Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, Volume 21 Suppl 2 MEETING ABSTRACTS Open Access Proceedings of the 5th Danish Emergency Medicine Conference Aarhus, Denmark. 18-19 April 2013 Edited by Christian Skjærbæk Published: 9 September 2013 These abstracts are available online at MEETING ABSTRACTS A1 A mixed methods observational simulation-based study of interprofessional team communication Charlotte Paltved1*, Kurt Nielsen1, Peter Musaeus2 1 SkejSim Medical Simulation and Skills Training, Aarhus, Denmark; 2Centre for Medical Education, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A1 Background: Interprofessional team communication has been identified as an important focus for safety in medical emergency care. However, indepth insight into the complexity of team communication is limited. Video observational studies might fill a gap in terms of understanding the meaning of specific communication interactions and link team performance to patient outcome. This study had two aims. First, to develop a theory-based evaluation instrument that measures and qualifies team communication. And second, to investigate the quality and content of summaries and re-evaluations evolving step wise and progressively when treating the critically ill patient. Methods: The study used mixed methods. The research question sets out to identify which factors most strongly mediate effective and safe team performance. Team communications were video observed in 29 scenarios. Data analysis employed a grounded theory approach. Communication events and communication failures were recorded and classified into four categories. Furthermore, data supported the building of the SkejSim Team Step Model that captures and conceptualizes the quality of summaries and reevaluations. Results: In the 29 simulations, 1091 communication events and 58 communication failures were recorded and classified. Failure types included “occasion” where timing was suboptimal, “content” where information was inaccurate or missing, “purpose” where issues were not resolved, and “audience”, where a key team member was not present. Two thirds of these failures resulted in visible effects: inefficiency, delay, tension, and procedural error. Teams were found to differ and these differences could be explained using the five-level model. Conclusion: The study found that complex interprofessional team communication does not readily reduce to mere observation and recording of events. An interpretative approach is required to meaningfully account for communication exchanges in context. Despite the complexity of interprofessional team communication, the integration of these two models might provide a significant framework for the construct of efficient team performance. This research has advanced evaluation of team communication, by allowing us to recognize and represent communication by complexity rather than by reductionism and oversimplification. Yet, each aspect is definable and easy to explain and demonstrate to clinicians and thus, holds the promise for simulation-based team training to improve interprofessional team communication. A2 Characteristics of patients not clinically recognized as suffering from bacteriaemia Anders Johan Orland Rasmussen*, Anne Grethe Mølbak, Jacob Hansen-Schwartz Emergency Department Køge Sygehus, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A2 Background: Criteria for Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) are recognized as operational criteria for detecting a possible bacteriaemia. Given the sensitivity and specificity of the criteria, clinical judgment is crucial in detecting the condition. The aim of the study was retrospectively to identify clinical characteristics of patients not primarily thought of as having bacteriaemia, yet harboring the condition. Methods: Consecutive blood cultures sampled in relation to admittance through the Emergency department from 2010 to 2012 were identified. 1615 blood cultures were identified of which 229 (14%) were positive. Group 1 were sampled on admittance where a pathogen was cultured (171 patients, ‘true positive’), group 2 on admittance where a contaminant was cultured (35 patients, ‘false positive’), group 3 were not sampled on admittance, but subsequently during hospital stay and where a pathogen was cultured (23 patients, ‘false negative’), and group 4 on admittance where culture was negative (1386 patients, ‘true negative’). At random 90 patients from group 4 were selected for analysis. Parameters recorded: Age, gender, vital signs, white blood cell count, bacterial species, and focus. Presence of diabetes, liver disease, kidney disease, chronic obstructive lung disease and cardiac disease was registered. Results: Significant differences between group 1 and 3: Temperature: Group 1: 38.3 (34.2–41.2), group 3: 37.7 (36.2–40.2) RespiratoryrRate: Group 1: 21 (5–46), group 3: 18 (11–33) Saturation: Group 1: 95.9% (32–100), group 3: 97.5 (range 92–100) No significant difference among groups regarding species and focus was observed. In group 3 we identified a significantly higher proportion of patients with hepatic disease and alcohol abuse, and a tendency for a higher proportion of patients with known malignant disease. In group 1 78% and in group 3 22% fulfilled the SIRS criteria. Conclusion: 11% of the patients suffering from bacteriaemia in our cohort were not clinically detected in the Emergency Department. Vital parameters were within normal range underscoring the difficulty to detect © 2013 various authors, licensee BioMed Central Ltd. All articles published in this supplement are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, Volume 21 Suppl 2 these patients. The study warrants attention regarding bacteriaemia in patients suffering iver disease and possibly also patients with known malignant disease. A3 Emergency department flow in an optimized setting Lars L Stubbe Teglbjærg Svendborg Emergency Department, FAM Svendborg, OUH Svendborg Hospital, DK 5700 Svendborg, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A3 Background: The patterns of patient admission and discharge rarely reflects patient needs. The main reason is the way we manage processes such as ward rounds, operations, radiology, outpatient handling, inpatient tests etc. This results in variable length of stay (LoS) in the emergency departments, even among patients admitted with similar conditions. We have implemented structured time-driven patient handling with five key elements: 1. Compilation of acute patients in a single joint acute ward. 2. Fast Track treatment of minor injuries. 3. Within a four-hour time limit a specialist-level treatment-directing diagnosis and treatment plan has to be made for patients admitted for inpatient treatment. 4. A discharge plan has to be made for in-patients with an estimated date of discharge within the same 4-hour time limit. 5. Adjustment of staffing, operation capacity, laboratory and radiology service according to patient flow. The purpose of the change was to secure uniform, fast, high quality diagnosing, care and treatment for all acute patients, 24 hours a day. The objective of this study was to describe effects of a structured, time driven approach on patient flow. Methods: Data were obtained from our patient administrative system (FPAS) and our patient logistic system (Cetrea Emergency). Main outcome measures were average time to treatment initiation in the Emergency Room (ER), percentage of patients who finishes treatment in the emergency department (ED) and LoS for patients in the ED. Results: Following actual intervention, registered average time to treatment initiation for ER patients decreased more than 50% to less than 30 minutes. The percentage of patients registered as having been discharged directly from the emergency department was 79,3%. Average LoS in the ED was 6,1 hours, 12,3 hours for inpatients and 2,8 hours for ER outpatients. Conclusion: Structured intervention reduced registered time to treatment initiation in this setting. The setting enables diagnosis and definitive treatment of most acute patients. The results suggest further work in the analysis of quantitative effects of structured process changes in the handling of acute patients. Whether structured flow with mandatory structured treatment and discharge plans enhances treatment quality or initiates a ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’ warrants further investigation. A4 Epidemiology of moderate and severe traumatic brain injury in Cairo University Hospital in 2010 Tamer Montaser1,3*, Ahmed Hasan2, Ahmed Ibrahim1 1 Cairo university hospital, Cairo, Egypt; 2King Khaled University Hospital, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; 3Shobra General Hospital, Cairo, Egypt E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A4 Background: Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a contributing factor to approximately one third of all injury-related deaths in USA annually. Updated statistical records for TBI in Egypt are lacking. The current research is aiming for estimating the prevalence of TBI in Egypt in order to develop a comprehensive TBI prevention program. Methods: One year period (one calendar month every quarter of 2010) descriptive epidemiological study of moderate and severe TBI cases admitted to the emergency department, Cairo main university hospital. The Data collection sheet included personal data (age, sex and residency), incident related data (cause, nature and time of injury) and both; clinical and radiological findings. Page 2 of 17 Results: Moderate and severe injuries account for 17.2% (844) of all TBI presented cases in the 4 months for the study. Male sex was predominantly affected 79% of cases. 63% of the cases were between 19 and 55 years old and the 2 main causes were fall from height (FFH) and motor vehicle collision (MVC) which account for about 64% of cases. 17% of cases were among pediatric group (1-18 years) and FFH was the leading cause with 34% followed by MVC and stuck by or against events with the same percentages (21%). Causes of moderate and severe TBI among seniors (above 60 years) were FFH (28%), MVC (24%), and Stuck by or against events (15%). Conclusion: Traumatic brain injury is a serious public health problem in Egypt. Further data interpretation over wider periods of time should be conducted for better understanding of TBI prevalence is highly recommended to develop effective injury prevention program. Inefficient recording should raise the concern to establish an optimal system for data recording and interpreting. A5 Evaluation of potential factors compromising the use of electronic whiteboards 17 month after their implementation in Slagelse Emergency Department Stine Vestergaard Elbæk1, Tim Løye Møller2, Gustav From1* 1 Emergency Department, Slagelse Hospital, Slagelse, Denmark; 2Humanistisk Teknologisk Studie, Roskilde University, Roskilde, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A5 Background: Emergency departments (ED) have recently been established throughout Denmark, and their organization is still under transformation. The departments are characterized by a high turnover of staff. To ensure quality of care and efficiency of work electronic whiteboards (EW) have been implemented. The EWs create an overview allowing staff to assess who need care the most and to coordinate resources. May 2011 EWs were implemented at Slagelse ED, and a guideline for its use was written. The aim of this study was to detect potential factors compromising the use of EWs in its operational phase 17 months after implementation. Methods: The study was designed as a qualitative study using observations and interviews to collect data. November 2012 four external surveyors, students from University of Roskilde, made 20 hours of observations of physicians, nurses and secretaries during 3 days. 3 physicians (consultant, staff specialist, and junior doctor) and 3 nurses (leader, coordinating and clinical) were interviewed. Results: An inconsistency in the use of the EWs was observed causing challenges in the daily workflow. Disagreements on what should be registered, and by who and when were also observed. Both physicians and nurses thought that the inconsistency in use was caused by two factors: firstly, the lack of a detailed mutually accepted guideline dictating who was responsible for the different functions and for registration of different types of information on the board, and secondly, limited introduction of the systems functionality to new staff. Conclusion: The study showed inconsistency in the staffs’ use of the EWs in its operational phase. The study suggested that this might be remedied by a regularly adjusted and mutually accepted guideline for use of EWs and a continuous thorough educational effort on new staff. A clear guideline facilitates a better introduction and a better introduction contributes to implementation and maintenance of the guidelines, which means the two interventions enhance each other on the staffs’ use of the EW. The study warrant further studies in Slagelse ED and EDs elsewhere to show if inconsistent use and outdated guidelines are widespread and to show if updated guidelines and education can stabilize the use of EWs. A6 Management of acute alcohol withdrawal in the setting of a quick diagnostic unit integrated in an emergency department setting Pernille Würtz Bøhm*, Tove Beyer Fuglevig Mortensen, Thomas Andersen Schmidt The Emergency Department, Holbæk Hospital, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A6 Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, Volume 21 Suppl 2 Background: Alcohol consumption can have adverse social, legal, occupational, psychological, and medical consequences. The prevalence of alcohol-use disorders is high in Emergency Departments. The novel establishment of a Quick Diagnostic Unit (QDU) in an ED setting has allowed expeditious and focused, medically supervised acute alcohol withdrawal. The purpose of the study was to describe the alcohol-use disorder clientele and treatment in this new setting. Methods: Chart review of an 8 month period April to December 2012. Values were given as means ± SEM. Significance was evaluated using Student’s two-tailed t-test for unpaired observations or Fisher’s exact test as appropriate. The level of significance was established at p < 0.05. Results: A total of 91 patients were included in the study, 74 men and 17 women. The patients in total amounted to 2.6% of the discharged patients from the QDU. There was no age difference between men and women, i.e. 51.2 ± 1.5 years vs 50.6 ± 2.5 years (p > 0.80). Length of stay was 1.8 ± 0.2 days for men vs 2.5 ± 0.6 days for women (p > 0.2). In 19% of the cases men held jobs, whereas none of the women were employed (p < 0.0001). Among patients who received chlordiazepoxide (RisolidR) for withdrawal symptoms the total dose was 405 ± 43 mg (n = 53) among men vs 494 ± 105 mg (n = 14) among women (p > 0.30). Thus 72% of the men vs 82% (p > 0.10) of the women were in need of chlordiazepoxide. There were no differences between men and women with regard to need for ICU care or emergent psychiatric referral (p > 0.20). Men left the QDU against medical advice to a greater extent than women, i.e. 22% vs 6% (p < 0.002). Conclusion: Women with alcohol-use disorders appear to be more marginalized than men. Thus, they are employed to a lesser extent than men, and numerically they are treated more frequently and with a higher total dose of chlordiazepoxide. Men are more capable or prone than women to reject treatment. Further studies of the QDU setting would be beneficial. A7 Normal temperature upon admission does not influence on timing of antibiotics for septic patients Anne-Katrine Bertelsen1,3*, Julie Mackenhauer1,3, Nina Buch1,3, Helle Nibro2,3, Hans Kirkegaard1,3 1 Research Center for Emergency Medicine, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark; 2Intensiv Terapi Afsnit (ITA), Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark; 3 The CONSIDER sepsis network, Research Center for Emergency Medicine, Aarhus, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A7 Background: Early identification and treatment of sepsis is essential for prognosis and outcome. Sepsis is a complex syndrome based on nonspecific symptoms, making early identification a medical challenge. Elevated or lowered bodytemperature often release a blood culture. Our hypothesis is, that a lack of temperature upon admission influence on the time of diagnosis and thereby time of antibiotics. Methods: Our cohort is a part of a larger clinical database of septic patients identified through a prospective screening of all patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) at Aarhus University Hospital from Nov 2008 - Sep 2010. Patients above age 18 admitted directly from the Emergency Department (ED) to the ICU with severe sepsis or septic shock were included. We compared patients with elevated (≥38°C) or lowered (≤36°C) bodytemperature to patients who demonstrated a normal temperature upon admission to the ICU, relative to initiating empirical antibiotic treatment. Results: A total of 180 septic patients were admitted to the ICU directly from the ED. 161 had a temperature registered upon arrival to the ICU. 52% had an abnormal temperature. There were no difference regarding age and gender between the two groups. Overall in-hospital mortality was 21,1%. Comparing patients with abnormal temperature to patiens with normal temperature upon admisssion, we found no difference in timing of antibiotics. 53% of the patients with abnormal temperature recieved antibiotics in the ED, while 47% of the patients with normale temperature recieved antibiotics prior to admission to the ICU (p=0,62), The remainding recieved antibiotics in the ICU. Comparing our findings to local guidelines for ”timely antibiotics”, 67% with abnormal and 64% with normal temperature recieved antibiotics according to the guidelines. Page 3 of 17 Conclusion: In a population of septic patients admitted directly from the ED to the ICU, we found no difference in timing of antibiotics between patients with normal temperature and patients with abnormal temperature upon admission. Increasing focus on sepsis, and use of other clinical indicators of infection may contribute to our findings. Only 2/3 of the population recieved timely antibiotics accoring to local guidelines for sepsis treatment. A8 Primary triage in ED Vibeke Hald, Marianne Barylak* Akutafdelingen Nykøbing F, 4800 Nykøbing F, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A8 Background: Clinical effectiveness and patient safety depends on standardization of the triage process. Through 4 years, nurses in our department have trained and used a 5-level national recommended triage model. A former study three years ago in our department showed variations in the triage evaluation between nurses with a kappa value at 0.45. Therefore, a new study was made to evaluate the accuracy of triage between nurses. Methods: Observational study of the triage praxis of 25 nurses, evaluated with audit of the electronic documentation of the triage process. Audit was performed using a set of explicit indicators every week with a sample of 20 patients in a 12 weeks period. The indicators were defined due to our standard protocol for triage. The following data were registered; name of the triage nurse, triage colour, and which observations the triage score was based on either vital signs, diagnosis or clinical evaluation. Data was cumulated and evaluated to identify if the nurses performed equally due to the standard. Results: Patients were mainly triaged due to vital signs 75%, 20% were triaged due to diagnosis and a smaller group 5% was triaged due to clinical evaluation. The main group of nurses had the same pattern of performance. Few nurses did only triage on the basis of diagnosis and forgot the vital signs, especially sepsis criteria. Conclusion: Triage determines to a large extend the resources committed to the patients in an ED. Therefore it is essential to know how equally the nurses perform triage. We observe that after three years of experience and training including classroom education, the majority of nurses use the standard principles of triage. Few nurses need greater insight and clarity, to distinguish between a given diagnosis and symptoms of serious illness. A9 Sepsis screening - a cross-sectional study from the Emergency Department Region Hospital Horsens Nikolaj Raaber1*, Carsten Brandt1, Liselotte Fisker2 1 Emergency Department, Region Hospital Horsens, Denmark; 2Department of Endocrinology University Hospital Aarhus THG, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A9 Background: As a part of The Danish Safer Hospital Programme Regional Hospital Horsens introduced the Sepsis package in 2011 in order to reduce unnecessary deaths and harm to patients. With this study we show how the goals defined in the Sepsis package including 5 elements are met in the Emergency Department Regional Hospital Horsens and how this affects the morbidity of septic patients. At the same time we examined which patients with sepsis who didn’t get screened for sepsis. Methods: Study design: Cross sectional study. We retrospectively reviewed the journals of all patients with af medical condition age >15 years who were admitted to the Emergency Department Regional Hospital Horsens in April 2012. Results: After thorough review of data from Opus Electronic Patient Journal we found that almost all patients with sepsis (22 of 29) had received all 5 elements of the Sepsis package (fluid resuscitation, antibiotics, cultivation, lab tests and screening for severe sepsis) but only 12 met all goals after 6 hours (the 6 hour bundle). We found 13 patients Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, Volume 21 Suppl 2 (45%) with severe sepsis/septic shock out of which 4 died corresponding to 31% of patients with severe sepsis/septic shock. Conclusion: Our data suggests that the implementation of all elements in the Sepsis package are difficult to achieve and that there is place for improval in the Emergency Department Regional Hospital Horsens. To change this a goal directed effort among the staff is needed. The mortality among septic patients doesn’t seem to have been reduced after implementing the Sepsis package, the number of patients in this study is too small to make any final conclusions. By enlarging the study to greater number of patients and including a historical control group it will be possible to evaluate the impact of the Sepsis package. Real time easy registration of observations and treatments are also necessary if better results are to be achieved concerning compliance to all elements of the six hour bundle. A10 Triage and vital signs in a population discharged from and readmitted to the ED Ida Helsø1, Helle Ipsen2, Claus Heinecke3, Hanne Jørsboe2* 1 Medical Department, Nykobing F Hospital, Denmark; 2Emergency Department, Nykobing F Hospital, Denmark; 3Department of Quality Improvement, Nykobing F Hospital, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A10 Background: In our community hospital about 20% of the patients are readmitted within 30 days to the emergency room, where clinical effectiveness and patient safety depend on the triage process including observation of vital signs. Therefore, the study was performed to describe this population and to compare the triage score and vital signs at the first contact and at readmission. Methods: Patients were identified from a national database and evaluated through an audit of electronic patient files with registration of the following criteria; triage-level, vital signs, medical problems and diagnosis, supplemented with the vital signs monitored the last day before discharge from the first hospitalization. The vital signs were summarized to a standardized score called BOS. The triage system is a 5 point-scale in colours, where 1 compared to “red” resuscitation. Data were evaluated with a Mann-Whitney non-parametric statistic for paired data. Results: A sample of 50 cases were included (26 F, 24 M), mean age 57 years (21-92) of which 64% of the patients had co-morbidity. Most of the patients were admitted with symptoms of abdominal pain (20%), dyspnoea (14%) and alcohol related disease (10%). At readmission, 58% patients had related symptoms. The average triage score at the primarily contact were urgent (mean: 3 (1-4)) and BOS score 1 (0-5), which was reduced through stabilization to 0 (0-3) (p<0.05). At readmission, the triage score was 3 (2-4) and BOS level was increased to 1 (0-5). 22% of the patients evaluated by triage had a higher degree of acuity compared to the first contact, supported by 33% of the patients were evaluated worsened by vital signs (BOS). Conclusion: These data suggest a relative young population is readmitted to the ED compared to international studies. A part of these patients with a high degree of co- morbidity, were evaluated urgent by triage and BOS at readmission, despite stabilization before discharge from the first hospitalization. Further audit will be extended to a larger population. A11 A biological Bayesian network for prediction of adverse outcome in a population of acutely ill patients triaged in the Emergency Department Charlotte Barfod1*, Lars Hyldborg Lundstrøm1, Kai Henrik Wiborg Lange1, Kristen Barfod2 1 Deparment of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Nordsjællands Hospital Hillerød; 2National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A11 Page 4 of 17 Background: We know from previous studies that increasing age, abnormal vital signs and abnormal acid-base status are strongly associated with in-hospital mortality in unselected patients admitted acutely to hospital. A model including this information will make us able to explore associations and predict the risk for future patients. Our aim was to describe a Bayesian model for prediction of adverse outcome in the acute ill adult patient admitted to hospital, based on already existing data from the ‘Acute Admission Database’. Methods: The model is a static Bayesian network, i.e. a stochastic model where all interdependence is described by conditional probabilities. The net consists of nodes representing variables and pointed arrows of influence. The probabilities connected to the nodes and arrows are conditional probabilities showing how the state of a variable influences the probability distribution for the states of another variable. We based the model on already existing data from the ‘Acute Admission Database’ and imported data from 6279 patients consecutively admitted to Hillerød Hospital through the Emergency Department into the Bayesian net program, Netica “3.7” © Norsys Software Corp. We included the risk factors identified in this cohort in previous studies as nodes, and represented the known associations with directed arrows. Results: We tested the use of the model by simulating the path of an acutely ill patient: a male patient, 70 years old and presenting with vomiting blood. By using this evidence in the nodes of relevance, we could assess the most probable distribution of the other nodes, including the outcome of interest. We simulated that more data became available for instance vitals signs and triage categories. This new evidence changed the nodes and finally we entered information about a venous blood gas, which changed the probability distribution of the outcome measures as more evidence was gained. Conclusion: By using already existing data, we were able to build a Bayesian network, which can be used to estimate the risk of adverse outcome and serve as a decision support system in assessing future patients admitted acutely to hospital. A12 A literature review analysing endorsed performance and quality-in-care measures for emergency department assessment Christian Michel Sørup1*, Peter Jacobsen1, Jakob Lundager Forberg2 1 Management Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark; 2The Emergency Department, Hillerød Hospital, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A12 Background: Evaluation of the performance of an emergency department (ED) remains a difficult task due to the lack of consensus on performance measures that reflects both high quality and efficiency. Hence, this study describes, maps, and critically evaluates what performance measures that the published literature regards as being most relevant in assessing overall ED performance. Methods: A systematic literature review in the databases of PubMed, Cochrane Library, and Web of Science of articles on suggested ED performance measures. Results: A number of articles addressed this study’s objective (n = 14 of 46 unique hits). Time intervals and patient-related measures were dominant in the recommendations made in studies from US, UK, Sweden and Canada. Length of stay (LOS), time between patient arrival to initial clinical assessment, and time between patient arrivals to admission are recommended by the majority of studies. Concurrently, ‘patients left without being seen’ (LWBS), unplanned re-attendance within a maximum of 72 hours, mortality/morbidity, and number of unintended incidents make out the most recommended performance measures related directly to the patient. Performance measures related directly to employees were only stated in two of the 14 included studies. Operational performance measures are deemed covered for by the two clusters 1) time intervals and 2) patient-related performance measures. Conclusion: 54 performance measures have been extracted from 14 studies. ED time intervals are the most recommended performance measures followed by patient centeredness and safety performance measures. ED employee related performance measures are rarely mentioned in the investigated literature. Further work will include working towards Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, Volume 21 Suppl 2 consensus agreement on ED performance measures that preferably should include several aspects of performance. Moreover, investigation of the interconnectivity between the performance measures and how to measure if launched initiatives have the wanted effects. A13 A review of consecutive cardiac arrests in 2007 and 2012 at a regional hospital in Denmark: a retrospective cohort study Lisbeth Quitzau1*, Henriette Ullerup-Aagaard2, Mikkel Brabrand3 1 Department of Anesthesiology, Sygehus Lillebaelt, Kolding, Denmark; 2 Department of Cardiology, Sydvestjysk Sygehus Esbjerg, Denmark; 3 Department of Emergency Medicine, Sydvestjysk Sygehus Esbjerg, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A13 Background: Not much is known about the fate of victims of cardiac arrest (CA) in Denmark. We performed the present study to describe the events surrounding CA at a regional hospital in Denmark. Methods: Retrospective analysis of all consecutive CA at Sydvestjysk Sygehus (SVS) in 2007 and 2012, i.e. two years after implementation of new international resuscitation guidelines. The events were identified using a registry in the Department of Anesthesiology. Using a unique personal identification number, we retrieved the patient records and extracted the relevant data. Results: We identified 246 cardiac arrests; 154 out-of-hospital and 90 inhospital (and 2 unknown). 66% were male and the median age was 69 years (range 11-99 years). 38% occurred during daytime, 33% during evenings and 29% at night. Over all, the primary cause was unknown in 85/246 (29%). There was a decrease in CA caused by acute coronary syndrome (ACS) from 29/117 (25%) in 2007 to 19/129 (15%) in 2012, and an increase caused by respiratory insufficiency from 18/117 (15%) in 2007 to 31/129 (24%) in 2012. In 2007 83/117 (71%) presented with asystolia/PEA compared to 65/129 (50%) in 2012. The proportion of ventricular tachycardia/fibrillation remained unchanged. 27/117 (23%) achieved return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) in 2007 and 60/129 (47%) in 2012. 18/60 (30%) were discharged or transferred for further treatment in 2012, in comparison to 14/27 (52%) in 2007. Conclusion: Most CA at SVS occurred out-of hospital. The majority were men and the median age was 69 years. They were evenly distributed around the clock. The primary cause was mainly unknown but an increasing number was caused by respiratory insufficiency and a decreasing number by ACS. Asystolia as the presenting rhythm was decreasing. More patients gained ROSC, but the proportion that were discharged or transferred to a university hospital decreased. A14 A study of local guidelines for use of an Early Warning Score System to identify patients in need of treatment in the Intensive Care Unit Jesper Kørup Jensen1*, Dorthe Hellemann2, Gustav From1 1 Emergency Department, Slagelse Sygehus, Denmark; 2Department of Anesthesiology, Slagelse Sygehus, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A14 Background: Scientific studies suggests that transfer delays from the Emergency Department(ED) to the Intensive Care Unit(ICU) increases mortality and morbidity. A modified Standardized Early Warning Scoring System called Basal Observations Score(BOS) is used in Region Sjælland to monitor vital signs of in-hospital patients. Respiratory rate, peripheral O2-saturation, systolic blood pressure, heart rate, Glasgow Coma Scale, and urinary output are included. BOS is documented on special paper forms, and on electronic white boards. The clinical guidelines for the ED states that patients with BOS>5 should preferably be treated in the ICU. The aim with this study was to evaluate the guidelines and the accordance between guidelines, and clinical practice. Page 5 of 17 Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted, including all patients admitted to the ED with BOS≥5 on the electronic white board, from 1/5 to 16/10 2012. All journal entries from the ED were audited in order to validate BOS, and carry out a descriptive analysis of specified endpoints. Results: 134 patients were included. 15 of these were not considered candidates for ICU admission by ED clinicians. 89 had BOS>5. There was no significant difference between the mortality (p>0,25), length of admission (p=0,134), or proportion of transfers to ICU between BOS=5 and BOS>5 (p>0,5). 15 patients were assessed by anesthesiologists (12,6%, 95%CI=6,64-18,57). 11 of these were transferred to the ICU (73,33%, 95%CI=50,95-95,71). The average length of stay in the ED was 237 minutes (95%CI=88-386). Conclusion: Fewer requests, for assessment by an anesthesiologist, were made than expected. Once assessed, the majority of patients were transferred to the ICU, suggesting that clinical practice in the ED was not in compliance with guidelines. Further studies are needed to clarify how the use of an anesthesiologist to optimize treatment, and evaluate transfer to ICU, is implemented. Patients transferred to the ICU spent an average of almost 4 hours in the ED. There was no difference between endpoints between patients with BOS=5 and BOS>5, and no significant difference in the time spent in the ED between the two groups. The conclusion is that these groups should be considered equal candidates for ICU admission in the clinical guidelines. A15 A third of all abstracts from the 2009 and 2010 Danish Emergency Medicine Conferences have been published as full-text articles: a retrospective study Mikkel Brabrand1,2*, Dan Brun Petersen1, Lars Folkestad1,3, Peter Hallas1 1 Danish Society for Emergency Medicine, Denmark; 2Department of Medicine, Sydvestjysk Sygehus Esbjerg, Denmark; 3Department of Endocrinology, Sydvestjysk Sygehus Esbjerg, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A15 Background: Many authors initially present study data as an abstract at a medical conference. Later on, after initial presentation, the study should ideally be presented as a full-text article in a peer-reviewed journal, regardless if the findings were positive or negative. Previous studies have shown that approximately a third of abstracts presented at Emergency Medicine conferences are published as peer-reviewed articles. We set out to establish the proportion of abstracts presented at the Danish Emergency Medicine Conferences (DEMC) in 2009 and 2010 that were published as articles in peer-reviewed journals. Methods: This is a retrospective study using the lists of accepted abstracts from the 2009 and 2010 DEMC published in the Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine. As a sub analysis, we included the abstracts from the 2011 DEMC, but as this was held less than 18 months ago, we excluded the numbers from analyses. We manually searched PubMed using the names of the authors and extracts of the titles of the abstracts up to January 2013. Data will be presented descriptively and differences between proportions tested using Chi-square test. Results: From the 2009 DEMC, 19 abstracts were published. Of these, six (31.6 %) had been published as full-text articles in peer-reviewed journals. As for the 2010 DEMC, 44 abstracts were published from the conference and 12 (27.3 %) of these had been published as full-text articles, p = 0.73. Six of all the published abstracts had been presented as oral presentation, and four of these (66.7 %) had been published while 14 (24.6 %) of the 57 abstracts presented as poster presentations had been published as full-text articles, p = 0.03. From the 2011 DEMC, 55 abstracts were published and six (10.9 %, none of which were oral presentations) have later been published as full-text peer-reviewed articles. Conclusion: Approximately one-third of abstracts published from the 2009 and 2010 Danish Emergency Medicine Conferences have been published as full-text articles in peer-reviewed journals by January 2013. Significantly more abstracts presented as oral presentations have been published. These numbers are similar to larger international Emergency Medicine conferences. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, Volume 21 Suppl 2 A16 Acute Coronary Syndrome revisited Niels Christian Kromann*, Anne Grethe Mølbak, Jacob Hansen-Schwartz Emergency Dept., Køge Hospital, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A16 Background: Chest pain is an indicator of possible myocardial infarction. Definite diagnosis of non ST-elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) requires sequential measurement of troponin levels. It is a challenge for the Emergency Department physician to select patients for observation. The aim of the present study was retrospectively to describe the patient cohort selected for observation with an extended focus on patients having the diagnosis confirmed. Methods: Patients admitted for observation for myocardial infarction at Køge Hospital in the period July to December 2012 were identified through “Landspatientregistret”. 273 consecutively admitted patients were identified. Parameters recorded: Age, gender, date of admittance, and troponin levels. For patients with elevated troponin levels the following parameters were identified: Risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolemia, smoking, genetic disposition, and history of ischemic heart disease. Presence of novel ischemic ECG changes was registered as well as flow limiting lesions observed on performing coronary arteriography (CAG). Results: 36 patients (13%) had NSTEMI confirmed. Mean age at time of admittance was 70 years (range 44 to 95 years). M:F gender distribution was 56:44. In comparison, mean age of patients not harbouring myocardial infarction was 63 years (range 27 to 96 years) with a gender distribution of 43:57. The age difference was statistically significant (p<0.05). 19 patients (53%) had two or more risk factors. Nine patients (25%) had ischemic ECG changes. 27 patients (75%) had CAG performed, of these 21 were pathological. Conclusion: Absence of ischemic ECG changes at the time of admittance is not a good predictor of a non-ischemic event. Presence of ischemic risk factors at the time of admittance increases the likelihood of an ischemic event. Absence of risk factors is an invalid predictor of non-ischemic events. The proportion of patients with non-ischemic chest pain is a differential diagnostic problem. Through further stratification it is the intention to take into account patients with unstable angina. A17 An alternative resuscitation algorithm significantly reduces hands-of time during CPR: a full-scale simulation study Magnus Pedersen1*, Anna Mohammed1, Lars Folkestad2, Jacob Brodersen3, Mikkel Brabrand1 1 Department of Medicine, Sydvestjysk Sygehus Esbjerg, Denmark; 2 Department of Endocrinology, Sydvestjysk Sygehus Esbjerg, Denmark; 3 Department of Gastroenterology, Sydvestjysk Sygehus Esbjerg, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A17 Background: A reduction in hands-off time during resuscitation leads to increased survival. We have previously shown that hands-off time can be reduced using our alternative cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) algorithm SOWS (Stop Only While Shocking), but only in small and limited simulations. We designed the present study to compare SOWS to the current European Resuscitation Council (ERC) 2010 guidelines in full-scale simulations. The aim was to decrease hands-off time. Methods: Using a randomized design, we compared SOWS to the 2010 ERC guidelines using predefined scenarios. In our algorithm, the defibrillator was charged while CPR was ongoing and compressions only interrupted for rhythm check. If a shock was required, it was delivered immediately and compressions resumed. A Laerdal Resusci® Anne and Lifepak 20 defibrillator were used. Hands-off time in percent of the entire cardiac arrest and compressions per minute were registered. Data will be presented as mean (standard deviation [SD]). Differences were tested using unpaired students t-test. Page 6 of 17 Results: Thirty physicians participated (they had participated in 12-21 cardiac arrests and nine had completed an ALS course). We performed 11 full-scale simulations, six using 2010 ERC guidelines and five using SOWS. Mean hands-off time using ERC guidelines was 26.7 % (SD 4.3%) and 22.1 % (SD 2.3%) using SOWS, p = 0.02. Using ERC 2010 guidelines resulted in mean 83.8 (SD 13.7) compressions per minute and 95.0 (SD 2.4) compressions per minute with SOWS, p = 0.18. Conclusion: Using full-scale simulations, we demonstrated a significantly lower hands-off time when comparing SOWS to the 2010 ERC guidelines. Furthermore, an increase in compressions per minute where registered with our alternative algorithm, but this was not significant. A18 Application of Structural Equation Modeling to determine Emergency Department patient satisfaction drivers Christian Michel Sørup*, Peter Jacobsen DTU Management Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A18 Background: Diverse theories concerning what emergency department (ED) patients appreciate the most remains a fact despite heavy academic interest during the last decade. Four hypotheses of theoretically grounded causal effects between the latent (unobserved) variables wait time, information delivery, infrastructure and safety are tested by the use of structural equation modeling (SEM). Methods: The empirical material is provided by the Unit of PatientPerceived Quality through a recently published telephone survey. The responses were clustered in categories through an exploratory factor analysis and assessed for construct validity (Cronbach’s alpha). The five hypotheses were analysed further by the use of a two-step structural equation modeling approach as prescribed by Anderson and Gerbing in 1988. First step involves a confirmatory factor analysis to assess validity of a base line model (measurement model) and ensures that the constructs are distinct from each other (discriminant validity). Second step is the alteration of the measurement model into a structural model, which allows for testing of the constructs’ interconnections. Results: Two structural models were evaluated for best data fit. The final retained structural model did not dismiss any of the four hypotheses. All path coefficients were statistically significant at a minimum a = 0.05 level, with a single exception. Conclusion: Application of SEM on comprehensive empirical data permits clarity of where to target future efforts to improve ED operations. Furthermore, SEM allows for measurement error adjustments and simultaneous estimation of all included parameters. This study manages to extract valuable information in a comprehensive data sample enabled by the application of a mathematically acknowledged modeling technique. Hence, the findings may serve as endorsements for improved ED patient satisfaction rates. A19 Bacteremic patients in the Emergency Department – how do they present and what is the diagnostic validity of temperature, CRP and SIRS? Katrine Prier Lindvig1*, Stig Lønberg Nielsen2, Daniel Henriksen1, Thøger Gorm Jensen3, Hans Jørn Kolmos3, Court Pedersen2, Annmarie Touborg Lassen1 1 Department of Emergency Medicine Odense University Hospital, Denmark; 2 Department of Infectious Diseases Odense University Hospital, Denmark; 3 Department of Clinical Microbiology Odense University Hospital, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A19 Background: It might be a clinical challenge to identify patients with bacteremia. Blood cultures are often ordered based on the symptoms of fever and chills. Detailed knowledge of the clinical presentation of acute medical patients will improve the identification of bacteremic patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic value of Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, Volume 21 Suppl 2 temperature (°C), C-reactive-protein (CRP), and Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) in bacteremic patients admitted to the Medical Emergency Department (ED). Methods: A population based cohort study including all adult (>15 years old) first-time admissions at the ED at Odense University Hospital between 1/8 2009-31/8 2011. A bacteremic patient was defined as having a positive blood culture drawn within the first two days after admission. All patients had their bloodpressure, pulse rate, respiratory frequency, oxygen saturation, level of consciousness measured and standard blood samples drawn at arrival. Results: We included 11.996 acute medical patients and excluded 31 patients because of missing identification data. Median age was 66 years (range 15-103), and 5499 (45.0%) were male. In total 5503 (45.9%) patients had blood cultures performed, of which 418 (7.6%) were culture positive, defining bacteremia. Of the 418 bacteremic patients, 381 had a temperature measured at arrival; hereof 130 (34.1%) patients had a normal rectal temperature (36.0°-38.0°C) registered, 116 (28 %) had a CRP<100mg/dL, and 102 (24%) did not fulfil the criteria for SIRS. The most frequent species among the 130 patients with normal temperature were E.coli n=39 (30%), S. aureus n=19 (15%) and S.pneumoniae n=13 (10%). The ROC-area for CRP and temperature as predictors of bacteraemia were 0.67 and 0.75 respectively, representing a sensitivity of 0.66 and a specificity of 0.82 with a CPR-cut-off-value of 100, and a sensitivity of 0.59 and a specificity of 0.84 with a temperature-cut-off-value of ≥38.0°C. Conclusion: 34% of the acute medical bacteremic patients had a normal temperature when arriving at the hospital, 32% had a CRP below 100 mg/dL and 24% did not fulfil the criteria for SIRS. If the decision to order blood cultures were based on either temperature, CRP or SIRS, one third of all bacteremic patients would have been overlooked. A20 Capillary refill time is a poor predictor of 30-day mortality: an observational cohort study Monija Mrgan1*, Dorte Rytter2, Mikkel Brabrand1 1 Department of Cardiology, Sydvestjysk Sygehus, Finsensgade 35, 6700 Esbjerg, Denmark; 2Department of Medicine, Sygehus Lillebælt, Dronningensgade 97, 7000 Fredericia, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A20 Background: Capillary refill time (CRT) was introduced in 1947. In the 1980`s, it was proposed as one of five elements in the Trauma Score and defined as two seconds or less in all adult patients. An alternative definition (sex and age dependent) has been introduced by Schriger and Baraff. We performed a prospective observational cohort study to assess the relationship between CRT and 30-day mortality. Methods: The study originates from the medical admission unit at Sydvestjysk Sygehus, Esbjerg from 2 October 2008 to 19 February 2009. All acutely admitted adult patients (age 15 and older)were included and the nurse recorded and reported the vital signs (including CRT). The primary outcome was 30-day all-cause mortality. To ensure complete follow-up, data on the endpoint was extracted from the Danish Person Register. Difference between continuous data was analyzed using Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test and categorical data were compared using chi-squared test. We performed multivariable logistic regressions to identify CRT as an independent predictors of 30-day mortality controlling for other vital signs, sex and age. Results: A total of 3,046 patients were enrolled and CRT was measured on 1,935 (63.5 %). Patients with a CRT ≤ 1 had a 30-day mortality of 3.8 % compared to patients with a CRT ≥ 5 (18.2 %). Patients with an abnormal CRT according to the Trauma Score had a 30-day mortality of 8.6 % versus 5 % (p = 0.002). Abnormal CRT according to the Schriger and Baraff’s definition resulted in a 30-day mortality of 5.5 % versus 6.3 % (p = 0.51). Logistic regression showed CRT not to be an independent predictor of 30-day mortality, neither as a continuous variable, nor by either definition. Conclusion: CRT is associated with mortality, however, we were only able to show this in univariable analyses and only for the Trauma Score definition. When performing multivariable logistic regression controlling for the other vital signs, we were unable to show any association. Our data show that CRT is a poor vital sign and we discourage use in the clinical setting. Page 7 of 17 A21 Diagnostic performance of chest X-ray for the diagnosis of community acquired pneumonia in acute admitted patients with respiratory symptoms Christian B Laursen1*, Erik Sloth2, Jess Lambrechtsen3, Annmarie Touborg Lassen4, Poul Henning Madsen5, Daniel Pilsgaard Henriksen4, Jesper Rømhild Davidsen1, Finn Rasmussen6 1 Department of Respiratory Medicine, Odense University Hospital, Denmark; 2 Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Aarhus University Hospital, Skejby, Denmark; 3Department of Medicine, Odense University Hospital Svendborg, Denmark; 4Medical Emergency Department, Odense University Hospital, Denmark; 5Department of Medicine, Sygehus Lillebælt, Denmark; 6 Department of Allergy and Respiratory Medicine, Near East University Hospital, Nicosia. North Cyprus, Mersin 10, Turkey E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A21 Background: Despite being a routine diagnostic modality for the diagnosis of community acquired pneumonia (CAP), few studies have evaluated the diagnostic performance for the diagnosis of CAP according to an initial performed chest x-ray (CXR) in an emergency department (ED). As a part of a prospective observational study of patients admitted with acute respiratory symptoms in an ED, this relation was evaluated. Methods: A prospective cross sectional observational study was conducted in a medical ED. Patients were included if one or more of the following clinical findings or symptoms were present: respiratory rate > 20/minute, oxygen saturation < 95 %, oxygen therapy initiated, dyspnoea, cough, or chest pain. The assessments of the CXR by the treating physician in the ED and the radiologist were prospectively registered. Blinded audit by three physicians who used predefined diagnostic criteria was used as gold standard. Results: 342 patients were screened of whom 139 (40.6%) were included. An acute CXR was performed in 121 (87.1%) of the patients. In 50 (41.3%) of the patients, the treating physician in the ED described the CXR with opacity due to CAP. The radiologist described opacity due to CAP in 54 (44.3%) of the cases. Audit found 58 (47.9%) of the patients met the predefined criteria for CAP. Diagnostic performance of the CXR evaluated by the treating physician was: sensitivity 70.7% (95%CI 57.3-81.9%), specificity 85.7% (95%CI 74.6-93.3%), PPV 82.0% (95%CI 68.6-91.4%), NPV 76.1% (95%CI 64-5-85.4%) and ROC area 0.782 (95%CI 0.709-0.855%). Diagnostic performance of the initial CXR evaluated by a radiologist was: sensitivity 69.0% (95%CI 55.5-80.5%), specificity 77.8% (95% CI 65.587.3%), PPV 74.1% (95%CI 60.3-85.0%), NPV 73.1% (95%CI 60.9-83.2%), and ROC area 0.734 (95%CI 0.654-0.813). The overall agreement between the treating physician and radiologist was 71.4% (ê 0.429). Conclusion: Based on these findings, the initial CXR will only be able to diagnose seven out of ten patients with CAP in patients with respiratory symptoms who are acutely admitted to a medical ED. In accordance with Fleiss’ guidelines, the agreement between treating physician and radiologist for the assessment of chest x-ray for the diagnosis of CAP is fair to good. A22 Does hyperlactatemia at admission predict mortality in acute medical patients? A population based cohort study Felix Haidl1*, Daniel Pilsgaard Henriksen2, Mikkel Brabrand3, Annmarie Lassen2 1 Department of Anesthesia, Sygehus Lillebælt, Kolding, Denmark; 2 Emergency Department, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark; 3 Department of Medicine, Sydvestjysk Sygehus, Esbjerg, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A22 Background: An increased lactate level is related to elevated mortality in various subpopulations of critically ill patients, e.g. sepsis and trauma. The aim of the present study was to investigate to which degree lactate is related to increased mortality in a broad cohort of acute medical patients. Methods: Single centre cohort study. All adult patients admitted to the medical emergency ward of Odense University Hospital from March 2009 Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, Volume 21 Suppl 2 to August 2011, who had an arterial blood gas sample taken within six hours after admission were enrolled. Lactate was stratified in 1mmol/l (mM) intervals. Ten-day mortality after admission was assessed through the Danish Centralised Civil Registration system. A further stratification according to systolic hypotension (< 90 mmHg) was performed. Finally, a survival analysis (Kaplan-Meyer plot) was performed for the first ten days. Results: 5,318 patients were enrolled, 2,493 male, median age 71 years (5% and 95% inter quartiles 25-91 years). Median lactate level was 1.2 mM (5% and 95% interquartile range 0.6-3.8 mM). Ten-day mortality was 382/ 5,318 (7.2 %). Ten-day mortality increased with increasing lactate at arrival with 79/1,778 (4.2 %) for lactate 0-0.99 mM, 132/2,182 (5.7 %) for lactate 1.0-1.9 mM, 71/614 (10.3 %) for lactate 2,0-2,9 mM, 29/174 (14.3 %) for lactate 3.0-3.9 mM, 23/87 (20.9 %) for lactate 4.0-4.9 mM, 6/42 (12.5 %) for lactate 5.0-5.9 mM, 10/18 (35.7 %) for lactate 6.0-6.9 mM, 7/11 (38.9 %) for lactate 7.0-7.9 mM and 25/30 (45.5 %) for lactate ≥ 8 mM (Cuzick’s test for trend, p < 0.001). This pattern was more marked in the hypotensive subpopulation. Survival analysis indicated that the increase in mortality was most pronounced within the first five days. Conclusion: Lactate levels drawn within six hours of admission is a predictor of mortality among patients admitted to the acute medical ward. Mortality is increased with each mM of lactate increase. A23 Effect of a pocket size guideline book in the emergency department; a questionnaire study Melanie Correia Schrøder*, Dan Brun Petersen Emergency Department, Holbaek University Hospital, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A23 Background: Traditionally Danish clinical guidelines cover specific diagnoses. However these guidelines are not always suitable for the acute patients presenting at the Emergency Department (ED). In 2009 the ED at Kolding Hospital developed a pocket size guideline book containing the conditions most commonly encountered in the ED. At Holbaek University Hospital guidelines are developed by each specialty and are only available online at the hospital intranet. We wished to investigate the effect of a pocket size guideline book. Methods: A questionnaire was sent to all junior doctors at the two EDs asking how easy it was to find the guidelines. Each question should be answered on 41 different subjects, mostly clinical but also administrative. Results: Almost all doctors from Kolding answered ”easy” or ”very easy” to finding most of the guidelines, but the return rate was only 7 out of 22 (32%), and consequently no comparison could be made. The return rate from Holbaek was 11 out of 15 (73%). All answered “easy” to finding some guidelines and “difficult” to finding others, rendering no clear conclusion. The majority answered that it is “easy” or “very easy” to find guidelines for Cardiac arrest (11/11), DVT (10/11) and Triage (10/11). On the contrary, it is ”difficult” or ”very difficult” to find guidelines for ECG (8/11), Involuntary Treatment of Psychiatric Patients (8/11), Fluid & Electrolyte treatment (7/11), and Pain Management (7/11). One respondent commented: ”Information is easily found on the internet – not on the local intranet because of its inadequate search function”. Conclusion: We could not compare the two departments. However there is a great difference in how easily doctors can retrieve guidelines, which jeopardizes the use of the valid, local guidelines. Certain subjects need more attention than others. A pocket size guideline book will be introduced in Holbaek in the spring of 2013. All junior doctors rotate out of the department every semester, thus after the next rotation we will repeat the questionnaire in order to investigate if the new group of doctors experience easier access to the local guidelines. A24 Emergency department patients with suspected infection at risk of intensive care unit transfer: a case-control Study Marie K Jessen Pedersen1,2*, Julie Mackenhauer1,2,3, Anne Mette S W Hvass2,4, Hans Kirkegaard1,2,5 1 Research Center for Emergency Medicine, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark; 2CONSIDER Sepsis Network, Denmark; 3Emergency Department, Regional Hospital, Hjørring, Denmark; 4Department of Infectious Disease, Page 8 of 17 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark; 5Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A24 Background: Sepsis is a time critical diagnosis and early treatment in the Emergency Department (ED) is essential. A challenge faced by emergency physicians is determining which patients with suspected infection will deteriorate and should be admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU). The aim of this study is to describe the population of ED patients with suspected infection. Further to compare patients who die or are transferred to an ICU within 2 days to those remaining at primary wards. Methods: We performed a retrospective case-control study. Inclusion criteria were: age>18y having a blood culture drawn upon admission to the ED at Aarhus University Hospital (MVA, KVA or Skadestuen) Jan 1st-Dec 31st 2011. Patients were grouped by in-hospital course within the first 2 days. Cases had a combined endpoint of death or ICU-transfer within 2 days. Controls remained at primary wards or in the ED. Matching was 1:3 by age and admission month. Laboratory results, antibiotics and clinical data were collected. Odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval [CI] were calculated. Results: Of 1578 patients, 140 cases were matched to 401 controls. Total inhospital mortality was 9%. Predictors of ICU-transfer or death within 2 days included lactate>2.5 mmol/L (OR 11.78 [6.93-20.4]), creatinine>170mmol/L (OR 4.28 [2.50-7.32]), respiratory rate>20min-1 (OR 3.71 [2.38-5.77]), altered mental status (OR 5.87 [3.69-9.34]) and having a suspected infection with unknown focus upon arrival (OR 2.13 [1.42-3.20]). Having more than one inhospital ward transfer within 48 hours increased the risk of ICU-transfer or death (OR 2.09 [1.34-3.28]). Cases were more likely to fulfill the SIRS criterias compared to controls: Heart rate 105min-1[82;125] vs. 92min-1[80;105], respiratory rate 25min-1[17;32] vs.18min-1[15;24], WBC 12.9[9.3;19.9] vs. 10.8 [7.8;14.5] while median temperature was normal both for cases 37.7°C [36.8;38.5] and controls 37.9°C[37.1;38.6]. Conclusion: Simple clinical and paraclinical variables in the ED can predict outcome within two days. Having more than one in-hospital ward transfer seems to influence patient outcome negatively. Fever was not present for the majority of both cases and controls questioning the value of initial temperature as a predictor of severe outcome. Further analysis is needed developing a prediction rule of death or ICU-transfer within 2 days. A25 Emergency departments in Denmark with a research responsible consultant expect increased research production Cecilie Markvard Møller1,2*, Julie Mackenhauer1, Anders Brøns Møllekær1, Mikkel Brabrand3, Peter Hallas4, Hans Kirkegaard1 1 Research Center for Emergency Medicine, Aarhus University, Denmark; 2 Department of Internal Medicine, Regionshospitalet Viborg, Denmark; 3 Department of Medicine, Sydvestjysk Sygehus Esbjerg, Denmark; 4 Department of Anesthesia, JMC, Rigshospitalet, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A25 Background: Emergency medicine (EM) is not a recognized specialty in Denmark, but an area of competence. In Denmark this is new, and current research production in the Emergency departments (EDs) is limited. As in other areas of clinical medicine, there is a need for research to ensure high quality evidence-based patient care. The aim of our study was to examine 1) the current research activity in the Danish EDs, 2) the impact of having a research responsible consultant on scientific production, 3) the relationship between production and opinion of the head of department with regards to EM as an area of competence respectively a specialty. Methods: A survey was conducted among the 21 ED department heads. Data was collected during September 2012. The respondents were asked for 1) number of publications in 2011, 2) number of expected publications in 2012, 3) whether the department had a research responsible consultant and 4) whether the respondent thought an EM specialty compared to an area of competence would increase research activity. Results: Answers were obtained from all 21 EDs. In 2011, 48% (n=10) did not publish any scientific papers while the rest published 1-10 papers. In 2012, 24% (n=5) of the departments did not expect any publications (none have a research responsible consultant) and 57% (n=12) expect 1-10 Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, Volume 21 Suppl 2 publications (83% (n=10) have a research responsible consultant). Only one department anticipated more than 10 publications. 52% (n=11) of the departments have a research responsible consultant and they expect an increased scientific production the impending year, in fact these departments all expected publications, while only 20% of the departments without such consultant expected publications (p<0,01, Fisher’s Exact test). 62% (n=13) of the department heads agreed in varying degree that an EM specialty compared to an area of competence would increase research activity, while 14% (n=3) disagreed. Conclusion: Research activity in the Danish EDs is limited but expected to increase - more in departments with a research responsible consultant than in EDs without. There is a general believe that establishment of an EM specialty will increase research activity. A26 Evaluating the impact of electronic whiteboard icons: an observational study of the work with blood tests in an emergency department Arnvør á Torkilsheyggi1*, Morten Hertzum1, Gustav From2 1 Computer Science and Informatics, Roskilde University, Roskilde, Denmark; 2 Emergency Department, Slagelse Hospital, Slagelse, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A26 Background: Results of blood test are essential and often guiding for the diagnostic work. In emergency departments (EDs) a competent and rapid treatment therefore requires an efficient process for ordering blood tests, informing clinicians that samples have been taken, for communicating test results, and for physicians acknowledging having assessed results. The ED in Slagelse Sygehus has implemented icons on their electronic whiteboard that visualize the progress of the blood-test process. The aim of our study was to evaluate the impact of the icons on the workflow. Methods: The study was designed as a qualitative study using the methods of observations and informal interviews. The observations amounted to 19 hours in total and consisted of shadowing 6 physicians and 2 nurses for a couple of hours at a time. Informal individual interviews were held with all observed professionals and with another two nurses, two laboratory technicians, a coordination nurse, a triage nurse, and a secretary. Results: The nurses frequently attended to the icons on the whiteboard. The arrival of new test results was seen as an opportunity to make the physicians aware of patients that could be discharged or transferred to other departments. The icons thereby supported the nurses in maintaining flow of patients. The physicians did not attend to the icons for maintaining flow, but used the icons at two daily timeouts, when they collectively assessed patients. Overall they considered test results as input to the clinical evaluation of individual patients. Conclusion: Our study indicates that the blood-test process can contribute to the steering of which patient the physicians should see next. Presently, this steering is mediated by nurses, who keep an eye out for the icons reflecting the blood-test process. The physicians did not attend the icons themselves, hence the blood-test process did not steer physicians directly. If the blood-test process should steer physicians’ actions directly, bypassing the nurses, the information of blood tests should be mediated by other means, for example by smartphones carried by the physicians. This calls for further studies. A27 Health care quality in a new Emergency Department based on the Danish Stroke register data Maria Søe Mattsson*, Michael Oettinger, Hanne Jørsboe Emergency Department, Nykøbing F. hospital, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A27 Background: One of the intentions to develop the concept of an ED in Denmark is to increase health care quality in the treatment of acute patients. However, it is a massive reorganization including other Page 9 of 17 workflows and competency profiles. At present, there are not established any general quality indicators for the acute treatment, but hospitals have reported to the Danish Stroke Register (DAP) for selected diseases. We have chosen “Stroke” as case to evaluate quality during a 3 years period under implementation of the ED concept, since these patients are among the 20 most common illnesses in our department. Methods: The study is quasi-experimental. All patients with Stroke from the ED at Nykøbing F. Hospital, which reported to DAP since 2007, are included in the study. Period 2007/2008 works as a historical control. The ED started at April 2009. In the study, indicators are chosen to describe early interventions in the patient pathway and compare them with nationwide data. Data is processed in STATA and Chi2-test is used to analyze whether there has been a change over time. Results: 1715 patients entered the study. Gender and age are comparable. Analysis shows that concerning the indicator CT/MR scan within 24 hours, there has been a improvement both in the ED (50% in 2007/2008, 55% in 2009, 65% 2010, 76% in 2011, 83% in 2012, p < 0,005) and nationally (67% in 2007/2008 to 85% in 2011). Similarly, the indicator concerning treatment with antiplatelet therapy, improvement are made in both the ED (50% in 2007/2008, 55% in 2009, 65% 2010, 76% in 2011, 83% in 2012, p < 0,005) and nationally (87% in 2007/2008 to 93% in 2011). Relative to mortality within 30 days, there has been an improvement in the ED (13% in 2007/ 2008, 9% in 2009, 11% 2010, 8% in 2011, 5% in 2012, p < 0,005) but not nationally (10% in 2007/2008 to 11% in 2011). Conclusion: During establishment of an ED, the treatment of stroke has improved reflecting earlier diagnosis and treatment. The results are comparable to nationwide results from other organisational setup. It is recommended, that indicators for monitoring acute treatment in Denmark is developed. A28 How well does TOKS identify patients with severe sepsis or septic shock? Anette Tanderup1*, Merete Storgaard2, Annmarie Lassen3 1 Department of Geriatric, Odense University Hospital, Denmark; 2Department of Infectious Medicine, Aarhus University, Denmark; 3Department of Emergency Medicine, Odense University Hospital, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A28 Background: Several scoring system have been developed with the aim to identify clinical deterioration among hospitalized patients and allocate resources in accordance with the degree of deterioration - most without validation. The aim of the present study was to describe to which degree the system “Tidlig Opsporing af Kritisk Sygdom” (TOKS) is able to identify patients who either have or develop severe sepsis or septic shock within 24 after arrival to hospital. Methods: A retrospective descriptive study of patients hospitalized with community acquired severe sepsis or septic shock. Patients were identified based at discharge diagnosis ((IDC10 code A40.0-A41.9). Based at a manual evaluation of all patient records patients were included if they within the first 24 hours after arrival to the hospital fulfilled predefined criteria for severe sepsis or septic shock. Vital values registered at arrival to the hospital were identified and used for the present analysis. TOKS score is based at scores for respiratory frequency, saturation, systolic blood pressure, pulse rate, consciousness and temperature. The score range from 0 to 21 with an indication of need for a doctoral evaluation if the score is 3 or higher. Results: 335 patients were discharged with a diagnosis of sepsis. 212 fulfilled the criteria for severe sepsis or septic shock within the first 24 hours of hospitalization. One hundred and six (50%) were male, mean age 70.6 years (SD 14.7, range 24.0-96.6 years), 103 (49%) had septic shock. Median TOKS score at arrival was 4 (range 0-13). 10/212 (5%) had TOKS=0, indicating no need for measurements of vital values the next 24 hours, 20/212 (9%) had TOKS=1, indicating measurements of vital values every 8 hours, 13/212 (6%) had TOKS=2 indicating control of vital values after one hour, 66/212(31%) had TOKS 3-4 indicating need for evaluation by a junior doctor and 103/121 (49%) had a TOKS score≥5 indicating need for urgent specialist evaluation. Conclusion: 14% of the patients who develop severe sepsis or septic shock within 24 hours after arrival to the hospital had a TOKS score at arrival indicating a need for control of vital values every 8 hours or less. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, Volume 21 Suppl 2 A29 I see you? - Predicting who will require intensive care Maria Bjørn Marcussen*, Christian Backer Mogensen OUH Odense, Sygehus Lillebælt, Kolding, Region of Southern Denmark, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A29 Background: Delayed transfer to the intensive care unit (ICU) is correlated with higher morbidity and mortality in emergency department (ED) patients. If it is possible to identify patients at risk of transfer to the ICU shortly after arrival to the ED, early goal-directed therapy could theoretically reduce the incidence of ICU transfer and improve outcome for the critically ill. No widely used scoring system exists for identifying these patients in the heterogeneous population of the ED. The aim of this study was to identify possible predictors obtainable on admission for ICU therapy. Methods: We conducted a retrospective case-control study with a total of 10.000 acute patients. The case group consisted of adult patients, transferred to the ICU between 3 and 36 hours after arrival, whom had blood gas analysis done. The specialty-matched control group consisted of adult patients who had blood gas analysis done but were not transferred to the ICU. A total of 325 patients, 125 cases and 250 controls, were compared with regards to vital parameters, age, gender, blood gas parameters, GCS, Charlson comorbidity index, tobacco- and alcoholconsumption and number of prescription drugs. We performed uni- and multivariate regression analyses to identify risk factors associated with later ICU transfer. A p-value below 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: We found age between 60 and 80 years (OR 3.2), systolic blood pressure below 90 or diastolic blood pressure below 50 (OR 3.7), oxygen saturation below 90 (OR 3.2), temperature below 36 (OR 4.1), Charlson score more than 0 (OR 3.1), lactate above 4 (OR 5.3), pH below 7.35 (OR 8.4) and pCO2 above 6.3 (OR 5.4) on admission to be significantly associated with later ICU transfer. At multivariate analysis a pH value less than 7.36 (OR 14.4), oxygen saturation below 90 and low blood pressure (OR 4.4) remained significantly associated with ICU transfer. Conclusion: These parameters can be used as part of ED triage identifying high-risk patients who could benefit from early anesthesiologist consult, early goal directed therapy or simply closer observation. A30 Impaired comprehension of diagnostic procedures and medication instructions in a quick diagnostic unit setting Lisa Nebelin Hvidt1*, Kim Madsen1, Kristian Nebelin Hvidt2, Thomas A Schmidt1 1 Department of Emergency Medicine, Holbaek University Hospital, Denmark; 2 Department of Medicine, Holbaek University Hospital, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A30 Background: The Quick Diagnostic Unit (QDU) is an integrated part of the Emergency Department and patients admitted are expected to have a brief hospitalization. Understanding the discharge instructions is essential for patients’ compliance. The objective of this study was to investigate comprehension of discharge instructions among elderly patients admitted to the QDU. Methods: A total of 102 adult patients discharged from the QDU answered a questionnaire covering self-assessed comprehension of discharge information, ability to recall discharge information and evaluation of the communication. Questions addressed diagnosis, diagnostic procedures, treatment, follow-up and return instructions. Answers from the questionnaire were compared with the discharge letter and the degree of concordance was evaluated. Patient awareness of own comprehension deficits was evaluated comparing self-assessed comprehension with the ability to recall a correct answer. The population was divided into two groups, an elderly group (age ≥ 65 years) and a younger group. Page 10 of 17 Results: Forty patients were allocated to the elderly group and sixty-two to the younger group. The elderly group had more prior admissions compared to the younger group (P=0.027), whereas no difference was found for gender, education, other diseases or length of admission. Admission diagnosis in the total population was mainly anaemia, infectious or musculoskeletal disease. The range of self-assessed comprehension was 87.9 to 100% for the numerous conditions with no differences between the two groups. When compared with the discharge document the elderly group was less able to recall correct diagnostic procedures (91.94% vs. 71.79%, P=0.007) and medication instructions (77.97% vs. 54.29%, P=0.016). Furthermore, the elderly patients were less aware of their own comprehension deficits regarding diagnostic tests (P=0.006 / OR 0.95, 95% CI: 0.913-0.989, P=0.0115), preventive measures (P=0.015), medication instructions (P=0.028 / OR 0.95, 95% CI: 0.921 to 0.980, P=0.001) and when to seek emergency care (0.041). Conclusion: Elderly patients showed less ability to recall correct diagnostic procedures and medication instructions compared to younger patients. Furthermore they were less aware of their comprehension deficits. In this perspective, communicating with elderly patients requires special attention, this could involve “closed loops”, repetition or follow up at a general practitioner. A31 Implementing a nationwide criteria-based emergency medical dispatch system: a register-based follow-up study Mikkel S Andersen1,2*, Søren Paaske Johnsen2, Jan Nørtved Sørensen3, Søren Bruun Jepsen4, Jesper Bjerring Hansen1, Erika Frischknecht Christensen1 1 Research Department, Prehospital Emergency Medical Services, Aarhus, Central Denmark Region, Denmark; 2Dept. of Clinical Epidemiology, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark; 3Emergency Medical Communication Center, Capital region of Denmark, Denmark; 4Emergency Medical Communication Center, Odense University hospital, Region of Southern Denmark, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A31 Background: The organization of prehospital care in Denmark has recently been fundamentally revised. All 112 calls concerning illness and injury are now redirected to one of five emergency medical communication centers (EMCCs), staffed with nurses, paramedics and doctors. Assessment of 112 callers with medical problems has up until now, been conducted mainly by the police. The EMCC staff uses a priority dispatch protocol (The Danish Index for Acute Care) to divide all callers into five levels acuity (A-E), level A being patients with potential life-threatening symptoms. We present the first data on mortality, admission rate and level of acuity of patients after implementation of emergency medical dispatch in Denmark. Methods: A follow-up study conducted in the tree largest regions in Denmark, representing 75 % of the Danish population. During a six months period, all 112 callers in contact with an EMCC where included in the study. Information on vital status and hospital contacts where obtained through national population-based registries. Results: In total we identified 99,855 contacts to the EMCC via the 112 alarm number. 67,135 had information registered sufficiently for further investigation. 51.4% was assessed as acuity level A, 46.3% as B, 2.1% as C, 0.2% as D (level E not included). The case fatality rate for acuity level A patients on the same day as the 1-1-2 call was 4.4% (95% CI=4.1-4.6). This case-fatality rate was 14.3-fold (95 % CI=11.5-17.9) higher than for acuity level B–D patients. The hospital admission rate for acuity level A patients was 64.4% (95% CI=63.8-64.9). There was a significant trend (p<0.001) towards lower admission rates for patients with lower levels of acuity. Conclusion: The majority of patients were assessed as acuity level A or B according to the Danish Index for Acute Care. Case fatality and hospital admission rates were substantially higher for acuity level A patients than for acuity level B–D patients. Using case fatality and hospital admission rates as indicators of case severity, the newly implemented Danish criteria-based dispatch system appears to effectively triage patients according to the severity of their condition. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, Volume 21 Suppl 2 A32 Inter-rater agreement of the triagesystem RETTS-HEV Louise Nissen1*, Hans Kirkegaard2, Noel Perez1, Ulf Hørlyck1, Louise Pape3 1 Emergency Department, Regionshospital Herning hospital, Denmark; 2 Research Center for Emergency Medicine, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark; 3Dept. of Occupational Medicine,Regional Hospital Herning, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A32 Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the inter-rater agreement among nurses using the triage system REETS- HEV (rapid emergency triage and treatment system-hospitalsenheden vest) in a Danish ED. The use of triage systems in Denmark has recently been implemented together with structural changes in hospital organization. Testing and evaluation is therefore needed. The REETS-HEV is a five scale triage system being used in the Emergency department (ED) of Herning, Denmark since May 2010. The ED is semi-large with 29,000 annual visits. Methods: Consecutive patients presenting to the ED were assessed by both a duty and study nurse using REETS-HEV. Nurses did not receive training prior to the study. 146 patients were enrolled and a blinded, paired and simultaneous triage was conducted independently to evaluate inter-rater agreement using Fleiss kappa. Results: A total of 155 patients were triaged over a 10 day period and complete data were available for 146 patients. We found the overall agreement to be good (Fleiss kappa 0.60 (0.48; 0.72)). The kappa estimate was higher for the group of patients needing immediate attention (0.83 (0.18;1.47)). Conclusion: The study demonstrated good inter-rater agreement between two independent observers not receiving any new triage training prior to the study. A33 Leading consultants in the emergency departments are more in favour of a specialty in emergency medicine than their collaborating colleagues Julie Mackenhauer1,3*, Nina Bjerre Andersen2, Hans Kirkegaard1 1 Research Center for Emergency Medicine, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark; 2Centre for Medical Education, Aarhus University, Denmark; 3 Akutafdelingen, Sygehus Vendsyssel, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A33 Background: In 2007 the Danish Health and Medicines Authority decided to reorganize the acute care area, establishing common emergency departments (ED). As emergency medicine (EM) is not an independent specialty in Denmark, EDs are staffed by consultants from other specialties. The aim of this study was to examine leading consultants’ - both from the ED and collaborating departments - knowledge of the EM discipline description (fagområdet), and their opinion on its contribution to the acute area, as well as potential benefits of an independent specialty. Methods: An electronic questionnaire was sent to leading consultants from the ED (September 2012) and collaborating departments (January 2013); ICU, surgery, orthopedics, internal medicine, cardiology, clinical biochemistry and radiology. Answers were reported on a 5-point Likertscale(from Highly disagree-Highly agree) or yes/no. Results: 101 of 137 collaborating leaders (74%), and 21 ED leaders (100%) replied. 95% (n=20) of ED leaders and 50% (n=49) of collaborating leaders have knowledge of the EM discipline description. Of these 23% (n=16) highly agree and 30% (n=21) agree that a specialty in EM will have a more positive impact on the cooperation between EDs and collaborating specialties in comparison with the discipline. 17% (n=12) disagree and 9% (n=6) highly disagree, 20% (n=14) answered neither/nor. Comparing Likert-scale means, ED leaders had a significantly higher level of agreement (p=0,0470, Wilcoxon 2-sample test). Page 11 of 17 Answering if EM should be an independent specialty in Denmark, orthopedics or leaders from Region Sjælland stood out with median Likert-scores of 4.5 [3.75;5] (IQR) and 4 [3;5] (IQR) respectively, in contrast to leaders from internal medicine or Region Syddanmark, who had median Likert-scores of 2 [1.75;4.25] (IQR) and 2 [2;3.75] (IQR) respectively. ED leaders had a significantly higher level of agreement compared to collaborating leaders in general with 5 [3;5] (IQR) vs. 3 [2;4](IQR) (p=0,0149, wilcoxon 2-sample test). Conclusion: Only 50% of collaborating leaders cooperating with the EDs know about the discipline description. Of leaders aware of the discipline description, 53% agree or highly agree an independent specialty, more than the discipline, will have positive impact on the cooperation between the ED and the collaborating department. Supporting an independent specialty varies with the leaders affiliation to specialty and region. A34 Loss of independence: a novel but important global marker of illness Mikkel Brabrand1*, Jesper Hallas2, Torben Knudsen1 1 Department of Medicine, Sydvestjysk Sygehus Esbjerg, Denmark; 2Research Unit of Clinical Pharmacology, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A34 Background: As part of the assessment of all medical patients, vital signs are registered. However, each vital sign on its own (e.g. blood pressure, respiratory rate, pulse or peripheral oxygen saturation) only provide parts of the picture and are not considered global markers of illness. Loss of independence (LOI) (e.g. ability to stand, get into bed or out of a chair unaided) has been proposed as a global marker of illness. The present study present data on the association between LOI and 30-day mortality in acutely admitted medical patients. Methods: This was a prospective observational cohort study. Acutely admitted adult medical patients over a six months period at the medical admission unit at Sydvestjysk Sygehus Esbjerg were included. Upon arrival a nurse registered vital signs and LOI (defined as the ability to get into bed unaided). After inclusion of all patients, survival status was extracted from the Danish Civil Register. The association between LOI and 30-day mortality was assessed using both univariable analysis (Chi-square test) and multivariable logistic regression analysis controlling for the vital signs. Data will be presented as median (inter quartile range) or proportions. Results: A total of 5,894 patients were admitted (age 65 [49-77], 50.1% female) and 332 (5.6%) died within 30 days. LOI was reported on 5,064 patients (85.9%). Patients who had LOI had a significantly higher 30-day mortality, 16.7 vs. 2.0%, p < 0.001, Odds Ratio (OR) 9.63 (95% confidence interval [CI] 7.35-12.62). Patients with LOI were significantly older, had a lower systolic blood pressure and peripheral oxygen saturation and a higher pulse and respiratory rate and more patients had reduced level of consciousness. LOI had a sensitivity for 30-day mortality of 70.5% (95% CI 64.7-75.8), a specificity of 80.1% (79.0-81.3), positive predictive value of 16.7% (14.6-19.0) and a negative predictive value of 98.0% (97.5-98.4). In multivariable logistic regression analysis controlling for age, sex, systolic blood pressure, pulse, temperature, respiratory rate and peripheral oxygen saturation, LOI had an OR of 4.2 (95% CI 3.06-5.85), p < 0.001. Conclusion: LOI is a powerful marker of 30-day mortality of acutely admitted medical patients. A35 Massive underreporting of type II Diabetes in emergency department admissions Josefin Gustafsson*, Søren Wistisen Rasmussen, Thomas Schmidt-Andersen The Emergency Department, Holbaek University Hospital, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A35 Background: The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) has continued to increase in developed and developing countries in past decades. T2DM is the most frequent chronic disease in Denmark with a prevalence of 4 %, with an equal estimated prevalence of undiagnosed Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, Volume 21 Suppl 2 cases. T2DM is associated with several complications that can lead to acute deterioration and need of acute admittance to the hospital. Every day 10 patients die from T2DM-related complications in Denmark. The objectives of this study were: 1) to establish the number of patients with T2DM referred to the Department of Internal Medicine via the Emergency Department and the number of patients who were diagnosed with T2DM upon referral; 2) to report which anti-diabetics they used at the time of admittance. Methods: A chart review during a 1 year period was conducted, i.e. from 01-JUL-2011 to 30-JUN-2012 looking at all registered cases of T2DM including both primary and secondary diagnosis. Results: The Emergency Department yearly admits and refers around 18,000 internal medicine patients. A total of only 31 cases with T2DM were captured. Twenty-eight were known to have T2DM and three were diagnosed with the disease at admittance. Oral anti-diabetics had been prescribed to 67% of patients, oral anti-diabetics in combination with either GLP-1 agonist or insulin to 17%, leaving 13% of the patients with insulin. Conclusion: With a T2DM prevalence of 4%, the expected number of admissions was 720 patients. This indicates an underreporting of T2DM of approximately 96%, which probably results from registration of complications related to T2DM and not the underlying disease itself. Because T2DM is regarded as a global epidemic, registration of patients with T2DM needs to be improved so that the quality of both primary and secondary care can be ensured. Because of underreporting the reported anti-diabetic treatment is unlikely to be representative. A36 Medical students improve their self-assessed ability in managing acute situations after simulation-based training Louise Simonsen1*, Ian Henriksen2, Nicolai Helligsøe Bæk1, Doris Østergaard3 1 Department of Anaesthesiology, Bispebjerg Hospital, Denmark; 2Department of Thorax Anaesthesiology, Rigshospitalet, Denmark; 3Danish Institute of Medical Simulation. Herlev Hospital, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A36 Background: Earlier studies have pointed out that medical students feel unprepared in their clinical clerkships in recognizing the acute, critically ill patient and begin initial treatment. The aim of this study was to determine if a 1- day simulation-based training course could improve medical students´ self-assessed ability to manage the acute, critically ill patient. Methods: Medical students in their surgical or medical clinical clerkship in the Capital Region of DK were invited to participate in one day simulatorbased training course. The students were divided into groups of 4-7 students. They were trained in managing acute medical scenarios such as respiratory and/or circulatory failure with special focus on using the ABCDE assessment approach. Methods used were lectures, workshops and simulation-based training followed by feedback sessions. Before and after training, the students rated their ability to 1) perform an ABCDE assessment, 2) recognize when a patient is critically ill, 3) begin treatment of respiratory failure, and 4) of circulatory failure. Finally the students evaluated their professional development during the course, their overall benefit from the course and if they would recommend simulation training as an integrated course in their clinical clerkships. Results: A total of 171 students initiated the course and 160 completed the pre- and post questionnaire. The proportion of students, who rated their self-assessed ability to perform a ABCDE assessment and to recognize a critically ill patient as ‘good’ to ‘very good’ improved from 27% to 71% and from 22% to 68%, respectively. The proportion of students who rated their ability to begin initial treatment of a patient with respiratory or circulatory failure as ‘good’ to ‘very good’ improved from 12% to 56% and from 12% to 60%, respectively. A total of 97% of the students would recommend simulation based training as an integrated part of their clinical clerkship. A total of 90% and 95%, respectively rated their professional development and their overall course benefit as ‘good’ or ‘very good’. P-values < 0,001. Conclusion: A significantly improvement in medical students´ selfassessed ability in recognizing an acutely, critically ill patient and in beginning the initial treatment were seen after a 1-day simulation based training course. Page 12 of 17 A37 No link between social admissions of elderly people and Christmas time Gitte Colaco*, Thomas A Schmidt The Emergency Department, Holbaek University Hospital, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A37 Background: It is often said that Christmas and Public Holidays has an influence on people’s physical, social and emotional well-being, and Christmas is furthermore associated with traditions and family gatherings. But for some people Christmas does not bring joy or good memories; especially for the elderly with chronic diseases, bad family relations or no family at all, Christmas can be a troublesome time. Therefore it is almost mythically assumed that there is an increase in the number of social admissions of elderly during Christmas compared to similar dates not related to a Public Holiday. The scope of this study was to put this myth to the test. Methods: The year chosen for collection of data was the year 2011 and Christmas was defined to be on the 23rd, 24th and 25th December. Dates for comparison were chosen to be 11th, 12th and 13th November because November is a month that is closely related to December regarding seasonal diseases. The chosen weekdays are the same as in December. The study was performed as a chart review of patients referred to the General Department of Internal Medicine via the Emergency Department (ED): Inclusion criteria: Elderly aged >=70 years and an admission of maximum 24 hours (”unnecessary” admittance). The total number of admittance i.e. all ages and the admittance of patients >=70 years with a length of stay longer than 24 h were also captured. Results: The reason for the admissions for both months was mostly related to complaints regarding pain. Most of the patients had a spouse or children, who they had contact with (Table 1). Conclusion: For short term admissions of elderly aged 70 years or more, the findings show, that there was no increase in social or any other admissions to the General Department of Internal Medicine via ED during the Christmas Holidays. A myth apparently discredited. A38 Patients experience satisfaction and less initial waiting time after implementation of an Emergency Department with an observation unit Maria Søe Mattsson*, Hanne B Jørsboe Emergency Department, Nykøbing F. hospital, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A38 Background: Patients’ experiences are an import guide to improvements in developing an Emergency Department (ED). Therefore, in 2009, when the ED at Nykoebing Hospital was established, a large group of patients were interviewed few hours after arrival. They generally expressed high Table 1 (abstract A37) Total All ages Total Age ≥ 70 years 24 hour admission 11-NOV-2011 44 16 5 12-NOV-2011 37 14 5 13-NOV-2011 42 16 2 Total November 123 46 12 23-DEC-2011 44 20 6 24-DEC-2011 36 11 4 25-DEC-2011 51 15 2 Total December 131 46 12 Admission Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, Volume 21 Suppl 2 degree of satisfaction with the treatment. Now, three years after, a comparable population has been interviewed to follow up after the comprehensive intervention of building up an ED. Special attention was given to the overall satisfaction with the treatment, supplemented with specific questions about initial waiting time and cooperation among staff. Methods: Interventional study based on structured interviews with a questionnaire containing 15 validated questions with a 5-point scale some related to LUP, supplemented with department-specific questions. The study was initiated in 2009 and repeated again in 2012. The interventions were a package of measures. The inclusion criteria were; patient seeking ED; 18 years old or older; oriented and were able to give informed consent. Patient were triaged as orange, yellow or green and admitted to the ED for a minimum of two hours. Chi-square (chi2) for significance testing and a confidence interval of 95% was used. Results: Three years after establishment of the ED, 95% of the patients (N=579, 293 M, 286 W, mean age 63) where either satisfied or very satisfied with the treatment, which compares to the study in the very early days of the ED (N=388, 188 M, 195 W, mean age 64). Data shows a significant improvement in the patients’ experience of initial waiting time, 14% in 2012 compared to 42% in 2009 (p<0.05). 90% of the patients perceived the same cooperation among staff groups before and after the implementation. Conclusion: A huge reorganization of the service of acutely ill patients had no negative impact on patients overall satisfaction. Patients experienced the same cooperation among staff groups. A benefit has been active concerning waiting time, where the study shows a significant reduction in the perceived initial waiting time. A39 Point-of-care ultrasound in patients with suspected deep vein thrombosis (DVT) Mohammad Al hashimy1*, Kim Hvid Benn Madsen2, Thomas Andersen Schmidt3 1 Emergency Department, Holbaek Hospital , Denmark; 2Emergency Department, Holbaek Hospital , Denmark; 3Emergency Department, Holbaek Hospital , Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A39 Background: Suspicion of Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a frequent cause of presentation in emergency departments (EDs). Traditionally at Holbaek University Hospital, patients presenting with suspected lower-extremity DVT are commonly assessed and treated as out-patients in the Quick Diagnostic Unit (QDU), a part of our Emergency Department. The patients undergo D-dimer testing and Wells score followed by ultrasound (US) only if the D-dimer is positive, or the patient is judged clinically to have DVT (Wells score>2). Unfortunately, the limited availability of radiologist-performed ultrasound outside banker’s hours delay the diagnosis by more than 24 hours and may expose the patient to inappropriate anticoagulation treatment. The safety, ease of use, rapid time of diagnosis, low cost and accessibility makes bedside ultrasound for DVT especially useful for emergency physicians. The aim of this pilot study is to assess the time-to-diagnosis and the accuracy of emergency physician performed bedside ultrasound (EPUS) in the detecting of pathological findings (Hematoma, Baker’s cyst and Thrombosis), in comparison with the traditional settings involving a radiologist-performed ultrasound. Methods: 10 patients with clinically suspected proximal DVT attending our QDU were included in our pilot study. All patients enrolled underwent whole-leg US performed by an emergency-physician and a radiologist. Results: 10 patients were enrolled in this pilot study. The EPUS findings were normal in 7 patients (70%), abnormal in 3 patients (30%). All normal test results were confirmed by the radiologist, and 3 patients with abnormal findings on EPUS examination were subsequently diagnosed as having distal DVT or superficial thrombophlebitis. The mean time-to-diagnosis of EPUS was 2:45 h (range 00:45 to 04:12h) compared to the mean time-to-diagnosis performed by a radiologist of 27:23 h (range 04:30 h to 71:03 h), p < 0.002. The US performed by an emergency physician had a sensitivity of 100 % and specificity of 100 %. Page 13 of 17 Conclusion: Our findings suggest that EPPU may be useful in excluding pathological findings in patients with suspected DVT, and may allow rapid discharge and avoiding unnecessary anticoagulant treatment. Future prospective studies are warranted to confirm these findings. This study will continue over the next few months. A40 Prediction of in-hospital mortality and admission to ICU using vital signs - a study of Early Warning Score as an alternative to traditional triage Momo Menna Illum Vendler1, Tobias Thostrup Andersen1*, Charlotte Barfod2, Jakob Lundager Forberg2 1 University of Copenhagen, Denmark; 2Emergency Department, Nordsjællands Hospital, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A40 Background: Triage of patients in the Emergency Department includes scoring of vital parameters. The objective of this study was to compare two such triage systems for assessing vital parameters - a single-parameter system, T-vital, as used in Danish Emergency Process Triage, and a multiple-parameter system, T-EWS, which we based on Early Warning Score (EWS) - and correlate the triage scores to in-hospital mortality and admission to ICU. Studies examining EWS in triage are currently limited in number. Methods: Using data from the Acute Admission Database of Nordsjællands Hospital (n = 6164 admissions), we calculated and stratified EWS into four T-EWS colour codes (red, orange, yellow, and green), testing different stratifications’ correlation to in-hospital mortality and admission to ICU. Afterwards, we compared the ability of the chosen T-EWS and T-vital to predict patients at risk (red and orange category) of in-hospital mortality or admission to ICU. The data were analysed using area under the receiver operating curve (AUROC), sensitivity, specificity, overtriage, undertriage, and diagnostic rates. Results: T-vital allocated 10.6% of patients to the orange or red category, whereas T-EWS allocated 5.8% to these categories. There was no significant difference in the ability of T-EWS to predict in-hospital mortality compared to T-vital (AUROC (95% CI): T-EWS = 0.74 (0.70-0.79); T-vital = 0.76 (0.72-0.80)). Likewise, there was no significant difference in prediction of ICU admission (AUROC (95% CI): T-EWS = 0.76 (0.70-0.81); T-vital = 0.73 (0.67-0.79)). The specificity (95% CI) of T-EWS compared to T-vital was higher for both in-hospital mortality (0.95 (0.94-0.95) and 0.90 (0.90-0.91), respectively) and for admission to ICU (0.95 (0.94-0.95) and 0.90 (0.89-0.91), respectively). There was a trend of higher sensitivity of T-vital, and no difference in overtriage, undertriage or diagnostic rates. Conclusion: The two triage systems are largely similar in their ability to discriminate patients at high risk of in-hospital mortality or admission to ICU. However, T-vital’s larger proportion of orange and red patients might yield a larger workload in the Emergency Department. Replacement of T-vital with T-EWS could be considered, as EWS is already in use as a monitoring tool after triage, but more studies are needed for further clarification. A41 Predictors of acute admission of more than 48 hours duration Erlend Aabel1, Christer Aas Hansen1, Christian Backer Mogensen2* 1 Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark; 2 Akutforskningsenheden, Sygehus Sønderjylland, Aabenraa, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A41 Background: When a patient is admitted to an Emergency Department (ED) in the Region of Southern Denmark, estimation is required whether the patient is expected to remain hospitalized for more or less than 48 hours. If the length of stay (LOS) is expected to be less than 48 hours, the patient stays in the ED until discharge. If LOS is expected to exceed Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, Volume 21 Suppl 2 48 hours, the patient is transferred to the relevant department. The aim of this study was to investigate if information available at admission could be used as predictors of LOS, and to determine which group of staff (nurses, junior physicians or senior physicians) was best able to estimate the correct LOS. Methods: A prospective cohort study with collection of data on admitted patients in the ED Aabenraa over a period of 35 days. Information on admission was collected including age, comorbidities (Charlson score), sociodemographic factors, alcohol consumption and smoking habits. The ED staff was asked to give their prediction of LOS. The main outcome was LOS. Data was collected on a total of 730 patients. Analysis was performed using Chi-square test, Kruskal-Wallis test and multivariable logistic regression. Results: Significant predictors of LOS exceeding 48 hours were age >80 years (OR 2.69; CI 1.28-5.67), Charlson score 1-2 (OR 2.04; 95% CI 1.053.97) and Charlson score >=3 (OR 5.55; 95% CI 2.24-13.78). Senior physicians had the highest accuracy (77%) for LOS and an OR of 8.18 (95% CI 1.92-34.78). Sensitivity was low for all staff, with senior physicians having the highest (56.7%). There was no statistically significant difference in correct estimation of LOS between nurses and junior physicians. Conclusion: A general underestimation of LOS was observed among all staff. The estimation of expected length of stay should be assigned to senior physicians. Age and Charlson score can be included in a clinical prediction model to aid the estimation. A42 Prehospital fentanyl administration by ambulance personnel KF Christensen1,2,3*, L Nikolajsen1, H Kirkegaard2, EF Christensen3 1 Dept. of Anesthesiology, Aarhus University Hospital; 2Research Center for Emergency Medicine, University of Aarhus; 3Research Dept., Prehospital Emergency Medical Services, Central Denmark Region Aarhus, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A42 Background: Acute pain is one of the most common problems faced in prehospital emergency medicine. Sufficient prehospital pain therapy reduces psychological and emotional stress. Other clinical benefits include optimized conditions for patient transport, increased patient satisfaction and a better chance of timely and proper analgesia at the emergency department. Unfortunately, undertreatment of acute pain (oligoanalgesia) is common. Oligoanalgesia is associated with following factors: • Variable clinical experience • Concern for masking illness or injury • Focus on other clinical symptoms • Poor education in pain management and insufficient compliance with pain management protocols • Fear of inducing adverse effects • Lack of follow-up after initial pain therapy administration Methods: One approach to minimize oligoanalgesia is to increase the use of fentanyl in the prehospital environment. Fentanyl is an opioid with rapid-acting properties and short time of action allowing safe titration and few side effects. In order to optimize prehospital pain management all ambulance personnel in Central Denmark Region have been taught how to administer fentanyl in specific clinical situations and under certain circumstances. We wish to present the preliminary results from a 3-month period in which rescuers working for one of the two ambulance companies operating in the region, Responce and Falck, were allowed to administer fentanyl. Results: A total of 204 patients were treated with fentanyl by ambulance personnel over a period of 3 month. About one half had some kind of injury (n=114) and the remainder experienced pain due to acute coronary syndrome (n=52), abdominal pain (n=18) or other clinical conditions (n=20). None of the patients experienced side effects. Antidote was not required in any of the cases. Conclusion: The administration of fentanyl by ambulance personnel seems to be safe. Future studies will further evaluate pain and the safety Page 14 of 17 and effectiveness of fentanyl administered by ambulance personnel in Central Denmark Region. A43 Prevention of pressure ulcers at orthopaedic patients begins on the accident and emergency department Mai Sommer1*, Gitte Boier Tygesen2, Anne Jacobsen2 1 Orthopaedic ward, Hospitalsenheden Horsens, Denmark; 2Accident and Emergency Department, Hospitalsenheden Horsens, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A43 Background: Hospitalization causes many pressure ulcers and has important implications for the patient and the economy. Regional hospital Horsens is one of 5 hospitals in Denmark participating in ‘The Danish Safer Hospital Programme’ where one aim is to reduce and prevent pressure ulcers. The target for the hospital is to reduce pressure ulcers to less than 5% and the aim is to, asses the risk of getting pressure ulcers (screen) to 90% of the patients. The Accident and Emergency Department (A&E) undertake the first evaluation of patients’ risk of developing pressure ulcers and this evaluation is basis for the screenings in the forward progress of the patient. Baseline measurements showed, 4 out of 10 patients experienced pressure ulcers. The cause was identified in lack of systematic observations, documentation and individual staff members’ competence levels. A need was identified for all staff to possess the same level of knowledge about prevention and tools to support this. Methods: The intervention started August-2010 in the Orthopaedic ward and in January-2012 the A&E joined and consisted: Staff members’ competencies (training and bed-side education); Tools for systematic observation (Braden Guidelines ); Involvement of patients by providing information; Easy access to equipment (low air fluidized beds/pillows) All pressure ulcers of grade 1 and above were registered by nurses and validated by journal reviews and compared to the numbers of discharged patients. Results: Before the intervention, the percentage of the screenings showed a 40-50% occurrence of pressure ulcers at patients admitted through A&E to the Orthopaedic Ward. The study shows a decrease in amount of pressure ulcers to less than 0.5% at the Orthopaedic Ward, in addition 90% of the patients had assessed their risk. Conclusion: By assessing the risk of getting pressure ulcers and continue the systematic observation, it seems like the target is reached. It’s not possible to conclude that the decrease, is due solely to the intervention, this needs statistical analysis and controlled studies. Start of screening in A&E, targeting and follow-up actions in the Orthopaedic ward do seem to reduce pressure ulcers and the message is to think progress starting in A&E. A44 Reporting vital parameters upon referral of patients to the emergency department needs to be improved Christina Bach*, Thomas A Schmidt The Emergency Department, Holbaek University Hospital, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A44 Background: The purpose of triage is to prioritize patients and identify those who need immediate attention. Primary triage is attempted by the coordinating physician at the Emergency Department (ED) based primarily on the patient’s vital parameters (blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen saturation, respiration rate and body temperature) received by phone from the referring party, i.e. paramedics or general practitioners (GPs). Secondary triage of the patients is performed minutes after arrival to the ED by nurse or physician. Based on symptoms or by observations of vital parameters, Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, Volume 21 Suppl 2 patients are allocated to four different triage categories according to severity. Patients referred by paramedics are subject to basic observations of vital parameters that allow primary triage and subsequent ED preparedness. In this study we evaluated whether the information obtained in the conversation with GPs was sufficient to perform meaningful primary triage. Further, we wanted to elucidate the correlation between primary and secondary triage. Methods: The study was a double-blinded prospective observational study. The triage-information cards from patients referred from GPs during daytime were obtained over five days randomly selected over five weeks (all weekdays were represented). Results: A total of 50 patients were included. Out of these primary triage was attempted / deemed meaningful in merely 38% (19/50) of the cases. In only 18% (9/50) of the cases any vital parameters were reported from the GP, and for none of the patients admitted all vital parameters were reported. Of the admitted patients with vital parameters reported, only in 44% (4/9) of the cases primary triage was attempted. Of all patients admitted merely 32% (16/50) received both primary and secondary triage. Of these 81% (12/16) were subjected to the same severity category in both triage rounds. Conclusion: The information received from GPs referring patients to the ED is limited with regard to vital parameters, and not sufficient to conduct primary triage. The results indicate that when primary triage is performed, it correlates well with secondary triage. Collaboration between referring physicians and the ED should be improved with regard to reporting the patient’s vital parameters. A45 Spontaneous nosebleeds in the emergency department setting characteristics, co-morbidities and treatment efficacy Irfan Rafique*, Thomas A Schmidt The Emergency Department, Holbaek University Hospital, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A45 Background: Spontaneous nosebleed (SN) is a common cause of visits in Danish emergency departments (ED). The aim of this study was to examine these visits during 1 whole year. We examined the number of visits, characteristics of the patients in terms of sex, age, co-morbidities, and treatment of the SN. Methods: Data was extracted from patient records from Holbaek University Hospital. Patients diagnosed with nosebleeds according to the ICD10 classification were sought for in the period 1th October 2011 up to and including 30th September 2012. Nosebleeds due to any kind of trauma were excluded. Results: The total number of SNs was 152. Of these 31 were re-visits hence 121 individuals, 54 (45%) female and 67 (55%) male. The age ranged from 2 up to and including 94 years, and age composition was similar in both genders. No patients were found in the age range of 23 up to and including 36. There were 16 (13%) patients below and 105 (87%) above this age range, categorized as younger patients (YP) and older patients (OP), respectively. YP had no comorbidities and 7 needed conservative treatment using a nasal clamp or putting an ice cube in the mouth. 70 (67%) of the OP had one or more of the following conditions / comorbidities, using anticoagulant drug treatment (43 patients), hypertension (33 patients), nasal or haematological anomaly (9 patients). 35 (33%) of all OP needed no treatment, 23 (22%) were treated only conservatively and 47 (45%) with RapidRhino®. RapidRhino® was used for 10 (29%) of healthy OP and for 37 (53%) with co-morbidities. Conclusion: SN is a condition that frequently appears in EDs. However, no patients were found in the age range 23 up to and including 36, which implies that young adults are not prone to SN. YP needed only conservative treatment, whereas almost half of the OP were treated with a RapidRhino®. If the SN had not ceased spontaneously few OP benefitted from conservative treatment only, especially if they had co-morbidities. This study suggests that conservative treatments in adults are of some benefit, but other means of treatment are mostly necessary. Page 15 of 17 A46 The quality of EDIFACT referrals from primary care to the emergency department Hanne Hestbech*, Søren W Hansen, Thomas A Schmidt The Emergency Department, Holbaek, University Hospital, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A46 Background: Communication between primary care and the Emergency Department is in most cases provided through written referrals. The quality is very important to create coherent clinical courses, treatment of high quality and high satisfaction among patients. 95% of all admissions from primary care are delivered as EDIFACT, which is a secure way to send electronic post and to ensure immediate delivery. There’s already a guideline that describes the requirements to EDIFACT admissions but no studies describe the quality and the use of them. Methods: A retrospective study that included 228 patients admitted to the Emergency Department from primary care. We registered all admitted patients on 10 randomly selected weekdays in the period from the 1st of October to the 15th of December 2012. Only patients admitted from primary care via EDIFACT were included. All admissions have been thoroughly read and the content compared with the guideline. Results: 419 patients were admitted to the Emergency Department on 10 randomly selected days. Of these 419 patients 228 were admitted from primary care but only 140 (61%) were referred by EDIFACT. All referrals (100%) contained medical history, 16 admissions (11%) contained information about allergies, 44 admissions (31%) contained information about the patient’s medication and 32 admissions (23%) contained information about vital parametres. Conclusion: It may be concluded that the quality of EDIFACT referrals from primary care varies a lot, but we also registered that the guideline isn’t available for doctors in primary care. This isn’t appropriate because important information about admitted patients is lost which results in poorer clinical courses. The 1st of January 2013 new and better guidelines are published which is a good possibility to clarify the importance of EDIFACT referrals. Because of time pressure in primary care one might consider the possibility of developing a new program in which information about the patient’s medication and allergies are captured directly from the primary care charts. This might ensure that important information isn’t lost when doctors in primary care are communicating with the Emergency Department. A47 Timing of antibiotic treatment among infected patients with- and without fever - a prospective cohort study in a medical emergency department Daniel Pilsgaard Henriksen1*, Christian Borbjerg Laursen2, Annmarie Touborg Lassen1 1 Medical Emergency Department, Odense University Hospital, Denmark; 2 Department of Respiratory Diseases, Odense University Hospital, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A47 Background: Infection is one of the most frequent causes of medical admissions to the emergency department in the adult population. However not all infected patients present with fever (>38º Celsius). As early administration of antibiotic is related to improved prognosis, the aim of the study was to compare the “door-to-antibiotics” time in infected patients admitted to the medical emergency ward with- and without fever at arrival. Methods: Prospective observational cohort study of all patients admitted acutely to the medical emergency ward, Odense University Hospital (September 1st 2010 – August 31st 2011). At arrival all patients had their temperature measured (rectal). After discharge, all patient records were evaluated manually and patients with infection were identified due to the National Healthcare Safety Network criteria of infections in combination with clinical judgment where focus was clinically evident. Time of Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, Volume 21 Suppl 2 antibiotic treatment was extracted electronically from the electronic patient journal. We included all adult (≥15 years of age) patients with a first time admission of community-acquired infection within the inclusion period with a registration of antibiotics within the first 24 hours after admission (ATC: J01*). Results: There were 8133 admissions in 6257 different patients. 1987 patients fulfilled the inclusion criteria. 1003/2003 (50.5%) presented with fever and 984 (49.5%) without fever. Median age for patients with fever was 69.9 years (range 15.1-99.3 years) and without fever 76.0 years (range 15.0101.8 years, p<0.0001). Patients with fever more often were male (50.4% vs. 43.9%, p=0.004), but less often had severe comorbidity (Charlson index >2 38.7% vs. 46.3%, p=0.001) than among patients without fever. In patients with fever, the median time to antibiotic administration was 4.1 hours (IQR 2.5 - 6.3 hours) compared with patients without fever 5.9 hours (IQR: 3.7 – 9.3 hours) p<0.0001. For patients with pulmonary focus the time to antibiotics were 4.0 vs. 5.8 hours, p<0.0001 in patients with and without fever, urinary focus 4.0 vs. 6.7 hours, p<0.0001 and abdominal focus 5.2 vs. 7.8, p=0.004. Conclusion: Infected patients with fever have antibiotics administered earlier than infected patients without fever. Infected patients with fever are younger and have less severe comorbidity than infected patients who present without fever. A48 Treatment of transfusion requiring anemia in a Quick Diagnostic Unit integrated in an Emergency Department Setting Charlotte Stenqvist*, Søren Wistisen Rasmussen, Thomas Andersen Schmidt The Emergency Department, Holbaek University Hospital, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A48 Background: The establishment of a Quick Diagnostic Unit (QDU) in an Emergency Department (ED) setting has allowed expeditious blood transfusion of anaemic patients. The purpose of the study was to establish the mode of referral, describe the clientele, determine the underlying diseases and the Hb level of the referred patients. Methods: Chart review of an 8 month period. Values were given as mean ± SEM. Significance was evaluated using Student’s two-tailed t-test for unpaired observations. The level of significance was p < 0.05. Results: We found 108 patients. 71% was referred to hospital by their general practitioner and 18% of the patients came from oncological departments. In the given period we treated around 4 patients each week. 25 patients were admitted more than once, on average they came every 42nd day. Two thirds of the patients only stayed for a few hours. 55 patients had a diagnosed cancer, 29 were men and 26 were women. 53 patients had a nonmalignant disease, 26 were men and 27 were women. The mean age for oncological patients was 73.8 ± 1.3 (n = 55) years and for nonmalignant patients 75 ± 1.8 years (n = 53) (p > 0.6). Oncological patients were given SAG-M transfusions at a Hb level of 5.0 ± 0.09 mMol/L (80.4 ± 1.4 g/L). Nonmalignant patients received SAG-M at a Hb level of 4.7 ± 0.07 mMol/L (75.7 ± 1.1 g/L) (p < 0.05). On average patients with malignant disease tended to receive less blod than patients with nonmalignant diseases (p=0.06), i.e. 2.2 ± 0.1 vs. 2.5 ± 0.1 SAG-M per contact. This however in clinical practice amounts to 2 SAG-M for both patient categories. Conclusion: SAG-M transfusion may be given expeditiously in a QDU setting to elderly patients. On average oncological patients received SAG-M at a higher Hb level than other anemic patients. The transfusion tigger for patients with nonmalignant disease appears to comply with national guidelines. A49 Triage of children in an Emergency Department Dennis Graversen1*, Ann-Britt Kiholm Kirkedal2 1 Emergency Department, Holbaek Hospital, Denmark; 2Department of Paediatrics, Holbaek Hospital, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A49 Page 16 of 17 Background: To secure the best primary treatment of children a nationwide triage system has been instituted. The aim of this study was to evaluate the primary implementation in an Emergency Department(ED). Methods: Through a retrospective evaluation of medical records vital parameters and triage assessments made by an ED nurse were collected. Children younger than 13 years of age with no referral from a doctor were included (from October to December 2012) (n=127). Results: A total of 81.9% (n=104) of the children were registered with triage colour indicating the level of urgency. This was done within a mean of 26.4 minutes from time of arrival. Children younger than 1 year old were significantly more likely not to be triaged compared to children older than 1 year old RR 2.78 (95% CI 1.31-5.93) (p=0.0249). Distribution of triage was; green (lowest level) 58.3%, yellow 24.4%, orange 16.5% and red (highest level) 0.9%. In 22.1% of the patients we identified a lower triage level than given with the vital parameters . The greatest risk of being under-triaged was found among children between 3-7 years (39.4%). Conclusion: A simple and clear triage system is of great importance in order to get a well functioning triage in an ED. We showed that special attention should be given to infants to secure proper triage and that children from 3-7 years of age is at the highest risk of being undertriaged. A50 Triage of patients for emergency medical team based on pre-hospital observations Christian Melchior Olesen1*, Christian Baaner Skjærbæk2, Leif Rognås1 1 Department of Anesthesiology, Viborg Hospital, Denmark; 2Department of Medicine, Viborg Hospital, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A50 Background: Critically ill patients are likely to benefit from being received by a predefined multidisciplinary team providing a structured and well qualified initial examination and immediate treatment of lifethreatening conditions. At Viborg Hospital all critically ill non-trauma adult patients have been received by an emergency medical team (EMT) since January 1st 2012. The EMT is a preformed multidisciplinary team led by senior registrars or consultants from the Department of internal medicine and the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care. To identify those patients that should be received by EMT and ensure optimal resource utilization a triage system is necessary. Based on the triage system ADAPT, we have developed a system where data from the Emergency Medical Services form the basis for the triage. To our knowledge, no other Danish study have evaluated the use of prehospital data for the triage of unselected critically ill non-trauma patients. We aimed at evaluating the present triage model. Methods: In all EMT activations we recorded the patients’ vital status, the preliminary diagnosis and the patients’ transfer destinations when leaving the emergency department. The physicians assessed the relevance of team activation. Results: 269 AMT-activations were recorded. The activation was classified as relevant in 248 cases (92%). 141 patients (52%) were transferred to the intensive care unit. 94 patients (35%) were transferred to the emergency medical ward or the cardiology department. 8 patients (3%) were transferred to the surgical room and 7 patients (3%) were transferred directly to another hospital. Conclusion: We found that the triage-model effectively identified patients for whom EMT-activation would not be relevant. This conclusion is supported by the fact that a large proportion of the patients treated by the EMT needed intensive care. The study weakness is that we have no assessment of undertriage. In an attempt to estimate this possible undertriage, we are currently conducting a study of non-trauma patients who died or were transferred to the intensive care unit within the first 24 hours after admission to identify whether they were treated by the EMT or not. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, Volume 21 Suppl 2 A51 Use of OTC-drugs prior to Hospitalization Magnus Pedersen*, Mikkel Brabrand Sydvestjysk Sygehus, Esbjerg, Denmark E-mail: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A51 Background: Use of over the counter (OTC)-drugs is increasing and as it is poorly registered, this can lead to complications. The most commonly used OTC-drugs are analgesics and use is highest among elderly. Our study investigates the use of OTC-drugs 24 hours prior to hospitalization as well as the effect of the drugs. Methods: The junior physicians on call interviewed all patients admitted to the medical admission unit at Sydvestjysk Sygehus in Esbjerg on the use of OTC-drugs, using a modified chart template designed for the purpose. All adult patients aged 15 and older admitted over a two week period in August 2012 were included. The patients were asked about the drugs taken, dosage, indication and effect. OTC-drugs where categorised based on ATC-codes. Page 17 of 17 Results: From a total of 349 admissions 188 usable chart templates were registered (54%) and information on OTC usage was registered on 165 of these (88%). The patients were elderly (median: 70 years) and 43 reported an intake of OTC-drugs (26%). A total of 22 different OTC-drugs had been consumed with analgesics being the most widely used (74%). The majority of patients had taken the drugs on a relevant indication (88%), the most common indication being pain. Half the patients had taken the drugs in a relevant dosage (51%). Sixty percent felt an effect of the intake and the majority on pain symptoms. Conclusion: Our findings reveal that one in four patients use OTC-drugs 24 hours prior to hospitalization. Most patients use OTC-drugs relevantly and half with a positive effect. The intake is poorly registered, and there is a need for more focus on the intake of OTC-drugs to avoid potential side-effects and medicine-interactions due to this increasing intake. Cite abstracts in this supplement using the relevant abstract number, e.g.: Pedersen and Brabrand: Use of OTC-drugs prior to Hospitalization. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2013, 21(Suppl 2):A51
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