Welcome to Calvary Christian Fellowship and our BULLETIN for Sunday, 23rd November 2014 This morning, Graham Hooke will continue our current teaching series, which is entitled REVELATION We will be looking at the book of Revelation, chapter 3: 1-13 and Graham’s title today is: Dead or Alive? We hope you enjoy your time with us today and will stay for a brew and a chat at the end. Calvary Christian Fellowship is a registered Fair Trade Church. Chris Hebson will lead us through our songs of worship. Refreshments will be available after the service, to which everyone is warmly invited. An opportunity for prayer will be made available, for anyone who wishes, towards the end of the service. Today’s talk will be recorded on CD and can be purchased for 50p, at the end of the service, from the desk at the back of the hall. Talks from previous Sundays can also be ordered here. Making disciples – people who love God and love others. This week with CCF… Sun 23rd Wed 26th Thurs 27th Frid 28th Sat 29th Sun 30th 10.30 14.30 19.00 09.30 19.30 19.30 10.00 10.00 13.30 19.30 10.00 18.00 19.15 19.30 08.00 19.30 10.30 13.30 17.00 TRANSFORM: Graham Hooke (Revelation 3: 1-13) Leading: Chris Hebson M2E Afternoon Service HEALING SERVICE – see inside bulletin for details Jolly Tots Foodbank Meeting Mercy People CAP Discover CAP Release (session 4 of 9) CAP Money Course (session 2 of 3) Musicians and Dance & Drama meet CAP Job Club Surf YOUth Trustees’ Meeting Men’s Breakfast No.5 Mercy People Charity Concert @ CCF TRANSFORM: Paul Jackson Leading: Ian Williams Jacob’s Join after the service for Kev, Michaela & Sinah Duffell Ripples 5-2-7 Many small groups meet during the week. For details, see the postcards, which can be found in front of the PA desk, then contact the appropriate group leader. Looking Ahead…and What’s New DECEMBER Sat 6th Sun 7th 10.00 10.30 Sun 14th 10.30 Creative Community TRANSFORM: Graham Hooke (Revelation) Leading: Chris Hebson EVERY GENERATION: TBC Special guests: Children of Lostock Hall Community Primary School th Sat 20 Sun 21st th Thur 25 Sun 28th 15.00 10.30 14.30 10.30 10.30 Leading: Ruth Hooke SPLAT! Christmassy Messy Church EVERY GENERATION CAROL SERVICE: Graham Hooke Leading: Ruth Hooke M2E Afternoon Christmas Service Christmas Day Service (short family service ~45mins) SHALOM: George Thomas Leading: Paul Jackson and Ian Williams BEST AND WORST AND EVERYTHING INBETWEEN For the joys and for the sorrows; the best and worst of times...for this we have Jesus...and we also have each other! Praise God! A ROLE MODEL Sadly, my great Aunty Mildred died this week but, happily, is having a reunion with her family in heaven! She was an inspiration and a help to me by loving me, teaching me how to reach and take an interest in people, modelling dignity, and showing me that resilience and humour is much better than despair. She did all this into her 90s and right up to the end. A role model. Angie Richardson Got something to share? Let Karen Whaite have your contribution to Best & Worst by Wednesday 7pm, latest. See back of bulletin for contact details. KEV DUFFELL IS BACK!! Well, for a little while….. Kev, Michaela & Sinah are enjoying a short break back here with family and so, before they head back home, there’ll be a Jacob’s Join , here at CCF, Sunday 30th November – straight after the service Let’s give them a great send off as they return home to Germany after their short stay in the UK! Please bring your food contribution along to the morning service and leave in the kitchen for setting out after the service. Thank you! We hope this will be a special time for the family! So far, a very small team will be decorating our church on Monday 8th December from 6pm-9pm. If you could help, please speak to Graham Hooke or Karen Whaite. Here’s hoping…..! ☺ Thanks! Food For LIFE Daniel 7: 9-10 9 (Psalm 126:6) Let’s PRAY for… The peace of Jersusalem As I looked, thrones were set in place, and the Ancient of Days took his seat. His clothing was as white as snow; the hair of his head was white like wool. His throne was flaming with fire, and its wheels were all ablaze. 10A river of fire was flowing, coming out from before him. Thousands upon thousands attended him; ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him. The court was seated, and the books were opened. HEALING SERVICE – ‘ LOL ’ TONIGHT, 23rd November, 7.00pm We’d like to invite you to the Healing Service tonight. It’s called ‘ LOL’ (stands for ‘Laugh Out Loud’ and ‘Lots Of Love’). The service will run from 7.00pm to 8.15pm with refreshments served from 6.45pm. There’ll be times of laughter, peace, prayer, worship, healing and knowing God’s love. George & Joan Thomas, Derek Buckley, Grahame & Barbara Treasure and Kev & Mel Hollaway Support group for survivors of child sexual abuse At the end of June I preached about drawing close to God. Included was a testimony of forgiveness following childhood sexual abuse. There have since been numerous conversations from people asking for a way to get together with other survivors. Mary Wilson and myself would like to meet with survivors with a view to forming a confidential support group starting in January. If you would like to be a part of this or to discuss this further, please contact: Bev Redman - 07864 777763 bevredman@hotmail.co.uk Mary Wilson - 07462 753737 mhw51@hotmail.co.uk MORSAGES Jewellery with something to say! Proceeds to Just a note to say that the Morsages jewellery stall will be held on the 7th & 14th December. All the profit from sales goes to the Good Rock Foundation, which is a charity dedicated to improving the lives of orphaned or abandoned children and young people in China - some of whom have special needs and most of whom have little hope of being adopted due to the severe nature of their conditions. Please consider supporting the stall when thinking about Christmas gifts. Thank you! Come and have a great family night out @ Calvary Christian Fellowship Ward Street, Lostock Hall, PR5 5HR go to the 3 charities that Mercy People supports: Bulabakulu Children’s Village – Uganda Home of Hope – India International Justice Mission £5.00 each £12.00 per family To reserve tickets call 01772 313438 It was great to see so many of you at our CAP Sunday Service last week. We shared about Jesus prioritising the poor and God rebuilding, restoring and renewing those of us already within the church and also rebuilding, restoring and renewing those not yet part of God’s Kingdom. We want you to be involved in our CAP centre as much as possible. Here are a few suggestions of how you can be involved…. DONATE FOOD for our Christmas hampers. There are leaflets letting you know which food we would like, by the example hamper at the back of church. Food needs to be in church by the end of November. Please see Rebecca or Mary for more information. COME ON VISITS meet our clients and support them as they work their way out of debt and hopefully into God's family. HELP AT OUR DROP IN, welcome clients, brew up, pray and share with clients and other volunteers. ORGANISE OUR FOOD PARCELS. We have a green bin that fills up with food every week and we would love some help in sorting it and boxing up parcels for us to take and bless our clients with. This can/will be an offshoot of our food bank in the short/medium term. HELP OUT AT ONE OF OUR CHRISTMAS CLIENT EVENTS. PRAY FOR US. and many more! At the end of the service Derrick Bannister gave me the following, which God had put into his mind during the time of quiet. God wants us to be Compassionate And Practical To Come And Participate So that Christ And his People Can fulfil his mission There is a form inside this bulletin that you can fill in to indicate how you are able to be involved. Please complete and return it to either of us. Thanks! Jill Jackson and Sarah Downie Opportunity Adventure Have you ever wanted to explore, inspire, teach, reach-out, connect, share, grow and disciple yourself and others? Every 2 weeks, during the main service teaching, a grou of young people, 14+, meet over coffee to do just that! ….And we are looking for people to help lead, inspire, teach and share with them. If this would interest you, or you know someone who is up for an adventure of discipleship, please speak to LJ or email: youth@calvary.org.uk MEN‘S BREAKFAST No. 5 Saturday 29th November 8am @ CCF For food, friendship and time to chat. With guest speaker: David Hamilton Enjoy a full English breakfast or a Continental option (just let us know which), and then we’ll hear from David Hamilton, who was once a member of the Ulster Volunteer Force. Names to Ian Shepherd: Mobile: 07599196313 or 01772 462182 www.lancsandlakes.org.uk What is Landmark st th It’s a weekend conference, happening in Lancaster on 1 – 4 May 2015 and is being organised by a group of churches from Lancashire and the Lake District (including us – CCF) – hence the web address ‘lancsandlakes’. It’s being run as a New Wine Local event getting support from the New Wine Network. However, it’s not exclusive to New Wine churches, everyone will be welcome - in fact many churches in Lancaster are already supporting the event. Landmark is an opportunity for us all to experience God in worship, prayer and praise, through teaching and ministry. Whether you are a part of the New Wine movement or not, you will be welcome to worship with us over this weekend. The aim of this ‘New Wine Local’ weekend is not to replicate the summer conferences, but to: • Provide a landmark local experience of Word and Spirit ministry, with excellent Biblical teaching and the opportunity for people to experience renewal ministry in our region, in accordance with the NW Vision and Values • Be inspired in creative mission which engages with our northern situations • Strengthen a local network of Word and Spirit churches in Lancashire and Cumbria There will be activities and meetings organised specifically for children, youth and adults as well as time for families to have fun together. BOOK ONLINE - EARLY BIRD BOOKINGS TAKEN BY 31st JANUARY. Keep up with what’s happening here at CCF by picking up a copy of last week’s bulletin (sometimes previous weeks, too) from the window sill by the entrance, or, better still, check out our website: www.calvary.org.uk If you become aware of a church partner or friend who is very unwell or in hospital, suffering bereavement or some other trauma or loss, we would really appreciate it if you would let one of the Pastors or Elders know so that we can respond appropriately with a visit or arrange prayer. Obviously, we are not wanting confidences to be broken for those who wish to remain private but we don’t want people to be suffering and feeling that nobody cares. Please don’t assume that the Pastors or Elders already know – we often don’t! Elders Pick up a flyer from the noticeboard at the back of church. The flyer outlines the different ways that you can help this winter, but also on a more regular basis. A few weeks ago, our bulletin featured flyers and information from Pastor Joshua Magezi’s church in Uganda outlining the impending food shortage for the children and also their Alternative Christmas Gifts suggestions. It’s not too late to make a difference! You can download copies of these flyers from our website. From our home page, simply go to Serving our World > Pastor Joshua – Uganda Thanks! This Christmas, if you’d like to give a gift that will help to meet the needs of young adults with life-limiting, life-threatening and end-of-life conditions in the North West, then speak to George & Joan Thomas who have gift cards available for purchase. There are also Life Now Christmas cards available, too. Thanks! REFRESHMENTS THIS MORNING you will be served by the BETA COMMUNITY and PRAYER MINISTRY teams. NEXT SUNDAY you will be served by the HARBOUR group. Thank you servers! May you all be blessed in your giving as we are blessed in receiving. Bulletin Notices Please send your information by Wednesday 7pm at the latest (unless stated otherwise in this or previous bulletins), via • my pigeonhole on Sunday • telephone: 01772 424778 • e-mail: tk.chaos@btinternet.com Thank you, Karen Whaite Ward Street, Lostock Hall, Preston PR5 5HR Tel: 01772 461454 www.calvary.org.uk Registered Charity No. 1135901 Member of the Evangelical Alliance Pastors: Graham J Hooke B.A. (Hons), M.A., P.G.C.E. Tel: (01772) 313438 Email: graham@hooke.org.uk Paul Jackson B.Eng (Hons), M.Eng Tel: (01772) 461454 Email: paulj@calvary.org.uk Elders: Graham Hooke, Paul Jackson, Dorothy Barton, Steve Whymark & Linda McDermott CHILDREN YOUNG PEOPLE Each Sunday Each Sunday A fun, small group for school years 7-9 Today’s theme: I’m not the bad guy. Leading: Andy and Paul. Today our young people will meet in the lounge after the family worship part of the service. See LJ Warren for more details. A mix of games, worship, learning, music and challenges that help children to follow Jesus. There are different activities for different ages so that all children get the most out of Calvary Kids. Encourage your children to be part of it. TODAY: Wait for God’s time. 1 Samuel 24; Psalm 23. YOUNG PEOPLE Through the week – next meetings: YOUth A weekly, termly, fun and friendly group for school years 7-11. Friday 28th November @ 7.30pm Title: For details, see LJ Warren Friday 5th December @ 7.30pm Title: For details, see LJ Warren CHILDREN Through the week – next meetings: For Mums & Toddlers. Free play, crafts, themed sessions, day trips, parties and more. Weds, term time only. 9.45am - 11.30am Wednesday 26th November Programme: Fun at play and crafts. Wednesday 3rd December Programme: Fun at play and crafts. 5.2.7 Youth Meeting Next meeting: TODAY Sunday 30th November 5pm. A relaxed yet fun group, which opens the door to discussions of faith, ideas, plans and more. Over to YOU….th! See LJ Warren, our Youth Leader, for more information. For Calvary Kids and their friends. Fortnightly Fridays 6pm - 7.15pm Friday 28th November Theme: How to be successful - line dancing. Friday 12th December Theme: Christmas Party.
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