ACTIVE FIRE FIGHTING SYSTEMS FIRE PREVENTION SYSTEMS 02 PRODUCT PORTFOLIO 03 Contents ACTIVE FIRE FIGHTING SYSTEMS FIRE PREVENTION SYSTEMS Company description • Designs, engineers and manufactures Active Fire Fighting systems and Fire Prevention systems • Single source and international after market and service engineering • Target industries include the offshore /onshore oil & gas, maritime and petro-chemical industries with a proven track record • Industry leading ETech Nitrogen Generator Water Mist Engineering AS does engineering and manufacturing of Active Fire Fighting systems and Fire Prevention system. Through the years the company has become a single source, full-service and product supplier of Fire Protection systems. 03 04 05 -10 11-14 15 Product portfolio Engineering services Active Fire Fighting systems Fire Prevention systems Past projects / References Active Fire Fighting Systems WATER SUPPRESSION • • • • • • Fire Prevention Systems CHEMICAL SUPPRESSION Water mist systems Deluge valve systems Sprinkler systems Monitors Hydrants Hose & Hose reels • • • • • • • Fire Prevention Systems Powder systems Powder monitors Dual agent (foam & powder) Central foam system Active Pressure Pulse Compensator (APPC) Deck Integrated Fire Fighting System (DIFFS) • • • • Our commitments to excellence are based upon an extensive experience within Fire engineering, System building, Process product and Systems development within air-gas separation, services and commissioning. WME focuses on delivering innovative engineering services as well as cost efficient and high quality Fire Protection systems. WME is experienced in delivering projects according to leading international standards like NORSOK, DNV, NFPA, BV etc. WME holds numerous references within Maritime & Offshore installations as well as chemical industry systems worldwide. These are our commitments to you! SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE • Spare parts • Maintenance • Repairs LNG & LPG systems Marine Nitrogen systems Offshore Nitrogen systems FPSO Nitrogen systems 04 SERVICES 05 > ACTIVE FIRE FIGHTING SYSTEMS > Engineering services WME offers engineering services as an in-house project, as a part of a project team or at customer locations. WME designs systems according to all types of regulations. Our employees are qualified to produce professional technical specifications within the following areas: Studies Planning Consequence Function Availability Feasabilty Fire risk consideration Fire protection type Installation Supervising Calculation Execution Hydraulic calculation Fire water calculation Static and transient analysis Foam calculation Gas calculation Safety plot plan System design Piping and instrumentation diagram General arrangement Nozzle location 06 ACTIVE FIRE FIGHTING SYSTEMS ACTIVE FIRE FIGHTING SYSTEMS 07 Water Mist Systems Deluge Sprinkler Systems WME Water Mist System is an efficient low flow water mist system, tested by SINTEF – NBL (Norwegian Fire Research Laboratory) and approved by FM WME is a supplier of all types of deluge systems in several materials. Single or multi zone with on/off or pressure regulating deluge valves. Foam mixing equipment and foam tank integrated in a heated cabinet or on a frame. WME Water Mist is a low pressure (4 - 10 Bar) single fluid system. The nozzle has a fail-safe construction and is approved for fresh and sea water. • Low pressure • Single fluid • Extremely low water flow • Firewater backup • Safe construction The deluge valve skid may be delivered with foam mixing equipment for fixed or variable flows. Application Approvals WME Water Mist Systems have a number of firefighting applications: • Engine room • Turbine room • Diesel room • Pump room • Thruster room • Computer room • Cabin room • Accommodation • Helicopter hangar • Galley hood • Tunnel • Power transformer • Prison cell WME Water Mist nozzles have numerous full-scale fire tests and approvals: • IMO 913 • IMO 668/ 728 • IMO 1165 • IMO A800 • FM • DNV, BV, ABS, USCG, RINA etc. System Water Mist Systems consists of: • Pressurized water vessel • Fire ring main connection • Electrical pump • Pneumatic pump The foam supply can be from a separate tank beside or inside the deluge cabinet or a central foam system. Deluge nozzles WME has designed it’s own FM approved nozzles. Nozzles can be supplied in all types of materials. WME also makes the nozzle placement and fire/foam ring main calculation. Approvals DNV, BV, ABS, Etc. • Standard or tailor-made • Single or multi-zone skid • Well proven design • All type of materials: Galvanized steel, CuNi, titanium, SS316, GRE, super duplex 08 ACTIVE FIRE FIGHTING SYSTEMS Fire monitors WME supplies monitors for several applications; manually operated, self-oscillating and remote operated monitors with or without foam. All systems are specially designed according to client specifications. • Manually operated • Self oscillating • Remote operated • Electrical • Pneumatic / hydraulic driven • Material: Galvanized steel, CuNi, titanium, SS316, bronze Approvals Fire monitors have a number of different approvals. ACTIVE FIRE FIGHTING SYSTEMS 09 Fire hoses, hydrants and extinguishers WME supplies hose reels and hydrants for various applications. Hose reel systems can be supplied in all types of materials and with several types of nozzles for different uses. From small accommodation reels (recessed or wall mounted) to large deck mounted hose reels with pressure regulation valve, foam mixing equipment and foam tank installed into a heated cabinet. Hydrants are delivered as on/off type or pressure regulation type in several materials. The hydrant valves can be installed inside a heated cabinet together with necessary equipment such as, hoses, nozzles, foam mixing equipment and foam. • Fixed or swinging type • Hose reels with foam tank included • Hose reels with space for extinguisher • Standard or tailor made • Material: Galvanized steel, CuNi, titanium etc. Approvals WME Hose reels can be supplied with a number of approvals. Gaseous systems Dual Agents Foam / Powder systems A gaseous system is a fixed fire suppression system, effective against fires of almost all types of combustible material. Particularly suitable for use in areas where water, foam or powder would be unacceptable. Dual agents are extremely efficient as a combination of powder and foam/ water to extinguish fires. They are often used on helidecks. WME supplies all types of foam and powder systems. These can be built up around a central or distributed system. Inert gases, except for CO2, are not dangerous for humans. The system can be single or multi-zone. WME supplies all types of gaseous systems: • INERGEN • FM200 • Novec • CO2 • Standard or tailor-made • Manual, electric or pnumatic release • Single or multi-zone system Approvals Gaseous systems have a number of different approvals. Dual agent foam and powder systems can be delivered with all types of connections, such as: • Stand alone • Fire ring connection • Foam ring connection • Powder connection Alternative versions: • With or without water connection • With or without foam connection • Blast load cabinet • Foam and 250kg powder for 120 sec. • Material: SS316, bronce, titanium etc. Foam: AFFF 1%, 3%, 6% AFFF AR 1%, 3%, 6% Powder: • ABC • BC • D Approvals Foam and powder systems have many types of approvals, such as: DNV, BV, ABS etc. Deck Integrated Fire Fighthing System (DIFFS) WME DIFFS is used to extinguish fires on helidecks, in both the helicopter as well as a hydro carbon pool-fire on the deck. WME DIFFS unit consists of a deluge valve, pop-up nozzles and foam storage tank. The pop-up nozzles are distributed evenly across the helideck. Pop-up nozzle is installed to give a water denisty of 6,5 or 10 lpm/m2. WME pop-up nozzle is specially designed for the Arctic environment. • Material: SS316, Titanium etc. 10 ACTIVE FIRE FIGHTING SYSTEMS Active Pressure Puls Compensator (APPC) Vacuum in fire-water pipes after fire-water release is a serious problem, particularly in high firewater risers. The APPC alleviates this problem by injecting com pres ed air into the fire ring main. WME APPC is specially designed and tuned for each project. • Material: SS316, bronze, titanium etc. 11 Utility Stations WME utility stations are specially designed according to client specifications. WME supplies all types of utility stations: • Outdoor Utility Stations • Indoor Utility Stations • Diesel Filling Utility Stations The hose reels are offered according to the specifications provided. • N1- Plant air hose reel • N2- Fresh water hose reel • N3- HP service water hose reel • N4- Nitrogen hose reel • N5- Diesel hose reel All the valves, tubing and fittings can be provided in SS316 or 6MO as required. Life Saving Equipment and Cabinets WME Life Saving Equipment’s and cabinets are specially designed according to client specifications. WME supplies all types of Life Saving Equipment’s and cabinets: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Fireman’s Equipment Cabinet Helideck emergency set/Crash Cabinet MOB Cabinet Smoke hood with cabinet Life Jackets with cabinet Safety station cabinet Survival suit cabinet Lifebuoy with cabinet Eyewash And Safety Shower Portable self-contained gravity eyewash Stretchers (Scoop and Basket Type) Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) Personnel transport capsule Personnel Transfer Basket CO2 Extinguishers Dry Chemical Extinguishers Foam Extinguishers First Aid Kit Electrical Safety Kit Scramble Net Distress Kit Fire Blanket Eye wash bottles Chemical Protection suit Quick Descent Device Immersion suit Grab bag Insulated grab hook stick Radioactive storage cabinet FIRE PREVENTION SYSTEMS > 12 FIRE PREVENTION SYSTEMS FIRE PREVENTION SYSTEMS 13 ETech Nitrogen generators WME manufactures on-site nitrogen generation systems utilizing membrane air separation technology. These nitrogen generation systems are used for inerting, blanketing, and purging of chemicals and other cargos. ETech membrane modules contain thousands of hair-like membranes that collectively separate large amounts of high purity, dry nitrogen directly from compressed air, which may be applied to prevent degradation of cargo sensitive to oxygen, moisture or combustion by-products. The dry gas from these systems are also ldeal as non-freezing, non-corrosive instrument gas, and for drying of cofferdams. Advantages: • Low cost with on-site generation, saves up to 50% • Wide capacity range • Dry nitrogen, dewpoint @ atm. pressure 70°C • Purity 95-99,9% • Easy to install, operate and maintain. LNG -and LPG Systems Marine Nitrogen systems Offshore Nitrogen systems Regeneration The N2 generating plants normally located in the engine room consist of feed air compressor, membrane filtering unit, nitrogen buffer tank and control/monitoring panel including valve/fittings. WME Marine Nitrogen systems cover a wide range of capacities and nitrogen purities. The membrane based systems generate clean, dry gaseous nitrogen up to 99,9% purity from compressed air. ETech Offshore Nitrogen systems cover a wide range of capacities and nitrogen purities. The membrane systems generate clean, dry gaseous nitrogen up to 99,9% purity from compressed air. WME may offer a method for regeneration of air-gas separation membranes, a technique which up until now has not been available in the market. LNG ENG M ETECH MEMBRANE The nitrogen generating plant can serve various purposes such as supply of nitrogen gas into the insulation void spaces, for purging of fuel gas line in engine room, for purging of cargo liquid line, vapor line, gas line, vent masts and related cargo equipment as well as for sealing of the penetration shaft and shaft seal of high duty and low duty compressors. The insulation void spaces normally is to be pressurized/ maintained by nitrogen vapor from the nitrogen generator and vented to the atmosphere through vent control valves. The ENG M systems (designed for Chemical tankers) and ENG systems (designed for Offshore supply vessels) consist of free standing feed air compressors and fully automated Nitrogen generation units. The latest PLC systems are applied for control of product qualities and for signal output to ship integrated control systems. Product purity is automatically monitored and controlled. If the product purity is not maintained, the generated nitrogen will be vented automatically. The ETech membrane systems has a high capacity to weight relationship compared with other non-cryogenic sources. Etech membrane systems are relatively lightweight and compact, enabling them to fit into places where space is limited. The systems are portable, stand alone units that require only supply of dry, compressed air. These computerized, automated process control systems are an ideal choice for applications requiring purities up to 99,9%, as well as extremely precise control capability, data logging, or remote operation and communication. These systems can be applied within a wide capacity range. Membrane produced nitrogen can be supplied over a wide range of purities. Modular system design allows for system expansion with the addition of modules, increasing nitrogen capacity as your requirements change. System layouts can be configurated to meet the most unique site requirements. For years it has been a well-known problem that membranes may often be exposed to contamination, and as a consequence will become deficient in terms of performance. Air-gas separation membranes are sensitive to contaminations from hydrocarbon aerosols/liquid (i.e. oil products) in the sense that such contamination cannot be removed nor can the membrane be regenerated, without running the risk of destroying the membrane. Most membrane based nitrogen generators have traditionally been equipped with oil lubricated feed air compressors, which increases the risk of oil contamination of the membranes. Traditionally, this problem has been dealt with by applying traditional filtration techniques upstream the membrane. These techniques, combined with increasing the feed air temperature after filtration, results in a gap between the actual temperature of oil and water vapor versus dew point temperature of these, thus avoiding condensation of vapor. Even though filtration equipment is installed, there will always be a risk of oil vapor carryover into the membrane. One of the situations that may contribute to this risk is that the traditional air-gas separation membrane normally has a recommended max. operating temperature of 50 °C. The compressor cooling water available may have a temperature of 36 °C, which, owing to the feed air temperature rise across the compressor, may result in a feed air temperature of as much as 46 °C, prior to the temperature increase required to avoid vapor condensation. This leaves us with a temperature gap of only 6 °C, which is not enough to avoid vapor condensation, because there is a temperature drop higher that this across the membrane, during the separation process. With the new ETech membranes, these problems are avoided, because, at first, the membrane material, polyamide, consists of a single composition, and not, as many other membranes, a dual composition, where the governing membrane is a thin layer applied on to a substructure. The two layers are normally of different materials. The polyamide may withstand a much higher temperature (typically as much as 130 °C), and may easily operate at a temperature of 60 °C, thus avoiding the risk of vapor condensation owing to lower operating temperatures. If however, there should be a vapor carryover, due to filtration failure or excess oil carryover from compressor, then the ETech membranes may be regenerated. WME can therefore offer an exchange arrangement, provided that ETech membranes are already installed. It is quite apparent, the cost savings in such an arrangement, as opposed to purchasing brand new membranes. The Life Cycle Cost of Nitrogen generators can be reduced with as much as 60% compared to a normal membrane set up, and will also contribute to increased safety, in terms of regularity and system capacity. LGP The nitrogen generating plant can serve various purposes such as supply of nitrogen gas into the insulation void spaces, for purging of fuel gas line in engine room, for purging of cargo liquid line, vapor line, gas line, vent masts and related cargo equipment as well as for sealing of the penetration shaft and shaft seal of high duty and low duty compressors. The insulation void spaces normally is to be pressurized/ maintained by nitrogen vapor from the nitrogen generator and vented to the atmosphere through vent control valves. WME Marine Nitrogen systems are based on modular design principles. Membrane modules can be added or replaced in order to upgrade the system in rated capacity after initial installation. This design principle allows for system expendability, in most cases without the need of replacing the existing system. Furthermore light weight and compact design of the membranes allow us to transport and install the Nitrogen systems easily to a wide range of process application and in various locations and conditions. 14 FIRE PREVENTION SYSTEMS 15 References Heimdal - Statoil Valemon - Statoil Ekofisk L - Conoco Phillips • • • • • • • • • • Offshore Nitrogen Generator System, Capacity: 425 Sm3/h at 97% N2 Includes Dedicated Feed Air Compressor with Adsorption Dryer Includes 130 bar N2 Booster for storage to existing N2 Tanks Indoor and Outdoor Utility Stations Life saving equipment Misc. Fire fighting equipment Deluge Skids (DIFFS) Water Mist Skids Hosereels, Hydrants and Monitors Dual Agent Hosereel Units BENEFITS • 60% Life Cycle Cost reduction with regeneration of membranes • Minimum energy usage with application of ETech Nitrogen Generators • 50% less footprint Bourbon Offshore Hyundai Heavy Industries Ekofisk Z - Conoco Phillips • • • • • • • • 20 Supply Vessels Type: ENG 11, Capacity: 27 m3/h at 95% N2 Includes Feed Air Compressor, N2 Receiver, N2 Booster, Bottle Rack and Pressure Reduction System • 4 Drill Ships Type: ENG 190, Capacity: 500 Nm3/h at 95% N2 Includes Feed Air Compressor, N2 Receiver, and Pressure Reduction System Multi-valve Deluge Skids Foam Tank Hosereels, Hydrants and Monitors. Ulstein Design Aasta Hansteen - Statoil Martin Linge - Total • • • • • • • 2 Offshore Supply Vessels Includes N2 Receiver and Pressure Reduction System Type: ENG 45, Capacity: 100 m3/h at 97% N2 Misc. Fire fighting equipment Life saving equipment Multi-valve Deluge Skids Sprinkler Skids WME.NO Water Mist Engineering AS Lohnelia 70 4640 Søgne, Kristiansand Norway ETECH BRAND NAME IS OWNED BY WATER MIST ENGINEERING AS XPRESSPRINT.NO Phone +47 38 01 90 70 Fax +47 38 01 90 71
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