OFFICIAL METHODS BOARD (OMB) STAKEHOLDER PANEL ON STRATEGIC FOOD ANALYTICAL METHODS EXPERT REVIEW PANEL FOR HEAVY METALS TABLE OF CONTENTS Memorandum ................................................................................................................................2 • Attachment 1: Expert Review Panel List, Methods, and Balance ...................................... 3 • Attachment 2: AOAC SMPR 2012.007 for Heavy Metals .................................................6 Request for Review Appointment(s) ..........................................................................................7 Curriculum Vitae(s) Reba, Rick (Chair) ................................................................................................................10 Baig, Jameel ..........................................................................................................................12 Bhandari, Sneh ......................................................................................................................23 Briscoe, Michelle ..................................................................................................................27 Huang, Min ...........................................................................................................................35 Kollander, Barbro .................................................................................................................46 Maniei, Farzaneh...................................................................................................................49 Nelson, Jenny ........................................................................................................................53 Sheng, Li ...............................................................................................................................59 Smith, Christopher ................................................................................................................61 Sullivan, Darryl .....................................................................................................................65 SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 1 of 71 OFFICIAL METHODS BOARD (OMB) EXPERT REVIEW PANEL FOR HEAVY METALS MEMORANDUM DATE: June 11, 2013 TO: Members of the Official Methods Board FROM: Dawn Frazier, Executive for Scientific Business Development SUBJECT: EXPERT REVIEW PANEL FOR HEAVY METALS Background: The Stakeholder Panel on Strategic Food Analytical Methods previously issued a Call for Methods and Experts for Heavy Metals. The Heavy Metals Working Group completed the draft Standard Method Performance Requirements (SMPRs) in August, 2012 and was endorsed by the Stakeholder Panel on September 29, 2012 (AOAC SMPR 2012.007). An Expert Review Panel meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 27, 2013 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. during the AOAC Annual Meeting and Exposition in Chicago, IL. The purpose of this meeting will be to review and discuss the six (6) candidate Heavy Metal methods for First Action Official Method status consideration. Recommendation: The following names are being submitted for consideration by the Official Methods Board to evaluate candidate methods for heavy metals as per the Expert Review Panel (ERP) Policies and Procedures: Jameel Baig, Sneh Bhandari, Michelle Briscoe, Min Huang, Barbro Kollander, Farzaneh Maniei, Jenny Nelson, Rick Reba, Li Sheng, Christopher Smith, and Darryl Sullivan. We are currently proposing Rick Reba as the Heavy Metals Expert Review Panel Chair. Enclosed Documentation: 1) Attachment 1: Expert Review Panel Candidates, List of Methods, and Balance of Regions and Perspectives 2) Attachment 2: AOAC SMPR 2012.007 Heavy Metals in a Variety of Foods and Beverages SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 2 of 71 SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 3 of 71 Organization Nestle Quality Assurance Center NCEAC, University of Sindh Jamshoro Silliker Laboratories Brooks Rand Labs Aegis Sciences Corporation National Food Agency Sweden The Coca‐Cola Company Agilent Technologies EPL Bio Analytical Services The Coca‐Cola Company Covance Name Rick Reba (Proposed Chair) Jameel Baig Sneh Bhandari Michelle Briscoe Min Huang Barbro Kollander Farzaneh Maniei Jenny Nelson Li Sheng Christopher Smith Darryl Sullivan US US US US US Sweden US US US Pakistan US Region Industry ‐ CRO Industry Food Industry ‐ CRO Industry ‐ CRO Industry‐Food Gov't ‐Int'l Industry ‐ CRO Industry ‐ CRO Industry ‐ CRO Academia Industry‐Food Prespective New New New New New New New New New New New OMB ERP Status EXPERT REVIEW PANEL CONSIDERATION FOR HEAVY METALS STAKEHOLDER PANEL ON STRATEGIC FOOD ANALYTICAL METHODS (SPSFAM) X X X X X X X X X X X y av e H bm su CV ls Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes M a et e R O CS ed itt c SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 4 of 71 HVYM ‐ 01 Rick Reba Jameel Baig (CHAIR) Sneh Bhandari Method Validation for the Analysis Farzaneh Maniei, Dr. Joe Rainey, of Arsenic, Lead, and Cadmium in Timothy Beasley, and James Van Juice Concentrate Slate , Coca Cola Company Rick Reba Jameel Baig Sneh Bhandari (CHAIR) Rick Reba Jameel Baig Sneh Bhandari (CHAIR) Michelle Briscoe Michelle Briscoe Multi‐element determination in food samples using the Thermo Scientific iCAP Q ICP‐MS Simon Lofthouse, Thermo Fisher Scientific, UK Michelle Briscoe Daniel Kutscher, Julian Wills and IC‐ICP‐MS speciation analysis of As Lothar Rottmann, and Detlef in Organic Brown Rice Syrup Jensen, Thermo Fisher Scientific, (OBRS) using the Thermo Scientific Germany and Thermo Fisher iCAP Q ICP‐MS Scientific, Switzerland Rick Reba Jameel Baig Sneh Bhandari (CHAIR) Michelle Briscoe Daniel Kutscher, Shona McSheehy, IC‐ICP‐MS speciation analysis of As Julian Wills, Detlef Jensen, Thermo Rick Reba in apple juice using the Thermo Fisher Scientific, Germany and Jameel Baig Sneh Bhandari (CHAIR) Scientific iCAP Q ICP‐MS Thermo Fisher Scientific, Switzerland N/A Michelle Briscoe Michelle Briscoe Determination of Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead and Mercury in Rice, Chocolate, Fruit Juice and Infant Formula by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometric Method Mr. Tamas Ugrai, Dr. Joel Creswell, Determination of Heavy Metals in and Ms. Michelle Briscoe, Rick Reba Food by Inductively Coupled Jameel Baig Sneh Bhandari Brooks Rand Labs, 3958 6th (CHAIR) Plasma – Mass Spectrometry Avenue NW, Seattle, WA 98107 METHODS Min Huang Min Huang Min Huang Min Huang Min Huang Min Huang Min Huang Barbro Kollander Barbro Kollander Barbro Kollander Barbro Kollander Barbro Kollander Barbro Kollander Barbro Kollander N/A Farzaneh Maniei Farzaneh Maniei Farzaneh Maniei Farzaneh Maniei Farzaneh Maniei Farzaneh Maniei EXPERT REVIEW PANEL CANDIDATES EXPERT REVIEW PANEL CONSIDERATION FOR HEAVY METALS STAKEHOLDER PANEL ON STRATEGIC FOOD ANALYTICAL METHODS (SPSFAM) Jianhui Gao, Yabing Xiao, Juan’e Song, Baokun Ge, Tianjin exit‐entry Rick Reba Inspection and Quarantine Bureau Jameel Baig Sneh Bhandari (CHAIR) the P.R.C, Agilent technologies (China) Co.,Ltd Heavy Metals Heavy Metals HVYM ‐ 02 HVYM ‐ 03 HVYM ‐ 04 HVYM ‐ 05 HVYM ‐ 06 Heavy Metals Heavy Metals Heavy Metals Heavy Metals Jenny Nelson Jenny Nelson Jenny Nelson Jenny Nelson N/A Jenny Nelson Jenny Nelson Li Sheng Li Sheng Li Sheng Li Sheng Li Sheng Li Sheng Li Sheng N/A Christopher Smith Christopher Smith Christopher Smith Christopher Smith Christopher Smith Christopher Smith Darryl Sullivan Darryl Sullivan Darryl Sullivan Darryl Sullivan Darryl Sullivan Darryl Sullivan Darryl Sullivan SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 5 of 71 US 0% Europe 100% Academia US 82% Europe 18% ERP Members by Region Asia 0% Canada 0% Europe 100% 0% Government Canada US 0% Industry 82% CRO 67% Industry Dietary Supps 9% Pharma 0% Food 33% Tech Prov 0% Academia 9% Gov't 9% ERP Members by Broad Perspectives BALANCE OF REGIONS AND PERSPECTIVES EXPERT REVIEW PANEL CONSIDERATION FOR HEAVY METALS STAKEHOLDER PANEL ON STRATEGIC FOOD ANALYTICAL METHODS (SPSFAM) AOAC SMPR 2012.007 Table 1. Method performance requirements Limit of quantitation (LOQ) ≤8 ppb (μg/kg) for infant formula Standard Method Performance Requirements for Heavy Metals in a Variety of Foods and Beverages Repeatability (RSDr), % Reproducibility (RSDR), % Recovery, % 15 32 60–115 >100 ppb to 1 ppm 11 16 80–115 >1 ppm to 10 ppm 7.3 8 80–115 Range Intended Use: Surveillance methods for routine monitoring ≤10 ppb (μg/kg) for foods ≥8 ppb to 100 ppb 1 Applicability Determination of any combination of total cadmium (CAS No. 7440-43-9), total arsenic (CAS No. 7440-38-2), total lead (CAS No. 7439-92-1), and/or total mercury (CAS No. 7439-97-6) with priority given to a variety of foods such as rice and/or rice products, chocolate products, fruit juice and/or fruit concentrates, and infant formula. 2 Analytical Technique Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). 3 Definitions Limit of quantitation (LOQ).—The minimum concentration or mass of analyte in a given matrix that can be reported as a quantitative result. Repeatability.—Variation arising when all efforts are made to keep conditions constant by using the same instrument and operator, and repeating during a short time period. Expressed as the repeatability standard deviation (SDr); or % repeatability relative standard deviation (%RSDr). Reproducibility.—The standard deviation or relative standard deviation calculated from among-laboratory data. Expressed as the reproducibility standard deviation (SDR); or % reproducibility relative standard deviation (%RSDR). Recovery.—The fraction or percentage of spiked analyte in the original unprocessed material test portion that is recovered when the test sample is analyzed using the entire method. 4 Method Performance Requirements See Table 1. 5 System Suitability Tests and/or Analytical Quality Control Suitable methods will include blank check samples, and check standards at the lowest point and midrange point of the analytical range. 6 Reference Material(s) A certified reference material should be used when available. Internally produced reference materials may be used for a variety of foods such as chocolate products, fruit juice and/or fruit concentrates, and infant formula until reference material is made available by an internationally recognized organization such as Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (IRMM) or United States National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). 7 Validation Guidance Recommended level of validation: Official Methods of AnalysisSM. 8 Maximum Time-to-Result No maximum time. Approved by the AOAC Stakeholder Panel on Strategic Food Analytical Methods (SPSFAM) on September 29, 2012. Final Version Date: September 28, 2012. © 2012 AOAC INTERNATIONAL SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 6 of 71 Request for Review Appointment(s) Expert Review Panel Community Task Group Stakeholder Panel Other (specify) _______________________________________________________ Appointees Submitted for Review Name and Affiliation NAME (PRINT) 1. Reba, Rick (Chair) Member AOAC? CV? VAF? Letter of support ? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes AFFILIATION Nestle Quality Assurance Center NAME (PRINT) 2. Baig, Jameel AFFILIATION NCEAC, University of Sindh Jamshoro NAME (PRINT) 3. Bhandari, Sneh AFFILIATION Silliker Laboratories NAME (PRINT) 4. Briscoe, Michelle AFFILIATION Brooks Rand Labs NAME (PRINT) 5. Huang, Min AFFILIATION Aegis Sciences Corporation NAME (PRINT) 6. Kollander, Barbro AFFILIATION National Food Agency Sweden NAME (PRINT) 7. Maniei, Farzaneh AFFILIATION The Coca-Cola Company NAME (PRINT) 8. Nelson, Jenny AFFILIATION Agilent Technologies SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 7 of 71 Name and Affiliation NAME (PRINT) 9. Sheng, Li Member AOAC? CV? VAF? Letter of support ? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes AFFILIATION EPL Bio Analytical Services NAME (PRINT) 10. Smith, Christopher AFFILIATION The Coca-Cola Company NAME (PRINT) 11. Sullivan, Darryl AFFILIATION Covance NAME (PRINT) 12. AFFILIATION NAME (PRINT) 13. AFFILIATION NAME (PRINT) 14. AFFILIATION NAME (PRINT) 15. AFFILIATION NAME (PRINT) 16. AFFILIATION NAME (PRINT) 17. AFFILIATION NAME (PRINT) 18. AFFILIATION NAME (PRINT) 19. AFFILIATION NAME (PRINT) 20. AFFILIATION SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 8 of 71 Checklist: Requirement Background Goal/Charter defined Stakeholders Identified Resources Available Identified Resources Needed Identified Determination Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Community Affiliation: Comments (Required only if any appointments are denied) SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 9 of 71 Rick Reba Nestle Quality Assurance Center Statement of Expertise I have been a member of ERP/Working group of Antioxidants, Flavonoids and Ingredients and shall like to continue serve as a member of these ERPs. I chaired a Centric committee to bring NMKL heavy metal method to OMA. I am on advisory council of USP to develop methods for Skim Milk Protein analysis. We have worked out a method to authenticate milk protein based on its amino acid analysis. SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 10 of 71 RICHARD M REBA 8634 Blanca Ct, Powell, OH 43065 | 614-512-8710, work 614-526-5358 | EDUCATION The Ohio State University Bachelor of Science in Chemistry 1992 Lakeland Community College Associates Arts 1974 RELATED EXPERIENCE Nestle Quality Assurance Center, Dublin, OH 1992 – Present Chemist Working at the regional Nestle Laboratory that supports analytical testing for the US, Canada and Mexico for over 20 years. Lead technical expert on proximate analyses, minerals and trace elements. Highlights regarding mineral and trace element analysis listed below: Developed and optimized testing of Chrome, Molybdenum and Phosphorous on food products using Directly Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (DCP-AES) Analysis of food products for Iron, Sodium, Calcium, Potassium and Zinc using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) Developed methods for the analysis of food products for Selenium by Hydride AAS and Mercury by Cold Vapor AAS Application and optimization of methods to analyze food products for Iron, Sodium, Calcium, Potassium, Phosphorous Copper, Magnesium, Manganese and Zinc by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES) Analysis of Drinking Water by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopy (ICPMS) using EPA 200.8 . Development of method for Heavy Metals testing of Foods and fruit juices using ICPMS Development of Trace Mineral (Chromium, Molybdenum, Copper and Manganese) testing of Foods and Nutritional products using ICPMS Development of Selenium Mineral testing of Foods and Nutritional products using Hydride Electro Thermal AAS LANGUAGES English – Native language Spanish – read with basic competence MEMBERSHIPS AOAC International SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 11 of 71 Dr. Mr. Jameel Ahmed Baig Village Dr. Ghulam Qadir Taluka Thari Mirwah District Khairpur (Mir’s) Sindh, Pakistan. Tel. 0243-517046 E. mail. Mailing Address: NCEAC, University of Sindh, Jamshoro Summary I was born in 5th September 1982, at village Dr. Ghulam Qadir, District Khairpur, Pakistan and obtained his primary education in Pir bux Jalallani Thari Mirwah District Khairpur, matriculation in science from Karachi board and intermediate from Sukkur board. I am a leading researcher and versatile educator with distinguished academic carrier. I have assisted several Ph.D. and M. Phil research scholars during his five years Research experience (2006-2011) in Chemistry laboratories of National Centre of Excellence in Analytical chemistry. He is well acquainted with the state of art in modern instrumental techniques of AA, SPF, FTIR, Ion Chromatography, UV-Visible, and has specialized in multidisciplinary research related to Environmental pollution studies of water, soil, quality control measurement for consumer commodities, food, human spices and remediation of toxic elements from water using indigenous materials. Actively committed to the field of research, I had yielding over 94 publications in national and international journals with impact factor > 150 and citation 900. Recently, I had completed his Ph.D. on the arsenic contamination of ecosystems of Sindh and published more than 20 international papers on its deterioration and impact on human health and post doctorate from Turkey as a fellow of TUBITAK. I have worked on micro-extraction method development for ultra-trace determination of metals in environmental and biological samples by using microsample injection system - flame atomic absorption spectroscopy and high performance liquid chromatography - flame atomic absorption spectroscopy. Nowadays, I am working as Assist professor in international Islamic university Islamabad. EDUCATION Sep. 2011-Jul. 2012 Post Doc. Analytical Chemistry Pamukkale University, Denizli Turkey (TUBITAK Scholarship one year) Sep. 2006 - Sep. 2011 Ph.D. Environmental Analytical Chemistry NCEAC Sindh University, Jamshoro Pakistan Aug. 2003-Jul. 2004 M.Sc. (Final) Physical Chemistry ‐ Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur Mir’s, Pakistan. Aug. 2000- Jul. 2003 B.Sc. (Hon.) Chemistry ‐ Shah Abdul Latif University K hairpur Mir’s, Pakistan. Ph. D. Dissertation “Chemical Analysis of Arsenic in Environment and Biological Samples of Selected Areas of Sindh, Pakistan and its Removal from Water” EXPERIENCE Sept. 2006 to Aug. 2009 Research Fellow NCEAC University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan Sept. 2009 to Feb. 2012 Research Associate NCEAC University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan Sept. 2011 to Jul. 2012 Research Associate Pamukkale University, Denizli Turkey Aug. 2012 to till to date Assistant Professor Environmental Sciences, International Islamic University, Islamabad Member ship: 1. Life Time fellow of Chemical Society of Pakistan SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 12 of 71 2. 3. 4. Fellow of National Academy of Young Scientist Fellow of AOAC International Fellow of IUPAC PARTICIPATION IN SCIENTIFIC CONEFRENCES: III. Physical Chemistry Days, 12-15 July 2012, BURHANİYE/BALIKESİR 1. Bio-sorption of arsenic by indigenous plant material. Jameel Ahmed Baig, Latif Elci, Tasneem Gul Kazi II-Trace Analysis Workshop (EsAn-2012), organized by Karadeniz (Black-Sea) Technology University (KTU) Trabzon, held at KTU Trabzon-Turkey 27-30 June 2012 2. Speciation of Chromium by Pre-concentration Methods. A Novel Approach. Jameel Ahmed Baig, Latif Elci, Tasneem Gul Kazi 3. Chromium speciation by using HPLC-FAAS. Ayşen Hol, Jameel Ahmed Baig, Latif Elci 5th Geo-chemical Symposium, organized by Geology Department of Pamukkale University, held at Congress Hall, Pamukkale University, Denizli-TURKEY 23-25 May 2012 4. Sequential extraction of vanadium in different soil samples using conventional and ultrasonic devices. Jameel Ahmed Baig, Latif Elci, Tasneem Gul Kazi, Sumaira Khan st 1 National Conference on Physical & Environmental Chemistry (PEC-2010), National Centre of Excellence in Physical Chemistry, University of Peshawar Summer Campus, Bara Gali, Distt. Abbottabad 26th-30th September 2010 5. Arsenic contamination a serious threat to public health Tasneem Gul Kazi, Jameel Ahmad Baig, M.B. Arain. 6. Preconception of arsenic in scalp hair Samples of cancer patients by Cloud Point Extraction. Sham Kumar Wadhwa, Tasneem Gul Kazi, Jameel Ahmad Baig, Ghulam Abbas Kandhro, Hassan Imran Afridi, Sumaira Khan, Nida Fatima Kolachi, Abdul Qadir Shah 7. Concentrations of lead in blood and hair of children living in different areas of traffic density. Faheem Shah, Tasneem G Kazi, Hassan Imran Afridi, Jameel Ahmed Baig 8. Assessment of cadmium, lead, nickel and zinc status in biological samples of smokers and nonsmokers hypertensive patients. Hassan I. Afridi*, Tasneem G. Kazi, Ghulam A. Kandhro, Jameel A. Baig, Abdul Q. Shah 9. Evaluation of Selenium and Zinc content in aqueous extract of Medicinal Plants used for liver cirrohsis. Nida Fatima Kolachi, T. Gul Kazi, Sumaira Khan, Jameel A. Baig, H. I. Afridi, Sham Kumar Wadhwa 10. Time saving modified BCR sequential extraction procedure for the fractionation of Aluminum in sediment samples of different origins. Sumaira Khan, Tasneem G. Kazi, Jameel A. Baig, Nida F. Kolachi Hassan I. Afridi, Sham Kumar, Ghulam A. Kandhro, Abdul Q. Shah 11. Methyl mercury and inorganic mercury determination in fishes by cold vapour generation atomic absorption spectrometry. Abdul Qadir Shah, Tasneem Gul Kazi, Jameel Ahmed Baig, Hassan Imran Afridi, Ghulam Abbas Kandhro, Nida Fatima Kolachi, Sham Kumar Wadhwa, Sumaira Khan 12. Pre-concentration of Zinc and Iron in biological Samples by Cloud Point Extraction: a green methodology. Ghulam A. Kandhro, Tasneem G. Kazi, Jameel A. Baig, Hassan I. Afridi, Abdul Q. Shah, Nida F. Kolachi, Sham K. Wadhwa, Sumaira Khan 13. Bio-remediation of Arsenic on biomass of stem of Acacia nilotica and it application on real samples. Jameel A. Baig, Tasneem G. Kazi, Abdul Q. Shah, Hassan I. Afridi, Ghulam A. Kandhro, Sumaira Khan, Nida Fatima Kolachi, Sham Kumar Wadhwa, Faheem Shah SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 13 of 71 2nd Pak-Turk Seminar on Chemical Sciences (2nd PTSCS), at NCEAC, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, 11th-13th February, 2010 14. Jameel Ahmed Baig, Tasneem G. Kazi, Abdul Q. Shah, Mohammad B. Arain, Hassan I. Afridi, Ghulam A. Kandhro, Sumaira Khan, Optimization of cloud point extraction and solid phase extraction methods method for speciation of arsenic in natural water using multivariate technique 8th International and 20th National Chemistry Conference, Department of Chemistry, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, 15th-17th February, 2010 15. Jameel Ahmed Baig, T. G. Kazi, A. Q. Detoxification of Arsenic from water using indigenous bio-sorbent “18th National Chemistry Conference Chemical society of Pakistan.” from 25-27 February 2008, Held at Institute of Chemistry, University of Punjab Lahore Pakistan 16. Jameel Ahmed Baig, Tasneem G. Kazi, Abdul Q. Shah, Muhammad B Arain, Hassan I. Afridi, Ghulam A. Kandhro “Quantitative determination of total Arsenic (As) and other quality parameters in surface and ground water of areas of Sindh, Pakistan.” “International Seminar of Analytical Sciences ISAS” from 6, 7 and 8 September 2007, Held at Indus Hotel Hyderabad, Pakistan 17. Jameel Ahmed Baig, Tasneem G. Kazi, Abdul Q. Shah, Muhammad B Arain, Hassan I. Afridi, Ghulam A. Kandhro “Quantitative determination of Arsenic (As) in surface and ground water in three districts of Central Sindh, Pakistan.” International conference on “the role of chemistry & biochemistry in the national development from 16, 17 and 18 April 2007Held at Baluchistan University Quetta Pakistan 18. Jameel Ahmed Baig, Tasneem G. Kazi, Abdul Q. Shah, Muhammad B Arain, Hassan I. Afridi, Ghulam A. Kandhro “Quantitative determination of Arsenic in surface and ground water of Jamshoro district.” SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 14 of 71 RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS IN INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS Sr. No. Author/Title/ Journals/impact factors 1. J.A. Baig, A. Hol, A. Akdogan, A.A. Kartal, U. Divrikli, T.G. Kazi, L. Elci, A novel strategy for chromium speciation at ultra-trace level by microsample injection flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy (2012) 27, 1509-1517. (I.F. 2.33) 2. J.A. Baig, T. G. Kazi, Translocation of arsenic contents in vegetables from growing media of contaminated areas. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety (2012) 75, 27–32 (I.F. 2.34) 3. J.A. Baig, T. G. Kazi, L. Elci, Biosorption characteristics of indigenous plant material for trivalent arsenic removal from groundwater: Equilibrium and kinetic studies Journal of Separation Science and Technology (2012) 47, 1–11. (I.F. 1.015) 4. J.A. Baig, T.G. Kazi, H.I. Afridi, A.Q. Shah, S. Khan, N.F. Kolachi, S K Wadhwa, Arsenic speciation and other water quality parameters of surface and ground water samples of Jamshoro Pakistan. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry (2012) 92(1) 28–42 (I.F 1.169) 5. A.Q. Shah, T.G. Kazi, J.A. Baig, H.I. Afridi, M.B. Arain, Analytical Methods: Simultaneously determination of methyl and inorganic mercury in fish species by cold vapour generation atomic absorption spectrometry. Food Chemistry (2012) 134 (4), 2345-2349. 6. J.A. Baig, T. G. Kazi, H.I. Afridi, M.B, Arain, K.P. Mahar, Quantification of Arsenic in dialysate solution and scalp hair samples of kidney failure patients by Cloud point extraction methods, AOAC International (2011) Accepted (I.F. 1.229) 7. J.A. Baig, T. G. Kazi, A. Q. Shah, H. I. Afridi, G. A. Kandhro, S. Khan, N F. Kolachi, S. K. Wadhwa, F. Shah, M.B. Arain, M.K. Jamali, Evaluation of arsenic levels in grain crops samples, irrigated by tube well and canal water Food and Chemical Toxicology (2011) 49, 265–270 I.F. 2.602) 8. T.G Kazi, J.A. Baig, A.Q. Shah, G.A. Kandhro, Afridi, H.I., S. Khan, N.F. Kolachi, S.K. Wadhwa, F. Shah, Determination of Arsenic in Scalp Hair Samples from Exposed Subjects Using Microwave-Assisted Digestion With and Without Enrichment Based on Cloud Point Extraction by Electrothermal Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. AOAC International, (2011) Volume: 94 (2), 293-299. (I.F. 1.229). J.A. Baig, T.G. Kazi, A. Q. Shah, S. Khan, Nida F. Kolachi, H.I. Afridi1, G. A. Kandhro, S. K. Wadhwa, A.M. Baig, F. Shah, F.H. Kanhar, Determination of arsenic in scalp hair of children and drinking water for risk assessment. Journal of Human and Ecological Risk Assessment (2011) 17, 966–980. (I.F 1.486). 10. J A. Baig, T.G. Kazi, M.B. Arain, A. Q. Shah, H.I. Afridi, G. A. Kandhro , S. Khan, Nida F. Kolachi, S. K. Wadhwa, Inorganic Arsenic Speciation in Ground Water Samples Using Electrothermal Atomic Spectroscopy Following Selective Separation and Cloud Point Extraction. Analytical science (2011), volume 27(4), 439-445. (I.F 1.735) 9. 11. J A. Baig, T.G. Kazi, A. Q. Shah, H.I. Afridi, G. A. Kandhro , S. Khan, Nida F. Kolachi, S. K. Wadhwa, F. Shah, Evaluation of toxic risk assessment of arsenic in male subject through drinking water in Southern Sindh Pakistan. Biological Trace Element Research (2011) 143(2), 772-786. I.F. 1.523) 12. T.G. Kazi, J A. Baig, A. Q. Shah, H.I. Afridi, G. A. Kandhro , S. Khan, Nida F. Kolachi, S. K. Wadhwa, F. Shah, M.B. Arain, Mk. K. Jamali, Determination of arsenic in scalp hair of children and its correlation with drinking water in exposed areas of Sindh Pakistan. Biological Trace Element Research, (2011) 143(1):15362.(I.F. 1.523) SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 15 of 71 13. S. Khan, T.G. Kazi, J. A. Baig, N. F. Kolachi, H. I. Afridi, S. Kumar, A. Q. Shah, G.A. Kandhro Cloud Point and Solid Phase Extraction of Vanadium in Surface and Bottled Mineral Water Samples using 8hydroxyquinoline as Complexing Reagent. Iranian Chemical society (2011) 8(4), 897-907. (I.F 1.5). 14. N.F. Kolachi, T.G. Kazi , S. K. Wadhwa, H. I. Afridi, J. A. Baig, S. Khan, F. Shah Evaluation of Selenium in biological sample of arsenic exposed female skin Lesions and skin cancer patients with related to non-exposed skin cancer patients. Science of Total Environment 409 (2011) 3092–3097 (I.F. 3.19) 15. S. Khan, T.G. Kazi, N.F. Kolachi, J.A. Baig, H.I. Afridi, A.Q. Shah, S.K. Wadhwa, F. Shah, Hazardous impact and translocation of vanadium (V) species from soil to different vegetables and grasses grown in the vicinity of thermal power plant. Journal of Hazardous Materials (2011) 190, 738–743. (I.F 3.723) 16. H. I. Afridi, T. G. Kazi, N. Kazi, G. A. Kandhro, J.A. Baig, M. K. Jamali, M.B. Arain, A. Q. Shah, F. Shah, S. Khan, N. F. Kolachi. Association of environmental toxic elements in biological samples of myocardial infarction patients at different stages. . Biological trace element and research (2011) Volume 141 (1) 26-40. doi: 10.1007/s12011-010-8921-9 (I.F 1.523). 17. H I. Afridi, T. G. Kazi, N. Kazi, G.A. Kandhro, J. A. Baig, A. Q. Shah, S. Khan, N. F. Kolachi, S.K. Wadhwa, F. Shah, Evaluation of Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium and Sodium in Biological Samples (Scalp hair, serum, Blood and urine) of Pakistani Viral Hepatitis (A–E) Patients and controls. Clinical laboratory (2011) 57(56):387-396. (I.F. 0.827). 18. H.I. Afridi, T.G. Kazi, N. Kazi, G. A. Kandhro, J. A, Baig, M. K. J., M. B. Arain, A. Q. Shah, Interactions between cadmium and zinc in the biological samples of Pakistani smokers and nonsmokers cardiovascular diseased patients. Biological trace element and research (2011) 139, (3), 257-268, doi: 10.1007/s12011-0098607-3 (I.F 1.523) 19. F. Shah, T.G. Kazi, H.I. Afridi, N. Kazi, J.A. Baig, A.Q. Shah, S.K. Wadhwa, S. Khan, N.F. Kolachi, Evaluation of status of trace and toxic metals in biological samples (Scalp hair, blood and urine) of normal and anemic children of two age groups. Biological trace element and research (2011) 141(1), 131-149. doi: 10.1007/s12011-010-8736-8 (I.F 1.523) 20. H.I. Afridi, T.G. Kazi, N. Kazi, G.A. Kandhro, J.A. Baig, A.Q. Shah, S. Khan, N.F. Kolachi, S.K. Wadhwa, F. Shah, Evaluation of Zinc in Scalp Hair and Blood Samples of Tuberculosis and Diarrhea Male Human Immunodeficiency Virus Patients. Clinical Laboratory (2011) 57(3-4):171-181. 21. F. Shah, T. G. Kazi, H. I. Afridi, S. Khan, N.F. Kolachi, M. B. Arain , J. A. Baig, The influence of environmental exposure on lead concentrations in scalp hair of children in Pakistan. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 74 (2011) 727–732. doi:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2010.10.036(I.F 2.34) 22. H. I. Afridi, T. G. Kazi, N. Kazi, G. A. Kandhro, J. A. Baig, A. Q. Shah, S. Khan, N.F. Kolachi, S. K. Wadhwa, F. Shah., M.K. 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Shah, A.Q., T.G Kazi, Arain, M.B., Jamali, M.K., Afridi, H.I., Jalbani, N., Baig, J.A., Kandhro, G.A. Accumulation of arsenic in different fresh water fish species - potential contribution to high arsenic intakes. Food Chemistry, (2009). 112 (2), pp. 520-524 (doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2008.05.095 (I.F 3.146) 76. T.G. Kazi , M.B. Arain, M.K. Jamali, N. Jalbani, H.I. Afridi, R.A. Sarfraz, J.A. Baig, A.Q. Shah, Assessment of water quality of polluted lake using multivariate statistical techniques: A case study. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety (2009)72, 301-309 doi:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2008.02.024 ( I.F 2.34) 77. Shah, A.Q., T.G. Kazi, Arain, M.B., Jamali, M.K., Afridi, H.I., Jalbani, N., Sarfraz, R.A., J.A. Baig, Comparison of electrothermal and hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry for the determination of total arsenic in broiler chicken. Food Chemistry (2009). 113 (4), 1351-1355 doi.10.1016/j.foodchem.2008.08.069 (I.F 3.146) 78. M. K. Jamali, T.G Kazi, M. B. Arain, H. I. Afridi, J. A. Baig, A. Q. Shah, Time-saving application for sequential extraction of heavy metals by optimized BCR method and lixiviation from untreated sewage sludge. Acta Agronomica Hungarica (2009) 57 (2), 215-230. doi:10.1556/AAgr.57.2009.2.13 (I.F. 0.4) 79. Afridi, H.I., T.G Kazi, Kazi, N.G., Arain, M.B., Jalbani, N., Sarfraz, R.A., Shah, A.Q., Baig, J.A. Evaluation of arsenic, cobalt, copper and manganese in biological Samples of Steel mill workers by electrothermal atomic absorption Spectrometry. Toxicology and Industrial Health (2009) 25 (1), 59-69.doi: 10.1177/0748233709103036 (I.F. 0.915) 80. Shah, A.Q., T.G Kazi, Arain, M.B., Baig, J.A., Afridi, H.I., Kandhro, G.A., Khan, S., Jamali, M.K. Hazardous impact of arsenic on tissues of same fish species collected from two ecosystem Journal of Hazardous Materials (2009) 167 , 511–515 doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2009.01.031(I.F 4.144) 81. Jamali, M.K., T.G Kazi, Arain, M.B., Afridi, H.I., Jalbani, N., Kandhro, G.A., Shah, A.Q., Baig, J.A. Heavy metal accumulation in different varieties of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grown in soil amended with domestic sewage sludge, Journal of Hazardous Materials, (2009) 164 (2-3), 1386-1391. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2008.07.07 (I.F 4.144) 82. Jamali, M.K., T.G Kazi , Arain, M.B., Afridi, H.I., Jalbani, N., Kandhro, G.A., Shah, A.Q., J.A. Baig, Speciation of heavy metals in untreated sewage sludge by using microwave assisted sequential extraction procedure. Journal of Hazardous Materials (2009), 163 (2-3), 1157-1164 doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2008.07.071 (I.F 4.144) 83. T.G. Kazi, Jalbani, N., J.A. Baig, Kandhro, G.A., Arain, M.B., Afridi, H.I., Jamali, M.K., Shah, A.Q. Determination of toxic elements in infant formulae by using electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometer. Food and chemical Toxicology (2009), 47(7) 1425-1429. (I.F 2.602) doi:10.1016/j.fct.2009.03.025 84. Shah, A.Q. T.G., Kazi, Arain, M.B., J.A. Baig, Hassan I. Afridi, Mohammad K. Jamali, , Nusrat Jalbani, Ghulam A. Kandhro. Optimization of ultrasonic assisted acid extraction of mercury in fish muscles tissues using multivariate strategy. AOAC international (2009) , 92 ( 5),1580-1586.(I.F. 1.223) 85. Afridi, H.I., T.G. Kazi , Shah, A.Q., Kazi, N., J.A. Baig, Jamali, M.K., Arain, M.B., Kandhro, G.A. Status of essential trace metals in biological samples of diabetic mother and their neonates Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics, (2009) 280:415–423 (I.F. 1.072). doi: 10.1007/s00404-009-0955-x 86. T.G. Kazi, N. Jalbani, J.A. Baig, Kandhro, G.A., Afridi, H.I., Arain, M.B., jamali, M.K., Shah, A.Q. Assessment of toxic metals in raw and processed milk samples using electrothermal atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Food and Chemical Toxicology (2009) 47 (9), 2163-2169 doi:10.1016/j.fct.2009.05.035 (I.F 2.602) SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 21 of 71 87. Arain, M. B. Kazi, T.G. Jamali, M.K. Afridi, H. I. Jalbani, N. J.A. Baig, Speciation of heavy metals in sediment by conventional, ultrasound and microwave assisted single extraction: a comparison with modified Sequential extraction procedure. Journal Hazardous Materials (2008) 154 998–1006 doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2007.11.004 (I.F 3.723) 88. Afridi, H.I., Kazi, T.G., Kazi, N., Jamali, M.K., Arain, M.B., Jalbani, N., Baig, J.A., Sarfraz, R.A. Evaluation of status of toxic metals in biological samples of diabetes mellitus patients Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, (2008) 80 (2), 280-288. 89. Afridi H.I. Kazi T.G. Kazi N. Jamali M.K. Arain M.B. Jalbani N. Sarfaraz R.A. Shah A. Kandhro G.A. Shah, A.Q. Baig, J.A. Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium and Sodium Levels in Biological Samples of Hypertensive and non hypertensive Diabetes Mellitus Patients. Biological Trace Element and Research. (2008), 24(3) 206224 doi:10.1007/s12011-008-8142-7 (I.F 1.523). 90. M.K Jamali, T.G. Kazi, M.B. Arain, H.I. Afridi, N. Jalbani, J.A. Baig, A. Niaz, Effect of liming on the distribution of heavy metals in untreated industrial sewage sludge produced in Pakistan for cultivation of Sorghum bicolor (L). The Environmentalist (2008) 28, 366-375 doi:10.1007/s10669-007-9149-x (I.F 0.33) 91. G.A. Kandhro, T.G. Kazi, H.I. Afridi, N. Kazi, M. B. Arain, R.A. Sarfraz, Sirajuddin, Nasreen Syed, J.A. Baig, Evaluation of Iron in Serum and Urine and their Relation with Thyroid Function in Female Goitrous Patients. Biological Trace Element and Research, (2008) 125, (3), 203-212. doi: 10.1007/s12011-008-8174-z. (I.F 1.523) 92. M. B. Arain, T.G. Kazi, M.K. Jamali, H. I. Afridi, N. Jalbani, J.A. Baig, Time saving modified BCR sequential extraction procedure for the fraction of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn in sediment samples of polluted lake. Journal of Hazardous Materials (2008), 160 (1), 235-239. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2008.02.092 (I.F 3.723) 93. T.G Kazi, Afridi, HI. N. Kazi Jamali, MK. Arain, MB. Jalbani, N. J.A. Baig, Distribution of Zinc, Copper and Iron in biological samples of Pakistani myocardial infarction (1st, 2nd and 3rd heart attack) patients and controls. Clinica Chimica Acta (2008) 389(1-2) 114-119 doi:10.1016/j.cca.2007.12.004 ( I.F 2.388) RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS IN NATIONAL JOURNALS Sr. No. Author/Title/ Journals 1. S. Khan, T.G. Kazi, N.F. Kolachi, H.I. Afridi, J.A. Baig, A.Q. Shah, S. Kumar, F. Shah Translocation of Aluminum to Grain Crops Grown in Different Agricultural Systems. Pakistan Journal of Analytical and Environmental Chemistry, (2012) 13(1) 63 – 69. 2. A.Q. Shah, T.G. Kazi, J.A. Baig, H.I. Afridi, G.A. Kandhro, S. Khan, N.F. Kolachi, S.K. Wadhwa, Determination of Total Mercury in Muscle Tissues of Marine Fish Species by Ultrasonic Assisted Extraction Followed by Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. Pakistan Journal of Analytical and Environmental Chemistry, (2010) 11(2) 12 – 17. 3. J.A. Baig, T.G. Kazi, A.Q. Shah, H.I. Afridi, G.A. Kandhro, S. Khan, A Green Analytical Procedure for Sensitive and Selective Determination of Arsenic in Scalp Hair Samples of Arsenic Exposed Adults of Both Genders, Pakistan Journal of Analytical and Environmental Chemistry, (2010) 11 (2) 23 – 29. 4. G.A. Kandhro, T.G. Kazi, Sirajuddin, N. Kazi, H.I. Afridi, M.B. Arain, J.A. Baig, A.Q. Shah, N. Syed, Evaluation of the Iodine Concentration in Serum and Urine of Hypothyroid Males Using an Inexpensive and Rapid Method. Pakistan Journal of Analytical and Environmental Chemistry, (2009) 10 (1-2) 67 – 75. 5. M.B. Arain, T.G. Kazi, M.K. Jamali, H.I. Afridi, J.A. Baig, N. Jalbani, A.Q. Shah, Evaluation of Physico-Chemical Parameters of Manchar Lake Water and Their Comparison with Other Olobal Published Values. Pakistan Journal of Analytical and Environmental Chemistry, (2008) 9 (2) 101 – 109. SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 22 of 71 Sneh Bhandari Current Position Chemistry Research & Development Director, Silliker Laboratories, 1304 Halsted Street, Chicago Heights, Il 60411. Experience Since May, 1997 Silliker Laboratories Chemistry Research Director Chicago Heights, IL • Direct & Manage the chemistry research and serves as a resource to the Silliker clients to resolve their analytical issues. • Working with corporate to plan budget, growth and structural development of the department. • Write proposals to justify research studies. Create research reports to summarize the findings and discuss those in relation to the objective and existing knowledge. • Design research studies, experiments and protocols. • Help clients about regulatory guide lines (FDA, USDA) including nutritional labeling & claims, quality control issues etc. • Wrote a chapter on food hazards resulting from environmental, industrial and agricultural contaminants. • Made various presentations at professional and scientific meetings including AOAC, IFT, AOCS etc. • Managed special projects like stability testing, method validation including studies to fill in the gaps cited in FDA form 483 and other audits. • • • • • • • • • Studied tocopherol and tocotrienol stability in oil, salad dressings and supplements. Helped clients to study oil authenticity and also oil adulteration. Studied retinol and vitamin D photo-stability in milk stored in white and yellow containers. Served on various AOAC Expert Review Panels and Stakeholder Panels. Member of AOCS Chromatography Technical Committee. AOAC Technical Committee member for Additives (2004-2007). Was involved in EPR for vitamin E analysis in dietary supplements (AOAC task force; FDA/NIH ). Develop and write SOPs, Policies and the method protocols to be used in routine functions of the lab. Validated HPLC/GC methods to analyze various nutritionally important food analytes, i.e.,tocopherols, tocotrienols, vit K, nutraceuticals, capsaicin. cholesterol & phytosterols. sugars, sugar alcohols etc. 1995–1997 Research Manager Silliker Laboratories Chicago Heights, IL • Managed Research Department. Developed and validated various new HPLC methods for analysis including B-lactam antibiotics in milk, vitamin K analysis using post-column on line derivatization, iodine by ion-chromatography with PAD, amino acids analysis, hydroxy-citric acid, benzocaine, • resorcinol, carotenoids, ginginosides, aspartamae and its degradatory products. • Participated in AOAC collaborative study on ethoxyquin. 1990–1995 Silliker Laboratories Method Development Specialist Chicago Heights, IL • Managed and supervised instrumental and vitamin dept. Developed various new HPLC methods. • Participated in AOAC collaborative study on vitamin D analysis by HPLC. SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 23 of 71 -21987–1990 Dept of Food Science & HN, Gainesville, FL Postdoctoral Research Associate • Studied metabolism and bioavailabilty of folate vitamers in humans using stable isotopes analyzed using mass-spec. • Synthesized various stable isotopes of folates and purified using HPLC & characterized by photo diode array. • Studied Polyglutamyl conjugase from human intestinal brush border vesicles and from porcine pancreatic juice using a HPLC assay. • Devised various methods of folate extraction from biological tissues assessed using HPLC methods. 1986–1987 Dept of Pharmacology, LSUMC, Shreveport, LA Postdoctoral Research Fellow • Studied mechanism of folate transport in rat kidney. Characterized folate receptor in renal brush border vesicles. • Studied effect of ethanol on folate metabolism and bioavailabilty of folate vitamers in rat using radioactive isotopes. 1976–1986 Biochemistry Dept., MS University, Baroda, India Reader and Lecturer • Taught Biochemistry, Human Physiology and Clinical Chemistry, Human Nutrition and Food Chemistry to post-graduate students. • Studied effects of nutritional factors on intestinal enzymes and lipids. 1982–1983 Dept. of Pediatrics, AHSC, Tucson, AZ UNESCO Postdoctoral Research Fellow • In vitro studies on sugar transport using everted gut sac technique and its correlation with activities of digestive enzymes. • Studies on thyroid hormone receptors in isolated intestinal epithelial crypt and villi cells. 1977–1980 Principal Investigator Biochemistry Dept., MS University, Baroda, India • Studies on intestinal phosphoinositide metabolism. 1972–1976 Biochemistry Dept., MS University, Baroda, India Research Fellow • Studies on intestinal enzymes and biochemistry in relation to nutrition. 1972–1972 Biochemistry Dept., MS University, Baroda, India Research Fellow Studies on soybean hemagglutinins and trypsin inhibitors and effect of food processing on the same. Education 1972–1977 Biochemistry Dept., MS University, Baroda, India • Ph.D. in Nutritional Biochemistry. SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 24 of 71 -31970–1972 Biochemistry Dept., MS University, Baroda, India • M.S. in Biochemistry. Specialization: Human Nutrition. 1967–1970 Jodhpur University, India • Bachelor of Science. Major subjects: C.N.S. 1994 Chemistry, Botany, Zoology and Physics. Certification Board for Nutr. Sp., American College of Nutrition • Certified Nutrition Specialist (C.N.S.) Honors ♦ Named as AOAC Fellow in 2011 ♦ Appointed to AOAC Official Methods Board in 2010 for 3 years term ♦ AOAC Additives Technical Committee Member ♦ Involved in AOCS in Chromatography Technical Committee (member fatty acid analysis group) ♦ AOAC Horwitz Advisor ♦ AOAC/FDA/NIH Expert Review Panel member – Coenzyme Q (2005) ♦ Serving as a Single Lab Validation Expert for Vitamin E Analysis in Dietary Supplements for AOAC/FDA/NIH Task force. ♦ Sweetener Technical Committee member ISBT. ♦ Past - AOAC Associate Referee for Vitamin E . ♦ Listed in Strathmore’s Who’s Who Directory (1995-96). ♦ UNESCO Postdoctoral Fellowship (1982). AOAC Collaborative Studies Participated ♦ Vitamin D in infant formula by a HPLC method AOAC 995.05 (1995). ♦ Ehoxyquin in feeds by a HPLC method (996.13). ♦ Participated in USDA led folate analysis in foods using triple enzyme method. Theses Publication ♦ Ph.D. Nutritional Studies on rat intestinal Phytase ♦ M.Sc. Effects of diet on Cholesterol Metabolism. ♦ Original Research Papers Published : 20 SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 25 of 71 -4- ♦ Book Chapter ♦ Presentations at Scientific meetings : 1 : (In: Handbook of Food Safety, 2003, Wiley) 50 SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 26 of 71 October 17, 2012 To Whom it May Concern: I am submitting the following CV with the objective of participating on any AOAC expert review panels (ERP) dealing with the analysis of metals by ICP-MS in foods, beverages, infant formula, or supplements. Brief Summary of Specific Experience in Metals by ICP-MS I have extensive experience with the use of ICP-MS for the analysis of metals at commercial testing laboratories, including experience with method development, optimization, and validation. I have been reviewing ICP-MS data since 1993, and I first started performing ICPMS analyses in 1997. For the past fifteen years I have either been performing ICP-MS analyses or supervising groups of chemists who were using ICP-MS for the determination of metals in complex matrices. I have taken several advanced training courses on ICP-MS analysis, including courses on the use of isotope dilution and interference reduction technologies. I have given numerous poster and oral presentations and a large number of conferences on a broad range of topics related to ICP-MS analysis, most recently at the AOAC Annual Meeting. References Ewa Pruszkowski, ICP-MS Sr. Product Specialist, Perkin Elmer 408-232-0655, Colin Davies, President, Brooks Rand Labs 206-632-6206 ext. 102, Dirk Wallschläger, Professor, Trent University 705-748-1011 ext. 7378, Thank you very much for your consideration. If you have any questions regarding this submittal, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Michelle L. Briscoe VP of Analytical Services/Technical Director 206-632-6206, ext. 117 SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 27 of 71 Michelle L. Briscoe Vice President of Analytical Services Technical Director Brooks Rand Labs 3958 6th Avenue Northwest Seattle, Washington 98107 206-632-6206, ext. 117 OBJECTIVE My objective is to participate on any AOAC expert review panels (ERP) dealing with the analysis of metals by ICP-MS in foods, beverages, infant formula, or supplements. QUALIFICATIONS SUMMARY Twenty years of experience in the environmental chemistry laboratory field, including fourteen years at the senior-management level: • Technical – Sixteen of year of hands-on and managerial oversight of ICP-MS analyses being performed in commercial testing laboratories, including experience with method development, the use of optimized interference reduction technologies, and various sample digestion techniques • Operations and Management – extensive experience in managing all aspects of company operations and budgets; eighteen years in supervisory positions • Business Development – direct oversight of all company sales and marketing, including developing and implementing big-picture company goals • Project Management - broad knowledge in management of varied and complex analytical projects in the environmental industry, as well as large company-wide projects • Laboratory Systems – Twenty years of experience environmental chemistry field, including fifteen years of experience in areas of ultra-trace level metals analysis and speciation protocols EDUCATION B.S. in the Natural Sciences awarded June 1992 Western Oregon University, Monmouth, OR Major: Chemistry and Physics Minor: Biology Numerous professional development and technical training courses (details provided upon request) SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 28 of 71 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Brooks Rand Labs, Seattle, WA: Vice President of Analytical Services and Technical Director July 2004 – Current In my current position as Vice President at Brooks Rand, I oversee all operations of the Analytical Services Division. I am responsible for the division budget (~$3 million), and for ensuring all work is performed on-time, at the highest level of quality possible, and in a manner that generates a profit for the company. I oversee and directly participate in business development efforts and assist the company President in critical company decision-making. I am responsible for selecting and contracting with vendors, all human resources, and ensuring that all staff who report to me (approximately 25 people) have the tools and resources required to perform their roles to the best of their abilities. I am responsible for all aspects of laboratory operations, quality assurance, customer service, finance and budgeting, facilities management, capitol equipment procurement, employee professional development, and staff morale. Frontier Geosciences (now Frontier Global Sciences), Seattle, WA: Many of my positions at Frontier overlapped or were performed concurrently with other positions; therefore, the timeline below may seem a little odd. There were times when I filled up to five roles at the same time, making for a complicated job description. I would be happy to describe any of the positions or the timeline in more detail upon request. Vice President of Operations August 2002 – July 2004 The position of VP Operations was created for me as the company grew to a size where it was deemed necessary to have one person in charge of all company operations. In this position, all research scientists, the laboratory manager, the QA Officer, and all administrative staff (a total of 60 FTEs) reported to me. I was responsible for creating and managing seven separate annual departmental budgets and all company activities outside of accounting and business development. All decisions related to IT, HR, QA, facilities, safety, and laboratory management were ultimately my responsibility. I sought out the best vendors to provide services for Frontier, and negotiated contracts on behalf of the company. I helped the department managers (which included all of Frontier’s research scientist and the laboratory manager) develop hiring and business plans, setting goals for revenue and profitability, helped them to achieve those goals, and I assisted in personnel issues where necessary. On a corporate level, I have served on Frontier’s Management Committee since 1998, where I have been instrumental in making company-wide decisions and setting corporate policy. I have been the “go to” person in the absence of the company president for decision making and check signing. Ask me about my experience in setting up a trace metals laboratory from scratch in 2004. Board of Directors and Treasurer January 2001 – June 2004 I served as one of Frontier’s five Board members since the inception of a real, active Board in 2001 until my most recent term ended in June 2004. I also have served as the Treasurer for Frontier Geosciences from January 2003 – June 2004. SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 29 of 71 Human Resources Director April 2003 – February 2004 The position of HR Director was added to my other VP of Admin duties when this role was relinquish by Frontier’s President. As HR Director, my responsibilities included all aspects of hiring, evaluations, and terminations; ensuring that all employees were thoroughly covered by our corporate benefits, including medical insurance (including selection of appropriate plan), dental insurance, vision insurance, life insurance, short- and long-term disability insurance, and other company benefits and perks; administration of the company’s 401(k) plan; writing and editing of the employee handbook; and ensuring that the company met its legal and ethical responsibilities in all areas related to HR. Vice President of Administration & Analytical Services March 2001 - August 2002 When this position was created, the oversight of all corporate administration was combined with the duties of the Laboratory Manager. This included oversight of IT, Safety, QA, Facilities, Office Management (including reception), and Graphics. Since taking this position (and up until the present time), I have been instrumental in company-wide business development efforts, including over 20 oral presentations (with self-prepared PowerPoint presentations) to clients, potential clients, government agencies, and at technical meetings. Quality Assurance (QA) Officer April 2001-November 2001, March 2003-November 2003 I served as interim QA Officer for time periods above when Frontier was between QA Officers. During both time periods, it was my responsibility to review and edit Frontier’s Quality Assurance Plan and ensure that the company was following all requirements laid out in the plan. I was also responsible for keeping our state and NELAC certifications current, review and approval of all SOPs, preparation of quarterly QA reports, review of all incident reports and corrective action reports and prescribing additional corrective actions or documentation when needed. Laboratory Manager April 1998 - November 2001 My duties as Laboratory Manager included oversight of all aspects of Frontier’s Analytical Laboratory. This included supervision of all of the groups within the laboratory (trace metals analysis, mercury analysis, project management, QA, technical data services, shipping & receiving, and bottle washing). I was responsible for the budgeting and revenue projections for the department, which had as many as 40 FTEs producing as much as $5M in revenue. Ask me about my experience in setting up a total mercury lab in the rural hills of Peru the summer of 2000. Project Management Group Leader August 1999 - August 2001 As the group leader for the Project Management Group, I supervised a group of 5-8 project managers, while still managing about $1.5M of projects. I was responsible for the hiring, training, and development of all project coordinators and project managers, as well the approval of all data and final reports submitted to our clients. SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 30 of 71 Project Manager June 1996 - August 2001 While I was still an analyst, I started assuming project management responsibilities, including setting up projects with clients, sending quotations and proposals, report generation, narrative writing, speaking with clients on the phone about their results, and invoicing. Trace Metals Group Leader December 1996 – April 1998 I was promoted to Group Leader after less than two years with the company. In this position I was responsible for the management and supervision of the group, which included a staff of up to 6 analysts and laboratory assistants. I made decisions about the purchase of new instrumentation, and was the lead ICP-MS analyst after this instrument was purchased in 1997. All group scheduling and training was performed by me, in addition to method development and QA review of all data produced by the trace metals group. During this time I also gained extensive experience in ultra-clean sample collection of environmental field samples. Trace Metals Analyst July 1995 – December 1996 As one of the founding members of Frontier’s Trace Metals Group, I helped develop new methods for the analysis of trace metals in environmental samples using GFAAS, HG-AAS, and HG-AFS. Laucks Testing Laboratory (now Pace Analytical), Seattle, WA: Inorganics Department Supervisor - Conventionals July 1994 – July 1995 In addition to maintaining many of my analytical responsibilities, I directed a nine-member team and I was responsible for data validation and thoroughness of all analytical results reports and CLP-style results packages (including electronic data deliverables) generated by the department. I was an integral part of overall division management, including hiring, work distribution, and instrument maintenance. Inorganics Analyst August 1992 – July 1994 I performed numerous analytical tasks, including anions by IC, mercury by CV-AAS, nutrients and cyanide by automated colorimetry, and TPH by FTIR. PAPERS, PRESENTATIONS, AND PUBLICATIONS Briscoe, M., Ugrai, T., Escarez, C., Joslin, I., Setzer, B., Rankin, T., Thorsness, B., and Carter, A., 2012. “Analysis of Arsenic Species and Low-Level Heavy Metals in Rice” Poster presentation at the 126th AOAC Annual Meeting, October 1, 2012, Las Vegas, NV. Briscoe, M., Ugrai, T., Escarez, C., Setzer, B., Madonick, E., and Carter, A., 2012. “Quantifying Micronutrients to Determine Accuracy of Metals Concentrations in Supplements and Nutraceuticals” Poster presentation at the 126th AOAC Annual Meeting, October 1, 2012, Las Vegas, NV. SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 31 of 71 Briscoe, M., and Ugrai, T., 2012. “Analysis of Saline/Brine Water Samples for Low-Level Trace Metals: Overcoming Matrix Effects” Invited presentation at the Department of Energy Analytical Service Providers Workshop, September 17, 2012, Idaho Falls, ID. Briscoe, M., and Ugrai, T., 2012. “Analysis of Low-Level Metals in Seawater by ICP-MS: Overcoming Matrix Effects” Invited presentation at the Perkin Elmer Inspiring Innovation Nation Tour, May 3, 2012, Lynnwood, WA. Briscoe, M., 2012. “Arsenic Speciation in Water, Soil/Sediment, & Tissue Samples” Invited presentation at the DoD Environmental Monitoring and Data Quality Workshop, March 29, 2012, La Jolla, CA. Briscoe, M., 2011. “Analytical Methods and Associated Challenges for Trace Metals Speciation” Invited presentation at the Symposium on Modern Analytical Techniques Used in Evaluating the Concentration of Trace Metals in Foods and Dietary Supplements, Annual Meeting of AOAC International, September 20, 2011, New Orleans, LA. Briscoe, M., 2011. “A Brief History of Metals Speciation Method Development and Analysis in the Pacific Northwest” Invited presentation at the National Environmental Monitoring Conference, August 17, 2011, Bellevue, WA. Briscoe, M., 2010. “Complying with Wet FGD Wastewater Discharge Regulations for Metals” Invited presentation at Babcock & Wilcox Environmental Technologies Users Conference, July 21, 2010, Baltimore, MD. Briscoe, M., 2010. “Analyzing Flue Gas Desulfurization Wastewaters for Low-Level Trace Metals using ICP-DRC-MS: Overcoming Matrix Interferences” Invited presentation at Pittcon Conference (Perkin Elmer Lecture Series), March 3, 2010, Orlando, FL. Briscoe, M., 2010. “Complying with FGD Wastewater Discharge Regulations for Metals” Presented at the Electric Utility Environmental Conference (EUEC), February 3, 2010, Phoenix, AZ. Briscoe, M., 2009. “Trace Metals Determination in Flue Gas Desulfurization Water: Optimization of Dynamic Reaction Cell ICP-MS.” EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2009. 1017978. Briscoe, M., 2009. “Trace Metals Analysis and Speciation QA/QC,” invited presentation at the SFEI QA/QC Seminar, October 7, 2009, Oakland, CA. Briscoe, M., 2009. “Analyzing Flue Gas Desulfurization Wastewaters for Low-Level Trace Metals using ICP-DRC-MS: Overcoming Matrix Interferences” invited presentation at the Perkin Elmer Northwest User’s Group Meetings, September 29-30, 2009, Portland, OR, and Seattle, WA. Fawley, A., and Briscoe, M., 2009. “Collecting & Handling Water Samples for Trace Metals Analyses,” full-day workshop presented by Brooks Rand Labs, September 25, 2009, Seattle, WA. Fawley, A., Briscoe, M., and Durdle, A., 2008. “Collecting & Handling Water Samples for Trace Metals Analyses,” full-day workshop for the Northwest Environmental Training Center, Course ID: CHEM-305, August 1, 2008, Seattle, WA. SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 32 of 71 Fawley, A., and Briscoe, M., 2008. “Collecting & Handling Water Samples for Trace Metals Analyses,” full-day workshop for the Northwest Environmental Training Center, Course ID: CHEM-305, June 27, 2008, Seattle, WA. Briscoe, M., 2007. “Advances in Analytical Methods for Trace Metals Analyses,” invited presentation at the SFEI Regional Monitoring Program Laboratory Meeting, October 3, 2007, Oakland, CA. Bloom, N., Bollen, A., Briscoe, M., Hall, G., Horvat, M., Kim, C., Lasorsa, B., Marvin-Dipasquale, M., and Parker, J. 2006. “International Solid Phase Mercury Speciation Exercise (ISPMSE): Introduction and Preliminary Results,” invited paper for the 8th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, August 10, 2006, Madison, WI. Briscoe, M., 2006. “Ultra-Trace Level Sampling for Methyl Mercury,” invited presentation at Bay Area Methyl Mercury Workshop, May 31, 2006, San Jose, CA. **Please note: In August 2005 my last name changed to Briscoe from Gauthier** Gauthier, M.L., 2005. “Analysis of High-Saline Aqueous Samples by ICP-MS using Co-precipitation Techniques,” invited presentation for the Pacific Northwest Section Meeting of AOAC International, Tacoma, WA, June 23, 2005. Gauthier, M., 2004. “The Beautiful Complexity of Methyl Mercury Analysis,” invited presentation at CalTest, September 9, 2004, Napa, CA. Vandervort, A.F., and Gauthier, M.L., 2000. “A Comparison of Different Sediment Digestion Techniques,” invited presentation for NOAA Quality Assurance Workshop, Washington, D.C., April 10, 2000. Litten, S., Fowler, B., Gauthier, M., and Bloom N. 1999. “Containment Assessment and Reduction Project: Toxic Chemicals in New York Harbor and Vicinity – Sources and Ambient Concentrations of Pesticides, PAHs, Mercury and Cadmium,” poster presentation at CETAC Conference, November 15-19, 1999, Pittsburgh, PA. Gauthier, M.L., and Bloom, N.S. 1999. “ICP-MS as an Effective Screening Technique for Total Mercury Determination by CV-AFS (EPA Method 1631),” invited presentation for NOAA Quality Assurance Workshop, Richmond, CA, February 2, 1999. Bloom, N.S, and Gauthier, M.L. 1998. “Lower MDLs and Better Accuracy for ‘Total Recoverable Metals’ in Water through the Use of Dilute HF/HNO3 Digestion at 85°C in Sealed Teflon Bottles,” invited presentation for EPA Conference on the Analysis of Water, Washington D.C., May 5-6, 1998. Bloom, N.S, Gauthier, M.L., and Wallschläger, D. 1997. “Ultra-Trace Speciation of Selenium by Automated Hydride Generation-Flame Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry (HG-AFS),” poster presentation for Geoanalysis ‘97, June 2-5, 1997, Vail, CO. SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 33 of 71 Gauthier, M.L., Brunette, R.C., and Bloom N.S. 1997. “A Preliminary Comparison of Mercury, Arsenic, and Selenium in Two Adjacent Geothermally-Impacted Seepage Lakes,” poster presentation at the Fourth International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, June 23, 1997, Berkeley, CA. MEMBERSHIPS - AOAC International (2010 – present) - American Council of Independent Laboratories, ACIL (2010 – 2012) - Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, SETAC (2002 – present) - American Chemical Society, ACS (1995 – 2005) - Analytical Laboratory Managers Association, ALMA (1999 – 2004) - Society for Applied Spectroscopy, SAS (2000 – 2004) - Northwest Forum of Woman Entrepreneurs (2002 – 2004) SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 34 of 71 Min Huang Aegis Sciences Corporation BRIEF STATEMENT OF EXPERTISE I received my PhD in Analytical Chemistry with works on ICP-AES and ICP-MS in 1989. I have about totally 40 peer-review papers published in professional journals, including Analytical Chemistry. In the middle of 1990s, I started my career in research works on LC-MS and LC-MS/MS. Therefore, I have a broad range of knowledge from inorganic elemental analysis to organic and bioanalysis. One of my major application areas has been in nutrition and food analysis. I would like to take this opportunity to join the Expert Review Panel. SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 35 of 71 Resume Name Min Huang EXPERIENCES * Demonstrated R&D achievements in various techniques of instrumental analysis, from organic, biological to inorganic analysis, with 43 peer-review papers, 4 US patents, and 11 Japan patents. * Experience in quantitation and identification of small molecules, as well as investigation of product degradation by LC-MS and LC-MS/MS. * Experience in HPLC, GC, GC/MS, Electrophoresis, IR, UV; * Some experience in large molecule analysis by MALDI-TOF-MS; * Experience in working at GLP and GMP regulation lab; * Experience in ICP-MS, ICP-AES for elemental analysis. * Experience in project management and supervision. * Additional languages native Chinese and fluent Japanese EDUCATION Ph.D. Department of Chemistry, Wuhan University, China, 1989. M Sc. Institute of Shanghai Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Science, 1986 BS Department of Chemistry, Wuhan University, China, 1983 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 4/2012 – Research Scientist, Aegis Sciences Corporation LC-MS/MS method development for drug analysis in pain management and other applications, including nutrition and food safety analysis. SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 36 of 71 7/2006 – 11/2011 Lead Staff Scientist, Covance One promotion from Senior Scientist to Lead Staff Scientist Method development, validation for the applications of liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LCMS and LC-MS/MS) in quantitation of various small molecules in biological matrices (tissues, blood/serum and so on), various food matrices, as well as other samples. Investigating product degradation and impurity identification. Trouble-shooting for routine tests and other responsibilities for supporting analytical service. Technical supervision and training chemists; involvement in technical decision and client communications. 6/2004 – 7/2006 Academic Specialist (Faculty), Diagnostic Center for Population and Animal Health, Michigan State University Developing method and supervising routine analysis of the analytical toxicology group. R&D on method development for organic and bioanalysis, including separation, identification and quantification of small molecules in tissue, serum, urine and other matrix by LC/MS/MS. The research topics included analysis of albendazole and its metabolite, metronidazole, antibiotics, pesticides, conotoxin, anticoagulants, ionophores, drug screen. Also involved in HPLC, GC/MS and other techniques, such as ICP-MS for Se and heavy metal analysis. 1/2002 – 6/2004 Research Associate, National Center for Forensic Science, Orlando, Florida Study on small molecule identification and structural elucidation by LC-MS (quadrupole and ion trap mass spectrometers: Agilent 1100 LC-MSD, Finnigan LCQ). HPLC separation for various dyes. Analysis of polyamine for drug discovery. 9/1996 – 11/2001 Senior Researcher, Central Research Laboratory/Life Science Division, Hitachi, Ltd. (Tokyo, Japan) R&D in instrumentation of LC/MS, ICP-MS; evaluation of prototype instruments; application research; Small molecule identification by LC/MS; Micro sample introduction technique; DNA and protein analysis by mass spectrometry (ESI-LCMS and MALDI-TOFMS), including high throughput SNPs analysis by MALDI-TOF-MS and LC/MS/MS; Research on ionization techniques for LC-MS instrumentation. Research on other techniques including GC-MS and capillary electrophoresis SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 37 of 71 1993 - 1996 Assistant Professor, The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan 1992 – 1993 JSPS Guest Researcher granted by Japanese Department of Education 1991 – 1992 Guest Researcher, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan Research works on HPLC, high resolution mass spectrometry, as well as ICP-MS. Also include develop methods on sample preparation, separation and enrichment; teaching activity (HPLC, NMR, IR, GC-MS). 1989 – 1991, Associate Professor, Wuhan University of Technology, China Teaching Analytical Chemistry; Research works on inorganic analysis by ICP-AES. The project of Trace Element Analysis of High Purity Functional Ceramic Materials was supported by NSFC (Natural Science Foundation of China) PUBLICATIONS 43 peer-review papers, 3 papers to be published and 4 US patents Min Huang at al. “Simultaneous measurement of vitamin D and its metabolites in tissues and foods by ultra high pressure liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS/MS” (To be published) Min Huang at al. “Simultaneous measurement of vitamin D and pre-vitamin D in infant formula by ultra high pressure liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS/MS” (To be published) Min Huang et al. “Study on the conversion of vitamin D to pre-vitamin D and its effect on accuracy of vitamin D measurement by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS” (To be published) 1. Min Huang, Doug Winters, Darryl Sullivan, and Dawn Dowell “Application of Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry for the Measurement of Vitamin D in Infant Formula And Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula AOAC Official Method First Action 2011.11” J. AOAC INTERNATIONAL, 95 (2), 1 - 3, 2012 SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 38 of 71 2. Min Huang, Wilson K. Rumbeiha, W. Emmett Braselton, and Margaret Johnson "Rapid quantification of ionophores in feeds by liquid chromatography- tandem mass Spectrometry" J. Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 23 (2) 956-961, 2011 3. Min Huang and Doug Winters “Application of Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS) on Measurement of Vitamin D in Foods and Nutritional Supplements” J. AOAC INTERNATIONAL, 94 (1), 211-223, 2011 4. Min Huang, Wilson K. Rumbeiha, W. Emmett Braselton and Margaret Johnson “Rapid and reliable identification of ionophore antibiotics in feeds by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. J. Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 23 (2), 358-363 2011 5. Min Huang, Paul LaLuzerne, Doug Winters, and Darryl Sullivan “Measurement of Vitamin D in Foods and Nutritional Supplements by Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS/MS)” J. AOAC INTERNATIONAL, 92 (5), 1327 - 1335, 2009 6. Min Huang, Doug Winters, Richard Crowley, and Darryl Sullivan “Measurement of WaterSoluble B Vitamins in Infant Formula by Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)” J. AOAC INTERNATIONAL, 92 (6), 1728 - 1738, 2009 7. Min Huang and Richard Crowley “The growing impact of mass spectrometry in food analysis” Food & Beverage Asia 42-44, June/July, 2008 8. Wenlu Song, Min Huang, Wilson Rumbeiha and Hui Li “Determination of amprolium, carbadox, monesin and tylosin in surface water by liquid chromatography/tandem mass SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 39 of 71 soectrometry.” Rapid Communication in Mass Spectrometry, 21, 1944 -1950, 2007 9. M. Huang, Rachel Russo, Barry G. Fookes and M. Sigman “Analysis of Fiber Dyes by Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS) with Electrospray Ionization: Discriminating between Dyes with Indistinguishable UV-Visible Absorption Spectra” J. Forensic Sciences, 50 (3) 1-9 (2005) 10. R. Gardner, J. Delcros, F. Konate, F. Breitbeil, B. Martin, M. Sigman, M. Huang, and Phanstiel, Otto, IV. N1-Substituent Effects in the Selective Delivery of Polyamine Conjugates into Cells Containing Active Polyamine Transporters. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 47(24), 6055-6069 (2004) 11. M. Huang, Jehuda Yinon and M. Sigman “Forensic Identification of Dyes Extracted from Textile Fibers by Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS)” J. Forensic Sciences, 49, 238 – 249 (2004) 12. M. Huang and A. Hirabayashi, “Multi-charged oligonucleotide ion formation in sonic spray ionization for mass spectrometry” Analytical Sciences, 18, 385 – 390 (2002) 13. M.Huang, A. Hirabayashi, A. Okumura and Yukiko Hirabayashi “Matrix effect on the analysis of oligonucleotide by using a mass spectrometer with a sonic spray ionization source” Analytical Sciences 17 (10), 1179 – 1182 (2001). 14. M.Huang, A. Hirabayashi, T. Shirasaki, and H. Koizumi “A multi-microspray spray nebulizer for microwave-induced plasma mass spectrometry” Analytical Chemistry 72(11), 2463 - 2467 (2000). SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 40 of 71 15. M.Huang, H. Kojima, T. Shirasaki, A. Hirabayashi and H. Koizumi “Study on solvent loading effect on ICP and MIP plasma sources with a microliter nebulizer” Anal. Chim. Acta 413, 217 -222 (2000). 16. M.Huang, T. Shirasaki, A. Hirabayashi and H. Koizumi “ Microliter Sample Introduction Technique for Microwave Induced Plasma Mass Spectrometry” Analytical Chemistry 71(2), 427-432 (1999). 17. M.Huang, H. Kojima, A. Hirabayashi and H. Koizumi “A novel nebulizer for ICP-AES” Analytical Sciences 15(3), 265-268 (1999). 18. Y. Liu, M.HUANG and A. Masuda “High-precision determination of osmium and rhenium isotope ratios by in situ oxygen isotope ratio correction using negative thermal ionization mass spectrometry” International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Process 173(3), 163-175 (1998). 19. M.Huang and A. Masuda “Chemical separation of zirconium for its isotopic measurements” J. of Anal. Science 14(1), 1 - 4 (1998). 20 M.Huang and A. Masuda “Measurement of the atomic weight of ruthenium by negative thermal ionization mass spectrometry” Analytical Chemistry 69 (6), 1135-1139(1997). 21. M.Huang, Y. Liu and A. Masuda “Accurate measurement of ruthenium isotopes by negative thermal ionization mass spectrometry” Analytical Chemistry 68(5), 841-844(1996). SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 41 of 71 22. M.Huang and Y. Chen “Progress in thermal ionization mass spectrometry” J. of Anal. Science 12(3), 242-246(1996). 23. A. Masuda and M.Huang “A trial to detect the aberration of Ru isotopic ratios due to radioactive decay of technetium” Proc. Japan Academy 70B(2), 25-29(1994). 24. M.Huang, Z. Jiang and Y. Zeng “Studies on matrix interferences in electrothermal vaporization combined with ICP-AES” Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis 14(6), 61-64(1994). 25. Z. Jiang, B. Hu, M.Huang and Y. Zeng “The study on electrothermal vaporization for sample introduction the inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry” Journal of Analytical Science 10(1), 1-9(1994). 26. Z. Jiang, B. Hu, M.Huang and Y. Zeng “Fluorinatingly thermal vaporization of rare earth elements Analysis by ICP-AES and its mechanism” Rare Earth Elements 15(6), 23-29 (1993). 27. M.Huang, Z. Jiang and Y. Zeng “Determination of yttrium in lanthanum oxide by PTFE fluorinating technique combined with ETV-ICP-AES” Journal of Rare Earths 10(1), 56-60(1992). 28. M.Huang, Z. Jiang and Y. Zeng “Study on vaporizer for ETV-ICP-AES” Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities, 13(4), 467-469(1992). 29. M.Huang, Z. Jiang and Y. Zeng “Determination of yttrium in La2O3 by ICP-AES with electrothermal fluorinating volatilization technique” Journal of The Chinese Rare Earth Society, 10(2), 163166(1992). SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 42 of 71 30. M.Huang, Z. Jiang and Y. Zeng “Determination of rare earth elements by Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry with fluorinating electrothermal graphite furnace vaporization” Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 20(3), 287-289(1992). 31. M.Huang, J. Chang and L. Feng “Study and manufacture of fluoric acid resistance high-salt nebulizer for ICP-AES” (in Chinese ) Instrumentation 10(1), 33-35(1992). 32. M.Huang, Z. Jiang and Y. Zeng “Electrothermal vaporization as a sample introduction technique of ICP-AES, A Review” Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis 12(5), 75-82(1992). 33. M.Huang, Z. Jiang and Y. Zeng “Fluorinating and volatilization of refractory elements from a graphite furnace for sample introduction into an inductively coupled plasma by using polytetrafluoroethylene slurry” J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 6(3), 221-224(1991). 34. M.Huang, Z. Jiang and Y. Zeng “A new method for determination of rare earth elements vaporized in graphite furnace with a PTFE slurry fluorinating reagent by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry” Analytical Sciences, 7(5), 773-778(1991). 35. M.Huang, Z. Jiang and Y. Zeng “Atomic emission spectrometry of inductively coupled plasma with sample introduction by electrothermal vaporization” Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 7(1), 27-31(1991). 36. M.Huang, Z. Jiang and Y. Zeng “Vaporization behaviors of analytes introduced by electrothermal vaporization inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry” Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry 19(10), 1192-1195(1991). SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 43 of 71 37. M.Huang, Z. Jiang and Y. Zeng “Analytes condensation and transport efficiency in ETV-ICP-AES” Analytical Laboratory, 10(2), 12-13(1991). 38. M.Huang, L. Feng and Q. Dong “Analysis of titanium carbide ceramic material powder by ICP-AES” (in Chinese with English abstract). Trace Analysis, 7(3/4), 90-92(1991). 39. M.Huang, Z. Jiang and Y. Zeng “Studies on volatilization of zirconium from electrothermal graphite furnace for sample introduction into Inductively coupled plasma” Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities 5(4), 288-292(1989). 40. M.Huang, L. Xu, Z. Jiang and Y. Zeng, “Study on the technique of ICP-AES by using electrothermal graphite furnace as a sample introduction device” Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities 10, 709(1989). 41. M.Huang, J. Zhang, L. Xu, Z. Jiang and Y. Zeng “Simultaneous determination of trace metals in La2O3 using solvent extraction preconcentration combined with ETV-ICP-AES” J. The Chinese Rare Earth Society, 7(3), 82-84(1989). 42. M.Huang, Z. Jiang and Y. Zeng “The comparison of ETV-ICP-AES and GFAAS” Trace Analysis 5(2), 1 -6(1989). 43. M.Huang and X. Shen “Analysis of ultrafine ZrO2 powder for minor and trace elements by a slurry sampling inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric method” Spectrochimica Acta. 44 (10), 957-964(1989) SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 44 of 71 PATENTS 1. Atsumu Hirabayashi, Min Huang, Yukiko Hirabayashi, Akihiko Okumura, US Patent 6,673,547, DNA Analysis System. 2. Min Huang, Atsumu Hirabayashi, US Patent 6,499,675, Analytical Apparatus Using Nebulizer. 3. Min Huang, Atsumu Hirabayashi, US Patent 6,485,689, Analytical Apparatus Using Nebulizer. 4. Min Huang, Atsumu Hirabayashi, US Patent 6,446,883, Nebulizer. 5. Atsumu Hirabayashi, Min Huang, Yukiko Hirabayashi, Akihiko Okumura, JP2949108 And other 10 Japan patents Professional affiliations, AOAC, ACS, ASMS Member of Expert Review Panel of AOAC SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 45 of 71 BARBRO KOLLANDER National Food Agency, Uppsala, Sweden BRIEF STATEMENT OF EXPERTISE QUALIFICATION SUMMARY Experienced Analytical Chemist (PhD), qualified in method development within research, as well as for educational and governmental purposes. Specialist at sample preparation techniques before ICP-AES and ICP-MS. Appreciated lecturer. Knowledgeable in leadership and university management. Experienced leader of projects. WORK EXPERIENCE Senior Scientist in Analytical Chemistry 6/2011 – Present, National Food Agency, Uppsala, Sweden Method development ICP-MS (recent work: Semi quantification of 70 elements in food, Speciation of Arsenic by HPLC-ICP-MS). National Food Agency Expert in analysis of heavy metals and minerals in food. Project leader. Coordinator for external funding at Science department, National Food Agency Lecturer in Analytical and Environmental Chemistry 7/1997 – 10/2009, Mälardalen University (MDH), Eskilstuna, Sweden Examiner and head responsible for courses in Analytical Chemistry which includes both theoretical and laboratorial education. Director of studies for research education at the Department of Biology and Chemical Engineering and also personnel manager for the PhD students, 4/2006 – 4/2007. Member of The Faculty Board of Science and Technology at Mälardalen University and responsible for the Committee of Quality in Under Graduate Education 6/2001 – 6/2007. Member of the executive group at the Department of Biology and Chemical Engineering 4/2006 – 4/2007. SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 46 of 71 Curriculum Vitae Barbro Inga Kristina Kollander, born 1969 National Food Agency P.O 622 S-751 26 Uppsala Sweden +46(0)18-175360 +46(0)18-175500 EDUCATION 2011 PhD analytical chemistry, Uppsala University Name of doctoral thesis: “Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry – Exploring the Limits of different Sample Preparation Strategies” 2006 Courses in leadership, Mälardalen University 1999 Licentiate degree (between master and doctorate) in Analytical Chemistry, Uppsala University Name of licentiate thesis: ”Analytical Properties of an Agarose-Iminodiacetate Chelating Adsorbent Used for the Preconcentration of Trace Metal Ions in Water Prior to the Determination by ICP-AES” 1993 Master of Science in Chemistry, Uppsala University Name of master thesis: ”Analys av metalljoner i reaktorvatten”(eng. Analysis of metall ions in reactor water), produced in collaboration with ABB Atom, Västerås, Sweden WORK EXPERIENCE Senior Scientist in Analytical Chemistry 6/2011 – Present, National Food Agency, Uppsala, Sweden Method development ICP-MS (recent work: Semi quantification of 70 elements in food, Speciation of Arsenic by HPLC-ICP-MS). National Food Agency Expert in analysis of heavy metals and minerals in food. Project leader. Coordinator for external funding at Science department, National Food Agency Lecturer in Analytical and Environmental Chemistry 7/1997 – 10/2009, Mälardalen University (MDH), Eskilstuna, Sweden Examiner and head responsible for courses in Analytical Chemistry which includes both theoretical and laboratorial education. Director of studies for research education at the Department of Biology and Chemical Engineering and also personnel manager for the PhD students, 4/2006 – 4/2007. Member of The Faculty Board of Science and Technology at Mälardalen University and responsible for the Committee of Quality in Under Graduate Education 6/2001 – 6/2007. Member of the executive group at the Department of Biology and Chemical Engineering 4/2006 – 4/2007. SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 47 of 71 PUBLICATIONS “Contaminants and minerals in foods for infants and young children –Analytical Results” SLV Rapport 1-2012, V Öhrvik, J Engman, B.Kollander “Comparison of results of contaminants with different analytical methods”, SLV internal report 2012, B Kollander, V Öhrvik, J Engman ”Bly i älgfärs – en förstudie” (eng. Lead in minced moose meat – an exploratory study” SLV internal report 2012, L Jorhem, B Kollander, S Sand. “Fast Multi Element Screening with ICP-MS”, Poster at Joint meeting AOAC NMKL, Copenhagen Denmark, 2012, B.Kollander, Joakim Engman “Applications of a fast multi element screening method using ICP-AES on different liver samples and mice organs” Submitted, B.Kollander, M. Andersson, J. Pettersson “Slurry Introduction of Non Digested Biological Samples to ICP-AES”, Poster at Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Zaragoza, Spain, February 2011, B.Kollander, Marit Andersson, Jean Pettersson “Determination of Lead in Non Digested Liver by Isotope Dilution and Slurry Introduction to ICP-TOFMS - a preliminary investigation”, Poster at Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Zaragoza, Spain, February 2011, B.Kollander, Marit Andersson, Jean Pettersson ”Fast multi element screening of non-digested biological materials by slurry introduction to ICP-AES, Talanta 80:2068-2075 (2010), B Kollander, M. Andersson, J. Pettersson “Fast multi element screening of non-digested biological materials by slurry introduction to ICP-AES – two applications”, Poster at Analysdagarna Uppsala, Sweden, June 2010, B.Kollander, Marit Andersson, Jean Pettersson ”Comparison between Meinhard, Cross Flow and burgener T2100 Nebulizers for Direct Multi Element Analysis of WholeBlood by ICP-AES”, Poster at Analysdagarna Gothenburg, Sweden, May 2008, B.Kollander, Marit Andersson, Jean Pettersson Properties of a high capacity iminodiacetate-agarose adsorbent and its application in a flow system with on-line buffering of acidified samples for accumulation of metal ions in natural waters”, Talanta 49:825-835(1999), P Hashemi, B. Noresson*, Å.Olin * Noresson was my surname as married “Effects of capacity on the preconcentration of trace metals and matrix elimination by an iminodiacetate chelating adsorbent”, Talanta 46:1051-1063 (1998), B. Noresson*, P Hashemi, Å.Olin * Noresson was my surname as married SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 48 of 71 BRIEF STATEMENT OF EXPERTISE: Extensive experience working within teams, supervising technical personnel, and leading projects. Areas of expertise include 12 years of experience on heavy metals analysis in variety types of matrices, Microscopy, chromatography, analytical chemistry, and ISO 17025. References: 1) Dr. Joe Rainey Past President of Southern Section of AOAC International Director, Strategic Business Initiative The Coca-Cola Company 404-676-2853 2) Dr. Christopher Smith Senior Scientist The Coca-Cola Company 404-676-2360 3) James Van Slate Manager Analytical Services Laboratory The Coca-Cola Company 404-676-2781 SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 49 of 71 Farzaneh Maniei 1471 Brentwood Dr. Marietta, GA 30062 770-973-3840 SUMMARY Extensive experience in working within teams, supervising technical personnel, and leading projects with proven strengths in • • Analytical Chemistry Chromatography • • Metals Analysis Microscopy EXPERIENCE The COCA COLA COMPANY Atlanta, GA ICP-MS Analyst Sep 2005 – June 2006 Associate Scientist June 2006 – Sep 2009 Scientist Sep 2009 – Sep 2012 Senior Scientist Sep 2009 – Present • The procurement of laboratory equipment and supplies necessary for the completion of assigned project, assistance with installation of 7500 Agilent ICP-MS, evaluation of instrumentation to ensure completion of IQ - PV, and conducting maintenance and troubleshooting of instrumentation as needed. • Validation of a screening method for analysis of metals in ingredients, analysis of metals in 5 types of beverages, heavy metals in synthetic beverages, screening method for analysis of metals in ingredients. All method published internally and accredited by A2LA in 2010. • Hands on organic extraction of different types of compounds including herbicides and Acrylamide, and carbonyl compounds in ingredients. • Certifying standards for bottling plants including: Phosphate, Citric acid and sulfuric acid using UV-Vis and titration. • Hands on Acquity UPLC including validation of a method for analysis of aspartame in enviga by UPLC. • Analysis of foreign materials using FT-IR, Raman and variety of microscopes like stereomicroscope. Handling consumer complaint and urgent samples to resolve production lines and ingredient’s issues. • Subject Matter Expert in metals analysis within the Coca-Cola system, Networking on monthly basis with other global laboratories and leading the internal network. Established processes to obtain alignment on different laboratories’ operations and practices. • Troubleshoot and support other associates across the Coca-Cola system with technical difficulties regarding heavy metals analysis. • Create a strong bottleneck for supplying juice ingredients to producing plants including developing the method for screening contaminants regarding heavy metals, and provide support to the field to monitor the heavy metals level, and control the level in finished products globally since 2008. • Leading and participating on many projects within the Coca-Cola System including alignments of laboratories operations and best practices regarding Juice ingredients testing. METAMETRIX CLINICAL LABORATORY Team Support Chemist and Laboratory Supervisor • • Norcross, GA 2004-2005 Analytical method development for biological samples by ICP\DRC II in accordance with the regulatory environment of an accredited clinical laboratory. Revalidate and inspection of the method, instrument maintenance, and analysis of biological samples using 4500 Agilent ICP-MS. SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 50 of 71 • • Review the patient’s data, consult and reporting the results in order to maintain the accuracy and integrity of reports. Promotion to Laboratory supervisor in Sept. 2004 and duties added to above including performance review of assigned employees. MICROCOATING TECHNOLOGIES Atlanta, GA Analytical Associate Scientist 2001-2004 • Operation, calibration, maintenance, troubleshooting and method development for a variety of instrumentation including VG Plasma Quad II ICP/MS, XRF, TGA, UV-Vis, and DSC to support the development and production of deposited thin-films. • Surface analysis of deposited thin films applying variety of analytical techniques using XRD, FTIR and UV-Vis. • Authoring reports and procedures, and interfacing regularly with managers and senior scientists in operations support regarding analytical findings to optimize the quality and properties of depositions. GEORGIA STATE UNIVERSITY Atlanta, GA Graduate Teaching and Research Assistant 1999-2001 • Instructed students in conducting assigned experiments. • Instructed students in proper use and maintenance of various laboratory related instruments including distillation systems, FT-IR, GC, and UV-Vis. MOJAN CORPORATION Tehran, Iran Technical Sales Engineer 1996-1998 • Managed major client’s accounts to create specifications for best fit for different types of water and wastewater filtration systems. • Handling and troubleshooting technical difficulties and carried solutions for our clients. • Negotiate and response to clients supporting offers and proposals. AZAD University Tehran, Iran Graduate Teaching and Research Assistant 1994-1996 • Instructed students in separation and identification of organic compounds, • Instructed students in proper use and maintenance of various laboratory related instruments like FT_IR, GC. • Reviewing laboratory reports and ordering laboratory supplies. EDUCATION Georgia State University Atlanta, GA M.S. in Analytical Chemistry May 2001 GPA 3.6 Research project: Micellar Electro Kinetic of Homologous Alkyl Ketones using Novel-chelating surfactant involving organic synthesis of surfactants by Capillary Electrophoresis hands on Chemstation Software. Azad University Bachelor of Science – Major in Chemistry Tehran – Iran May 1993 Publication: SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 51 of 71 Scott Flanagan; Eric Hall; Wade Bowie; James W. Fuhs; Robbie Logan; Farzaneh Maniei and Andrew Hunt. “A design-of-experiments approach to modeling activity coefficients in solvent mixtures: a case study using platinum (II) acetylacetonate in mixtures of acetone, cyclohexanol, 1, 2, 3, 4tetrahyronaphthalene and propylene carbonate.” Presentations: 2003 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference, “Carbon supported Pt nanomaterials for fuel cell applications using combustion chemical vapor condensation.” “Richard Breitkopf; Jan Hwang; Farzaneh Maniei; Andrew Hunt and Peter Faguy” Special Training: • • • • • ICP-MS DRC II Operator Course using ELAN Software. Comprehensive four days training covering fundamentals of ICP-MS operation, analysis and maintenance. Comprehensive 5 days training on Acquity UPLC method development, instrumentation and empower software. Comprehensive training on various type of samples preparation by microwave system. Six Sigma/Lean greenbelt certified. Supply Chain Optimization/Operational Excellence Associate certified. Membership: Active member of AOAC International participating on heavy metals working group, Assist in organizing and assembling annual meetings of Southern Section of AOAC International. SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 52 of 71 JENNY NELSON, PH.D. 3045 Deakin St Unit U, Berkeley, California 94705 (c) 510-517-6475 SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS Solutions-focused Applications Scientist with MBA, Ph.D., MS, and 10 years’ progressive leadership in project management, business strategy, training, research, and technology. Strong analytical and communication skills with proven ability to motivate teams, synthesize complex issues, and exceed goals. Expertise in multitasking and troubleshooting. Creative problem solver. Innovative and dedicated. EDUCATION Saint Mary’s College of California, Moraga, CA Executive Master of Business Administration, Focus: Leadership & Strategy; 2011 • Selected courses: Strategic Management, Managing Global Competition • Consulting project: Consulted with team on labor and currency issues and recommended business strategy for Superior Tea Company, American company expanding into China. University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH • Doctor of Philosophy, Analytical Chemistry o Advisor: Joseph A. Caruso o Thesis Title “Elemental Speciation Analysis of Metals, Phosphorus and Sulfur: Exploring Environmental and Biological Samples” • Master of Science, Chemistry • Bachelor of Science, Chemistry CAREER PROGRESSION Agilent Technologies, Inc., Santa Clara, CA 2012 – Present Applications Scientist, World Wide Food Market Development Team • Develop collaborations with the leading food scientists in North America and Europe. • Manage and help direct projects for all atomic spectroscopy collaborators in North America and Europe • Technical resources to all atomic spectroscopy collaborators in North America and Europe. Help with • Develop application notes and other marketing materials (i.e. webinars, etc.) from research collateral developed with our collaborators. Energy Technology Company, Chevron, Richmond, CA 2007 – 2012 Lead Research Scientist / Technical Lead, Atomic Spectroscopy Lab • Supervise 4 employees and 2 contractors, oversee 5 labs, hire and evaluate employees, perform as technical lead 50% of time and conduct research method development 50% of time. Leadership achievements: • Direct assignments and troubleshoot problems in Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) high volume lab, ranging from broken instrument to unknown samples, resolving issues without downtime. SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 53 of 71 • Manage lab that handles 100 samples per day, training technicians on all test methods and implementing new technology to reduce turnaround time and improve company profitability. • Recruited to Chevron as Research Scientist after completing Ph.D. as subject matter expert on ICPMS; promoted to Lead in 2010 based on outstanding performance. Business Strategy achievements: • Orchestrate new lab, earning recognition as first person at Chevron to implement ICPMS equipment to develop business, increasing sample load by 6, driving revenue, and recapturing lost business. • Travel to different global and domestic Chevron sites, to resolve issues; conduct virtual training and collaborate with customers. • Lead new lab development, ranging from procurement stage to method development and training new technicians to collaborating with customers who are Chevron people working world-wide. • Collaborate with senior scientists and vendors to obtain better specs and upgraded instruments. Process Improvement achievements: • Spearhead research method development to generate new solutions to Chevron researchers and engineers. • Establish higher standards for data analysis and emphasize safety regulations for handling hazardous materials, resulting in zero incidents since taking over lab. University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 1999 – 2007 Head Teaching Assistant for General Chemistry lab and recitation • Trained graduate and undergraduate students on instrumentation and laboratory techniques. • Mentored undergraduate and graduate students. • Selected as General Chemistry lab and recitation Teaching Assistant. • Named Undergraduate Research Assistant, 1999 – 2001. • Chosen Undergraduate Research Assistant, Women in Science and Engineering Program, 2000. US Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati OH 2006 – 2007 • Synthesized and characterized Arsenic compounds. • Analyzed mouse urine contents to evaluate arsenic metabolism using LC with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and electrospray (ESI)-MS for detection • Confirmed novel arsenic compounds using ESI-MS • Developed LC separations to separate inorganic arsenic and its four sulfur analogs while using ICPMS for arsenic and sulfur specific detection Procter and Gamble, Cincinnati, OH Japan Society for Promotion of Science, Nara Women's University, Nara, Japan 2005 2003 PUBLICATIONS Jenny Ellis, Carl Rechsteiner, Michael Moir and Steve Wilbur, “Determination of volatile nickel and vanadium species in crude oil and crude oil fractions by gas chromatography coupled to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry”, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 26, 1674-1678 (2011) Jenny Ellis, Estrella Rogel, Lori Thomas, Michael Moir and Cesar Ovalles,” Determination of Nickel and Vanadium by Capillary Flow-Injection ICPMS Coupled to On Column Asphaltene Separation Method” Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Pet. Chem, (2010). SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 54 of 71 Jenny L. Ellis, Sean D. Conklin, Christina M. Gallawa, Kevin M. Kubachka, Andrea R. Young, Patricia A. Creed, Joseph A. Caruso, John T. Creed, “Complementary molecular and elemental detection of speciated thioarsenicals using ESI-MS in combination with a xenon-based collision-cell ICP-MS with application to fortified NIST freeze-dried urine” Anal Bioanal Chem, (2008). Jenny Ellis, Rudolf Grimm, Joseph F. Clark, Gail Pyne-Geithman, Steve Wilbur and Joseph A. Caruso, “Studying phosphorylation in cerebrospinal fluid with capLC-ICPMS for 31P specific detection and nanoLC-Chip/ITMS for identification,” J. Proteome Research, (2008) Jenny Ellis, Estela Del Castillo, Maria Montes Bayon, Rudolf Grimm, Joseph F. Clark, Gail Pyne-Geithman, Steve Wilbur and Joseph A. Caruso, “A Preliminary Study of Metal Associated Proteins in CSF by capLCICPMS and nanoLC-CHIP/ITMS,” J. Proteome Research, (2008). Jenny Ellis, Monika Shah, Kevin Kubachka and Joseph A. Caruso, “Determination of organophosphorus fire retardants and plasticizers in waste-water samples using MAE/SPME with GC-ICPMS and GC-TOFMS detection,” J. Environ. Monitoring, (2007). PRESENTATIONS • Jenny Nelson, Jack Cappozzo, Katie Banaszewski , Rima Juskelis. Olive Oil Characterization using ICPMS and Mass Profiler Professional Software. AOAC, Las Vegas, NV. October 2012. Oral Presentation • Jenny Nelson, Jack Cappozzo, Katie Banaszewski , Rima Juskelis. Olive Oil Characterization using ICPMS and Mass Profiler Professional Software. 12th Rio Conference, Iguassu Falls, Brazil. September 2012. Oral Presentation • Jenny Ellis, Carl Rechsteiner, Michael Moir and Steve Wilbur, “Determination of volatile nickel and vanadium species in crude oil and crude oil fractions by gas chromatography coupled to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry”, Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Zaragoza, Spain. 2011 • Jenny Ellis, Carl Rechsteiner, Michael Moir and Steve Wilbur, “Determination of volatile nickel and vanadium species in crude oil and crude oil fractions by gas chromatography coupled to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry”, GC-ICPMS Forum, Waldbrum, Germany. 2010 Oral Presentation – Invited Speaker • Jenny Ellis, Estrella Rogel, Lori Thomas, Michael Moir and Cesar Ovalles,” Determination of Nickel and Vanadium by Capillary Flow-Injection ICPMS Coupled to On Column Asphaltene Separation Method” ACS - Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Pet. Chem, San Francisco, CA, 2010. Oral Presentation • Jenny L. Ellis, Sean D. Conklin, Christina M. Gallawa, Kevin M. Kubachka, Andrea R. Young, Patricia A. Creed, Joseph A. Caruso, John T. Creed, “Complementary molecular and elemental detection of speciated thioarsenicals using ESI-MS in combination with a xenon-based collision-cell SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 55 of 71 ICP-MS with application to fortified NIST freeze-dried urine”. Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Temcual, CA. 2008 Oral Presentation • Jenny Ellis, Monika Shah, Kevin Kubachka and Joseph A. Caruso, “Determination of organophosphorus fire retardants and plasticizers in waste-water samples using MAE/SPME with GC-ICPMS and GC-TOFMS detection,” Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Taormina, Italy. 2007 • Jenny Ellis. 3rd Annual Ohio Mass Spectrometry Symposium, 21-March-2006; Columbus, OH. Oral Presentation • Jenny Ellis, Monika Shah, and Joseph A. Caruso. Determination of Organophosphorous Fire Retardants in Waste Water Samples Using Microwave Assisted Extraction and SPME Coupled to GC-ICPMS.”; Poster Presentation at 2006 Graduate Poster Forum, 3-Mar-2006; Cincinnati, OH. • Jenny Ellis, Monika Shah, and Joseph A. Caruso. Determination of Organophosphorous Fire Retardants in Waste Water Samples Using Microwave Assisted Extraction and SPME Coupled to GC-ICPMS. Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Tucson, AZ. 2006 • Jenny Ellis, Hershel Jude, Mitchell Vamos, Jeanette A. Krause Bauer, William B. Connick, “Synthesis and Characterization of Two-Electron Platinum Reagents: Complexes with two potentially mer-coordinating tridentate ligands.”, 223th National ACS Meeting, Anahiem, California, March 2004. Oral Presentation • Jenny Ellis, Jeanette Krause Bauer, William B. Connick, " Engineering Photoluminescent TwoElectron Platinum Complexes with mer-Coordinating tridentate Polypyridyl Ligands.", Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati, Ohio, October 15, 2004. • Jenny Ellis, Hershel Jude, Mitchell Vamos, Jeanette Krause Bauer, William B. Connick, "Synthesis and Characterization of Platinum(II) Complexes for two-electron transfer", Ohio Inorganic Weekend, Cincinnati, Ohio, November 21-22, 2003. • Jenny Ellis, Hershel Jude, William B. Connick, "Synthesis and Characterization of Platinum(II) Complexes with two potentially mer-coordinating tridentate ligands", Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati, Ohio, October 10, 2003. • Jenny Ellis, Hershel Jude, William B. Connick, "Synthesis and Characterization of Platinum(II) Complexes with NCN¯ Pincer Ligands", 21st ICP Satellite Symposium on Photochemistry and Photobiology of Complexes Including Supremolecular Systems and Coordination Compounds, Ritsumeikan University, Kusatsu, Shiga, Japan, August 1-3, 2003 • Jenny Ellis, Hershel Jude, Jeanette A. Krause Bauer and William B. Connick, "Synthesis and Characterization of Two-Electron Platinum Reagents", UC Graduate Poster Forum, Cincinnati, Ohio, March 7, 2003. • Jenny Ellis, Hershel Jude, William B. Connick, "Synthesis and Characterization of Platinum Reagents for Two-Electron Transfer", Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati, Ohio, October 25, 2002. SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 56 of 71 • Greg T. Carroll, Stuart A. Willison, Mason Rouser, Jenny L. Ellis, Sudhir Shori, Hershel Jude, Jeanette Krause Bauer, William B. Connick, “Ligands for Two-Electron Photo-Reagents,” Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati, Ohio, October 5, 2001. • W. L. Fleeman, J. L. Ellis, W. B. Connick, “Cross-quenching Reactions of Platinum(II) Diimine Complexes,” Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati, Ohio, 2000. • W. Fleeman, J. L. Ellis, W. B. Connick, “Cross-Quenching Reactions of Pt(II) Diimine Dithiolate Complexes,” Inorganic Weekend 2000, Ohio State University, November, 2000. AWARDS Chemistry: • Henry Hochstetter Prize – for excellence as a graduate teaching assistant, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, 2005 • JSPS (Japan Society for Promotion of Science) Summer Award, 2003 • Women in Science and Engineering Program Award, 2000 Swimming: • Conference USA Commissioner’s Academic Medal, 2001 • University of Cincinnati: School Record Holder • Committee to Promote Athlete Welfare and Success • Topcat and Bearcat Scholar, 1999-2001 TRAININGS/WEBINARS TAUGHT • • • • • • • • • • Arsenic in Rice – In the Spotlight, Agilent online webinar, September, 2012. Basic 7700 training, Nestle Quality Control labs, Sao Paulo, Brazil, September, 2012. Arsenic in Foods, Agilent Internal webinar training, May, 2012. Basic ICPMS training, ETS, St Helena, CA. August, 2012. Basic 7700 Masshunter training, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, June, 2012. Agilent 7700 ICP-MS training, ILT labs, Chevron, Richmond, CA (continuously) 2010-2012 Spectro ICP-AES training, ILT labs, Chevron, Richmond, CA (continuously) 2007-2012. Thermo ICP-AES training, ILT labs, Chevron, Richmond, CA (continuously) 2007-2012. Spectro ICP-AES training, Oronite, Belle Chase, LA, (multiple times) 2008-2011 Thermo ICP-AES training, Escavos labs, Chevron, Escarvos, Nigeria October 2010. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS / COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES • • • American Chemical Society American Standards and Testing Material Association of Official Analytical Chemists SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 57 of 71 • United States Masters Swimming Oakland School District: Create and prepare annual presentation on science careers to 5th grade students. Bay Area Science Festival: Participate as 1 of 3 speakers for Cool Job Panel addressing K-12 students. SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 58 of 71 Li Sheng EPL Bio Analytical Services 9095 W Harristown Blvd Niantic, IL AOAC Official Methods Board AOAC INTERNATIONAL 481 North Frederick Avenue, Suite 500 Gaithersburg, MD Dear Sir/Madam: AOAC holds the reputation of gathering top scientists worldwide to set up the standards of analytical methods in the food industry. Sharing the same commitment to excellence in analytical method, we (EPL) are impressed by the broad influence of AOAC, and are looking forward to contribute our knowledge and expertise to the community. Currently AOAC is calling for new methods and seeking experts to join the expert review panel for heavy metal analysis in various foods and beverages. My skills and experiences fortunately fall into this category. Since 2009 I have developed ICP-MS and ICP-OES/AES methods not only for heavy metal analyses (As, Se, Co, Cd, Cr, Pb, Hg, Ni), but also targeting Mo, I, S, and mineral determinations (Mg, Ca, Mn, P, Fe, Zn, Cu, Na, and K) in a variety of seeds which are usually the critical sources of our food and where our juices or fruit concentrates come from. The methods I developed are unique and are excellent in terms of accuracy and precision. I have resolved the challenges to achieve superb recovery, repeatability and reproducibility for every difficult matrix, including those with high content of protein and oil. With proven reliability, robustness and sustainability, all the internal methods have been actively utilized in seeds and feeds analysis for almost all our international seed customers for about three years now. At present, the commodity list is expanding by popular requests. In addition to the effectiveness, as emphasized in AOAC criteria, method safety has always been our top priority in EPL. In the case of iodine determination, TMAH has been used widely and efficiently as a major dissolution reagent for about fifteen years. However TMAH poisoning and death was reported recently after accidental industrial exposure. Paying the attention to the possible toxicity, we decided on discontinuation of the assay to start a new approach. After investigations and experiments I successfully replaced TMAH with choline hydroxide, a vitamin derivative. To our knowledge, this is the first publication of using choline hydroxide in iodine determination with demonstrated competence in analytical performance in addition to superior method sensitivity and efficiency. We know how important the “gold standard” is and how much it means to us and to our industry. I would like to take the opportunity and serve in the heavy metal analysis expert review penal of the AOAC community. I believe by joining the panel I could help AOAC in recognition of efficient methods and experienced professionals with my passion on elemental analysis and my responsibility on food and feed safety. Sincerely, Li Sheng May 24, 2013 SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 59 of 71 Li Sheng EPL Bio Analytical Services, Niantic, IL Phone: 217-963-2143 Email: Summary • • • • Career History Demonstrated achiever with exceptional knowledge of spectroscopy and chromatography. Strong ICP-MS and ICP-OES background combined with extensive experience in heavy metal determinations and elemental analyses. Skilled at developing and implementing methods and protocols of GLP compliance. Extensive training in metabolism, nutritional chemistry, and toxicology. Chemist, EPL Bio Analytical Services, Niantic IL (2007-present) • Develop and validate analytical methods for quantification of heavy metals, minerals, and other elements in seeds and feeds by ICP-MS (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Se, Pb, Hg, Ni, Mo, S, I) and ICP-OES (S, Mg, Ca, Mn, P, Fe, Zn, Cu, Na, K). • Develop and validate new SOPs, and improve existing methods for nutrients and anti-nutrients (work including chlorophyll, phytosterols, isoflavones, minerals, heavy metals, amino acids). • Evaluate, purchase, and maintain ICP-MS. Coordinated maintenance of all HPLC-MS. • Characterize agrochemical products. Issue Certificate of Analysis. • Troubleshoot for all routine analysis. Teaching Assistant, Research Assistant, University of Waterloo, ON, Canada (1998-2004) • Instructed 70 students in all the discussion and tutorial sessions of Quantitative Analysis. • Taught analytical chemistry laboratory sessions to 64 students. • Created a new device to concentrate 100-fold of dilute samples. • Established two-dimensional LC systems, paving a new path for proteomic study. Education PhD candidate in Analytical Chemistry, University of Waterloo, Canada Dissertation: Development and application of two-dimensional chromatography for proteomics. Travel Award, The 26th International Symposium on High-Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques (HPLC 2002) M.S. in Analytical Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Thesis: RP-HPLC and CE-LIF-CCD separation and identification of rat microdialysis samples. B.S in Medical Chemistry, Beijing Medical University, Beijing, China Thesis: Cellular and molecular pharmacology study of an anti-cancer drug. Graduate Summa Cum Laude Most Recent Publications References • Sheng L. Patricio M. Determination of total iodine in seed and plant-derived feed by microwave assisted digestion and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Poster accepted for: 32nd Annual Midwest Section of AOAC International Meeting and Exposition. • Sheng L. Determination of sulfur in canola seed by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES). Poster accepted for: AOAC 127th Annual Meeting and Exposition. • Sheng L. Determination of trace metals in seeds and plant-derived feed by microwave assisted digestion and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Poster session presented at: AOAC Annual Meeting; 2012 Sep 30-Oct 3; Las Vegas, NV. • Sheng L, Scobell H, Duff K. UHPLC-UV Determination of isoflavones in soy seeds. Poster session presented at: 242nd ACS National Meeting; 2011 Aug 28-Sep 1; Denver, CO. EPL Bio Analytical Services, (217) 963-2143 Robin King, CEO, Fred Claussen, VP of Method Development, Keith Richard, Study Director, Bruker Daltonics, (877) 442-2231 Martin Bennett, ICP-MS Specialist, Andrew Toms, ICP-MS Specialist, SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 60 of 71 Christopher Smith The Coca-Cola Company Statement of Expertise: ICP-MS Heavy Metals In 2004 my primary job duties were to install and run heavy metals analyses using ICP-MS and sample preparation with either the hot-block or microwave digestion units. I was the primary person responsible for ICP-MS method development and establishment of methods for The Coca-Cola Company. At the time, heavy metal analysis for all of North and South America was handled in my lab. The sample types ranged from typical food ingredients to packaging and to plastics. Since the data and most of the samples were trade secrets, I did not externally publish any papers on ICP-MS methodology. After moving to a new department in the Quality function, I became the leader of the ICP-MS for that department. This lasted until 2012, when we transferred the analysis to another Quality group. As of April 2012, I have been the AOAC Stakeholder Panel committee chairperson for the Heavy Metals Working Group. References: Dr. Ling Lu Director IQD The Coca-Cola Company 404-676-7554 Dr. Sheng Yang Director Analytical Services The Coca-Cola Company 404-676-6329 Dr. Kasi Somayajula Senior Scientist The Coca-Cola Company 404-676-2533 SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 61 of 71 3733 Summer Rose Dr. Atlanta, GA 30341 404.676.2360 (office phone) Christopher J. Smith Professional experience The Coca-Cola Company Atlanta, GA 2005 – present: Ingredient Quality Department Manage team of chemists and ensure a wide range of quality related testing including: Manage the agricultural residue testing of ingredients using ICP-MS,GC-MSMS, LC-MSMS, FPD, XSD, NCIMS Review and release of batch samples for residue testing Authenticity analysis using SNIF-NMR, IRMS and related techniques Method development and review of physical testing methods Metals analysis using ICP-MS and method development for new ICP-MS digestions Ensure governmental and internal regulatory compliance with quality standards Managed IQD capital budget since 2007 Achieve ISO 17025 accreditation for residue testing and authenticity analyses Collaborate with multi-disciplinary teams to ensure ingredient supply continuity through special projects and application of new technology to ingredient processing Develop methods and analyses for confidential testing and business support 2004-2005: Analytical Support and Research Operation and application of ICP-MS technology to the determination of metals in beverages, ingredients and packaging materials Perform trace volatile analysis and assist in chemical structure elucidation using GC with high resolution mass spectrometry. Develop applications and validation of methods using HPLC/MS primarily focused on beverage attributes. Supports innovation and TCCC trademarks by providing specialized analytical analyses based on unique customer needs. Perform as backup support of purge-and-trap GC/MS, headspace GC/MS and sulfur GC analyses. Engage with group members to accomplish analytical goals related to PLEA and TGAL for CCNA. 2002 – 2004 Brown & Williamson Corp. Senior Research Chemist Macon, GA Project leader examining amines and cyanide in tobacco and cigarette smoke to define levels from new reduced risk products, production monitoring samples, and competitive products. Participate on product development team, working to launch new products in Japanese market. Collaborate with marketing team to ensure new products maintain a point of distinction from competition. Identify and coordinate chemical analysis to outsource select chemical analyses for cost reduction and efficiency improvement, including rapid response to outside governmental or scientific concerns. SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 62 of 71 C.J. Smith, page 2 Participation in the parent company (British American Tobacco) global analytical team, serving as global company contact for specialized chemical analysis. Engagement with the professional public through international conferences and meetings. Presentation of results in peer-reviewed journals. Supervise chemists for routine analytical methods such as formaldehyde and manage analytical facility adjustments as defined by business needs. Development of new analytical chemistry methodologies and implementation as routine analysis for ISO 17025 qualification. Writing documentation and validation for A2LA. 1996-2001 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Senior Staff Chemist Team leader for development and on-line production of method to measure human exposures to polyaromatic hydrocarbons at trace levels. Developed assays for the determination of the metabolites in urine from exposure to nitro-polyaromatic compounds and to methyleugenol. Ensure compliance and proper documentation to the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act (CLIA). Transferred developed analytical method to state health laboratories. Analysis of plasma thiols, eugenol, hemoglobin variants, and proteins. Survey and incorporate emerging technologies and laser-based instrumentation in chemical analysis to maintain forefront technical capabilities. 1993-1996 Ames Laboratory & Iowa State University Postdoctoral Research Associate (with Dr. Edward Yeung) Atlanta, GA Ames, IA Application of laser-based detection and optical design applied to chromatographic separation technologies. Development of new optical detection methodology. Designed and built a research grade MALDI-TOF for ion formation studies. Immunoassay and particle agglutination assay development for capillary electrophoresis separations. Education 1984-1988 Drake University, Des Moines, IA B.S., Chemistry major, Mathematics minor 1988-1993 University of Colorado, Boulder, CO Ph.D., Physical Chemistry under S.R. Leone SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 63 of 71 C.J. Smith, page 3 Authored more than 30 peer-reviewed scientific papers. Those published since 2002 are below. Analysis of agricultural residues on tea using d-SPE sample preparation with GC-NCI-MS and UHPLCMS/MS, X. Zhang, N. Mobley, J. Zhang, X. Zheng, L. Lu, O. Ragin, C. J. Smith, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58 (2010) 11553-11560. Dioxin levels in mainstream smoke from cigarettes with different TPM deliveries, C.J. Smith, D.C. Sykes, D.W. Cantrell, S.C. Moldoveanu, Beiträge zur Tabakforschung International, 21 (2004) 205-209. Analysis of alpha- and beta-carbolines in mainstream smoke of reference cigarettes by gas chromatographymass spectrometry, C.J. Smith, X. Qian, Q. Zha, S.C. Moldoveanu, Journal of Chromatography A, 1046 (2004) 211-216. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon reference range levels in the U.S. population by measurement of urinary monohydroxy metabolites, J. Grainger, W. Huang, Z. Li, S. Edwards, C. Walcott, C. Smith, W. Turner, R. Wang, D. Patterson, Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 24 (2004) 385-404. New technique using solid-phase extraction for the analysis of aromatic amines in mainstream cigarette smoke, C.J. Smith, G.L. Dooly, S.C. Moldoveanu, Journal of Chromatography A, 991 (2003) 99-107. Comparison of sample preparation and analysis using solid phase extraction and solid phase microextraction to determine monohydroxyPAH in urine by GC/HRMS, W. Huang, C.J. Smith, C.J. Walcott, J. Grainger, D.G. Patterson Jr., Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 22 (2002) 339-351. Isomer identification of monohydroxylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon metabolites by gas chromatography/fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, J. Grainger, Z. Li, C. Walcott, C.J. Smith, D.G. Patterson Jr., B. King, C. Gillyard, Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 22 (2002) 489-500. Capillary electrochromatography on monolithic silica columns, H. Kobayashi, C. Smith, K. Hosoya, T. Ikegami, N. Tanaka, Analytical Sciences, 18 (2002) 89-92. Determination of selected monohydroxy metabolites of 2-, 3- and 4-ring polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in urine by solid-phase microextraction and isotope dilution gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, C.J. Smith, C.J. Walcott, W. Huang, V. Maggio, J. Grainger, D.G. Patterson Jr., Journal of Chromatography B, 778 (2002) 157164. Quantification of monohydroxy-PAH metabolites in urine by solid-phase extraction with isotope dilutionGC-MS, C.J. Smith, W. Huang, C.J. Walcott, W. Turner, J. Grainger, D.G. Patterson Jr., Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 372 (2002) 216-220. SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 64 of 71 CURRICULUM VITAE: DARRYL M. SULLIVAN CURRENT POSITION Title: Department: Associate Scientific Director Food and Drug Analysis Covance Laboratories Inc. Madison, Wisconsin EDUCATION BS Biological Conservation with a minor in Biochemistry, University of WisconsinMadison, Madison, Wisconsin, 1975 Additional Training Six Sigma Green Belt Training. Covance Laboratories, Madison Wisconsin, 2003 GMP Compliance and Regulatory Update, Covance Laboratories, Madison, Wisconsin, 2001 Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) Covance Laboratories, Madison, WI, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Building Loyalty Through Customer Service, Covance Laboratories, Madison, Wisconsin, 2000 Violence in the Workplace, Covance Laboratories Inc., Madison, Wisconsin, 2000 Total Quality Management System, sponsored by Covance Laboratories Inc., Madison, Wisconsin 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 Supervisory Management Certificate Program, Management Institute, University of Wisconsin Extension, Madison, Wisconsin, 1985-1986 High Performance Liquid Chromatography Training School, Waters Associates, St. Louis, Missouri, 1979 Additional Course Work Graduate studies in biochemistry and limnology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, 1976 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2008 - Present: Associate Scientific Director, Food and Drug Analysis As the associate scientific director in the Food and Drug Analysis Department, Mr Sullivan is responsible for the overall scientific rigor of all testing programs. Mr. Sullivan brings new test methods, new technologies, and new innovations into the laboratory. He is then responsible for implementing and validating these methods and technologies. Mr. Sullivan is the primary Covance liason to AOAC International, and other scientific assoaciations. 2000 – 2008: Manager of Business Development, Food and Drug Analysis As a senior manager in the Food and Dietary Supplement Groups, Mr. Sullivan is responsible for the department’s major food and nutraceutical testing programs. His responsibilities include design and SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 65 of 71 implementation of the testing programs, assuring the quality of the data, and communicating directly with the clients. Mr. Sullivan manages laboratory supervisors, scientists, technicians, and administrative personnel in carrying out these duties. Mr. Sullivan is held accountable for the total performance of these testing programs. He is responsible for the quality of the data, the timeliness of the testing and the financial performance of the teams. Mr. Sullivan is expected to direct method development programs, problem solving projects, and new testing ventures. In addition, Ms. Sorenson continues to assist scientific leaders with AOAC Single Laboratory Validation and Collaborative Studies and has led AOAC projects in the past. CURRICULUM VITAE: DARRYL M. SULLIVAN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (Continued) 1990 - 2000: Senior Client Manager, Food Chemistry As a senior client manager in the Food Sciences Group, Mr. Sullivan provided a wide variety of services to both clients and the laboratory staff as an expert in nutritional, inorganic, and lipid chemistry. He consulted with and advised clients on regulatory issues, proper selection of assays, and understanding analytical results. He utilized his extensive experience in designing programs for a variety of projects, including major nutritional surveys, nutrition labeling programs, stability studies, and major research and development projects, and he assisted clients and laboratory staff with all aspects of these studies. Mr. Sullivan acted as a liaison between the laboratory and the client by providing technical direction and advice; he discussed results and methodology with the scientists and helped clients in their interpretation and understanding of the data. He also assisted the client service representatives by providing technical direction to individuals working directly with accounts. Mr. Sullivan is very active in AOAC International; he served as a member of the Official Methods Board and chair of one of the Food Methods committees. 1987 - 1990: Technical Manager, Inorganic Analysis Mr. Sullivan had the same supervisory duties as described under the Staff Scientist/Supervisor position. He also had the additional responsibilities of budget preparation, department cost analysis, and productivity analysis. Mr. Sullivan researched new analytical technologies and often published or presented his findings. 1981 - 1987: Staff Scientist/Supervisor, Inorganic Analysis Mr. Sullivan managed the Inorganic Department, including supervision of the ICAP and Nonmetals, Atomic Absorption, and Proximate/Lipid Chemistry sections. This involved organizing and evaluating data, and performing or advising others on research of new methods or modifications of existing methods. These sections conducted a wide range of food and feed analyses for trace elements, heavy metals, organic and inorganic salts, proximate composition, and lipids. Much of the work was done as part of quality control or nutritional labeling compliance testing. Mr. Sullivan also supervised the Formulation Quality Control section which performed analytical testing for the Toxicology Department. Mr. Sullivan was instrumental in managing the startup of ion chromatography techniques at Hazleton, as well as in developing applications ofion chromatography to food analyses. He also managed other method development projects including gravimetric methods for total dietary fiber and a heavy metals screen by inductively coupled argon plasma atomic emission spectrophotometry. SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 66 of 71 1980 - 1981: Scientist II/Section Leader, Nutritional Adjuncts As a section leader in the proximate and lipid chemistry area, Mr. Sullivan supervised scientists and technicians in the analysis of protein, moisture, ash, fat, fiber, carbohydrates, and calories in foods and feeds. Mr. Sullivan also worked on the analysis of fatty acids, cholesterol, plant sterols, and antioxidants. CURRICULUM VITAE: DARRYL M. SULLIVAN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (Continued) 1979 - 1980: Scientist, Nutritional Adjuncts Mr. Sullivan worked in the Micro vitamin section where he regularly identified and quantified vitamins and amino acids in proteins, foods, and animal feeds using wet chemical techniques, high performance liquid chromatography, and an amino acid autoanalyzer. 1977 - 1978: Scientist, Pesticide Evaluation Mr. Sullivan's primary responsibilities were the management and operation of the Drosophila mutagenesis laboratory. This involved leading long-term projects as well as method development and data analysis. 1975 - 1977: Development Engineer, Research Projects Corporation, Madison, Wisconsin Mr. Sullivan researched and developed air movement and filtration systems for integration with a solar heating program. PUBLICATIONS Paske, N., Berry, B., Schmitz, J., Sullivan, D., “Determination of Low-Level Agricultural Residues in Soft Drinks and Sports Drinks by Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry: SingleLaboratory Validation” Journal of the AOAC INTERNATIONAL, 90 (2):521-533 (2007) Paske, N., Berry, B., Schmitz, J., Sullivan, D., “Determination of Low-Level Agricultural Residues in Soft Drinks and Sports Drinks by Gas Chromatography with Mass-Selective Detection: SingleLaboratory Validation” Journal of the AOAC INTERNATIONAL, 90 (2):534-543 (2007) Sullivan, D. M., Wehrmann, J., Schmitz, J., Crowley, R., and Eberhard, J., "Determination of Ephedra Alkaloids by Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry," Journal of the AOAC INTERNATIONAL, 86(3):471-475 (2003). Lee S.C., Prosky L., Sullivan D.M. and Vincent R., “Evaluating an Analytical Method for Complex Carbohydrate Determinations,” American Association for Cereal Chemists, Inc., 41:64-70 (1996). Sullivan, D.M., “Cholesterol” Analyzing Food for Nutrition Labeling and Hazardous SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 67 of 71 Contaminants, (eds.) I. Jeon, W. Ikins, Ch. 4, pp. 77-86, Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, Basel, Hong Kong (1995). DeVries J.W., Sullivan D.M. and Sungsoo L.C., “Carbohydrate/Dietary Fiber Analysis,” Methods of Analysis for Nutrition Labeling, (eds.) D. Sullivan and D. Carpenter, Ch. 4, pp. 6983 (1993). CURRICULUM VITAE: DARRYL M. SULLIVAN PUBLICATIONS (Continued) Sullivan D.M., “Proximate and Mineral Analysis,” Methods of Analysis for Nutrition Labeling, (eds.) D. Sullivan and D. Carpenter, Ch. 6, pp.105-109 (1993). Sullivan, D. M., and Walton J.C., “The Needs of the Contract Laboratory in Regard to Reference Material,” Fresenius’ Journal of Analytical Chemistry 338: 580-581 (1990). Kehoe, D. F. and Sullivan, D. M., "Determination of Gold in Tissue by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry," Journal of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists, 70(6):1, 153-1, 155 (1988). Sullivan, D. M., Kehoe, D. F., and Smith, R. L., "Measurement of Trace Levels of Total Aluminum in Foods by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry," Journal of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists, 70(1):118-120 (1987). Smith, R. L. and Sullivan, D. M., "Quantitation of Vegetable Sterols in Dairy Products Using Capillary Gas Chromatography," Journal of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists, 70(5):912-915 (1987). Adams, M. L., Sullivan, D. M., Smith, R. L., and Richter, E. F., "Evaluation of Direct Saponification Method for Determination of Cholesterol in Meats," Journal of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists, 69(5):844-846 (1986). Sullivan, D.M., "Methods for Low Level Sodium Analysis: An Overview," Arkansas Processing Crops Review, Vol. XXII (Issue 2), University of Arkansas (April 1985). Sullivan, D. M. and Smith R. L., "Determination of Sulfites in Foods by Ion Chromatography," Food Technology, 39(7):45-48 (July 1985). Greger, J. L., Sullivan, D. M., Goetz, W., and Daun, R. J., "Aluminum Levels in Foods Cooked and Stored in Aluminum Pans, Trays, and Foil," Journal of Food Protection, 48(9):772-777 (September 1985). Sullivan, D. M., "Sulfate by Ion Chromatography," in Sulfur and Sulfur Amino Acids, O. Griffith and W. Jakoby (eds.), Methods in Enzymology, Academic Press, Orlando, Florida (in press). SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 68 of 71 PRESENTATIONS Sullivan, D.M., “GLP Compositional Analysis of Biotech-Derived Foods/Crops,” IFT Annual Meeting and Food Exposition, Chicago, Illinois, July 2003. Randall Smith, Darryl M. Sullivan and James Wehrmann, “Implementing LC-MS/MS Analytical Applications in the Contract Laboratory,” AOAC International Annual Meeting and Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia, September 2003. CURRICULUM VITAE: DARRYL M. SULLIVAN PRESENTATIONS (Continued) Sullivan, D.M., “Compositional Analysis of Biotech-Derived Foods and Crops,” AOAC International Annual Meeting and Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia, September 2003. John Schmitz, Darryl M. Sullivan and James Wehrmann, “Validation of an LC-MS/MS Method for Quantitation of Ephedrine Alkaloids in Dietary Supplements,” AOAC International Annual Meeting and Exposition, Los Angeles, California, September 2002. Chad Scheuerell, Donald L. Hughes, Darryl M. Sullivan and James Wehrmann, “The Analysis of Acrylamide in Foods Using LC-MS/MS,” AOAC International Annual Meeting and Exposition, Los Angeles, California, September 2002. Sullivan, D.M., AOAC International Official Methods(sm) Program, “Actions of the AOAC Task Force to Develop/Validate Official Methods for Diet Supplement Analysis,” IFT Annual Meeting and Food Exposition, Anaheim, California, June 2002. Sullivan, D.M., “Problems and Pitfalls in Analysis of Foods, Feeds, and Crop Materials for Amino Acids,” Pittsburgh Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 2002. Sullivan, D.M., “AOAC International Proactive Program of Work for Validating Analytical Methods for Dietary Supplements,” SupplySide East International Trade Show & Conference, Secaucus, New Jersey, 2001. Sullivan, D.M., “Low-Level Lactose Determination” Association of Official Analytical Chemists Meeting and Exposition, San Diego, California, 1997. Sullivan, D.M., “Interlaboratory Collaboration Review, & Acceptance,” Standardization and Validation of Methods for Characterizing and Analyzing Dietary Supplements Topical Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, 1996. Sullivan, D.M., “Use of Reference Materials for Dietary Fiber Analysis in the Q.C. Laboratory,” American Association of Cereal Chemists Meeting, Seattle Washington, 1992. Sullivan, D. M., “Determination of Total Fat in Foods in Compliance with NLEA,” American Association of Cereal Chemists Meeting, 1991. SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 69 of 71 Sullivan, D. M., “Comparison of Methods to Determine Total Fat in Food,” American Association of Cereal Chemists Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1990. Polywacz, J. P. and Sullivan, D. M., "Determination of Total Dietary Fiber in Food," Midwest Association of Official Analytical Chemists Meeting, Fargo, North Dakota, June 1987. Sullivan, D. M., "Determination of Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids," Fall Association of Official Analytical Chemists Meeting, San Francisco, California, September 1987. Sullivan, D. M. and Giegerich, J. R., "Determination of Iodine in Foods Using Ion Chromatography," Pittsburgh Conference, Atlantic City, New Jersey, March 1986. CURRICULUM VITAE: DARRYL M. SULLIVAN PRESENTATIONS (Continued) Sullivan, D. M., "Ion Chromatographic Analysis of Foods," Spring Association of Official Analytical Chemists Workshop, Seattle, Washington, April 1986. Giegerich, J. R. and Sullivan, D. M., "New Methods for Food Analysis Using Ion Chromatography," Midwest Association of Official Analytical Chemists Meeting, Lincoln, Nebraska, June 1986. Kehoe, D. F. and Sullivan, D. M., "Quantitation of Selenium in Infant Formula Using Hydride Generation Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry," Fall Association of Official Analytical Chemists Meeting, Scottsdale, Arizona, September 1986. Sullivan, D. M., "Determination of Iodine in Food Using Ion Chromatography," Fall Association of Official Analytical Chemists Meeting, Scottsdale, Arizona, September 1986. Sullivan, D. M. and Smith, R. L., "Total Dietary Fiber in Food and Food Ingredients," presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Toronto, Canada, October 1986. Sullivan, D. M. and Giegerich, J. R., "Analysis of Sulfites and Other Anions in Food by Ion Chromatography," Pittsburgh Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, February 1985. Sullivan, D. M. and Smith, R. L., "Comparison of Atomic Absorption and Inductively Coupled Argon Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry for the Analysis of Infant Formula," 1st Association of Official Analytical Chemists Conference on Infant Formula, Virginia Beach, Virginia, May 1985. Smith, R. L. and Sullivan, D. M., "Comparison of Chromatographic and Microbiological Procedures for the Determination of Tryptophan Content in Infant Formula," 1st Association of Official Analytical Chemists Conference on Infant Formula, Virginia Beach, Virginia, May 1985. Sullivan, D. M., "Ion Chromatographic Determination of Sulfites," Fall Association of Official Analytical Chemists Meeting, Washington, DC, October 1985. Burkhart, M. O. and Sullivan, D. M., "Determination of Total Dietary Fiber in a Wide Variety of Food Products," Midwest Association of Official Analytical Chemists Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, June 1985. Sullivan, D. M., "Ion Chromatographic Method for the Determination of Sulfites," Association of Official Analytical Chemists Sulfite Task Force Meeting, Washington, DC, August 1985. SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 70 of 71 Sullivan, D. M., "Quantitation of Sulfite in Foods Using Ion Chromatography," LabCon Central Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, October 1985. Sullivan, D. M., "Ion Chromatographic Determination of Sulfites," Fall Association of Official Analytical Chemists Meeting, Washington, DC, October 1985. Burkhart, M. O. and Sullivan, D. M., "Measurement of Total Dietary Fiber in a Wide Variety of Food Products," Fall Association of Official Analytical Chemists Meeting, Washington, DC, October 1985. CURRICULUM VITAE: DARRYL M. SULLIVAN PRESENTATIONS (Continued) Sullivan, D. M., Giegerich, J. R., and Addison, T. A., "Ion Chromatography: A New Approach to Anion Analysis in Food," Midwest Association of Official Analytical Chemists Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 1984. Sullivan, D. M., Smith, R. L., and Richter, E. F., "Quantitation of Vegetable Sterols in Dairy Products Using Capillary Column Chromatography," Fall Association of Official Analytical Chemists Meeting, Washington, DC, October 1984. Sullivan, D. M., "Aluminum in Food," Conference on Aluminum Analysis in Biological Materials, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, June 1983. Sullivan, D. M., "Determination of Selenium Levels in Feed After Dry Ashing," Midwest Association of Official Analytical Chemists Meeting, Ames, Iowa, June 1983. Adams, M. L., Sullivan, D. M., Smith, R. L., and Richter, E. F., "Evaluation of a Direct Saponification Method for the Determination of Cholesterol in Meats," Fall Association of Official Analytical Chemists Meeting, Washington, DC, 1983. PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS Society for Applied Spectroscopy AOAC INTERNATIONAL Association of Official Analytical Chemists Sulfite Task Force, 1985-1986 Association of Official Analytical Chemists NLEA Task Force, 1993-1996 AOAC INTERNATIONAL Dietary Supplement Task Force, 2000AOAC INTERNATIONAL Dietary Supplement Task Force Chair, 2000-2003 AOAC INTERNATIONAL Official Methods Board Member, 1998-2001 AOAC INTERNATIONAL Official Methods Board Chair, 2001-2004 AOAC INTERNATIONAL Board of Directors, 2004Institute of Food Technologists SPSFAM ERP for Heavy Metals 71 of 71
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