ASHINGTON TOWN COUNCIL Minutes of the Finance & General Purposes Committee Meeting held at 6pm on Tuesday, 28 October 2014, at Ashington Town Hall, Station Road, Ashington. PRESENT: Councillors: Stephen Fenwick (Chair) Victor Bridges Keith Chambers Glyn Davies Liam Lavery Louis Brown (Ex Officio) Les Alderson Vicky Brown Avril Chisholm Lawrence Henderson Wyn Stewart Mark Purvis (Ex Officio) IN ATTENDANCE: Mike Slaughter – Town Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer Stephen Humphrey – Funding & Projects Officer Sue Coulthard – Snr. Admin. Officer Cllr. Marjorie Chambers – Non-Committee Member FGP 14/473 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSCENCE Apologies were received from Councillors Maggie Lang and Kris Lavery. FGP 14/474 2. DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS Cllrs. Liam Lavery, Vicky Brown, Louis Brown and Les Alderson made disclosures of personal and prejudicial interest with regard to any discussions regarding Ashington Community Football Club. FGP 14/475 3. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING The minutes of the meeting held on 30 September 2014, were agreed and signed as a true record. FGP 14/476 4. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES 14/466 Budget Report 2013/14 : Cllr K Chambers (Chair of the Neighbourhood Partnership Board) reported that since the last meeting, he had met with Amanda Cryer, the newly appointed Northumberland ATC – Finance & General Purposes Committee – Minutes 28 October 2014 Page 1 County Council (NCC) Neighbourhood Services Team Manager for South East Northumberland. Cllr. Chambers informed members that he informed NCC that Ashington Town Council was extremely disappointed with the lack of a visible presence of Neighbourhood Officers, the lack of financial and management information forthcoming from the County Council and that there was a general emerging view that the town was not receiving the promised service enhancement. Cllr.Chambers reported that the invoice for the second half-year payment of £125,000 had been received from the County Council in accordance with the Partnership Agreement; it was requested however that this invoice be put into dispute until the issues of concern had been addressed to the satisfaction of the Town Council. Cllr.L.Brown stated that the way in which the Neighbourhood Services Partnership was being currently operated called into question the transparency, honesty and trustworthiness of the whole process. The Town Clerk reminded members that the Town Council decision to enter into a Partnership Agreement with the County Council and contribute £250k per annum towards neighbourhood services in Ashington had been made in order to provide an enhancement to those services. The Town Clerk reported that there was a clear perception under the current arrangements that the town council was funding in excess of 50% of the staffing costs of the Neighbourhood Services Team in Ashington. Following a lengthy discussion the Leader of the Council reported that he would be seeking an early meeting to discuss the current situation with NCC Leadership. It was agreed that any decision to withhold the payment to NCC of £125k be deferred until the next meeting of the Environment & Amenities Committee. 14/469 Community Feedback Day: The Town Clerk reminded members that the Community Feedback Day had been arranged for Monday, 10th November 2014. Members were informed that presentations made during the feedback sessions would inform the decision-making process during the budget preparations for 2015-2016. Cllr.Chambers encouraged as many members as possible to attend the event. ATC – Finance & General Purposes Committee – Minutes 28 October 2014 Page 2 FGP 14/477 5. SMALL GRANTS AND DONATIONS The following requests for financial support were submitted for consideration by the Committee: Ashington Woodhorn Lane Ladies Football Club Friends of Ashington Community Woods Resolved: That: (i) A decision regarding Ashington Woodhorn Lane Ladies Football Club be deferred pending further information being obtained; and that (ii) A grant of £200 be made to the Friends of Ashington Community Woods FGP14/478 6. SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS The Town Clerk submitted a full schedule of payments, made in accordance with Council and Committee resolutions, for the period 26 September - 23 October 2014. Resolved: That the full schedule of payments for the period 26 September to 23 October 2014, be agreed as set out below: W.L.Straughan & Sons (Full Roadway/Footpath Works - Nursery Park Allotment Site) S.Humphrey (Crockery and Office Equipment - Town Hall Remscheid Room) D.G.Allan ("We Steal Flyers" - music performance - Town Twinning Visit) D.G.Allan ("We Steal Flyers" - music performance - Town Twinning Visit) - CANCELLED M.Allan ("We Steal Flyers" - music performance - Town Twinning Visit) Tino's Deli (Buffet - Town Twinning hosting event) W.L.Straughan & Sons (Fly Tipping/Hazardous Waste & Asbestos Removal - High Market Allots.) Northumberland County Council (Fuel Costs/Neighbourhood Services Van) Lyreco UK Ltd (Printing & Stationery) Lyreco UK Ltd (Printing & Stationery) - CANCELLED - Reissued as 300901 Viking Direct (Stationery) Institute of Fundraising (Annual Membership 2014/15) CNC Property Fund Management Ltd (Lease Rental - Half-Year, Hirst East End Allotments Site) 8,439.60 193.46 300.00 -300.00 300.00 500.00 1,783.68 80.69 54.00 -54.00 41.89 102.00 550.00 ATC – Finance & General Purposes Committee – Minutes 28 October 2014 Page 3 Altodigital Networks Ltd (IT Helpdesk Support/Extended Parts Warranty) Lyreco UK Ltd (Printing & Stationery) Citroen Contract Monitoring (Leasing Costs- Neighbourhood Services Van) Action for Children (Room Booking - Children's Centre) Northumberland County Council (Pay Costs - October 2014) National Office Furniture Supplies (Town Hall - Office Furniture - ATC Offices) National Office Furniture Supplies (Town Hall - Office Furniture - ATC Offices/Remscheid Room) National Office Furniture Supplies (Town Hall - Office Furniture - ATC Offices/Remscheid Room) De Lage Landen leasing Ltd (Rental of Photocopier) Star Framing (Gifted Remscheid Prints - Town Hall Offices) W.L.Straughan & Sons (Asbestos Removal - Seaton Hirst Allotment Site) W.L.Straughan & Sons (Additional Works - Asbestos Removal - High Market Allots.) BT Payment Services Ltd (ADSL Line - ATC Email/IT Service) BT Payment Services Ltd (ATC Office Line) Ashington & Hirst Allotment Society (Green Lane Allotment Site - Hire of Skips) 257.40 54.00 305.42 112.50 9,807.98 222.00 537.60 331.34 372.84 65.00 1,231.20 360.00 98.64 98.64 510.00 26,355.88 INCOME RECEIPTS. Bank Interest for the qtr ended 30 September 2014 FGP 14/479 7. -178.51 TOWN TWINNING – PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT WITH REMSCHEID The Town Clerk reported that, further to the successful hosting of town twinning visits, over the past few years, the time was now appropriate for consideration to be given to the drafting of a new formal Town Twinning Partnership Agreement with Remscheid. The Town Clerk reported that the recent visit by the Luttringhausen Parish Brass Band was within the spirit of modern town twinning in bringing citizens and organisations together. Members were informed that the Band had made its own arrangements and borne the cost of travel and accommodation and had also drawn up their own agenda and timetable. The Town Council had helped facilitate and host parts of the visit, picking up the costs of two of the events (a welcome at Woodhorn Museum and a farewell buffet meal) and sharing the cost of a further event with Newbiggin-by-the-Sea Town Council. The Town Clerk informed members that a further visit from Remscheid delegates was to take place early in November in order to discuss the formalisation of a school exchange ATC – Finance & General Purposes Committee – Minutes 28 October 2014 Page 4 partnership with the Northumberland Church of England Academy in Ashington. The Town Clerk suggested that the Town Council leadership might take the opportunity of the forthcoming visit to have discussions with the Remscheid leadership regarding the content and commissioning of a new Town Twinning Charter. Resolved: That: (i) The Town Clerk be asked to hold informal discussions with the Remscheid Delegates concerning the drawing up and wording of a new formal Town Twinning Charter between the towns of Ashington, Remscheid and Newbiggin-by-the-Sea, (ii) Further to satisfactory discussions, the Town Clerk investigate the possibility of commissioning a calligrapher to produce copies of the Charter; and that (iii) The overall cost, and sharing arrangements, be considered as part of the 2015/16 Budget discussions. FGP 14/480 8. ASHINGTON INFORMATION ON-LINE The Town Clerk read out a letter of request received from Sir John Hall, Chair of Ashington Town Team. Members were informed that the request was that Ashington Town Council consider providing the Town Team with an enhanced webpage within the Town Council’s website. The Town Clerk informed members that, although the request was not contentious in any way, it was important that the information was properly managed and that there was a clear distinction between the role of the Town Council and the Town Team. The Town Clerk reported that the Town Council needed to properly manage any related risk and it was important that shared information related to positive stories and facts about Ashington. ATC – Finance & General Purposes Committee – Minutes 28 October 2014 Page 5 Members were informed that some of the work suggested by the Town Team included an enhanced Ashington history section, information on “Local Heroes” and a general business listing, all non-contentious items. In response to a question, the Town Clerk explained that this did not mean that the Town Team would be in a position to post its own views on the Town Council website – any additions and/or amendments to the website would still be directly controlled by the Town Council staff. Resolved: That: (i) the Town Clerk be authorised to hold informal discussions with Ashington Town Centre Manager regarding plans for the further development of the Town Council website; and that (ii) The extent of any website development and any related cost be considered as part of the 2015/16 budget discussions. FGP 14/481 9. REVIEW OF TOWN COUNCIL POLICIES The Town Clerk reported that, following recent legislative changes, primarily the publication of the Openness of Local Government Bodies & Regulations 2014 (Open & Accountable Local Government), there was a need to review the Town Council’s current Policies including the Standing Orders and Financial Regulations. The Town Clerk suggested that a Working Group be set up to undertake this work early in the New Year. Resolved: That: (i) A Working Group be set up to review and, where appropriate, revise the current Town Council policies, (ii) Membership of the Working Group to consist of the Town Clerk and the following members:Mark Purvis; Les Alderson; Avril Chisholm; Keith ATC – Finance & General Purposes Committee – Minutes 28 October 2014 Page 6 Chambers; Lawrence Henderson and Stephen Fenwick; and that (iii) Draft policies be presented to the Finance & General Purposes Committee for consideration and approval. FGP 14/482 10. ANY OTHER URGENT BUSINESS Council Tax Support Scheme 2015/16: The Town Clerk reported that he had received a letter from Stephen Mason (NCC Lead Executive Director) concerning the Central Government Council Tax Support Scheme. The Town Clerk reported that the letter outlined that, within the current “fiscal squeeze and austerity” climate, the Government had left the County Council with no scope to address any adverse financial impact of the proposed Council Tax Support Scheme. Members were advised that in effect, as the Government had not provided any “ring-fenced” grant to NCC to support any protection for Town and Parish Council’s, then no grant would be payable in 2015/16, as had been the case in 2014/15, when the Town Council was deprived of an approximate £80K grant support. The Town Clerk reported that it was the Government’s view that funding had been provided to billing authorities nationally to protect Town and Parish Council’s and that, although not “ringfenced”, they expected that it would be distributed. Members were reminded that the situation had arisen as there was no provision in Local Government Finance legislation for direct Central Government grant support to Town and Parish Council’s. The Town Clerk informed members that the position regarding forwarding of grant monies was not consistent across the country and that 31 billing authorities, including Northumberland, did not forward any grant money to Town and Parish Council’s in 2014/15. Members were informed that the Local Government Minister (Kris Hopkins) was to write to the billing authorities who had not forwarded grant money in 2013/14 to remind them of the Central Government expectation that there would be local support for all affected Town and Parish Council’s. The Town Clerk stated that this matter should be monitored and discussed further within the budget preparation process. ATC – Finance & General Purposes Committee – Minutes 28 October 2014 Page 7 FGP 14/483 11. DATE, TIME AND VENUE FOR THE NEXT MEETING Tuesday, 25th November 2014 at 6:00pm in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Ashington, NE63 8RX. The meeting ended at 7.20pm. ATC – Finance & General Purposes Committee – Minutes 28 October 2014 Page 8
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