what you know and learn new tips. First, attend a plenary session about reducing risks and liability (a top issue) followed by a discussion about improving customer service among practitioners. We’ll then break out into technician and instructor groups. Each group will engage in an interactive forum to exchange best practices and uncover top tips related to course management, checkup events, seat checks, staying current and more. The top tips will be posted on the Lifesavers website following the conference. As a bonus, you will be among the first to congratulate the National Child Passenger Safety Board 2015 Technician and 2015 Instructor of the Year as they receive their award and $500 check, provided by AAA. This session is not eligible for CPS CEUs. There are CEU opportunities within the conference workshops! CPS advocates at all levels of experience are welcome. We can all learn from the newest and most experienced practitioners! There is no fee for this session, but pre-registration is required. You may register online at the same time as you register for the conference. If you register by fax or mail, check off the attendance box under the pre-conference workshops section on the registration form. If you have questions about the session, contact Lorrie Walker at 2015 NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGHWAY SAFETY PRIORITIES Tentative Workshop Topics Lifesavers offers more than 80 workshops over two and a half days addressing the latest research, programs, and initiatives addressing impaired and distracted driving; criminal justice; child and adult occupant protection; motorcycle, pedestrian, bicycle, teen, and older driver safety; and other roadway safety priorities. Below is the tentative list of workshops designed to offer multiple learning opportunities for all conference attendees. Several workshops in the Occupant Protection for Children Track will offer CEUs. Adult Occupant Protection/ Vehicle Technology Effectively Enforcing & Messaging to Increase Rural Seat Belt Use n Unbelted: Perspectives on Nighttime Enforcement Strategies n The Benefits & Rewards of Partnering With LELs n Working With the Medical and Public Health Communities to Increase Occupant Protection n Turning Data into Action to Enhance, Pass Seat Belt Laws n How Am I Doing? Using Data to Plan and Evaluate Your OP Program n Can Technology Convince the Hard Core Seat Belt Naysayer? n Stopping the Crash Before It Happens: Collision Avoidance Technology & More n But My Law is Secondary! New Approaches to Overcoming This Hurdle n Communications Social Media: the Language of Millennials n Is Anybody Listening? Reaching the Right Audience with the Right Message n Embracing Your Shoestring Budget: Penny-Pincher Communications n Free Marketing Resources to Support Your Campaign n Criminal Justice/ Law Enforcement Prosecuting DUI Cases By Effectively Using the SFST Manual n Concentrates, Edibles, Popular Drug E-Devices & Their Relationship/Popularity With Impaired Driving n Law Enforcement Professionalism: Doing the Right Things to the Right People for the Right Reasons n Oral Fluid in DUID Cases n Marijuana Impaired Driving Cases - Overcoming Challenges n Why You Don’t See What You Thought You Saw: Limitations of Mobile Video Recording n It Takes a Community to Improve Traffic Safety n DUI Silver Bullets n Enhancing Response to Traffic Incidents Through Public Safety Consolidation n What Role Can the Judiciary Play in Your State’s Efforts to Reduce Impaired Driving? n Distracted Driving n Distracted Driving Overview: New Issues and Emerging Trends n Do As I Say, Not As I Do: Working with Parents to Educate the Next Generation of Drivers n Leveraging the Latest Research to Inform Your Distracted Driving Message. n Taking Action: From Tragedy to Advocacy n There’s an App for That; How Employers are Leveraging Technology to Address Distracted Driving n Innovative & Effective Distracted Driving Enforcement and Communications Strategies n n Impaired Driving Mobilizing the Public to Report Impaired Drivers n Strategies for Getting Ignition Interlocks for First Offenders in Your State n An Update on DADDS & What It Means to You n What’s New in Drugged Driving Research n Driving High: How Colorado & Washington Are Addressing Legalized Marijuana n Implementing DUI No Refusal n Best Practices in Addressing Underage Drinking n A Fresh Look at Sobriety Checkpoints, a Proven Countermeasure n Victim Impact Panel: Working With Survivors n Advocating for Impactful DUI Child Endangerment Laws n Occupant Protection for Children Curbside Law Enforcement Training Opportunities Lower Connectors and Tethers for Children Update n Serving Rural Families: Understanding Issues, Implementing Solutions n Making the Most of Your State Highway Safety Office n CR Manufacturer’s Latest Technology Panel, Part 1 n CR Manufacturer’s Latest Technology Panel, Part 2 n Reducing Liability at Your Community Event n Habla Espanol? Effectively Engaging Hispanic Families n Addressing Various Transportation Needs of Infants and Children with Special Needs n What’s New in OPC Research n School Based Programs: Getting Your Foot in the Door n The OPC Mix: Daycare, Boosters and Community Education n Court Education Programs and CPS: What Works? n n Other Highway Safety Priorities Who Is the NTSB and Why Are They at the Scene of My Crash? n Seat Belts and Impaired Driving - Costly Public Health Threats n How Safe is YOUR Roadside? LARGE Vehicles = LARGE Crashes = LARGE Problems n Safety Data Uses and Issues on the Reservation n State Highway Safety Assessments - How to Use Them As a Blue Print for Success and Changing CULTURE! n Poster Dash! 60 Minutes That Will Change Your Life Teen Traffic Safety New Insights on the Effectiveness of Driver Education & Training n Helping Parents Make Good Choices: Optimizing Supervised Driving n Strategies to Increase GDL Enforcement, Compliance & the Passage of Stronger Law n Protecting Older Novice Drivers Who Delay Licensure n Adopting Successful Teen Safe Driving Programs from Other States n Building Evaluation into Your Teen-Led and Other Traffic Safety Programs n Dangerous & Distracted: Keeping Teens Safe through Research & Peer-Led Approaches n Teens and Impaired Driving n Vulnerable Populations (Bicyclists/Motorcyclists/Pedestrians/Older Drivers) Performance Measures Matter: Tips and Techniques for Collecting & Leveraging Bike/ Pedestrian Data n Mayors Who “Get It:” Making Your Community Bike and Pedestrian Friendly n Partnerships & Strategies for Leveraging the 3 E’s for Bike and Pedestrian Safety n Bike Share Programs: Promoting Ridership & Ensuring Rider Safety n Technology & Enforcement Strategies to Prevent Bike and Pedestrian Injuries n Keeping Adult Roadway Users Safe Via Community-Based Coalitions n Rx for Safety: The Medically Impaired Driver... Connecting the Dots n New Approaches to Accommodate Older Pedestrians n Real World Solutions (you can implement today) for Addressing Older Drivers n Fewer Fatalities Involve Older Drivers, Is the Problem Solved? n DUI or Dementia, Older Driver Medical Impairments n Motorcycles and Integrated Technology on Highways n States and the Motorcycle Safety Incubators n Teachable Moments and Advances in Motorcycle Rider Training n Successful Strategies to Ward Off Repeal or to Pass Motorcycle Helmet Laws n N I AT O L NA N CO FER E NC E O N H I G H WAY SA FET YP R IOR IT REGISTRATION FORM PAGE 1 IE S HYATT REGENCY CHICAGO MARCH 15-17, 2015 LIFESAVERS ATTENDEE INFORMATION First name: ____________________________ Last name:______________________________________ Preferred first name for badge: __________________________ Organization:____________________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________________________________________ State: ______ Zip: ____________ ( ) ( ) Telephone:____________________________________ Cell: ____________________________________ For updates only – will not be printed in program materials Attendee Email: __________________________________________________________________________ Email a copy of registration to (Alternate email only ): ____________________________________________________ Privacy Disclaimer: By registering for this conference you acknowledge that your contact information will be included on the attendee list made available to all meeting registrants, including exhibitors. Only exhibitors have the opportunity to purchase the attendee list. Initial here _______ if you do not want your contact information included in conference materials. Special Requests:________________________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact Name (required): _________________________________________________________ ( ) ( ) Day Phone:________________________________ Cell Phone: ____________________________________ n I have read and accepted the Cancellation Policy and Liability/Photography Waiver on page 2 of this registration form. Please check food functions you will be attending: Monday: n Continental Breakfast Sunday: n Lunch n Opening Reception n Public Service Awards Luncheon Tuesday: n Closing Luncheon Plenary Will you be staying at the Hyatt Regency Chicago? n Yes n No If not, where will you be staying?__________________________________ Is this your first Lifesavers Conference? n Yes n No What field do you work in? n Consultant/Researcher n EMS/Fire n Auto Industry n Community Programs n State/Federal Govt. n Law Enforcement n Local Government n Judge/Prosecutor n Public Health/Medical Which workshop track(s) will you most likely be attending? n Distracted Driving n Other Highway Safety Priorities n Communications n Advocacy/Consumer Group n Child Passenger Safety n Student n Insurance Industry n Child Restraint Manufacturer (Check all that apply) n Teen Traffic Safety n Impaired Driving n Occupant Protection for Children n Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement n Adult Occupant Protection/Vehicle Technology n Vulnerable Populations (Bicyclists/Motorcyclists/Pedestrians/Older Drivers) PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS I am registering for: Boot Camp: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly I am registering as: n n A CPS Technician n A CPS Instructor/Instructor Candidate CarFit Technician and Event Coordinator Training Visit the Pre/Post Activities page of the website for workshop descriptions & times. Additional pre-conference workshops are also listed on the website that require separate registration forms. REGISTRATION FEES (Check one) Regis te Earl r & Sav y e! Your registration fee includes an opening reception, a breakfast, three lunches, refreshment breaks, exhibits, workshops, and program materials. n n n n n n n Early-Bird Special – Until January 14, 2015 Regular Registration – January 15 until February 13, 2015 Late/On-Site Registration – After February 13, 2015 Moderator/Speaker Moderator/Speaker (attending day of presentation only) Indicate day: ____________ Poster Presenter Approved Undergraduate/Graduate Student – Registration Code: ________________ Note: Additional exhibit personnel – please use the exhibit registration form. $350 $400 $500 $350 $0 $350 $75 Total Amount Due $ ______________ Paying by credit card or purchase order? You can also securely register online at REGISTRATION FORM PAGE 2 NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGHWAY SAFETY PRIORITIES PAYMENT METHOD Total Amount Due from Page 1: $ __________ Choose one of 3 options below n Check (must be included with this form) n Visa or n MasterCard ___________________________________________________________ Card Number ___________________________________________________________ Name of Cardholder / ___________ _________ Expiration Date CW2 Code ______________________________________________________________ Signature By signing I authorize a charge to the credit card in the amount indicated on this form. Credit Card Billing Address: If different from registrant information address, please complete the credit card billing address: _______________________________________________ Billing Address n Purchase Order Purchase Order #______________ _____________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip A purchase order must be attached to process your registration. PO Billing Address: If different from registrant information address, please complete the PO billing address: ____________________________________ Attention ________________________________________________________________________ Address City/State/Zip PAYMENT TERMS n Registration fees may be paid one of three ways: Check (U.S. dollars, payable to Lifesavers Conference); Purchase Order; or Credit Card (Visa or MasterCard – Lifesavers does not accept American Express). n Registrations received without payment or purchase order will not be processed. n Registration must be mailed by March 4, 2015. After that date, register on-site only. Lifesavers Fed. ID #: 52-1648356 Mail form with payment or purchase order to: Or Fax: Lifesavers Conference, Inc. Conference Registration P.O. Box 30045 Alexandria, VA 22310 (703) 922-7780 Do not mail form after faxing. NOTE: If you do not receive a confirmation via email or U.S. mail within 14 days, please contact us at (703) 922-7944 or email to CONFERENCE LODGING Headquarters: Hyatt Regency Chicago Rate: $189 (+16.4% tax) Reserve your room online via a link on the Travel/Hotel page at n CANCELLATION POLICY Lifesavers does not accept cancellations by phone. Cancellations must be mailed to Lifesavers Conference, or emailed to You will receive a confirmation of your cancellation. Requests received by February 20, 2015 will be refunded less a $35 administration fee. Refunds will be issued after the conference. Requests made after February 20, 2015 or “no-shows” are not eligible for a refund. If you have not yet made payment when cancelling, you are still responsible for the $35 cancellation fee. LIABILITY/PHOTOGRAPHY WAIVER By registering for the Lifesavers 2015 Conference, you agree and acknowledge that you are participating in Lifesavers Conference events and activities on your own free and intentional will. You acknowledge this freely and knowingly and that you are, as a result, able to participate in Lifesavers Conference events and hereby assume responsibility for your own well-being. This acknowledgement includes your guest(s) participation in any tours and evening events. The Lifesavers Conference plans to take photographs during the 2015 conference and reproduce them in Lifesavers educational, news, or promotional material, whether in print, electronic or other media, including the Lifesavers website. By participating in the Lifesavers 2015 Conference, you grant Lifesavers the right to use your name and photograph for such purposes. All postings are the property of Lifesavers and may be displayed or used by Lifesavers for any purpose. 2015 NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGHWAY SAFETY PRIORITIES Registration and Hotel Information Registration Fees • Refunds will be issued after the conference Registration Fees – register early and save! • Requests made after February 20, 2015 or “no-shows” are not eligible for a refund. $350 – Early Bird (expires January 14, 2015) Note: canceling your registration does NOT cancel your hotel reservation $400 – Regular Rate (January 15 – February 13, 2015) Meeting Location and Accommodations $500 – Late Rate (February 14, 2015/onsite) All conference activities will be at the Hyatt Regency Chicago, March 15-17, 2015 Download a Registration Form and either fax with credit card information to 703-922-7780 (do not mail your form after faxing) or mail with check, credit card or purchase order to: Lifesavers Conference, PO Box 30045, Alexandria, VA 22310. You will receive confirmation of your registration via email within 14 days. Your registration must be mailed by March 4, 2015. After that date, registration is available only on-site. Registration fees may be paid one of three ways: Check (U.S. dollars, payable to Lifesavers Conference); Purchase Order; or Credit Card (Visa or MasterCard – Lifesavers does not accept American Express). Registration forms without an attached PO or check/credit card information will not be processed. Your conference registration fee includes: • Choice of 80+ Workshops • Access to Over 100 Exhibits and Poster Session • Opening Plenary Session • “Taste of Chicago” Lunch Sunday • Reception Sunday Evening in Exhibit Hall • Continental Breakfast Monday • Public Service Awards Luncheon Monday • Closing Plenary Lunch Tuesday • Refreshment Breaks • All Conference Material TRAVEL ALERT: ST. PATRICK’S DAY PARADE! Plan on arriving in Chicago early - Saturday morning at 9:30am the famous tradition of dyeing the Chicago River an incredible shade of Irish green will occur, followed by the annual St. Patrick’s Day parade beginning at noon a few blocks south of the Hyatt. For details on the festivities. Please note there will be temporary road closings and large crowds, so if you are arriving on Saturday, March 14, allow for extra travel time to the Hyatt. Please visit the travel page on the Lifesavers website for public transportation options. Undergraduate/Graduate Student Scholarships Visit the registration page at for complete information on student scholorships. A limited number of conference registrations for college students are available on a first come, first served basis at the reduced rate of $75 per person – a $275 savings! Students pursuing study/careers in fields such as traffic safety, injury prevention/public health, criminal justice, engineering, public policy or planning are encouraged to apply. Cancellation Policy • Lifesavers does not accept cancellations by phone. Cancellations must be mailed to Lifesavers Conference, or emailed to You will receive a confirmation of your cancellation. • Requests received by February 20, 2015 will be refunded less a $35 administration fee • If you have not yet made payment when cancelling, you are still responsible for the $35 cancellation fee. Hyatt Regency Chicago 151 E Wacker Dr Chicago, IL 60601 Ideally located one block off The Magnificent Mile, near Millennium Park, Lake Michigan and the Chicago River, the Hyatt is walking distance to many of Chicago’s finest restaurants, attractions, theaters, shopping and nightspots. The Hyatt is connected to the 83-acre indoor Illinois Center complex featuring numerous stores and services, including restaurants, salons, postal services and much more! Special Conference Rate: $189/night (+16.4% tax) Rate includes complimentary guest room internet and fitness center access Attendees staying three or more nights receive double Hyatt points Check in: 3:00pm – Check out: 12:00pm FRAUD ALERT: It has come to our attention that there are “Convention Services” companies that may be contacting Lifesavers attendees to solicit hotel reservations for the 2015 conference. These companies are referred to as room block pirates, and have NOT been authorized to handle Lifesavers housing and are NOT affiliated with the Lifesavers Conference in any way. To avoid becoming the victim of fraud, reserve your room directly through the Hyatt Reservations link found below. While it is not illegal for a travel firm to solicit potential customers, it is impossible to determine the legitimacy of their offer and we strongly recommend that you do not provide credit card details to phone solicitors. By booking through them, you will likely face large cancellation fees and no guarantee of having a confirmed hotel room. Hyatt Reservations Visit the travel page at for reservation information. Federal Employee Room Reservations: Government rate rooms are available at the Hyatt for federal employees only, and you must present your federal government ID upon check-in. Please note that state and local government employees do not qualify for this rate. CLICK HERE to reserve your room. Cancellations must be made three days (72 hours) in advance of arrival. Book your reservations early! The conference hotel rate is guaranteed until February 13th, but we expect the Hyatt to sell out before that date. Lifesavers Attendee Restaurant/Coffee Outlets Discount! Show your badge at the Hyatt coffee outlets and the following restaurants to receive a 10% discount: Stetsons Modern Steak & Sushi, BIG Bar, American Craft Kitchen & Bar, DaddyO’s Pub & Game Room, and Market Chicago. CLICK HERE for restaurant descriptions. Fitness: Jogging paths are located along the Chicago Riverwalk, a pedestrian walkway located on the south bank of the Chicago River, spanning from Lake Shore Drive to Franklin Street. Lifesavers Conference attendees also have complimentary access to the Hyatt’s 24-hour Stay Fit Fitness Center. Internet: Conference attendees receive complimentary internet access in guest rooms. Free wireless internet access is also available in atrium lobby, sky bridge and restaurant areas. Internet access is not available in workshop rooms or exhibit hall. 2015 NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGHWAY SAFETY PRIORITIES Why Exhibit At Lifesavers? • Get national exposure, with registrants coming from all fifty states, American territories and international countries • Interact with nearly 2000 of the nation’s leading highway safety professionals • Meet with highway safety peers and share successes, learn from others and develop alliances • Exhibit hours are designed for maximum exposure and networking opportunities, with a lunch (Sunday), the opening reception (Sunday), continental breakfast (Monday), and refreshments all scheduled in the exhibit hall • Receive complimentary listing in the on-site conference program • Receive complimentary on-line listing with contact information and brief product description How Good is the Lifesavers Conference? Over 90% of attendees rated last year’s conference “GOOD” or higher AND nearly 70% of attendees say they are planning to register for the 2015 conference. The Lifesavers Conference is the event for exhibitors to meet prospects, reconnect with customers, and network with other solution providers. Booth Sizes and Fees For Profit: $1,200 per 10’ x 10’ booth Non-Profit: $600 per 10’ x 10’ booth (Associations and Consumer Groups only) Additional Booth Personnel: $250 for first additional person, $350 for any additional people The booth fee includes: • 8’ high draped back walls and 3’ high side walls • Booth identification sign listing your company name and booth number • One draped 6 ft. table, 2 chairs, and wastebasket • Exhibit hall is carpeted with multi-colored carpet. Drape colors are green and white. • 24-hour general security • One free conference registration (value $350) This registration fee covers: • Choice of 80+ workshops • Opening plenary session • Lunch and evening reception on Sunday (in Exhibit Hall) • Continental breakfast in the Exhibit Hall and Public Service Awards luncheon on Monday • Closing plenary luncheon on Tuesday • Refreshment breaks (in Exhibit Hall) • All conference material Who is Attending? Payment The nearly 2000 attendees represent the following groups: To reserve your booth, your fee may be paid one of three ways: Check (U.S. dollars, payable to Lifesavers Conference); Purchase Order; or Credit Card (Visa or MasterCard – Lifesavers does not accept American Express). Applications without an attached PO or check/credit card information will not be processed. Exhibit fees must be paid prior to the conference. Child passenger safety State and local law enforcement Community traffic safety programs Injury prevention programs State and local emergency medical services, and public health Federal and state highway safety agencies Prosecutors and judges working in traffic safety The automotive and insurance industries Advocacy and research Exhibiting Questions? Contact Christin McGrath at or 703.922.7944. Lifesavers Federal ID number: 52-1648356 Booth Space Assignment Procedures Assignment of exhibit space is determined by past support and history of exhibitor, date received, number of booths requested, receipt of payment, and appropriate distribution and balance of displays and products. Lead Retrieval Equipment Available for Rent Convention Strategy Group is offering exhibit lead retrieval services to help exhibitors quickly and effectively capture and qualify sales leads at Lifesavers. This electronic system reads attendee badges, instantly captures sales leads and you can apply notes to better qualify each visitor to your company’s booth. After the event, all the collected leads will be sent out in Excel via email. You can reserve your equipment online by clicking HERE. If you have any questions about this service, please contact a product specialist at 301-576-3093. N AT IO L NA N CO FER O N H I G H WAY SA FE E NC E TY PR IOR IT IE EXHIBITOR REGISTRATION FORM S HYATT REGENCY CHICAGO MARCH 15-17, 2015 LIFESAVERS PRIMARY EXHIBIT CONTACT (One Complimentary Registration per booth) Name: __________________________________________________________________________________ Preferred First Name for Badge: ______________________________________________________________ Company: ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ City:____________________________________________ ( ) Telephone: ___________________________________ State:_______ Zip: __________________ ( ) Cell: ___________________________________ For updates only – will not be printed in program materials. E-mail: ____________________________________________________________________________ PAYMENT METHOD Application will not be processed without payment or purchase order. Exhibit fees MUST be paid prior to conference. If paying by credit card or purchase order you can also securely register online at Lifesavers does not accept American Express n VISA n CHECK n MASTERCARD n PURCHASE ORDER (attach) _______________________________________ Card Number Expires: ______________ CW2 Code: ____________ Contact information will be used in meeting materials. Emergency Contact Name (required): _____________________________________________________ ( ) ( ) Day Phone:_______________________________ Cell Phone: _______________________________ Will you be staying at the Hyatt Regency Chicago? n Yes n No If not, where will you be staying? ________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ Signature By signing I authorize a charge to the credit card in the amount indicated on this form _______________________________________ Name of Cardholder ADDITIONAL PERSONNEL (All booth personnel must register) If you are purchasing more than one exhibit booth, and/or would like to register additional booth personnel, please provide names below: n _______________________________________ Complimentary Booth Person (one for each booth purchase) Name: _________________________________ Company:_____________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ n @ $250 Additional Booth Person #1 ___________ Name: _________________________________ Company:_____________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ n @ $350 Additional Booth Person #2 ___________ Name: _________________________________ Company:_____________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ n @ $350 Additional Booth Person #3 ___________ Name: _________________________________ Company:_____________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ BOOTH FEES Quantity Amount Total For-Profit Companies ________ 10’x10’ @ $1,200 ea. _____________ Non-Profit Companies ________ 10’x10’ @ $600 ea. _____________ @ $1,200 ea. _____________ Vehicle (2 spaces required) 2 10’x10’ _______________________________________ Billing Address Total Amount $ _____________ City/State/Zip Mail this form with your payment or purchase order (checks made payable to Lifesavers Conference, Inc.) to: Lifesavers Conference, Inc. Exhibit Booth Application P.O. Box 30045 Alexandria,VA 22310 Phone: (703) 922-7944 Fax: (703) 922-7780 Lifesavers Federal ID #: 52-1648356 CANCELLATION POLICY Lifesavers does not accept cancellations by phone. Cancellations may be mailed to Lifesavers Conference, or emailed to You will receive a confirmation of your cancellation. Requests received by February 13, 2015 will be refunded less a 50% administrative fee. CONTRACT n The undersigned understands and accepts the BOOTH SELECTION Exhibiting Terms and Conditions listed on website. This document constitutes a contract. Review the on-line floor plan and select six locations in order of preference. Shaded spaces are not available. 1st __________________ 2nd ______________________ 3rd ____________________ 4th __________________ 5th ______________________ 6th ____________________ Special Considerations/Requests: ____________________________________________________________ n I have read and accepted the Liability and Photography Waiver found on website. _______________________________________ Signature BOOTH IDENTIFICATION SIGN Company/Organization: __________________________________________________________________ EXHIBITOR PROFILE Please attach a short description (75 words or less) about your product/organization. Include your website address. Exhibit contact information and exhibit profiles will be posted on the Lifesavers website. _________________ Date Exhibiting Terms & Conditions on Pages 2 & 3 NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGHWAY SAFETY PRIORITIES • MARCH 15-17, 2015 • HYATT REGENCY CHICAGO EXHIBITING TERMS & CONDITIONS PAGE 1 OF 2 LIABILITY/PHOTOGRAPHY WAIVER By registering for the Lifesavers 2015 Conference, you agree and acknowledge that you are participating in Lifesavers Conference events and activities on your own free and intentional will. You acknowledge this freely and knowingly and that you are, as a result, able to participate in Lifesavers Conference events and hereby assume responsibility for your own well-being. This acknowledgement includes your guest(s) participation in any tours and evening events. The Lifesavers Conference plans to take photographs during the 2015 conference and reproduce them in Lifesavers educational, news, or promotional material, whether in print, electronic or other media, including the Lifesavers website. By participating in the Lifesavers 2015 Conference, you grant Lifesavers the right to use your name and photograph for such purposes. All postings are the property of Lifesavers and may be displayed or used by Lifesavers for any purpose. All exhibit and display work in the Chicago area must be done by union labor. Visit the exhibiting page of the website for the link to Chicago Union Labor Regulations document. 1. GENERAL INFORMATION A. B. C. D. E. B. Exhibitors must comply with the general contractor’s (GES) Rules and Regulations as set forth in the exhibitor service manual. The signed application and acknowledgment by the Lifesavers Conference, Inc., and/or its agent constitutes a contract between Lifesavers and the exhibitor. All and any matters not specifically covered in these articles are subject to final decision by Lifesavers. Any exhibitor whose proposed exhibit is in keeping with the educational intent of Lifesavers may apply for space. Lifesavers reserves the right to reject applications with or without cause, in its sole discretion. Exhibitors are expected to read and abide by the rules and regulations as may be provided by Lifesavers. Exhibitors must also comply with all rules and regulations of the Hyatt Regency Chicago. Lifesavers shall have full power to interpret, amend, and enforce these rules and regulations, which may include of removal of exhibitor from the Conference. Lifesavers assumes no responsibility for any arrangements, contracts, purchases, or disputes between conference attendees and the exhibitor. Exhibitor is responsible for handling all questions and disputes from conference attendees who purchase items or services from exhibitor. Lifesavers does not endorse or affirm the quality of products or services provided by the exhibitor. 2. PAYMENT/CANCELLATION POLICY Application for booth space must be accompanied by payment or purchase order. Applications received without payment will be returned. Cancellation requests must be made in writing. Refund is based on date received: by February 13, 2015 – refund minus 50% fee, after February 13, 2015 – no refund. Lifesavers may terminate this Agreement at any time for any reason up to 14 days prior to the conference upon written notice to exhibitor. 3. EXHIBIT BOOTH PROVISIONS A. Each booth is equipped with a draped six-foot table, two chairs, wastebasket, and a 7”x 44” identification sign with the exhibitor’s name and booth number. The Exhibit Hall is carpeted. Any additional furnishings may be purchased through Lifesavers’ decorator, GES, and shall be the sole expense of exhibitor. Fees for electrical outlets, internet connection, etc., are the responsibility of the exhibitor. C. Exhibit installation hours are 2:00pm to 6:00pm on Saturday, March 14 and 7:30am–12noon on Sunday, March 15. No exhibit may be installed after the exhibition opens to registrants. Space not occupied by the time designated will be forfeited by exhibitor and the space may be resold, reassigned or used by Lifesavers without refund. Exhibits cannot be dismantled prior to the close of the exhibit hall at 4:30pm, Monday, March 16. D. Exhibitors are not permitted to sublet or share space. E. Exhibits that include audiovisual equipment or any noise-making machines may not disturb other exhibitors or their patrons and all exhibits will be operated in a way that will not detract from other exhibits, the exhibition, or the Conference as a whole. Lifesavers reserves the right in its sole discretion to evict or request withdrawal of any exhibitor who, because of noise, conduct, method of operation or other distraction, in the sole discretion of Lifesavers detracts from the Conference. Should an eviction occur, the exhibitor forfeits all monies paid and is not entitled to a refund. If an exhibitor is asked to remove an exhibit, or part thereof, and fails to do so promptly, Lifesavers may remove the exhibit or part thereof, at exhibitor’s sole expense. Lifesavers will not be liable for any damage to any party for the removal, whether in whole or in part, or prohibition of the exhibit deemed unsuitable to the character or purpose of the exhibition. F. Specifications and limitations regarding the exhibition of vehicles are agreed to as stated in this document. G. No copyrighted music can be played at this event. Exhibitors must notify Lifesavers of any audio or video recordings (and the intended use of such recordings) of conference attendees that will take place at their booth. Lifesavers reserves the right to record the conference events, including exhibitors, as determined in the sole discretion of Lifesavers. H. Lifesavers shall have sole discretion as to the placement of exhibitor space. Lifesavers reserves the right to alter the floor plan. I. Displays can in no way obscure or interfere with other booths. Should any portion of an exhibit that obstructs the view, interferes with the privileges of other exhibitors, extends beyond the designated booth space or for any reason becomes objectionable, NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGHWAY SAFETY PRIORITIES • MARCH 15-17, 2015 • HYATT REGENCY CHICAGO EXHIBITING TERMS & CONDITIONS PAGE 2 OF 2 must be immediately modified or removed by the exhibitor at Lifesavers’ request. Lifesavers reserves the right to inspect the quality of the appearance of each booth prior to show opening. Each exhibitor is responsible for keeping the aisles near its exhibit space free of congestion caused by demonstrations or other promotions. All demonstrations or other promotional activities must be confined to the limits of the exhibit space. 4. EXHIBITING VEHICLES Exhibitors need to notify Lifesavers’ decorator, GES if exhibiting a vehicle. Any exhibitor exhibiting a vehicle must provide proof of insurance for the vehicle and shall be responsible for any damage or destruction to or caused by such vehicle. GES will schedule and coordinate moving vehicles into exhibit hall. Please note on the exhibit application if you plan to exhibit a vehicle, which will require the purchase of two spaces. You are responsible for vehicle spotting fee. To exhibit a vehicle: • All fuel tank openings shall be locked or sealed shut. • Fuel tanks shall be no more than 1/8 full. • Carpet protection must be placed under the vehicle (drop cloth/plastic). • Battery cables shall be disconnected. • Vehicle must be pushed into location. 5. SECURITY / LIABILITY / INSURANCE A. B. Lifesavers will provide 24-hour security in the exhibit hall beginning at 6:00pm on Saturday, March 14, 2015, until close of exhibit show and will endeavor to protect exhibit property during the closed hours of the exhibit hall. However, full responsibility for the exhibit, equipment, signs, and other material in the booth remains with the exhibitor and Lifesavers makes no warranty, expressed or implied, that security measures will avert or prevent occurrences that may result in loss or damage. The safekeeping of the exhibitor's property shall remain the sole responsibility of the exhibitor. After exhibit hours, only properly identified personnel or exhibitors may enter the exhibit hall. Lifesavers will not be liable for loss or damage to the property of exhibitors or their representatives or employees from theft, fire, accident or any other causes. Lifesavers will not be liable for injury to exhibitors or their employees or for damage to property in their custody, owned or controlled by them, which claims for damages, injury, etc., may be incident to or arise from, or be in any way connected with their use or occupation of exhibitor space. The exhibitor agrees to fully protect, indemnify and hold harmless Lifesavers, Hyatt Regency Chicago and any other parties at interest against all claims, losses or damages to persons or property, governmental charges or fines and attorney fees arising out of or caused by installation, removal, maintenance, occupancy or use of the exhibition premises or any part thereof. C. Exhibitors acknowledge that Lifesavers, its employees or contractors and the Hyatt Regency Chicago do not maintain insurance covering exhibitor property and that it is the sole responsibility of the exhibitor to obtain business interruption and property damage covering such losses by the exhibitor. Exhibitor shall provide proof of insurance to Lifesavers upon request. D. Exhibitors shall not deface any part of the exhibit facility. Nothing may be posted, nailed, affixed, or otherwise attached to any part of the walls, floors, ceiling, furniture, or other property of the facility or GES. Any costs arising out of any acts or omissions on the part of the exhibitor, its agents or employees will be the sole responsibility of the exhibitor. E. In the event that the Exhibit Show is canceled due to circumstances not within the control of Lifesavers (such as fire, acts of God, war, labor strikes, picketing, civil disturbances, terrorism, government regulation, shortage of materials, curtailment of transportation to facility to hold the exhibit, show or conference), then a full refund of application fees paid to Lifesavers will be made, minus a 25% processing fee. In no event will Lifesavers provide any refunds of airline tickets, hotel charges, or any other costs, fees, or charges incurred in connection with exhibitor’s attendance of the event. F. Lifesavers assumes no liability for the termination of this Agreement. G. Violation of any of the terms of this Agreement by the exhibitor or his or her employees or agents shall at the option of Lifesavers forfeit the exhibitor’s right to occupy space and such exhibitor shall forfeit to Lifesavers all monies paid or due. Upon evidence of violation, Lifesavers may take possession of the space occupied by the exhibitor, and may remove all persons and goods at the exhibitor’s risk. The exhibitor shall pay all expenses and damages that Lifesavers may incur thereby. H. This Agreement contains the entire agreement with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all previous Agreements and proposals. This Agreement shall be interpreted and construed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia and the parties agree that any suit arising out of breach of the Agreement must be brought in the Commonwealth of Virginia and jurisdiction over the matter and the parties and venue properly lies in the Commonwealth of Virginia. 6.FIRE SAFETY All materials used in booth, including decorations, must be flame retardant. Exhibitors assume all responsibility for compliance with local, city and state ordinances and regulations covering fire, safety and health. No combustible, hazardous, or other dangerous material will be stored in or around exhibit booths, with the only exception being for exhibiting vehicles as provided in this Agreement. FER ENC E ON H I G H WA Y SA FE TY Exhibit Hours and Events P Saturday, March 14 ITI NA OR TIO AL N CO RI N 2015 NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGHWAY SAFETY PRIORITIES ES 2:00pm – 6:00pm Exhibit Setup RE ES Food & Beverage Lockers Dining/Networking Lockers ITI Dining/Networking Posters OR NC E 15 20 Dining/Networking Food & Beverage Monday, March 16 8:00am – 4:30pm Exhibit Hall Open (closed during Public Service Awards Luncheon) 8:00am – 8:45am Continental Breakfast in Exhibit Hall LI R EClosed for Public Service Awards F E S – 2:00pm ExhibitF EHall 12:30pm AV E R S CLuncheon ON 3:45pm – 4:30pm Refreshments/ Networking in Exhibit Hall 4:30pm Exhibitor Move Out Beverage ers RI Hyatt Regency Chicago Riverside Center 7:30am – 12:00pm Exhibit Setup 12:00pm – 6:00pm Exhibit Hall Open 12:00pm –NC1:30pm ON H I G HLunch WAY in Exhibit Hall E E SA FER FE N 3:00pm – 3:30pm Refreshments/Networking in TY CO P AL Exhibit Hall 5:00pm – 6:00pm Opening Reception in Exhibit Hall N AV E R S C E ONF TIO etworking FES NA LI NC 15 20 E Sunday, March 15 Hyatt Regency Chicago Riverside Center Dining/Networking Food & Beverage Dining/Networking Lockers RESERVED Lockers AVAILABLE Indicates last in, first out. AVAILABLE RESERVED Click on floor plan to download current exhibit hall showing reserved booths 2015 NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGHWAY SAFETY PRIORITIES Poster Session Share your highway safety work or injury prevention program or research! A poster presentation is a graphic representation of the author’s program or work. Authors illustrate their findings by displaying graphs, photos, diagrams, and a small amount of text on the poster boards. • A complete paper cannot be posted. • Posters promoting the sale of products or services or otherwise seen as promoting an organization’s business interests will not be accepted. • Posters must present an innovative or creative approach to addressing highway safety or injury prevention through an education or research-based initiative, and are evidenced based with supporting data. • Poster presenters are expected to participate in the preceding Poster Dash workshop. • Poster presenters must be registered for the conference at the poster presenter $350 rate, and are not eligible for financial aid, unless students are approved for student scholarships. You are guaranteed the $350 early bird attendee registration rate if your poster is not accepted. • Space may be limited; priority is given to programs that have not been presented in the past year to create an opportunity for new initiatives/research and attendees to be featured. The authors will discuss their work during the Sunday evening reception with the attendees who are circulating among the poster boards. Authors may find it helpful to prepare a brief introduction that addresses obvious questions that may be posed by the audience and then use the remaining time for more in-depth discussions. The author must remain by his/her poster during the entire presentation session. Posters are available for general viewing during regular exhibit hall hours. Poster submissions are due by January 16, 2015. A subcommittee will review all poster submissions and contact you via email by January 30, 2015 regarding the status of your submission. Download an application from the Poster page at Poster Example and Guidelines Note: The poster example is for graphic representation or poster guidelines. Layout on the poster is open to the author’s preference. Title and List of Authors 1.5 to 2 inches high (108 to 144 point type) Arial typeface Other Lettering Approx. 1 inch high (72 point type) Arial bold typeface Poster Title Author Names Background Results Sed ut perspiciatis, unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam eaque ipsa, quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta. Sed ut perspiciatis, unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam eaque ipsa, quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt, explicabo. nemo enim ipsam voluptatem, quia voluptas sit, aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos, qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt, neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum, quia dolor sit, amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt, ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Objectives Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem, quia voluptas sit, aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos, qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt, neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum, quia dolor sit, amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt, ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Methods Voluptatem. trum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit, qui in ea voluptate velit esse, quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum, qui dolorem eum fugiat, quo voluptas nulla pariatur? Conclusion Sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt, ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. trum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam. Sed ut perspiciatis, unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam eaque ipsa, quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt, explicabo. nemo enim ipsam voluptatem, quia voluptas sit, aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos, qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt, neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum, quia dolor sit, amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt, ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. trum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit, qui in ea voluptate velit esse, quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum, qui dolorem eum fugiat, quo voluptas nulla pariatur? Visibility • Materials should be visible from 5 feet A Font: Arial 72 Point A Size: 8’ x 4’ Font: Arial 144 Point Guidelines for Preparing Your Poster Board Lifesavers will provide an 8' wide by 4' tall board on a stand with a small table, on which the poster materials should be affixed. Thumbtacks for mounting the display will be provided. Each board will be assigned a number that will be used to publicize your work to the conference attendees. The author should prepare materials in advance and adhere to the following guidelines: • Your poster should be easily understandable to the reader and not require verbal explanation. • Tell a story: keep the word count as low as possible, but provide a clear flow of information from introduction to conclusion. The flow should be clear from the layout; if you need to use arrows, the content could probably be arranged better. • Focus on your major findings – don’t try to cover too much. • The title and author(s’) name should be prominent and eye-catching, using letters at least two inches high. • Material should be visible from a distance of 5 feet. • Use graphs, tables, diagrams, and images where appropriate. Use boxes to emphasize specific points. • Clearly label diagrams/drawings and provide references in the text where necessary. • Use all the space at your disposal, but do not cram in the content – white space is an important part of the layout and will make your poster more eyecatching. • Use color sparingly – limited use of a few colors is more striking than a “rainbow” effect. It is especially useful for emphasis and differentiation. Avoid color combinations that clash (e.g., red type on a blue background). • A neutral or muted background is more pleasing to the eye than a brightly colored background.
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