Christopher James Eagle - Department of Mathematics

Christopher James Eagle
University of Toronto
Department of Mathematics
Toronto, Ontario
M5S 2E4
Ph. D. in Mathematics (In Progress), University of Toronto, 2010 - Present
Thesis in Model Theory: Topological aspects of real-valued logic
Advisors: Jos´e Iovino and Franklin Tall.
M. Math. in Pure Mathematics, University of Waterloo, 2010
Thesis in Model Theory: The Mordell-Lang Theorem from the Zilber Dichotomy
Advisor: Rahim Moosa.
M. Litt. in Philosophy, University of St. Andrews, 2008
Graduated with Distinction in Coursework and Distinction in Dissertation
Dissertation in Philosophy of Mathematics: What the ante rem structuralist cannot know
Advisor: Philip Ebert.
B. Math. in Pure Mathematics with Philosophy Minor, University of Waterloo, 2007
Graduated with Distinction, Dean’s Honour List
Publications and preprints
1. C. Eagle, Z. Gao, M. Omar, D. Panario, and B. Richmond. Distribution of the number of encryptions
in revocation schemes for stateless receivers. Proceedings of Fifth Colloquium on Mathematics and
Computer Science, Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (2008), pp. 195-206.
2. C. Eagle. Omitting types in infinitary [0, 1]-valued logic. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 165 (2014),
pp. 913-932.
3. C. Eagle and A. Vignati. Saturation and elementary equivalence of C ∗ -algebras. Submitted (2014).
4. C. Eagle, I. Farah, B. Hart, B. Kadets, V. Kalashnyk, and M. Lupini. Fra¨ıss´e limits of C ∗ -algebras.
Submitted (2014).
Teaching Experience
Responsible for all aspects of course design, lecturing, and supervising teaching assistants. Each course had
approximately 120 students and 4 teaching assistants.
MAT 224, Linear Algebra II. University of Toronto, Fall 2014.
MAT 136, Calculus I(B). University of Toronto, Summer 2014.
MAT 224, Linear Algebra II. University of Toronto, Fall 2013.
MAT 224, Linear Algebra II. University of Toronto, Summer 2013.
Christopher James Eagle
Teaching Assistant
Responsible for grading student work, conducting tutorial sessions, and supervising examinations.
MAT 301, Groups and Symmetries. University of Toronto, Winter 2014.
MAT 224, Linear Algebra II. University of Toronto, Winter 2013.
MAT 309, Introduction to Mathematical Logic. University of Toronto, Fall 2012.
MAT 301, Groups and Symmetries. University of Toronto, Spring 2012.
MAT 309, Introduction to Mathematical Logic. University of Toronto at Mississauga, Winter 2012.
MAT 309, Introduction to Mathematical Logic. University of Toronto, Fall 2011.
MAT 235, Calculus II. University of Toronto, Spring 2011.
MAT 187, Calculus II (Engineering). University of Toronto, Winter 2011.
MAT 135, Calculus I. University of Toronto, Fall 2010 – Winter 2011.
MAT 186, Calculus I (Engineering). University of Toronto, Fall 2010.
MAT 188, Linear Algebra (Engineering). University of Toronto, Fall 2010.
PMAT 332, Applied Complex Analysis. University of Waterloo, Winter 2009.
MATH 135, Algebra for Honours Mathematics. University of Waterloo, Fall 2009.
MATH 115, Linear Algebra for Engineering. University of Waterloo, Fall 2008.
General Teaching Assistant for First Year Core Math, University of Waterloo, Fall 2006.
Fra¨ıss´e limits of C*-algebras. University of Waterloo Analysis Seminar, 2015.
Infinitary [0, 1]-valued logic. Joint Mathematics Meetings, 2015.
Saturation and elementary equivalence of commutative C*-algebras. Canadian Mathematics Society Annual Winter Meeting, December 7, 2014.
Saturation of C*-algebras. McMaster University Model Theory Seminar, November 28, 2014.
Omitting types in infinitary [0, 1]-valued logic. Carnegie Mellon Model Theory Seminar, April 22, 2013.
Model theory of commutative C*-algebras. Toronto Set Theory Seminar.
An introduction to the independence phenomenon. University of Toronto Graduate Student Colloquium.
Omitting types in infinitary [0, 1]-valued logic. Association for Symbolic Logic North American Annual
Meeting, Waterloo, 2013
Macintyre’s Theorem. University of Toronto Student Set Theory and Topology Seminar.
Infinitary [0, 1]-valued logic. Toronto Set Theory Seminar.
Omitting types in infinitary [0, 1]-valued logic. University of Toronto Student Set Theory and Topology
An algebraic application of model theory. University of Toronto Graduate Student Colloquium.
Christopher James Eagle
Facts about forcing (with M. Pawliuk). University of Toronto Student Set Theory and Topology Seminar.
Saturating ultrafilters. University of Toronto Student Set Theory and Topology Seminar.
Vaught’s conjecture, II. University of Toronto Student Set Theory and Topology Seminar.
Vaught’s conjecture. University of Toronto Student Set Theory and Topology Seminar.
An introduction to model-theoretic algebra. University of Toronto Student Logic Seminar.
Abstract model theory. Toronto Set Theory Seminar.
Introduction to the philosophy of mathematics. University of Toronto Student Logic Seminar.
Model theory and algebraic geometry: An introduction the model theory of the Mordell-Lang conjecture.
University of Waterloo M. Math. Thesis Defense.
Model theory and algebraic geometry: An introduction to the geometry of the Mordell-Lang conjecture.
University of Waterloo Graduate Student Colloquium.
Knowledge by assertion. University of St. Andrews Philosophy Graduate Student Colloquium.
Professional Experience
Lead Writing Teaching Assistant, Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto 2011–2014
Participated in curriculum renewal projects, including course design, creating writing assignments
and leading student workshops.
Developed resources to assist students in learning to read and write mathematics.
Collected qualitative and quantitative data to measure program effectiveness.
Referee for Journal of Symbolic Logic
Assisted in supervision of undergraduate research groups at Fields Institute, Summer 2013 and Summer
Mathematics representative at the University of Toronto New College first-year orientation, 2013.
Graduate student representative to external review committee, University of Toronto Department of
Mathematics, 2013
Mentor in the University of Toronto Math Mentorship program for highschool students, 2013.
Grader for Canadian Open Mathematics Competition, 2012.
University of Toronto Department of Mathematics graduate course selection committee member, 2012–
University of Toronto Mathematics Graduate Student Association cabinet member, 2012–2015.
Daniel B. DeLury Teaching Award, University of Toronto, 2014
Awarded for outstanding teaching by a graduate student.
Queen Elizabeth II Scholarship in Science and Technology – Lloyd George Elliott Graduate Scholarship,
Ontario Graduate Scholarship, 2013–2014
Christopher James Eagle
NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship – Doctoral, 2010–2012
Competitive national research award given to outstanding doctoral students in the natural sciences
and engineering.
NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship – Masters, 2008–2010
Competitive national research award given to outstanding masters students in the natural sciences
and engineering.
Varsity Blues T-Holder’s Excellence Award, University of Toronto, 2013-2014.
Awarded to student-athletes who are active in competition and achieve high academic honours.
University of Waterloo President’s Graduate Scholarship, 2008–2010
University of Waterloo Faculty of Mathematics Senate Scholarship, 2005–2007
Nortel Networks Undergraduate Scholarship, 2003–2004
Last updated: November 18, 2014