News Sheet - Goffs Oak Methodist Church

Please check noticeboards for current and future events.
For example, see the details of the Holy Land Pilgrimage
in October 2015, with Rev. Vaughan Tong,
a former Enfield Circuit Superintendent Minister.
Mission to Chile
Luke and Mary (née King) Foster and family are planning to go to Chile in January, where
Luke will be teaching Church leaders. Please remember them in your prayers.
Their prayer letter is on
They are still trusting in the Lord for funding, so please do support them.
—————————————————————————————————————Edmonton Night Shelter
Sadly, we heard after the circuit meeting, that the night shelter will not go ahead this
winter, due to circumstances outside the circuit's control. This means that the training
booked for the 6th Dec is cancelled. Any money raised within the circuit will be held in a
circuit fund for a future project. We hope that early in the New Year we will be able to
work with other interested people to start this project the following winter 2015-16.
Please send any completed volunteer forms to the circuit office, we will ensure that those
people are kept informed of what is happening. Thank you all for your commitment and
enthusiasm for this project so far, at what has been a very difficult time. Emily.
—————————————————————————————————————Adoramus Choir and String Orchestra
Come and enjoy “Baroque-ing around the Christmas Tree”, the Adoramus Choir and String
Orchestra’s Christmas concert, taking place on Saturday, 6th December at 7.30pm
at St Stephen’s Church, Village Road, Bush Hill Park EN1 2ET, featuring the Eastfield Primary
School Choir. Tickets £14 for adults and £7 for children.
Ticket hotline 07816 998308 or
The NHS have contacted the Ponders End Church Office, as they are looking to build a
24-hour team of carers for an 80-year old lady (who was a member of the congregation
at Oakwood church). If anyone with care-giving skills is interested, would they please
contact Ponders End Church Office on (020) 8351 9181 any time (day or night (there is
voicemail when unattended) and you will be put in contact with the NHS officer.
Please note that any notices required to appear in the News Sheet should be
forwarded to Lesley Batts by 7 pm on Thursdays.
Telephone number 01707 874092
Goffs Oak
Methodist Church
Newgatestreet Road
Goffs Oak, Herts
Minister: Rev. Alan Combes
Tel: 01992 762317
News sheet
Sunday 30th November
We do hope you enjoy your time with us today
Circuit Prayers
This Sunday we are asked to pray for all those who attend
St. John Methodist Church in our circuit.
Sunday 30th
Advent Sunday
Service with Mr Len Ward
The Sunday Club
Choir rehearsal for the Carol Service
Towards Christ in Advent - a journey in word and song,
to be held at St. James’s Church. All are welcome.
There will be no evening service at GOMC.
Monday 1st
Beavers in the Scout HQ
Tuesday 2nd
10am to 12
Weekly Open Church Coffee morning.
Do drop in for a chat and refreshments.
See also diary entry.
Cub Scouts in the Scout HQ
Wednesday 3rd 7.30pm
Scouts’ meeting in the Scout HQ
Thursday 4th
Meet for Prayer at the home of Doreen Lewis,
83, Greenfields, Cuffley. All are welcome.
Friday 5th
Sunday 7th
3 to 5pm
) See also
) diary entry
Family Gift Service with Holy Communion,
led by Rev. Alan Combes.
See also diary entries.
Choir rehearsal for the Carol Service
Holiday/Sunday Club Christmas Party
United Service, shared with and held at St. James’s
Church, with Mrs Joanne Mead. All are welcome.
For your diary
Tuesday 2nd
12.00 noon. Following the usual Coffee morning, our Minister, Alan,
will be offering Holy Communion to anyone who wishes to partake.
Thursday 4th
6.30pm. Guides and Brownies annual carol concert. They would love
Church members to attend, so please do support them. Hopefully the
Rainbows will be attending too, as well as the seniors having a stall.
Sunday 7th
10.15am. Gift Service. The charity we are supporting this year is the
Broxbourne Food Bank. There is a list of appropriate items on the
noticeboard. In addition, packed Christmas food items with long dates
would be very welcome. Your gifts of money would also be gratefully
received. We have a collection box at our Church now, for food items,
and the storage of items is now in warehouse no.18 at Brookfield Centre..
Sunday 7th
During the afternoon of NEXT Sunday, the Holiday and Sunday Club will
have their Christmas Party.
17th December
12.30pm. Monthly Mid-week lunch at St. James’s Church.
Menu: Soup, filled roll, dessert, tea or coffee - £3.50.
All are welcome.
Sunday 21st
4pm. Carol Service
For notices, see overleaf >>>>>
Have you got a 2015 diary yet?
Even if not, please make a note that next year’s Holiday Club will run from
Monday 17th to Friday 21st August 2015, followed by the Holiday Club Service
on Sunday 23rd August 2015.
Prayer List
The Sunday Club is for children aged 3 and over. Younger children are most welcome to spend time
in the left hand bay at the front of the Church, where there are toys and colouring books.
Please join us for a cup of tea or coffee after this morning’s service
On the table in the Church vestibule there is a list where you can write your prayer
requests, which will then be prayed for during the Sunday services.
Alternatively, ring Barbara Hall (01707 872472) for inclusion in the prayer chain.