The Tidings of Peace November - Peace Lutheran Church Dresser, WI

The Tidings of Peace
Peace Lutheran Church
Church Office: 755-2515 or
Find us on facebook!
Office open: Tues.-Fri. 7am-5pm
Church Contacts
Bridge Pastor
Jon Becker
Executive Secretary
Pat Adam
Council President
Dale Cotch
Parish Nurse
Karen Fossum
Director of Christian
Ronda Haley
Where to find it!
December Servant Schedule
Pastor Jon’s Message
Bishop Hoyme’s Christmas Letter
“Seek God” Jeremiah 29:13
Parish Nurse Notes
Advent & Christmas Events
Education News & Upcoming Events 8-9
Youth Ministry & Upcoming Events
SHINE-Share His Incredible News
December Birthdays
Christmas Word Search
Jodi Swenson and Cindy Doiron
Business as Usual
Kathy Vesperman
Things to Do!
Financial Secretaries
Dorothy Lindholm and
Bonnie Crary
December Servant Schedule
8:30 am
10:45 am
December 7th
Bruce Swenson & Paul Lindholm
Lay Reader Danielle Nelson
Colin Krentz
Dallas Wynne family
Amy Hagen
December 14th
Alan Puterbaugh Family
Aaron & Miranda Hartman
Lay Reader Bruce Swenson
Ryan Leidle
December 21st
Bob & Denise Todd
Don & Linda Meixner
Lay Reader Mary Drinkwine
Adam Orton
Jan Museus/Lisa Schiebel
John & Pat Adam
Pat Adam
Trevor LaMirande
Bjorn Neumann family
Jan Museus
Sunday School Christmas
Program at 10:45 am
Volunteers needed!
Norma Lundgren
Anne Miller Solsrud
Bryanna Raddatz
Lori Getschel/Karlee Howard
Christmas Eve, December 24th
2:00 pm
Ushers: Chris Chinander & Jon Nordin
Acolyte: Luke Roytek
Greeters: Shane & Jessica O’Connor family
4:00 pm
Bob & Denise Todd
Marian Sinclear & Hayden Prokop
Connor Hinze
10:00 pm
Jeff & Terry Benoy family
Aaron & Miranda Hartman
McKenna Hollman
December 28th 9:00 am only (schedule to be sent out)
Mitchell Steele
Altar Guild:
8:30-Sue DeMenge 10:45-Sue Jensen
Communion Helper: 8:30-Jeff Moryn 10:45-Dale Cotch
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
This Advent and Christmas season, greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
The word Advent is from the Latin word for “coming”. In this season of so many contradictions, we wait and anticipate the coming of the promised Messiah.
Advent - a season of darkness, of waiting for the light, a world of glaring artificial
Advent - a season of waiting, …in a world that says “Hurry! Go faster! Don’t wait!”
Advent - a season of peace, …in a world of war.
Advent - a season of joy, …for a people living in fear, despair, and pain.
Advent is a season we truly need to get ready for Christmas. Not the Christmas of
office parties, shopping malls, “canned” carols played over loudspeakers for downtown shoppers, and feeling pushed into buying the biggest and best presents for our
families, ...but a Christmas that means peace, hope, joy, life, ...and a Savior.
How can we celebrate the real Christmas, instead of celebrating greed and materialism? A few suggestions follow.
1. Calculate what you spent on Christmas gifts last year, and keep your spending at the
same total amount this year (or even lower it a little!).
2. Of the total amount you will spend on Christmas gifts, commit yourself to donating
15%, 20%, or 25% of this amount to: a charity, world hunger, or some other
3. When you buy your Christmas gifts, buy from groups, organizations, or charities
who need your support.
4. As much as possible, make your gifts and wrappings (they mean so much more).
5. Give certificates of time or talents as gifts to family and friends (I.e. - one evening
of baby-sitting; one home-cooked meal; one Saturday afternoon with your child
[& THEY get to choose the activities]; one shopping trip and lunch at the Mall of
America; etc.).
This year, put love into your gifts and gift-giving. Let us take the “$” out of
Chri$tma$, the $ that turns Christmas into a “Sellebration”, instead of a “celebration”!
May you have a meaningful Advent, a joyous Christmas, and a blessed new year.
In Christ,
Pastor Jon
All is Calm
A Christmas Message from Bishop Rick Hoyme, NW Synod of Wisconsin
My first parish was on the prairie of northern Montana. Each year, the
week following Easter, all the pastors of our denomination from Montana,
Wyoming and northern Idaho would converge on Livingston, Montana, for
our annual pastors’ conference. Now, for those of you not familiar with such
important things, Livingston is known as one of the premier trout fishing
locations in North America. My first year I was excited to take some time
from the conference and head to one the great streams surrounding Livingston and begin the process of becoming a great trout angler. I had no
money, so I borrowed a fly rod from one friend, waders from another and a
fishing vest from a third. I bought a book on fly fishing in Montana, read
the short story “A River Runs through It” and was good to go.
I arrived at the conference and stored my gear, and began looking for Ron
Johnstad, a longtime Montana pastor, a legendary fly fisher and a native
of Pigeon Falls, Wis. He would know where to fish, what fly to use and how
to get there! As a rookie, I was a little in awe of Ron and hesitant to bother
him, but I took a deep breath, introduced myself, told him I knew where
Pigeon Falls was, and asked what I hoped were not stupid questions. When
I stopped to breathe he looked down at me and said, “Don’t bother … the
water is too busy.”
“The water is too busy. We had a lot of snow and the rivers are running
high and full of sediment. There’s too much in the water and the trout
won’t be able to see the flies that you are using. The water is too busy.
Don’t even try ‘cause you won’t catch anything. I didn’t even bring my rod.”
Thirty-five years later, I still remember that phrase, “The water’s too busy.”
And I remember it most often this time of year. “The water’s too busy.”
My wife Diane and I went to a movie the other night at the theater in the
mall in Eau Claire. The parking lot was full, the food court was full. There
were people everywhere—and, it wasn’t even Thanksgiving yet! I turned to
my wife and asked naively, (which, by the way, is how I ask most of my questions), “What are all these people doing here?” She gave me her ‘who is this
moron and why did I marry him’ look and said, “Shopping.”
As Christmas nears, the waters will only get busier. And we wonder why we
can’t see Jesus.
In my last congregation we had four Christmas Eve worship services. Each
one would end the same—with the singing of “Silent Night.” I would sit there
and look out over the hundreds of people who would find their way to that
sanctuary on that day and see in their faces something I never could see at
the mall. I would see calm. I would see peace. I would see Jesus.
So here it is; here’s the catch. Do whatever you do in the weeks ahead to get
ready for whatever you do for Christmas. Be as busy as you want or need to
be. But, DO NOT skip church on Christmas Eve (or Christmas Day). Just
don’t do it. It is one thing you can do to clear the water and make way for the
Christ child to re-enter your life. It works. I don’t know how, but it works.
Merry Christmas!
Bishop Rick Hoyme
“We have seen His star in the East,
and have come to worship Him.”
Matthew 2:2
Will you, too, seek Him and
come to worship Him…
not only as we celebrate His birth
during December, but as we gather as
our church family in 2015?
December Memory Verse
“Seek the Lord while he may be found;
call upon him while he is near…”
Isaiah 55:6
Parish Nurse Notes!
THE ADVENT AND CHRISTMAS SEASON is one of hope, peace, joy
and love. There are gifts to buy, parties to attend and decorations to
put up. Yet, for most of us, this time of year recalls within us loved
ones who are no longer here to celebrate Christmas with us.
As a time to give these memories their due place in our Christmas
celebrations, Peace Lutheran will once again host a holiday Service
of Remembrance on Sunday, December 7th. The brief service
will begin at 1:30 PM and will include the opportunity to light a candle
in memory of a loved one. New this year, we’re asking attendees to
please bring a photo (5 X 7 or smaller) of your loved one that
we can include on a display in the front of the church. If you think
this event could make the holidays easier for you, please attend. Feel
free to invite other members of your family or friends in the community as well. Following the service, refreshments will be served.
This month’s tip for communicating with someone who has
Alzheimer’s disease or advanced dementia:
Be aware of your feelings and attitude – you may be saying
you’re happy but communicating through your tone of voice
that you are stressed. Use positive, friendly facial expressions
and nonverbal communication.
HOLIDAY HOSPITALITY: If you’re planning to host a holiday
gathering for family or friends and wondering if you’ve gotten enough
food, err on the side of having too much – you can always pack up
containers of leftovers and take them to a neighbor in need or someone in our congregation who’s living alone. Having said that, remember that hospitality is often about opening up the doors and trusting
that five loaves and two fish will somehow be enough!
Wishing you all a very joyous Christmas,
Advent & Christmas Events
Mark Your Calendars!
MITTEN TREE—Fellowship Hall
Mittens, hats, scarves, gloves — beginning Nov 30th
“PREPARE YE!” - Advent Event
Sunday, November 30th, between services
All church members are invited to help prepare the church, and more
importantly our hearts, for the Advent and Christmas season.
Come, Prepare Ye!
December 7th, 1:30 pm
(see Parish Nurse page)
December 14th, 10:45 Service
Children: Practice will be held Saturday, Dec. 13th, from 9am—noon. PreK
and K children and those only in the chorus should come at 10am. Children will
also rehearse Dec 7th & 14th during Sunday School.
December 14th, 9:30—10:30am
Next year’s PreK children and parents are invited to a birthday party for Jesus.
Children must be four by Sept. 1st, 2015 Invites will be mailed.
Sunday, December 21st — 8:30 & 10:45am Choir Cantata
Christmas Eve services — 2pm, 4pm, & 10pm
Sunday, December 28th — One Service at 9am
Adult Education Opportunities
Classes, Bible Studies, Conferences
Men in Mission -- Bible Study
Thursdays, 6:00am, Our Place Café
Rachael Circle -- Bible Study
Wed, Dec 17th, 1:30pm
Woman’s Wednesday Study
We begin a new study in January,
meeting weekly at Joyful Morning, in
Dresser, each Wednesday from
10:30– 11:30am.
Join us January 7th to receive the
book for the next study, which we will
then begin on January 14th.
The study topic will be announced in
the January Tidings... Just mark your
calendars and make plans to join us!
Invite a friend!
If your interested in an evening study
time, please contact Ronda so we can
set the best day and time.
Check out the books for a Christmas
gift or stocking stuffer ideas! Ideas for
men, women, couples, families and all
ages of children and youth! Under $12.
SUNDAY SCHOOL Opportunities—For all ages
Learn in Faith. Grow in Faith. Serve in Faith.
Peace Lutheran provides opportunities for people of all ages to grow in their faith
and relationship with Jesus Christ each Sunday morning. All members and visitors
are invited to join a class or discussion group.
Sock—Mitten Tree
Help us decorate the Christmas tree in Fellowship Hall with socks, hats,
gloves, mittens, and scarves for children in need in our community.
Dec. 28th and Jan. 4th
January JaM (Jesus and Me) for PreK—CLUB56
January 11
January 18
January 25
February 1
\ SEEK GOD! Activities and Lessons
Invite a Friend!!
Memory Work Fun
Preschoolers , Toddlers, Adults
7th & 8th Grade Confirmation
December 2nd and 16th
Dec 3
Dec 11
Dec 18
Jan 7
10:00– 11:00am
Education Wing
Jesus loves the little children
Test Night
Servant Night
Fellowship Night
ConfirMania Resumes
Peace Lutheran Youth Ministry
Mission Statement:
To be an instrument used by the Holy Spirit
to bring youth to faith in Jesus Christ. The
strategies by which we accomplish this purpose are: Worship, Service, Learning and
Youth Ministry Team: Julie Riemer, Robin
Ekstrom, Angie Gehrman, Tammy & Brian
Breault, Alan Puterbaugh, Jason & Sonya
Sunday Morning Opportunities
(9:35-10:40 am)
SONday (for youth 9-12 grade)
We meet in the Haven room in the Ed Wing
GODtime (for youth 7 & 8 grade)
Each Sunday morning a group of your friends meet in the Youth Room for
treats, games, study and fun.
CLUB56 (for youth in 5-6 grade)
This is a Sunday morning club just for 5 & 6 graders
Wednesday Night HS Youth Group
9th-12th graders-please join us for HS Youth Group. from 6-7:30 pm.
Supper is at 6:00 pm (bring $2 for supper). We gather in the Youth Room
to eat, share exciting and challenging devos and hang out. Bring a friend!
7th-12th Grade Students: sign up for Planet Wisdom
3:45 pm Dec. 5-6:30 pm on Dec. 6th.
Depart: Friday, Dec. 5th at 3:45 from Peace Lutheran
Cost: $62 (includes dinner, breakfast, ticket, transportation) Lunch
is on your own on Saturday. Money is due to Peace Nov. 26th
(checks payable to Peace Youth) Doors open around 6 p.m.
Let Christ’s Light Shine!
Share His Incredible News Everywhere!
In December we will be shining on
All those in our community and in the world in need.
Osceola, SCF and Dresser food shelves are in need of donations, monetary or
dry goods.
Serenity Home/Salvation Army in Balsam Lake needs slippers for men and
women. (they must wear shoes or slippers in the shelter at all times)
There are Blessing Basket cards at Peace –monetary donations for food for
families at Christmas.
Mitten and Hat (and socks) tree is in the Fellowship Hall-put your donations
on or under the tree.
Peace Lutheran Church
Christmas Wish List
In this season of giving, if you would like to give your church a gift, following
are some ideas of needed items:
8 x 11.5” copy paper (available at Walmart or Target)
Scotch tape
3M Post-it Notes (3” square)
Coffee (regular and decaf)
9v batteries (the oblong ones)
Paper towels
Over the door mirror for the pastor’s office
CRA (women’s shelter) benevolence of $750
Interfaith Caregivers benevolence of $450
OMC Chaplaincy Program benevolence of $350
Blessing Basket Money Cards ($10 & $15 cards available)
Celebrating December
Christmas Word Search
A big THANK YOU to:
Our funeral worker group and the
families that bring food for the funerals (we have had 14 funeral so far
this year).
Dallas Wynne for shoveling the sidewalk in the mornings.
Rose Swanson for volunteering to
take over the Funeral Lunch Coordinating.
Jason Swanson and Jonathan Haley
for their “tech” work on the Peace
wireless internet.
BrenNel Ward & Mary Drinkwine for
delivering the turkey dinners to our
Thank you to those of you who gave
monetary gifts for my farewell celebration. I am happy to tell you that in
total I have forwarded $100 to China
Service Ventures and another $100 to
the JESUS Film Project. Because of
your gifts, many more will come to
know the love and salvation of Jesus
Christ. Thanks be to God!
Valerie Peterson
 A diamond(?) stud earring in the
 A kids plastic, green coin purse
with a monkey on it with a house
key inside
Do you own any Medtronic stock?
A recent transaction whereby Medtronic will be acquired by an Irish
company in order to reduce their
Mike Langermann & Minnie Kolve for
corporate tax rate will have the effect
cooking and packaging our turkey
of creating significant tax exposure for
long-time shareholders. If this situadinners.
tion will affect you, one solution is to
Ken Stensven for patching drywall
transfer the stock to Peace. You’ll
and painting to help “spruce up” our
receive a tax deduction in the amount
of the value of the stock on the day
Jim Lechman for cutting up hams for
it’s transferred, and you’ll avoid the
funeral luncheons.
tax you would otherwise have to pay.
Several Peace members are financial
Janelle & Becky Meyer for sorting
advisors and are available to help you
through and delivering the Operation
with this transaction; contact the
Christmas boxes.
church office to be put in touch with
someone who can help. The same
principle applies to any other assets
you own that have increased in value—think and pray about donating
them to help with God’s work and
reduce your tax bill!
Prayer Shawls are a simple piece of cloth that is wrapped in the prayers
of the faith-filled people who create them. These shawls are not magic,
they have no power in and of themselves. What makes the prayer shawl
valuable is each of us united with Christ through faith, sharing each others burdens prayerfully as we stitch these threads together. Geraldine
Anderson shared a story about a young man who worked at the care center where she did the work of rehabilitation and recovery. He would
come into her room and be drawn to the prayer shawl that laid on her
bed. His hands would stroke the shawl as he questioned her about where
it came from, who made it, what was it's purpose and what did it mean to
her and to the people who made it. She explained to him that it had
been made and given to her from this church family. She used this opportunity to tell this young man, who was seeking more meaning for his
life, about Jesus and his love for us. She finished her healing journey and
came home to us. What happened to the young caregiver we do not
know. What we do know is Geraldine used the prayer shawl to plant the
seeds of faith and trust in Jesus Christ. Our Lord will provide the growth
of faith in this young mans soul.
These prayer shawls tell the story of a love so full and free that each person who receives it and tells it's story brings the healing love of Jesus to
all who see and hears it's story. Prayer is the value of the shawl. Hope,
comfort and change are the fruits of the shawl. This is by God's grace
and mercy, not by the hands that fashioned the fabric.
Bird Seed Orders
Orders will be sent in on the 10th of each month and will be at Peace for
pickup by the 15th. The orders are filled by Endeavors Adult Development Center, Balsam Lake. Checks payable to Peace Lutheran and must
accompany your order. The order forms are in the narthex on one of the
tall café tables. We are selling the following birdseed:
 Songbird Buffet, 10# $10.00 or 20#, $19.00
 Cardinal Fancy, 10# $10.25 or 20# $18.25
 Nyger Seeds, 10# $12.25
 Black Oil Sunflower Seeds, 20# $19.50 or 40# $40
 Wild Game Bird Mix, 10# $8.50
Pastoral Duties
November 9th: Baptism of Juniper Ruth, daughter of Sarah & Kyle Strohbusch
November 16th: Baptism of Maeven Grace, daughter of Dana Everson
and Matthew Krenz
November 19th: Funeral service for Harry Swank
November 22nd: Funeral service for Dick Schmitt
Interim Process Update
The following members were nominated and approved at a Special Congregation Meeting in September. In the next few months these members will be
interviewing prospective pastors and then, bringing their recommendation to
our congregation for a vote. Please pray for the ministry of this committee and
that God will lead them in their tasks in the months ahead.
Shellee Mierow, Sara Carlson, Pete Peterson, Diane Moser, John Haley, Sonya
Swanson, Andrea Skinner, Jeff Hall and Clayton Hanson
Healthy Congregations
“The Church is always asking for money!” Interestingly, churches that are
alive and active and doing things, ask for money, …because there is so much
going on: ministry, outreach, youth, VBS, mission trips, confirmation Bible
Camp, fighting world hunger, supporting ministry through our Synod, etc.
Dead churches don’t need as much money, …because nothing is going on,
they are dead.
“What can I do to encourage a healthy congregation?” Each member can
ask themselves this question, and then come up with 5 strategies they could
personally work on to encourage a healthy congregation at Peace Lutheran.
2nd: 162/98
9th: 135/101
16th: 199/88
23rd: 118/88
Financial Report
Budget for 2014
$ 445,584.98
Needed to Date: $ 394,171.24
Received to Date
$ 354,773.52
Behind $ 39,397.72
Inclement Weather Rule
If St. Croix Falls or Osceola Schools are
closed or release early due to the winter weather, there will be no events at
church that evening. If there is a large
snowstorm on a scheduled worship day,
we will post a decision to stay open or
close on the PLC website, facebook
page, send out a group email and have
the message on the office answering
Sunday, December 12th, 6-8pm
Hostess: Melissa Hall — 951 230th St.,
Dresser RSVP 755-2290 by Dec 6th
All women are invited to a fun night of
Christmas fellowship. Women are asked to
bring an appetizer to share and, if possible, to bring a $5-10 gift for the gift bags
given to the women at CRA (i.e. body
soap, shampoo, jewelry, or lotion).
Valley Christian School
Christmas Bake Sale!
Friday, Dec. 5th, 3-7 pm,
Sat. Dec. 6th, 4:30-6pm. Now located at
Hope Evangelical Free Church, Osceola
Bible Studies/Groups
Prayer Shawl Ministry
1st Sunday of each month in
the Sanctuary
Men in Mission
Meet every Thursday at 6:00
am at Our Place Café, Hwy. 8,
Rachael Circle
Dec. 17th, 1:30 pm
Cookie exchange and
Christmas Movie
3rd Thursday Group
Thursday, December 18th
9:00 am at Our Place Café,
St. Croix Falls
Weds. Women’s Bible Study
Beginning in January
Weds., 10:30-11:30 am
Joyful Morning, Dresser
New members are always
welcome to join in any of the
above opportunities!
Non-Profit Org.
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Dresser, WI
Permit No. 3
Peace Lutheran Church
2355 Clark Road
P.O. Box 655
Dresser, WI 54009
Christmas Eve Candlelight Services
2:00, 4:00 and 10:00 pm