Gemini News November 2014 Edition Principal, Richard Groeling Assistant Principal, Karen Foley Assistant Principal, Christopher Harmon NOVEMBER 2014 EDITION HTTP://WWW.EMSD63.ORG/DOMAIN/9 Letter from the Principal Dear Gemini Students and Parents: First quarter report cards were sent home with your child on Friday, November 7th. Thank you for your patience as we have worked through our difficulties with the new grade book and report card software. We will be sending home more information explaining the new standards based grading system and school administrators will also provide question and answer opportunities for parents during conferences for any parent with questions about the new process. November is a special month for Gemini families as Fall Parent Teacher conferences take place at the end of the month. Parent Teacher Conferences are such an important part of your child’s schooling and we of course encourage you all to attend this important event! Registration for Fall Parent Teacher Conferences takes place on line. The instructions for parents to follow are included in this newsletter and posted on line on the Gemini web page. A letter was also sent home with every student on October 31, 2014 with an explanation of the process and timeline. The registration window is open now and will remain open through November 12th, closing at 10:00 AM. The system you will access, PT Conference Maker, has been designed to be easy to use and requires little to no experience using the web. We encourage you to have your child assist in the process. Registration can take place on any computer or phone with an internet connection. If you are unable to complete the registration process by computer or if you have any questions during the registration process, please call our main phone line, 847-827-1181, for assistance. Someone will be there from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM that can help. In order to register for conferences you will need your child’s Student ID number and password. The web address for registration is: This URL will also be posted on our school web page. The conference schedule is listed below: Monday November 20th, 2014 5:00PM to 8:00PM Tuesday November 24th, 2014 8:00AM to 11:30AM, 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM, 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM Our continued goal is to keep parents informed of what is happening at Gemini and to involve Gemini parents in their child’s education. This monthly newsletter along with our Gemini web site will both help you stay connected to Gemini School. Relevant information will always be posted on our website. Schedules, important announcements, and of course our monthly newsletter will all be online. All classroom teachers at Gemini have a web page that can also be a resource for students and parents. Access to those teacher pages will be through our Gemini main page. You can access Gemini’s website through or directly at Some important reminders: Please remember that Email is a quick and convenient method of communication. I recommend utilizing email whenever you have questions for a specific teacher. In addition, each academic team meets on a regular basis. If you would like to meet with any of your child’s teachers regarding a question or concern, please contact those teachers using email or calling the school to schedule a time for a meeting. To access a teacher’s email or website please visit the staff directory located on the Gemini website. The Gemini PTO is looking for new members this year! PTO is a great way to be involved and support your child's experience at Gemini. Our meetings are scheduled for the second Tuesday of each month . Meetings are at 7:00PM and last about 1 hour. While attending meetings is encouraged, just becoming a member helps support our students even if you cannot attend the meetings. Membership forms are posted on the web page. The next PTO meeting is November 11th at 7:00PM in the Gemini multi-purpose Room (#109)! Constant Contact is an email system which we use to keep parents and community members informed about Gemini. You can sign up to receive Constant Contact notices from Gemini or any of our elementary schools at our website, . As always, we encourage you to keep in touch! By working together, we can provide the best possible experience for all Gemini students! Sincerely, Richard Groeling Principal The following students went above and beyond our expectations and displayed the highest level of First Class behavior during the month of October. Achievers– 7th Achievers– 8th All Stars Dreamers Prodigy Zenith Angela S. Angelina A. Aneta S. Ivana J. Kayla G. Alena J. Jacob L. Aleksander G. Jakub I. Ahmer S. Karl H. Lucas Y. Gemini Student Council Meetings occur each Tuesday morning in the Multi-Purpose Room at 7:30. Please join us. Student Council sponsors school dances, ski trips and fund raisers. Student Council is a great way for students to become involved in a variety of school and community projects. Spring Tryout Dates Boys Volleyball Tryouts When : Monday February 2 Where : Gold Gym Time : 2:35 - 4:00 Needed : Physical and Parent Consent Form on file in the nurse's office PRIOR to tryout date. You need to have a ride home waiting for you at 4:00. Girls Softball Tryouts When : Monday March 23rd Where : Blue Gym or Outside (weather pending) Time : 2:35-4:30 Needed : Physical and Parent Consent Form on file in the nurse's office PRIOR to tryout date. You need to have a ride home waiting for you at 4:30. Track and Field Practice When: Weds April 8 Where : Gold Gym or Outside (weather pending) Time: 2:35 - 4:00 Needed: Physical and Parent Consent Form on file in the nurse's office PRIOR to tryout date. You need to have a ride home waiting for you at 4:00. Library Notes: In the Library: The Scholastic Book Fair is coming back to Gemini! Students will have the opportunity to visit the book fair with their LA/Lit classes. The fair will also be open during Parent/Teacher conferences. On Thursday Nov. 20th the fair will be in the library and on Monday Nov. 24th the book fair will be located in the main entryway. All profits provide new books for the Gemini Library. This month’s theme for Famished for Fiction is MYSTERY! This is a tried and true genre with so much variety.. The meeting will be on Tuesday November 18th during all 3 lunch periods in the multipurpose room. Students should get a pass from their LA/Lit teacher before attending. The first ever Gemini Poetry Slam! was a huge success. Students submitted poetry and artwork then had the opportunity to share and read aloud their poems as well as poems by other teens. The poems are featured in our Mustang Vision Magazine, which can be accessed from the library page or directly at There will be two more poetry slams this school year. Students may start submitting poetry or artwork at any time. Rebecca Caudill Awards: Caudill books are available in the Gemini Library. Students need to read at least 3 books from the list to be eligible to vote in January. We also ask students to rate the novels as they are reading so the school can get a feel for the most popular books on the list. For a list of the books, students can come to the library, or visit Niles Public Library Reading Challenge Teams are now starting to form for the Niles Public Library Reading Challenge. Students should form teams of 4-6 players to compete. Teams read from the list of 30 books and compete against other teams and schools. We are meeting every other Friday during “Read-In” We are looking for a few more students to round out teams. Common Core in the library With the shift to standards based grading and reporting, the Gemini Library programs and services are designed to support the standards of student learning. Projects and programs directly tie to both CCS and I-SAIL (Standards - Aligned Instruction for Libraries). These standards are based on information literacy and technology skills that are necessary for all students. Read to Succeed! Open Gym District 63's TLC program in partnership with Maine Township hosts after school open gym from 5pm to 8pm on Monday evenings and 9am to 12pm on Saturday mornings. Admission is $1.00! November Programs at the Niles Library Movies in the Underground: The Perks of Being a Wallflower Thurs., Nov. 13, 4pm Revisit popular movies from the not-too-distant past. Pizza will be served during “intermission.” Anime & Manga Club Sat., Nov. 22, 2-3:30pm Gather with fellow fans to watch and discuss anime and manga and make fandom-inspired treats and crafts. Contact librarian Donna Block at 847-663-6434 or for more information. Fandom Fest Sun., Nov. 23, 2-4pm Anime, science fiction and fantasy fans of all stripes are invited to share your passions. Gemini Musical Events 1. Fall Collage Concert: Band, Choir, and Orchestra at Gemini on Wednesday, November 19 in the Gibson Gym at 6pm. 2. Technique Day for 7/8 grade Orchestra students hosted at Maine East High School in the Orchestra Room from 4:15pm-6:15pm. UPCOMING EVENTS FOR DECEMBER!!!!!!! 1. Nursing Home Tour and Golf Mill Holiday Performances by the Band, Choir and Orchestra on Friday, December 12. We will be visiting 3 nursing homes in the morning to spread good holiday cheer, and then perform at Golf Mill for the Holiday Season Cheers! 2. Gemini Strings will be performing at the following 3 nursing homes & Inter-Faith House (A homeless shelter) on Sunday, December 14, 2014. . Presence Ballard (9am) Sunrise Nursing Home (11am) InterFaith House (Homeless Shelter) 5pm Join Gemini Junior High School P.T.O. Dear Families, It is time once again to ask for help in supporting the PTO for our school. The PTO is about teachers and parents working together for the benefit of your child and Gemini School. P.T.O. membership costs $5.00 per family for a school year’s worth of benefits. Fill out the form below and return it to the school office. Checks can be made payable to ‘Gemini PTO’. Parent/Guardian Name: _______________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________________ Children’s Name(s) Grade(s) 1st Period __________________ ______ ________ __________________ ______ ________ _________________ ______ ________
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