Newsletter - Sharp Memorial United Methodist Church, Young Harris
December, 2014
The Newsletter of Sharp Memorial United Methodist Church
A Stephen Ministry Congregation
Phone/fax: 706-379-3210
PO Box 66, Young Harris GA 30582
Volume 31, No. 12
Keeping Time
Keeping time and keeping appointments are important.
The Christian Calendar is the Church's way of keeping time. It is the seasons and
days we use to mark events in the life of Jesus Christ and the Church. In the
Christian calendar, the new year begins with the season of Advent, when we
celebrate the coming of Jesus Christ into the world and also His promised final
coming. Next is the Christmas season, which begins on Christmas Eve and is 12
days long (“The Twelve Days of Christmas”). Here we rejoice with angels at the
birth of God in the flesh, Jesus our Lord.
Church Staff
Rev. David Tinsley
Michael Ackland
Jim Barker
Director of Ministry Care
Joy H. Breedlove
Administrative Assistant
& Newsletter Editor,
Pam Leslie
Director of Music
Angela Holloway
Tonya Page
Nursery Supervisor
YHC Interns
Logan Gray
Monica Lewis
So, here is the schedule for our church-wide celebrations during this Holy Season:
Nov. 30 (Sunday)- Hanging of the Greens- 4:00 PM in the Sanctuary.
Dec 7 (Sunday)- Lessons and Carols- 7:00 PM in the YHC Chapel.
Dec 1 (Monday)- UM Men's Christmas Dinner 6:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall.
(ticket deadline was Nov. 24)
Dec 14 (Sunday)- Brasstown Ringers Concert- 4:00 PM in the Sanctuary.
Dec 18 (Thursday)- Blue Christmas- 4:00 PM in the Sanctuary. Jim Barker,
leading. (see article inside)
Dec 24 (Wednesday)- Christmas Eve Worship at 6:30 PM in the Sanctuary.
Dec 28 (Sunday)- One worship service at 11:00 AM only, in the Sanctuary.
Be sure to read the church bulletin each Sunday for details on all of these events.
May you and yours be filled with the blessings of the coming of Christ!
Year’s End
Giving to God is a privilege. God has given us our life, our call into His Kingdom
through Jesus Christ – in fact, everything of any value to us comes from God. So,
giving back to God is a privilege and that is why we give back to God in worship. In
our worship, we give God our attention, our praise, our hearts – and our money for
the work of the Kingdom.
December is a good time to complete your giving to God – a time for your
generosity to show, a time to give something extra for the blessings God has
bestowed on you this year.
We close out our 2014 Budget on December 31. Your 2014 Contributions
Statement will be sent to you in January 2015.
~Stewardship/Finance Committee
Greetings from the College Ministries
Committee. You probably know by
now that we have a Sharp Scholars
Award program to financially assist
students in our congregation with the
cost of a college degree. Each
recipient receives $1,000 for the
academic year. For those students who
choose to attend a United Methodist
institution, the gift from our church is
sent to the UM Higher Education
Foundation where each student is
considered for the Dollars For
Scholars program which provides
matching funds. If this additional
scholarship is awarded, the student is
eligible for additional matching funds.
At Young Harris College this can
mean that our $1,000 award could
result in a total award of $4,000! For
students enrolled in non-UM
institutions, the award money is sent
directly to the institution.
We have been quite busy this year
raising funds to meet our goal of
offering seven scholarships for the
2015-2016 academic year. We have
held a Chili Cook-off and a Bake Sale
to raise funds for our students.
I know from personal experience how
the generosity of others has impacted
mine and my family's life. There have
been several individuals who have
invested time and money which have
allowed me to follow my dreams,
provide for my family and serve our
Lord. It is because of these blessings
that I am even here in Young Harris,
serving with the congregation of
Sharp. During the month of
December, please consider giving to
the Sharp Scholars Scholarship Fund
so you too can invest in the
educational life of our students!
Roy Wright,
College Ministries Chair
Thanks for the Yams!
Dominic’s Angel Tree
Again this year, the Towns Co. Food
Pantry asked for our help in preparing
Thanksgiving boxes. Their specific
need was for 500 cans of yams for
Thanksgiving dinner boxes for
distribution to needy families in our
area. (This was an increase over the
350 cans they requested in 2013). Our
congregation brought in 565 cans for
them! The Sharp Men also made a
contribution towards the cost of the
turkeys. Thank you for sharing your
Thanksgiving feast with others in our
Dom’s Angel Tree was in place
early this year: This annual project
benefits The Towns and Union
County Foster Children’s Program.
These are children who otherwise
would have few or no Christmas
presents. Remember, all
packages will need to be brought
to the church by Sunday,
December 7. If you have any
questions, please call Margaret
Frizzell at 706-745-3197.
Advent Begins
November 30
Poinsettia Project
Come help prepare the church for
Advent on Sunday, November 30
at 4:00 PM. In preparation for
Christ's coming we will hang
greenery (evergreens) traditionally
associated with everlasting life.
There will be the Chrismon tree to
decorate, garlands to adorn,,
windows to dress, wreaths to hang
and the crèche to set up. Everyone
is invited to join in as we work
together to prepare for this special
time of year!
There will be a short, informal
service complete with favorite
Christmas carols during which we
will transform the Sanctuary. After
the work is done, the Hospitality
Committee will serve cookies and
cider in the Fellowship Hall.
The Circle of Friends Sunday
School Class is coordinating our
annual project to place poinsettias
in the Sanctuary on Dec. 21 and 24.
Poinsettias may be ordered for $15
each, in memory or in honor of
someone special. Proceeds will go
to the Sharp Scholars fund. A list
of all those being honored or
remembered will be included in the
bulletin on Dec. 21. Donors may
take the poinsettias home following
the worship services on Dec. 22 or
on Christmas Eve.
Note of Thanks
To my church family:
To the Sharp Quilters and Quilts of
You have honored me beyond
my wildest dreams. Thank you for
your thoughtfulness and kindness.
I will treasure my beautiful quilt
and those who made it. Thank you
again for everything.
With love,
Carl Cooney
Unit News:
On Saturday, November 8, Martha
Brown, Jenny Moe and Chris
Thompson attended the 2014
Gainesville District Annual
meeting. At the Awards
Ceremony, Sharp Memorial United
Methodist Women was one of two
Units that received the Gold Star
Mission Today Unit Award. To
receive this award, the unit had to
fulfill 17 requirements. The Unit
also received the 5-Star Giving
Certificate plus Candle Burning.
This entails making a Pledge to
Mission, Special Mission
Recognition (Pins), Gift to
Mission, Gift in Memory and
World Thank Offering. We also
brought back Reading Certificates
to present to the members of the
unit who finished a level of reading
requirements from the UMW
library. Our Unit came in second
in this category.
On Sunday, November 9, 2014 the
combined Circles of the Sharp
UMW met to celebrate UMW
World Thank Offering. This
meeting relates the efforts of UMW
world missions, and a special
offering is collected to support
those missions. Sharp UMW
members generously donated $853.
UMW President, Martha Brown,
opened the meeting, and shared
that our Unit had accomplished all
items required to be a Gold Star
Unit. We collected 87 “Blessings
Bags” to be distributed by the
District at Trinity Kitchen during
the holiday season. Chris
Thompson awarded Reading
Program Certificates to Barbara
Ide, Bitsy Weber, Dian Woodruff,
Ann Atkinson, Patti Kay and
herself. Some members not
present also received the reading
Vicki McVay then spoke about
UMW through the eyes of a child.
She shared the story of her youth
and how she witnessed women
canning beef to give to military
families at MacDill AFB. Her
church was always involved with
collecting items for crisis areas and
she was very active in those efforts.
UMW serves women and children
all over the world, and our
collection at World Thank Offering
helps with those efforts.
The Susanna Wesley Circle will
have a Christmas Luncheon on
Wednesday, December 3 at
Brothers' Restaurant at 11:30 AM.
Meet at the church at 11:00 AM to
carpool. This is to be a social
gathering with no program or
business meeting. Circle leader is
Melda Davis (706-896-1487).
The Mary Martha Circle will
meet for a Christmas party at
5:30pm at the Arbors Clubhouse
on December 9. Circle leader is
Peggy Gregg (706-379-3478).
The Fay Hoag Circle will meet on
Friday, Dec. 12 at , at 6:30 PM at
Margaret and David Mullins’ home
for their Christmas party. Circle
leaders are Patti Kay (706-3793219) and Dian Woodruff (706379-2504)
2015 UMW Officers
After the Special Mission
Recognition pins were awarded,
UMW officers for 2015 were
installed by Norma Jean Stewart.
They are: Martha Brown,
President; Elaine Vickers, Vice
President; Linda Rentz, Secretary;
Chris Thompson, Treasurer;
JoCarolyn Beebe, Parliamentarian;
Brenda Maynard, Communications; Vikki McVay, Spiritual
Growth; Marsha Elliott, Education
& Interpretation; Nancy Stevens,
Membership Nurture & Outreach;
Chris Thompson, Program
Resources; Kay Muehlhausen,
Historian; Connie Fisher,
Supportive Community; and Dian
Woodruff, Yearbook Coordinator.
If anyone is interested in joining
one of our five circles, please
contact a member of Sharp
Memorial United Methodist
Dec.Circle Meetings:
All women are invited to
participate in a Circle. If you
would like more information or to
attend a meeting, please contact the
The Lydia Circle will have a
Christmas coffee on Wednesday,
December 10 at 10:30 AM at home
of Barb Pittman. Circle leaders are
Melanie Beighley (cell 770-6333765, home 706-379-3575) and
Brenda Maynard (706-896-5035).
The Ruth Circle will meet for
lunch on Dec. 18, instead of having
their December meeting. Circle
Leader is Anne Gilmore (706-8963141).
It’s Study Break
It's that time of year again! The
students are gearing up for finals,
and our Study Break for them will
be held on December 7, from 9-11
PM. As usual, we are asking for
donations of food and drinks to
feed to hungry scholars. We have
more students every year and are
expecting 200+ to come through
our doors that night! We're talking
sandwiches, frozen pizza rolls,
cookies, chips, pretty much
anything that can be eaten; you can
bring your donations to the church
kitchen through December 7,
marked “Study Break”. Thanks!
Brasstown Ringers
in Concert Dec. 14
Job Opportunity
Mike Ackland, our Church
Treasurer, is retiring. If you know
someone who has an accounting
background and would be
interested in this part-time job at
Sharp, please have them contact
the Church Office for an
Children’s Books
The Brasstown Ringers Handbell
Ensemble will present a Christmas
concert at Sharp Memorial UMC at
4:00 PM on Sunday, Dec. 14,
2014. The concert is free and open
to the public. A freewill offering
will be taken to help defray the
group’s expenses.
Staff Love-Gift
As the Advent season begins and we
consider our many blessings, your
Staff-Parish Relations Committee asks
that you think about how much our
Pastor and Staff bless each one of us
throughout the year. Every aspect of
our worship is made more meaningful
and personally fulfilling by our Sharp
This year, as in the past, we ask you to
show them how much you appreciate
their dedication and hard work by
contributing generously to the annual
LOVE OFFERING. Please place your
gift in the offering plate, or mail it to
reach the church office no later than
December 22. Be sure to mark your
donations “Staff Love Gift”. The
SPRC thanks you for your gifts, and
we thank our exceptional staff for
what they do for all of us.
- Penny Fille, Chair,
Staff-Parish Relations Committee
Mary Strain’s Little Free Library
in Mayor’s Park (in Young Harris)
is in need of children’s books. If
you can donate one or a few, it
would be greatly appreciated by
her family and the children of the
community. Just place them on the
lower shelf of the “library” or call
Doug at (706)835-8435 to have
them picked up.
Remember our
Please remember those who are
homebound or in nursing homes.
In Brasstown Manor: Hilde
Schaffranke, Harvey and Rachel
Windsor. In Chatuge Nursing
Home: Blanche Anderson, Joan
Perry. In Clay County Care
Center, Hayesville, NC: Ramona
Davidson. In Union Co. Nursing
Home: Mary Evans. At home:
Betty Barlow, Mildred
Dunbrack, Marilyn Gordon,
Sandy Lawyer, Tom McVay.
The deadline for the January 2015
issue of Sharp Notes will be
December 15. Items for the
newsletter may be brought to the
church office or emailed to Joy at
What is “Blue
Blue Christmas, or Longest Night,
is a service of worship designed for
people suffering with pain, loss,
isolation or grief in the Advent
season. As Reverend Nancy
Townely says, “On this night, or
anytime this service is presented,
we remember those for whom the
holidays are not joyful; they are
lonely, in mourning, feeling
alienated and cast apart from
family celebrations; they are
experiencing depression and
sadness, and yet are often
compelled to ‘put on a happy face’
for others, denying their true
feelings”. The service is often held
on or around December 21, the
“longest night” of the year.*
This year Sharp Memorial UMC
will conduct a Blue Christmas
service on December 18 at 4:00
PM. The service will deal with
faith, hope and comfort. There will
be hymns, scripture, prayers,
candlelight and Holy Communion.
It will be a quiet service with time
for reflection.
If Christmas is a time that
overwhelms you, or that brings up
painful memories of loss, consider
this service. If you know someone
you think might benefit, please
consider inviting them.
*MM Ministry Matters, posted
November 21, 2011.
memory of Charlie Maynard by
Carnie and Keith Wall.
Kathy Pierce has donated an
anthem in memory of Al Pierce.
A memorial gift has been made by
Ermine Owenby, in memory of
Ray Blitch’s mother, Ruthie Blitch.
Christmas Eve
Don’t miss our annual Christmas
Eve service at 6:30 PM on Dec. 24.
Come sing Christmas carols and
hear the Scripture and music of the
season, as we prepare our hearts to
welcome the Christ Child. At the
close of the service, we will light
candles to remind us that Christ is
the light of the world.
Combined Service
on Dec. 28
A gift has been made to the
Pastor’s Discretionary Fund by
Brenda Maynard, in honor of Rev.
David Tinsley and of Jim Barker.
A gift has been made to the Music
Fund by Brenda Maynard, in honor
of Pam Leslie, Joy Breedlove, and
the Sharp Sisters.
A gift has been made to the
Pastor’s Discretionary Fund by
Cherri and Karl Scharnberg, in
memory of Ross DeMuth.
The Hospitality Committee has
placed an artificial flower
arrangement in the Narthex in
memory of Cecile Doughty.
We will have only ONE worship
service on Dec. 28, at 11:00 AM,
as we celebrate Christ’s birth in our
favorite Christmas carols. Our
regular worship schedule will
resume on January 4, 2015.
/Finance Notes
Operating Budget (2014)
Oct. income: $26,518.
YTD income: $301,892.
Oct. expenses: $28,851.
YTD expenses:$323,603.
Oct. deficit: $2.333.
YTD deficit: $21.711.
Sept. Communion Offering: Old
Union Cemetery: $1,157.
Memorial Gifts
A gift has been made to the
Pastor’s Discretionary Fund in
Stephen Ministry
Thought for the Month
Some words shared by one who
has received care from a Stephen
Minister: My Stephen Minister
listens – really listens. I never
realized how helpful and healing
such a simple act can be.
If you, or someone you know, is
going through a difficult time and
would like a Christian friend to
help, contact Rev. Tinsley or one
of our Stephen Leaders, Jayne
Brechbill and Connie Fisher.
Trained Stephen Ministers are
available to listen and care. (Please
remember to get another person’s
permission before referring him or
Worship Servants
Dec. 7 – Drew Sofield
Dec. 14 – tba
Dec. 21 – tba
Dec. 28 – Illeana McVay
Dec. 7 – Kori Sofield
8:30 AM service
Dec. 7 – Ron Day, Kathy Pierce
Dec. 14 – Flo and J. A. Swartz
Dec. 21 – Marsha and Robert
Dec. 28 –Brenda Maynard, Carroll
11:00 AM service
Dec. 7 – Bob Atkinson, Barbara
and David Pittman, Norma Jean
Dec. 14 – Ann Atchison, Joyce
Frick, Cherri and Karl
Dec. 21 – Bob Atkinson, Ray
Blitch, Nancy Stevens, Lou
Dec. 28 – Debbie and Steve
Klotzbier, Janet and Bill
Coffee Set-up
Dec. 7 – Barbara and Bill Coffman
Dec. 14 – Jane and Billy Snipes
Dec. 21 – Gail and John Stewart
Dec. 28 – Janet and Bill
Altar Flowers
Dec. 14 – Pappy Doughty
Dec. 21 – Poinsettias
Dec. 28 – date available
Please note: the 2015 Flower
Calendar is now posted on the
bulletin board outside the
church office.
Nursery Volunteers
8:15 – 10:00 AM
Dec. 7 – Jan O’Harrow
Dec. 14 – Linda Riley
Dec. 21 – Milisa Wright
Dec. 28 - tba
10:00 AM – noon
Dec. 7 – Linda Hudson
Dec. 14 – Crystal Gary
Dec. 21 – tba
Dec. 28 - tba
Altar Guild, Dec.
Martha Barker
Sound System, Dec.
8:30 AM: Pam Leslie
11:00 AM: Nathaniel Arnold
Happy Anniversary:
Anne and Jim Gilmore – Dec. 4
Ruth and Paul Pleak – Dec. 6
Vikki and Tom McVay – Dec. 15
Linda and Dail Rentz – Dec. 15
Jane and Billy Snipes – Dec. 17
Chris and Carl Cooney – Dec. 19
Beth and George Lansdell – Dec.
Penny and Dick Fille – Dec. 28
Liz and Joe Ruf – Dec. 28
Virginia and David Tinsley – Dec.
Welcome, New
Happy Birthday
Kathleen Painter – Dec. 2
Tom Garrison – Dec. 2
Barbara Hale – Dec. 4
Betsy Smrz – Dec. 4
Anne Atkinson – Dec. 6
Barbara Ide – Dec. 9
Doris Tilly – Dec. 9
Anne Gilmore – Dec. 10
Philip Rudisill – Dec. 10
Evelyn Wiley – Dec. 10
Kathy Pierce – Dec. 11
Crystal Gary – Dec. 13
Glenn Brechbill – Dec. 14
Margaret Miller – Dec. 14
Marilyn Gordon – Dec. 16
Chris Cooney – Dec. 17
Guy Firor – Dec. 17
Jim Gimore – Dec.17
Gene Vickers – Dec. 17
Ann Sebree – Dec. 19
Janice Parmer – Dec. 20
Joyce Garrison – Dec. 21
Mary Manwaring – Dec. 22
Ruth Heusel – Dec. 23
Ray Cooke – Dec. 25
Howard Reynolds – Dec. 29
Frank Sebree – Dec. 30
Gayla McLean – Dec. 31
We’ve recently welcomed several
new members to our church family.
Julie and Eric Eggen joined by
transfer of membership from
Cokesbury UMC in Pensacola, FL.
Angela Holloway and Linda
Jenkins joined our church in
November. Pictures will be
included in next month’s
Creation Care Tip
"All creation is the Lord's, and we
are responsible for the ways in
which we use and abuse it. ... God
has granted us stewardship of
creation. We should meet these
stewardship duties through acts of
loving care and respect."
---United Methodist Social Principles
Now that winter is almost here
some of you will be using your
fireplaces. Remember to close the
fireplace damper when not in use
to prevent heat from escaping out
the chimney and of course, be sure
to open the damper when you are
ready to light a fire.
Support our
Troops in Prayer
Please remember in your thoughts and
prayers all of the men and women in our
armed forces stationed all over this
world, keeping our country safe and
free, along with the civilians who are
there to support them.
Especially we remember:
Mailyn Ayala – Roy Wright’s
niece, US Army.
SSG Jimmy Barker – US Army,
Jim & Sally Barker’s son,
stationed in Vincenza, Italy
SFC Ron Barker – US Army,
John & Martha Barker’s son,
stationed at Ft. Hood, Texas.
Charlie Bell – Nancy & Paul
Bundy’s grandson, graduated from
Basic Training at Fort Leonard
Woods, MO.
Jared Blackburn – Army Special
Forces, on his 2nd tour in
Afghanistan. Brenda Maynard’s
Alec Blackmon, Airman FC –
home from Afghanistan. Brenda &
Charlie Maynard’s grandson-inlaw.
SSGT Jeff Buckingham – Ron
Denton’s cousin, Special Forces,
now stationed at F. Lewis, WA..
CAPT Lew Dyer – US Navy, son
of Woodie and Bud Dyer, now
stationed at Parris Island,
Beaufort, SC.
Trent Dyer – Wilson Sayles'
SSG David B. Edwards – Don
Gregg’s nephew, USAF, Nevada.
CAPT Sean Flynn – US Air
Force, Charlotte Bunnell’s
grandson, McGuire Air Force
Base, New Jersey.
LTjg Bentley Foster – US Navy,
serving on board the USS Howard
out of San Diego. Anne and Jim
Gilmore’s grandson
SGT Dustin R. Gammill. –
USMC, Jenny Moe’s niece’s
husband, Naval Air Station in Ft.
Worth, Texas.
LCPL Brent Jones – USMC,
returned from Pakistan, now
serving as a recruiter.
David Junghans – US Army,
PVT Michael Ledford – Ruth
Heusel’s grandson, back in the
Lt. Col Scott Wesley Lerdon –
US Air Force Reserves, deployed
to Guam. Bobbie and Wes
Lerdon’s son.
CDR Gregory Morris – US Navy,
serving on an aircraft carrier out of
Japan. Diana Smith’s greatnephew
Lt. Commander Brian Potter US Coast Guard, Washington, DC.
Grandson of Margaret Frizzell.
Mark Reinhardt – Ann
Atchison’s brother, serving in
Djibouti, Africa, for the US Navy.
Col. Stephen Smith – Larry
Smith’s son, Ft. Bragg, NC.
SSG Brent Steel – US Army, Ft.
Hood, TX. Martha and John
Barker’s nephew.
Prayers for Opening
Before the Presents are Opened:
Lord Jesus, born of Mary: the gifts
gathered beneath the tree –
sparkling in their foil, colorful in
their tibbons – are merely
reflections of the great gift we
celebrate this day. You have
blessed us with family and friends.
You have gifted us with church
homes and Christian fellowship.
And, miracle of miracles, you have
come, yourself, to live among us.
Christ, you have made our house
your home. For all of the
presents…and especially for your
presence…we thank and praise
you. Amen.
After the Presents are Opened:
O Christ, who called this earth
your home; You are among us! In
the presents gladly shared, and the
laughter, hugs, and smiles, your
presence with us has been made
evident. For your presence here,
we thank you. Even so, Lord, stay!
As the wrapping paper is tossed
out or saved for future use, as the
tree is taken down, as the radio
stations return to their normal
forats – Lord Jesus, stay. Be with
us in our home. For we are
certain…You are here! Amen.
This Christmas3
…keep a promise
…welcome a stranger
…brighten the heart of a child
…encourage the young
express your gratitude
…take pleasure in the beauty and
wonder of the earth
speak your love
.and speak it once again.
May the love that was born
at Christmas live in your
heart each day of your life.
Love and blessings to each
one of you from your
church staff: David, Jim,
Joy, Pam, Mike, Angela,
and Tonya.