This week's events - Central Schwenkfelder Church

CENTRAL SCHWENKFELDER CHURCH, 2111 Valley Forge Road, Lansdale, PA 19446 - 610-584-4480
Love God.
God. Serve
Serve Others.
Others. Grow
Grow Disciples.
November 23, 2014
Welcome…we are glad you are here! If you are a visitor with young children, we have childcare available
during our worship services. For Infants to 3 years of age we have a NURSERY. Youngsters Pre-K through Second Grade
can go to the Beginners room when excused from the Worship Service. Both classrooms are in the main hall of the main floor.
For exact locations, please ask an usher who can direct you to the proper classroom.
Church News and Notes
The Flowers on the Altar are given to the
Glory of God and in Loving Honor and Memory of:
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Lesher
John Lesher
Mr. and Mrs. Merrell W. King
Joseph and Evelyn Posen
Thomas Posen
Rebecca Posen
Those needing prayer: (*Discharged from medical facility)
*Lettie Schultz – Abington Hospital
Sympathy is extended to Jeff Benham on the passing of his
brother, John S. Benham, who died on Sunday, November
16 .
Today during the Traditional Service, prayer shawls were laid
out and Rev. David prayed for the individuals who will receive
these shawls. This is a ministry among several women in the
church who knit the shawls to be given to persons who are
grieving, sick, graduating, infants, those in the military, etc. If
you know someone who would like to receive one of these
shawls, you can contact the church office or Wilma Werley
and we would be glad to provide a shawl for you.
For inclusion in the November 30 Connections, the deadline
for submissions will be Wednesday, November 26 at 9:30
a.m. due to the office being closed on Thursday and Friday for
the Thanksgiving Holiday. Thank you.
Prayer for Church Life
In preparation for the Thanksgiving Holiday, ask God to give
us all thankful hearts as we recall His many blessings this past
year. 1 Thessalonians 5:18: “…in everything give thanks; for
this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
Prayer for Missions
Thank the Lord for Rev. Ed Winslow’s ministry** at the
Schwenkfelder Missionary Church in South Philadelphia. Pray
for God’s guidance of the lay leaders and for the success of the
Soup Kitchen to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the
**supported by our Board of Missions
Calendar of Events
Sunday, November 23~ Rev. Dr. David McKinley
Prayer Shawl Ministry Recognition
9:00 a.m.
Traditional Morning Worship Service
10:10 a.m.
Sunday School for all ages
11:15 a.m.
Informal Worship Service
1:00 p.m.
Worship Band Rehearsal (SANC)
4:00 p.m.
Christmas Musical Rehearsal (SANC)
5:45 p.m.
Dorian Choir (SANC/FH)
6:30 p.m.
Wired and Crave (AYS/CCC)
6:45 p.m.
Small Group – Ephesians (ACR)
Monday, November 24
7:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
Celebration Brass (FH).
United Choir Mtg. (CHAP)
Church Council Sub-committee (ACR)
United Choir (SANC)
Chancel Bells (PRIM)
CSC Men’s Basketball League (CCC)
Tuesday, November 25
6:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
Worship Band Practice (CHAP/SANC)
North Pennsmen (FH)
Board of Missions (MERE)
Bethel Bible (BETH)
Hebrew Christian Fellowship Small Group (POT)
Wednesday, November 26
9:45 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
5:45 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
6:45 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
Junior Choir (JR)
Genesis Bells (PRIM)
363 Worship (CHAP)
Celebration Brass (FH)
Prayer Meeting (PRAY)
Brasswind (FH)
Chancel Choir (SANC)
Thursday, November 27 – Office Closed
Friday, November 28 – Office Closed
Saturday, November 29
8:00 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
Work Project (STEEL)
Sunday, November 30~ Pastor Julian Scavetti
First Sunday in Advent
9:00 a.m.
Traditional Morning Worship Service
10:10 a.m.
Sunday School for all ages
11:15 a.m.
Informal Worship Service
1:00 p.m.
Worship Band Rehearsal (SANC)
4:00 p.m.
Christmas Musical Rehearsal (SANC)
5:45 p.m.
Dorian Choir (SANC/FH)
6:30 p.m.
Wired and Crave (AYS/CCC)
6:45 p.m.
Small Group – Ephesians (ACR)
We are heading to Ocean City, New Jersey for the 2015
Women's Retreat from Friday, March 13 through Sunday,
March 15 and are very excited to announce that we will be
attending a Beth Moore Living Proof Live conference in
Atlantic City as part of our Retreat!!!
Many more details will follow, however, right now there are
tickets to purchase before they are sold out! Normally, when
we take sign-ups, we ask for a $25 deposit to secure your
spot. This year we need to purchase the tickets well in
advance of our February sign-ups. We already purchased a
block of 20 and it is sold out. Now we need to purchase
another block before they are sold out. Tickets are $69 and
that will be considered your deposit for the Retreat.
IMPORTANT: TODAY is the day we need to know if you will
be attending the 2015 Retreat. Checks need to be received
BY 10:00 a.m. TOMORROW. Please bring your payment to
the church office or drop in Joanne Lepping-Irvine’s church
mailbox. This is the day that we will be ordering the next
block of tickets. Please make your check payable to “Central
Schwenkfelder Church” with “Beth Moore Ticket” in the
Memo line. Do not let money be an issue. If you are certain
that you will be attending the Retreat, we will purchase a
ticket for you and work something out, but we need to know!!!
Also, the entire cost of the Retreat will be no more than
$130.00. This includes the Beth Moore ticket that will be prepurchased, two overnight stays, dinner Friday night, all three
meals Saturday and breakfast on Sunday. The remaining
balance will be due in February. Stay tuned for more exciting
Please consider offering your time this December to help
usher during one or more of the Traditional Worship Services
on Sundays, the Christmas Eve Services and/or one of the
United Choir Concerts on December 7 . Sign-up sheets are
on the small table in the Narthex across from the entrance to
the Sanctuary. Thank you!
Attention Shoppers -- Pints of Piccalilli will be available today
in Fellowship Hall after the 9:00 a.m. service and before and
after the 11:15 service. Perhaps it is time to restock your
supply and/or purchase a few jars to use as gifts.
Awana will not meet this week due to the holiday. Have a
Happy Thanksgiving and we will see you on December 4 !
There are regular Wired and Crave meetings tonight from
6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. at the Anders Youth Suite and
Community Center. See you there!
Donut Day Today! This month the donuts will be available
in the Junior Room after class for any current and former
student. Please feel free to stop by after class!
Winter weather giving you the blues? Come out to the
heated Central Community Center for the next First Friday
Fun Night on December 5 from 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. All
church members and their guests are invited to come and
enjoy the open gym and lounge for recreation, games, and
fellowship. See you there!
The Country Auction Committee wants to thank everyone
who supported this year’s event and the “Stitches for
Missions” project, which raised about $12,800 for our
church’s missions and the Life Builders Work Camp Fund.
Thanks to the many volunteers, those who donated and bid
on auction items and to the cooks who provided food for our
dessert buffet. Thanks to the local businesses who provided
door prizes - The Hill Company, Floral & Hardy, and
Merrymead Farm. Thanks also to our auctioneer, Roger
Heebner, and auction moderator, Jeff Ost, for a job well
done. The committee is also grateful to Robin Lohse and
“Ode to Joy,” and Lettie Schultz with her beautiful piano
music for entertaining us with music during the auction
preview. And congratulations to the lucky winner of the
“Stitches for Missions” quilt drawing - Fran Clemens!
For those using envelopes to contribute this year, your 2015
offering envelopes will be available in Fellowship Hall next
Sunday, November 30 . Please contact Leslie ReyburnShisler if your box is missing or if you wish to receive
envelopes in 2015. Thank you.
Let's impact our community by filling the pantry shelves of
Manna on Main Street in Lansdale. All non-perishable
foods are welcomed, especially canned fruits, soups and
canned tuna. They are also happy to receive cereals and
pastas. Donations can be put in the “Harvest Box” in
Fellowship Hall.
Since there were no additional nominations from the women
of the congregation, the current WCF officers will serve
another term for 2015-2016:
Barbara Bucher, President; Amelia Stetler, Vice President;
Wendy Kaminsky, Recording Secretary; Marilyn Seipt,
Corresponding Secretary; Carol Fryling, Treasurer.
Nominating Committee: Wendy Kaminsky, Bev O’Brien,
Doris Plager, Pat Zambella
The WCF Attic Treasures Committee will meet in Fellowship
Hall on Monday, December 8 at 11:00 a.m. for a brief
business meeting and to assemble gift baskets. Lunch will
follow at 12:30 p.m.
The official resolution to recognize the Schwenkfelder Day of
Remembrance by the Senate of Pennsylvania that
commemorates the 280 Anniversary of “Schwenkfelder
Thanksgiving Day” is in the glass case in the main hallway.
Take a moment to check it out! This day commemorates
the arrival in Philadelphia, on September 24, 1734, of some
180 Schwenkfelder immigrants fleeing persecution in their
native homelands of Silesia, Germany. Upon arrival, they
paused to give thanks to God for their safe arrival to a land
where they would find freedom to practice their faith. Every
year since that time, the Schwenkfelders gather to remember
their faith and reflect upon their struggles and opportunities.
Jan. 15 – 16, 2015
The Men of Central and Board of Christian Education are
excited to announce our second annual Men’s Retreat. It
will take place from January 15 – 16 , 2015. We will be
traveling to Spruce Lake retreat center in the Poconos (about
30 minutes north of Stroudsburg).
This retreat is an annual event organized by Spruce Lake,
bringing together 200+ men from a number of churches. The
event will start with a steak dinner at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday
and will end around 4:00 p.m. on Friday. Our time may be
relatively short, but we believe that it will still be an impactful
and uplifting event. Our teacher will be local pastor Greg
Lafferty. Greg previously pastored at Saddleback Church in
California, where Rick Warren is the senior pastor. There will
also be time for worship, recreation (tomahawk throwing?),
and personal renewal. Worship will be led by Mitch McVicker,
who regularly toured with Rich Mullins.
The cost will be $109, which should cover all costs at the
retreat (food, lodging, speaker, etc.). A deposit of $25 is due
at the time of registration. Good News: We have 50% off
discount coupons for the first 25 “first timers” who
To ensure your spot, please register by Sunday, November
30 . A sign-up sheet is on the sign-up table in the Narthex.
You can also register directly with Peter Colvin (267-6645923,
Please make checks
payable to Central Schwenkfelder Church, with “Men’s
Retreat” written on the memo line. Checks can be placed in
Peter’s mailbox.
Please note that this retreat is also open to non-members
(same price). This is a PERFECT opportunity to connect your
family or friends with our church!
Please contact Peter for more information. You can also go
online to:
Our 65 shoe boxes are on their way to NC…and then up, up
and away to many “children of the world” whom “Jesus
loves” (to partially quote a favorite chorus). Appreciation
goes to all who joined this WCF project by packing individual
boxes, contributing financial support for shipping or joining a
group to do both. The bags of items from extra shoppers
found their way into boxes and are part of a resounding
Keep God’s truth in your head and His love in your heart.
We are praying that you will attend this retreat, which is sure
to help you grow in your relationship with Jesus.
Remember looking through the Sears Wish Book for that
special item that you wanted for Christmas? Well we have
been looking through catalogs as well. We would like to start
replacing the tables that we use on fair day with ones that are
lighter and easier to manage. You can make our wish come
true by making a donation for these tables. Each table costs
approximately $150. Any amount is appreciated and is also
tax deductible.
Make checks payable to Central
Schwenkfelder Church with “Fair Tables” written in the memo
Nancy Kreider, Dianne Cestrone, Pat Gramm
We look forward to Poinsettias being placed in the Sanctuary
for the Christmas Season. Forms to submit a Poinsettia
Christmas Memorial in honor of a loved one can be found on
the bulletin tables, the November newsletter and on the last
page of Connections. Completed forms with payment can be
placed in the designated box in the Narthex office or mailed
to the Church Office at your convenience. The deadline for
submissions to be included in the Christmas Eve bulletin is
Monday, December 8 .
The decorating of our church Sanctuary for the Christmas
Holiday Season is scheduled for Saturday, December 6
beginning at 8:00 a.m. It is a big task and as the saying goes
“many hands make light work” and we’re in desperate need
of some extra HANDS! In addition to the decorating with
garland, candle tapers and bows, there is also some heavy
lifting (of the large wreaths) and tasks requiring the climbing
of ladders …so if you’re willing, able and available and can
help on the 6 , please contact Linda Moritz at or 215-836-9386. Or you can sign up
on the sign-up sheet in the Narthex.
Angel Tree Tags are now here in Fellowship Hall! Our
congregation has the opportunity to provide gifts to children
on behalf of their incarcerated parent and to show them
God’s love in a very real way. Angel Tree Tags are available
before and after both worship services TODAY and NEXT
SUNDAY, November 30 . All gifts are due back on Sunday
December 7 .
This year we will be purchasing gifts (2 each) for 68 Angel
Tree children. We will also be getting gifts for needy children
in the area of our missionary church in Philadelphia and for
residents of New Life Youth and Family Services. More
specific directions will be with each child’s tag when you pick
it (or them) up in Fellowship Hall. The Mere Christianity
Next Sunday, November 30 is the first Sunday of
Advent. Please consider helping with the Advent Wreath
lighting with your family or a small group of people on any of
the four Sundays of Advent, as well as Christmas Eve. If
interested in participating at the Traditional Service please
contact Sally House ( or 610-4764146). For the Informal Worship Service please contact
Wayne Wurtz ( or 215-715-6864).
Want to get a head start on your Christmas Shopping?
Looking for a unique gift? Want to treat yourself?
Men, do you need a special something
for the woman in your life?
Come to a “Holiday Shopping for a Cause” event, sponsored
by the Women’s Christian Fellowship of Central
Schwenkfelder Church. The event is being held at the
Central Community Center on Friday, December 5 , from
6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and Saturday, December 6 , from
10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. There will be many items to
purchase including jewelry, cards, scarves, purses,
bookmarks, toys & clothing in all price ranges. Purchases
can be taken home that day. All proceeds go to Women At
Risk, International, an organization that rescues women
and children from human traffickers here and around the
world, providing them with safe shelter. They are trained to
work with dignity, while being presented with the hope of
Christ. All the items at the fundraiser are made by these
women and support the work of Women At Risk,
International (WAR). If you would like to support WAR but
are unable to attend the event, cash or check donation will be
accepted at the display table in Fellowship Hall on November
23 or 30 .
Some disturbing facts about human trafficking in the United
States and around the world include...
 800,000 people from the U.S. and around the world are
illegally trafficked each year. About half of these are
children. This is the fastest growing organized crime in the
United States.
 70% of trafficked women become sexual slaves.
 300 children are sold in Atlanta, GA each month. Around
the world, babies are being sold for as little as $25.00.
 Women and girls are frequently the victims of domestic
violence and rape.
These are some of the sinful acts being committed against
women in the world that WAR, Intl. fights. If you want to
learn more, stop by the table in Fellowship Hall today or next
week or visit their website at
NOTE: Next Sunday, November 30 , a brief video will be
shown during the announcements in both services which
could be difficult for children to view. Parents, please use
United Schwenkfelder
Choir Concerts
Lessons and Carols
Mark your calendars
Sunday, December 7
2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.
The United Schwenkfelder Choir, an 80-voice choir with
members from over 30 area churches, will be presenting its
86 annual Christmas Concert at Central Schwenkfelder
Church featuring selections of both sacred & seasonal
The choir is an ecumenical, non-denominational group
accompanied by beautiful piano & organ music as well as
occasional instrumentalists.
On Sunday, December 21 during the Traditional service
(9:00 a.m.), the Junior, Dorian, and Chancel Choirs with an
instrumental ensemble will present a service of Lessons and
Christmas Cantata
On Sunday, December 21 at 7:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary,
Central’s Worship Team will present “Love Was Born,” a
Cantata of scripture and song portraying the birth of our
We pray that those attending will be blessed & inspired as we
enter the Christmas season.
Special Christmas Music at Central
Thursday, Dec. 4
7:00 p.m.
Christmas Musical
Members of the Junior, Dorian, Chancel, and Handbell
Choirs will present the musical, “Why the Chimes Rang” on
Sunday, December 7 at 10:15 a.m. (during the Sunday
School hour) in the Sanctuary. Do not miss the opportunity
to witness this intergenerational presentation of the story of
the old church chimes that have been silent for many years
until the perfect gift brings them back to life. This musical will
surely prepare your heart for the Christmas season.
Sunday, Dec. 7
10:15 a.m.
“Why the Chimes Rang”
Dock Community
“Why the Chimes Rang”
United Choir Concerts
Sunday, Dec. 7
2:30 p.m. & 7:30 p.m.
Sunday, Dec. 21
9:00 a.m.
Lessons and Carols
Sunday, Dec. 21
7:00 p.m.
“Love Was Born”
Christmas Memorials
Anyone desiring to place a poinsettia memorial in the Sanctuary for the Christmas Holiday season is requested to complete
the form below and place it in the box located in the Narthex office or mail to the church office by Monday, December 8,
2014. The cost of each memorial will be $10.00. Please use the form below to list your memorial(s) as you desire to have
them appear in the special insert of our Christmas bulletin.
Poinsettias will be distributed after the 9:30 p.m. service on Christmas Eve or from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Friday, December 26th.
If you are unable to pick up your plant, please make arrangements for someone else to collect it for you.
Thank you. Any plants that are not picked up by noon on December 26th will be delivered to area shut-ins.
(List as you wish the memorial to appear in the bulletin.)
PLEASE NOTE CHANGE: Please use a separate form for each memorial.
In Loving Memory of:
Given by:
Signed _______________________________________
I wish to take my plant(s).
NO 
Phone _______________________________________
Check enclosed (amount): _________________
Make payable to “Central Schwenkfelder Church”
(Please be sure to include $10.00 per listing/memorial.)
Cash enclosed (amount): _____________________