here - The Tanglin Club

The Tanglin Times
Go Green
Joseph Chew
Robert Wiener
David Palmer
henry Ling
Judy ip harris
ho Chee Lin
Roger hancock
Shirley Low
Kelvin Kaw
eugene Lim
Robert Wiener
Brian Dickerson
President’s Message
41 Billiards
Editor’s Message
42 Bridge
General Manager’s Message
43 Darts
Members’ Page
44 Dance
10 M&R Sub-Committee Report
46 Fitness
12 Staff News
48 Golf
14 Food & Beverage
52 Lawn Bowls
25 Wine
53 Swimming
27 Do You Know?
54 Squash
28 Recent Events
56 Tennis
29 Gourmet Section
57 Ten-Pin Bowling
30 Events
59 Meet The Author
34 Youth
60 Books & DVDs
35 Family
62 Reciprocal Clubs
36 Energy Task Force
63 Club Operating Hours
38 Calendar of Events
64 Cinema
40 Balut
Josie Tulipano
Clara Tan
Louis Tay
Tina Supri
Zaini Rahamat
Celestine Kho
Italian lunch Buffet
Tangles Express lunch Buffet
Mediterranean Fridays
Laura Monteiro
Dean Chee
Kelvin Kaw
Aliff Ajis
hidayah Rosli
For advertising and magazine enquiries
habib Mansoor • 66220533
Opinions expressed in The Tanglin Times are solely those of the writers and do not necessarily
represent those of The Tanglin Club. The Tanglin Times welcomes articles and other contributions
from Members. however, the Members’ Communications Sub-Committee reserves the right to edit
all materials, select photographs to be used, or decline publication. MiCA (P) 160/04/2014. Published
by The Tanglin Club. Printed by PhotoPlates Pte Ltd.
5 Stevens Road, Singapore 257814
Tel: 66220555 Fax: 67332391
Your wedding is a milestone in your life. An unforgettable experience that not
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Call our Banquets Department to enquire about our wedding packages,
and also our Tanglin Honeymoon Experience, which includes a stay in
Tanjung Rhu, Langkawi, courtesy of Langkawi Pasifik.
For enquiries, contact Mr Mugu at 6622 0434 or at
President’s Message
Fellow Members,
Following the recent messages on membership by Mr. Eugene
Lim and Mr. Roger Hancock who are Convenor and Deputy
category, 23 percent were
Convenor respectively of the Membership and Rules Sub-
in the ‘$30-$50’ category,
Committee and myself, we have received feedback from
and the balance of 4 percent
members. The comments are mostly constructive and positive.
Going forward, this feedback augurs well for the Club as the
category. On the assumption
membership continues to stay interested in the affairs and well
that we peg the average
being of the Club.
ticket price per customer
to the ‘$30- $50’ category
As the next step, we are planning a dialogue session with
for the Chinese restaurant,
Members this month. Once we have articulated our thoughts
some cannibalisation is to be expected in the ‘$30-$50’ average
and direction on this issue, we will call for a Special General
check category.
Meeting (SGM) with specific resolutions sometime in early
2015. For the Club not to do anything on the membership issues
The viability of the Chinese restaurant, like all the food and
is certainly not an option.
beverage outlets in the Club, will be a constant challenge.
The other burning issue confronting the
Club is the proposed Chinese restaurant.
Much debate has taken place internally to
As the next step, we are
planning a dialogue session
determine the best location for the Chinese
with Members this month.
restaurant and the type of cuisine. After
Once we have articulated
careful deliberation on the matter, we will
be recommending, for members’ approval,
our thoughts and direction
a Chinese restaurant to be located in
on this issue, we will call
the main Clubhouse on the second floor.
This will have an impact on the existing
for a Special General
three function rooms (the Raffles, the
Meeting (SGM) with specific
Claymore, and the Draycott rooms) as well
resolutions sometime in
as the Club’s main Administration Office.
restaurant is not expected to return an
operational surplus in the first few years
at least. However it has to be recognised
that, as a Members’ Club, the provision of
facilities like food and beverage outlets
are for the enjoyment of the members
and the profitability is secondary. Like
restaurant proposal will be presented to
the members at a Special General Meeting
for deliberation and approval.
Underpinning the search for solutions to the
Essentially the plan calls for the renovation
early 2015. for the Club
of the second floor area of the main
not to do anything on
to fully understand the background of
Clubhouse for the new Chinese restaurant
the membership issues is
the proposals, the ramifications if these
and the function rooms. Accordingly, the
Administration Office will be relocated to
certainly not an option.
the Sports and Recreation Centre.
above two matters is for the membership
proposals are approved and implemented,
and most importantly, to preserve the
interests of the membership. It is vital
that in making decisions, we need to be apprised of the right
In arriving at this proposal, we took into account the premium
information to enable us to make informed decisions. Therefore,
location of the main Clubhouse, the availability of a service lift
if we have to hasten in getting things done, let us hasten slowly.
to cater to the needs of the kitchen/restaurant, the avoidance
of duplication/increase of manpower, and the convenience of
the receiving and storage of raw materials and dry goods for
the kitchen.
In deference to the expressed wish of the membership, the
cuisine will in all likelihood be Chinese Cantonese cuisine. In
a recent analysis of Members’ spending, it was established
joseph chew
that of the 500,000 covers for the year 2013, about 73 percent
Editor’s Message
Fellow Members,
The front cover of this month’s issue features the theme for
of the Team hitting hard on
November, ‘Go Green’. Specifically, ‘Clean and Green’ foods,
‘Branding’ pillar goal (as well
and ‘Clean and Green’ environment.
On the F&B side, various promotions of healthy foods and
underlying themes that were
drinks are featured. In line with the ‘Go Green’ theme, Chef
identified during the change
Lewis has concocted seven new juice mixes and smoothies.
under the ‘Branding’ pillar
More details in the F&B section.
goal were magazine layout
and style improvement, and
On the environmental side of things, we also feature the Club’s
an increase in social cause
Energy Task Force, mandated by the Club in 2012 to find ways
awareness. If there are things you like or don’t like about the
to reduce energy and resource consumption in the Club. This
recent changes, please feedback to our GM Josie, as she is the
month’s issue features the work that has been done so far by
hub point for all Members’ feedback.
the Task Force in ‘going green’. More details in the magazine.
The goal of projecting the Tanglin Club brand also begs the
The end of the year is approaching, and the month of November
following question: What is the Tanglin Club brand? Or to put
is the month when many of us close off any outstanding goals
it another way: What does the Tanglin Club mean to you as a
or business matters for the year before setting off for the
Member? I have heard some Members say things like ‘The Club
long holidays in December. In our Club,
it has been a yearly tradition to light up a
Christmas tree in the main lobby around the
end of November. This year’s Christmas
is a home away from home to me’, and I’m
What does the Tanglin Club
mean to you as a Member?
tree light-up will be happening on 30
sure that there are more sentiments like
that out there. We would like to hear more
from you as Members about this. What
is close to your heart about the Tanglin
November. The towering Christmas tree, beautifully decorated,
Club? Is it the Club’s values? Its traditions? Its heritage? Or
with shimmery ornaments and colourful sparkling lights, and
is it because it is a Gentlemen’s Club or a family Club? Please
the comforting smell of fresh pine from the tree gliding through
share your view by emailing to Josie, and title the email ‘What
the main lobby, is always a feast to the senses. It’ll be a fun
does the Tanglin Club mean to me?’ for clear reference. Josie’s
time of merrymaking at the Club. See you there!
email address as follows:
I would like to now share a little about the Members’
In closing, I will leave you with the following quote:
“Everything changed the day she figured out there was exactly
Communications sub-committee (MCSC). The raison d’être
enough time for the important things in her life.” ~ Brian Andreas
of the Team is to facilitate communication with the Club’s
Members. The MCSC has set out three pillar goals to focus on.
Enjoy our magazine!
They are 1) Branding, 2) Communications, and 3) Feedback. I
will share more about the ‘Branding’pillar goal in this space and
talk more about the other two pillars in future Editor’s Notes.
The ‘Branding’pillar goal is a huge sphere. There are many
things that can be done on the topic of branding. As such,
the Members’ Communication Team has decided to limit the
branding scope specifically to: Projecting the Tanglin Club
brand in a relevant way via its traditional touchpoints (magazine
Kelvin Kaw
& website), and other media touchpoints. You’ve probably
Chief Editor, The Tanglin Times
noticed that the look and feel of the Tanglin Times magazine
Convenor, Member’s Communications SUb-Commitee
has changed a lot in the last few months. This is a direct result
Deputy Convenor, Library–Books & DVDs
President’s Message
Dear Members,
This month, in keeping with Singapore’s national push to be
more environmentally friendly, we’re keeping things clean
grandparents will want to
and green at the Club—light fare, healthy juices, detox days,
bring the little ones to our
energy conservation, and more. Our clean and green events,
promotions, and offers start as soon you walk through the
craft activity every Friday
front door in fact; we are giving away green apples with our
compliments at the front desk all month long. Enjoy!
making crafts out of recycled
Soups and salads are our focus this month and there’s plenty to
materials, so even the kids
smile about. We are introducing a free-flow salad bar promotion
will be keeping green. They
in the Churchill Room (lunch), Tavern, and Wheelhouse! That’s
can take their environmental knowledge and their imagination
right, you can go back and fill your plate as many times as you’d
and join our events associates as they put on a skit to save
like, though be sure to save room for one of our delicious club-
Mother Earth on November 23.
made soups, which have all gone cream-free this month (see
page 21). One of eight sumptuous soups will be featured each
Our Sports and Recreation team is getting in on the clean and
day. They are part of the salad bar and available a la carte as
green theme this month too. We are hosting a one-day wellness
retreat on November 12 for $99 for Members. You’ll do some
yoga, learn meditation techniques, and enjoy a healthy brunch
If you’re looking for an easy way to get a
serving of fruits and veggies, why not try
our fresh juice of the day? Available at
any of our outlets, a small is $3.50 and a
large is just $4.80. There are eight rotating
juices, so make it a point to come back and
try each one.
Mediterranean food is often recognized for
its health benefits and lighter dishes, so
this month the Churchill Room is offering
a delightful Italian buffet on Sundays.
Our regular Sunday buffets have become
quite popular the past few months and are
consistently sold-out, so be sure to make a
reservation early to avoid disappointment.
At just $28 per adult, this is a great deal
that’s not to be missed! What’s more,
Italian cuisine is Executive Sous Chef
in addition to other relaxing activities. It’s
Our Energy Task force
has been busy. Based on
their recommendation, our
facilities Team recently
switched to LED light bulbs in
the main clubhouse and S&r
complex. This exercise has
saved the Club approximately
$160,000 annually and
makes our clubhouse
significantly greener. Please
turn to page 36 to read more
about their work to keep us
energy efficient.
fun to pamper yourself while you focus on
your health.
Even our Poolside towels have gone
green—literally! We are switching from
white to dark green towels at the pool,
which is supposed to help reduce towel
Our Energy Task Force has been busy.
Facilities Team recently switched to LED
light bulbs in the main clubhouse and S&R
complex. This exercise has saved the
Club approximately $160,000 annually and
makes our clubhouse significantly greener.
Please turn to page 36 to read more about
their work to keep us energy efficient.
Dennis Thng’s specialty, so you know that
being healthy has never tasted so good. To learn more about
And finally, we are currently exploring a library renovation and
Chef Dennis’s training with Master Chefs please turn to page
I’d love to hear your thoughts. Our current facility has insufficient
space for our staff, and there are too many books and DVDs given
the limited space, with no options for expansion. Our current
In honor of our clean and green theme, Mediterranean cuisine is
lighting and shelving is not suitable for older members and the
also the feature every Friday this month of our Tangles Express
carpet has not been replaced in more than thirty years. Based
Lunch Buffet, which shouldn’t be missed at just $12.85. This
on this information, if you have comments or feedback about
buffet is back by popular demand and we are pleased to see so
the renovation, please drop me an email with your thoughts.
many of you enjoying it. If you haven’t tried our Churchill Room
We’ll be sending out a survey as well, and it’s important to us
Executive Set Lunch yet, I encourage you to do that as well. At
to hear your perspective!
only $18.95 (full buffet) or $29 (with a main) it is a terrific deal.
For those looking for something a bit heartier this month,
the Churchill Room Supper Club is introducing a roast night
featuring a variety of mouth-watering mains. If you’re planning
an evening out with friends or family, this is a delicious place
josie tulipano
to start!
General Manager
Members’ Page
Introduction Evening on 13 october 2014
We extend a warm welcome to our new Members.
• H.E Hazel Francis Ngubeni (High Commissioner of
South Africa)
• H.E Zenon Kosiniak-Kamysz & Mrs Katarzyna Kosiniak-Kamysz
(Ambassador of Poland)
• Mr Vikas Dhanuka & Mrs Namrata Ram Dhanuka
• Ms Leonie Adeline Volta Hidajat & Mr Lee Keen Meng
• Dr Hon Kim Fatt & Ms Sophy Teng Yein Fei
• Dato Dr Low Tuck Kwong & Datin Haruyo Low
• Ms Muto Kasumi & Mr Lim Chong Boon
• Dr Ong Hung Guan & Ms Preeyanuj Chiaranussati
• Mr Milind Rajendra Pasad & Ms Vaishali Rajes Mehta
• Mr David Talmadge Ratliff & Ms Lim Ning
• Mr Soon Ju Boon & Ms Chen Soon Chin
• Mr Edouard Guy Giping Tomczyk
• Datuk Tan Kok Hiang & Datin Lai Wai Leng
• Ms Yong Yu Yin & Dr Lennard Harold Thean See Yin
• Mr Mark John O’Reilly & Mrs Ashley Claire O’Reilly
• Mr Mervyn Brent Scott & Mrs Carolyn Lesleigh Scott
• Mr Neil Emerson & Mrs Elizabeth Emerson
• Mr Gaurav Yadav
• Mr Edward Justin White
• Mr Qin Li Wei & Mrs Chen Li Hong
• Mr Mark David McFarlane & Mrs Kate Ashley McFarlane
• Mr Marc James Rathbone & Mrs Joanna Maree Rathbone
• Mr John Thibodeaux & Mrs Suzanna Tan Thibodeaux
• Assoc. Prof Daniel Chua Hock Chuan
(Spouse of Ms Ng Szu Hui)
• Mr Michael Eric Chia (Spouse of Dr Tira Tan Jing Ying)
• Mrs Orawan Lapping (Spouse of Mr Alaistair Lapping)
Members’ Page
H.E Zenon Kosiniak-Kamysz &
Mrs Katarzyna Kosiniak-Kamysz
H.E Hazel Francis Ngubeni
Ms Muto Kasumi & Mr Lim Chong Boon
Dr Ong Hung Guan & Ms Preeyanuj Chiaranussati
Mr Mark John O’Reilly & Mrs Ashley Claire O’Reilly
Mr Neil Emerson & Mrs Elizabeth Emerson
Mr John Thibodeaux & Mrs Suzanna Tan Thibodeaux
Dr Hon Kim Fatt & Ms Sophy Teng Yein Fei
Datuk Tan Kok Hiang & Datin Lai Wai Leng
10 Ms Leonie Adeline Volta Hidajat & Mr Lee Keen Meng
11 Ms Yong Yu Yin & Dr Lennard Harold Thean See Yin
Members’ Page | Bye-laws
A total of five bye-laws were recently amended and approved by the
general committee.
dress 12(a)–General
This Bye-law is specific on the importance of being presentably dressed at all times, in a manner consistent with the character and
standing of the Club. An additional paragraph was added, which is that no racist, anti-religious, or offensive slogans or wordings are
allowed on any part of the attire. Such material can be considered to be demeaning, hostile, or averse towards an individual or group
because of their race, creed, gender, nationality, age, or disability, and does not represent the values and identity of the Club. This
Bye-law took effect on 2 October 2014.
Tennis Courts 37A(iv)–Cancellation, Charges & Fines
In the previous iteration of this Bye-law, cancellation charges could be waived if the cancellation was made within 24 hours of the
booking time. It is now amended to within 48 hours of the booking time. This Bye-law took effect on 2 October 2014.
Main Library–Sunday Operating Hours
The General Committee has agreed to extend the operating hours for the Main Library on Sunday, with a new time of 10am to 5pm.
This took effect on 5 October 2014.
Tea Room 23(a)
We received much feedback about the Tea Room, particularly requests for an earlier opening, so we have good news for Members.
Starting 1 November, the Tea Room will open thirty minutes earlier at 10am and close at 9.30pm. Our end-of-day cakes and pastries
sale will take place between 8.30pm and 9.30pm. For enquiries on the hours, please call Ms Ria Wendari at 6622 0432 during office
hours, or email
Wheelhouse 38(a)
The General Committee recommended that we seek ways to enhance staff productivity, in view of the tightening labour market and
escalating costs. A self-serve counter poolside was explored, however, due to the existing layout, it is difficult to introduce such a
system. Instead, we carefully designed a Poolside menu that incorporates all-time favourites, particularly those that can be more
easily enjoyed around the pool. So, with effect from 1 November, a new Poolside menu will be introduced which will be available in
the Members’ Area of the Club website. Please note that the full menu is still available at the Gazebo and covered areas outside the
Also, based on low usage, we will be closing the Wheelhouse an hour earlier, at 9.30pm from 1 November. We will be taking kitchen
orders until 9pm. If you have enquiries regarding the Wheelhouse, please contact Ms. Ria Wendari at the details mentioned above.
Capital Club–Dubai
New Reciprocal Clubs | Member’s Page
We are pleased to announce the addition of the Capital Club–dubai and
The Cornell Club–New York to our list of reciprocal clubs. For a full list
of reciprocal clubs, please turn to page 62. We encourage feedback about
your experiences with our reciprocal clubs, so we can continually refine and
improve upon our list. We also welcome your suggestions for new reciprocal
arrangements with prestigious clubs worldwide. Please send your comments
and suggestions to
The Club is the perfect place to visit for a retreat from the bustle of the city,
with personalised service, fine dining, and the amenities of a luxury hotel. It
has a rich history dating back to 1889 when it was formed by a small group of
Cornell University alumni. Today’s handsome 14-storey Clubhouse is centrally
located in midtown Manhattan at 6 East 44 th Street, between Fifth & Madison
The Cornell Club–New York
Each of the Club’s 48 overnight guest rooms offer many comforts and services,
such as: private bath with plush towels, complimentary toiletries, hair dryer,
iron and ironing board, heating and A/C controls, analog phone lines with
voice-mail, daily maid service, and laundry.
The Cornell Club–New York
The Capital Club is Dubai’s premier private business club
offering an elegant and welcoming ambience to mix and
meet, exchange ideas, and entertain guests. It is situated
in the heart of the financial district–DIFC.
The Club premises are for the exclusive use of members
and guests. It was opened in 2008 and has over 1500
members, drawn from the leading businesses in the
region. A members-only Club in a contemporary setting
to network professionally and socially; dine and party;
host private meetings; and attend a wealth of social
and business events, covering emerging trends in arts,
culture, media, social development, cuisine, business,
and travel.
Capital Club–Dubai
The Club is connected to over 250 premier private clubs
around the world as part of its reciprocal club network.
Membership & Rules Sub-Committee Report
Membership Issues
In the October issue of the Tanglin Times we had highlighted
periods of the week determined by the Club Committee.
in great detail some of the pertinent issues that we are facing
- Under this system the total number of Members will exceed the
regarding Membership. We are glad to see that an equal number
present PTM but this does not matter as so many Members use
of Singaporean and non-Singaporean Members have written in to
the Club infrequently and 24% not at all.
give their views on this major topic. It is prudent therefore that we
should publish some of these comments so that all Members are
made aware of the different points of view. It must be pointed out
that the views expressed in the foregoing do not in any way reflect
the views of the Membership & Rules Sub-Committee (MRSC)
and General Committee (GC). We have therefore extracted them
verbatim, not in any order of importance or preference, as follows:
a. “We must adopt a new approach and I propose that:
- We dispense with the Planned Total Membership (PTM) system
as it is now harmful to the Club.
- When Members reach 65 years of age, they be classified as
Senior Members.
- This method would provide for more active use of the Club and
a constant flow of younger entrants as existing Members age.”
b. “The rule which virtually limits Singaporean membership is
totally inappropriate in today’s Singapore. In my view the Tanglin
Club should be a Singapore Club with a proportion of membership
allocated to non-Singaporeans to maintain the Club’s international
standing. As we move forward, I suggest that membership
participation should be Singaporeans 60%, non-Singaporeans
40%. The membership Committee to be responsible to maintain
a good mix of nationalities in the non-Singaporean Category. This
idea should be voted on by the total membership rather than just
by Members attending a general meeting.”
- At bi-annual review dates, the number of Members reaching 65
since the previous review date, would allow entry of the same
c. “I suggest that upon Members or Widows reaching 75 years of
number of new Members of whom 75% would be under 40 years
age, they be obliged to transfer their membership to their living
of age.
spouse under 75 free of charge or to his/her child on payment of
- Senior membership would only allow the use of Food & Beverage
normal entry fee or to sell it. The retiring Member would be offered
(F&B) facilities and if congestion occurs, then only on nominated
honorary membership with no membership fee and allowing only
Membership & Rules Sub-Committee Report
use of the Club’s dining facilities once per month attracting a
i. “Most heartened to read in the Club magazine that a move is being
surcharge of 5% with bills settled by credit card. This may need an
proposed to allow old Members like me to pass on membership to
honorary membership identity (different colour) card.”
a direct family member. I do hope it goes through.”
d. “To amend Rule 11(ii) to provide that a percentage of the
j. “I am also in strong support of allowing Members to transfer their
Planned Total Membership shall be reserved for Foreigners, to be
membership to a child - that seems fair and appropriate, especially
defined as persons who are not Citizens or Permanent Residents
since in most cases this will involve doing so for someone who
of Singapore. The new percentage to be exactly or approximately
might have “grown up in the Club” and therefore has the Clubs’
equal to the present percentage of Members who fit the above
interests and traditions at heart.”
definition of Foreigners. The advantage of this approach is that it
removes the perceived discrimination against Singaporeans, whilst
ensuring the cosmopolitan mix of our membership with a minority
positive reservation for Foreigners.”
k. “I think the problem can be partly solved by:
1.Getting a road map/master plan for the future. I am fairly certain
this will show there is spare capacity in the Club in most sections.
Under supply can be overcome by upgrading the sub-sections.
e. “Amending Rule 11(ii) so that the citizenship of a Member is
2. As mentioned, if you have a good case, suggest that membership
determined for all time by his or
her passport at the time of the
membership being granted would
reduce the nationality cap to one
which was an historic yard stick
We have taken your views into consideration
and we will discuss these with you at a
Dialogue Session....
without any current significance. In
short, it would no longer be a measure of the ongoing cosmopolitan
nature of the Club. The argument in that case if the Club is to go to
that extreme is – why have any nationality cap at all?”
f. “I do believe that membership based on nationality is not ideal.
Especially given the fact you highlighted regarding changing
citizenship and its adverse effect on the Singaporean cap with
subsequent creation of vacancies for non-Singaporeans. This
vacancy creation for non-Singaporeans will have a self-sustaining
effect given its relatively large numbers. Non-Singaporeans are
more likely to give up their citizenship to become Singaporeans
than it is vice versa and the situation will see no respite. Removing
the 51% cap is the most ideal solution given today’s global and
diverse citizenship.”
be increased by an additional 500.
If you have a strong argument, with
support from the study, this should
l. “I also recalled that the Club had previously conducted an
analysis on the utilisation of the facilities and if not, then one
should be done to determine what the actual usage is at any one
time, on weekdays and weekends. My personal observation having
spent time at the Club quite regularly is that the facilities are not
fully utilised so I think we can push the limit somewhat.”
Since taking office after the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in May
2014, the MRSC and the GC have had extensive discussions on this
major topic to try to amend the existing Rules especially relating to
Rule 11(ii) and 23A. We have taken your views into consideration
and we will discuss these with you at a Dialogue Session we are
planning in November. In the meantime please continue to give us
your views and suggestions.
g. “Since the purpose of the 51% Rule is to preserve the
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those Members
cosmopolitan demographic it must be applied at the time each
who have given us their valuable feedback.
new applicant is considered for membership. After this point, those
Members who become citizens are from the foreign contingent, so
the cosmopolitan objective is not affected.”
h. “One of the proposals previously was to allow the very Senior
Members to sell their memberships for say S$80,000 of which 50%
goes to the Club. I think there is some merit in this proposal. It will
resolve the local membership long waiting list situation and also
the Club will benefit financially.”
Eugene Lim
roger Hancock
Deputy Convenor
Staff News
Mohd Fatihi Bin Abd Rahim
Indika Fernando
Fatihi joined us at the Club on 10 August 2012
as a waiter, and very quickly earned high
praise from Members and fellow colleagues.
Indika Fernando became part of the family on 6
October 2008, as a Maintenance Executive. Indika
acts as a supervisor for the team of maintenance
technicians and reports to the Maintenance Manager.
Always professional and immaculate, he gets
consistent praise from Members about his
attentiveness and pleasant disposition. Though he is
very young, he has a positive outlook towards life.
He is passionate in his work and personal life, and he
has a strong desire to learn to improve in his career.
Indika’s charm and easy-going personality has won
over many colleagues, who find him easy to approach
and a pleasure to work with. However, he is a nononsense colleague when it comes to work. He delivers
work on time and is always helpful towards staff.
With these qualities, it’s no surprise that he was
chosen for the Star Employee (Front-of-House) award
for September 2014.
For these reasons and more, Indika was also chosen
for the Star Employee (Back-of-House) for September
StAFF Ang PoW contrIbutIon
The Tanglin Club’s Food & Beverage prices do
not include any service charge, and staff are not
permitted to accept tips and gratuities in any form.
Over the years, the Club has looked to its
Members to contribute an Ang Pow (red packet) to
be shared among the staff annually for the Lunar
New Year. This is in recognition of their services,
and to express appreciation for their efforts
made throughout the year. As in past practice, an
amount equivalent to one month’s subscription
will be debited to Members’ December account.
Members who wish to contribute more or wish
to opt out, please email the General Manager at by 20 January
2015. On behalf of all staff, we thank you for your
The Tanglin Club
Christmas Pantomime: Aladdin
Saturday, 29 November, 7pm & Sunday 30 November, 11am, Theatrette
Food & Beverage | Churchill Room
Lunch Buffet
Every Sunday in November
Churchill Room
Italian food is Executive Sous Chef Dennis Thng’s specialty,
and he’s filled the buffet with delicious dishes including
Antipasto Italiano, Chicken Cacciatora, Mushroom Raviolli,
and Seafood Olio Aglio Peperocino.
Tuck into delicious salads, pan-fried salmon fillets, and
Italian favourites such as pasta and authentic pizzas.
Turn to page 16 to discover more about Chef Dennis in a
special feature this month.
Adult $28 | Child $14
Churchill Room | Food & Beverage
ENQUIRIES: 6622 0432 or
Food & Beverage | Chef Dennis Thng
To Work Among the Masters
A profile of Executive Sous Chef Dennis Thng
Starting Out
His resume is peppered with notable names in the
culinary world, many followed by enviable Michelin
stars: Kiyomi Mikuni, Alan Wong, Joël Robuchon,
and Antoine Westermann. These are but some of the
standouts he has worked with in his career, which
spans more than three decades.
Executive Sous Chef Dennis Thng is grateful for all
of his experience working with some of the world’s
top master chefs. “Every master chef has his own
process,” explains Chef Dennis. “All the French
master chefs make the same sauces, but every
sauce has its own taste.” Indeed, it’s like a culinary
Chef Dennis was eager to create his own culinary
signature and spent years training and working with
reputable chefs. Early in his career he spent a year
in Paris honing his craft and later worked at Raffles
Grill as a sous chef with some of the greats. He has
taken part in culinary competitions in New York,
Thailand, and Germany among other locales. And
throughout it all he has diligently worked his way up
the culinary ladder, learning wherever he could.
Continual Learning
Much of his learning came from the masters he
worked with, and he has carried that desire to excel
into his own cooking methods. “Cooking is not easy,”
says Chef Dennis. “You must be passionate about
food. You need to have the touch, the skill—you
need a lot of training.” Today, that means “keeping
up with R&D,” as he calls it. He consistently spends
time exploring new restaurants, tastes, and recipes,
searching for new and unique flavours or inspiration.
Recently, this inspiration took the form of a barbeque
sauce brought in by a supplier. After tasting it
he decided to us it as a base for a sauce he was
creating. By adding herbs, olive oil, and a few secret
ingredients he had concocted something that piqued
his interest and now is the dressing for the Oriental
duck salad he created in the Churchill Room. Judging
by members’ response to this and many of his other
dishes, he knows what works.
Although he is always experimenting and eager to try
new techniques and tastes, some of Chef Dennis’s
favourite dishes to create are Italian. His love for
Italian food is evident when he speaks. “This is very
interesting about Italian food. It’s not only pasta.
They have so much meat, seafood, great salads—
very healthy dishes. Italians eat very fresh food.” He
learned to perfect these dishes while he worked at
Bice under Chef Jacques Amu. Chef Dennis still uses
Italian 00 flour when making fresh pastas and pizza,
a technique he learned while there. He talks about
spinach-stuffed ravioli, tagliatelle, and linguine with a
passion and reverence usually reserved for the Pope.
His drive for perfection is evident and is something he
is imparting on his staff as he teaches them how to
create the delicious Club-made pasta he is known for.
Chef Dennis Thng | Food & Beverage
Chef Dennis (right) putting the final touches on a dish
high quality. When I cook, I think about taste and
fragrance. I like to challenge myself.”
Chef Dennis (left) with his Harley-Davidson Road King
at the Malaysia-Thailand border
There are times when Members seek him out and
ask him to create something for them that is off the
menu. These special requests are not uncommon
and Chef Dennis is happy to oblige often whipping
up one of his Italian favourites. He says he works
from inspiration, drawing from what’s available in
the kitchen at the time. “At this Club, we must know
our Club Members and what they like. Some come
every day, so I change for them. We need to know
what the Members need,” he says.
And although his travels have taken him to the US
and Europe, he still favours the tastes he grew up
with. “I’ve traveled to a lot of countries,” he shares,
“but Singaporean flavours are still the best.”
Looking Ahead
After 13 years at The Tanglin Club, Chef Dennis is
looking ahead. He’s working on standarisation with
the kitchen team. Confirming processes are followed,
measurements are accurate, and the presentation is
the same each time an item is cooked not only drives
a more effective kitchen team, but also provides
consistency for Members and ensures that quality
remains high.
on the road
When Chef Dennis is not busy in the kitchen, he
loves to ride his Harley-Davidson. Maybe it’s the
freedom of the road, perhaps it’s the love of his bike,
or it could be the camaraderie of his fellow bikers,
but regardless, Chef Dennis is an avid motorcyclist.
He has traveled extensively on his bike and recently
returned from a five-day trip to Hat Yai, Thailand,
where he did some charity work with fellow riders.
“When i cook, i think about taste and
frangrance. i like to challenge myself.”
His interest in seeing and experiencing other
countries and cultures is something that keeps his
senses alive. He is always looking for tastes from
his travels around the world that he can adapt for
Singapore and Members. “In Singapore,” he says,
“the food quality, presentation, and taste are all
“The kitchen is very strict,” shares Chef. “We are
setting up the discipline.” This discipline includes
instilling a sense of pride in the team’s work, vacuum
packing everything that gets stored, and creating
the ideal workspace flow in kitchen. “It’s a growing
process,” Chef Dennis continues.
For a country that loves food like Singapore does, the
competition has only gotten stiffer in recent years, a
fact that is not lost on Chef Dennis. “We need to think
about our customer first—it’s very important,” he
emphasises. “If our food doesn’t meet expectations,
Members will go elsewhere. We can’t shortcut the
work—we must maintain our standards. That’s
something I learned from the master chefs.”
As much as Chef Dennis has learned in his long
career he seems intent to pass it on and continue the
high level of quality he has helped create at the Club;
and for that, we are grateful.
Food & Beverage | Go Green
Go Green in November
Available at the Wheelhouse
Put a spring in your step
with these health-conscious
$3.50 (small) | $4.80 (large)
Go Green | Food & Beverage
a juice a day
Starting 1 November at the Wheelhouse, we are offering a nutritious and tasty juice of the day, with one of eight
different juices available each day of the month. Get yourself healthfully hydrated!
Pineapple, Coconut Milk, Orange, Natural Yoghurt
Carrot, Celery, Green Apple, Purple Dragonfruit
Carrot, Celery, Green Apple
Carrot, Orange, Tomato
Green Apple, Kiwi, Lettuce, Mint, Celery, Honey
Mango, Soy Milk, Low-Fat Yoghurt
Orange, Guava, Grapefruit, Honey, Yoghurt
Lemon, Carrot, Green Apple, Beetroot
ENQUIRIES: 6622 0432 or
Food & Beverage | Go Green
Free-Flow Salad Bar Promotion
churchill room*, tavern,
and Wheelhouse
*weekday lunches
This November, we’re going green... literally! Enjoy our free-flow soups and salads
month-long when you order from our salad bar at the Tavern, Wheelhouse, and now
the Churchill Room, at lunch. You’ll be pleased to know that this month we’ve also
lightened up all of our soups to deliver you cream-free options.
Churchill Room $18.95
Tavern $12.80
Wheelhouse $10.50
Go Green | Food & Beverage
Cream-free soups
Tuck into our selection of cream-free
soups month-long. Our soup of the
day will include Mediterranean
Vegetable Soup, Bisque of Roma
Tomato, Savoy Cabbage Broth,
Minestrone Soup Au Pesto, Pea & Mint
Soup, Hot Russian Borscht with Sour
Cream, Red Lentil Chickpea Soup, and
Chicken & Barley Soup, and will rotate
throughout November.
Top: Bisque of Roma Tomato
Bottom: Minestrone Soup Au Pesto
Food & Beverage | Go Green
For details about the daily menu, please see the Members’ Area of the website.
As part of our tantalising Tangles Express Lunch Buffet we are introducing Mediterranean Fridays. Every Friday the
buffet will include a mouth-watering selection of Mediterranean dishes including Panzanella Salad, Minestrone Soup
with Pesto, Rice Pilaf, Pasta with Tomato Sauce, and Mesclun Salad.
$12.85 (with a choice of coffee or tea)
Tea Room
Indulge in this creamy, light treat with an
extraordinary depth of flavour. Topped with juicy
blueberries that will melt in your mouth you won’t
feel guilty asking for another slice.
$45 (whole cake)
$4.90 (per slice)
ENQUIRIES: 6622 0432 or
Churchill Room | Food & Beverage
back by popular demand!
The Churchill Room’s Executive Gourmet Set Lunch
Indulge in our luxurious lunch buffet spread of savoury appetizers including Smoked Salmon, Potato Salad with Cavier
Mayonnaise, Prawn and Mango Cocktail with Cilantro, and many more. The buffet also includes a selection of salads to
choose from. Complete your set lunch with a choice of Coffee or Tea.
Buffet without Main Course $18.95 | Full Buffet with Main Course $29
Both buffet choices are inclusive of appetiser, soup, and dessert.
ENQUIRIES: 6622 0432 or
Food & Beverage | Churchill Room
CHURCHILL SUPPER CLUB: introducing roasts
Every Friday and Saturday
7pm onwards
Sink your teeth into the Herb-Crusted Rib-Eye Roast, Roasted Butterflied Rack of Lamb, Roasted Spring Chicken, or the
St. Louis-style Pork Ribs.
Apart from the delectable spread, put on your dancing shoes and hit the dance floor with tunes from Penny Lane, our
resident band.
$60 per person
Closure of Churchill Room
Wednesday, 5 Nov: Private Event–Dinner | Saturday, 15 Nov: Private Event–Dinner | Saturday, 22 Nov:
Private Event–Dinner | Thursday, 27 Nov: Private Event–Dinner | Friday, 28 Nov: F&B Event–Dinner |
Sunday, 30 Nov: Christmas Tree Lighting–Dinner
Friday, 5 Dec: S&R Tennis Event–Dinner | Saturday, 6 Dec: S&R Ballroom Event–Dinner
Closure of The Fireplace
Tuesday, 18 Nov: Private Event–Dinner
ENQUIRIES: 6622 0432 or
Wine | Food & Beverage
Wine Circle Gala Dinner
Friday, 28 November
7pm Cocktails
7.30pm Dinner
Churchill Room
Taittinger Brut NV
Trio of Seafood Fantasea
Salmon Rillette, Stone-seared Scallop, Lobster Knuckle,
Petite Salad
Faiveley Mercury Clos Rochette 2012
Galantine of Quail
Oven-roasted Galantine of Quail with Foie Gras
and Truffles
Parsnip-Potato Mousseline, Merlot Wine Reduction
Chilean Seabass
Slow-cooked Fillet of Chilean Seabass
Jerusalem Artichoke Puree, Aruga Caviar,
Shellfish-Tomato Emulsion
Chateau Figeac 2000
Chateau Haut Batailley 2000
Chateau Talbot 2000
Baked Truffle Brie Cheese and Tomme De Savoie
Roasted Fig, Quince and Pinot Paste, Walnut Bread
Chocolate Parfait
Pure Caraible Gran Cru Chocolate Parfait
Chocolate Hazelnut Mille Feuille, Pistachio Sauce
Chateau Rieussec 2010
$138 Wine Circle Member | $168 Non-Wine Circle Member
$188 Guest
Dress code: Club Standard
ENQUIRIES: 6622 0432 or
Food & Beverage | Wine
All bars
Who can resist those tiny bubbles dancing in their glass? This month you can
enjoy a bottle of Veuve at the special price of just $88 (reg. $101). Cheers!
Saturday, 6 December, 2.30pm-5.30pm
Tea Room
Wine afficionados rejoice! Join us for our upcoming wine
tasting with Enoteca. This is a great way to restock your cellar
before the holidays. We’ll be tasting a wonderful array of wines:
• Island Easter Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 (Red)
• Mouton Cadet Vintage Edition 2011 (Red)
• Island Easter Chardonnay 2012 (White)
• Mouton Cadet Sauvignon Blanc 2012 (White)
• Allegrini Prosecco Millesimato DOC Treviso (Sparkling)
What’s more, for every six bottles purchased, we’ll give you
one more for free.
All Bars
Peccavi Estate is a small family vineyard located in the
heart of the Margaret River region. It is well-known for its
high quality of wines, which is due to its hand-picked 100%
estate-grown fruit, and its experienced team of winemakers.
Peccavi Estate Chardonnay:
Rich and toasty, the Chardonnay is loaded with sweet fruits
and a distinctly nutty conclusion.
$74.50 bottle | $15.30 glass
Peccavi Estate Shiraz:
The Shiraz’s red-purple colour and rich aromatic fruit strikes
the senses.
$70.60 bottle | $14.50 glass
ENQUIRIES: 6622 0432 or
Do You Know?
Do You Know?
A vISIt bY A dEScEndAnt
The Tanglin Club was honoured to have Mr Dominic Walters, the
great grandson of Sir Winston Churchill, dine at the Churchill
Room, as guests of Members Mr Neil Williamson and Mr Tay
Cheng-Jim, for a Sunday dinner. Mr Walters graciously posed
next to a portrait of his iconic ancestor.
Regular patrons to the Churchill may have noticed a signature
on the portrait: it was signed by Mary Spencer-Churchill,
better known as Baroness Soames, who was the youngest of
Sir Winston’s five children. Sadly, Baroness Soames passed
away at the age of 91 in her home in London on 31 May 2014,
following a short illness.
The General Committee recommended that we seek ways to enhance
staff productivity, in view of the tightening labour market and escalating
costs. A self-serve counter poolside was explored, however, due to
the existing layout, it is difficult to introduce such a system. Instead,
we carefully designed a Poolside menu that incorporates all-time
favourites, particularly those that can be more easily enjoyed around
the pool. So, with effect from 1 November, a new Poolside menu will
be introduced which will be available in the Members’ Area of the Club
website. Please note that the full menu is still available at the Gazebo
and covered areas outside the Wheelhouse.
Also, based on low usage, we will be closing the Wheelhouse
an hour earlier, at 9.30pm from 1 November. We will be taking
kitchen orders until 9pm. If you have enquiries regarding the
Wheelhouse, please contact Ms. Ria Wendari at 6622 0432 or
tHE cLub bAtHrobES
We’ve added another item to our memorabilia display in the Tea Room.
Club Bathrobes are now on sale at $48.
We also have wines and other memorabilia for sale. Please enquire at
Reception for more information.
Recent Events
Oktoberfest in the
Churchill Room
Oktoberfest was a blast, and it was a pleasure to see so
many Members and guests enjoying themselves. The Swiss
Alpine Lions provided excellent entertainment, as usual,
and countless glasses of Erdinger beer were hoisted in
toasts through the evening. Prost!
Gourmet Section
Gourmet Section
Since the article about the Gourmet Section appeared on
For Japanese food lovers we are also looking into organising
in October issue of The Tanglin Times we have received
a one week trip to the Land of the Rising Sun in late March to
many positive responses from Club Members. Many have
enable you to taste more Japanese food as well as to view
indicated their desire to join this group and have also made
the sakura, which will be in full bloom during that time of
suggestions as to the type of food that we should go and
the year. Currently the cost for this trip is not available, but
taste. We will be setting up a committee to look into the
for planning purposes you may want to set aside S$4,000.
programmes and in the December publication we will be
Please let us know if you are keen to join the trip.
able to provide you with the details.
At the Club we have just celebrated Oktoberfest and many
In the meantime we will be planning an outing for those who
have tasted the pork knuckles, sausages, and German beer.
have signed up. For our first outing we will be making a visit
Having had a taste of Bavarian food many will be craving
to a Japanese restaurant to taste some exotic Japanese
for more and we in the Gourmet Section will be looking into
Over the years, Japanese cuisine has become very popular
We look forward to welcoming you as a Member of our
with both local and international communities. Nowadays
Section and if you would like to find out more, please leave
one can see the presence of Japanese restaurants in most
your name and contact details with Ms Anqi at 6622 0438 or
of our shopping complexes. Today, many will have tasted
sushi, tempura and ramen; they have become household
David Goh
Gourmet Section
Events | Choir
John Rutter
When Albert Tay, the Club’s Choir conductor, introduced
yourself tapping your feet to the beat and singing along
John Rutter’s All Thing Bright and Beautiful, a number of
with the Choir, why not join us as a Choir Section Member?
Choir Members and myself were not entirely comfortable
At a nominal fee of $5 a month, not only can you sing your
with the selection, as it was very different from what were
heart out, but you can also gain more insight into vocal
used to the English Hymnal. After several practice sessions,
training, as well as make more friends. All you need to do is
we were won over by the song. We realised how beautiful
contact Ms. Anqi Liu at 6622 0438 or email your details to
the song was, and we took great strides in performing this
harmonious melody. With no small amount of pride, we can
now say that we can sing this song with confidence.
We need more male singers, due to the absence of tenors
and bass in the Choir. So gentlemen, do come forward and
The Choir was eager to try Rutter’s other compositions.
show the ladies what you can do. You are most welcome
Albert dug deep into his music library, and produced an
to join us. If you are worried about your skills in choral
equally enchanting Rutter score, entitled For the Beauty
singing, don’t fret, as Albert is a wonderful teacher, and
of the Earth. Just like the previous composition, the tunes
you’ll improve with constant practice and effort. So take the
for this melody were changed, making it a bigger challenge
first step, and join us every Wednesday between 7.30pm
for the Choir to overcome. With patience and effort, and
and 9.30pm, and let your spirit soar through singing!
Albert’s guidance, we soon found our harmony, and can
now perform this song with ease, much to Albert’s delight.
By the time you read this article, you would have seen us
David Goh
perform these two amazing compositions at the Choir Tea
Co-Section Leader
Party held on 26 October at the Main Lobby. If you found
Choir Section
ENQUIRIES: 6622 0438 or
Comedy | Events
Good Girls Don’t, But
Indian Girls Do!
Wednesday, 3 December, 8.30pm-10pm
Russell Peters favourite comic will be performing for the first time in Singapore.
Catch her hilarious global hit show “Good Girls Don’t, But Indian Girls Do!” right
here at the Theatrette on her opening night exclusively for Tanglin Club members.
Comedian Vijai Nathan breaks every taboo as she exposes the underbelly of an
Indian American family. Vijai’s humor springs from her experiences growing up as a
‘foreigner’ in America–despite the fact she was born and raised in Washington, D.C.
She takes you through growing up Indian in a Jewish neighborhood; her discovery
of Madonna in a repressed Hindu household; and how she finds herself along the
way. It’s Pretty in Pink meets My Big Fat Monsoon Wedding.
$48 Member | $58 Guest
Price is inclusive of a glass of wine.
Suitable for 16 years and older.
ENQUIRIES: 6622 0438 or
Events | Charity
the tanglin club’s charity opera cocktail
Sunday, 16 november, 4.30pm-6pm
churchill room
dresscode: cocktail
$25 Member | $30 Guest
All donations welcome.
Come and enjoy some music, wine, and canapés while
supporting a worthwhile cause. ALL proceeds from the
evening will be in aid of the Dover Park Hospice, the
Tanglin Club’s adopted charity for 2014-2015.
Soprano Tanya Sen, accompanied by pianist Sharon Ham,
will be performing a selection of opera arias from famous
French and Italian operas such as La Boheme , Faust , Nozze
di Figaro, and more. The afternoon will feature favourite
works by composers such as Mozart, Gounod, Donizetti,
Bellini, and others.
About Tanya Sen
Tanya Sen is a classically-trained vocalist whose repertoire
includes opera, pop, rock, and jazz in several European
and Asian languages.
She recently graduated with a Master’s in Engineering from
Singapore for hospice care for terminally-ill patients. It
Oxford University, where she also received voice training
is Singapore’s first purpose-built hospice, designed to
from Bronwen Mills. She also studied at the Bel Canto
provide a serene environment close to nature.
Institute in Italy, where she trained with vocal coaches from
the New York Metropolitan Opera.
Open to everyone regardless of age, race, religion, or
income level, Dover Park Hospice is dedicated to meeting
While at Oxford, Tanya was President of the Trinity College
the unique physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of
Music Society and a member of the award-winning jazz
those who are nearing the end of life’s journey. The goal is
a-capella group, The Oxford Gargoyles, with whom she
to enhance the living, comfort the dying, and support the
went on tour of the US East Coast. She also gave a number
grieving with compassion and dignity.
of solo recitals and sang with orchestras and jazz bands in
the university.
At Dover Park Hospice, Every Moment Matters. Since
opening its doors to its first patient in 1995, we have
In the past, Tanya lived in the Middle East, where she won a
brought care and comfort to more than 8,000 terminally-ill
number of national-level voice prizes such as the ‘UAE Best
patients and their families through a programme of active
of the Best’ and ‘Channel 4 Radiostar,’ and performed at
and compassionate service.
venues such as the Burj al Arab and the Madinat Jumeirah.
Seats are limited so book fast. For more information or
reservations please call Anqi at 6622 0438 or email
About Dover Park Hospice
Dover Park Hospice was founded in 1992 as a secular,
nonprofit organisation to meet the growing need in
EnQuIrIES: 6622 0438 or
4.30pm: Doors open
(Free flow of wine and canapés)
5.00pm: Cocktail reception
5.20pm: All to be seated
5.30pm: Performance starts (No service)
6.15pm: Performance Ends
NYE | Events
New Year’s
Eve Ball
countdown to 2015
Wednesday, 31 December, 7.30pm-1.30am
Dining Areas
Churchill Room, Tavern, and Tea Room
4-course set dinner with free-flow of wine, beer, and soft
drinks until 1.30am. Late-night supper from 11pm onwards.
Entertainment (Main Lobby)
Band on The Run, The Alexander Project
Jazz and Soul artist Dylan Foster
Saxophonist Nicole Duffell
Singapore Police Force Ghurkha Pipers & Drummers
War Drum Performers
Dresscode: Ballgowns and Tuxedos
Reservations open on Monday, 17 November, 9am
EARLY-BIRD SPECIAL (for Members only):
Book between 17 and 30 November to enjoy a
special rate of $201.50
$215 Member | $270 Guest
After 11pm: $130 Member | $150 Guest
Strictly no verbal or telephone
bookings/cancellations allowed.
ENQUIRIES: 6622 0438 or
Events | Youth
clean and green craft activities
Every Friday & Saturday, 1-22 November
2 sessions: 10am-12pm and 4pm-6pm
For kids aged 4-12 years old
Kids, let’s reuse, reduce, and recycle. Get creative with the
Kids Associates and turn everyday household items into
works of art.
help save mother earth - skit & activity time
Sunday, 23 November, 1pm-2pm
Teens Lounge
For kids aged 4-12 years old
Storytelling is a great skill to teach to kids. It helps improve
their language skills, instills a love of reading, and stirs
their imagination. Let your child’s imagination flourish, as
they join the Events Associates to help save Mother Earth.
$10 per child
$5 will be donated to the Dover Park Hospice, The Tanglin
Club’s adopted charity.
Saturday, 6 December, 12pm-2pm
Draycott and Claymore Rooms
For kids aged 4-12 years old
Hey kids, have fun with Santa and his elves as they
prepare to celebrate Christmas here at the Club.
$45 Member | $50 Guest
(inclusive of buffet lunch and entertainment)
ENQUIRIES: 6622 0438 or
Family | Events
christmas pantomime:
Saturday, 29 November, 7pm
Sunday, 30 November, 11am
A day of magic, music, and mirth for the young and the
young at heart. Guaranteed to be a pre-Christmas cracker
of a show.
Duration: 75 minutes
$32 Member | $35 Guest
christmas tree lighting
Sunday, 30 November
Main Lobby
Refreshments will be served in the Churchill Room
The Tanglin Club Choir and the Wessex Choir will be
performing your favourite Christmas carols.
Santa Claus is making an appearance with candy canes
and gingerbreadmen for the kids and mulled wine for the
Yummy Christmas Cookies
Sunday, 13 December, 4pm-6pm
Wheelhouse Function Room
For kids aged 4-10 years old
Have fun rolling out the cookie dough using the cookie
cutters. Whilst waiting for the cookies to bake, make your
own gift box to place your freshly baked cookies after they
are ready. Only 30 seats available, so book now! $15 Member | $18 Guest
ENQUIRIES: 6622 0438 or
Energy Task Force | Clean and Green
Energised for Change
Creating an environment for change can sometimes be difficult. But what if we could start to make a positive
change without negatively affecting those in the situation? Wouldn’t that be the ideal way to change?
From left: Maintainence Manager Erik Siow, ETF leader CK Chang, and the suppliers of the LED lights
The Energy Task Force was mandated in 2012 at the Annual General
Meeting and is comprised of three Members: CK Chang, Patrick
Teo, and Ian Lander. With their mix of skills: two engineers and an
architect, they come from ideal backgrounds to evaluate the Club’s
energy consumption, suggest ways to decrease it, and support
our facilities team in creating manageable and sustainable energy
Shining a Light on Energy Consumption
The Energy Task Force’s latest suggestion for change was recently
implemented by our facilities team. The Task Force evaluated the
lights in the Clubhouse and Sports & Recreation Complex and
determined there was a significant opportunity for savings if the
Club switched from fluorescent, PLC, and halogen lights to LED
(light-emitting diode) lights.
LED lights were first invented in the 1960s, but they weren’t widely
adopted. A push in the late 2000s to lower the cost of the bulbs and
make them more readily available, led to more commercial and home
uses of LED lights. LED bulbs typically last up to 25 times longer
than regular incandescent light bulbs and are also significantly less
expensive over their lifespan than incandescent bulbs. Add to those
benefits the fact that LEDs are generally six to seven times more
energy efficient, and you have a winning combination.
In fact, the LED light is so important to our life today and has made
such an impact, that in October, two Japanese and one American
scientists were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for their
discovery, which made possible white LED light.
Working closely with Erik Siow, the Club’s maintenance manager,
the Energy Task Force recommended that nearly 4,000 light bulbs
in the Clubhouse and sports complex be change to LED lights. The
process began in July and was recently completed at the end of
September. This change, which will be almost seamless to Members,
will save the Club an approximate $160,000 per annum, and lead
to an average minimum energy savings of 50 percent. That’s an
incredible impact.
As the task force looks ahead, they are determining, with the help
of the facilities team, the viability of changing the floodlights on the
tennis courts to LED lights to incur further energy and cost savings.
If undertaken, this project would likely not begin until after the new
year, as the assessment is still underway.
Keeping Cool
The task force is currently working on our Clubhouse chiller. The
chiller is an integral part of the Club’s HVAC (heating, ventilation,
and air-conditioning) system and helps keep our building cool. Our
chiller today is not as efficient as it should be, and the task force,
along with our facilities team, is actively assessing ways to optimise
it. With the guidance of the task force, one set of retrofits has been
completed on this chiller, and the team is now in the process of
rating the energy efficiency. They are hopeful that the results will be
positive and that further savings will be realised.
What’s Next
The task force is looking ahead for their next project. There are so
many advances in the field of energy conservation and so much
attention on creating impactful and lasting change that they see
many opportunities on the long-term horizon.
As CK Chang, who leads the Energy Task Force says, “Energy
conservation is a journey, not a destination.” And though the Club
has made great strides, he feels there are many more projects the
Club can undertake that will improve energy efficiency in the years
to come.
Clean and Green | Energy Task Force
16 watts from LED (left), versus 40 watts from the fluorescent light (right).
Patrick Teo is a strong advocate of exploring options for solar
energy at the Club. The cost of solar panels has dropped
significantly over the years and with Singapore’s sunny, tropical
climate he sees this as a practical solution to increase energy
efficiency. He also speaks enthusiastically about collecting and
purifying rainwater for non-potable uses at the Club. Some
applications could include watering plants or toilet water.
Evaluating the third and fourth stories of the carpark and
installing motion detectors for the lights is also on their radar
screen for the future.
Reducing our energy footprint is something that is achievable,
especially when every Member and staff member plays his or
her part. Together we can achieve more.
6 Simple Ways You Can Increase our Energy
Efficiency at the Club
1. Use fewer towels at the pool. They air dry quickly. Do you
really need another one?
2. Take the stairs instead of the lift. It’s good for your health
and lowers our energy consumption.
3. Only take the dishes and cutlery you need at the buffet.
Fewer dishes, means less energy to wash and dry them.
4. Turn off the lights when you are the last person leaving a
function or meeting room.
5. If you are hosting a meeting, consider raising the
temperature in the room by one degree. Most people can’t
tell the difference, but it saves energy!
6. Cut your shower time by two minutes. It takes energy to
heat the water and two minutes multiplied by hundreds of
showers equals significant savings.
Energy Conservation
Energy conservation is not just a catch phrase for staff, but a
mantra of sorts, and is part of their mindset at the Club. In line
with the Singapore Government’s plan to transform Singapore
into an energy smart nation and enhance our urban environment
in the long term, the Club is doing its part to protect our
environment, and is always on the look out for best practices
in energy conservation. Here are a few examples of what we’re
doing in the Club:
Many of the staff rely on computers to do their work, and unlike
home platforms, workstations can be switched on up to 18
hours a day. However, computers are not always used; staff go
on rest breaks and to meetings. So to combat waste, computers
automatically switch to sleep mode after five minutes of nonuse, which saves energy.
It’s common knowledge that air-conditioning systems consume
the bulk of an electricity bill. In a climate like Singapore’s,
these systems can easily break down from heavy usage and
the atmospheric particles they frequently trap. To ensure an
efficient system, the air-conditioners in all areas are routinely
cleaned, which results in a cleaner environment and lower
energy bills as a result of the regular maintenance.
Photocopiers are a staple in offices, and they can produce a
lot of waste if not properly used. The Club’s photocopiers are
efficient and are put on sleep mode at night, only activating
when a facsimile comes in, but just enough to print the fax.
Paper waste from these copiers is also a worry, but not so in
the Club. Staff in different departments share information with
one another using a central computer server, which reduces
the need to print documents and keeps printing to a minimum.
Furthermore, non-pertinent documents are frequently recycled.
Reports and other documents are also printed double-sided.
Energy conservation is not just about electricity, but also about
water. The water taps in staff washrooms are push button.
These have the advantage of delivering a pre-set amount of
water, then shutting off. This prevents water wastage from taps
that are left running, and has the added bonus of being more
Recycling bins are also available in the Club, and they are most
prominent at the Multi Storey Car Park in the main Clubhouse.
Recycled waste is pre-sorted, which means they are efficiently
separated into paper, plastic, glass, metal, and fabric.
Says Indika Fernando, the Club’s M&E executive, and the
unofficial green ambassador amongst the staff, “It is easy to
understand that when energy and water we save, we are also
saving money. For any business organisation, especially the
club especially, it is vital to keep the operating costs low, so
as to contribute to the financial bottom line. Therefore, it is
important to promote awareness and to practice energy-saving
initiatives in the Club, and to reduce unnecessary energy
consumption and wastage. At the same time, this will also
help us to reduce the Club’s carbon emissions and thereby
contribute to the sustainability of our environment.”
Photographs courtesy of Mr CK Chang
calendar of events
Introduction Evening
6pm at the Raffles Room
Squash Section Handicap
6.45pm at the Squash Courts
Choir Practice
7.30pm at the Theatrette
Bridge Section Duplicate Game
12.30pm at the Card Room
Tennis Bring-A-Guest Night
6pm at the Tennis Courts
Bridge Section Duplicate Game
12.30pm at the Card Room
Club Squash Night
5.15pm at the Squash Courts
Squash Section Night
6pm at the Squash Courts
Lawn Bowls Handicap
6pm at the Lawn Bowls Green
Churchill Room closed for dinner
Bridge Section Duplicate Game
12.30pm at the Card Room
Squash Section Handicap
6.45pm at the Squash Courts
Choir Practice
7.30pm at the Theatrette
Ten-Pin Bowling Section Practice Session
6pm at The American Club
Bridge Section Duplicate Game
12.30pm at the Card Room
Club Squash Night
5.15pm at the Squash Courts
Lawn Bowls Handicap
6pm at the Lawn Bowls Green
Bridge Section Duplicate Game
12.30pm at the Card Room
Squash Section Handicap
6.45pm at the Squash Courts
Choir Practice
7.30pm at the Theatrette
Ten-Pin Bowling Section Practice Session
6pm at The American Club
Bridge Section Duplicate Game
12.30pm at the Card Room
Club Squash Night
5.15pm at the Squash Courts
Lawn Bowls Handicap
6pm at the Lawn Bowls Green
Bridge Section Duplicate Game
12.30pm at the Card Room
Squash Socials
3pm at the Squash Courts
Squash Section Handicap
6.45pm at the Squash Courts
Choir Practice
7.30pm at the Theatrette
Squash Section Night
6pm at the Squash Courts
Squash Section Night
6pm at the Squash Courts
Squash Section Night
6pm at the Squash Courts
Bridge Section Duplicate Game
12.30pm at the Card Room
Lawn Bowls Handicap
6pm at the Lawn Bowls Green
Churchill Room closed for dinner
november 2014
Clean and Green Craft Activities
10am–12pm and 4pm–6pm
at the Wheelhouse Function Room
Darts Team Training
3pm at Tangles
* Children’s matinee at 2.30pm
Lawn Bowls Match Practice
3.45pm at the Lawn Bowls Green
Weekend Club Tennis
4pm at the Tennis Courts
Squash Socials
3pm at the Squash Courts
Mandela Long Walk to Freedom - 31 Oct to 2 Nov
Weekend Club Tennis
4pm at the Tennis Courts
Clean and Green Craft Activities
10am–12pm and 4pm–6pm
at the Wheelhouse Function Room
Clean and Green Craft Activities
10am–12pm and 4pm–6pm
at the Wheelhouse Function Room
Annual Golf Championship (cont.)
Jurong Country Club
32nd Annual Swimming Championship
2pm at the swimming pool
Bridge Section Duplicate Game
12.30pm at the Card Room
Darts Team Training
3pm at Tangles
Darts Team Training 5pm at Tangles
Squash Socials
3pm at the Squash Courts
Club Squash Night
5.15pm at the Squash Courts
Tennis Socials
8pm at the Tennis Courts
Meet The Author: Adele Parks
6pm at the Raffles Room
Lawn Bowls Match Practice
3.45pm at the Lawn Bowls Green
Weekend Club Tennis
4pm at the Tennis Courts
The Fault in Our Stars - 7 to 9 Nov
Weekend Club Tennis
4pm at the Tennis Courts
Clean and Green Craft Activities
10am–12pm and 4pm–6pm
at the Wheelhouse Function Room
Clean and Green Craft Activities
10am–12pm and 4pm–6pm
at the Wheelhouse Function Room
The Tanglin Club’s Charity Opera
4.30pm at the Churchill Room
Bridge Section Duplicate Game
12.30pm at the Card Room
Darts Team Training
3pm at Tangles
Lawn Bowls Match Practice
3.45pm at the Lawn Bowls Green
Darts Team Training 5pm at Tangles
Squash Socials
3pm at the Squash Courts
Weekend Club Tennis
4pm at the Tennis Courts
Club Squash Night
5.15pm at the Squash Courts
Tennis Socials
8pm at the Tennis Courts
Weekend Club Tennis
4pm at the Tennis Courts
Churchill Room closed for dinner
Clean and Green Craft Activities
10am–12pm and 4pm–6pm
at the Wheelhouse Function Room
Help Save ‘Mr Earth’–Skit & Activity
1pm at Teens Lounge
Bridge Section Duplicate Game
12.30pm at the Card Room
Darts Team Training
3pm at Tangles
Lawn Bowls Match Practice
3.45pm at the Lawn Bowls Green
Darts Team Training 5pm at Tangles
Squash Socials
3pm at the Squash Courts
Weekend Club Tennis
4pm at the Tennis Courts
Tennis Socials
8pm at the Tennis Courts
Weekend Club Tennis
4pm at the Tennis Courts
Clean and Green Craft Activities
10am–12pm and 4pm–6pm
at the Wheelhouse Function Room
Wine Circle Gala Dinner
7pm at the Churchill Room
Christmas Pantomime: Aladdin
7pm at the Theatrette
Annual Balut Championships
at 6.30pm
Darts Team Training
3pm at Tangles
Bridge Section Duplicate Game
12.30pm at the Card Room
Squash Socials
3pm at the Squash Courts
Darts Team Training 5pm at Tangles
Weekend Club Tennis
4pm at the Tennis Courts
Tennis Socials
8pm at the Tennis Courts
Churchill Room closed for dinner
Railway Man - 14 to 16 Nov
Maleficent* - 15 & 16 Nov
Churchill Room closed for dinner
Clean and Green Craft Activities
10am–12pm and 4pm–6pm
at the Wheelhouse Function Room
Club Squash Night
5.15pm at the Squash Courts
Furry Vengeance* - 8 & 9 Nov
Pay It Forward - 13 Nov
Clean and Green Craft Activities
10am–12pm and 4pm–6pm
at the Wheelhouse Function Room
Club Squash Night
5.15pm at the Squash Courts
Justin and the Knights of Valour* - 1 & 2 Nov
Christmas Pantomime: Aladdin
11am at the Theatrette
Christmas Tree Lighting
6pm at the Main Lobby
The Intouchables - 21 to 23 Nov
Lawn Bowls Match Practice
3.45pm at the Lawn Bowls Green
Weekend Club Tennis
4pm at the Tennis Courts
Alpha & Omega* - 22 & 23 Nov
Sports & Recreation | Balut
September was bonanza game time with three
the POT Games, and the ladies came through to
games for the Section to throw themselves
claim all the prizes. Gale Creighton topped the
headlong into. First up was the penultimate round
leader board with her 663 score, and Fatema
of the Inter-Club competition, this time hosted
Sadiq claimed the game score with her 140
by the Indian Association. Given the location of
points. A simple repast at the Tavern prior to the
the IA, kudos to them for organising off-street
evening did not in any way quieten the lot either!
parking without getting a love note from the
URA/LTA! When the Inter-Club teams gather, it is
The Leader Board (based on four best games)
always in good sport, including plenty of jest and
some good-natured ribbing. At the end of a very
raucous evening, Singapore Cricket Club Team 1
1. Bansi Sethuraman
emerged from the scuffle as winners, and we are
2. Nicky Hardy
all looking forward to the final round in October
3. Deepa Gupta
at the Cricket Club.
Speaking of the Cricket Club, the annual SCC-
4. Esther Ling
5. Vikram Raman
6. Nina Menon
TC POT Games strolled into view, and SCC
(again) retained the trophy. Our Balut team made
Still to come: the finals of the Inter-Club and the
a heroic effort, with Covenor Sethuraman and
Inter-Port (both at the SCC), our own final games,
Gale Creighton putting down 10 baluts between
the Inter-Section game and the much anticipated
them, but, in the end we trailed SCC’s 12,333
Staff Vs Section game.
points with our collective of 12,176. Well done
team, and yes, there is next year!
Vikram Raman
Our month-end game served as a warm up for
Balut Section Committee Member
Billiards | Sports & Recreation
Hello, November! We are fast approaching the
to sink just the right number of balls to win the
end of yet another eventful year! Do look out for
highest break. Congratulations to our winners!
details on our Christmas Snooker Marathon and
Dinner. Save the date: 6 December 2014.
POT Games
As usual, we were the perfect host; ensuring that
We had a really busy September with the Ian
our guests had full glasses and stomachs and at
Braslin Trophy, Section Night, and this year,
the same time playing the gentlemen’s game. We
The Tanglin Club hosted the annual POT Games
managed to win a couple of games but the Cricket
against Singapore Cricket Club.
Club showed that they meant business from
the start when they fielded the world champion
ian braslin
3-ball player Peter Gilchrist. Nonetheless, the
An exciting competition with a dramatic finish to
team of Arshard Bhojani, KK Chong, Davin Liok,
the competition with two top players battling it
Chu Tee Seng, Mark Simpson, John Yeo, Kevin
out! In the end Mr Cheung Yew Tak managed to
Chen, Hugh William Scheffer, Nigel Lewis, and
out play Mr Arshad Bhojani to take the trophy.
Alex Yew gave a good showing. Thank you all for
Well done, Yew Tak!
your participation and especially to the Members
who also turned up to lend their support!
September Section Night
A well-attended night with several players in
Let’s work harder and make it a different result
the running for the most number of wins, but Dr
next year!
Ng Boon Keng managed to just pip the field to
clinch the trophy. Mr Alex Yew, after three or four
attempts at the highest break, finally managed
Billiards Section Committee
Sports & Recreation | Bridge
We are indeed very pleased to say that we
were the only Section in our Club to have won
in this year’s POT Games and many thanks
to the following participants for their brilliant
Deepa Gupta
Aisha Elliott
Sherna Danani
Lily Lim
The Winning Team - POT 2014
Sharon Gray
Jyoti Singh
Bridge was included for the very first time this
Annette Hartland
Subina Khaneja
year in our annual POT Games against the
Rohini Arya
Mag Medora
Singapore Cricket Club. Incidentally, we take
S. Kanagasundrum
Esther Ling
turns in hosting and this year it was ours.
Our thanks to Professor CC Chen for being
We played Teams Format with each club fielding
Director of the Day and to Arziz for the
twelve players. Half-time was called after twelve
photography sessions and for making sure
boards were played for a rather long tea break
that all our ladies were appropriately attired in
for guests and hosts to mingle over a lovely
the green Tanglin uniforms. Thanks also to the
spread of samosas, curry puffs, and spring rolls,
Singapore Cricket Club players; we hope they
amongst other delicious snacks. Thereafter,
enjoyed the afternoon as much as we did.
another twelve boards were completed and the
competition ended at about 6pm when we made
Lily Lim
our way to the Churchill Room for the celebration.
Bridge Section Committee Member
Darts | Sports & Recreation
Congratulations to all Darts winners of the POT Games 2014
We are extremely proud of TTC players MC
The battle for the POT was held on 27 September
Cheong, Denis Hardy, and Nicky Hardy who
2014 at The Tanglin Club. Our prestigious
managed to win three games. It was marvellous
opponent, the Singapore Cricket Club (SCC),
to watch their outstanding performance and
joined us in our annual event to attempt to
great darts.
win the POT. Enthusiasts of the Darts Section
clashed in a competitive, friendly rivalry to
The evening celebration of the POT Games
honour a tradition that goes back to more than
featured great entertainment and food at the
three decades.
grand Churchill Room. The splendid trophies
were given away to the winners in all categories
TTC Darts players had a marvellous encounter
of sports.
with the SCC players. The enthusiasm was clearly
visible when the players displayed a constructive,
Keeping the right focus
competitive spirit and a controlled release of their
Dear darts friends, we need to enhance the
emotions. The wonderful afternoon was spent
true competitive darts spirit among us. With all
with the competitors constantly inter-mingling to
the new enthusiastic Members joining us, it is
achieve their final score. Beer, wine, and food
important for our mature darters to mingle with
filled the tables of Tangles, while the competition
the novice players and develop their confidence
provided exposure to the fun, sportsmanship,
and their ability to play great darts.
and of course the pressure of the sport of darts.
Yet, pre and post game handshakes created a
Let us organise monthly competitive games
friendly and personal contact in lieu of controlled,
to win prizes and hone our darts skills. For
pre-programmed collisions.
more information, contact Cielito, our Sports &
Recreation Executive.
Congratulations to the SCC players for being the
winners of the Darts POT 2014. They won six
games out of nine.
Sepalika Kumarasinghe
Darts Section Committee Member
Sports & Recreation | Dance
Dazzling Dance Night
The biggest dazzle of the evening on 6 September
at the Dazzling Dance Night in the Churchill
Room was the attendance by Members. For the
first time in a Dance Section event, there were
more Members than guests. With an attendance
of about 80 participants, 64% were Members.
The drive by the Dance Committee to get more
Members to participate in dance events is
bearing fruit.
Entertainment was a dazzling performance of
the Waltz and Cha Cha by former Regional
Professional Latin American Dance Champions,
Sam and Michelle Fong. Club President Mr
Joseph Chew and Mrs Chew were special guests,
and the President addressed the gathering.
Dance Committee Member Dr Charlotte Yung
was the able Emcee for the evening and got the
programme moving with clockwork precision.
Many Members participated in the event for the
first time and from feedback, it would not be
their last. It was an evening of good food, fun,
dancing, and fellowship amongst Members and
friends in an environment of a Members` club.
It is hoped that even more Members will join
in the next dance event, the Christmas Ball in
December. Besides the dance show, The Tanglin
Club Choir will entertain us with Christmas carols.
Freddie Lee
Dance Section Convenor
Dance | Sports & Recreation
christmas ball
Saturday, 6 December, 7.30pm
Churchill Room
Resident Band Penny Lane with Marlee on vocals and
a DJ will be in attendance. There will be a floorshow by
Jonathan Tan and Yang Jiamin, Ballroom Amateur Rising
Star Champions. Christmas Carols by The Tanglin Club’s
Dress Code: Christmas Colours of Green and Red
3-Course Dinner with Complimentary Glass of Wine
$35 Dance Section Members
$55 Non-Dance Section Members | $80 Guests
Registration: 1 October to 8 November:
Members and up to four guests per member
From 9 November:
Members with additional guests (subject to availability)
Last date for cancellation: 28 November 2014
intermediate Ballroom and Latin Dance Classes
New Beginners Dance Classes
Every Thursday, Starting 30 October
Every Sunday, Starting 2 November
Multi-Purpose Hall
Multi-Purpose Hall
Foxtrot (Technique): 8pm to 9pm
Salsa: 4pm to 5pm
Rumba: 9.15pm to 10.15pm
Latin Cha Cha: 5.15pm to 6.15pm
Instructor: Sam Fong, Former Regional Professional Latin
Instructor: Louis Ng, Former Regional Professional Latin
American Dance Champion
American Dance Champion
$107.00 Member | $128.40 Guest
$107.00 Member | $128.40 Guest
8 sessions per class
8 sessions per class
Sports & Recreation | Fitness
Wednesday, 12 November
Event Includes:
Gentle Yoga
draycott Room
Breathing and meditation workshop
Wellness through plant remedies workshop
This is your invitation to health and happiness with a total
Aromatic massage
mind and body detox with an all-in-one holistic wellness
Body fat assessment and consultation
day. This fast track Health Retreat is recommended for
Healthy brunch
stress relief, detoxification, relaxation, renewed strength,
revitalisation, and rejuvenation.
Member $99 | Guest $120
Harvesting the goodness of plant materials and aromatic plant oils for the purpose of psychological
and physical well-being, this workshop addresses the conditions associated with modern, fast-paced
living through the therapeutic properties and potentials of the best kept secrets of Mother Nature dating
back to 4,500BC. Let our Aromatherapist guide you on your journey of using an alternative approach to
wellness through plant remedies.
Wednesdays in November
8am-9am and 9.15am-10.15am
For the month of November, Aqua Spin will be holding free
trial classes. You will spin in a stationary position underwater,
resistance–to assist you in performing intensive yet gentle
exercise motions.
For a free trial, contact or aziz.
EnQuIrIES: 6622 0575 or
Sports & Recreation | Golf
trip to south africa
lucky to spot white rhino and cape
The final morning game drive saw our
We touched down in Johannesburg
buffalo as well as giraffe, antelope,
numbers depleted as some people
where it was a fine spring morning,
warthogs, and zebra. Elephants, lions,
opted for a lie-in. The hardy ‘survivors’
but a chilly 12 degrees. We headed
and even leopards followed the next
were treated to a spectacular sighting
east along the highway crossing the
day to complete the ‘Big 5’ sightings.
of a mother and cub leopard relaxing
plateau for lunch in the quaint
in a tree and then dining on an
antelope that she had killed
heading on towards the Blyde
River Canyon. It was a tiring
day and the group was pleased
From Kruger we headed down
to arrive at Oliver’s–a small
south to the coastal town
boutique hotel on the edge
of George where we were
of Kruger where we spent the
greeted by cooler weather
first night.
but grey skies. Fortunately,
the following morning dawned
The next day started with
brightly and we tee’d off on
ominously dark clouds but by
the Fancourt Montagu Course
the time we tee’d off in Leopard
in fresh but sunny conditions.
Creek the sun was shining and
The area is a mecca for
the rain clouds had passed. Ranked
We headed back towards the lodge in
golfers with numerous courses in the
the number two course in South Africa
the evening before rounding a corner
vicinity. The Fancourt Golf Estate and
and host to the Dunhill Masters, the
to find a surprise ‘bush’ dinner.
Hotel has three courses of its own
course was testing and we ‘donated’
and everyone was impressed with
our fair share of balls into the various
Dining tables had been set out on
the efficiency and quality of the golf
water hazards!
the dry river bed, complete with a
bar, buffet food stations, and flaming
From Leopard Creek, we flew by
braziers. Fires burnt brightly and
The group played a mini-Ryder Cup
private plane, crossing over Kruger
kerosene lamps lit the tables as we
tournament with eight people playing
National Park heading north to the
enjoyed a sumptuous three–course
for Europe and the other eight for the
superb Thornybush Game Reserve.
dinner under the stars.
USA. The best four scores from each
On our first safari game drive we were
group counted with the “European”
Golf | Sports & Recreation
group gaining the early bragging
its way to Cape Town, arriving in
featured on the previous two days had
rights! The day ended with a dinner on
the evening in time for dinner. The
abated. We headed off around Table
a paddle cruiser and an opportunity
following day was set aside for
Bay stopping first at a Golf Superstore
to try the local speciality of Knysna
sightseeing, with a trip out to Robben
where the group was able to try out
oysters, washed down with some
Island, the notorious prison where
clubs and purchase items before our
local sparkling wine.
Nelson Mandela was held under the
final round at Atlantic Beach Golf
apartheid regime. In the afternoon we
Club. The course is a links-style with
The following day we headed to the
made a dash for the cable car and up
fantastic views across bay to the city
famous Links Course–ranked No. 1
to the summit of Table Mountain, but
and Table Mountain beyond.
in South Africa and a past host of the
our sun downer drinks and snacks on
President’s Cup. The early morning
the top were cut short as the winds
Over the 10 days there were various
showers cleared just in time, and
began to increase and the group had
mini competitions, men vs ladies,
everyone enjoyed a round on this
to descend back to the base.
Tanglin vs SICC, culminating in the
exclusive course. The resident golf
final round at Atlantic Beach with
pro joined the group to give us some
The penultimate day included some
players representing either the Ernie
tips on course management and a few
serious shopping for souvenirs before
Els or Gary Player team. Most people
helpful hints as we played. He later
we headed into the winelands of
came out evens by the end of the tour,
joined us for a final dinner at Henry
Stellenbosch for a quick visit to the
spending their winnings on South
White’s Restaurant at Fancourt.
wine estate of Ernie Els. The group
African wine at the final seafood
was able to sample the wines and visit
dinner in the V&A Waterfront in Cape
The next stop was Pinnacle Point Golf
his trophy room before we headed to
Club, which winds its way along the
De Zalze Golf Club for 18 holes. Set
cliffs at Mossel Bay on the Garden
amongst the vines and orange groves
Overall the trip was a blend of safari,
Route. This spectacular course offers
the course is nice and flat, ideal for
sight seeing, top South African golf
a chance to test your skills against the
walking off some of the wine and food
courses, and plenty of shopping, fun,
off shore breezes, with par 3 holes
we had enjoyed the previous days.
food, and wine tasting. The group
that are perched on the very edge of
After golf we headed into the valley
departed for Singapore with great
the cliffs. There were a few ‘Mulligans’
at Stellenbosch to the Guardian Peak
memories, stunning photos, and some
awarded and a few golf balls lost
Wine Estate to enjoy the spectacular
new golfing friends.
into the ocean below. Anyone with
views and a wine tasting followed by
a fear of heights was at a distinct
From Mossel Bay the group made
Lucy Kublikowski
Out of Africa Travel & Golf Ltd
The final morning dawned bright,
and luckily the strong winds that had
Skype: outofafricatravel
Sports & Recreation | Golf
to base results for the day on stableford
Last but not least thanks go to the
points achieved over each individual’s
sponsors of this event.:
This is one of the two major Tanglin
first twelve holes. The game scheduled
Jaermann & Stubi, Paresa, Jurong
Club golf events in the annual calendar
for 7 November at Jurong Country Club
Country Club, Eu Yan Seng, Black
and the lure of pleasure, prizes, and
will now be used to award the Club
Angus Steakhouse, Freeman, Asian
prestige, and the opportunity to play
Tigers, Aquarius, Block Up, Fruit of the
Earth, and Nuun.
golf at Sentosa attracted around one
Still, there was more to the day than
Course at Sentosa is celebrating its
golf, and the Churchill Room provided
annual pot games
40th anniversary this year and with
the venue for a sumptuous buffet
it now being the subject of redesign
spread, merriment, prize giving, and
representatives from Singapore Cricket
plans, possibly this provided a last
lucky draws. This particular nineteenth
Club and Tanglin Club competing in
chance for some to enjoy the current
hole also included the opportunity
nine events (i.e. Lawn Bowls, Bridge,
course’s lush tropical golfing landscape
for attendees to show off prowess on
Balut, Tennis, Squash, Golf, Cricket,
and especially interesting quartet of par
the indoor green. The putting contest
Snooker, Darts, and Golf).
culminated in a shoot out between
Norman Walford and Michael Gray
The golf event is a 4 ball better ball
Following a chicken rice lunch, photo
with the latter taking the spoils of a
matchplay comprising ten matches
shoots, and a few extra poses on the
complimentary flight at Jurong Country
requiring two players from each club for
practice greens a shot gun initiated
each match. The initial challenge for this
event is the recruitment of competitive
moderately but not so threatening
Winners for the Day
golfers from the Tanglin membership to
provide a respectable adversary for our
weather conditions. Unfortunately, prior
1 :
Paul Healy
opponents. On this particular occasion,
to round completion the clouds turned
2 :
Kelvin Ngiam
recruitment endeavours came to some
black and a deluge of rain wiped out
3 rd:
Tan Kok Chai
fruition as the match was evenly fought
over a course in pristine condition and
the last few holes for all and sundry. So
40 turned out to be not so auspicious
still very fresh with challenge after its
for this Annual Championship and no
1 :
Sally Liew
recent $24m makeover.
Champion was crowned. As the number
2 nd:
Chan Lin-Mei
of holes played by some participants
3 rd:
Jackie Williams
extended to only twelve, it was decided
Thanks and well done to all that came
out to represent Tanglin.
Golf | Sports & Recreation
David White/Gopal Banerji beat Peter
In conclusion, golf provided Tanglin a
Salt/Hugh Darwell
half point in the overall competition but
Victor Yeung/Tan Bak Choon
this was not enough to help regain the
POT Trophy from SCC.
Hugh Hoyes Cock/Paul Healy beat
Ross Tan/Richard Stapely-Oh
Topical for September 2014 and
Teo Meng Toon/Patrick Kwek beat Lim
the Ryder Cup
Waiting for inspiration
Khoon/Denny Sioh
A little known golf rule:
is a cruel past-time.
Vincent Cho/Lee How Sheng beat
Many players miss out on qualifying for
I much prefer Golf.
Sandy Wimalasena
the Ryder Cup for unusual reasons–an
If. . .
unexpected injury or perhaps a clash of
in every game all greens were hit
Philip Seet/Kenneth Koh lost to Suresh
personalities with the captain selecting
and each was then one putted
Prabu/Mike Mahaffy
the wildcards. However, the saddest
would golf as a game
Tony Faneco/Fred Pickering lost to Eric
story of a player’s absence from the
still be the same
Teoh/Jimmy Ong
matches came in 1981 when Calvin
its mystery all but gutted?
Lim Khoon Hin/Lee Seng Teik lost to
Peete, one of the first black golfers to
Error-less play may be the goal
Tim Ong/Richard Ow
make a mark on the PGA Tour, was
but when you come down to it
Steven Ong/Chow Yoon Seng lost to
barred from the team because of a
to play the best
Vincent Ho/Steven Ng
PGA of America regulation that stated
would end the test
Wolfgang Hollermann lost to Allan Muir/
all full members of the association
so. . .
Alvin Khoo
must have a high school diploma. This
would you want to do it?
requirement had passed unnoticed until
Overall result 5 matches each. Note
Peete’s play in the build-up put him into
To make a putt without a doubt
one single player on each side due to
a Ryder Cup qualifying position and,
A mind-trick to apply:
no shows.
without the certificate, the team left for
Pretend that you’ve already missed
Britain without him. But Peete studied
And this is your second try!
Thanks to our hosts Jurong Country
hard, passed the necessary exams, and
- Leon S White, PhD
Club for providing such tasty cusine
qualified for the team in 1983 and 1985.
and an après golf venue well suited to
inter-club camaraderie and opportunity
to embellish the day’s golfing tales.
Paul Healy
Golf Section Committee Member
Sports & Recreation | Lawn Bowls
Lawn Bowls POT Games between The Tanglin Club and Singapore Cricket Club
lawn bowls pot games 2014
ends with 9 bowls in total, to give our visitors a
Tanglin Lawn Bowls hosted the POT Games
20-25 points victory.
with the teams from Singapore Cricket Club. Six
teams of three each competed on 7 September
Team B led all the way till 16 ends. They were up
at the Club’s Bowls Green on the fourth floor.
17-11, an almost unassailable lead in a normal
situation. Unfortunately their nerves cracked up
The initial threatening
at the last two ends
clouds gave way to
when they lost three
a very fine, clear day
bowls and four bowls
when the tournament
started at 4pm. The
giving our visitors a
games were played
very narrow win of
on an 18-ends and
18 to 17.
3-balls format of three
Members per team.
Two of our teams
Our team, captained
by Rodger Kimpton,
started off with confidence and the hope of
respectively. However, two other teams almost
beating our well-known tough opponents, on
never saw the light of day as they struggled to a
home ground. But it was a tough battle against
score of 10 to 25 , and 14 to 27 losses.
the veterans from SCC who were determined to
overcome the oughts of the fast turf of our lawn.
So we lost not just by the number of team
games; we also lost by total score. We obviously
It was a neck-and-neck battle, with our teams
missed the services of our champion, Virginia
just leading narrowly by four to two most of the
Longfellow, and our veterans, Derek and Devi
way. But alas, despite our home turf advantage,
an unexpected change of luck and an apparent
lack of stamina overtook our teams towards the
Obviously, our teams need more match practices.
Our Team A led till the 15 ends, with the score of
Lin Ten Ing
20-16. But at the last 3 ends, they lost all their
Lawn Bowls Section Committee Member
Swimming | Sports & Recreation
The Tanglin Club hosted the Merlion Swim Meet
on 30 August 2014. At 1pm, swimmers from
the British Club, Marsden Swim Squad, ACSian
Falcon swim team, the American Club, and our
own Tanglin Club swimmers arrived. The whole
Tanglin Club swimming pool came to life with
more than 150 swimmers and their families
participating in this swim meet.
The swim meet kicked off at 2pm with the team
relay events. The relays were the most exciting
highlight of the swim meet. Teams cheered and
swimmers swam hard and the whole atmosphere
was filled with excitement. The swimmers
also competed in the individual Freestyle and
Breaststroke events.
We have a team of 40 swimmers from the Tanglin
Torpedoes. A few of them made their debut in
this swim meet. I must say, our swimmers were
impressive and had many podium finishes in their
events. Well done, Team Tanglin Torpedoes!
This swim meet is the fourth of a series of
five events for this year and the last meet will
be hosted by the American Club. The Merlion
League is currently into its third year running and
each participating team will take a turn to host
the swim meet. This swim league is formed to
give our swimmers more race opportunity and
exposure to competitions.
Alvin Pang
Total Swimming Head Coach
Sports & Recreation | Squash
kimpton Cup 2014
As many of you may have heard Kristen Mansfield has
relocated back to Australia, and several rousing parties
and dinners were held in her honour for the sterling job that
she has done this one and a half years with the Squash
Section. She will be dearly missed, but rest assured, she
has promised to come back often enough that we will not
forget her!
Kristen made Club history when she was unanimously
elected as our first female Squash Convenor, and we must
say she ruled well with her not quite iron but firm hand! The
Squash Section is most thankful for her contribution, and
we wish her all the best for her future endeavours.
Ms Kristen Mansfield
Mr Andrew Lockie
Squash | Sports & Recreation
We welcome Mr Andrew Lockie as Acting Squash Convenor
undefeated now for seven-in-a-row! Imagine that, seven-
until the next Squash AGM. Thank you Andy, for kindly
time champions–certainly deserves a double mention,
taking up the baton. It will certainly be a hard act to follow
eh chaps?
given that it was such a pretty one!
POT Games
Annual Club Championship
Tanglin hosted this year’s annual POT Games against the
Our Annual Club Championship was held on 23 and 30
Singapore Cricket Club. Thank you to our players who
August. Needless to say, we had two days of excellent
put up a valiant fight against a slightly superior team. The
games cumulating into an evening where we were well
score ended with a respectable 7-4 to the visitors and we
watered and fed! Congratulations to the winners!
congratulate and thank them once again for the exercise!
Kimpton Cup
upcoming events
This year’s Kimpton Cup, played from 13 to 20
As the year draws to a close (where did the year go?)
September, saw what must surely be the most exciting
please do keep a look out on the notice board for details
finals between the pairs of Mr Shane Hagan and Mr Paul
on our year-end party and start training for next year’s
Isted, and Mr Lood Van Rooyen and Mr Marc Nicholson.
International Doubles!
It was a tooth and nail battle with neither side giving
any away any quarter. Several tie-breakers later and
we congratulated the winners Mr Hagan and Mr Isted–
Squash Section Committee
Pictures from Annual Club Championships
Pictures from Squash POT Games 2014
Sports & Recreation | Tennis
The last tournament of the Tanglin Junior
Tennis Series will be held November 14-16
at The Tanglin Club courts. Sign up sheets
have been posted on the notice board
opposite the tennis office at Level U1 in the
sports building. Entries close November 8,
so all those kids wanting some competitive
play, sign up and get in the action!!
Tanglin’s 18–all still winners in our books.
Tanglin’s tennis courts were the scene of an intense battle
between the Singapore Cricket Club and Tanglin on the
We look forward to next year’s edition at the Cricket Club’s
last Saturday in September for the POT this year. In the
newly laid courts.
end, we came up short, losing to SCC 7-2 in the best-ofnine format.
Six matches were played simultaneously, and we were
the corner and that
either close or led in at least four. Miles Fenley and Chris
means school holidays
Forbes secured the first point of the match, winning the
are upon us, which
men’s over-50 doubles 9-2. There was hope. But soon, the
also means the very
results began filtering in. Our ‘open’ pair of Taco Portengen
popular Tanglin Club
and Rich Gridley (nursing a pulled back) lost, and then so
Junior Tennis Camps
did the men’s over-40 pair of Mark Fernandes and Bernard
will be back for three
Fung. Mark and Bernard kept it close, and it went all the
way down to the wire. But one lost service game, after at
November / December
least 10 deuces, broke the pair. They lost 9-7 in a tight but
highly entertaining encounter.
Camp 1: 17 November-21 November
It didn’t get any better. Apart from a spirited display from
Camp 2: 1 December-5 December
Victoria Tan and Cho Yu-Mei in the women’s open, the
Camp 3: 15 December-19 December
rest of the pairs faltered, unable to repeat our victory on
home soil two years ago. But we’ll be back next year, and
hopefully stronger. Thanks to captains Soo Kui Jien and We look forward to seeing the
Lillian Lum for planning and preparing for the POT, and to
kids out on court for holiday fun!
Ten-Pin Bowling | Sports & Recreation
bowling for fun and fitness
A social game that can be enjoyed by everyone, regardless of age or skill
bowling session at the american club
On 3 September, guests Jane Iyer, James Iyer, and
Josephine Chia added fun and laughter to the lively
atmosphere of the bowling session at the American Club.
A challenging spirit changed gutter balls to lucky strikes.
We are a small, friendly, and non-competitive group, and
we bowl for the exercise and enjoy the good company.
Come and join us for some fun in a relaxed atmosphere.
Shoes and balls are readily available. Bring your socks.
Ten-Pin Bowling Section Committee
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Meet The Author | Library
meet the author: ms adele parks
Sunday, 9 november, 6pm at the raffles Room
$18 per person (includes a glass of beer, wine,
or soft drink, and canapés)
One of the UK’s most-loved and biggest selling women’s fiction
authors, Adele Parks has published 14 novels, all of which have been
Top 10 bestsellers in the Times in the UK.
Born in north-east England, Parks studied English at the University
of Leicester and worked in advertising until she published her first
novel, Playing Away in 2000, which was the debut bestseller of that
year. That year, The Evening Standard also identified her as one of
London’s ‘Twenty Faces to Watch.’ She is known for her realistic
characterisations and her ability to get right to the heart of the
dilemmas women and men face in their lives.
Her novels have sold over 2 million copies in the UK, and they have
been translated into over 26 languages. A strong believer in the basic
right of reading, Parks is the Ambassador of the Reading Agency’s
Six Book Challenge, which encourages emerging readers who are
becoming passionate about books. In 2011, she was a judge for the
Costa Book Awards. Spare Brides is her latest work.
Complete Bibliography:
Playing Away (2000)
Game Over (2001)
Larger Than Life (2002)
The Other Woman’s Shoes (2003)
Still Thinking of You (2004)
Husbands (2005)
Young Wives’ Tales (2007)
Tell Me Something (2009)
Love Lies (2009)
Men I’ve Loved Before (2010)
About Last Night (2011)
Whatever It Takes (2012)
The State We’re In (2013)
Spare Brides (2014)
Sunday Times bestseller Adele Parks brings us her first ever
historical novel and turns her laser-sharp perception and empathy
to a forgotten generation of women against the tumultuous and
opulent backdrop of post-First World War England.
Damaged and beautiful, they were the forgotten generation of women
who lost so much and became ‘spare brides.’ Spare Brides is the
powerful story of four extraordinary women left to pick up the pieces
of their lives, in a tumultuous and opulent post–WWI England.
New Year’s Eve, 1920. The Great War is over and it’s a new decade
of promise. But a generation of men and women who survived the
extreme trauma and tragedy will never be the same.
With countless men lost, it seems that only wealth and beauty will
secure a husband from the few who returned, but lonely Beatrice
has neither attribute. Ava has both, although she sees marriage as
a restrictive cage after the freedom war allowed. Sarah paid the
war’s ultimate price: her husband’s life. Lydia should be grateful that
her own husband’s desk job kept him safe, but she sees only his
In a world altered beyond recognition, where not all scars are visible,
this damaged and beautful group must grasp any happiness they can
find–whatever the cost.
library | New Books for November
Book Of The Month
by Zelda la Grange
Good Morning, Mr Mandela tells the extraordinary story of how a young woman had
her life, beliefs, prejudices, and everything she once believed in utterly transformed by
the greatest man of her time. It is the incredible journey of an awkward, terrified young
typist in her twenties later chosen to become the President’s most loyal and devoted
servant, spending most of her adult working life travelling with, supporting, and caring
for the man she would come to call Khulu, or ‘grandfather.’ Here Zelda pays tribute to
Nelson Mandela as she knew him–a teacher who gave her the most valuable lessons
of her life. A man who refused to be defined by his past, who forgave and respected
all, but who was also frank, teasing, and direct. This is a book about love and second
chances. It will touch your life and make you believe that every one of us, no matter who
we are or what we have done, has the power to change.
General Fiction
Mr Mercedes
While We Were Watching
World Order
Death Come Quickly
Stephen King
Downton Abbey
Henry Kissinger
Susan Wittig Albert
What I Remember Most
The Zone of Interest
Cathy Lamb
Martin Amis
Good Morning, Mr Mandela
The Handmaid’s Tale
Lynda La Plante
Hawksmoor at Home
Zelda La Grange
Margaret Atwood
Loving Rose: The Redemption
Heston Blumenthal
Singapore’s Lost Son: How
A Walk Among the Tombstones
of Malcolm Sinclair
Lawrence Block
Stephanie Laurens
The Devil’s Larder
Hector and the Search for
Jim Crace
The Skin Collector
Jeffery Deaver
Take a Look at Me Now
Miranda Dickinson
The Secret Place
Tana French
Tom Clancy’s Support and
Mark Greaney
Where We Belong
Catherine Ryan Hyde
The Wings of the Dove
Henry James
Want You Dead
Peter James
The Third Wife
Lisa Jewell
Francois Lelord
The Son
Wendy Wax
100 Great Business Ideas
Jeremy Kourdi
The Social Animal
David Brooks
The Glass Closet: Why Coming
Out is Good Business
John Browne
Inside the Red Border: A History
I Made it From Dropout to
Millionaire Princeton PhD
Kaiwen Leong
Citizens of London
Lynne Olson
The Bombers and the Bombed
Jo Nesbo
of Our World, Told Through the
Richard Overy
In The Shadow of the Banyan
Pages of TIME Magazine
The Sea and the Civilization
Howard Chua-Eon
Lincoln Paine
Vaddey Ratner
Shredded: Inside RBS, The
Dark Pools: The Rise of the
Festive in Death
Bank that Broke Britain
Machine Traders and the
J.D. Robb
Ian Fraser
Rigging of the U.S. Stock
The Eye of God
The 4-Hour Chef
James Rollins
Timothy Ferriss
The Daring Young Man on the
The Next 100 Years: A Forecast
Flying Trapeze
for the 21st Century
Williams Sonoma
William Saroyan
George Friedman
Mrs Jordan’s Profession
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
Building Wealth Through REITS
Claire Tomalin
David Shafer
Bobby Jayaram
A Troublesome Inheritance
The Bourne Ascendancy
Midnight’s Descendants
Nicholas Wade
Lustbader Eric Van
John Keay
Scott Patterson
Easy Entertaining
New DVDs for November | Library
DVD Of The Month
the fault in our stars (2014)
Starring Shailene Woodley, Ansel Elgort and Nat Wolff
Directed by Josh Boone
Hazel (Shailene Woodley) and Gus (Ansel Elgort) share a sarcastic
sense of humor, a distaste for convention, and ultimately, a love that
will sweep them onto a transformative journey that they–and you–will
never forget. Although the two teens face extraordinary challenges,
their courage and dedication to each other prove that while life isn’t
perfect, love is. Laura Dern (TV’s Enlightened, The Master) and Willem
Dafoe (Out of Furnace, Spider-Man films) also star in this powerfully
moving film based on John Green’s best-selling novel.
Action & Adventure
TV Series
•Brick Mansions - 2014 (PG13)
•Helix: Season 1 - 2014 (NC16)
•Godzilla - 2014 (PG13)
•Nikita: Season 4 - 2013 (PG13)
•Jarhead 2: Field of Fire - 2014 (M18)
•Southcliffe: Series 1 - 2013 (NC16)
•Maleficent - 2014 (PG)
•The Mill: Season 1 - 2013 (NC16)
•The Wrong Mans - 2013 (NC16)
•Midsomer Murders: Set 15 - 2012 (NC16)
•Citylights - 2014 (NC16)
•Private Practice: Season 5 - 2011 (M18)
•The Fault in Our Stars - 2014 (PG13)
•Foyle’s War: Series 7 - 2010 (NC16)
•The Attacks of 26/11 - 2013 (M18)
•Private Practice Season 4: - 2010 (M18)
•A Mother’s Son - 2012 (PG13)
•State of Play - 2003 (M18)
•Ishaqzaade - 2012 (PG)
•Last Tango in Halifax - 2012 (M18)
Blu Ray
•Earth - 1930 (M18)
•Godzilla - 2014 (PG13)
•Hidden Kingdoms - 2014
•Maleficent - 2014 (PG)
•The Angriest Man in Brooklyn - 2014 (M18)
•The Fault in Our Stars - 2014 (PG13)
•Come and See - 1985 (PG)
•Black Mirror: Series 2 - 2013 (M18)
•The Princess Bride - 1987 (PG)
•Enemy - 2013 (M18)
•The Railway Man - 2013 (NC16)
Junior Library
•A Touch of Sin - 2013 (NC16)
•Barbie and the Secret Door - 2014
•Wonders of Life - 2013
•Maleficent - 2014 (PG)
•The Princess Bride - 1987 (PG)
•Team Hot Wheels: The Origin of Awesome - 2014 (G)
•Red Desert - 1964
•Toy Story Of Terror - 2013 (G)
To mark the 100th anniversary of World War I, here are some of the
best WWI films that we have in our Library:
•All Quiet on the Western Front
•The Red Baron (2008)
•A Very Long Engagement (2004)
•Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
•War Horse (2011)
•Paths of Glory (1957)
•La Grande Illusion (1937)
•The African Queen (1951)
•The White Ribbon (2009)
•Gallipoli (1981)
•A Farewell to Arms (1932)
138 Reciprocal Clubs
•The Adelaide Club
• Tattersall’s Club
• The Brisbane Club
• United Services Club
• The Commonwealth
• Melbourne Club
• Royal Automobile
Club of Victoria
• Royal South Yarra
Lawn Tennis Club
• The Alexandra Club
• The Athenaeum Club
• The Australian Club
• Newcastle Club
• The Weld Club
• Western
Australian Club
• Royal Sydney Yacht
• Tattersall’s Club
• Union, University &
Schools Club
• The Tasmanian Club
• Der Ubersee Club
• International Club
of Berlin
• American Club
• Hong Kong Club
• Hong Kong
Football Club
• Ladies’
Recreation Club
• Bangalore Club
• The Bengal Club
• Tollygunge Club
• Madras Cricket Club
• Bombay Gymkhana
• Willingdon
Sports Club
New Delhi
• Delhi Gymkhana
• Emerald Garden Club
• Dhaka Club
• International Sports
Club of Indonesia
• Glencoe Club
• The Ranchmen’s Club
• Granite Club
• The National Club
• The Toronto Lawn
Tennis Club
• University Club of
• Arbutus Club
• Vancouver Club
• The Union Club of
British Columbia
• Beijing
American Club
• Cercle de L’Union
• Lagardere Paris
Racing Club
• Kildare Street &
University Club
• Fitzwilliam Lawn
Tennis Club
• Circolo del Ministero
Degli Affari Esteri
• Kobe Regatta &
Athletic Club
• Tokyo American Club
• Yokohama Country
& Athletic Club
• Muthaiga Club
• Seoul Club
• Sarawak Club
Negri Sembilan
• Royal Port Dickson
Yacht Club
• Royal Sungei
Ujong Club
• Penang Club
• Penang Sports Club
• Penang
Swimming Club
• The Bangkok Club
• The British Club
• The Royal Bangkok
Sports Club
• Kelab Diraja Ipoh –
Royal Ipoh Club
Kuala Lumpur
• Kelab Taman Perdana
– Royal Lake Club
• Royal Selangor Club
• The Raintree Club of
Kuala Lumpur
Monte Carlo
• Yacht Club de
• The Northern Club
• The Christchurch
• The Dunedin Club
• Hawke’s Bay Club
• The Lahore
• The Punjab Club Lahore
• Baguio Country Club
• Manila Club
• Manila Polo Club
• Circulo Ecuestre
• Colombo Club
• Colombo Swimming
Nurwara Eliya
• The Hill Club
• Kelvin Grove Club
• Durban Club
• The Country Club
• Inanda Club
• Sallskapet
• The Royal Bachelors Club
• American Club
in China
• The Club
• The Capital Club
• Royal Northern &
University Club
• The New Club
• The Royal Overseas
• The Royal Scots Club
• The Western Club
• The Athenaeum
• Army & Navy Club
• Carlton Club
• East India Club
• Naval & Military Club
• Oriental Club
• The Royal
Air Force Club
• The Athenaeum
• The Caledonian Club
• The Cavalry &
Guards Club
• The Hurlingham Club
• The Lansdowne Club
• The Naval Club
• The New
Cavendish Club
• The Reform Club
• The Royal Automobile
• The Royal Overseas
• The Sloane Club
• Oxford &
Cambridge Club
• The Norfolk Club
• Phyllis Court Club,
• Harvard Club
of Boston
• Union Club of Boston
• The University Club
• The Union Club
• The Pacific Club
New Haven
• The Graduate Club
New York City
• The Harvard Club of
New York City
• The Princeton Club of
New York
• The Union
League Club
• The Yale Club of
New York City
• The Cornell Club
• The Racquet Club
• The University Club
San Francisco
• The Metropolitan
• Olympic Club
• The University Club of
San Francisco
• The Rainier Club
• Washington
Athletic Club
Washington DC
• Cosmos Club
• The Georgetown Club
• The University Club
• The Hanoi Club
More information about these clubs is available in the Reading Room and on our website at
Club Operating Hours
Daily Noon to 11pm
CARD ROOM (Level 4 S&R Complex)
Daily 8am to 12.30am
Tuesday to Friday (Closed on Monday)
Lunch: Noon to 3pm (Last order: 2.30pm)
Tuesday to Friday (Closed on Monday)
Dinner: 7pm to midnight (Last order: 10.30pm)
Saturday (Closed for lunch)
Dinner: 7pm to 1am (Last order: 11pm)
Brunch: 11.30am to 2.30pm
Dinner: 6pm to 10pm (Last order: 9.30pm)
For reservations, please contact F&B Department at
66220432 or email
Friday 8pm
Saturday and Sunday 6pm and 9pm
Saturday and Sunday 2.30pm (Children’s Matinee)
Monday to Friday
Lunch: Noon to 3pm (Last order 2.30pm)
Dinner: 7pm to 11pm (Last order 10.30pm)
Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday
*Lunch Closed
Dinner: 7pm to 11pm (Last order 10.30pm)
*Bar closed from 3pm to 7pm
Monday to Friday 8.30am to 6.15pm
Closed on Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays
Daily 6am to 10pm
Monday to Saturday 10am to 7pm
Closed on Sunday and Public Holiday
Daily 10am to 11pm
Tuesday to Friday, and Public Holidays
Noon to 7pm
Saturday 9am to 7pm
Sunday 11am to 7pm
(Closed on Mondays)
Daily 7am to 11pm
Weekday 10am to 7pm
Saturday 10am to 5pm
Sunday 10am to 5pm
Closed on Public Holidays
Tuesday to Friday Noon to 7pm
Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays
9am to 8pm (Closed on Mondays)
Tuesday to Friday 11am to 8pm
Saturday and Sunday 10am to 4pm
Closed on Mondays and Public Holidays
Daily 9am to 11pm
Daily 7.30am to 10pm
Monday to Thursday
11am to 9pm
11am to 11pm
8am to 11pm
Sunday, Eve of Public Holiday and
Public Holidays
8am to 9pm (No kitchen service at 6pm)
Monday to Thursday
Noon to 1am (Last order: 12.45am)
Noon to 2am (Last order: 1.45am)
11am to 2am (Last order: 1.45am)
11am to 1am (Last order: 12.45am)
Lunch: Noon to 3pm
(Last order: 2.30pm)
Sunday to Friday
Dinner: 6pm to midnight
(Last food order: 11pm)
Dinner: 6pm to 1am
(Last food order: 11.30pm)
10am to 9.30pm (Last order: 9pm)
Daily 7am to 11pm
Sunday to Friday
Dinner: 7pm to 11.30pm
(Last food order: 11pm)
Dinner: 7pm to midnight
(Last food order: 11.30pm)
Sunday and Public Holidays
Lunch: Noon to 3pm (Last order: 2.30pm)
Key Contacts
Mukhantan Perumal
Catering Sales executive
6622 0434
habib Mansoor
Senior Marketing & Communications executive
6622 0533
Tina Supri
events Manager
6622 0437
Julie Goh
executive Secretary
6622 0402
Assa Randhawa
Accounts executive
6622 0419
Ria Wendari
Admin executive
6622 0432
Nantha Kumar
Senior Member Services executive
6622 0555
(General enquiries),
(Room Reservations)
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
10am to 7.30pm
Closed on Tuesday
Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays
10am to 5.30pm
Devi Tharumalingam
Senior Library executive
6622 0494
Sunday to Thursday
Noon to 1am (Last order: 12.45am)
Friday and Saturday
Noon to 2am (Last order: 1.45am)
Yanty Sani
Membership executive
6622 0491
Breakfast: 7.30am to 10.30am
Lunch: 11am to 3pm
(Last order: 2.30pm)
Afternoon Tea: 3pm to 6pm
(Last order: 5.30pm)
Dinner: 6pm to 9.30pm
(Last food order: 9pm)
Indian Kitchen:
Lunch: 11am to 2.30pm (Last order: 2pm)
Dinner: 6pm to 9.30pm (Last order: 9pm)
Weekends and Public Holidays
11am to 9.30pm (Last order: 9pm)
Lincoln Lowe
Security Manager
6622 0556
Dean Chee
S&R Manager
6622 0570
Daily 7am to 10.30pm
Mandela Long Walk
to Freedom
Pay It Forward
The Fault In Our Stars
13 november, 8pm
in conjunction with world
kindness day
7 to 9 november
31 oct - 2 nov
The Railway Man
The Intouchables
14 to 16 november
21 to 23 november
Biography • PG • 141min
Romance • PG • 126min
Drama • PG • 123min
Drama • R • 116min
Comedy • R • 112min
Director: Justin Chadwick
Director: Josh Boone
Director: Mimi Leder
Director: Jonathan Teplitzky
Director: Olivier Nakache
Starring Idris Elba, Naomie
Starring Shailene Woodley and
Starring Kevin Spacey, Helen
Starring Colin Firth and Nicole
Starring François Cluzet and
Harris and Terry Pheto
Ansel Elgort
Hunt and Hayley Joel Osment
Omar Sy
A chronicle of Nelson Mandela’s
life journey from his childhood
in a rural village through to
his inauguration as the first
democratically elected president
of South Africa.
Hazel and Gus are two
teenagers who share an
acerbic wit, a disdain for the
conventional, and a love that
sweeps them on a journey.
A young boy attempts to make
a world a better place after his
teacher gives him that chance.
Based on the novel by Catherine
Ryan Hyde.
A former British Army officer
discovers that the man
responsible for much of his
treatment is still alive and sets
out to confront him.
After he becomes a
quadriplegic from a
paragliding accident, an
aristocrat hires a young man
from the projects to be his
children’s matinee
Justin and the Knights of Valour
Furry Vengeance
Alpha & Omega
1 & 2 november
8 & 9 november
15 & 16 November
22 & 23 November
Animation • PG • 90min
Family • PG • 92min
Action • PG • 97min
Animation • U • 88min
Director: Manuel Sicilia
Director: Roger Kumble
Director: Robert Stromberg
Director: Anthony Bell
Starring Antonio Banderas and
Starring Brendan Fraser, Brooke
Starring Angelina Jolie, Elle Fanning
Starring Hayden Panettiere,
James Cosmo
Shields and Ricky Garcia
and Sharlto Copley
Christina Ricci and Justin Long
A young boy becomes a man as he
embarks on a quest to become a
In the Oregon wilderness, a real estate
developer’s new housing subdivision
faces a unique group of protesters,
local woodland creatures who don’t
want their homes disturbed.
A vengeful fairy is driven to curse an
infant princess, only to discover that
the child may be the one person who
can restore peace to their troubled
Two young wolves at opposite ends
of their pack’s social order are thrown
together into a foreign land and need
each other to return home, but love
complicates everything.
Please note that No Food and Drinks are allowed in the Theatrette at any time.
Showtimes Friday, 8pm • Saturday, 6pm & 9pm • Sunday, 6pm & 9pm WEEKEND MATINEES: 2.30pm
Film Ratings G – General viewing • PG – Parental guidance required • NC16 – No children below 16 years
M18 – For viewers age 18 and above • R21 – For adults age 21 and above
For Enquiries Please call Reception at 66220555 or visit the website for more information.
Moviegoers are to be seated 15 minutes before showtime. Movie details subject to changes.
Members will be fully responsible for their children and guests in ensuring that the film screened is suitable
for viewing in accordance to the rules governed by the Singapore Board of Film Censors.
Members will be fully responsible for the conduct and behaviour of the children and guests and be answerable to the Committee in the respect of the same.
No movie screenings on 28, 29 & 30th Nov due to the Christmas Pantomime.