The People of John Tyler Community College

The People of John Tyler Community College
College review, foundation report & calendar
Message from the President 2
2007 College Review
2009 People of John Tyler Calendar
2007 Foundation Report
Message from the President of the Foundation Board
2007 Donors
2007 Foundation Financial Statements
From the President
Dear friends,
In the summer of 2007, my staff and I gathered for our annual
planning retreat. There was one small item on our agenda that, in
my mind, turned into our most meaningful conversation: did the
College need to update our mission and vision statements? Our
existing statements had all the right words: growth, intellectual,
cultural, commitment, excellence, community, comprehensive,
supportive, learning-centered, flexible, cost-effective, global, and
changing. But, as they were, they didn’t quite have the same punch
as my favorite statement about we do daily as an institution –
change lives.
So, we looked at the words and talked about our work. The result?
We found the common element and the word that mattered most to
us: success. It was finally Larry Rubes, our director of information
technology, who boiled our vision down to six simple, evocative
words: a success story for every student.
The mission statement we drafted that day followed along the same simple lines: John Tyler Community College provides
quality educational opportunities that inspire student success and community vitality.
I couldn’t help but think of William Strunk, Jr. and his classic, The Elements of Style. Strunk says, “Vigorous writing is
concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that
a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts. This requires not that the writer make
all his sentences short, or that he avoid all detail and treat his subjects only in outline, but that every word tell.”
Truly, “every word tells” in our new mission and vision statements. We don’t just offer classes, we “provide quality
educational opportunities.” We don’t just teach, we “inspire student success.” We don’t just help the community, we
increase its “vitality.” The work we do at John Tyler Community College is wide-ranging, complex and always changing,
but at the core, it is always about success – no matter how you choose to define it. That’s the exciting thing about
success: it comes in so many forms.
In another nod to the English teachers of my past, I know the “show don’t tell” rule. I hope you will agree that the stories
inside this edition of The People of John Tyler prove that our vision is already a reality for so many. Thank you for all
you have done – and will do – to keep our vision going strong.
Dr. Marshall W. Smith, President
John Tyler Community College
Our Vision:
A success story for every student.
“To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent
people and the affection of children, to earn the appreciation
of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends,
to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others, to leave the
world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden
patch, or a redeemed social condition, to know even one life
has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have
succeeded.” - Attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson
Delightfully brainy, full of unstoppable spirit, refreshingly
real, undaunted by past setbacks, ridiculously good at the neat
trick of balancing home and work, and just as likely to be
comfortable in a machining lab as in the halls of the country’s
great institutions of higher education, John Tyler Community
College students defy easy definition. But, they often have
some common traits – a zest for education, a passion for
their communities, and a commitment to their families. Our
students and alumni illustrate the truth in Emerson’s words.
Success is about happiness, community connections and
fulfillment. Success is how you choose to define it.
John Tyler Community College is an empowering
environment. Our mission and vision are commitments we
make to the community we serve, and those commitments
play out in so many exciting ways.
Intellectually Exciting Coursework
For many of the growing number of traditional age students
who attend John Tyler, success is about transferring to
Virginia’s top colleges and universities. The College
continues to foster relationships with other institutions of
higher education in Virginia and to create programs designed
for seamless transfer. In 2007, the Division of Arts and
Sciences introduced a new associate of arts and sciences
degree with a specialization in social science and articulation
to Virginia Commonwealth University, as well as a new
associate in applied arts degree with a specialization in
photography and film.
New programs were not the only additions to the arts and
sciences curriculum. In 2007, new coursework was offered
in voice, fashion design, painting, calculus with analytic
geometry, applied calculus, world civilization, African
civilization, physics, philosophy, statistics for behavioral
sciences, research methods for psychology/behavioral
sciences, theatre aesthetics, social problems, cultural
anthropology, and child psychology, among others.
The benefits of encouraging transfer between Virginia’s
community colleges and the Commonwealth’s four-year
colleges and universities have not gone unnoticed by the
Virginia General Assembly. Starting in the fall of 2007,
students who enter one of Virginia’s community colleges and
then complete their associate degree may be eligible for a
transfer grant approved during the 2007 legislative session.
To be eligible, students must maintain a minimum 3.0 grade
point average and meet financial aid requirements. Grants
will go toward tuition expenses at four-year colleges and
The idea of transfer also applies to high school students
looking to jump start their college careers through dual
enrollment coursework. Dual enrollment courses allow high
school students to enroll in classes for which they earn both
high school and college credit. Between 2006 and 2007, the
number of dual enrollment courses offered by the College
grew by 42 percent. In 2006, 219 dual enrollment courses
were offered; in 2007, that number increased to 310. Staff in
the Division of Extended Learning and Distance Education
went on the road in 2007, meeting with principals at all 22
high schools in the College’s service area to discuss which
kind of dual enrollment courses could be most beneficial to
local high school students.
Our Mission:
John Tyler Community College
provides quality educational
opportunities that inspire student
success and community vitality.
Public-Spirited Programs
Faculty from the Division of Professional and
Technical Studies were also busy meeting with
community leaders to determine needs for new
programs in 2007. In the fall, the College began
offering a certificate program in homeland security.
The 30-credit-hour program is designed to provide
students with the knowledge and skills needed to
conduct a homeland security evaluation and to assess,
investigate and respond to terrorism incidents. For
local emergency management practitioners, the
program is an opportunity for academic growth and
specialized skill development.
The emergency medical services program also earned
full accreditation from the Commonwealth’s Office of
Emergency Medical Services to offer an intermediate
certificate program. The nursing program and funeral
services program were both reaccredited for the
next eight years. Graduates of the College’s nursing
programs continue to exceed the national average
for pass rates on the National Council Licensure
Examination (NCLEX). The second graduating class
from the Commonwealth Nursing Program’s John
Tyler cohort even had a 100 percent pass rate on the
NCLEX. A partnership between John Tyler and four
other Virginia Community College System (VCCS)
institutions, the Commonwealth Nursing Program
combines online education with clinicals taught in a
local hospital setting.
With the idea that community extends far beyond
our immediate surroundings, the College partnered
with Mountain Empire Community College (MECC)
to begin offering a funeral services program for
students in Southwestern Virginia. Students in the
program earn general studies credits at MECC, while
pursuing an associate in applied sciences degree in
funeral services through distance education courses
offered by John Tyler Community College. John
Tyler and Tidewater Community College are the
only two colleges in the Commonwealth that offer
academic programs in funeral services. MECC is the
first college to partner with John Tyler to bring this
much-needed program to campus through distance
education options. Representatives from MECC
and John Tyler, along with VCCS Chancellor Glenn
DuBois, met on June 13, 2007 to announce the
new program and sign an official
partnership agreement.
With the help of area employers
who make up the John Tyler
Community College Manufacturers’
Coalition, the College launched
a new program in the spring of 2007 designed to
prepare adults for entry-level jobs in manufacturing,
industry and the skilled trades. Quick Connect is
a free, seven-week evening program that is held
on the Chester Campus. Those who successfully
complete the program earn three
college credits, a Career Readiness
Certificate (silver level), an OSHA
certification and opportunities
for employment with companies
that are members of the John
Tyler Manufacturers’ Coalition.
Each class is limited to 25 people
selected through a rigorous
screening process. At the end of
the class, the College hosts a job
fair where program graduates can meet members of
the Manufacturers’ Coalition who have job openings.
Jobs available for Quick Connect graduates are
career-starters that generally pay $12/hour, plus
benefits. They include such positions as apprentice
machinists, brake operators, chemical technicians,
communications technicians, computer numerical
control (CNC) operators, gear cutters, machine
adjusters, machine operators, operations mechanics,
packaging production technicians and process
Exciting Expansions and Additions
As bulldozers began clearing the ground for the addition of a second
academic building at the Midlothian Campus, growth was also taking
place at and around the Chester Campus.
The Chester Campus dates to 1967, and recent renovations there focus
on updating the space, as well as improving the buildings’ green qualities. Major renovations
in Godwin Hall will include the use of low-volatile-organic-compound (VOC) materials and
finishes. Improved roofing materials with additional insulation have been placed on the roofs of
Bird Hall, Goyne Hall and Godwin Hall, and a white coating will be applied to Moyar Hall and
the Nicholas Student Center. Building HVAC controls and light fixtures have also been swapped
out at Chester. All these updates are aimed at improving the buildings’ energy efficiency.
With rapid growth at nearby Fort Lee, the College also looked for ways to improve and
expand our services to military members and their families. Governor Timothy Kaine, Senior
Workforce Advisor to the Governor Daniel LeBlanc, and the Virginia Workforce Council
awarded a $200,000 grant to support military spouse training at Fort Lee. The resulting
program began in July 2007 and serves active-duty military spouses. It begins with orientation sessions at Army
Community Services (ACS) and various Family Readiness Groups and includes case management/registration
counseling by ACS and the Virginia Employment Commission. The ten-day training program is presented
at John Tyler Community College. Class size is limited to 20 military spouses, and topics include human
resources/job-finding skills and basic computer skills. Participants are bused from the post to the College, and
for those families who need it, child care is provided. The program’s schedule also permits military spouses to
place their children on school buses in the morning, attend training, and be there to meet the school buses in the
afternoon. In addition to the military spouse training program, the College’s Veterans Affairs Office assisted
more than 700 veterans and their family members with vocational rehabilitation services in 2007.
In October 2007, the Student Success Center rolled out AskOnline, a free online tutoring and academic advising
service for students. The program offers students help in three main ways – chat, an ask feature and discussion
boards. Topics covered include math, writing, accounting, grammar, statistics, Spanish, chemistry, history, biology,
psychology/sociology, anatomy/physiology, and computers/ITE.
Security improvements have also been a priority for the College. Security cameras were installed at the Chester
Campus, Midlothian Campus, and the nursing program facility. Emergency call boxes were installed in all buildings
on the Chester and Midlothian campuses.
Finally, the College looked to the future and began examining ways to reduce our environmental
impact. Revive: A Green Initiative of John Tyler aims to create ways for students, faculty,
staff and the entire community to reuse, reduce, restore and recycle for a greener planet. As an
initial step, the College’s Facilities Department began modifying its operating processes and
maintenance procedures to incorporate integrated pest management in grounds maintenance,
green housekeeping practices, and recycling when possible. In the fall of 2008, large singlestream recycling containers were rolled out on campus. The College also often sponsors clothing,
shoe, and book drives to encourage community outreach and the reuse of materials.
Enlivening and Enlightening
College life at John Tyler is about much more than just class
time. Each year, faculty and staff bring special guests to
campus to enliven and enlighten the College community.
Club advisors spur growth outside of the classroom through
club meetings, trips and activities. Students benefit from
this community of learning and being surrounded daily by
faculty and staff members who are passionate about their
work and the world around them.
In February 2007, Chester Library staff hosted
William Henry Lewis, the award-winning
author of I Got Somebody in Staunton, as
a part of the Richmond-metropolitan area
Go Read program. Over 100 students,
faculty, staff and community members heard
Lewis read from his work, speak about his
short stories, discuss his writing process,
and answer questions from the audience.
The Go Read program seeks to build a
stronger community
through reading and
discussion. Goals of
the project include:
increasing interaction
based on a shared reading
experience; bringing
major authors to a new
and diverse audience;
promoting discussion
between people of
different ages and backgrounds; and bringing more people
into libraries and bookstores.
Dr. Roy Kaplan, assistant professor of chemistry, enhanced
his teaching through his Chemistry in the Professions
series, which brought guest speakers like Dr. George DuVal,
manager of Chesterfield County’s Water Treatment and
Laboratory Facility; Dr. Deborah Ulmer, nursing coordinator
for John Tyler; Robbe Robinson, chemist at Dominion
Virginia’s Lake Anna Station; John Grohusky, former plant
manager of DuPont’s Spruance Plant and former chairman
of the John Tyler College Board; Paul Smith, district sales
manager for Nalco’s Water Division; Baylor Rice, president
of South River Compounding Pharmacy; and Harrison
Tyler, founder of ChemTreat, Inc. and the tenth president’s
grandson, to Kaplan’s classes. As sponsor of the Elements
of Life Club, Kaplan also organized special trips and
outreach activities with local elementary schools.
The College’s Chemistry Club once again organized a
variety of hands-on and thought-provoking activities to
celebrate Earth Day and National Chemistry Week. The club
and its sponsor, Dr. Kristine Smetana, garnered numerous
awards for their innovative work to promote the Earth.
Each year, the group coordinates an Earth Day celebration
at the Science Museum of Virginia in conjunction with the
Virginia Section of the American Chemical Society. The
Chesmistry Club also hosted the Virginia Section of the
American Chemical Society dinner and lecture series. In
2007, the special guest lecturer was Dr. Marilyn Miller,
professor and director of the undergraduate forensic science
program at Virginia Commonwealth University.
Also in early 2007, the club participated in the
Campus Climate Challenge to raise awareness of
environmental issues and global warming.
Associate Professor of Art Colin Ferguson and
the Art Club once again traveled to New York
City; they also actively attend the First Fridays
Artwalk events in Richmond. The Theatre
Club, Multicultural Student Association, and
History Club actively got out into the community.
The Theatre Club attended local Shakespeare
performances. The Multicultural Association attended the
National Folk Festival, and the History Club organized trips
to Washington, D.C. and Newport News.
In its thirteenth year, the College’s Annual Literary Festival welcomed
poet Ron Smith as the event headliner in March 2007. Smith is the
author of Running Again in Hollywood Cemetery and Moon Road:
Poems 1986-2005. His work has been praised by the likes of Pulitzerwinner Claudia Emerson, Pulitzer-finalist David Wojahn, and the
world-famous journalist and novelist Tom Wolfe. Smith’s poems have
appeared in many periodicals, and he is a regular poetry reviewer for
the Richmond Times-Dispatch. For the first time, the College’s Literary
Festival included a speech contest in addition to student readings,
workshops, and special guests.
Dr. Basil Smith, assistant professor of philosophy, created the new Philosophy for Lunch series in the fall of
2007. The series brought the renowned philosophers Dr. Lawrence J. Hatab, Dr. Geoffrey Goddu and Dr. Gary
Shapiro to the Chester Campus for three popular lunchtime lectures and discussions.
International education continues to be a major point of emphasis at the College. Recent destinations include
Ghana, Italy, Greece, England, Scotland and Peru.
As it has since 2006, the College hosted the Fool for Art Festival in April. More than 3,000 visitors flooded
the Midlothian Campus for the event, which featured hands-on learning experiences for all ages, special class
sessions, and top-notch art and craft vendors. The 2008 event had a special green theme to tie in with Revive,
the College’s new green initiative.
Open Doors
Ralph Waldo Emerson also once said, “We have keys to all doors! The world is all gates, all opportunities,
all strings of tension waiting to be struck!” It’s an especially pertinent quote for community colleges.
John Tyler Community College opens our doors to everyone - not only to students who want to attend,
but to business owners who want to talk about the economy, to artists who want to foster local culture,
and to government officials who create partnerships and improve educational offerings. We see the
possibilities that exist in everyone and in every situation. We respond to community needs, and we
make it possible for students to connect to their own success stories. In 2003, the College served 8,825
students, and by 2007-2008 that number grew to 11,575 students. That’s a large number of students
who are finding their success and helping us live up to the task of being our community’s college.
Dr. L. Ray Drinkwater
33-Year Employee Earns VP Position
At the October 2 groundbreaking for the new academic building
on the Midlothian Campus, Dr. Marshall W. Smith made an
announcement that caused several members of the crowd jump to
their feet and cheer: Dr. L. Ray Drinkwater would be named as the
College’s new vice president of academic and student services.
Drinkwater has a long history with the College, having served the
institution for over 33 years. Before being named vice president,
he was the College’s dean of student services, a position he held
since 1987. In the years leading up to that appointment, Drinkwater
held positions in counseling and student activities and served as
interim dean of the Division of Arts and Sciences and the Division
of Professional and Technical Studies. He also periodically teaches
courses in history.
Drinkwater holds a bachelor’s degree in history from Virginia
Commonwealth University (VCU), a master’s degree in counseling
from the University of Virginia, and a doctorate from VCU, in which
he studied 19th century Southern history with an emphasis on the
Reconstruction era and the emergence of the New South. He has
been published in Southern Studies, The Southern Humanities Review, and The Southern Historian. In 1994, he received the
Kenneth Wesson Award from the University of Alabama for scholarship in Southern history.
Drinkwater is a member of the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, the Association of Student Judicial
Affairs, the National Academic Advising Association, the Association for the Study of Higher Education, the American
College Health Association, and the Southern Historical Association. He is a long-time member of Rotary International, a
former member of the Chester Rotary Club, and a founding member and past-president of the Goochland Rotary Club. He is
also a Paul Harris Fellow.
Celebrating Being Fabulous at 40
In an interview for Defining Moments, a special publication to mark John Tyler Community College’s 40th
anniversary in 2007, Dr. Dana B. Hamel, founding chancellor of the Virginia Community College System, is quoted as
saying, “People in the Virginia Community College System are serving the people of the Commonwealth of Virginia,
and every person in the system, from the maintenance worker, to the top professor, to the president, is making it
possible for Virginians to stand on their shoulders and look over the horizon. You all are providing hope, and that is
so important. The system truly has made it a great day to be alive in the Commonwealth, because today you can
be here, and tomorrow you can go any number of ways. The system will provide the opportunity.” Hamel’s words
show how deeply important all the people who work at John Tyler Community College are to the College’s success.
To mark the College’s 40th anniversary, the administration organized a number of employee-focused activities,
including “Feeling Fabulous at 40,” a special series of wellness and team-building opportunities for faculty and staff
members. The College also hosted Step Back to 1967, a classic car cruise-in and drive-in movie night, on Saturday,
September 15, 2007 at the Chester Campus. Hundreds of people came out to watch American Graffiti on the big
screen and admire the classic cars.
Midlothian Phase II Building,
North Approach
Latitude: 37.4899, Longitude: -77.6668
You are here.
Sometimes a dot on a map is more than just a destination – it is a milestone and an achievement to celebrate. On October 2, 2007, John
Tyler Community College invited community supporters to join us as we celebrated such a milestone and broke ground on a new academic
and student services building on the College’s Midlothian Campus.
The 60,000-square-foot building is the first project in the Virginia Community College System to be registered under the Leadership in
Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System. To become LEED-certified, a project must earn credits in key
areas that promote human and environmental health, including sustainable site design, water savings, energy efficiency, materials selection
and indoor environmental quality. To meet these goals:
• The new building will feature a green roof, which will be vegetated except where the mechanical equipment is located.
• Low-VOC products and finishes, such as paints, carpets, adhesives, plywood and ceiling tiles, will be used in the building.
• Only native plants will be used around the building to conserve water; to provide wildlife habitat; and to reduce maintenance expenses
and the use of fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides.
• Some of the areas disturbed by the construction project will be
• Parking around the building will include preferred parking for
those who drive high-efficiency vehicles or carpool.
Slated to open in 2009, the new building, which will house science
laboratories, classrooms, an expanded library, a multi-purpose room,
and additional commons space for faculty and students, will help the
College continue to meet rapidly increasing demand for classes. John
Tyler Community College’s Midlothian Campus, which was built
in 2000 and expected to meet community needs until 2010, grew so
quickly that the campus reached full capacity in 2005. Master plans for
the Midlothian Campus eventually call for a bell tower, amphitheatre,
workforce development center, and possibly sports fields.
Midlothian Phase II Building, Library
Drawings courtesy of Burt Hill
College Board
The College Board serves as an
advisory group to the College’s
administration. The Board is made up
of individuals appointed to represent
the seven counties and three cities
that comprise John Tyler’s service
region. Board members serve as
advocates for the College in their
individual jurisdictions and assist
in communications between John
Tyler and our constituencies in those
jurisdictions. We appreciate the Board’s
dedication and service to the College.
Mr. Onza Hyatt, Chair
Ms. Renee Williams, Vice Chair
Dr. Marshall W. Smith, Secretary
Amelia County
Ms. Ann Salster
Charles City County
Mrs. Sammie Cotman
Chesterfield County
Mr. Art Heinz
Mr. Thomas R. Fulghum
City of Colonial Heights
Mr. Harry B. Hargis, Jr.
Dinwiddie County
Ms. Gloria G. Harvell
City of Hopewell
Dr. Jacqueline Shepperson
Mr. Onza Hyatt
Ms. Gladys Washington
City of Petersburg
Dr. William D. Irvin
Dr. Germaine S. Fauntleroy
Prince George County
Ms. Renee Williams
Surry County
Ms. Shardae N. Holmes
Sussex County
Johnnie Humphrey
Devoted Faculty Member and Lifetime Achievement Winner
For more than 42 years, Johnnie F. Humphrey
has devoted her career to early childhood
education - from teaching in an elementary
school to developing a successful early
childhood program at John Tyler Community
College. On June 1, 2007, she and her work
were recognized when the Commonwealth’s
secretary of education, Dr. Thomas R. Morris,
presented her with a Lifetime Achievement
Award for Outstanding Service to Children in
the Commonwealth. Humphrey was among
six educators to receive the award during the
Governor’s Early Childhood Conference.
Humphrey began her career in elementary
school classrooms teaching kindergarten and first grade. She went on to become
an assistant professor in early childhood education at Virginia State University
and then joined John Tyler Community College 33 years ago. At John Tyler,
Humphrey, an associate professor of education, built the early childhood program
that currently serves 160 students in 17 classes each semester and awards an
average of 26 associate degrees each year. In 1992, her work was recognized when
she received the State Council for Higher Education Outstanding Faculty Member
“As I have worked to develop the early childhood program at John Tyler, I have
always felt it was important to be involved in the early childhood professional
community locally and statewide, so that my students received the most up-to-date
training I could provide, and I could give back to a profession I feel is critical in the
lives of today’s children,” said Humphrey. “Out of this involvement has come this
recognition, which I was very surprised, honored, and delighted to receive. I hope I
can continue to live up to the expectation of the people who have put so much faith
in my ability.”
Over the years, Humphrey has served on numerous boards, task forces, study
commissions and planning groups for early childhood issues in Virginia. She
also helped develop the first Child Care Plan for Virginia and has worked on the
development of subsequent plans. Humphrey also provides at least 25 no-cost
workshops to child care centers and groups within the John Tyler Community
College service region annually.
CCWA’s Vision: Maximizing Resources and Talents
The Community College Workforce Alliance’s (CCWA) vision is to provide highquality training that enhances individual lives and the economic vitality of the
Central Virginia region. To do this, the organization provides non-credit training,
customized instruction, consulting, skills assessments, and educational programs to
both the public and private sectors. CCWA is the combined workforce development
arm of John Tyler and J. Sargeant Reynolds Community Colleges. Here’s a
sampling of CCWA’s work in 2007:
Partnership with Genworth
In November 2006, CCWA developed a partnership with Genworth Financial to
provide professional training opportunities for Genworth associates in the Greater
Richmond region. This collaboration included a co-branded Genworth/CCWA web
site, through which Genworth associates can register for professional development
courses available through CCWA. CCWA’s world-class customized training for
Genworth associates in the Richmond area was so successful that CCWA was asked
to expand the breadth of its program to support employee development at Genworth
locations in Lynchburg, Va., Raleigh, N.C., and Stamford, Conn. So, CCWA worked
with community colleges in Raleigh and Stamford to make it possible for Genworth
employees to register for CCWA classes, as well as professional development courses
offered by their local community colleges, through the expanded Genworth/CCWA
web site.
Training Child Care Workers through VDSS
College Administration
Dr. Marshall W. Smith
Dr. Donna Alexander
Dean, Arts and Sciences
Dr. Mikell Brown
Interim Dean, Extended Learning
and Distance Education
Dr. L. Ray Drinkwater
Vice President, Academic and
Student Services
CCWA has partnered with the Virginia Department of Social Services (VDSS)
to provide professional development for child care professionals on the care,
development, health, and safety of young children. This program is designed to
provide a comprehensive foundation of knowledge for working with children of
specific ages. CCWA is partnering with Virginia Western, Blue Ridge, Tidewater,
Germanna, Wytheville, Thomas Nelson, and Northern Virginia Community Colleges
to provide training statewide.
Ms. Cynthia Griffith
Director, Institutional
Administrative Professionals’ Conference
Ms. Joanne M. Horton, APR
Director, College Relations and
Special Assistant to the President
In 2007, the Community College Workforce Alliance (CCWA) hosted two
Administrative Professionals’ Conferences entitled Looking Ahead…as You Climb the
Ladder – each a one-day retreat to offer new ideas for administrative professionals to
take back to their workplaces. Each conference had the same agenda; however, the
locations differed and covered opposite ends of CCWA’s region. The 200 conference
participants represented 43 government, private, and nonprofit organizations and
included 51 participants from the two community colleges, CCWA and the VCCS.
CCWA was able to market its current offerings as well as survey the participants and
gather information that, in part, resulted in the new administrative certificate program.
Delegate Rosalyn Dance, former mayor of Petersburg, a John Tyler graduate and a
member of the John Tyler Foundation Board, kicked off the Petersburg conference.
Hugh Gouldthorpe of Owens & Minor was the keynote speaker both days.
Produced in Virginia
To meet local demand for a more educated workforce, the College began working with
the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at the University of Virginia to create
a new associate of science in engineering degree. The “Produced in Virginia” program
is designed to provide the first two years of an undergraduate degree in engineering
science at John Tyler and prepare students for the demanding engineering courses
that would follow at a four-year institution such as UVA. UVA has collaborated
with several colleges in the VCCS to enable students who may be geographically
constrained to complete engineering degrees locally. Graduates of the associate
degree program in engineering at John Tyler may complete their bachelor’s degree in
engineering by taking distance education courses from UVA at John Tyler Community
College’s Chester Campus or by attending classes at UVA. The “Produced in
Virginia” engineering program at John Tyler Community College is slated to begin
enrolling students in the fall of 2009.
Ms. Mara Hilliar
Executive Assistant to the
Mr. Ronald D. Laux
Director, Outreach Services
Dr. Mirta M. Martin
Executive Vice President,
John Tyler Foundation
Mr. Mac McGinty
Vice President, Community
College Workforce Alliance
Dr. Melody L. Moore
Dean, Professional and Technical
Mr. Chris Pfautz
Interim Dean, Student Services
Mr. William F. Taylor
Vice President, Finance and
“John Tyler got me where I am today.”
1NewYear’s Day
Sunflowers, painting by Carmen Bendersky
19 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 20
Justin Woods
Justin Woods comes from a family of high achievers – a lawyer who is
also a chemist, a wildly successful entrepreneur, and a computer whiz
kid – and he has always had every intention of following in the family
tradition. That may not be what people necessarily expected when Woods
chose to enroll at John Tyler Community College after high school. But,
after excelling during his two years at John Tyler, Woods transferred to
The College of William and Mary. Now, he attends one of the nation’s
top universities for free, thanks to his successful time at Tyler and the
Gateway William and Mary Program. “I don’t regret going to Tyler at all,”
says Woods. “John Tyler got me where I am today – attending William
and Mary without having to struggle to pay for it. The Gateway Program
even paid for my books and laptop, so I am set. I don’t have to worry
about anything but school while I’m here.” Woods, who is studying
psychology, plans to spend his summers working at a camp for children
with autism and taking in all that college life has to offer. “I want to get
my master’s degree right after undergrad,” says Woods, “so not having
to start out with all that debt will be really helpful.” Once he earns his
master’s degree in psychology, Woods plans to spend his professional life
working with patients who have mental and/or learning disorders.
“I am so proud to be working here.”
14 Valentine’s Day
Untitled, After Pablo Picasso, sculpture by Brenna Hepfer
16 Presidents’ Day
Michelle Stevens-Davis
Conversations with Michelle Stevens-Davis often contain a jolt of the
unexpected, a moment when there is really nothing else to do but let out a
good, deep belly laugh. The student services specialist at the Midlothian
Campus will tell you something deeply hilarious or deeply personal,
but she’ll always tell it like it is. And, her method works like a charm.
Students come back to Stevens-Davis for class recommendations, career
guidance or just a good laugh. “I always tell students that this experience
is what you make of it. It doesn’t matter where you start out, it’s where
you finish. Finish strong, and you’ll go places. You’ll be bigger than
big. That’s how life is too.” Stevens-Davis herself took an unexpected
path to her career in counseling. As a child she wanted to be a teacher,
but her own teachers discouraged her, saying that teaching was a tough,
underappreciated profession. Stevens-Davis was an urban studies major
in college, but she kept finding herself drawn to jobs in education. “I am
so proud to be working here,” says Stevens-Davis. “I am proud to be a
part of this place. I get to help people every day. For me, education was a
catalyst to having a wonderful life. It got me here.” Stevens-Davis even
has the lyrics to What a Wonderful World taped above her desk. “I sing it
every day,” she laughs, “that’s just the way I feel.”
“The future holds a great opportunity for
the College to change even more lives.”
8 Daylight Saving Time Begins
Sheltering Brio, charcoal by Karen Gammon
17 St. Patrick’s Day
John H. Settle, Jr.
John H. Settle, Jr. has what he calls “elevator speeches” that he can
quickly give about John Tyler Community College. “Among all of the
things that John Tyler does, you can’t help but find something to talk
about to potential supporters. If they are in manufacturing, we can do
manufacturing. If they want to hear about nursing or transfer, we can talk
about those too,” says the senior vice president of wealth management
at SunTrust and first vice president of the John Tyler Foundation Board.
Settle believes in the power of the stories that come out of John Tyler
Community College, and he wants all of the Foundation Board members
to pass those stories on to the community. “One of our roles on the board
is to increase enthusiasm about the College. We need to be able to tell
people why we choose to serve the College and all of the good things
that happen there.” That’s why Settle has worked diligently over the
past few years to formalize board procedures, with a special emphasis
on giving new board members the tools they need to tell the College’s
story. “We ask all of the new board members to take a four-hour tour and
orientation on the College. We show them the facilities. We talk about the
partnerships we’ve created, and we show them what we are planning for
the future.” For Settle, if you know the success stories of the College, the
future is nothing but exciting. “With all of the tremendous growth in its
service area, the College has a big role to play. The future holds a great
opportunity for the College to change even more lives.”
“People are sometimes surprised by
what I do, but I love it.”
9 Passover Begins
10 Good Friday
Portrait of Roger St. Vii, painting by Colin Ferguson
Fool for Art
Jennifer Carter
Jennifer Carter is not the kind of girl who is afraid to get her hands dirty.
Five days a week, Carter clocks in at Plan B Design and Fabrication in
Richmond, flips on the classic rock, pulls out her welding equipment,
and gets to work creating complex equipment used in the area’s top
manufacturing plants. Carter measures her designs, rolls metal, and when
she’s ready, lights her welding torches and, as sparks fly, joins metal with
heat. It’s a job that requires expert knowledge of the fundamentals of arc
and gas welding, as well as materials, product design, and shop safety –
all of which Carter mastered through the welding program at John Tyler
Community College. “People are sometimes surprised by what I do,”
says Carter, “but I love it.”
“I want my students to go the extra
mile, so I do too.”
Untitled, photograph by Wesley Bane
25 Memorial Day
Mother’s Day
Charles Smith
Charles Smith, associate professor of nursing at John Tyler Community
College, tells his students that there is no such thing as an 80 percent
nurse. “You have to give it at least 100 percent every time.” Smith
doesn’t just tell his students to excel, he expects it. And, he practices
what he preaches. “I am invested in my students,” says Smith. “I want
to do whatever it takes to help them succeed. It’s not unusual for me to
be online at 11:00 p.m. discussing class content and answering questions
over e-mail. I want my students to go the extra mile, so I do too. And,
I don’t mind doing it. I have a real passion for learning, and I want to
pass that on to my students.” Smith and others in the nursing faculty
are doing just that. Recent pass rates for John Tyler nursing students on
the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) are a solid 94.5
percent, well above the overall Virginia average of 85.4 percent. “The
rigor of our nursing program can be put up against any program in the
state,” boasts Smith. “So much of education is what you put into it, and
all of us here are part of that process. You can absolutely get a first-class
education at John Tyler.”
“Having my degree has helped me
immensely. It’s opened up a lot of
Untitled, painting by Joann Pizzuto Browder
21Father’s Day
Sakiem T. Collins
You might not know the name Qimonda, but chances are you are addicted
to at least one piece of equipment the company helped create. Qimonda
is “the world’s leading creative memory company,” and the memory it
makes is used in top computing, gaming, graphics, networking, mobile
and consumer electronic devices. At the company’s Richmond Center for
Manufacturing Excellence, Sakiem T. Collins helps make it all possible.
As a PLY Equipment Technician, Collins’ days revolve around the large,
complex machines used to make all that memory. He monitors and tests
the status of the machines, performs preventive maintenance, and meets
with managers and engineers to discuss ways to troubleshoot possible
problems. It’s an exciting job where no two days are the same – it’s also
a job Collins obtained after taking classes at night and graduating from
John Tyler Community College’s mechanical engineering technology
program. “Working full time and going to school was a challenge,” says
Collins, “but having my degree has helped me immensely. It’s opened up
a lot of opportunities.”
“The faculty at Tyler pushed me, and I
can’t wait to see what’s next.”
4 Independence Day
Sunshine in a Vase, painting by Zita Ellison
Amber Taylor
Amber Taylor believes in research. When she was weighing her options
for college, she did her research and decided it was smart to start at a
community college and save close to $30,000. After all, more research
showed that her chosen career path – appropriately, scientific research –
would ultimately require a doctoral degree. So, Taylor earned her arts
and sciences for transfer degree at John Tyler in May 2008 and entered
the bioinformatics program at Virginia Commonwealth University.
Bioinformatics merges computer science, information technology and
biology into a single discipline uniquely positioned to unlock the secrets
of genetic, molecular biology. “Bioinformatics combines a lot of my
interests,” says Taylor, “but I am going to minor in environmental studies
too. So many diseases today are tied not to just genetics, but environment.
The more courses you take, the more you can see the connections.” But,
not even a discipline as diverse as science can fully capture Taylor’s
attention. In her final year at John Tyler, Taylor served as president of
three clubs: the Phi Theta Kappa honor society at the Midlothian Campus,
the Art Club, and the Elements of Life Chemistry Club. “The faculty at
Tyler pushed me, and I can’t wait to see what’s next,” says Taylor. “If
the faculty at VCU are anything like the faculty at John Tyler, I know it
will be great.”
“I will always be grateful to John Tyler
for helping me launch my career.”
Tattered Soles, painting by Judy Fechino
21Ramadan Begins
Stefan Brooks, P.E.
When Stefan Brooks looks at a building, he sees more than just bricks
and mortar. He sees requests for proposals; site surveys; construction
documents; sediment and erosion control plans; building codes; countless
permits; appointments with clients, government officials and contractors;
and so many other details. As a licensed professional engineer with a
diverse background, Brooks knows that great developments take a lot of
planning and a lot of knowledge. As a student at John Tyler Community
College, Brooks earned an associate degree in architectural engineering
technology, a career studies certificate in surveying, and a career studies
certificate in transportation location and design. Engineering was such a
passion that he then went on to earn an engineering technology degree
at Old Dominion University. Now, Brooks uses all that knowledge to
design site development plans for commercial/industrial, single- and
multi-family residential, health care and educational clients. “John Tyler
afforded me the opportunity to attend a local college while gaining work
experience in the field of civil engineering,” says Brooks. “I remember
clearly my professor Edward Dail taking an interest in my future and
quickly becoming an influential mentor to me. The goals that he helped
me set were high, yet achievable. We charted a course for me that led to
a four year engineering degree from Old Dominion University and state
licensure as a Professional Engineer. Today, I am part of an established
civil design firm serving in a senior engineering/management position. I
will always be grateful to John Tyler for helping me launch my career.”
“If you really take advantage of the
opportunities you have at John Tyler,
they will open doors.”
7 Labor Day
Indian in Cuzco, Peru, photograph by study abroad participant
27 Yom Kippur Begins
Rosh Hashanah Begins
Justina Kim
Justina Kim has had some starts and stops with college. When she came
to John Tyler in 2006, Kim had already attended two colleges. It’s not that
she wasn’t committed to her education; it’s that, as a child of a military
family, it is not always easy to afford college, and you don’t always stay
in the same place for long. But, after two years at John Tyler, Kim is
transferring as a pre-commerce major to the University of Virginia where
she plans to take 16 credit hours her first semester and full advantage of
all the educational and social activities available. “I was lucky at Tyler,”
says Kim. “I can honestly say that if you really take advantage of the
opportunities you have at John Tyler, they will open doors.” When she
arrived at Tyler, Kim didn’t expect to be too involved in college life,
but when she received a letter about joining the Phi Theta Kappa honor
society, things changed. “When I decide to do something, I go full force,”
says Kim. And, go full force she did, eventually becoming the president
of the Tau Rho chapter of Phi Theta Kappa and organizing a Books for
Africa drive in April 2008 that collected 600 books. “People think that if
you are at a community college, it’s because you can’t cut it at four-year,
but some of us just aren’t fortunate enough to be able to afford a four-year
right out of high school. I really liked being at Tyler. I had professors
who actually made me enjoy chemistry and English, and for me, that’s
saying a lot.” Now, Kim plans to not only complete her bachelor’s at
UVA, but also stay there to earn her master’s in accounting.
“The workforce is changing so much; you
need the support of an institution like
John Tyler to get people prepared...”
Edinburgh Castle, photograph by Kerrigan Sullivan
Columbus Day
Bryan Brown
When Bryan Brown recently accepted the position of director of human
resources for Amsted Rail’s wheels, bearings and axles division, he began
traveling every week to the company’s locations in Kansas, Ohio, Iowa
and Manitoba. And, in each place, Brown looks for a John Tyler. “At
our Tri-Cities location we lean heavily on John Tyler. It fulfills every
training need we have. If the College doesn’t already have what we need,
it works with us to create a new program. I could use a place like that
near every one of our sites. The workforce is changing so much; you need
the support of an institution like John Tyler to get people prepared for
the complex jobs that we have today and ready to work safely.” Brown
has a deep-rooted appreciation for John Tyler Community College as
an alumnus of the College, a local businessman who now relies on the
College’s services, and a member of the John Tyler Community College
Foundation Board. “I am from the area, so I have known about John Tyler
for a long time,” says Brown. “It’s where I went my first year of college,
and I know it changed my life. That’s what a place like John Tyler can
do: change lives. As a local businessman, I feel like we all owe it to
John Tyler to contribute. Not many people know community colleges
are funded in three main ways: tuition and fees, state/local support, and
private funding. If we support the College, we can help keep the cost of
attending low and give people in our own area the means to change their
lives. Now that’s a great cause.”
“We try and learn a little something
about every job that comes through
our office, so it’s never dull.”
3 Election Day
7 Daylight Saving Time Ends
11Veterans Day
Untitled, photograph by Jamie Lee Quackenbush
26 Thanksgiving Day
Nancy Jimison
Think about all the things it takes to run John Tyler Community College –
chemicals for the science labs, books for the library, paper for the printers,
vending machines for the student lounges, asphalt for the parking lots,
and cadavers for the funeral services lab – and you have a pretty good
idea of the wild variety that fills Nancy Jimison’s days. As the College’s
procurement manager, Jimison is responsible for sorting through all the
specifications, bids and paperwork required to keep the College running
smoothly. “We do a couple of thousand requisitions for purchases every
year,” says Jimison. “We try and learn a little something about every job
that comes through our office, so it’s never dull.” That means Jimison and
her team of three spend a lot of time researching not only the purchases,
but also the myriad of state rules and regulations that apply to obtaining
goods and services for the College. “It’s a challenge every day, but we are
here to serve people and get them what they need. I definitely couldn’t
do it without the rest of the office. We work as a team. I think that’s
something we all do at the College – work as a team. Otherwise, we could
never get anything done; the job would just be too big.”
“...I feel it’s my duty to get excited
about the topic. If I’m not excited,
who else will be?”
12 Hanukkah Begins
Proud Heritage of Africa, painting by Martha Brogley
25 Christmas Day
26 Kwanzaa Begins
31 New Year’s Eve
Dr. James Williams
Dr. James Williams doesn’t always have the luxury of being able to get
away from his work; his field of study constantly surrounds him. “I am
interested in people, society and culture,” says Williams, a professor of
sociology at John Tyler Community College. “When I teach, I can’t just
focus on how much I know; instead, I focus on how much all of us know
together.” It would be easy for someone like Williams to be consumed
with his discipline. After all, the field of sociology constantly evolves.
But, instead, Williams is consumed with a passion for teaching. “I believe
as an educator, when I enter the classroom, my number one job is to be
excited about what I am teaching. Each time I have the opportunity to
lecture or teach, I feel it’s my duty to get excited about the topic. If I’m
not excited, who else will be? In my classes, I always look for ways to
appeal to a diverse population – I go from the 8-track generation to the
CD generation. I move from the abstract to the practical, and hopefully,
allow students to see themselves and how we all interact in a complex
world. I respect my students as equals in the process of learning.” Spoken
like someone who is both a true sociologist and a great educator.
From the President of
the Foundation Board
What a year this has been for John Tyler Community College! As
president of the Foundation Board, I am pleased to report positive
growth on many fronts. Always looking to increase revenues, the
Foundation is delighted that in 2007, its net assets increased by 23
percent – from $4,308,274 to $5,295,839. This increase helped the
College exceed its goal by 10 percent. I want to share some data from
2007 that reflects the improvement:
– Scholarship dollars increased 18 percent. The number of scholarship
recipients increased 25 percent, and scholarship applications
increased by 73 percent.
– Grant funding increased 39 percent.
– Faculty Mini-Grant funding increased 72 percent.
– Annual Fund donations increased an impressive 63 percent, and the
number of annual fund donors increased a record 166 percent.
– Nursing program funding increased 28 percent.
– The Foundation’s investment portfolio enjoyed a gain of 23 percent.
On top of this strong financial news, word is spreading that John Tyler is the best educational value on the market – on average,
offering a rigorous academic pathway for $2,500 per year – about one-third the tuition and fees at a four-year public institution
in Virginia. This, along with the fact that every dollar invested in the College sends almost three dollars back to the community,
confirms excellent return on investment.
D U AThe
R TJohn
E CTyler
Foundation | 2007
Photograph by Robert Wynne
The corporate community appreciates the fact that the College has guaranteed transfer agreements with more than 20 four-year
public colleges and universities in Virginia, allowing our associate degree graduates to seamlessly transfer and continue their
education. This unencumbered, no-nonsense educational path makes good sense and is being rewarded by increased corporate
investment. Our industry friends also appreciate the College’s strong workforce development arm. The College’s ability to
quickly develop courses and training programs to meet ever-changing workforce needs is a valuable asset to local industry.
John Tyler Community College’s new $21 million academic building on the Midlothian Campus is well under construction and
will open in 2009. Naming opportunities abound – from classrooms to the building itself. The Foundation stands committed to
raise additional funds and solicit in-kind donations to make sure the facility is state-of-the-art.
Leadership is key to every organization’s success. The John Tyler Foundation welcomed eleven outstanding community
leaders to its board in 2007– leaders who are firmly committed to the College. Their various backgrounds range from the
construction industry to the world of art. Their valuable experiences, special talents and skills will help guide our efforts to
ensure that John Tyler Community College is the best it can be.
I want to thank those who continue to support the College and ask that those of you who have not yet done so consider making
a sound, community investment in John Tyler Community College.
Sincerely yours,
A. Jay Behr
President, John Tyler Community College Foundation Board
General Manager, Retired, Kraft Foods, Nabisco Biscuit Division
Bold Steps Toward the Future
2007 was a bold year for the John Tyler Community College
Foundation. It was a year of firsts, innovations and successes.
It was a year that sparkled with a new Diamonds Gala. It was
a year that inspired a society to celebrate the College’s first 40
years, and it was a year that saw eleven new board members
answer the call to serve the Foundation.
A Year of Firsts
As the College marked 40 years of service to
the community in 2007, the Foundation created
a one-time giving opportunity for the College’s
alumni, faculty and staff, as well as individual
and corporate friends. The Forty-for-Forty
Society asked members to give $40 in honor
of the College’s first 40 years of educational
excellence and partnership with the community.
A total of 179 members celebrated the College’s
growth, from one campus with 1,231 students to
a multi-campus institution
that serves more than
11,000 students, by joining
the society.
In another first, the
Cameron Foundation,
which provides support
to programs that benefit
Petersburg and surrounding
localities, generously
awarded the College
Foundation $256,000 to
fund four career coaches for two years at Petersburg High
School and the city’s two middle schools. Career coaches seek
to engage students in education by helping them with longrange career planning. The gift is the largest private foundation
gift ever made to the John Tyler Community College
The Cameron Foundation award was just one gift that helped
donations to the Foundation surge to an all-time high. Grants
to the Foundation increased 39 percent, rising $80,500 from
$204,500 in 2006 to $285,000 in 2007. Annual fund donations
grew 70 percent. Nursing support grew 28 percent, and
scholarship dollars awarded increased 18 percent.
To increase awareness of the scholarships available, the
Foundation conducted a scholarship awareness campaign which
boosted scholarship applications by more than 73 percent.
More than 77 students who received scholarships united with
donors at Scholarship Celebration Night in August. More
than 40 donors participated, seeing first-hand the benefits of
supporting student scholarships.
Scholarship dollars were also the driving force behind the new
Diamonds Gala and Auction, held for the first time in October
2007. The event was a success both in terms of friends- and
fundraising. More than 125 community leaders gathered at
the black-tie event held at the Country Club of Virginia. The
evening raised $20,788, and guests enjoyed dancing and dining,
as well as a silent and live auction with more than 120 items
and services donated by individual and corporate friends of the
College. Two scholarship recipients were also present to share
their stories with guests.
With all these firsts and fundraising successes, the
Foundation met the Dateline 2009 fundraising goal
set in 2002 by Virginia Community College System
Chancellor Glenn DuBois, two years ahead of
schedule. In total, the Foundation’s net assets grew
from $4,308,274 in 2006 to $5,295,839 in 2007, a
solid 23 percent increase.
fees totaling $25,250. The Manufacturers’ Coalition supports
the College’s Quick Connect program, an innovative training
program designed to grow the number of entry-level, skilled
workers in manufacturing and the skilled trades. The program is
now being used as a model across the Commonwealth.
Partnerships like the Manufacturers’ Coalition are the result of
the hard work and investment of the John Tyler Community
College Foundation Board of Directors, which also saw great
change in 2007. The Board established a new governance
structure, revising its bylaws and articles of incorporation. The
newly founded governance committee identified top needs for
the College; set fundraising priorities; created a profile for new
members based on regional linkage and economic sectors; and
developed an extensive new member orientation process.
The Foundation also adopted a new mission statement:
The John Tyler Community College Foundation acquires vital
resources, which advance the College’s mission to provide
superior, affordable, and accessible education. The Foundation
seeks the time, talent and financial support of alumni,
individuals, businesses, civic groups and elected officials in
order to build relationships, which ultimately help the College
elevate the community’s quality of life.
New leadership for the board was tapped in 2007, with eleven
new members elected to the board at the December meeting.
The new directors represent the area’s business community, as
well as the College community. They have diverse leadership
in the areas of art, construction, workforce development and
Success in Student Terms
In 2006, the Foundation began awarding the Defining Your
Future Award, its highest honor bestowed upon a student. Each
year, the award recognizes a student for outstanding academic
performance and volunteer service to John Tyler. Faculty and
staff nominate students who they believe will achieve great
success and thereby define the future of the College, the local
community and the nation. In 2007, Lindsay Megan Edwards
was awarded the Defining Your Future Award. Edwards had
already garnered national recognition for the College when she
was one of only 20 students named to the All-USA Community
College Academic Team. Edwards was selected from more
than 1,500 students from across the country nominated for the
award. Edwards maintained a 4.0 GPA throughout her career at
John Tyler, as well as served as president of the Beta Omicron
Omicron Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa.
Also in 2006, the Foundation announced the creation of the
Rising Star Award, an award to honor alumni of the College.
The Rising Star Award was established to be presented annually
to a graduate whom faculty and staff believe will not only be
an ambassador for the College but will also distinguish himself/
herself in his/her chosen career. Michael Heitz was the 2007
recipient of the award. “Michael Heitz exemplifies the best
characteristics of second-career college students,” says Dr. Mirta
Martin, executive vice president of the John Tyler Foundation.
“In the words of one of his professors, he is motivated, engaged,
professional and intelligent. He has offered his tutoring abilities
and encouragement to his fellow students. He is a member of
PTK and a stellar ambassador for John Tyler.”
Toward a Bright Tomorrow
With tuition and fees that run, on average, one-third of the
tuition and fees of Virginia’s public, four-year colleges and
universities, John Tyler Community College is committed
to affordable, accessible education. But, the College is
also committed to top-quality education. The John Tyler
Foundation fills in the gaps, whether that means funding student
scholarships, outfitting academic buildings with cutting-edge
equipment, or giving faculty funding to explore new programs
and enhance their teaching. The steps the Foundation and its
supporters are taking today are bold steps that truly will define
the future.
Innovations for Tomorrow
Partnerships are at the very core of the Foundation’s
work, and the Manufacturers’ Coalition is a prime
example of public and private organizations
working together to meet community needs. In its
second year of existence, the John Tyler Community College
Manufacturers’ Coalition expanded its membership to 28
companies, with membership fees totally $32,600 and hiring
Manufacturers’ Coalition
Employer members of the Manufacturers’ Coalition include: Aleris Rolled Products, Anderson Machine Manufacturing, Atlantic
Constructors, Boehringer Ingelheim Chemicals, Brenco, Chesterfield County Economic Development, Church & Dwight Virginia Co.,
Colortree, Comcast, DeGussa Goldschmidt Chemical Corporation, Electrical and Mechanical Resources, Filtrona Richmond, Inc.,
Fiorucci Foods Inc., Gerdau Ameristeel, Hill PHOENIX, Honeywell – Hopewell Plant, Jewett Machine Manufacturing Company, Philip
Morris USA, Progressive Engineering, Quality “Plus” Services, Inc., Richmond Tooling, Inc., Service Center Metals, Shaw Maintenance,
Short Run Stamping, Smurfit Stone Container, Telamon Corporation, Virginia Association of Roofing Contractors, and Wyeth
2008 Foundation Board
A Photographic First
The John Tyler Community College
Foundation Board of Directors is comprised
of community leaders from a variety of
businesses and organizations in the greater
Richmond area. We are grateful for their
service and dedication to John Tyler and our
Robert Wynne enjoys traveling, but not just to see the sites. When he and
his wife go on a journey, they immerse themselves in the culture and get
involved, volunteering their time to help the communities they are visiting.
During one such trip to Scotland, something intriguing caught Wynne’s
eye – old farm implements at rest in a field within the shadows of an ancient
castle. With camera in hand, Wynne, an art student at John Tyler Community
College, captured the scene. The photograph, titled Duarte Castle, captured
the attention of the John Tyler Community College Foundation Board, which
selected the piece as the 2008 Foundation Art Award winner.
Mr. A. Jay Behr, President
Plant Manager – Retired, Kraft Foods,
Nabisco Biscuit Division
Mr. John Settle, Jr., First Vice President
Senior Vice President, SunTrust Bank,
Central Virginia
Mr. Ron Laux, Second Vice President
CEO, Workforce Success
Mr. William H. Talley, III, Treasurer
Chairman, William H. Talley & Son, Inc.
Mr. Ricardo Torres, Assistant Treasurer
President and CEO, National Student
Dr. Marshall W. Smith, Secretary
President, John Tyler Community College
Mr. Bryan Brown
Director of Human Resources,
Amstead Rail-Wheels, Bearings and
Axles Divison
Ms. Jo Anne C. Cole, Member Emeritus
President, J. A. Cole Associates, LLC
Ms. Pamela M. Comstock
Treasurer, Gilbert C. Martin, Co., Inc.
The Honorable Rosalyn R. Dance
Delegate, 63rd District, General
Assembly of Virginia
Mr. Tim Davey
Director of Marketing, Timmons Group
Mr. E. Wilson Davis, Jr.
Director of Economic Development,
Chesterfield County
Mr. Homer C. Eliades, Member Emeritus
Attorney-at-Law, Eliades and Eliades
Mr. Peter Eliades
Attorney-at-Law, Eliades and Eliades
Mr. George Emerson
President, Emerson Construction Group
Mrs. Karen Gammon
Artist, John Tyler Alumna
Margaret G. Lewis, F.A.C.H.E.
Chancellor’s 2007 Award for Leadership in
Philanthropy Recipient
“John Tyler’s nursing program launched my career by giving me strong academic
credentials and the common sense to recognize, create and act on opportunity. John
Tyler was there for me,” says Margaret Lewis.
Lewis’ time as a student at John Tyler was indeed the start of a successful career in
both nursing and health care administration. After graduating with her associate degree
in nursing from John Tyler, Lewis earned a bachelor’s degree in nursing and later a
master’s degree in business administration. Lewis is now president of HCA’s Capital
Division – overseeing 15 hospitals in four states. She is the immediate past chair of
the Foundation Board of Directors and the first alumna to hold this leadership position.
In recognition of outstanding leadership, service and philanthropy, Lewis was recently
elected a member emeritus of the John Tyler Foundation Board - an honor bestowed on
only two other members in the Foundation’s 40-year history.
Over the course of her career, Lewis has looked for ways to foster alliances between
John Tyler and the health care community. “It’s a natural partnership. In both
organizations, people come first,” says Lewis, “and being on the Foundation Board is a
chance for me to give back to my alma mater.”
Wynne, who holds degrees from Wake Forest, Union Theological Seminary
(New York) and Virginia Commonwealth University, is a retiree who worked
primarily as a non-profit organization administrator. He currently works
one day a week as a grants writer. For the past three years, Wynne has taken
classes at John Tyler Community College, mostly in painting and drawing
with some photography. “It has been very helpful in improving my skills as
an artist. I have also greatly enjoyed the friendships I have made with fellow
students,” says Wynne. “I am very honored to have my photograph selected
for publication to aid the Foundation in its campaign to raise funds to benefit
present and future John Tyler students.”
“This is the first time that a photograph has won the prestigious Foundation
Art Award,” says Dr. Mirta Martin, executive vice president of the John Tyler
Community College Foundation. “This captivating photograph will make a
splendid Foundation fundraising poster, and we are delighted to promote Mr.
Wynne’s talent in this meaningful way.”
The John Tyler Community College Foundation Art Award first started in
1995 to showcase the artistic abilities of John Tyler’s students while providing
donors with a unique gift from the College. Once the winning entry is chosen,
it is converted into a poster. The poster is used extensively in friends-raising
and fundraising efforts on behalf of the Foundation and the College. The
award winner receives $100, a framed and matted copy of the poster, as well
as additional posters for portfolios.
Dr. Betsy Harrison
Director of Counseling, John Tyler
Community College – Chester
Mr. David K. Hummelberg
Vice President-US Card IT, Capital One
Financial, Inc.
Mr. Bryce D. Jewett Jr.
Owner and President, Jewett Machine
Manufacturing Company, Inc.,
Jewett Automation
Mr. Vandy V. Jones, III
Director of Economic Development,
City of Petersburg
Mr. David O. Ledbetter
Partner, Hunton & Williams
Ms. Margaret G. Lewis, FACHE,
Member Emeritus
President, HCA Capital Division
Mr. Peter Marmerstein
CEO, CJW Medical Center
Ms. Arthenia Rachel
Assistant Business Manager, John Tyler
Community College
Mr. Craig Schwartz
Vice President for Business Planning,
Mr. Gary Thomson
Partner, Goodman & Company, LLP.
Col. (Ret.) Frank E. Underwood, Sr.
President, Marimar Enterprises
Mr. Henry Valentine, III
Senior Vice President, Davenport and
Under Lewis’ leadership, HCA provided a new, 15,000-square-foot facility on CJW
Medical Center’s Johnston-Willis Campus that enabled John Tyler to consolidate its
nursing program from two sites to one, provide a state-of-the-art facility for its nursing
students, offer clinical experiences in close proximity, and offer students cutting-edge
equipment and technology. This facility, which opened in the fall of 2006, represents a
$1.7 million gift to the Foundation.
Lewis has inspired the Foundation Board with her personal leadership, commitment
to the College and willingness to maintain her board responsibilities after relocating
from Richmond to Northern Virginia. As the John Tyler 2006 commencement speaker,
Lewis inspired graduates with her personal story of perseverance, hard work and
success in her chosen field. One of five children and the first member of her family
to receive a college education, Lewis is a person of considerable personal magnetism.
She represents the very best in philanthropy.
Mr. Kevin Grogan
Plant Manager - Retired,
Gerdau Ameristeel
Ms. Sandra Via
Associate Professor of English, John
Tyler Community College
Mr. Michael Williams
President, Trust Division, First Market Bank
Mr. Tom Winfree
President, Village Bank
Photograph by Robert Wynne
Scholarship Recipients
You might consider the following ways
to invest in John Tyler:
The John Tyler Community College Foundation is proud of our 2008-2009 scholarship recipients and all that they have accomplished. Scholarship
recipients are chosen on the basis of grade point averages, essay responses and recommendations. Congratulations to the following recipients:
Alcoa Company Endowed Scholarship
Michelle Harris
DuPont Polyester Plant Endowed Scholarship
Sarah Legere
Midlothian Ruritan Club Scholarship
Joy Kuykendall
ALSTOM Power – “Education is Power”
Endowed Scholarship
Christine Rivet
Edwin D. Jordan Memorial Endowed
Melissa Matheny
New Beginnings Scholarship
Stephanie Shook
Aqualon Hercules Endowed Scholarship
Tijuana McWilliams
Excellence in Biology Scholarship
Monica Gonzales
BB&T Bank Endowed Scholarship
Artinsail Berry
Foundation Art Scholarship
Terry Lynn Smith
Brenco Incorporated Endowed Scholarship
Tawanna Smith • Wendie Webb
Funeral Services Scholarship
Kimberly Hatcher
Bryce Jewett Sr. Memorial Scholarship
Antonio Harding
Future Teachers Scholarship
Charlene Gluck
Capital One Scholarship
Jory Divita • Cyrstal Perkins
General Scholarship
Olga Alexander
Carl Zeiss Endowed Scholarship
Judith Hodges
George H. Eliades Memorial Scholarship
Amy Harris
Charles City Ruritan Scholarship
Shontae Wyatt
Honeywell Endowed Scholarship
Jerome Dixon
Chester Rotary/Thomas L. Haynes Memorial
Endowed Scholarship
John Correa
John Randolph Medical Center Auxiliary
Lisa Abraham
Chesterfield County Scholarship
Laura Garrett • Courtney Green
Monika Harcourt • Rachel Ognibene
Emily Stock • Sarah Swatosh
Mary Tingen
Joseph C. Elliott Nurses Fund
Michael Barrett
Southside Association for Early Childhood
Education Scholarship
Polly Jones
JTCC Allied Health, Pre-Nursing Scholarship
Amy Hagan
Student Services Scholarship
Danielle Frazier
JTCC Faculty Memorial Scholarship
Christine Sauer
SunTrust Bank Endowed Scholarship
Cherry Robertson
JTCC Foundation Business Endowed Scholarship
Barbara Jacobson
The Commander Family Scholarship
Carrie Burkhardt
Kiwanis Club of Chester Scholarship
Dana Cole
The Dennis and Hanh Hellengard Scholarship
Ashly Gentry • Jennifer Leblanc-Blackburn
Jennifer Peers • Adam Tobey
Robert Wright
Circuit City Information Systems
Technology Scholarship
Kevin Beers • Troy Sullivan
CJW Medical Center Endowed
Nursing Scholarship
Susan Holder
CJW/JTCC Partnership Nursing Program at
Sabrina Andorfer • Kristol Boisseau
Ethel Graham • Lindsey Holder
Catherine Hopkins • Suzanne Jefferson
Nikki Perkins-Bridges• Danielle Pierce
Jennifer Scott • Virginia Westcott
Suzanne Williams
Colonial Heights Voiture 1530/40 &
8 Nursing Scholarships
Carrie Meyers • Stacey Taylor
Daughters of Penelope Scholarship
Christopher Mallory
David O. Ledbetter Commonwealth Legacy
Devon Cyrille
Dominion Virginia Power Scholarship
Claire Kump • Danielle Wray
Legacy Scholarship
Ashley Ganzert • Michael Pacelli
Kristen Reda
Louise Clark Endowed Scholarship
Leah Mannon
M. Dale Kerby Memorial Scholarship
Kimberly Hall
Margaret G. Lewis Endowed Scholarship
Niécole DeBates
Metropolitan Health Foundation Incorporated
Nursing Scholarship
Terri Bennett • Dierdre Blanton
Porsha Ferguson • Robert Miller
Tracey Moore • Britney Peters
Betty Pugh • Teresa Richard
Ginny Walton • Sarah Williams
Direct Gifts
Gifts of cash, securities, real estate and personal property.
Corporate or Matching Gifts
More than 1,000 companies match personal charitable contributions made to
educational institutions. Please ask your human resources department if your
company will match your donation.
Nova Nell Huckaby Endowed Scholarship
Michele O’Rork
Real Estate
Donations of a home, farm or other real estate property, for which the donor
retains the right of lifetime residency.
Philip Morris Endowed Career and Technical
Michelle Wheeler
Memorial Gifts
A loved one can be honored by a self-perpetuating scholarship, whereby the
interest generated is used for tuition purposes.
Preston and Ann Leake Endowed Scholarship
Kelly Davis • Noel Grote
Kyle McCartt
Richmond Academy of Medicine Alliance
Diane Johns
Rotary Club of Brandermill Scholarship
Jasmine Avie
Rotary Club of Petersburg Scholarship
Keiana Tillman • Lisa Wood
Sheltering Arms Physical Rehabilitation Hospital
Melissa Allen • Jameelah Jones
Theresa Hands Windham Memorial Endowed
Kelly Weaver
Ukrop’s Business Scholarship
Amy Berger
Verizon Foundation Scholarship for the Hispanic
Candace Walker
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2239 Scholarship
Romel Hunt
Waste Management Endowed Scholarship
Ariadna Orsatti
William H. Talley, III
Endowed Scholarship
Wanda Johnson • Allyson Meyer
The Foundation’s annual scholarship selection and notification process begins in May and concludes in July.
All scholarships are funded through the generous gifts of donors.
Investing in Tomorrow
The John Tyler Community College Foundation
relies on the generosity of the community to continue
its work of securing the future of the College, its
students, its faculty and its staff. Since most of the
College’s graduates live and work in the area, gifts
made to the Foundation are an investment in the
future of the community. Through donations, grants
and endowments, the Foundation is able to provide
scholarships for students, to fund academic programs
and capital projects, to renovate and modernize
classrooms and labs, and to encourage the professional
development of John Tyler Community College’s
faculty and staff. This work ensures the College
continues its pledge of providing academic excellence
while expanding the services it offers to fulfill
escalating workforce requirements.
The Foundation made great progress in 2007; however,
there is still much to be done.
You can make a secure online donation at The web site also has a printable pledge
form that you may complete and send along with
your check payable to the John Tyler Community
College Foundation to: John Tyler Community College
Foundation, Inc., 800 Charter Colony Parkway,
Midlothian, VA 23114-4383. Employees of the College
may give directly through payroll. Gifts can be made in
memory of loved ones.
The Foundation staff would be happy to work
with you or your financial advisor to maximize
the tax benefits of your gift. To learn more,
please contact the Foundation office at
804-594-1476 or
Individuals and businesses are able to deduct the full market value of an
appreciated stock that is given to the John Tyler Foundaiton.
Life Insurance
The John Tyler Foundation can be made the beneficiary of an existing life
insurance policy, or a new policy may be purchased to benefit the Foundation.
Please ask your life insurance agent for further details on the numerous types of
insurance gifts you can make to the Foundation.
Donations of cash, securities or property, for which the donor can retain an
annual income.
Estate, Planned or Deferred Gifts
Estate, planned or deferred gifts to the Foundation will benefit John Tyler
Community College in the future. Examples of deferred gifts can include
bequests by will, gifts of real estate, charitable gifts of life insurance, and
retained life income gifts.
Your Will
You might consider making a deferred gift to the John Tyler Foundation by
including specific language in your will, naming the Foundation as the recipient
of your planned gift. Your will can include gifts in the form of property (cash,
securities and personal property): a percentage of your estate; and/or the residue
of your estate (property remaining after other bequests have been fulfilled). Your
estate is allowed an unlimited deduction for cash and other property that you
leave to the Foundation. Please contact your attorney to help you plan the type of
bequest that best suits your needs.
Retirement Savings
You may make a charitable contribution to the Foundation by naming it as a
beneficiary of a portion of your retirement funds. If you wish to make this type
of gift, please contact the administrator or person in charge of your IRA, profitsharing account or other retirement plan.
In some instances, you can place money in a qualifying trust that will provide
income to you (and your spouse) for life. The remaining principal is then paid
to the John Tyler Foundation upon your death or on a specified date. These
trusts, which are often referred to as charitable remainder trusts, assure you
of income while providing an immediate charitable deduction to you that can
be taken to reduce your taxes. If you would like more information concerning
such a trust, please contact your financial planner.
Naming Opportunities
For individuals interested in sponsoring a specific building, classroom or
program, naming opportunities are available. These options are especially
pertinent as the College undergoes major renovations at Chester and completes
the construction of a second academic building at the Midlothian Campus.
2007 Donors
Mr. Emad M. Abu-Saleh
Ms. Julia Campbell
AirTran Airways
Capital One Services Inc.
Mr. Jamie Albright
Mr. John A. Careatti
Dr. A. D. Alexander
Dr. Steven J. Carlisle
Mr. James E. Alexander
Ms. Carol E. Carr
Mr. Hector Alonso
Carrabba’s Italian Grill
Daughters of Penelope, St. Elpis Greek
Orthodox Church
The Green Daisy
Ms. Sandra Jones
Dr. Melody L. Moore
Ms. Mary Romero
The Ukrop Foundation
Davenport & Company LLC
Ms. Dana L. Greer-Fread
Ms. Sylvia V. Jones
Ms. Patricia T. Moore
Mrs. Deborah B. Rose
Dr. Deborah L. Ulmer
Ms. Christaine D. Griffin
Mr. William H. Jones
Mr. Ed Morris
The Rotary Club of Brandermill
Mr. James Underwood
Mr. James Griffin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Jordan
Ms. Anita D. Murphy
Mrs. Laurel B. Rothenberger
The Universal Leaf Foundation
Ms. Barbara H. Griffith
Mrs. Nicole M. Jordan
Narnia Books for Children, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Tarunbikas Roy
Mr. William L. Van Arnam
Mrs. Cynthia W. Griffith
Dr. Roy I. and Mrs. Mary M. Kaplan
New Beginnings Student Club
Mr. Larry L. Rubes
Mrs. Susan N. Vaughan
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Vaughan, Jr.
Ms. Alice A. Davis
Mr. Alvin Davis
Mr. E. Wilson and Mrs. Marice W. Davis
Mr. Paul A. and Mrs. Melba N. Day
Altria Group, Inc.
American Family Fitness Centers
Ms. Meredith T. Carrington
AMSTED Industries Foundation
Mr. Tyrone C. Carter
Ms. Jackie Anderson
Ms. Julie J. Carwile
Ms. Edna H. Andrews
Ms. Vicky L. Carwile
Mr. Carl E. Cash
Appalachian Spring
Ms. Virginia C. Caton
Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill & Bar
Ms. Penny Chaffin
Ms. Diane Arnold
Baker’s Crust Cafe
Mr. Raymond L. and Mrs. Elaine G.
Ms. Rose H. Baldwin, PLLC
Chester Rotary Club
Mr. John P. and Mrs. Betty Dussor
Bank of America
Chesterfield County
Mrs. Marianne Duty
Ms. Maria S. Barbour
Ms. Doreen E. Edwards
Mr. Richard M. Barfield
Mr. Timothy B. Chrisman
Mr. Homer C. Eliades
Mr. Samuel D. Barham, III
Ms. Sharon L. Christian
Ms. Zita S. Ellison
Barksdale Theatre
Chuck E. Cheese
Mr. Terrence L. Elrod
Dr. Charles H. Barrett, DDS
CJW Medical Center
Energized Painting
Mr. David Bartley
Ms. Pattie Clapperty
Mr. George R. and Ms. Becky Fain
Mr. Hugh A. Cline
Mr. George A. Faulcon
Mr. A. Jay Behr
Ms. Terri Clinger
Dr. Germaine S. Fauntleroy
Mr. Dwaine L. Belcher
Mr. J. Harwood and Mrs. Louise Cochrane
Mr. Karl A. and Mrs. Linda P. Fears
Mr. Lester Bell
Dr. Mark Cohen
Mr. Colin F. Ferguson
Ms. Alice Colcleaser
Ms. Jenna D. Fink
Mrs. Susan Bernardo
Cold Stone Creamery
Mr. Michael J. Fleckenstein
Mrs. Cheryl Berryman
Mrs. Jo Anne C. Cole
Ms. Joressia Beyer
Mr. Darrell W. Coleman
Ms. Judy A. Forbes
Ms. Debra O. Blackwell
Mr. Allen L. Collins
Fountain Bookstore
Mr. Tom Blunt
Colonial Heights American Legion,
Post No. 284
Ms. Margaret L. Freeman
Comcast Metro Richmond
Mr. Thomas R. Fulghum
Ms. Michelle Boatwright
Ms. Nancy T. Bond
Ms. Dianne J. Bosher
Ms. Bonita A. Bowles
Mrs. Rhiannon M. Boyd
Mr. Albert F. Bradford
Brio Tuscan Grille
Brock’s Barbeque, Inc.
Ms. Martha Brogley
Mr. Bryan D. Brown
Dr. Mikell W. Brown
Mrs. Gail Bundrick
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Burnham
Ms. Genevieve H. Butt
Mr. Edwin Cabala
The Cameron Foundation
Mr. Lloyd Chaser
Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign
Ms. Miriam E. Cookus
Dr. Barbara A. Deets
Ms. Sherri L. Deutsch-Atwell
Ms. Beverley M. Dew
Ms. Elisa Di Feo
Ms. Margaret Dominick
Dominion Foundation
Dominion Resources Services, Inc.
Ms. Olivia S. Dragoo
Dr. L. Ray and Mrs. Peggie Drinkwater
Mr. Marvin Dunn
Frischkorn, Inc.
The Funny Bone
Ms. Karen L. Gammon
Ms. Kathleen Cooper
Garland and Agnes Taylor Gray
Ms. Ann E. Corbin
Ms. Melissa Garner
Mr. James L. Cosby
GD USA, Inc.
Ms. Sammie C. Cotman
G-Force Karts
Mr. William L. Crafton
Mrs. Anne L. Gibson
Mr. Patrick Cruden
Mr. Michael Gibson
Mrs. Joyce W. Crum
Gift Bundles ‘N Baskets
Ms. Andrea D. Crump
Gilbane Building Company
Ms. Richie L. Cumbea
Good Foods Grocery
Mr. Floyd E. Dabney
Ms. Jane E. Gorey
Dagwood’s Deli
Mr. C. Whit Grandle
The Honorable Rosalyn R. Dance
Ms. Arlessa B. Gray
Ms. Brenda R. Green
Dr. Edward N. Griggs, III
Mr. D. P. Karnes
Mr. Elliot R. Norman
Ms. Anne Savedge
Mr. Dwight A. Grissom
Mrs. Theresa K. Kennon
Ms. Patti L. Nunnally
Mr. Edwin C. Savedge, Jr.
VFW Post 2239-Robert E. Lee Post
Mr. John L. and Mrs. Joyce L. Grohusky
Ms. Maude L. Kerby
Saxon Shoes
Mr. Edwin K. and Mrs. Sandra D. Via
Ms. Karey H. Groome
Kiwanis Club Of Chester
Mrs. Ann W. Oliver
Ms. Janet W. Schell
Virginia Credit Union
Mr. Vernon Gwaltney
Dr. John C. and Mrs. Susan Koch
Omni Richmond Hotel
Ms. Chantal M. Scifres
Virginia Employment Commission
Kroger Co.
Ms. Martha D. Overton
Ms. Deborah C. Seitz
Mrs. C. Denise Haas
Mr. Bruce E. Kuritzky
Ms. MaryGrace N. Paden
Mr. John Settle
Virginia Foundation for Community
College Education
Halfway House
Mr. Thomas P. Kvasnicka
Ms. Jill A. Painter
Mr. John D. and Mrs. Karol G. Sharp
Ms. Karin Hansen
Dr. Barbara B. Laird
Mr. Russell G. Parker
Sheltering Arms Rehabilitation Center
Ms. Aretha Harris
Ms. Patricia Lamb
Mr. Charles D. Parr
Mr. Curtis E. and Mrs. Dale H. Sherman
Dr. Betsy T. Harrison
Ms. Wanda L. Langford
Mr. George E. Penn
Mr. Richard R. Sikon
Mrs. Bettyanne Harrison
Ms. Jessica B. LaPointe
Penn’s Funeral Home
Ms. Patricia Silva-Santisteban
Mr. William A. Harrison, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Laux
Dr. Baxter Perkinson
The Silver Web/Rachel H. Girshick
Ms. Gloria G. Harvell
Dr. Preston H. and Mrs. Ann K. Leake
Ms. Sophronia C. Pettiford
Mr. Bryan H. Singleton
Hawksbill Pottery
Mr. Jerry Leal
Mr. Chris Pfautz
Mr. Huey Singleton
Dr. David M. Head
Mr. David O. Ledbetter
Philip Morris USA
Mr. Arthur J. Heinz
Mr. John Lemza
Ms. Anne K. Piland
Dr. Kristine Smetana
Ms. Lil Heisey
Ms. Margaret G. Lewis
Ms. Elizabeth T. Platt
Mr. Alexander Smith, Jr.
Ms. Lisa Helmstetter
Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden
Ms. Rhonda K. Pleasants
Ms. Armeke D. Smith
Mr. W. Eugene Henley
Mr. Gary M. Lichvar
Ms. Mari R. Powers
Dr. Marshall W. Smith
Mr. Christopher and Mrs. Mara Hilliar
Mr. Martin H. Lindsay
Mr. Philip L. Pritchett
Mr. Michael Smith
Mrs. Margaret L. Himes
Ms. Robin Littell
Ms. Tracye Proffitt
Ms. Shannon Smith
HNI Charitable Foundation
Mr. Michie Lloyd
Providence Golf Club
Ms. Terry Lynn Smith
Mr. Jack Williams
Ms. Tilda M. Holloway
Mrs. Gwendolyn B. Long
Mrs. Marolyn R. Quarles
Mr. James A. Williams, Sr.
Ms. Audrey D. Holmes
Mr. Arthur L. Lowery
Ms. Brenda B. Rackoff
Southside Association for Early
Childhood Education
Dr. James C. Williams, Jr.
Homemades By Suzanne, Inc.
Mr. Dannie C. Lowman
Ms. Kelly L. Raines
Spa Epidauros
Mr. John D. Williams
Hooters of Chester
Mrs. Linda L. Luebke
Ms. Valeria G. Randall
Mrs. Penny L. Speidel
Mr. John R. Williams
Hooters of Midlothian
M. H. West & Company, Inc.
Mr. Andrew A. Rashid
Spirax Sarco
Mr. Ken E. Williams
Hooters of Richmond
Ms. Rena M. Mallory
Mr. Ralph Reavis, Jr.
Mr. Michael Williams
Ms. Barbara J. Hornsby
Mr. Daryl B. Martin
Red Robin
Ms. Canyetta L. Starks
Ms. Renee Williams
Ms. Joanne Horton
Dr. Mirta M. and Mr. John N. Martin
Mr. James H. Redd, Jr.
Mrs. Veronica F. Strane
Windy Hill Sports Complex
Mrs. Tracey Howell
Ms. Ethel N. McCabe
Dr. Pascal D. Renault
Ms. Anita J. Stratton
Winrus Skin Care
Mr. David Hummelberg
Ms. Robin H. McCullough
Mrs. Edmond B. Reynolds, Jr.
Ms. Kerrigan Sullivan
Ms. Theresa J. Wiziarde
Ms. Johnnie Humphrey
Ms. Lynn M. McGhan
Mr. Samuel and Mrs. Amy E. Richardson
Ms. Jill A. Woith
Ms. Sharon B. Hutcheson
Ms. Heather McIver
Mr. Onza E. Hyatt
Ms. Helen H. McKann
The Richmond Academy Of Medicine
Alliance Foundation, Inc.
SunTrust Mid-Atlantic Financial
Mr. Mark Isenberg
Mr. Frank and Mrs. Ruth Medaglia
Mrs. Joy L. James
Metropolitan Health Foundation, Inc.
James Limousine Service, Inc.
Mr. Gordon C. and Mrs. Alice M. Meyer
Mr. Michael V. Jensen
Midlothian Book Exchange
Mr. Bryce D. Jewett
Midlothian Rotary Club, Inc.
Ms. Nancy Jimison
Midlothian Ruritan Club
Mrs. Judith I. Johnson
Mill Quarter
Mr. Walter M. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Miller
Mrs. Mary E. Johnson Fields
Ms. Patricia A. Mitchell
Ms. Marlyn Jones
Mr. John W. Moore
Dr. Melton R. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Moore
Richmond Athletic Club
Richmond Braves Baseball Club
Richmond Funeral Directors Association
Ms. Sandra Rivera
Mrs. Ivarine Robertson
Mr. Gary Robinson
Ms. Joyce W. Robinson
Ms. Kathleen J. Robinson
Mr. Larry J. Robinson
Mrs. Catherine S. Rolfe
Ms. Dionne R. Rollins
Mr. William Talley, V
Mr. William H. Talley, III
Ms. Deborah R. Tarantino
Ms. Judy E. Taylor
Mr. William F. Taylor
Ms. S. D. Thomas
Mr. Paul F. Thompson
Mr. E. R. Toler
Mr. Patrick M. Tompkins
Virginia Historical Society
Virginia Opera
Ms. Deborah J. Visger
Voiture 1530 40 & 8 - Colonial Heights
Mr. King and Mrs. Lorraine F. Waddill
Mrs. Linda B. Waguespack
Mr. Drew T. Wallner
Ms. Joyce R. Ward
Mrs. Linda M. Wells
Ms. Nancy O. Welton
Ms. Mary B. Wentworth
Ms. Ruth D. West
Ms. Peggy A. Westcott
Mrs. Melissa B. Wilkins
Ms. Gayle Wilkinson
Ms. Karen S. Wolitz
Ms. Rita R. Woltz
Ms. Kathy S. Wooldridge
Dr. Yijing Xu
Ye Olde Carwash
Mr. Cecil G. Yeatts, Jr.
YMCA of Midlothian
Mr. Charles E. Yonce
Mr. Richard Zollars
Ms. La Toria Tookes
Mr. Ricardo Torres
Mr. Larry C. Tucker
Net assets
Assets (as of 12/31/2007)
Total efforts for support (2007)
Net assets at beginning of year (2007) $4,308,274
Net assets at end of year (2007)
44.0% Fixed
4.6% Cash
51.4% Equity
Market Value Increases of Investments (in thousands)
Financial Statements
Q3 2007
Q4 2007
Q1 2007
Q2 2007
Quarter Ending
Investment Achievements (Market Value)
Grants #2
Grants #1
Undesignated Fund
Endowment Fund-Value/Income**
Endowment Fund-Core*
Q1 2007
Q2 2007
Q3 2007
Quarter Ending
Q4 2007
*Endowment Fund-Core was established on June 4, 2006.
**Endowment Fund-Value/Income was funded on August 24, 2007.
The information contained herein is based upon data obtained from sources believed to be reliable; however, such data is not guaranteed as to its
accuracy or completeness and is for informational purposes only. Past performance is not indicative of future results.
Investing in John Tyler
The Foundation staff would be happy to work with you or your
financial advisor to maximize the tax benefits of your gift.
To learn more, please contact the Foundation office at
804-594-1476 or, or directly contact:
Dr. Mirta M. Martin
Executive Vice President
John Tyler Foundation
Ms. Beverly Dew
Director of Developement
Doing Our Part
This publication is printed on
recycled paper that is certified
by the Forestry Stewardship
Council and processed
chlorine free.
Contact Information
Chester Campus
13101 Jefferson Davis Highway
Chester, Virginia 23831-5316
Midlothian Campus
800 Charter Colony Parkway
Midlothian, Virginia 23114-4383
TDD: 804-796-4197
Toll-free in Virginia: 800-552-3490
Online at
Nondiscrimination Policy
John Tyler Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex or disability in its programs or activities. Inquiries related to the
College’s nondiscrimination policy should be directed to Chris Pfautz, interim dean of student services, who can be reached by mail at 13101 Jefferson Davis Highway,
Chester, VA 23831, by e-mail at or by at phone 804-706-5208/804-594-1566.
For more information about John Tyler
Community College, go online to or call 804-796-4000.