Wisconsin Association of School Boards School District Election Schedule 2015 Spring Election Supporting, Promoting and Advancing Public Education SCHEDULE AT-A-GLANCE 2015 SPRING ELECTION NOVEMBER 2014 25 • Deadline for Publication of Notice of Election DECEMBER 1 • Earliest Date for Circulation of Nomination Papers, If Required (NOTE: Nomination Papers Are Not Required in Many School Districts) • Most Candidates will File Declarations of Candidacy, Campaign Finance Registrations, and Nomination Papers (If Required) during this Period • Deadline for Incumbents to File Notice of Non-Candidacy (5:00 p.m.) • Filing of January Continuing Report by Campaign Finance Registrants • Candidate Deadline for Filing All Documents Needed to Establish Eligibility to Appear on the Ballot (5:00 p.m.) • Clerk Makes Initial Determination of Candidates' Eligibility for Ballot 12 - 19 • Continuing Report Forms Mailed to Campaign Finance Registrants • Drawing of Lots for Ballot Order; Certify Nominations to County Clerk(s) • When a Primary is Required, Notice to Municipal Clerks of Primary Election 19 - 26 • If Primary Election is Being Held, Pre-Primary Election Report Forms Mailed On or Before 26 • If Primary Election is Being Held, Provide Municipal Clerk with Ballots (If Required) 27 1 - Jan. 6 26 JANUARY 2015 1 - Feb. 2 6 13 • Deadline for Filing Petition to Change Number, Apportionment or Election of School Board Members in Unified School Districts FEBRUARY 2 • Deadline for Filing January Continuing Report 3 • 3 - 9 • Deadline for Filing Pre-Primary Election Report 3 - 17 • Reporting of Late Contributions (If Required) 10 • On or Before 16 • If Primary Election is Being Held, Choose Board of Canvassers 16 • Notice of Primary Election 17 • Spring Primary Election On or About 18 • Receipt of Election Materials and Other Related Duties On or About 18 - 24 • Canvass of Primary Returns and Written Determination of Primary Results If Delinquencies in Filing Continuing Report: — Notify Registrants Who Have Failed to Comply — Make List of Delinquents for Public Inspection — Notify Regarding Discrepancies — Compile Current List of All Reports and Statements If Delinquencies in Filing Pre-Primary Election Report: — Notify Registrants Who Have Failed to Comply — Make List of Delinquents for Public Inspection — Notify Regarding Discrepancies — Compile Current List of All Reports and Statements FEBRUARY (continued) On or About 19 - 27 • Recount Request May Be Filed On or About 20 - 27 • If Primary Election was Held, Drawing of Lots for Ballot Order On or About 23 - 27 • If Primary Election was Held, Certify Nominations to County Clerk(s) MARCH 9 - 16 • Pre-Election Report Forms Mailed 16 • Provide Municipal Clerk with Ballots (If Required) 24 - 30 • Deadline for Filing Pre-Election Report 24 - April 7 • Reporting Late Contributions (If Required) 31 • If Delinquencies in Filing Pre-Election Report: — Notify Registrants Who Have Failed to Comply — Make a List of Delinquents for Public Inspection — Notify Regarding Discrepancies — Compile a Current List of All Reports and Statements APRIL On or Before 6 • Choose Board of Canvassers 6 • Notice of Spring Election 7 • Spring Election After 7 • Filing Campaign Finance Termination or Suspension Report On or About 8 • Receipt of Election Materials and Other Related Duties 8 - 14 • Canvass of Election Returns and Written Determination of Election Results On or About 9 - 17 • Recount Request May Be Filed On or About 13 - 17 • Notification of Election On or Before 27 • Filing of Official Oath 27 • School Board Members Take Office 27 - May 27 • Election of School Board Officials JUNE 22* • Deadline for Filing Petition to Change Number, Apportionment or Election of School Board Members in Union High School Districts (*This date is the deadline if the union high • Deadline for Filing Petition to Change Number, Apportionment or Election of School Board Members in Common School Districts (**This date is the deadline if the common district 29** school district annual meeting is held on the third Monday in July.) annual meeting is held on the fourth Monday in July.) 29 - July 6 • Continuing Report Forms Mailed to Campaign Finance Registrants 1 - 20 • Filing of July Continuing Report by Campaign Finance Registrants 21 • JULY If Delinquencies in Filing Continuing Report: — Notify Registrants Who Have Failed to Comply — Make a List of Delinquents for Public Inspection — Notify Regarding Discrepancies — Compile a Current List of All Reports and Statements WASB SCHOOL DISTRICT ELECTION SCHEDULE 2015 Spring Election The Wisconsin Association of School Boards (WASB) has prepared the School District Election Schedule as a reference for common, union high and unified school districts for use throughout the upcoming primary and election season. The “2015 Spring Election Schedule At-A-Glance” is included as a convenient calendar of events. Additionally, we have included a list and set of forms from the Government Accountability Board (GAB) after page 18. All cited references are to sections of the Wisconsin Statutes as amended to date. The references also may be found in WASB’s Updated Wisconsin School Laws. In addition to contacting the WASB with election-related questions, districts are encouraged to contact their county clerks and the GAB (608-266-8005) for information on local rules, operational matters, and related issues. School board clerks also should monitor the GAB website for potential training opportunities and election-related publications. Regarding the latter, the Election Administration Manual for Wisconsin Municipal Clerks may be particularly useful (available at http://gab.wi.gov/clerk/education-training/election-administration-manual). The WASB School District Election Schedule is designed to provide general information and commentary as a service to members based on current law as it existed at the time of publication. It should not be relied upon as legal advice. If legal advice is required, the services of competent legal counsel should be obtained. Edited by Dan Rossmiller and Dan Mallin Published by: WISCONSIN ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOL BOARDS, INC. 122 W. Washington Avenue, Suite 400 Madison, WI 53703 608-257-2622 or 877-705-4422 (Toll-Free) Website: wasb.org School District Election Schedule 2015 Spring election November 25, 2014 Publication of Notice of Election in Common, Union High School and Unified Districts No later than the 4th Tuesday in November prior to the spring election, the school district clerk shall publish a Type A notice, under s. 10.01(2)(a). See also Section 120.06(6)(b). The purpose of this notice is to inform the public and potential candidates of the offices to be elected and inform voters of the upcoming election. This notice must be entitled “Notice of Election” and include the following information: (1) date of the election; (2) offices to be elected; (3) name(s) of the current incumbent(s); (4) length of the term(s) and expiration date(s); (5) beginning date for circulating nomination papers, if applicable; (6) deadline for filing declarations of candidacy and (if applicable) nomination papers; (7) proper location to file declarations of candidacy and (if applicable) nomination papers; (8) statement on where to find district boundary information; and (9) date of primary election, if required. Also, please note that more information is required if a referendum will be held. Note: Once you have published your Type A notice on Nov. 25, it is a good idea to send a copy to your county clerk(s). This will alert the county clerk(s) to the fact you are having an election in the spring and the offices that are up for election. (Please note that if your school district will be voting on a school district referendum at the spring primary or at the spring election, the clerk(s) must publish a “Type A: Notice of Referendum Election” on the 4th Tuesday before the election at which the referendum will be on the ballot. In 2015, the 4th Tuesday before the spring primary is January 20 and 4th Tuesday before the spring election is March 10.) November 30, 2014 Nomination Papers Generally Not Required All candidates for school board, including incumbents, are required to file a declaration of candidacy and a campaign finance registration statement. However, in most Wisconsin school districts, candidates for school board are not required to file nomination papers in addition to the declaration of candidacy and campaign finance registration statement. Where nomination papers are required, any qualified elector of the school district who desires to be a candidate shall file nomination papers in the form prescribed under s. 8.10(2) and (3) with the school district clerk at the place specified in the notice of election. Nomination papers are required in a first class city school system (i.e., MPS). Section 119.08(2) Nomination papers are required if a school district contains territory lying within a 2nd class city, or if the school board or annual meeting requires nomination papers. Cities of 39,000 and less than 150,000 generally constitute cities of the 2nd class, although population alone is not determinative. Section 62.05(1)(b) In a school district which does not contain territory lying within a 2nd class city, the school board may, or in a common or union high school district the school board or annual meeting may, by resolution adopted not later than the last Tuesday in November preceding an election for members of the school board, require that nomination papers be filed by all candidates seeking election to the school board or rescind such a resolution if one was previously made. Section 120.06(6)(a) and (b) WASB School District Election Schedule 3 December 2014 to January 6, 2015 Campaign Finance Law Registration, Reporting Exemptions, and Depositories Every candidate must file a Campaign Registration Statement (GAB-1). In addition, the following are also required to register: (1) each committee other than a personal campaign committee; and (2) each political group supporting or opposing a referendum which makes or accepts contributions, incurs obligations or makes disbursements in a calendar year in an aggregate amount in excess of $25.00; and (3) each individual, other than a candidate or agent of a candidate, who accepts contributions, incurs obligations or makes disbursements in a calendar year in an aggregate amount in excess of $25.00 shall file a Campaign Registration Statement (Form GAB-1) with the school district clerk. Sections 11.05(1) and (2) A candidate shall comply with the registration requirement no later than the time that he or she becomes a candidate as defined in s. 11.01(1). Every candidate shall file a Campaign Registration Statement with the school district clerk. If a candidate appoints a campaign treasurer, the Registration Statement shall be signed by the treasurer as well. If no registration statement by or on behalf of the candidate has been filed by the applicable deadline for filing nomination papers or a declaration of candidacy, the name of the candidate may not appear on the ballot. Sections 8.30(2) and 11.05(2g) Any person, committee or group which does not anticipate accepting contributions, making disbursements or incurring obligations in excess of an aggregate total of $1000 in a calendar year, and does not anticipate accepting contributions from a single source (other than contributions made by the candidate himself or herself ) exceeding $100 may so indicate on the filing statement, and will then be exempt from any further campaign finance filing requirement. Section 11.05(2r) Each candidate in an election shall appoint a campaign treasurer and shall designate a campaign depository account within five business days of the first contribution. Subject to certain conditions, a candidate may serve as his or her own campaign treasurer. A candidate who serves as his or her own campaign treasurer, and who claims the exemption from filing campaign finance reports that is permitted under s. 11.05(2r), may designate a single personal account as his or her campaign depository account, and may intermingle personal and other funds with campaign funds. If a separate depository account is later established by the candidate, the candidate shall transfer all campaign funds in the personal account to the new depository account. Sections 11.10(1) and 11.14(3) Note: A candidate who will receive no contributions and make no disbursements is still required to file the Campaign Registration Statement as provided in s. 11.10(1), but the candidate need not appoint a campaign treasurer or designate a campaign depository account until the first contribution is received or disbursement made. In order to avoid appointing a campaign treasurer and designating a depository, it is not sufficient that the candidate qualifies for and claims the exemption from filing reports that is permitted under s. 11.05(2r). Rather, the candidate must further receive no contributions and make no disbursements in any amount. Section 11.05(2g) December 1, 2014 Circulation of Nomination Papers If Required Nomination papers, if required, shall be circulated not sooner than December 1. Section 8.10(2)(a) (See Nomination Papers Generally Not Required, p.1) 4 WASB School District Election Schedule December 26, 2014 Incumbent Notice of Non-Candidacy No later than 5 p.m. on the second Friday preceeding the latest time prescribed for filing declarations of candidacy an incumbent may file written notification with the school district clerk if the incumbent is not a candidate for reelection to his or her office. If an incumbent is not a candidate and fails to file this notification, the deadline for filing declarations of candidacy is extended for other candidates. Section 120.06(6)(b)3 January 1 to February 2*, 2015 Deadline for Filing Continuing Report Campaign finance law continuing reports required under s. 11.06(1) shall be received by the school district clerk no earlier than January 1 and no later than January 31*. This report must include all contributions received and transactions made as of the end of December 31. Sections 11.20(4) and (8)(b) * In 2015, January 31 falls on a Saturday. Therefore, the 2015 deadline is February 2 provided that the filing office does not maintain hours on Saturdays. January 6, 2015 Deadline for Filing of Declarations of Candidacy, Campaign Registration Statements, and Nomination Papers (if required) No later than 5 p.m. on the first Tuesday in January prior to the spring election, or on the next day if Tuesday is a holiday, any qualified elector of the school district, including incumbents, may file a sworn declaration of candidacy (Form GAB-162SD), campaign finance registration statement (Form GAB-1) and nomination papers, where required, with the school district clerk in the form provided in s. 8.21 at the place specified in the notice of the election. The district office must remain open until 5:00 p.m. to receive candidate's filings on the day of the filing deadline (January 6, 2015). If an incumbent fails to file a declaration of candidacy and nomination papers, where required, by January 6, 2015, and has not timely filed a notice of non-candidacy, all candidates for the office held by the incumbent, other than the incumbent, may file a written declaration of candidacy or nomination papers, where required, no later than 72 hours after January 6, 2015. Section 120.06(6)(b) In the event an incumbent fails to file and also fails to file a notice of non-candidacy, the district office must remain open until 5:00 p.m. on the day of the extended filing deadline (Friday, January 9, 2015). In the event of a change in any of the information provided in the declaration as provided in s. 8.21, a candidate shall file an amended declaration under oath with the school district clerk. Section 120.06(6)(b) Once filed, a declaration of candidacy or nomination papers may not be withdrawn. Section 120.06(7)(a) The Government Accountability Board has reviewed its interpretation of the qualifications for school board candidates and, accordingly, has revised the Declaration of Candidacy form to create a new form (GAB-162SD) specifically for school board candidates. School Board Member (At-Large): To qualify to be a candidate for the school board running at large, an individual must be a qualified elector* of the school district at the time of filing a Declaration of Candidacy. Section 120.06(2). School Board Member Representing an Apportioned Area: To qualify to be a candidate for the school board running in a geographically apportioned area of the school district, an individual must be a qualified elector* of WASB School District Election Schedule 5 the school district at the time of filing a Declaration of Candidacy and must be a resident of the apportioned area at the time of taking office (i.e., the 4th Monday in April). Sections 120.05(1)(d) and 120.06(2), (4). *A qualified elector is defined in s. 6.02 as a U.S. citizen, 18 years of age or older, who has resided in the election district for at least 28 days before any election at which he or she offers to vote (and who is not disqualified by virtue of one or more of the impediments described in s. 6.03). Eligibility for Appearance on Ballot The names of candidates, including incumbents, who have not timely filed declarations of candidacy and campaign finance registration statements shall not appear on the ballot. The school district clerk may refuse to place a candidate’s name on the ballot if the candidate: (1) is required to fill out nomination papers as required in s. 120.06(6), but has not done so; or (2) would not qualify for office due to age, residence or other impediment. Section 8.30 January 9, 2015 Deadline for Filing Challenges to Ballot Access Documents Any challenge to the sufficiency of a candidate’s nomination papers, where nomination papers are required, must made by verified complaint and must be filed with the appropriate filing officer (in this case with the school district clerk) within 3 calendar days after the filing deadline for the challenged nomination papers. The challenge must be established by affidavit, or other supporting evidence, demonstrating a failure to comply with statutory or other legal requirements. Section 8.07; GAB 2.07, Wis. Admin. Code The form of the complaint and its filing must comply with the requirements of ch. GAB 20, Wis. Admin. Code. The complainant shall file both an original and a copy of the challenge at the time of filing the complaint; however, the failure of the complainant to provide the filing officer with a copy of the challenge complaint will not invalidate the challenge complaint. The filing officer shall make arrangements to have a copy of the challenge delivered to the challenged candidate within 24 hours of the filing of the challenge complaint. The filing officer may impose a fee for the cost of photocopying the challenge and for the cost of delivery of the challenge to the respondent. The response to a challenge to nomination papers must be filed, by the candidate being challenged, within 3 calendar days of the filing of the challenge and must be verified. After the deadline for filing a response to a challenge, but not later than the date for certifying candidates to the ballot, the local filing officer shall decide the challenge with or without a hearing. Section GAB 2.07, Wis. Admin. Code Note: In the event there is a formal challenge to any candidate’s nomination papers (or to some other aspect of a candidate’s eligibility to appear on the ballot), it can be helpful for the school district clerk to notify the relevant county clerk(s) that the school district’s ability to determine ballot order and certify the candidate(s) may be delayed until the challenge is resolved. January 12 to January 19, 2015 Continuing Report Forms Mailed Not earlier than January 12, 2015 nor later than January 19, 2015, the school district clerk must mail campaign finance law continuing report forms to registrants by 1st class mail unless they have registered under the general reporting exemption under s. 11.05(2r) or have filed a suspension report under s. 11.19(2). Whenever any notice of the filing requirements under the campaign finance law is sent to a candidate’s campaign treasurer, the school district clerk shall also send notice to the candidate if he or she has appointed a separate treasurer. Sections 11.22(3) and 11.20(4) 6 WASB School District Election Schedule January 13, 2015 Verification of Declarations of Candidacy No later than 5 p.m. on the 2nd Tuesday in January, the school district clerk shall verify the declarations of candidacy or certify the names of the candidates who have filed valid nomination papers. In making verifications or certifications, the school district clerk shall designate the form of each candidate’s name to appear on the ballot in the manner prescribed in s. 7.08(2)(a). Section 120.06(7)(a) Note: As further explained below, school district clerks should use form GAB-405 (Certificate of Nomination) to certify to the appropriate county clerk(s) the names of ballot-eligible candidates and the order in which candidates will appear on the ballot. When A Primary Election is Required The school board shall require a primary election if there are more than two candidates for any seat on a three-member school board or more than twice as many candidates as there are members to be elected to an unnumbered school board of more than three members. If there are more than twice as many candidates as there are members to be elected from any area to which members are elected pursuant to a plan of apportionment, or more than two candidates for any seat on a numbered school board, the school board shall require a primary election for such positions. When there is a primary election, it shall be held in conjunction with the spring primary. Section 120.06(7)(b) Drawing of Lots for Ballot Order - for Placement on the Spring Primary Ballot (or, Where No Primary is Required, for Placement on Spring Election Ballot) Not later than the 2nd Tuesday in January, or the next day if the first Tuesday is a holiday, the school district clerk shall determine the order in which the names of candidates shall appear on the ballot by supervising the drawing of lots for placement on the spring primary ballot, or, where no primary is required, for placement on spring election ballot. Section 120.06(8)(b) For those offices requiring a primary, the names of the winners of the primary election will be redrawn in a similar fashion not later than 3 days after the primary canvass to determine the order of placement on the spring election ballot. Section 5.60(1)(b) and (4)(c) Note: School district clerks are not required to publish a notice of the meeting at which the drawing of lots for ballot order occurs; however, the drawing must be done publicly and a candidate has a right to be present and witness this meeting if he or she wishes. The clerk should keep a record of the procedures followed during the drawing. The drawing is to be random. Therefore, it would be inappropriate to, for example, simply put candidates’ names in alphabetical order (unless they are randomly drawn in that order). Once the time for challenging a candidate's eligibility to appear on the ballot has passed and the eligible candidates and the ballot order are known, the school district clerk should transmit a list of certified candidates to the relevant county clerk(s) using the GAB-405 (Certificate of Nomination) form. It is recommended that the school district clerk also send the county clerk(s) a copy of each candidate's GAB-1 form and a copy of each candidate’s declaration of candidacy (GAB-162SD) form. Providing this information to the county clerk(s) will help ensure that the candidates’ names appear on the ballot correctly. Notice to Municipal Clerks of Primary Election The school district clerk must notify the municipal clerk of each municipality lying wholly or partially within the school district of the primary election, if one is to be held, and of the spring election and furnish such clerks with a copy of the notice of the school board election. Section 120.06(8)(a) WASB School District Election Schedule 7 January 19 to 26, 2015 Pre-Primary Election Report Forms Mailed Not earlier than January 19 nor later than January 26, the school district clerk must mail pre-primary election report forms by 1st class mail to registrants. However, forms need not be sent to a registrant who has made an indication that aggregate contributions, disbursements and obligations will not exceed the general reporting exemption amount specified under s. 11.05(2r) or to a registrant who has been granted a suspension under s. 11.19(2). Whenever any notice of the filing requirements under this chapter is sent to a candidate's campaign treasurer, the filing officer shall also send a notice to the candidate if he or she has appointed a separate treasurer. Sections 11.20(2) and 11.22(3) On or Before January 26, 2015 Provide Municipal Clerk with Ballots Where paper ballots are utilized at a spring primary or election, the school district clerk shall provide the municipal clerk with an adequate supply of ballots at least 22 days before the primary. The primary ballot should direct electors to “vote for one” where only one school board seat is subject to a primary election. Where more than one school board seat is subject to a primary election, the ballot should direct electors to vote for not more than the number of school board seats subject to the primary election. Sections 5.58(1g) and 120.06(8)(d) (Ballots must be available by January 27, 2015 in the municipal clerk’s office for absentee voting at the spring primary (if a primary is required). Section 7.15(1)(cm)) January 27, 2015 Deadline for Filing Petition to Change Number, Apportionment or Election of School Board Members in Unified School Districts At least 70 days prior to the election of school board members in a unified school district, a petition may be filed with the school district clerk requesting a change in the number of school board members, the establishment of a plan of apportionment, or a plan for election to numbered seats. Sections 120.02 and 120.41(2) February 2*, 2015 Deadline for Filing January Continuing Campaign Finance Report *The statutory deadline for filing this report is January 31. However, in 2015, January 31 falls on a Saturday. Therefore, the 2015 deadline is February 2 provided that the filing office does not maintain hours on Saturdays. February 3, 2015 Duties of Clerk Regarding Delinquencies in Filing Continuing Report The school district clerk shall: (1) Determine whether each financial report or statement required to be filed has been filed in the form 8 and by the time prescribed by law and whether it conforms on its face to the requirements. Also, the clerk shall immediately send to any registrant who is delinquent in filing or who has filed otherwise than in the proper form, a notice that the registrant has failed to comply. Whenever a candidate has appointed another person as campaign treasurer, the clerk shall send notice to both persons. Section 11.22(9); WASB School District Election Schedule (2) Make a list of delinquents for public inspection. Section 11.22(5); (3) Notify the Government Accountability Board and the district attorney, in writing, of any facts within the clerk’s knowledge or evidence in the clerk’s possession, including errors or discrepancies in reports or statements and delinquencies in filing, which may be grounds for civil action or criminal prosecution. Section 11.22(4); and (4) Compile and maintain a current list of all reports and statements, or parts thereof, pertaining to each candidate, individual, committee or group. Section 11.22(6) February 3 to February 9, 2015 Deadline for Filing Pre-Primary Election Report Pre-primary and pre-election reports under s. 11.06(1) shall be received by the school district clerk no earlier than 14 days and no later than eight days preceding the primary and the election. Reports shall be received no later than February 9, 2015. Section 11.20(2) Such reports must include all contributions and transactions made as of the end of the 15th day preceding the primary. Section 11.20(8)(a) February 3 to February 17, 2015 Reporting Late Contributions and Late Disbursements If any contribution or contributions of $500 or more cumulatively are received from a single contributor later than 15 days prior to the election or primary such that is not included in the pre-primary or preelection report, it must be reported (Form GAB-3) to the school district clerk within 48 hours of receipt. Certain late disbursements must similarly be reported. Sections 11.12(5) and 11.12(6) Note: Local candidate committees are not required to file this report; however, political action committees, and groups supporting or opposing a referendum must file this report when receiving late contributions. If the contribution is received by a local political committee or group, this report must be filed with the appropriate clerk of the county, city, town, village or school district. February 10, 2015 Duties of Clerk Regarding Delinquencies in Filing Pre-Primary Election Report The school district clerk shall: (1) Determine whether each financial report or statement required to be filed has been filed in the form and by the time prescribed by law and whether it conforms on its face to the requirements. Also, the clerk shall immediately send to any registrant who is delinquent in filing or who has filed otherwise than in the proper form, a notice that the registrant has failed to comply. Whenever a candidate has appointed another person as campaign treasurer, the clerk shall send notice to both persons. Section 11.22(9); (2) Make a list of delinquents for public inspection. Section 11.22(5); (3) Notify the Government Accountability Board and the district attorney, in writing, of any facts within the clerk’s knowledge or evidence in the clerk’s possession, including errors or discrepancies in reports or statements and delinquencies in filing, which may be grounds for civil action or criminal prosecution. Section 11.22(4); and (4) Compile and maintain a current list of all reports and statements, or parts thereof, pertaining to each candidate, individual, committee or group. Section 11.22(6) WASB School District Election Schedule 9 On or Before February 16, 2015 Choose Board of Canvassers The school district clerk shall choose two qualified electors prior to the date of the election being canvassed who shall, with the school district clerk, constitute the school district board of canvassers. If the school district clerk is a candidate at the election being canvassed, the other two members of the board of canvassers shall designate a third member to serve in lieu of the clerk for that election. Section 7.53(3) The GAB advises that members of the board of canvassers should be sworn in. (It is recommended that GAB-154 form be used.) February 16, 2015 Notice of Primary The clerk shall publish a Class 1 notice, in accordance with Ch. 985, on the Monday before the primary election. If publication is made in a newspaper which does not publish on Monday, publication shall be made on the closest preceding day on which the newspaper publishes. If, due to the method of delivering newspapers in the school district, the school district clerk determines that more effective notice will be provided by publication at an earlier date, the school district clerk may publish the notice not earlier than three days before the primary. The notice shall contain the following information: (1) The date of the election; (2) The names of all candidates in the order in which they are listed on the ballot; (3) The location and open hours of polling places and a designation of which persons should vote at each polling place; and (4) A facsimile ballot and the relevant portions of the voting instructions under s. 10.02(3). Sections 10.01(2)(b) and 120.06(8)(c) February 17, 2015 Spring Primary The spring primary is held on the third Tuesday in February. Section 5.02(22) On or About February 18, 2015 Receipt of Election Materials and Other Related Duties After the election the school district clerk shall: (1) Receive all election materials from municipal clerk(s), including ballots (after they have been counted, reported and secured) if the school district election ballots are separate. Sections 7.51(5)(b) and 120.06(8)(e); (2) Assure that the election returns are canvassed as required by law. Sections 7.53(3), 120.06(8)(f ), and 120.06(14); (See next section below, which relates to this subject.) (3) Retain and later supervise the destruction of election materials from the primary, and from the spring election, pursuant to s. 7.23, insofar as applicable. Section 120.06(8)(g); and (4) Assure that the recount of the election, if any, is conducted by the municipal and school district boards of canvassers pursuant to s. 9.01. Section 120.06(8)(h) 10 WASB School District Election Schedule On or About February 18 to February 24, 2015* Canvass of Election Returns and Written Determination of Primary Results The board of canvassers shall prepare a written statement showing the numbers of votes cast for each person for each office and for and against each question and shall prepare a determination showing the names of the persons who have won nomination to the school board and the results of any school district referendum. Each statement and determination shall be attested by each of the canvassers, and the statement and determination shall be filed in the school district office. Sections 7.53(3)(a) and 120.06(14) The board of canvassers must wait to begin its work until after the municipal clerk(s) have delivered the tally sheets, inspectors’ statements, ballots, and applicable envelopes and materials to the school district clerk. The municipal clerks are generally required to deliver these materials no later than 4 p.m. on the day after the election. Sections 7.51(5)(b) and 7.53(3)(a) The latest possible date and time that the canvass may commence is 9 a.m. on the Tuesday after the election. Section 7.53(3)(a) Once the canvassing of the election begins, it is to continue, without adjournment, until it is completed. However, as an exception to this rule, if the board of canvassers has met before 4 p.m. on the Monday after the election and thereafter receives amended statements, tally sheets, and lists from a municipal clerk for provisional or absentee ballots that are eligible to be counted under s. 6.97 (4) or s. 7.515(6)(b), then the board of canvassers must reconvene no later than 9 a.m. on the Tuesday after the election and adjust the returns accordingly. Sections 7.51(5)(b) and 7.53(3)(a) Note: Districts are encouraged to carefully review section 7.53(3)(a) of the Wisconsin Statutes. In order to be certain that the board of canvassers will avoid the need to reconvene to adjust the returns to account for provisional or absentee ballots, as further described in the above paragraph, the meeting of the board of canvassers would have to be scheduled to begin either: (1) at 4 p.m. or later on the Monday after the election; or (2) at 9 a.m. or earlier on the Tuesday after the election. When scheduling the meeting of the board of canvassers, school district clerks are encouraged to coordinate with the applicable municipal clerks regarding any outstanding provisional or absentee ballots that are eligible to be counted under s. 6.97 (4) or s. 7.515(6)(b). In all cases, the board of canvassers must complete the canvass and prepare its statements and determinations no later than 4 p.m. on the Tuesday after the election. Section 7.53(3)(a) A duly selected and convened board of canvassers may constitute a governmental body for the purposes of the open meetings law. As such, a meeting of the board of canvassers would be subject to the notice provisions under the open meetings law. Sections 19.83 and 19.84 *Due to statutory changes related to the conduct of canvassing, this section indicates an approximate timeline for conducting the canvass. The ending date of the canvass will determine the timeline for recount requests. Written Determination of Primary Results The board of canvassers shall prepare a written statement certifying the names of the persons who have won nomination to the school board. Section 7.53(3) On or About February 19 to February 27, 2015 Recount Request Any candidate voted for at any election may request a recount. The petitioner shall file a verified petition or petitions accompanied by the fee prescribed by law, if any, with the school district clerk not earlier than the time of completion of the canvass and not later than 5 p.m. on the third business day following the last meeting day of the board of canvassers determining the election for that office. Section 9.01(1)(a) WASB School District Election Schedule 11 On or About February 20 to February 27, 2015 Drawing of Lots for Ballot Order Not later than the third day following the completion of the canvass of the primary election, if a primary is held, the school district clerk shall determine order in which the names of the candidates for school board seats are printed on the ballot by supervising the drawing of lots. Section 5.60(4)(c) Note: Sections 5.60(4)(c) and 120.06(8)(b) appear to be in conflict. Section 120.06(8)(b) calls for the school board clerk to supervise the drawing of lots not later than the second day following the completion of the canvass of the primary election, if any. The timeline in section 5.60(4)(c) appears to better account for the three days a candidate is allowed to petition for a recount. In the event of a recount, it is recommended that you contact the Government Accountability Board for advice on scheduling the drawing of lots for ballot order. On or About February 23 to February 27, 2015 Clerk Certifies Nomination As soon as the deadline for filing a petition for a recount has passed, the school district clerk shall certify nominations after the primary. When a valid petition for a recount is filed, the school district clerk shall not certify the nomination for the office in question until the recount has been completed and the time allowed for filing an appeal has passed, or is appealed until the appeal is decided. Section 7.53(3) and (4) (In a first class city school district -- i.e., MPS -- the municipal board of canvassers or election commissioners certifies nominations after each primary election. Section 7.53(3)(b) ) Note: Generally, the certification will occur by end of day on February 27; however, if the canvass of the primary can be completed earlier and there is no recount request, the certification of nominations can occur earlier. School district clerks should use form GAB-405 (Certificate of Nomination) to certify the spring election candidates to the appropriate county clerk(s). March 9 to March 16, 2015 Pre-Election Report Forms Mailed Not earlier than March 9 nor later than March 16, the school district clerk must mail pre-election report forms to registrants by 1st class mail. However, forms need not be sent to a registrant who has made an indication that aggregate contributions, disbursements and obligations will not exceed the general reporting exemption amount specified under s. 11.05(2r) or to a registrant who has been granted a suspension under s. 11.19(2). Whenever any notice of the filing requirements under this chapter is sent to a candidate’s campaign treasurer, the filing officer shall also send a notice to the candidate if he or she has appointed a separate treasurer. Sections 11.20(2) and 11.22(3) On or Before March 16, 2015 Provide Municipal Clerk with Ballots Where paper ballots are utilized, the school district clerk shall provide the municipal clerk an adequate supply of ballots for the spring election at least 22 days before the election. Sections 5.60(4) and 120.06(8)(d) (Ballots must be available by March 17, 2015 in the municipal clerk’s office for absentee voting at the spring election. Section 7.15(1)(cm)) 12 WASB School District Election Schedule March 24 to March 30, 2015 Deadline for Filing Pre-Election Report Pre-election reports under s. 11.06(1) shall be received by the school district clerk no earlier than 14 days and no later than eight days preceding the election. Reports shall be received no later than March 30. Such reports must include all contributions and transactions made as of the end of the 15th day preceeding the election. Section 11.20(2) and (8)(a) March 24 to April 7, 2015 Reporting Late Contributions and Late Disbursements If any contribution or contributions of $500 or more cumulatively are received from a single contributor later than 15 days prior to the election or primary such that is not included in the pre-primary or preelection report, it must be reported (Form GAB-3) to the school district clerk within 48 hours of receipt. Certain late disbursements must similarly be reported. Sections 11.12(5) and 11.12(6) Note: Local candidate committees are not required to file this report; however, political action committees, and groups supporting or opposing a referendum must file this report when receiving late contributions. Per the instructions on Form GAB 3, if the contribution is received by a local political committee or group, this report must be filed with the appropriate clerk of the county, city, town, village or school district. March 31, 2015 Duties of Clerk Regarding Delinquencies in Filing Pre-Election Report The school district clerk shall: (1) Determine whether each financial report or statement required to be filed has been filed in the form and by the time prescribed by law and whether it conforms on its face to the requirements of this chapter. Also, the clerk shall immediately send to any registrant who is delinquent in filing or who has filed otherwise than in the proper form, a notice that the registrant has failed to comply. Whenever a candidate has appointed another person as campaign treasurer, the clerk shall send notice to both persons. Section 11.22(9); (2) Make a list of delinquents for public inspection. Section 11.22(5); (3) Notify the Government Accountability Board and the district attorney, in writing, of any facts within the clerk’s knowledge or evidence in the clerk’s possession, including errors or discrepancies in reports or statements and delinquencies in filing, which may be grounds for civil action or criminal prosecution. Section 11.22(4); and (4) Compile and maintain a current list of all reports and statements, or parts thereof, pertaining to each candidate, individual, committee or group. Section 11.22(6) On or Before April 6, 2015 Choose Board of Canvassers The school district clerk shall choose two qualified electors prior to the date of the election being canvassed who shall, along with the school district clerk, constitute the school district board of canvassers. If the school district clerk is a candidate at the election being canvassed, the other two members of the board of canvassers shall designate a third member to serve in lieu of the clerk for that election. Section 7.53(3) The GAB advises that members of the board of canvassers should be sworn in. (It is recommended that form GAB-154 be used for this.) WASB School District Election Schedule 13 April 6, 2015 Notice of Spring Election The clerk shall publish a Class 1 notice, in accordance with Ch. 985, on the Monday before the spring election. If publication is made in a newspaper which does not publish on Monday, publication shall be made on the closest preceding day on which the newspaper publishes. If, due to the method of delivering newspapers in the school district, the school district clerk determines that more effective notice will be provided by publication at an earlier date, the school district clerk may publish the notice not earlier than three days before the election. The notice shall contain the following information: (1) The date of the election; (2) The names of all candidates in the order in which they are listed on the ballot; (3) The location and open hours of polling places and a designation of which persons should vote at each polling place; and (4) A facsimile ballot and the relevant portions of the voting instructions under s. 10.02(3). Sections 10.01(2)(b), 10.01(2)(d), and 120.06(8)(c) April 7, 2015 Spring Election The spring election is held on the first Tuesday in April. Section 5.02(21) After April 7, 2015 Filing Campaign Finance Termination or Suspension Report Whenever any registrant disbands or determines that obligations will no longer be incurred, contributions will no longer be received or disbursements made, and the registrant has no outstanding incurred obligations, the registrant shall file a termination report with the school district clerk. The termination report must indicate a cash balance on hand of zero at the end of the reporting period, and must indicate the disposition of residual funds. Residual funds may be used for any legal political purpose, returned to the donors in an amount not exceeding the original contribution or donated to a charitable organization or the common school fund. Any registrant who determines that obligations will no longer be incurred, contributions received or disbursements made in an aggregate amount of more than $1,000 in the applicable calendar year may file a suspension report with the board clerk. A suspension is effective only for the calendar year in which it is granted, unless the registrant changes its filing status before the end of that year or files a termination report. If a termination or suspension report is not filed and the registrant has not claimed an exemption from filing campaign finance reports, the registrant must continue to file periodic reports with the clerk. Sections 11.19(1) and (2) On or About April 8, 2015 Receipt of Election Materials and Other Related Duties After the election the school district clerk shall: 14 (1) Receive all election materials from municipal clerk(s), including ballots (after they have been counted, reported and secured) if the school district election ballots are separate. Sections 7.51(5)(b) and 120.06(8)(e); WASB School District Election Schedule (2) Assure that the election returns are canvassed as required by law. Sections 7.53(3), 120.06(8)(f ), and 120.06(14); (See next section below, which relates to this subject.) (3) Retain and later supervise the destruction of election materials from the primary, and from the spring election, pursuant to s. 7.23, insofar as applicable. Section 120.06(8)(g); and (4) Assure that the recount of the election, if any, is conducted by the municipal and school district boards of canvassers pursuant to s. 9.01. Section 120.06(8)(h) April 8 to April 14, 2015* Canvass of Election Returns and Written Determination of Election Results The board of canvassers shall prepare a written statement showing the numbers of votes cast for each person for each office and for and against each question and shall prepare a determination showing the names of the persons who are elected to the school board and the results of any school district referendum. Each statement and determination shall be attested by each of the canvassers, and the statement and determination shall be filed in the school district office. Sections 7.53(3)(a) and 120.06(14) The board of canvassers must wait to begin its work until after the municipal clerk(s) have delivered the tally sheets, inspectors’ statements, ballots, and applicable envelopes and materials to the school district clerk. The municipal clerks are generally required to deliver these materials no later than 4 p.m. on the day after the election. Sections 7.51(5)(b) and 7.53(3)(a) The latest possible date and time that the canvass may commence is 9 a.m. on the Tuesday after the election. Section 7.53(3)(a) Once the canvassing of the election begins, it is to continue, without adjournment, until it is complete. However, as an exception to this rule, if the board of canvassers has met before 4 p.m. on the Monday after the election and thereafter receives amended statements, tally sheets, and lists from a municipal clerk for provisional or absentee ballots that are eligible to be counted under s. 6.97 (4) or s. 7.515(6)(b), then the board of canvassers must reconvene no later than 9 a.m. on the Tuesday after the election and adjust the returns accordingly. Sections 7.51(5)(b) and 7.53(3)(a) Note: Districts are encouraged to carefully review section 7.53(3)(a) of the Wisconsin Statutes. In order to be certain that the board of canvassers will avoid the need to reconvene to adjust the returns to account for provisional or absentee ballots, as further described in the above paragraph, the meeting of the board of canvassers would have to be scheduled to begin either (1) at 4 p.m. or later on the Monday after the election, or (2) at 9 a.m. or earlier on the Tuesday after the election. When scheduling the meeting of the board of canvassers, school district clerks are encouraged to coordinate with the applicable municipal clerks regarding any outstanding provisional or absentee ballots that are eligible to be counted under s. 6.97 (4) or s. 7.515(6)(b). In all cases, the board of canvassers must complete the canvass and prepare its statements and determinations no later than 4 p.m. on the Tuesday after the election. Section 7.53(3)(a) A duly selected and convened board of canvassers may constitute a governmental body for the purposes of the open meetings law. As such, a meeting of the board of canvassers would be subject to the notice provisions under the open meetings law. Sections 19.83 and 19.84 *Due to statutory changes related to the conduct of canvassing, this section indicates an approximate timeline for conducting the canvass. The ending date of the canvass will determine the timeline for recount requests. WASB School District Election Schedule 15 Written Determination of Election Results The board of canvassers shall prepare a written statement and determination of the results of the election and shall file them in the school district office. Sections 7.53(3)(a) and 120.06(14) On or About April 9 to April 17, 2015 Recount Request Any candidate voted for at any election may request a recount. The petitioner shall file a verified petition or petitions accompanied by the fee prescribed by law, if any, with the school district clerk not earlier than the time of completion of the canvass and not later than 5 p.m. on the third business day following the last meeting day of the board of canvassers determining the election for that office. Section 9.01(1) On or about April 13 to April 17, 2015 Notification of Election As soon as the deadline for filing a petition for a recount has passed, the school district clerk shall issue promptly a certificate of election to each person elected to any office. When a valid petition for a recount is filed, the municipal clerk shall not issue the certificate of election for the office in question until the recount has been completed and the time allowed for filing an appeal has passed, or if appealed until the appeal is decided. Sections 7.53(3)*, 7.53(4) and 120.06(10)* *The deadlines for issuing a certificate of election, as expressed differently in s. 7.53(3) and s. 120.06(10), should be harmonized by issuing the certificates as soon as the recount petition deadline passes or, if applicable, as soon as the recount process is completed. (In a first class city school district --i.e., MPS -- the municipal board of canvassers or election commissioners issues certificates of election to persons elected to the MPS board of school directors. Section 7.53 (3)(b)) On or Before April 27, 2015 Filing of Official Oath On or prior to the fourth Monday in April, a school board member shall take and file the official oath. The school district clerk has authority to administer the oath of office. A notary public or other person with the authority to administer the oath may also administer the oath to members. The forms of the oath are set out in s. 19.01. An official oath form (GAB-154) is included with other Government Accountability Board forms. Sections 120.06(4), 120.06(10), 120.17(10), 120.42(2) and 887.01(1) April 27, 2015 School Board Members Take Office School board members take office, provided they have taken and filed the official oath, on the fourth Monday in April. Sections 120.06(4) and 120.42(2) April 27 to May 27, 2015 Election of School Board Officials In the case of a common or union high school district school board with more than three members, the school board shall annually elect a school district president, vice president, treasurer, and clerk from among its members at a school board meeting held on or within 30 days after the fourth Monday in April. Section 120.05(1)(c) Annually, on or within 30 days after the 4th Monday in April, the school board in a unified school district 16 WASB School District Election Schedule shall elect a school district president, vice president, clerk, and treasurer from among its members and a school board secretary who need not be a member of the school board. Section 120.43(1) The clerk shall report the name and post office address of each officer of the school district, within 10 days after the election or appointment of the officer, to the clerk and treasurer of each municipality having territory within the school district. Sections 120.17(1) and 120.44(2) The clerk, secretary, or other administrative officer of the school district shall provide the county clerk with the name, phone number, email address, and post-office address of local officials. Section 59.23(2)(s) June 22, 2015* Deadline for Filing Petition to Change Number, Apportionment or Election of School Board Members in Union High School Districts At least 30 days prior to the annual meeting in a union high school district, a petition requesting a change in the number of school board members, the establishment of a plan of apportionment, or a plan for election from numbered seats may be filed with the board clerk. Sections 120.02 and 120.08(1) Note: By statute, when the last day for filing a document with any officer or agent of any school district falls on a Saturday and the duly established official office hours of such officer or agent, to which the document is required to be filed, do not include any office hours thereof on such Saturday, the filing may be done on the next succeeding day that is not a Sunday or a legal holiday. Section 990.001(4)(c) * This date is the deadline if the union high school district annual meeting is held on the third Monday in July and if the district office is closed on Saturday, June 20, 2015. June 29, 2015 ** Deadline for Filing Petition to Change Number, Apportionment or Election of School Board Members in Common School Districts At least 30 days prior to the annual meeting in a common high school district, a petition requesting a change in the number of school board members, the establishment of a plan of apportionment, or a plan for election from numbered seats may be filed with the board clerk. Sections 120.02 and 120.08(1) Note: By statute, when the last day for filing a document with any officer or agent of any school district falls on a Saturday and the duly established official office hours of such officer or agent, to which the document is required to be filed, do not include any office hours thereof on such Saturday, the filing may be done on the next succeeding day that is not a Sunday or a legal holiday. Section 990.001(4)(c) ** This date is the deadline if the common district annual meeting is held on the fourth Monday in July and if the district office is closed on Saturday, June 27, 2015. June 29 to July 6, 2015 Continuing Report Forms Mailed (See notation on filing campaign finance termination report and avoiding this continuing report requirement.) Not earlier than June 29 nor later than July 6, the school district clerk must mail campaign finance law continuing report forms by 1st class mail to registrants. However, forms need not be sent to a registrant who has made an indication that aggregate contributions, disbursements and obligations will not exceed the general reporting exemption amount specified under s. 11.05(2r) or to a registrant who has been granted a suspension under s. 11.19(2). Whenever any notice of the filing requirements under this chapter is sent to a candidate’s campaign treasurer, the filing officer shall also send a notice to the candidate if he or she has appointed a separate treasurer. Sections 11.20(4) and 11.22(3) WASB School District Election Schedule 17 July 1 to July 20, 2015 Deadline for Filing of Continuing Report (See notation on filing campaign finance termination report and avoiding this continuing report requirement.) Campaign finance law continuing reports shall be received by the school district clerk no earlier than July 1 and no later than July 20. This report must include all contributions received and transactions made as of the end of June 30. Section 11.20(4) July 21, 2015 Duties of Clerk Regarding Delinquencies in Filing Continuing Report The school district clerk must: (1) Determine whether each financial report or statement required to be filed has been filed in the form and by the time prescribed by law, and whether it conforms on its face to the requirements of the campaign finance law. Also, the clerk shall immediately send to any registrant who is delinquent in filing, or who has filed otherwise than in the proper form, a notice that the registrant has failed to comply. Whenever a candidatehas appointed another person as campaign treasurer, the clerk shall send notice to both persons. Section 11.22(9); (2) Make a list of delinquents for public inspection. Section 11.22(5); (3) Notify the Government Accountability Board and the district attorney, in writing, of any facts within the clerk’s knowledge or evidence in the clerk’s possession including errors or discrepancies in reports or statements and delinquencies in filing which may be grounds for civil action or criminal prosecution. Section 11.22(4); and (4) Compile a current list of all reports and statements pertaining to each candidate, individual, committee or group. Section 11.22(6) 18 WASB School District Election Schedule Government Accountability Board Forms Ballot Access Checklist for School District Candidates (GABIS-5) Campaign Finance Checklist - School Districts (GABIS-8) Campaign Registration Statement (GAB-1) Declaration of Candidacy (GAB-162SD) Nomination Paper for Nonpartisan Office (GAB-169) Notification of Noncandidacy (GAB-163) Campaign Finance Report (GAB-2L) and Campaign Finance No Activity Report (GAB-2a) Special Report of Late Contribution (GAB-3) Certificate of Nomination (EB-405/GAB-405) School Board Primary Ballot, At-Large (GAB-222) School Board Primary Ballot, Numbered Seats (GAB-223) School Board Primary Ballot, Apportioned Seats (GAB-224) School Board Election Ballot, At-Large (GAB-225) School Board Election Ballot, Numbered Seats (GAB-226) School Board Election Ballot, Apportioned Seats (GAB-227) Tabular Statement of Votes Cast (GAB-106) Statement of the Municipal Board of Canvassers (GAB-106/AP) Certificate of Election (GAB-153) Official Oath (GAB-154) BALLOT ACCESS CHECKLIST FOR 2015 SCHOOL DISTRICT CANDIDATES Each of the following forms must be completed and filed on time by candidates for school district office in order for the candidate's name to be placed on the ballot at the February 17, 2015 Spring Primary and the April 7, 2015 Spring Election. The filing officer for school district offices is the school district clerk. Candidates should contact their filing officer for further information or to obtain any of the necessary forms. All school district candidates must: Complete and submit a Campaign Registration Statement (Form GAB-1) to the filing officer no later than 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 6, 2015. New candidates should file a campaign registration statement as soon as intent to seek elective office is known and before funds are collected or spent Wis. Stat. §§ 11.05(2g), 11.10(1). Continuing candidates should file an amended campaign registration statement indicating the office sought and the new primary and election dates. A current form must be filed with the filing officer by January 6, 2015, or the candidate's name will not be placed on the ballot. If the form is faxed or emailed, the original document must follow postmarked no later than January 6, 2015. Wis. Stat. §§ 8.10(5), 8.30(2), 120.06(6)(b), Wis. Admin. Code GAB § 6.04. Complete and submit a Declaration of Candidacy (Form GAB-162SD) to the filing officer no later than 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 6, 2015. If this form is not filed with the filing officer by January 6, 2015, the candidate's name will not be placed on the ballot. If the form is faxed or emailed, the original document must follow postmarked no later than January 6, 2015. Wis. Stat. §§ 8.10(5), 8.21, 8.30(4), 120.06(6)(b), Wis. Admin. Code GAB § 6.04. If nomination papers are used, a school district candidate must also: Circulate and submit Nomination Paper for Nonpartisan Office (Form GAB-169) to the filing officer. Original nomination papers (no photocopies, faxes, or emailed documents) must be received by the filing officer no later than 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 6, 2015. Nomination papers may not be circulated before December 1, 2014. If nomination papers are not filed with the school district clerk (where required) by January 6, 2015, the candidate's name will not be placed on the ballot. Wis. Stat. §§ 8.10(2), 120.06(6)(b), Wis. Admin. Code GAB § 6.04(2). Note: All candidates should file a Campaign Registration Statement (Form GAB-1) or amended statement before circulating nomination papers. The number of signatures required on nomination papers is as follows: Board of school directors - 1st class cities School district officer - with territory within a 2nd class city School district officer - with no territory within a 1st or 2nd class city 400 - 800 100 - 200 20 - 100 GABIS-5 | Rev 2014-08 | Government Accountability Board, P.O. Box 7984, Madison, WI 53707-7984 | 608-261-2028 | web: gab.wi.gov | email: gab@wi.gov CAMPAIGN FINANCE CHECKLIST FOR 2015 MUNICIPAL AND SCHOOL DISTRICT CANDIDATES Candidates should determine if they are required to make financial disclosure reports. For Milwaukee City offices, the filing officer is the Milwaukee City Board of Election Commissioners. For all other municipal offices the filing officer is the municipal clerk. For school district offices, the filing officer is the school district clerk. Candidates should contact their filing officer for further information or to obtain any of the necessary forms. If NOT eligible for exemption from reporting requirements: Obtain a copy of the Campaign Finance Overview – Local Candidates Manual from your filing officer and carefully review it with your treasurer. Complete and submit a January Continuing Campaign Finance Report (Form GAB-2L) to the filing officer no later than February 2, 2015, if registered before January 1, 2015. This report covers activity from July 1, 2014, or the date of registration (whichever is later), through December 31, 2014. Wis. Stat. §11.20(4). Complete and submit a Pre-Primary Campaign Finance Report (Form GAB-2L) to the filing officer no later than February 9, 2015, if a primary is held. This report covers activity from January 1, 2015, through February 2, 2015. Complete and submit a Pre-Election Campaign Finance Report (Form GAB-2L) to the filing officer, no later than March 30, 2015. This report covers activity from February 3, 2015, through March 23, 2015, if a primary is held, or January 1, 2015, through March 23, 2015, if no primary is held. Complete and submit a July Continuing Campaign Finance Report (Form GAB-2L) to the filing officer no later than July 20, 2015. This report covers activity from March 24, 2015, through June 30, 2015. Committees must file “Continuing Reports” until a termination report (GAB-2L) is filed. GABIS-8 | Rev 2014-08 | Government Accountability Board, P.O. Box 7984, Madison, WI 53707-7984 | 608-261-2028 | web: gab.wi.gov | email: gab@wi.gov CAMPAIGN REGISTRATION STATEMENT STATE OF WISCONSIN GAB-1 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY IF A CANDIDATE DOES NOT FILE THIS STATEMENT BY THE DEADLINE FOR FILING NOMINATION PAPERS, THE CANDIDATE’S NAME WILL NOT BE PLACED ON THE BALLOT. NOTICE: ANY CHANGE OF INFORMATION ON THIS REGISTRATION STATEMENT MUST BE FILED WITHIN 10 DAYS. IS THIS AN AMENDMENT? Yes No 1. CANDIDATE AND CANDIDATE COMMITTEE INFORMATION Name of Candidate Party Affiliation Office Sought (include district or branch number) Residence Address (number and street) Primary Date Candidate Telephone Number (residence) City, State and Zip Code Election Date Candidate Telephone Number (employment) Campaign Committee Name (if any) Check One: Personal Campaign Committee Support Committee Campaign Committee Address (if different than above) - Number, Street, City, State and Zip Code Candidate Email Address Committee Email Address Telephone Number (if different than above) 2. POLITICAL COMMITTEE INFORMATION (For use ONLY by Political Action Committees, Political Party Committees, Political Groups, etc.) Name of Committee Address - Number, Street, City, State and Zip Code Telephone Number Committee Email Address Sponsoring Organization - Name and Complete Address Acronym (if any) Type of Committee: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Special Interest Committee (PAC) Resident Committee Nonresident Committee – (Must also file GAB-40 with WI Secretary of State’s Office) Incorporated Labor Organization - Attach Information Required by s.11.05(3)(n), Stats. Political Party Committee National State County Other ___________________________________________ Legislative Campaign Committee – Attach Statement Required by s.11.05(3)(o), Stats. Political Group (Referendum) __________________________________________ Name of Referendum Recall Committee ____________________________________________________ Name of Officer Subject to Recall - Attach Statement Required by s.9.10(2)(d) Support Oppose Support Recall Oppose Recall Independent Disbursement Committee - Also, Complete Oath of Independent Expenditures, Form GAB-6 Individual - Also, Complete Oath of Independent Expenditures, Form GAB-6 GAB-1 (Rev. 4/2014) THIS FORM IS PRESCRIBED BY: WISCONSIN GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY BOARD P.O. Box 7984, Madison, WI 53707-7984 Phone: 608-261-2028 | Fax: 608-264-9319 | web: https://cfis.wi.gov | email: GABCFIS@wi.gov 3. COMMITTEE TREASURER (Campaign finance correspondence is mailed to this address.) Treasurer’s Name Telephone Number (residence) Address (number and street) Telephone Number (employment) City, State and Zip Code Treasurer Email Address 4. PRINCIPAL OFFICERS OF COMMITTEE AND OTHER CUSTODIANS OF BOOKS AND ACCOUNTS Attach additional listing if necessary. Indicate which officers or committee members are authorized to fill a vacancy in nomination due to death of candidate by an asterisk(*). This provision only applies to independent and local nonpartisan candidates. s.8.35, Stats. NAME MAILING ADDRESS Email Address Phone # POSITION 5. DEPOSITORY INFORMATION Name of Financial Institution Account Number (Attach list of any additional accounts and deposit boxes, location, type and number, i.e., savings, checking, money market, etc.) Address (number and street) City, State and Zip Code CERTIFICATION TREASURER I, _________________________________ (print full name) certify the information in this statement is true, correct and complete. Signature ____________________________________, Treasurer ____________________________________ Date CANDIDATE (or recall petitioner) I, __________________________________(print full name) certify the information in this statement is true, correct and complete, and that this is the only committee authorized to act on my behalf. Signature ____________________________________, Candidate/Petitioner ____________________________ Date + + + EXEMPTION FROM FILING CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORTS §11.05(2r), Wis. Stats. + + + You may be eligible for an exemption from filing campaign finance reports. Consult the Campaign Finance Instruction and Bookkeeping Manual to determine if the registrant qualifies for exemption. This registrant is eligible for exemption. This registrant will not accept contributions, make disbursements or incur obligations in an aggregate amount of more than $1,000 in a calendar year or accept any contribution or cumulative contributions of more than $100 from a single source during the calendar year, except contributions by a candidate to his or her campaign of $1,000 or less in a calendar year. This registrant is no longer eligible to claim exemption. ____________________________________________________________ Signature of Candidate or Treasurer _____________________________________ Date THE INFORMATION ON THIS FORM IS REQUIRED BY §§9.10(2)(d), 11.05, 11.06(7), WIS. STATS. FAILURE TO PROVIDE THE INFORMATION MAY SUBJECT YOU TO THE PENALTIES OF §§8.30(2), 11.60, 11.61, 11.66, WIS. STATS. CAMPAIGN REGISTRATION STATEMENT (GAB-1) INSTRUCTIONS Who Must Register Candidates Non-candidate committees Referenda committees When As soon as they form the intent to run for office. Prior to raising or spending any funds, beyond those needed to open a bank account Before spending or taking in more than $300 Before spending or taking in more than $2,500 Where Local office or referenda- with the local clerk (town, village, city, school) State office or statewide referenda – with the Government Accountability Board For a mix of state and local offices – with the Government Accountability Board Completing a Registration Statement Section 1: Candidate and Candidate Committee Information - Section 1 should be completed by candidate committees only. Campaign Committee Name – Any candidate that accepts a donation must have a committee. Any communication (flyers, newspaper ads, website) requires a disclaimer ‘Paid for by Committee name, individual name, treasurer’. o Candidates are only allowed one active committee for all state and local offices sought. If you are seeking multiple offices (town, county, school board), or plan to seek another office in the future, you may want to consider a generic committee name without the name of the office sought such as ‘Friends of …’, or ‘Committee to Elect ….’. This will allow you to keep the same committee name for various offices. o Your committee name does not have to include your last name, but including your last name makes searching for your committee easier. Section 2: Non-Candidate Committee Information - Section 2 should be completed by non-candidate committees only. A. Special Interest Committee (PAC) o PACs may receive money from individuals or other PACs, and contribute money directly to candidates. PACs may not accept money from corporations, including LLCs. o Committees intending to make only independent disbursements, without contributing to or coordinating with candidate committees, should register as an Independent Disbursement committee, letter F below. o A resident committee is based in Wisconsin and must report all receipts and expenses. o A non-resident committee is based outside of Wisconsin and must report only receipts from Wisconsin residents and expenses in Wisconsin state-level contests. A non-resident committee does not have to report cash balances. A non-resident committee must also file a GAB-40 form with the Wisconsin Secretary of State. B. Political Party Committee o To use the name of one of the recognized political parties in Wisconsin – Constitution, Democratic, Libertarian, or Republican, you must have permission from the state party. F. Independent Disbursement Committee o Committees making only independent disbursements may not contribute to or coordinate with candidate committees. These committees may accept unlimited contributions from individuals and from corporations. Before spending any money for or against a candidate, an Independent Disbursement committee must file a notarized GAB-6 Oath of Independent Disbursement stating whether they support or oppose the candidate. Section 3. Campaign Treasurer - Section 3 should be completed by all committees. All committees must name a treasurer. A Candidate may designate any elector to serve as their treasurer, or the candidate may server as his/her own treasurer. It is important that the treasurer’s name, complete address, telephone number and email address be provided on the registration statement and be kept current. All notices and forms for campaign finance reports will be sent to this person at the address given in this section. Failure to receive notice of the filing requirement does not exempt a candidate from the requirement to file the reports. Item 4. Principal Officers of the Committee and Other Custodians of Books and Accounts (Optional) If the committee has officers or other contacts besides the treasurer, they should be listed in Item 4. For a recall committee, the recall petitioner must be included here. The G.A.B. recommends that you provide more than one person’s contact information. Item 5. Depository Information (MANDATORY) In some cases, banks may require a completed GAB-1 registration form to open a bank account. Your committee may register without a bank account, but the GAB-1 form must be amended within 10 days to report any change, including a new bank account number. Failure to provide depository information within 5 business days of the first donation and before making any disbursements may disqualify a candidate for ballot placement. (Wis. Stats. §11.10(1)) In general, all committees must have and provide a campaign depository account number. One of three things must be entered here: 1. Separate Campaign bank account o This account may be used only for campaign funds o The bank may require an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the IRS to open a committee account 2. Only Candidates may use a personal bank account o This is allowed only if the candidate is claiming the exemption from filing finance reports (under $1,000 of receipts, under $1,000 expenses, no more than $100 from a single source) 3. Only Candidates are allowed to not have a bank account, but only if: o The candidate will receive no contributions and make no disbursements. No communications may be authorized or distributed. This includes in-kind contributions and expenses. o The candidate must claim exemption by checking the appropriate box on this form. o The candidate should add a hand-written statement to the form that he or she will spend no money. Candidates running for more than one elected office are only allowed one campaign depository account. All contributions and all disbursements for all offices must be run through the one account. Certification The candidate and committee treasurer must sign the original registration statement of a personal campaign committee or a support committee certifying that the information is true, correct, and complete, and that the committee is the only committee authorized to act on the candidate’s behalf. For a recall committee, the recall petitioner and the treasurer must both sign. A candidate serving as his/her own treasurer only needs to sign once. Non-candidate committees require only the treasurer’s signature. Amendments to the registration may be signed by either the candidate or treasurer. If there is a change in treasurer, the new treasurer should sign. Exemption From Filing Campaign Finance Reports All committees must file campaign finance reports, unless they check the box to claim exemption and remain within those limits. o A non-candidate committee may not accept more than $100 from any single source (individual or committee) in one calendar year. o A candidate committee may not accept more than $100 from any other single source (individual or committee) in a calendar year. The candidate may contribute up to $1000 to their own committee. o A committee may not spend more than $1000 total in a calendar year. o A referenda committee that does not accept contributions, make disbursements, or incur obligations of more than $2,500 is not required to register or file campaign finance reports. Referenda committees over this threshold may not claim exemption – they must register and file all required reports. If a committee on exempt status exceeds any of the limits listed above: o The committee must immediately file an amended GAB-1 with the appropriate filing officer, revoking the exempt status. o The committee must report all campaign finance activity back to the beginning of the calendar year. Any reports past their deadline that were not filed should be filed as soon as possible. If a committee filed reports for the previous calendar year, and wishes to go on exempt status for the upcoming year, the committee must file a January Continuing report covering all activity through December 31 st. Include an updated GAB-1 requesting exempt status for the upcoming year. Amending a Registration Statement When any of the information reported on the registration statement changes the statement must be amended by filing a new GAB-1. The candidate or treasurer must file the new GAB-1 within 10 days of the change, checking the “yes” box at the top of the form to indicate that it is an amendment. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Declaration of Candidacy School Board Candidates (See instructions for preparation on back) Is this an amendment? Yes (if you have already filed a DOC for this election) No (if this is the first DOC you have filed for this election) I, ______________________________________________________________, being duly sworn, state that Candidate's name I am a candidate for the office of School Board Member, _______________________________________________, Include seat number or name of apportioned area, if applicable and, at the time of filing this document, I will meet the applicable age, citizenship, residency and voting qualification requirements, if any, prescribed by the constitutions and laws of the United States and the State of Wisconsin, and that I will otherwise qualify for office, if nominated and elected. I have not been convicted of a felony in any court within the United States for which I have not been pardoned.1 My present address, including my municipality of residence for voting purposes is: Town of Village of City of House or fire no. Street Name Mailing Municipality and State Zip code Municipality of Residence for Voting My name as I wish it to appear on the official ballot is as follows: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ (Any combination of first name, middle name or initials with surname. A nickname may replace a legal name.) STATE OF WISCONSIN County of _____ (County of notarization) } (Signature of candidate) ss. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ______day of ___________________, ________. _________________________________________________________________ (Signature of person authorized to administer oaths) NOTARY SEAL NOT REQUIRED or is permanent. My commission expires Notary Public or ________________________________________________ (Official title, if not a notary) The information on this form is required by Wis. Stat. § 8.21, Stats., Art. XIII, Sec. 3, Wis. Const., and must be filed with the filing officer in order to have a candidate's name placed on the ballot. Wis. Stats. §§8.05 (1)(j), 8.10 (5), 8.15 (4)(b), 8.17 (2), 8.20 (6), 120.06 (6)(b). GAB-162SD For School District Candidates | 2013-09 | Government Accountability Board, P.O. Box 7984, Madison, WI 53707-7984 | 608-261-2028 | web: gab.wi.gov | email: gab@wi.gov 1 A 1996 constitutional amendment bars any candidate convicted of a misdemeanor which violates the public trust from running for or holding a public office. However, the legislature has not defined which misdemeanors violate the public trust. A candidate convicted of any misdemeanor is not barred from running for or holding a public office until the legislature defines which misdemeanors apply. Instructions for Completing the Declaration of Candidacy All candidates seeking ballot status for election to school district office in the State of Wisconsin must properly complete and file a Declaration of Candidacy. This form must be ON FILE with the proper school district clerk no later than the deadline for filing nomination papers or the candidate's name will not appear on the ballot. A facsimile will be accepted if the FAX copy is received by the school district clerk no later than the filing deadline and the signed original declaration is received by the school district clerk with a postmark no later than the filing deadline. Information to be provided by the candidate: Type or print your name on the first line. The title of the office and any seat number or apportioned district for which you are seeking election must be inserted on the second line. Felony convictions: Your name cannot appear on the ballot if you have been convicted of a felony in any court in the United States for which you have not been pardoned. Please see footnote on page 1 for further information with respect to convictions for misdemeanors involving a violation of public trust. These restrictions only apply to candidates for state and local office. Your current address, including your municipality of residence for voting purposes, must be inserted on the fourth line. This must include your entire mailing address (street and number, municipality where you receive mail) and the name of the municipality in which you reside and vote (town, village, or city of __). If your address changes before the election, an amended Declaration of Candidacy must be filed with the School District Clerk. Wis. Stat. §.8.21. Type or print your name on the fifth line as you want it to be printed on the official ballot. You may use your full legal name, or any combination of first name, middle name, and initials, or nickname with last name. Note: The Government Accountability Board has determined that, absent any evidence of an attempt to manipulate the electoral process, candidates are permitted to choose any form of their name, including nicknames, by which they want to appear on the ballot. No titles are permitted. In addition, names such as “Red” or “Skip” are permitted, but names which have an apparent electoral purpose or benefit, such as “Lower taxes,” “None of the above” or “Lower Spending” are not permitted. It is also not permissible to add nicknames in quotes or parentheses between first and last names. For example, John “Jack” Jones or John (Jack) Jones are not acceptable, but John Jones, Jack Jones or John Jack Jones are acceptable. This form must be sworn to and signed in the presence of a notary public or other person authorized to administer oaths, such as a county, municipal or school district clerk. Wis. Stat. § 8.21(2). Information to be provided by the person administering the oath: The county of notarization. The date the Declaration of Candidacy was signed and the oath administered. The signature and title of the person administering the oath. If signed by a notary public, the date the notary’s commission expires must be listed. The notary seal is not required. All school district candidates must file this form with the appropriate school district clerk no later than the deadline for filing nomination papers. Wis. Stats. §§ 8.10 (5), 8.15 (4)(b), 8.17 (2), 8.20 (6), 8.50 (3)(a), 120.06 (6)(b). NOMINATION PAPER FOR NONPARTISAN OFFICE Candidate's name; no titles may be used. Name of municipality for voting purposes Town Village _________________________________________ City (name of municipality) Street, fire, or rural route number; box number (if rural route); and name of street or road Name of municipality for mailing purposes State zip code Type of election spring special WI Title of office Election date Branch, district or seat number Branch District Seat Name of jurisdiction or district in which candidate seeks office I, the undersigned, request that the candidate, whose name and address are listed above, be placed on the ballot at the election described above as a candidate so that voters will have the opportunity to vote for him or her for the office listed above. I am eligible to vote in the jurisdiction or district in which the candidate named above seeks office. I have not signed the nomination paper of any other candidate for the same office at this election. The municipality used for mailing purposes, when different than municipality of residence, is not sufficient. The name of the municipality of residence must always be listed. Signatures of Electors Printed Name of Electors 1. Street and Number or Rural Route Municipality of Residence Rural address must also include box or fire no Provide name of municipality Date of Signing Town Village City 2. Town Village City 3. Town Village City 4. Town Village City 5. Town Village City 6. Town Village City 7. Town Village City 8. Town Village City 9. Town Village City 10. Town Village City CERTIFICATION OF CIRCULATOR I,_________________________________________________________________ certify: I reside at _________________________________________________________________. (Name of circulator) (Circulator's residence ‐ Include number, street, and municipality.) I further certify I am either a qualified elector of Wisconsin, or a U.S. citizen, age 18 or older who, if I were a resident of this state, would not be disqualified from voting under Wis. Stat. §6.03. I personally circulated this nomination paper and personally obtained each of the signatures on this paper. I know that the signers are electors of the jurisdiction or district the candidate seeks to represent. I know that each person signed the paper with full knowledge of its content on the date indicated opposite his or her name. I know their respective residences given. I intend to support this candidate. I am aware that falsifying this certification is punishable under Wis. Stat. § 12.13(3)(a). ________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ (Date) (Signature of circulator) GAB‐169 | Rev. 2014‐04 | Government Accountability Board, P.O. Box 7984, Madison, WI 53707‐7984 | 608‐261‐2028 | web: gab.wi.gov | email: gab@wi.gov Page No. INSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARING NOMINATION PAPERS FOR NONPARTISAN OFFICE This is a sample nomination paper form. It conforms to the statutory requirements for nomination papers for nonpartisan office. All information concerning the candidate must be completed in full before circulating this form to obtain signatures of electors. All information concerning the signing electors and the circulator must be completed in full before filing with the appropriate filing officer. This form may be reproduced in any way. A candidate's picture and biographical data may also be added to this form. The Government Accountability Board has determined that no disclaimer or other attribution statement is required on nomination papers. Candidates are advised to send a sample of their completed form the filing officer for review before circulation. Page Numbers – Number each page consecutively, beginning with “1”, before submitting to the filing officer. A space for page numbers has been provided in the lower right‐hand corner of the form. Candidate's Name ‐ Insert the candidate's name. A candidate may use his or her full legal name, or any combination of first name, middle name, and initials or nickname with last name. The Government Accountability Board has determined that, absent any evidence of an attempt to manipulate the electoral process, candidates are permitted to choose any form of their name, including nicknames, by which they want to appear on the ballot. No titles are permitted. In addition, names such as “Red” or “Skip” are permitted, but names which have an apparent electoral purpose or benefit, such as “Lower taxes,” “None of the above” or “Lower Spending” are not permitted. It is also not permissible to add nicknames in quotes or parentheses between first and last names. For example, John “Jack” Jones or John (Jack) Jones are not acceptable, but John Jones, Jack Jones or John Jack Jones are acceptable. Candidate's Residence ‐ If a candidate's municipality of residence is different from the municipality used for mailing purposes, both must be given. Indicate if the municipality of residence is a town, village, or city. Date of Election ‐ Insert the date of the election. If the nomination paper is being circulated for a spring election, the date is the first Tuesday in April. If the election is a special nonpartisan election, the date of the special election must be listed. Title of Office ‐ The name of the office must be listed along with any branch, district, or seat number that clearly identifies the office the candidate is seeking. If necessary, the name of the jurisdiction that identifies the office, such as Dane County Circuit Court Judge, Branch 3, must also be listed. Name of Jurisdiction ‐ The nomination papers must also indicate the municipality or jurisdiction in which the signing electors are qualified to vote, as it relates to the office sought by the candidate named on the nomination paper. For example, for a statewide office the jurisdiction is the State of Wisconsin. Others may be the county, town, village, city, aldermanic district, school district, or town sanitary district, as required. Signatures and Printed Name of Electors ‐ Only qualified electors of the jurisdiction or the district the candidate seeks to represent may sign the nomination papers. Each signer must also legibly print their name. Each elector's municipality of residence must be listed on the nomination paper along with the mailing address, including any street, fire or rural route number, box number (if rural route) and street or road name. The Street & Number or Rural Route section for each elector’s address is split into two lines. The first line is for the street address. The second line is for the municipality for mailing purposes. The Municipality of Residence listed for each signing elector must clearly identify the town, village or city where the elector's voting residence is located. A post office box number alone does not show where the elector actually resides. The date the elector signed the nomination paper, including month, day and year, must be indicated. Ditto marks that follow correct and complete address or date information are acceptable. The circulator may add any missing or illegible address or date information before the papers are filed with the filing officer. Signature of Circulator ‐ The circulator should carefully read the language of the Certification of Circulator. THE CIRCULATOR MUST PERSONALLY PRESENT THE NOMINATION PAPER TO EACH SIGNER. THE NOMINATION PAPER MAY NOT BE LEFT UNATTENDED ON COUNTERS OR POSTED ON BULLETIN BOARDS. The circulator's complete address (including municipality of residence) must be listed in the certification. After obtaining signatures of electors, the circulator must sign and date the certification. Other Instructions ‐ Candidates and circulators should review Ch. GAB §§ 2.05, 2.07, Wis. Adm. Code. Original nomination papers must be in the physical custody of the appropriate filing officer by the filing deadline. A postmark on the filing deadline is NOT sufficient. Nomination papers CANNOT be faxed to the filing officer. Ch. GAB § 6.04(2), Wis. Adm. Code. Nomination papers with the required number of signatures must be filed with the appropriate filing officer no later than 5:00 p.m. on the first Tuesday in January (or the next day if the first Tuesday is a holiday) before the spring election. Special elections may have different filing deadlines. Check with the filing officer. In order for a candidate's name to be placed on the ballot, a candidate must file a Campaign Registration Statement (GAB‐1), a Declaration of Candidacy (GAB‐162), and Nomination Papers (GAB‐169) containing the appropriate number of signatures for the office sought no later than the filing deadline. Wis. Stat. § 8.10(3). Candidates for state office and municipal judge must also file a statement of economic interests with the Government Accountability Board by the third business day after the nomination paper filing deadline. Wis. Stat. § 19.43. If any one of these required forms is not filed by the deadline, the candidate's name will not be placed on the ballot. Wis. Stat. § 8.30. If a candidate or circulator has any questions, he or she should contact the filing officer. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY NOTIFICATION OF NONCANDIDACY I, ________________________________________________, state that I am currently the (please print name) incumbent officeholder for the office listed below. I will not be a candidate for this office at the next election. I understand that the timely receipt* of this notice will avoid an extension of the deadline for filing ballot access documents. TITLE OF OFFICE: _________________________________________________________ (print current office, including district #, if any) NEXT NEXT ELECTION DATE: ___________________________________________________ SIGNATURE: _________________________________ DATE OF SIGNING: __________________________ *Notification must be received by the proper filing officer no later than 5:00 p.m. on the 2nd Friday preceding the deadline for filing ballot access documents to avoid an extension of time for filing such papers. The information on this form is filed in accordance with §§.8.05(1)(j), 8.10(2)(a), 8.15(1), 8.20(8)(a), 120.06(6)(b), Wis. Stats. This form is prescribed by the Government Accountability Board, 212 East Washington Avenue, 3rd Floor, P.O. Box 7984, Madison, WI 53707-7984, (608) 266-8005, FAX (608)267-0500, http://gab.wi.gov Email: gab@wi.gov. GAB GAB-163 (4/2009) CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT LOCAL COMMITTEES OF WISCONSIN Is This Report an Amendment: Yes No Instructions for completing schedules are on the back of each schedule. COMMITTEE IDENTIFICATION Name of Committee Street Address OFFICE USE ONLY City, State and Zip Code Please check if address is different than previously reported, and complete the Campaign Registration Statement in the back of this form. NAME OF REPORT January Continuing _____ Pre-Primary _____ Spring Fall Special July Continuing _____ Pre-Election _____ Spring Fall Special SUMMARY OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS Column A This Period Column B Calendar Year-To-Date 1. RECEIPTS 1A. Contributions (Including Loans) from Individuals $ $ 1B. Contributions from Committees (Transfers-In) $ $ 1C. Other Income and Commercial Loans $ $ $ $ 2A. Gross Expenditures $ $ 2B. Contributions to Committees (Transfers-Out) $ $ $ $ TOTAL RECEIPTS (Add totals from 1A, 1B and 1C) Termination Report also complete Schedule 4 2. DISBURSEMENTS TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS (Add totals from 2A and 2B) CASH SUMMARY Cash Balance Beginning of Report $ Total Receipts $ Subtotal $ Total Disbursements $ CASH BALANCE END OF REPORT $ INCURRED OBLIGATIONS (Balance at the Close of This Period-3A) $ LOANS (Balance at the Close of This Period-3B) $ I certify that I have examined this report and to the best of my knowledge and belief it is true, correct and complete. Type or Print Name of Candidate or Treasurer Signature of Candidate or Treasurer Email Date: Daytime Phone: NOTE: The information on this form is required by ss.11.06, 11.20, Wis. Stats. Failure to provide the information may subject you to the penalties of ss.11.60, 11.61, Wis. Stats. GAB-2L (Rev. 04/14) This form is prescribed by the Government Accountability Board. Completed forms must be filed with your local clerk. Instructions for Completing Summary Page of Form GAB-2 Instructions for Completing Schedules are on the Back of Each Schedule Committee Identification ► ► Print or type the complete name and mailing address of your committee. If the report is an amendment to a previous report filed, check the “yes” box. If the report is NOT an amendment, check the “no” box. Name of Report ► Check the box next to the name of the report being filed, and enter the correct calendar year. For information concerning filing dates and report names, refer to the CFIS website – https://cfis.wi.gov. . Summary of Receipts and Disbursements ► Committees should complete the detailed pages in Schedules 1-A through 3-B before completing this summary section of the report form. Receipts 1A. Contributions (Including Loans) From Individuals: Enter the amount of Total Contributions from Individuals (Schedule 1-A) in Column A of the Summary page. Add the amount entered in Column A to contributions previously reported for this calendar year, if any, and enter the amount in Column B, Calendar Year-to-Date. 1B. Contributions From Committees (Transfers-In): Enter the amount from Total Contributions (Transfers-In) Received From Committees (Schedule 1-B) in Column A of the Summary page. Add the amount entered in Column A to contributions previously reported for this calendar year, if any, and enter the amount in Column B, Calendar Year-to-Date. 1C. Other Income and Commercial Loans: Enter the amount of Total Other Income (Schedule 1-C) in Column A. Add the amount entered in Column A to other income previously reported for this calendar year, if any, and enter the amount in Column B, Calendar Year-to-Date. Total Receipts: Add the amounts entered on lines 1-A, 1-B and 1-C, in Column A and enter the total in Total Receipts. Add the amount of Total Receipts previously reported, if any, and enter the amount in Column B, Calendar Year-to-Date. Disbursements 2A. Gross Expenditures: Enter the amount from Total Expenditures (Schedule 2-A) in Column A of the Summary page. Add the amount in Column A to expenditures previously reported for this calendar year, if any, and enter the amount in Column B, Calendar Year-to-Date. 2B. Contributions to Committees (Transfers-Out): Enter the amount from Total Contributions (Transfers-Out) Made to Committees (Schedule 2-B) in Column A of the Summary page. Add the amount in Column A to contributions previously reported for this calendar year, if any, and enter the amount in Column B, Calendar Year-to-Date. Total Disbursements: Add the amounts entered on lines 2-A and 2-B in Column A and enter the total in Total Disbursements. Add this amount to Total Disbursements previously reported, if any, and enter the amount in Column B, Calendar Year-to-Date. Cash Summary Cash Balance Beginning of Report: If this report is the first report filed by the committee, the cash balance will be zero. If this is not the first report filed by the committee, enter the cash balance from the end of the last report period. The beginning cash balance of a report must always be the same as the ending cash balance of the prior report. Total Receipts: Enter the amount from Total Receipts in Column A of the Summary page. Subtotal: Add Cash Balance Beginning of Report to Total Receipts and enter the amount. Total Disbursements: Enter the amount from Total Disbursements in Column A of the Summary page. Cash Balance End of Report: Subtract Total Disbursements from Subtotal and enter the amount. The cash balance at the end of the report period should equal the reconciled balance in the checking account plus any savings or investment accounts. Incurred Obligations: Enter the amount from Total Incurred Obligations (Schedule 3-A) in Column A of the Summary page. Incurred obligations must be carried forward on each report until paid in full. Loans: Enter the amount from the Total Outstanding Loans (Schedule 3-B) in Column A of the Summary page. Loans must be carried forward on each report until paid in full. Sign and Date the Report The treasurer or candidate must sign and date each report filed. Each report must be complete, correct, and in compliance with the reporting format. Please include a daytime phone number and a contact person if someone other than the treasurer prepares the report. RECEIPTS SCHEDULE 1-A Page ____ of ____ Contributions (Including Loans) From Individuals Complete Committee Name Instructions for completing schedules are on the back of each schedule. Date / Calendar Year-to-Date Total Check if: In-Kind Loan Conduit Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code Conduit Name:_______________________________ Occupation, Name and Address of Principal Place Of Employment (if year-to-date total exceeds $100) Amount Calendar Year-to-Date Total Check if: In-Kind Loan Conduit Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code Conduit Name:_______________________________ Occupation, Name and Address of Principal Place Of Employment (if year-to-date total exceeds $100) Amount Calendar Year-to-Date Total Check if: In-Kind Loan Conduit Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code Conduit Name:_______________________________ Occupation, Name and Address of Principal Place Of Employment (if year-to-date total exceeds $100) Amount Calendar Year-to-Date Total Check if: In-Kind Loan Conduit Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code Conduit Name:_______________________________ Occupation, Name and Address of Principal Place Of Employment (if year-to-date total exceeds $100) Amount Calendar Year-to-Date Total Check if: In-Kind Loan Conduit Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code Conduit Name:_______________________________ Occupation, Name and Address of Principal Place Of Employment (if year-to-date total exceeds $100) Amount Calendar Year-to-Date Total Check if: In-Kind Loan Conduit Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code Conduit Name:_______________________________ Occupation, Name and Address of Principal Place Of Employment (if year-to-date total exceeds $100) Amount Calendar Year-to-Date Total / Date / Amount / Date / Conduit Name:_______________________________ Occupation, Name and Address of Principal Place Of Employment (if year-to-date total exceeds $100) / Date / Check if: In-Kind Loan Conduit Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code / Date / Calendar Year-to-Date Total / Date / Amount / Date / Occupation, Name and Address of Principal Place Of Employment (if year-to-date total exceeds $100) / Date / Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code / Check if: In-Kind Loan Conduit Conduit Name:_______________________________ SUBTOTAL ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTIONS THIS PAGE $ TOTAL ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTIONS $ TOTAL UNITEMIZED CONTRIBUTIONS $20 OR LESS $ TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED FROM INDIVIDUALS $ Instructions for Completing Schedule 1-A RECEIPTS - Contributions (Including Loans) From Individuals General Instructions: ► Print or type the complete name of your committee in the box provided. ► Duplicate as many pages as you will need in order to report contributions, including loans from individuals, on this form. ► Enter the number of Schedule 1-A pages in the upper right corner of the form. Date: Enter the date (month, day, year) each contribution was RECEIVED. Do not enter the date that appears on the contributor’s check or the date deposited, unless it is the same as the date received (is in committee’s possession and control). Full Name, Mailing Address, and Zip Code: 1. For contributions over $20: Enter the full name and address of the contributor. 2. For single or cumulative contributions totaling over $100 in a calendar year: Enter the full name and address of the contributor. Enter the occupation and the name and address of principal place of employment. Calendar Year-to-Date Total: Add contributions previously received this calendar year, from this contributor to the contributions received in this report period. The Calendar Year-to-Date Total for an individual must always be entered. The Current Amount and Year-to-Date Total will be identical on the first report period of the calendar year. Once the individual’s Calendar Year-to-Date Total exceeds $100, you must enter the contributor’s occupation, and the name and address of the principal place of employment. Subtotal Itemized Contributions this page: Enter the total of all the contributions listed on this page. If additional pages are used, enter the subtotal for each separate page. Total Itemized Contributions: Add the subtotals from all pages of Schedule 1-A. If more than one page, enter the total on only the last page of Schedule 1-A. Total Unitemized Contributions $20 or less: Enter the total of unitemized contributions of $20 or less only on the last page of Schedule 1-A. Total Contributions Received from Individuals: Add the Total Itemized Contributions to the Total Unitemized Contributions $20 or Less and enter the amount only on the last page of Schedule 1-A. Special Instructions: Contributions and loans from individuals on Schedule 1-A include any cash, personal or individual loans, purchase of tickets to fundraising events, memberships, gifts, advances, in-kind contributions, and all other personal contributions from an individual including the candidate. An in-kind contribution is any goods, property, or services provided to the committee free or for less than the fair market value. (Volunteer services are not a contribution. In-kind contributions from individuals must also be reported as in-kind expenditures on Schedule 2-A to avoid distortion of the cash balance. When the contribution is in-kind, a loan, or is received through a conduit, check the appropriate box in the section where the contribution is listed. If you receive a personal check or cash, no box needs to be checked. Contributions from individuals transferred through conduits are reported on Schedule 1-A under the individual contributor’s name with the name of the conduit listed. The transmittal letter accompanying the conduit check, identifies the conduit and lists the individuals who are the original sources of the contributions. These contributions are subject to itemization on the same basis as other individual contributions; if over $100, the occupation, name, and address of employer must be provided. Any individual loans, either from the candidate or from another individual, must be reported on Schedule 1-A and on Schedule 3-B, Additional Disclosure, Loans, until paid in full. Loans from individuals are subject to individual contribution limits (see Campaign Finance Manual). Each contributor’s name, address, and amount must be listed separately. Contributions from joint accounts shall be reported as coming from the individual signing the check, unless the signor indicates otherwise. If the amount is divided, each individual must be itemized separately. Do not report a contribution as coming from more than one individual. Receipts from raffles, auctions, garage sales, and other similar fundraising events are individual contributions and must be recorded. When receipts consist of single contributions of $20 or less, please report the amount in Unitemized Receipts of $20 or Less. Any single contributions that exceed $20 must be itemized. Do not report contributions from political action committees, political party committees, or other candidate committees on Schedule 1-A. These contributions must be reported on Schedule 1-B. RECEIPTS SCHEDULE 1-B Page ____ of ____ Contributions from Committees (Transfers-In) Complete Committee Name Instructions for completing schedules are on the back of each schedule. Date / Check if: In-Kind Loan Full Name of Committee, Mailing Address and Zip Code Amount Calendar Year-To-Date Total Check if: In-Kind Loan Full Name of Committee, Mailing Address and Zip Code Amount Calendar Year-To-Date Total Check if: In-Kind Loan Full Name of Committee, Mailing Address and Zip Code Amount Calendar Year-To-Date Total Check if: In-Kind Loan Full Name of Committee, Mailing Address and Zip Code Amount Calendar Year-To-Date Total Check if: In-Kind Loan Full Name of Committee, Mailing Address and Zip Code Amount Calendar Year-To-Date Total Check if: In-Kind Loan Full Name of Committee, Mailing Address and Zip Code Amount Calendar Year-To-Date Total Check if: In-Kind Loan Full Name of Committee, Mailing Address and Zip Code Amount Calendar Year-To-Date Total / Date / Calendar Year-To-Date Total / Date / Amount / Date / Check if: In-Kind Loan Full Name of Committee, Mailing Address and Zip Code / Date / Calendar Year-To-Date Total / Date / Amount / Date / Check if: In-Kind Loan Full Name of Committee, Mailing Address and Zip Code / Date / Calendar Year-To-Date Total / Date / Amount / Date / Full Name of Committee, Mailing Address and Zip Code / Check if: In-Kind Loan SUBTOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS (Transfers-In) THIS PAGE $ TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS (Transfers-In) RECEIVED FROM COMMITTEES $ Instructions for Completing Schedule 1-B RECEIPTS Contributions From Committees (Transfers-In) General Instructions: ► Print or type the complete name of your committee in the box provided. ► Duplicate as many pages as you will need in order to report contributions from committees (transfers-in) on this form. ► Enter the number of Schedule 1-B pages in the upper right corner of the form. ► Each contribution received from a committee must be itemized regardless of the amount. Date: Enter the date (month, day, year) each contribution was received. DO NOT enter the date which appears on the contributor’s check or the date deposited, unless it is the same as the date received. Complete Name and Address of Committee: Enter the full name and address of each contributor. If the committee is not registered with the Government Accountability Board or with the local clerk, you are not allowed to accept it. Amount: Enter the amount of the contribution this period. Calendar Year-to-Date Total: Add contributions previously received this calendar year, from this committee to the contributions received in this report period. The Calendar Year-to-Date Total for a committee must always be entered. The Current Amount and Year-to-Date Total will be identical on the first report period of the calendar year. Subtotal Contributions (Transfers-In) This Page: Enter the total of all the contributions (transfers-in) listed on this page. If additional pages are needed, enter the subtotal for each separate page. Total Contributions (Transfers-In) Received from Committees: Add the subtotals from all pages of Schedule 1-B. If more than one page, enter the total on only the last page of Schedule 1-B. Special Instructions: Contributions transferred through conduits are reported as individual contributions on Schedule 1-A. In reporting contributions from committees, provide the complete name and address of each committee making a contribution. Contributions From Committees (Transfers-In) consist of any funds received from a political party committee, political action committee, political group (referenda), candidate committee or a legislative campaign committee. In-kind contributions from a committee must also be reported as an in-kind offset in Schedule 2-A to avoid distortion of the cash balance. An in-kind contribution is any goods, service, or property provided to the committee free or for less than the fair market value. (Volunteer services are not a contribution.) When the contribution is in-kind, check the in-kind box in the section where the contribution is listed. Contributions received from a sole proprietorship or partnership must be reported as individual contributions in Schedule 1-A. You must verify that the original source of the contribution is from personal funds. Contributions from partnerships must reflect the partners’ share in the partnership unless otherwise specified. Contributions may not be accepted from corporations (including LLC), cooperatives, associations, or unregistered committees. SCHEDULE 1-C RECEIPTS Page ____ of ____ Other Income and Commercial Loans Complete Committee Name Instructions for completing schedules are on the back of each schedule. Date / Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code of Source of Income Type of Income Amount Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code of Source of Income Type of Income Amount Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code of Source of Income Type of Income Amount Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code of Source of Income Type of Income Amount Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code of Source of Income Type of Income Amount Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code of Source of Income Type of Income Amount Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code of Source of Income Type of Income Amount Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code of Source of Income Type of Income Amount Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code of Source of Income Type of Income Amount Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code of Source of Income Type of Income Amount / C Date / / C Date / / Ch Date / / C Date / / Date / / C Date / / C Date / / Ch Date / / Ch Date / / SUBTOTAL OTHER INCOME THIS PAGE $ TOTAL ITEMIZED OTHER INCOME $ TOTAL UNITEMIZED OTHER INCOME $20 OR LESS $ TOTAL OTHER INCOME $ Instructions for Completing Schedule 1-C RECEIPTS Other Income and Commercial Loans General Instructions: ► Print or type the complete name of your committee in the box provided. ► Duplicate as many pages as you will need in order to report other income and commercial loans on this form. ► Enter the number of Schedule 1-C pages in the upper right corner of the form. Date: Enter the date (month, day, year) other income and commercial loans were RECEIVED. Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code of Source of Income: Identify the source of income by providing the name and address of the commercial lending institution. Provide the name and address of any person or business from which other income was received. Describe Type of Income: Describe the type of income, e.g., loan from commercial lender for campaign expenses, refund from utility, refund of an over-payment to a vendor, interest on savings, or returned or lost contribution checks previously listed on Schedule 2-B, etc. Use more than one box or attach an additional sheet if needed. Amount: Enter the amount of other income and commercial loans of more than $20 for this period only. Subtotal Other Income This Page: Enter the total of all the other income itemized on this page. If additional pages are used, enter the subtotal for each separate page. Total Itemized Other Income: Add the subtotals from all pages of Schedule 1-C. If more than one page, enter the total on only the last page of Schedule 1-C. Total Unitemized Other Income $20 or less: Enter the total of unitemized other income of $20 or less on the last page of Schedule 1-C. Total Other Income: Add the Total Itemized Other Income to the Total Unitemized Other Income of $20 or Less and enter the amount on only the last page of Schedule 1-C. Special Instructions: Personal loans from individuals (including the candidate) must be reported on Schedule 1-A. Other income and commercial loans include loans received from any financial institution. Loans must also be listed on Schedule 3-B, Additional Disclosure-Loans, until paid in full. When a contribution given by your committee to another committee is returned to you, report the receipt of the returned contribution in this schedule. Please indicate (under the Type of Income box) the original date your contribution was given. When a loan from a commercial lending institution is guaranteed by individuals, the full name and mailing address of each guarantor and the balance of the amount guaranteed by each guarantor at the end of the reporting period must be reported on Schedule 3-B. The amount of the guarantee is considered a contribution from the guarantor and subject to individual contribution limits until the amount is repaid to the lending institution. Other income includes refunds and interest received. Receipts from fundraising events (auctions, dinners, etc.) and from the sale of commercial items for the purpose of raising funds for political purposes are contributions and must be reported on Schedule 1-A or 1-B. DISBURSEMENTS SCHEDULE 2-A Page ___ of ___ Gross Expenditures Complete Committee Name Instructions for completing schedules are on the back of each schedule. Date / Amount Check if: In-Kind Offset Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code Of Person or Business to Whom Payment is Made Specific Purpose of Expenditure Amount Check if: In-Kind Offset Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code Of Person or Business to Whom Payment is Made Specific Purpose of Expenditure Amount Check if: In-Kind Offset Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code Of Person or Business to Whom Payment is Made Specific Purpose of Expenditure Amount Check if: In-Kind Offset Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code Of Person or Business to Whom Payment is Made Specific Purpose of Expenditure Amount Check if: In-Kind Offset Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code Of Person or Business to Whom Payment is Made Specific Purpose of Expenditure Amount Check if: In-Kind Offset Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code Of Person or Business to Whom Payment is Made Specific Purpose of Expenditure Amount / Date / Specific Purpose of Expenditure / Date / Check if: In-Kind Offset Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code Of Person or Business to Whom Payment is Made / Date / Amount / Date / Specific Purpose of Expenditure / Date / Check if: In-Kind Offset Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code Of Person or Business to Whom Payment is Made / Date / Amount / Date / Specific Purpose of Expenditure / Date / Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code Of Person or Business to Whom Payment is Made / Check if: In-Kind Offset SUBTOTAL ITEMIZED EXPENDITURES THIS PAGE $ TOTAL ITEMIZED EXPENDITURES $ TOTAL UNITEMIZED EXPENDITURES $20 OR LESS $ TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ Instructions for Completing Schedule 2-A DISBURSEMENTS Gross Expenditures General Instructions: ► Print or type the complete name of your committee in the box provided. ► Duplicate as many pages as you will need in order to report gross expenditures on this form. ► Enter the number of Schedule 2-A pages in the upper right corner of the form. Date: Enter the date (month, day, year) the disbursement was made. Full Name, Mailing Address, and Zip Code of Person or Business to Whom Payment Is Made: Enter the name and complete address of the person or business to whom payments were made. Specific Purpose of Expenditure: Enter the specific purpose of the expenditure. Expenditures must be made for political purposes only. An expenditure is for a political purpose when it influences the election or nomination for election of any individual to federal, state or local office. A complete description of the type of expenditure or reimbursement must be given (i.e., food for fundraiser or campaign T-shirts for resale). You may use more than one box or attach an additional sheet if needed. Subtotal Itemized Expenditures This Page: Enter the total of all the expenditures listed on this page. If additional pages are used, enter the subtotal for each separate page. Total Itemized Expenditures: Add the subtotals from all pages of Schedule 2-A. If more than one page, enter the total itemized on only the last page of Schedule 2-A. Total Unitemized Expenditures $20 or less: Enter the total of unitemized expenditures of $20 or less on only the last page of Schedule 2-A. Note: If you itemize expenditures of $20 or less, DO NOT include those amounts again in the total of unitemized expenditures. Total Expenditures: Add the Total Itemized Expenditures to the Total Unitemized Expenditures ($20 or less), and enter the amount on the last page of Schedule 2-A. Special Instructions: Only expenditures of more than $20 must be itemized. Expenditures of $20 or less should be totaled and reported as unitemized expenditures. Expenditures for general services, such as consulting, data processing, or reimbursement, should be broken down into the specific services rendered, e.g., salary, travel, data entry, polling. In-kind contributions reported in Schedule 1-A or 1-B, must also be reported as in-kind offsets in Schedule 2-A. Expenditures incurred for in-kind contributions to other registrants must be reported in Schedule 2-B, NOT 2-A. See instructions on Schedule 2-B. All expenditures must be made from the campaign depository and must be used for political purposes only. It is permissible for a candidate or an agent of a committee to pay for items from personal funds as long as receipts are submitted to the treasurer for reimbursement from the depository. Reporting of a reimbursement must include information that describes the nature of the original expenditure, and the original vendor of the good(s) or service(s). It is permissible to maintain a petty cash account to pay for minor items provided that funds for the petty cash account are drawn from the campaign depository and that a record of the transactions is kept. Expenditures over $20 must be paid by negotiable instrument, and be itemized on the report. Expenditures under $20 may be included in unitemized expenditures. If itemized, the purpose of each expenditure must be provided. Only the specific expenditures are reported. Contributions received, deposited, and later returned to the original contributor must be reported as an expense in Schedule 2-A. Independent expenditures made by committees filing the Oath for Committees and Individuals Making Independent Disbursements (GAB-6) must be reported in Schedule 2-A and itemized on the Report of Independent Disbursements (GAB-7). DISBURSEMENTS SCHEDULE 2-B Contributions To Committees (Transfers-Out) Page _____ of _____ Complete Committee Name Instructions for completing schedules are on the back of each schedule. Date / Check if: In-Kind Loan Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code Amount Calendar Year-To-Date Total Check if: In-Kind Loan Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code Amount Calendar Year-To-Date Total Check if: In-Kind Loan Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code Amount Calendar Year-To-Date Total Check if: In-Kind Loan Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code Amount Calendar Year-To-Date Total Check if: In-Kind Loan Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code Amount Calendar Year-To-Date Total Check if: In-Kind Loan Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code Amount Calendar Year-To-Date Total Check if: In-Kind Loan Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code Amount Calendar Year-To-Date Total / Date / Calendar Year-To-Date Total / Date / Amount / Date / Check if: In-Kind Loan Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code / Date / Calendar Year-To-Date Total / Date / Amount / Date / Check if: In-Kind Loan Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code / Date / Calendar Year-To-Date Total / Date / Amount / Date / Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code / Check if: In-Kind Loan SUBTOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS (Transfers-Out) THIS PAGE $ TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS (Transfers-Out) MADE TO COMMITTEES $ Instructions for Completing Schedule 2-B DISBURSEMENTS Contributions to Committees General Instructions: ► Print or type the complete name of your committee in the box provided. ► Duplicate as many pages as you will need in order to use this form to report Contributions to Committees (Transfers-Out). Enter the number of Schedule 2-B pages in the upper right corner of the form. ► Each contribution made to another committee must be itemized regardless of the amount. Date: Enter the date (month, day, year) that each contribution was made to another committee. Complete Name and Address of Committee: Enter the full name and address of each committee. Amount: Enter the amount of the contribution given in this period. Calendar Year-to-Date Total: Add contributions previously given this calendar year to this committee, to the contributions given in this report period. The Calendar Year-to-Date Total for a committee must always be entered. The Current Amount and Year-to-Date Total will be identical on the first report period of the calendar year. Subtotal Contributions (Transfers-Out) This Page: Enter the total of all the contributions (Transfers-Out) listed on this page. If additional pages are used, enter the subtotal for each separate page. Total Contributions (Transfers-Out) Made to Committees: Add the subtotals from all pages of Schedule 2-B. If more than one page, enter the total on only the last page of Schedule 2-B. Special Instructions: If a contribution is made to a candidate for local office, please print the word “Local” in the space for the ID#. This would include candidates for municipal, school district, and county office. Note: District Attorney and Circuit Court Judge are considered state offices. Contributions to Committees (Transfers-Out) consist of any funds contributed to a political party committee, political action committee, political group (referenda), candidate committee, or legislative campaign committee. When the contribution is in-kind, check the in-kind box in the section where the contribution is listed. When the contribution is a loan, check the loan box in the section where the contribution is listed. For each in-kind contribution, the name and address of the candidate or committee receiving the contribution must be listed, along with the name and address of the person or business to whom payment was made and the amount and date of the in-kind contribution. 1. If the committee purchases goods or services and gives them to another committee in the same reporting period as an in-kind contribution, the amount must be reported only once as an expense on Schedule 2-B. 2. If the committee already possesses goods or services and gives them to another committee as an in-kind contribution, the amount must be offset by a matching receipt (or negative expense) to avoid errors in the bank balance. SCHEDULE 3-A ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURE Page ____ of ____ Incurred Obligations Excluding Loans Complete Committee Name Instructions for completing schedules are on the back of each schedule. Outstanding Balance Beginning This Period Date / New Obligations or Additions This Period Cumulative Payments This Period Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code of Creditor / Nature of Debt (Purpose) Date / Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code of Creditor / Nature of Debt (Purpose) Date / Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code of Creditor / Nature of Debt (Purpose) Date / Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code of Creditor / Nature of Debt (Purpose) Date / Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code of Creditor / Nature of Debt (Purpose) Date / Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code of Creditor / Nature of Debt (Purpose) Date / Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code of Creditor / Nature of Debt (Purpose) Date / Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code of Creditor / Nature of Debt (Purpose) SUBTOTAL ITEMIZED OBLIGATIONS THIS PAGE $ TOTAL ITEMIZED OBLIGATIONS $ TOTAL UNITEMIZED OBLIGATIONS $20 OR LESS $ TOTAL INCURRED OBLIGATIONS $ Outstanding Balance At Close of This Period Instructions for Completing Schedule 3-A ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURE Incurred Obligations Excluding Loans General Instructions: ► Print or type the complete name of your committee in the box provided. ► Duplicate as many pages as you will need in order to report incurred obligations on this form. ► Enter the number of Schedule 3-A pages in the upper right corner of the form. Date: Enter the date (month, day, year) the obligation was incurred. Full Name, Mailing Address, and Zip Code of Creditor: Enter the complete name and address of the creditor. Nature of Debt (Purpose): Describe the specific purpose for which the obligation was incurred (See Schedule 2-A for instructions). Balance Columns: In the first column, enter the amount, if any, at the beginning of this report period. If this is a new obligation, there is no beginning balance. If this is an existing obligation, the beginning balance should equal the previous report period’s closing balance. In the second column, enter the amount of any new obligations or additions to existing obligations. In the third column, enter any payments made this report period (payments this period must also be reported in Schedule 2-A). In the fourth column, enter the outstanding balance at the close of this report period. Note: If there is a remaining balance, it must be carried forward to the next report’s beginning balance. Subtotal Itemized Obligations: Enter the total of all the incurred obligations listed on this page. If additional pages are used, enter the subtotal for each separate page. Total Itemized Obligations: Add the subtotals from all pages of Schedule 3-A. If more than one page, enter the total on only the last page of Schedule 3-A. Total Unitemized Obligations $20 or less: Enter the total unitemized obligations of $20 or less on only the last page of Schedule 3-A. Total Incurred Obligations: Add the Total Itemized Obligations to the Total Unitemized Obligations $20 or Less and enter the amount on only the last page of Schedule 3-A. Special Instructions: Incurred obligations are to be reported when an enforceable agreement has been reached. If the exact amount of the obligation has not yet been defined then the amount of the obligation must be estimated. Although the committee may not have received a bill, the amount recorded should be a good faith estimate of the amount owed. The balance of all incurred obligations should be reported from the time incurred until paid in full. Each obligation must be carried forward on subsequent reports until the obligation has been reduced to zero. When a payment is made on an obligation, the transaction should be reported as a payment on Schedule 3-A and as an expenditure on Schedule 2-A. If the committee has a dispute over the amount owed to a vendor, this must be noted in the “purpose”. SCHEDULE 3-B ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURE Page ____ of ____ Loans Individual, Committee or Commercial Complete Committee Name Instructions for completing schedules are on the back of each schedule. Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code of Loan Source Outstanding Balance Beginning of This Period New Loans This Period Cumulative Payments This Period Outstanding Balance End of This Period New Loans This Period Cumulative Payments This Period Outstanding Balance End of This Period New Loans This Period Cumulative Payments This Period Outstanding Balance End of This Period Date / / List All Endorsers or Guarantors (if any) Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code of Guarantor Occupation Name and Address of Employer Amount Guaranteed Outstanding Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code of Guarantor $ Occupation Name and Address of Employer Amount Guaranteed Outstanding $ Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code of Loan Source Outstanding Balance Beginning of This Period Date / / List All Endorsers or Guarantors (if any) Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code of Guarantor Occupation Name and Address of Employer Amount Guaranteed Outstanding Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code of Guarantor $ Occupation Name and Address of Employer Amount Guaranteed Outstanding $ Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code of Loan Source Outstanding Balance Beginning of This Period Date / / List All Endorsers or Guarantors (if any) Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code of Guarantor Occupation Name and Address of Employer Amount Guaranteed Outstanding Full Name, Mailing Address and Zip Code of Guarantor $ Occupation Name and Address of Employer Amount Guaranteed Outstanding $ SUBTOTAL OUTSTANDING LOANS THIS PAGE $ TOTAL OUTSTANDING LOANS $ Instructions for Completing Schedule 3-B ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURE Loans – Individual, Committee or Commercial General Instructions: ► Print or type the complete name of your committee in the box provided. ► Duplicate as many pages as you will need in order to report loans on this form. ► Enter the number of Schedule 3-B pages in the upper right corner of the form. Date: Enter the date (month, day, year) the loan was made. Full Name, Mailing Address, and Zip Code of Loan Source: Enter the complete name and address of the loan source. Balance Columns: In the first column, enter the actual amount at the beginning of this reporting period. If this is a new loan, the outstanding beginning balance is zero and the amount of the loan is recorded under the section “New Loans This Period”. If this is an existing loan, the outstanding beginning balance should equal the previous report period’s closing (outstanding) balance. In the third column, enter any payments made during this report period (payments made this period must also be reported in Schedule 2-A). In the fourth column, enter the outstanding balance at the end of this report period. Note: If there is a remaining balance, it must be carried forward to the next report’s beginning balance. List All Endorsers or Guarantors (If Any): In the space provided on the form, provide the full name, mailing address and zip code of any guarantors of loans. Enter the amount guaranteed which is outstanding at the end of the reporting period for each guarantor. See the notes below on how to apportion loan guarantees. If the amount guaranteed exceeds $100, enter the guarantor’s occupation, name and address of principal place of employment. Special Instructions: A loan guarantee is considered a contribution from the guarantor until the loan is repaid. If more than one person guarantees a loan, the amount of the loan is assigned to the guarantors in equal shares, in the proportion that the guarantors bear to the total amount guaranteed unless a different share is specified in the loan instrument. When a payment which reduces the unpaid balance of the loan is made to the lending institution, the amount assigned to each guarantor is reduced in equal shares, unless a different share is specified in the loan instrument. The outstanding amount of a loan or loan guarantee plus the total contributions to the campaign by the guarantor may not exceed the individual contribution limit. Any reductions in loans which are not offset by expenditures in Schedule 2-A must be explained (e.g., candidate forgives self loans). CAMPAIGN REGISTRATION STATEMENT STATE OF WISCONSIN GAB-1 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY IF A CANDIDATE DOES NOT FILE THIS STATEMENT BY THE DEADLINE FOR FILING NOMINATION PAPERS, THE CANDIDATE’S NAME WILL NOT BE PLACED ON THE BALLOT. NOTICE: ANY CHANGE OF INFORMATION ON THIS REGISTRATION STATEMENT MUST BE FILED WITHIN 10 DAYS. IS THIS AN AMENDMENT? Yes No 1. CANDIDATE AND CANDIDATE COMMITTEE INFORMATION Name of Candidate Party Affiliation Office Sought (include district or branch number) Residence Address (number and street) Primary Date Candidate Telephone Number (residence) City, State and Zip Code Election Date Candidate Telephone Number (employment) Campaign Committee Name (if any) Check One: Personal Campaign Committee Support Committee Campaign Committee Address (if different than above) - Number, Street, City, State and Zip Code Candidate Email Address Committee Email Address Telephone Number (if different than above) 2. POLITICAL COMMITTEE INFORMATION (For use ONLY by Political Action Committees, Political Party Committees, Political Groups, etc.) Name of Committee Address - Number, Street, City, State and Zip Code Telephone Number Committee Email Address Sponsoring Organization - Name and Complete Address Acronym (if any) Type of Committee: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Special Interest Committee (PAC) Resident Committee Nonresident Committee – (Must also file GAB-40 with WI Secretary of State’s Office) Incorporated Labor Organization - Attach Information Required by s.11.05(3)(n), Stats. Political Party Committee National State County Other ___________________________________________ Legislative Campaign Committee – Attach Statement Required by s.11.05(3)(o), Stats. Political Group (Referendum) __________________________________________ Name of Referendum Recall Committee ____________________________________________________ Name of Officer Subject to Recall - Attach Statement Required by s.9.10(2)(d) Support Oppose Support Recall Oppose Recall Independent Disbursement Committee - Also, Complete Oath of Independent Expenditures, Form GAB-6 Individual - Also, Complete Oath of Independent Expenditures, Form GAB-6 GAB-1 (Rev. 4/2014) THIS FORM IS PRESCRIBED BY: WISCONSIN GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY BOARD P.O. Box 7984, Madison, WI 53707-7984 Phone: 608-261-2028 | Fax: 608-264-9319 | web: https://cfis.wi.gov | email: GABCFIS@wi.gov 3. COMMITTEE TREASURER (Campaign finance correspondence is mailed to this address.) Treasurer’s Name Telephone Number (residence) Address (number and street) Telephone Number (employment) City, State and Zip Code Treasurer Email Address 4. PRINCIPAL OFFICERS OF COMMITTEE AND OTHER CUSTODIANS OF BOOKS AND ACCOUNTS Attach additional listing if necessary. Indicate which officers or committee members are authorized to fill a vacancy in nomination due to death of candidate by an asterisk(*). This provision only applies to independent and local nonpartisan candidates. s.8.35, Stats. NAME MAILING ADDRESS Email Address Phone # POSITION 5. DEPOSITORY INFORMATION Name of Financial Institution Account Number (Attach list of any additional accounts and deposit boxes, location, type and number, i.e., savings, checking, money market, etc.) Address (number and street) City, State and Zip Code CERTIFICATION TREASURER I, _________________________________ (print full name) certify the information in this statement is true, correct and complete. Signature ____________________________________, Treasurer ____________________________________ Date CANDIDATE (or recall petitioner) I, __________________________________(print full name) certify the information in this statement is true, correct and complete, and that this is the only committee authorized to act on my behalf. Signature ____________________________________, Candidate/Petitioner ____________________________ Date + + + EXEMPTION FROM FILING CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORTS §11.05(2r), Wis. Stats. + + + You may be eligible for an exemption from filing campaign finance reports. Consult the Campaign Finance Instruction and Bookkeeping Manual to determine if the registrant qualifies for exemption. This registrant is eligible for exemption. This registrant will not accept contributions, make disbursements or incur obligations in an aggregate amount of more than $1,000 in a calendar year or accept any contribution or cumulative contributions of more than $100 from a single source during the calendar year, except contributions by a candidate to his or her campaign of $1,000 or less in a calendar year. This registrant is no longer eligible to claim exemption. ____________________________________________________________ Signature of Candidate or Treasurer _____________________________________ Date THE INFORMATION ON THIS FORM IS REQUIRED BY §§9.10(2)(d), 11.05, 11.06(7), WIS. STATS. FAILURE TO PROVIDE THE INFORMATION MAY SUBJECT YOU TO THE PENALTIES OF §§8.30(2), 11.60, 11.61, 11.66, WIS. STATS. CAMPAIGN REGISTRATION STATEMENT (GAB-1) INSTRUCTIONS Who Must Register Candidates Non-candidate committees Referenda committees When As soon as they form the intent to run for office. Prior to raising or spending any funds, beyond those needed to open a bank account Before spending or taking in more than $300 Before spending or taking in more than $2,500 Where Local office or referenda- with the local clerk (town, village, city, school) State office or statewide referenda – with the Government Accountability Board For a mix of state and local offices – with the Government Accountability Board Completing a Registration Statement Section 1: Candidate and Candidate Committee Information - Section 1 should be completed by candidate committees only. Campaign Committee Name – Any candidate that accepts a donation must have a committee. Any communication (flyers, newspaper ads, website) requires a disclaimer ‘Paid for by Committee name, individual name, treasurer’. o Candidates are only allowed one active committee for all state and local offices sought. If you are seeking multiple offices (town, county, school board), or plan to seek another office in the future, you may want to consider a generic committee name without the name of the office sought such as ‘Friends of …’, or ‘Committee to Elect ….’. This will allow you to keep the same committee name for various offices. o Your committee name does not have to include your last name, but including your last name makes searching for your committee easier. Section 2: Non-Candidate Committee Information - Section 2 should be completed by non-candidate committees only. A. Special Interest Committee (PAC) o PACs may receive money from individuals or other PACs, and contribute money directly to candidates. PACs may not accept money from corporations, including LLCs. o Committees intending to make only independent disbursements, without contributing to or coordinating with candidate committees, should register as an Independent Disbursement committee, letter F below. o A resident committee is based in Wisconsin and must report all receipts and expenses. o A non-resident committee is based outside of Wisconsin and must report only receipts from Wisconsin residents and expenses in Wisconsin state-level contests. A non-resident committee does not have to report cash balances. A non-resident committee must also file a GAB-40 form with the Wisconsin Secretary of State. B. Political Party Committee o To use the name of one of the recognized political parties in Wisconsin – Constitution, Democratic, Libertarian, or Republican, you must have permission from the state party. F. Independent Disbursement Committee o Committees making only independent disbursements may not contribute to or coordinate with candidate committees. These committees may accept unlimited contributions from individuals and from corporations. Before spending any money for or against a candidate, an Independent Disbursement committee must file a notarized GAB-6 Oath of Independent Disbursement stating whether they support or oppose the candidate. Section 3. Campaign Treasurer - Section 3 should be completed by all committees. All committees must name a treasurer. A Candidate may designate any elector to serve as their treasurer, or the candidate may server as his/her own treasurer. It is important that the treasurer’s name, complete address, telephone number and email address be provided on the registration statement and be kept current. All notices and forms for campaign finance reports will be sent to this person at the address given in this section. Failure to receive notice of the filing requirement does not exempt a candidate from the requirement to file the reports. Item 4. Principal Officers of the Committee and Other Custodians of Books and Accounts (Optional) If the committee has officers or other contacts besides the treasurer, they should be listed in Item 4. For a recall committee, the recall petitioner must be included here. The G.A.B. recommends that you provide more than one person’s contact information. Item 5. Depository Information (MANDATORY) In some cases, banks may require a completed GAB-1 registration form to open a bank account. Your committee may register without a bank account, but the GAB-1 form must be amended within 10 days to report any change, including a new bank account number. Failure to provide depository information within 5 business days of the first donation and before making any disbursements may disqualify a candidate for ballot placement. (Wis. Stats. §11.10(1)) In general, all committees must have and provide a campaign depository account number. One of three things must be entered here: 1. Separate Campaign bank account o This account may be used only for campaign funds o The bank may require an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the IRS to open a committee account 2. Only Candidates may use a personal bank account o This is allowed only if the candidate is claiming the exemption from filing finance reports (under $1,000 of receipts, under $1,000 expenses, no more than $100 from a single source) 3. Only Candidates are allowed to not have a bank account, but only if: o The candidate will receive no contributions and make no disbursements. No communications may be authorized or distributed. This includes in-kind contributions and expenses. o The candidate must claim exemption by checking the appropriate box on this form. o The candidate should add a hand-written statement to the form that he or she will spend no money. Candidates running for more than one elected office are only allowed one campaign depository account. All contributions and all disbursements for all offices must be run through the one account. Certification The candidate and committee treasurer must sign the original registration statement of a personal campaign committee or a support committee certifying that the information is true, correct, and complete, and that the committee is the only committee authorized to act on the candidate’s behalf. For a recall committee, the recall petitioner and the treasurer must both sign. A candidate serving as his/her own treasurer only needs to sign once. Non-candidate committees require only the treasurer’s signature. Amendments to the registration may be signed by either the candidate or treasurer. If there is a change in treasurer, the new treasurer should sign. Exemption From Filing Campaign Finance Reports All committees must file campaign finance reports, unless they check the box to claim exemption and remain within those limits. o A non-candidate committee may not accept more than $100 from any single source (individual or committee) in one calendar year. o A candidate committee may not accept more than $100 from any other single source (individual or committee) in a calendar year. The candidate may contribute up to $1000 to their own committee. o A committee may not spend more than $1000 total in a calendar year. o A referenda committee that does not accept contributions, make disbursements, or incur obligations of more than $2,500 is not required to register or file campaign finance reports. Referenda committees over this threshold may not claim exemption – they must register and file all required reports. If a committee on exempt status exceeds any of the limits listed above: o The committee must immediately file an amended GAB-1 with the appropriate filing officer, revoking the exempt status. o The committee must report all campaign finance activity back to the beginning of the calendar year. Any reports past their deadline that were not filed should be filed as soon as possible. If a committee filed reports for the previous calendar year, and wishes to go on exempt status for the upcoming year, the committee must file a January Continuing report covering all activity through December 31 st. Include an updated GAB-1 requesting exempt status for the upcoming year. Amending a Registration Statement When any of the information reported on the registration statement changes the statement must be amended by filing a new GAB-1. The candidate or treasurer must file the new GAB-1 within 10 days of the change, checking the “yes” box at the top of the form to indicate that it is an amendment. SCHEDULE 4 TERMINATION REQUEST Complete Committee Name A committee may terminate its registration and reporting requirements if the committee will no longer receive contributions, make disbursements or incur obligations, and the cash balance and obligations have been reduced to zero. Candidates may not terminate prior to the election in which they are participating. Please read carefully and, if necessary, indicate how residual committee funds have been disposed of or if outstanding loans or obligations have been forgiven. Sign and date the termination request at the bottom of this page. Make sure the termination box on the cover page of this report is checked. Please note: An audit must be completed and all obligations, including settlement offers, fulfilled before termination can be granted. All records must be maintained until 3 years after the date of an election in which the registrant participates, even if termination is granted. (Per Wis. Stats. 11.12(3)) DISPOSAL OF RESIDUAL FUNDS THIS INFORMATION SHOULD ALSO BE INCLUDED ON SCHEDULE 2-A AND/OR 2-B. Date Recipient Amount LOAN OR DEBT FORGIVENESS I hereby forgive all personal loans or have assumed responsibility for any and all debts of my campaign committee. Date Endorser, Guarantor, or Creditor Amount TERMINATION REQUEST. I hereby request that the committee registration be terminated. I declare that the committee has not incurred any obligations and does not anticipate incurring any. The committee does not anticipate receiving any further contributions or making any disbursements. I further state that the cash balance has been reduced to zero and that all remaining funds have been disposed of in the manner prescribed by law. _________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ Signature of Candidate or Treasurer Date SPECIAL REPORT OF LATE CONTRIBUTION CANDIDATE/COMMITTEE/INDIVIDUAL INFORMATION Candidate/Committee/Individual Name GAB I.D. # (if assigned) Address (Number, Street) Email Address City, State, Zip Code Telephone Number CONTRIBUTOR INFORMATION (See Instructions on Reverse Side of Form) Complete Name of Contributor Date of Contribution Address (Number and Street) of Contributor AMOUNT OR FAIR MARKET VALUE OF CONTRIBUTION. $______________________ City, State, Zip Code Total Contribution(s) Received From Contributor Since Last Report $__________________________ Occupation Name and Address of Principal Place of Employment Complete Name of Contributor Date of Contribution Address (Number and Street) of Contributor AMOUNT OR FAIR MARKET VALUE OF CONTRIBUTION. $______________________ City, State, Zip Code Total Contribution(s) Received From Contributor Since Last Report $__________________________ Occupation Name and Address of Principal Place of Employment Complete Name of Contributor Date of Contribution Address (Number and Street) of Contributor AMOUNT OR FAIR MARKET VALUE OF CONTRIBUTION. $______________________ City, State, Zip Code Total Contribution(s) Received From Contributor Since Last Report $__________________________ Occupation Name and Address of Principal Place of Employment I, ________________________________________________ , certify that the information in this report is true, correct and complete. (PRINT NAME) ______________________________________________________________________ Signature of Candidate or Treasurer ______________________________ Date THE INFORMATION ON THIS FORM IS REQUIRED BY ss. 11.12(5), 11.23(6), STATS. FAILURE TO PROVIDE THE INFORMATION MAY SUBJECT YOU TO THE PENALTIES OF ss. 11.60, 11.61, 11.66, STATS. THIS FORM IS PRESCRIBED BY: The Wisconsin Government Accountability Board, P.O. Box 7984, Madison, WI 53707-7984 | Phone: 608-261-2028 | Fax: 608-264-9319 | Web: https://cfis.wi.gov | Email: GABCFIS@wi.gov GAB-3 (Rev. 04/14) INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILING SPECIAL REPORT OF LATE CONTRIBUTION When This Report is Required: A special report of late contribution must be filed for contributions of $500 or more received after the closing date of the Pre-Primary or Pre-Election report and before the primary or election. This report must be filed for 1) any contribution of $500 or more, and 2) contributions from a single source totaling $500 or more received during this 15 day period. It must be filed within 24 hours of receiving the contributions. Who Must File This Report: This report must be filed by all statewide, legislative and judicial candidates receiving late contributions. Political party committees, and political action committees must file this report when receiving late contributions. Groups supporting or opposing a referendum must file this report only if already over the $2,500 registration threshold, or if the late contribution causes the referendum committee to exceed the $2,500 registration threshold. Local candidate committees are not required to file this report. Where to File a Special Report of Late Contribution: The special report of late contribution must be filed with the appropriate filing officer. If the contribution is received by a committee or candidate registered with the Government Accountability Board, the report must be filed with the Government Accountability Board. If the contribution is received by a local political committee or group, the report must be filed with the appropriate clerk of the county, city, town, village or school district. Miscellaneous Information: 1. The report must be faxed, emailed, or postmarked within 48 hours of receipt of the contribution. 2. More than one contribution can be reported on this form. 3. The information contained in this special report of late contribution must be included on the next regular report filed by the registrant. The contribution must be included in the appropriate schedule: 1-A for contributions from individuals or 1-B for contributions from committees. Certificate of Nomination General Instructions: Please Review Fully Please use uppercase (CAPITAL) letters only. Fill in circles as appropriate. This form is used to document the transmission of candidate information. Candidate names should be listed on the form in the order they should appear on the ballot. After entering information into SVRS, Providers should file this form for reference. Jurisdiction Information Clerk Last Name 1 Clerk First Name 2 Union Unified Common School Dist. Relier Information 3 Town Village City Municipality County HINDI # Provider Information 4 County HINDI # Town Village City Municipality HINDI # Election Information Date of Election (MM/DD/YYYY) / / Type of Election 5 Office Vote for 1 Vote for not more than: (Please Specify) Candidate Information Ballot Position Town Village City Sch. Dist. I, ______________________________, Clerk for the of __________________________, certify that the names of the candidates in Section 6 are for the office at the election on the date listed in Section 5, as determined by law, and that such names must be placed on the official ballot in the order listed. 6 7 Comments Signature School Clerk Signature X Date (MM/DD/YYYY) / / Relier Signature X Date (MM/DD/YYYY) / / Provider Signature X Date (MM/DD/YYYY) / / EB-405 (REV 1/2006) Certificate of Nomination General Instructions: This form should be completed by either a school district clerk or a municipal clerk. The Please Review Fully completed form should be submitted to your county clerk or provider, unless directed otherwise. This form is used to transmit information about candidate ballot placement to be entered into SVRS. Clerks should complete a separate form for each county. If there are candidates for more than one office, complete a separate form for each office. This form constitutes a certificate of nomination that may also be used for ballot creation. Each section on the front side of this document corresponds to the sections below (1-6). 1 Whether School District Clerk or Relier Clerk, please provide your current last and first names in the spaces provided. Enter your formal names, as indicated on official government documents; no nicknames. 2 Only required if form is being completed on behalf of a School District. Fill in appropriate circle for type of School District. Complete name of School District. 3 Only required if form is being completed on behalf of a municipality. Fill in appropriate circle for type of municipality. Complete name of municipality. Complete name of county where municipality is located. 4 • To be completed by School District Clerk. Complete name of county where school district is located. If school district is located in more than one county, complete a separate form for each county. • To be completed by Relier Clerk. Complete name of county or municipality that provides SVRS services to you. • Complete date of election. • Complete election type, i.e. Spring Primary, Spring Election, September Primary, General Election, Special Primary, Special Election. • Complete office, i.e. Town Supervisor, Village Trustee, Mayor, School Board Supervisor. • Fill in the circle to indicate that the office is to be listed on the ballot as “Vote for One” or “Vote for not more than”. If “Vote for not more than” indicate the number of seats to be elected. • Complete the certification with the appropriate information for name of clerk and jurisdiction. • List candidates’ names as they should appear on the ballot and in the order they should appear. 5 6 7 For School District Clerk, provide a list of municipalities within the school district. If additional space is required, please use a blank sheet of paper to document the municipalities and attach it to this form. Signature: • By signing in this space, the School District Clerk is certifying the candidate information for the office at the election listed. • By signing in this space, the Relier Clerk is certifying the candidate information for the office at the election listed. • By signing in this space the County Clerk or Provider Clerk is acknowledging receipt of this information and has entered this information into SVRS. EB-405 Instructions (REV 1/2006) OFFICIAL PRIMARY BALLOT FOR NONPARTISAN OFFICE NOTICE TO ELECTORS: THIS BALLOT MAY BE INVALID UNLESS INITIALED BY 2 ELECTION INSPECTORS. IF CAST AS AN ABSENTEE BALLOT, THE BALLOT MUST BEAR THE INITIALS OF THE MUNICIPAL CLERK OR DEPUTY CLERK. To vote for a candidate whose name is printed on the ballot, make a cross (X) in the square at the RIGHT of the name of the candidate for whom you desire to vote. To vote for a person whose name does not appear on the ballot, write the name in the blank space provided for the purpose. School Board Members Vote for not more than Three (insert name).......................................................................................................................................... (insert name).......................................................................................................................................... (insert name).......................................................................................................................................... (insert name).......................................................................................................................................... (insert name).......................................................................................................................................... (insert name).......................................................................................................................................... (insert name).......................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................. GAB-222- Spring Primary Paper Ballot for School Districts with Unnumbered Seats Ss. 5.52, 120.06(7)(b), Wis. Stats. (Rev. 1/2003) The number of persons may need to be modified. If only one person is to be elected, the instructions must be: Vote for one. When more than one person is to be elected, the instructions must be: Vote for not more than …(insert number of persons to be elected). Sample reverse side of official paper ballot (Insert title from front of ballot) (Insert date of election) For ____________________________________________________ (insert name of municipality: city, town or village, and ward #(s) Ballot issued by _______________________________ _______________________________ (initials of election inspectors) Absentee ballot issued by __________ __________ (initials of municipal clerk or deputy clerk) (If issued by SVDs, both SVDs must initial.) Certification of Voter Assistance I certify that I marked this ballot at the request and direction of a voter, who is authorized under the law to receive assistance. ____________________________________________________ (signature of assistor) GAB-229 Reverse side of paper ballot| Rev 2014-03 | Government Accountability Board, P.O. Box 7984, Madison, WI 53707-7984 | 608-261-2028 | web: gab.wi.gov | email: gab@wi.gov OFFICIAL PRIMARY BALLOT FOR NONPARTISAN OFFICE NOTICE TO ELECTORS: THIS BALLOT MAY BE INVALID UNLESS INITIALED BY 2 ELECTION INSPECTORS. IF CAST AS AN ABSENTEE BALLOT, THE BALLOT MUST BEAR THE INITIALS OF THE MUNICIPAL CLERK OR DEPUTY CLERK. To vote for a person whose name is printed on the ballot, make a cross (X) in the square at the RIGHT of the name of the person for whom you desire to vote. To vote for a person whose name does not appear on the ballot, write the name in the blank space provided for the purpose. School Board Member 1 Vote for One (insert name).......................................................................................................................... (insert name).......................................................................................................................... (insert name).......................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................. School Board Member 2 Vote for One (insert name)............ ............................................................................................................. (insert name).......................................................................................................................... (insert name).......................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................. School Board Member 3 Vote for One (insert name).......................................................................................................................... (insert name).................................................................................................. ....................... (insert name).......................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................ The number of the seats to be elected may need to be modified. FORM GAB-223-Spring Primary Paper Ballot for School Districts With Numbered Seats Ss. 120.02(4) and 120.06(7)(b), Wis. Stats. (Rev. 1/2003) Sample reverse side of official paper ballot (Insert title from front of ballot) (Insert date of election) For ____________________________________________________ (insert name of municipality: city, town or village, and ward #(s) Ballot issued by _______________________________ _______________________________ (initials of election inspectors) Absentee ballot issued by __________ __________ (initials of municipal clerk or deputy clerk) (If issued by SVDs, both SVDs must initial.) Certification of Voter Assistance I certify that I marked this ballot at the request and direction of a voter, who is authorized under the law to receive assistance. ____________________________________________________ (signature of assistor) GAB-229 Reverse side of paper ballot| Rev 2014-03 | Government Accountability Board, P.O. Box 7984, Madison, WI 53707-7984 | 608-261-2028 | web: gab.wi.gov | email: gab@wi.gov OFFICIAL PRIMARY BALLOT FOR NONPARTISAN OFFICE NOTICE TO ELECTORS: THIS BALLOT MAY BE INVALID UNLESS INITIALED BY 2 ELECTION INSPECTORS. IF CAST AS AN ABSENTEE BALLOT, THE BALLOT MUST BEAR THE INITIALS OF THE MUNICIPAL CLERK OR DEPUTY CLERK. To vote for a person whose name is printed on the ballot, make a cross (X) in the square at the RIGHT of the name of the person for whom you desire to vote. To vote for a person whose name does not appear on the ballot, write the name in the blank space provided for the purpose. School Board Member from Vote for One (insert name).............................................................................................................................. (insert name).............................................................................................................................. (insert name).............................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................... School Board Member from Vote for One (insert name)............................................................................................................................... (insert name)............................................................................................................................... (insert name)............................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... School Board Member from Vote for One (insert name)............................................................................................................................... (insert name)............................................................................................................................... (insert name)............................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... The number of the seats to be elected may need to be modified FORM GAB-224-Spring Primary Paper Ballot for School Districts With Apportioned Seats Ss. 120.02(2) and 120.06(7)(b), Wis. Stats. (Rev. 1/2003) Sample reverse side of official paper ballot (Insert title from front of ballot) (Insert date of election) For ____________________________________________________ (insert name of municipality: city, town or village, and ward #(s) Ballot issued by _______________________________ _______________________________ (initials of election inspectors) Absentee ballot issued by __________ __________ (initials of municipal clerk or deputy clerk) (If issued by SVDs, both SVDs must initial.) Certification of Voter Assistance I certify that I marked this ballot at the request and direction of a voter, who is authorized under the law to receive assistance. ____________________________________________________ (signature of assistor) GAB-229 Reverse side of paper ballot| Rev 2014-03 | Government Accountability Board, P.O. Box 7984, Madison, WI 53707-7984 | 608-261-2028 | web: gab.wi.gov | email: gab@wi.gov OFFICIAL BALLOT FOR NONPARTISAN OFFICE NOTICE TO ELECTORS: THIS BALLOT MAY BE INVALID UNLESS INITIALED BY 2 ELECTION INSPECTORS. IF CAST AS AN ABSENTEE BALLOT, THE BALLOT MUST BEAR THE INITIALS OF THE MUNICIPAL CLERK OR DEPUTY CLERK. To vote for a candidate whose name is printed on the ballot, make a cross (X) in the square at the RIGHT of the name of the candidate for whom you desire to vote. To vote for a person whose name does not appear on the ballot, write the name in the blank space provided for the purpose. School Board Member Vote for not more than Three (insert name)................................................................................................................................. (insert name)................................................................................................................................. (insert name)................................................................................................................................. (insert name)................................................................................................................................. (insert name)................................................................................................................................. (insert name)................................................................................................................................. ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... FORM GAB-225 (Rev. 1/2003) Spring Election Ballot for School Districts with Unnumbered seats S. 5.52, Wis. Stats. The number of persons may need to be modified. If only one person is to be elected, the instructions must be: Vote for one. When more than one person is to be elected, the instructions must be: Vote for not more than (insert number of persons to be elected). Sample reverse side of official paper ballot (Insert title from front of ballot) (Insert date of election) For ____________________________________________________ (insert name of municipality: city, town or village, and ward #(s) Ballot issued by _______________________________ _______________________________ (initials of election inspectors) Absentee ballot issued by __________ __________ (initials of municipal clerk or deputy clerk) (If issued by SVDs, both SVDs must initial.) Certification of Voter Assistance I certify that I marked this ballot at the request and direction of a voter, who is authorized under the law to receive assistance. ____________________________________________________ (signature of assistor) GAB-229 Reverse side of paper ballot| Rev 2014-03 | Government Accountability Board, P.O. Box 7984, Madison, WI 53707-7984 | 608-261-2028 | web: gab.wi.gov | email: gab@wi.gov OFFICIAL BALLOT FOR NONPARTISAN OFFICE NOTICE TO ELECTORS: THIS BALLOT MAY BE INVALID UNLESS INITIALED BY 2 ELECTION INSPECTORS. IF CAST AS AN ABSENTEE BALLOT, THE BALLOT MUST BEAR THE INITIALS OF THE MUNICIPAL CLERK OR DEPUTY CLERK. To vote for a candidate whose name is printed on the ballot, make a cross (X) in the square at the RIGHT of the name of the candidate for whom you desire to vote. To vote for a person whose name does not appear on the ballot, write the name in the blank space provided for the purpose. School Board Member No. 1 Vote for One .............................................................................................................. (insert name)............................................................................................................................... (insert name)............... .................................................................................................................................................................... . School Board Member No. 2 Vote for One (insert name).............................................................................................................................. (insert name).............................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................... School Board Member No. 3 Vote for One (insert name).............................................................................................................................. (insert name).............................................................. ............................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... FORM GAB-226-Official Election Ballot for School Districts With Numbered Seats S. 120.02(4), Wis. Stats. (Rev 1/2003) The number of the seats to be elected may need to be modified. Sample reverse side of official paper ballot (Insert title from front of ballot) (Insert date of election) For ____________________________________________________ (insert name of municipality: city, town or village, and ward #(s) Ballot issued by _______________________________ _______________________________ (initials of election inspectors) Absentee ballot issued by __________ __________ (initials of municipal clerk or deputy clerk) (If issued by SVDs, both SVDs must initial.) Certification of Voter Assistance I certify that I marked this ballot at the request and direction of a voter, who is authorized under the law to receive assistance. ____________________________________________________ (signature of assistor) GAB-229 Reverse side of paper ballot| Rev 2014-03 | Government Accountability Board, P.O. Box 7984, Madison, WI 53707-7984 | 608-261-2028 | web: gab.wi.gov | email: gab@wi.gov OFFICIAL BALLOT FOR NONPARTISAN OFFICE NOTICE TO ELECTORS: THIS BALLOT MAY BE INVALID UNLESS INITIALED BY 2 ELECTION INSPECTORS. IF CAST AS AN ABSENTEE BALLOT, THE BALLOT MUST BEAR THE INITIALS OF THE MUNICIPAL CLERK OR DEPUTY CLERK. To vote for a candidate whose name is printed on the ballot, make a cross (X) in the square at the RIGHT of the name of the candidate for whom you desire to vote. To vote for a person whose name does not appear on the ballot, write the name in the blank space provided for the purpose. School Board Member from..........… Vote for One (insert name)......................................................................................................................... (insert name)......................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................ School Board Member from............ Vote for One (insert name)......................................................................................................................... (insert name)......................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................ School Board Member from........ Vote for One (insert name).................................................................................................................. ...... (insert name)......................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................. FORM GAB-227-Spring Election Ballot for School Districts With Apportioned Seats S. 120.02(2), Wis. Stats (Rev. 1/2003) The number of the seats to be elected may need to be modified. Sample reverse side of official paper ballot (Insert title from front of ballot) (Insert date of election) For ____________________________________________________ (insert name of municipality: city, town or village, and ward #(s) Ballot issued by _______________________________ _______________________________ (initials of election inspectors) Absentee ballot issued by __________ __________ (initials of municipal clerk or deputy clerk) (If issued by SVDs, both SVDs must initial.) Certification of Voter Assistance I certify that I marked this ballot at the request and direction of a voter, who is authorized under the law to receive assistance. ____________________________________________________ (signature of assistor) GAB-229 Reverse side of paper ballot| Rev 2014-03 | Government Accountability Board, P.O. Box 7984, Madison, WI 53707-7984 | 608-261-2028 | web: gab.wi.gov | email: gab@wi.gov Tabular Statement of Votes Cast , WI (insert municipality and county, if county canvass insert county only) (type of election) _______________ Election - _______________ (date of election) (For County Use Only) For a Partisan Primary, insert political party Office: Reporting Units: Candidates: Total Votes Cast-Candidates: Total Votes Cast-Office: GAB-106 (Rev. 8/98-G.A.B. 12/09) Tabular - Board of Canvassers Report Scattering (for Counties only) Completing the Tabular Statement of Votes Cast Instructions For Municipal Canvass: Write the name of your municipality, the kind of election - primary, spring, or special election, etc., and the date of the election in the heading. Enter the complete name of the office with the seat or district number in the shaded area. List the names of the candidates for the office in ballot order below the shaded area. Make sure that all wards or ward combinations are listed in proper numerical order in the left hand column. The smallest number in a combination determines the order. (Example: Wards 1&4; Wards 2,6 & 7; and Wards 3&5.) For each reporting unit, list the number of votes cast for each candidate. Don’t forget the write-in votes - they must be listed individually by name. Enter the total number of votes cast for each candidate at the bottom of the column. Please give the total number of votes cast (not voters!) for each office in the “Total Votes Cast-Office” space. This total is the sum of the vote totals for each candidate plus the write-ins. Notes for Municipal and County Clerks: Combining Reporting Units. A municipality may provide for combined wards by resolution up to 30 days* before the spring primary or election, if your population is under 35,000. It’s important to remember that for the spring primary and the spring election, wards in a municipality may be combined for judicial offices even though separate results may be required for county, municipal, or school district offices. The wards being combined must use the same polling place. *60 days before a September Primary or General Election. Reporting for annexations requires special attention. As long as the area being annexed belongs to the same representative districts, i.e., congressional, legislative, and county supervisory districts, as the adjacent area to which it’s being annexed, then the annexed area is reported together with the adjacent area using the same ward number. But if the annexed area has different representative districts from its adjacent area or crosses county lines, the municipality is required by law to create a separate ward giving it the next consecutive number. All election results from this new ward must be reported under the new ward number. Instructions For County Canvass: Write the name of your county, the kind of election - primary, partisan primary, spring/general election, or special, etc., and the date of the election in the heading. A separate report must be completed for each political party in a partisan primary only. Write in the name of the political party on the line provided. Enter the complete name of the office with the branch or district number in the shaded area. List the names of the candidates for the office in ballot order below the shaded area. Please list all municipalities and wards in the correct order in the left hand column. The smallest number in a combination determines the order. (Example: Wards 1&4; Wards 2,6 & 7; and Wards 3&5.) 1. Towns, alphabetically, wards numerically. 2. Villages, alphabetically, wards numerically. 3. Cities, alphabetically, wards numerically. Make sure that all wards or ward combinations are listed along with the municipality name. If a municipality is divided by wards, but combines them for voting purposes and reports one total, you must still identify the numbers of the wards being reported. (Example: Town of Anywhere, Wards 1&2. If a municipality is not divided by wards do not list “Ward 1.”) For each reporting unit, list the number of votes cast for each candidate. Don’t forget the scattering column - if there are no write-in votes for a reporting unit, list 0. Enter the total number of votes cast for each candidate at the bottom of the column. Please give the total number of votes cast (not voters!) for each office in the “Total Votes Cast-Office” space. This total is the sum of the vote totals for each candidate plus the scattering. GAB-106 Instructions, Board of Canvass Report Certification of the Board of Canvassers We, the undersigned, certify that we are the members of the Board of Canvassers for . (insert municipality and county, if county canvass insert county only) We certify that the attached Tabular Statement of Votes Cast and Summary Statement of the Board of Canvassers, canvassed and prepared by us, are correct and true as compiled from the original returns made to the __________________________________ Clerk. (County, Municipal, School District) We further determine and certify that the following persons received the greatest and the next to greatest (for primary only) number of votes for the respective office for which each was a candidate on ________________________________. (Insert date of primary or election) OFFICE HIGHEST CANDIDATE (Title of Office) (Name of Winning Candidate) SECOND HIGHEST CANDIDATE (For Primary Only) (Name of Second Highest Candidate) BOARD OF CANVASSERS (1) ________________ (2) _____________________________________ (3) _____________________________________ (4) _____________________________________ (5) _____________________________________ (Date) This document is signed by: For a municipal election – The inspectors when there is only one polling place and one set of election results. s.7.53(1), Stats. For a municipal election – The municipal board of canvassers when there are 2 or more reporting units. s.7.53(2)(a), Stats. For state and county elections – The county board of canvassers. s.7.60(2), Stats. GAB-106(Rev.8/98 – G.A.B. 12/09) Certification - Board of Canvassers Report Summary Statement of the Board of Canvassers _______________ Election - _______________, _____ The total number of votes cast for _______________________________ was _______ of which (insert office) received (candidate’s name) ________________________________ received _______ received _______ (candidate’s name) ________________________________ (candidate’s name) Scattering (for county only) received The total number of votes cast for _______________________________ was of which (insert office) ________________________________ received _______ received _______ received _______ (candidate’s name) ________________________________ (candidate’s name) ________________________________ (candidate’s name) Scattering (for county only) received The total number of votes cast for _______________________________ was (insert office) of which ________________________________ received (candidate’s name) ________________________________ received (candidate’s name) ________________________________ received (candidate’s name) Scattering (for county only) GAB-106(Rev.8/98-G.A.B.12/09) Summary Statement - Board of Canvassers Report received STATEMENT OF THE MUNICIPAL BOARD OF CANVASSERS Reconciliation of Late-Arriving and Provisional Ballots Processed ______________________________, ________ (Date of Primary or Election) □ No absentee ballots were returned and no provisional ballots rehabilitated. Election night results stand. _______________________________(MBOC must complete and sign certification below.*)______________________________________ 1. Breakdown of Absentee Ballot Processing a. Total number of absentee ballots counted by MBOC: ____________ b. Total number of absentee ballots rejected by MBOC: ____________ c. .………………………………………… TOTAL: ____________ (Number must match the number in 3.a. below.) 2. Breakdown of Provisional Ballot Processing a. Total number of provisional ballots counted by MBOC: ____________ b. Total number of provisional ballots rejected by MBOC: ____________ c. ……………………………….………………..TOTAL: ____________ (Number must match the number in 3.b. below.) 3. Total Number of Ballots Processed by MBOC a. Total number of absentee ballots processed by MBOC: ____________ b. Total number of provisional ballots processed by MBOC: ____________ c. ………………………………………..………….TOTAL: ____________ 1c+2c=3c * CERTIFICATION OF MUNICIPAL BOARD OF CANVASSERS * We, the undersigned, certify that we are the members of the Municipal Board of Canvassers for . (insert municipality and county) We certify that the above Reconciliation of Ballots Processed and the attached Statement of Tally of Late-Arriving Absentee Ballots and Provisional Ballots prepared by us, are correct and true as compiled from the absentee and provisional ballots provided to us by __________________________________________, Clerk. (Name of Municipal Clerk) (1) BOARD OF CANVASSERS ________________ (2) _____________________________________ (3) _____________________________________ (4) _____________________________________ (5) _____________________________________ (Date) GAB-106/AP | 2012-07 | Government Accountability Board, P.O. Box 7984, Madison, WI 53707-7984 | 608-261-2028 | web: gab.wi.gov | mail: gab@wi.gov STATEMENT OF TALLY OF LATE-ARRIVING ABSENTEE BALLOTS AND PROVISIONAL BALLOTS ______________________________, ________ (Date of Primary or Election) The total number of votes tallied for _______________________________ was________, (insert office) of which received _______ (candidate’s name) ________________________________ received _______ received _______ received _______ (candidate’s name) ________________________________ (candidate’s name) ________________________________ (candidate’s name) The total number of votes tallied for _______________________________ was of which (insert office) ________________________________ received _______ (candidate’s name) ________________________________ received _______ received _______ received _______ (candidate’s name) ________________________________ (candidate’s name) ________________________________ (candidate’s name) The total number of votes tallied for _______________________________ was (insert office) of which ________________________________ received _______ (candidate’s name) ________________________________ received _______ received _______ received _______ (candidate’s name) ________________________________ (candidate’s name) ________________________________ (candidate’s name) The total number of votes tallied for _______________________________ was (insert office) of which ________________________________ received _______ (candidate’s name) ________________________________ received _______ received _______ received _______ (candidate’s name) ________________________________ (candidate’s name) ________________________________ (candidate’s name) GAB-106/AP | 2012-07 | Government Accountability Board, P.O. Box 7984, Madison, WI 53707-7984 | 608-261-2028 | web: gab.wi.gov | mail: gab@wi.gov CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION STATE OF WISCONSIN } ss. ______________________ (insert issuing authority) I, , (insert name and title of person issuing certificate) of the , of the State of Wisconsin, certify that (agency or municipality) , (insert name of elected person) as appears from the official canvass of the votes cast at a ______________________________ (insert type of election) Election held in , Wisconsin, on (county or municipality) , was duly elected (insert date of election) _____________________________________________________________________ (insert title of office to which elected) to hold office for a term, commencing on (insert length of term) and ending on , (insert first day of term) . (insert last day of term) IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have set my hand and affixed the Seal of ________________________, this ____ day of ___________________________, ______. _____________________________________ (Signature) _____________________________________ (Title) GAB-153 (Rev. 9/99) _____________________________________ (Agency) Official Oath STATE OF WISCONSIN, ) ) ss ______________________ County ) I, ______________________________________________, having been elected or appointed to the office of ___________________________________________________________________ (title) swear (or affirm) that I will support the constitution of the United States and the constitution of the State of Wisconsin, and will faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of said office to the best of my ability. So help me God. _______________________________________ (Signature of elected or appointed official) Subscribed and sworn to before me this __________ day of _____________________, _______. _________________________________________________________ (Signature of person authorized to administer oaths) My commission expires _____________________, or is permanent Notary Public , or ________________________________________ (Official title, if not a notary) GAB-154 (12/09) The information on this form is required by Article IV, Section 28 of the Wisconsin Constitution, §. 19.01 (1), (lm), Wis. Stats. This form is prescribed by the Government Accountability Board, P.O. Box 7984, Madison, WI 53707-7984, 608-266-8005, gab@wi.gov http://gab.wi.gov. Wisconsin Association of School Boards Supporting, Promoting and Advancing Public Education 122 W. Washington Ave., Suite 400 Madison, WI 53703 608-257-2622 (Toll Free) 877-705-4422
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