.~ , FED RA . N GARIT GAZETT OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRAnC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA f,r: 'DDT 4:TC ?'\r ",,-fa "nil ."h.... t .,.-, f7i.~ Rh.-)·f'A-' 1..u.1\~ "l'l"ht-I\f"t tT-flA.h f.lllH1 ·r-mJlf''f 9""hC Ito)' IM-t'l'}' rdJlI) ,.".. CONTENTS fI}~Ii'"1. Regulation No. 31312014 ~,}11 cf:TC I:rn~/~7i.1 ~.~ {lC~'} fh.·l-r-A', h.'Hill,""on'},"" h.'friit,l- uo 1'}' ttOOf.O'} "7**"'1.' 'hCi rh.,.,.r-k, r~~~t'l·l-C":r· rtJc (1 •.,. ~ 111. ....... .. ................................ 1~ ~i1'.QI·;r~ r n-1-C"l- ,..hC 0.-1- 20111 Year No. 63 ADDIS ABABA 14" August, 2014 ~'}{I ~TC r Ethiopian Investment Board and the Ethiopian Investment Commission Establishment Council of Ministers Regulation ........................ Page 7487 COlJN CIL OF MINISTERS REGlJAL TION No.313/2014 1f/i. i fb.+rkt b/}OOTOU1+ (lC1:1 "-<j Vb.tr*"t ""J"Ot001+ tJaIJ. "liJ") 001f**r V(lJt!J f"'L).IITc'f rhC o.t ,(111 r"Y.~t'l·.,.C':r· rhc 0,,'" f J\.·rr-k.f ~~~"re l.'I"ht-c\.f'l! 6 T·Otth hll~Y."? h"" ,.,..') pIA (1) ')e;' .,...,qc: "DO au' 0) fl (J)a, m- h tp :t: <f.: TC ~ .~ j?iI ~ 70: ((JhCP~ +'TC ;t .~~:/~7i.?; ",~.,.~·i·i "m-) h #}~",. ?; "he; fA!; unill/. •.,. ,Iir} ~')'fl hm-'J';l:A I: COUNC IL OF MINISTERS REGUALTJON TO PROVIDE FOR THE ESTABLJSHME T OF TH E ETHIOPIAN INVESTMENT BOARD AND THE ETH IOPIAN INVESTMENT COMMISSION This Regulation is issued by the Council of Minist rs pursuant to Article 5 and 35 of the Definition of Powers and Duties of the Executive Organs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Proclamation No. 691/2010 (as amended by Proclamation No. 803 /2013). PART ONE GENERAL li. b~C C60 1. Short Title ,eo" .f.'HI "fh.,·)·f-A f h.1nit·)'ou'H· {lC1.' I n:>oO·l·ou'H· fho,l·r-A'! 0.+ fot ~()+Cl" SJUhC taot7i'> he;' 0If**17'l/.! 1.111 ~'J'C en:e/fi'i.~" +11,,", t\.m.,.r. J!.l'·"A:: r.TC!}"'! f ~". 2. Definitions ftA n?fJlI OO·""'C iiI This Regulation may be cited as the "Ethiopian Investment Board and the Ethiopian Investment Commission Establishment Council of Ministers Regulation No. 313/2014". (lilt} "~'f'1:" ·)·C'1·?D fOlf.,t\mlD' 'IAtf~ In this Regulation unless the context otherwise .v:Hl lD'r.'1': reqUlres: owtl\') lf~YlIi\~ ~'H'_'''7i7i'') Vh.'Hir.·}-ou·)-} (flh'P1. .. m- I 4!'1'C n'P~ 4!1'C 1I "Proclamation" means the Investment ~t~j!fI7t~ www.chilot.me Proclamation No. 769/2012 (as amended by Proclamation No. 849/2014); I/"rh."}lihTOO"}T R.1-fI" DlilT rh. "}lill*0II1+ aynl;l-~SDT'i Iah1C Q/UJl1-fT (Dol'll}' 21 "Investment Regulation" means the Investment Incentives and Investment Areas Reserved for '.,.hl\k , ~Ir OOMT 'trt~-l'C'T ~hC Domestic R.T 4!'1'C Regulation No. 27012012 (as amended by ,""HI rIll/fi'll t:/cnt"}a;:lD-r ffi:lr7i.c 4!'I'C ~ ,,}"1"7i7ill) O(l)"~ (""'Hl "(1)- i Council of Ministers Regulation No. 312/2014); r·~'1i'1?-lD' 1(:J- Investors ffl.·}·1r 3/ any expression in the masculine gender includes the feminine . .e,;Q,rirA: : o-la+ ht;:A PART TWO THE ETHIOPIAN INVESTMENT BOARD fh.+r-kt h.11illo).oo1+ (ICY: f.~~ 3. Establishment f 11. -l-r-k f h.'}oil-). oo"}·). (lC1: (htl. u 0'1" "(Ie,.,,, Af'''1)1a fDtmlr) Otl U 1.. '}-O ·t-<J:41t1}A:: The Ethiopian Investment Board (hereinafter the "Board ') is hereby established. Ji. file... hq4\+ 4. Members II tIC"'- fD1J.h1"t\-o). nflt\..}· ~.lj?:J-A:· or tbe Board 11 The Board shall have the following members: II) mo}-t\.e Dt ~ ... -l'O?.......................... f""l""- i ") Omtl\.e DIJ. "t.il'}'O?, fDIJ.flrr a) toe Prime Minister ....... . ... Chairperson; foo,,}"1F-l.. b) a government official to be designated by the Prime Minister ..................... .. :Yt-c. .. ............................ rn·l·A ""'ttfl! tit) Om~t\.e D1J. "t.1l'~? fDIJ.flfoo- foo"}"'/P'}' ............................. Vice Chairperson; ~k9'T ....................................nfl"·}· l c) government officials to be designated by the Prime Minister ................. Members; 21 The Commission shall serve as the Secretariat of the Board. ~. fpc+ P'A1IJl5 +,qc 5. Powers and Duties of the Board The Board shall: flC,Il.:· 6/ Oh'P)t: h1+2t ~fi he; h""lflfl qt\TCO- I\.t\ol· 1/ exercise its powers and duties specified under h 1)l o-r h'7f1f1 ql'\T(J)o Article 29 and other relevant provisions of the fh'P)I: 1:,,} ;J1J1l1' fh.')7illToo"}"). ~AII)1'i 1""1CiC"l- II A.,~It~,,"l. ~.t: t)"loi: ,.,,}-o l .f.Wlt'i"Al 1:"};J1J1l'f /PI,. Proclamation as weU as under the relevant r1""m'T"} provisions of the Investment Regulation; itt. f(l)'''A! l,oy1,(, 2/ establish, as may be necessary. investment ~~;L)o;J':fm-') advisory committees; define mandates of the r h. 1nil·ron '}."" .r5t.'"IA. "'ofI"(t1D~:ftD'1t; h'1"·1:1 committees and designate their chairpersons and members . .f.li.e "7A 1% www.chilot.me Federal Negant Gazette No.63 14'" August, 2014 ... Page 7489 I. rllc~ "''''flQP'l ~I (lC ~ OmC ilfl~"1. 6. Meetings of the Board If'i'" Ii The Board shall meet once every month; fl. 'l1 OD1l'l':f£D-'" 'l.ti. ftflOfl ... provided however, that it may meet at any 'l.ti. il ')1: If.." .e:r-"A:: f,flOflClA ! time where necessary. r.1 h"lD1l7i 01\,('. ft7lJ.lf"t- r(lc.';. ilfll\')' Ofl-oflQ 2/ There shall be quorum where more than half h·t-'ll- "'A"'J- 'rllh. ,(',If'l'A:: of the members of the Board are present at any meeting. t'l f(lC~ £D-""l.p'l· ""0,., f:1JD1, -0 A no). (I.(-"'K' fA'i."· i ?th·A O?th-A f''''h~1t ?t,)f.lf~ 3/ Decisions of the Board shall be passed by majority fl-o"O.£D- flTll.1. "I/,. £D- £D-" 'I. fA 'i. A : : vote; in case of a tie, the Chairperson shall have a casting vote. QI ftlu ,,"+K' (lC~ 1:'):n.p'l- ?t'}j~''''mn~ lf~£D- 4/ Without prejudice to the provisions of this ffl-ofll} F"FCh~l' 1.')-0 Article, the Board may adopt its own rules f&-. ....·) ftfrotJ) ,('.l·I\A:: of procedure for conducting meetings. htt:A Y'....'t rh.TV"*" t PART THREE h. 1iihTou'}T ,...", "Ii') THE ETHIOPIAN INVESTMENT COMMISSION I. "..~~,. ?il r h. ,""r- k ,£I h. 10'" '''''001''''' ttOlf. 01 (h.lU "tlO?,. OT' 11:\1\ flOJo~''''' Y"tD- on ')0' p' ,.,.. f~mt.) "r,,.1l1t f;J!" &-''''' 00 p'{, 7. Esta blishment ]I The Ethiopian Investment Commission f;"., (hereinafter the "Commission") is hereby r4Y..~A established as an autonomous federal Y lL''''' lI''i 0 II. U Y..') of) government office having its own legal ,,.*4:"lA I: ~I personality . ·hnt~·': 1101f.0'" "m:""" Dt).It,l-<. 2/ ~1fC;A: : ~. CP5 ooe?! the Prime Minister. o.t 8. Head Office ftl-CIf.,. tpC; oop'ty "'}~"~"'. 'l": 1J}t,'r '''mt o..} (Joyc;:fOJor ~,n~ ..,.. OhJlIt hOI} lf~ P't;:&-. hfl''''~y'C The Commission shall have its head office in :"C')-t.tj: Addis Ababa and may have branch or liaison 0.'' ' t\.~lOJ- t,TI\A:: office elsewhere, as may be necessary. 9. Objective jJ.~ fte.",7i.,. The Commission shall be accountable to '}I'\t7IJ ~1.\K''l' PC'}·)·'} +A"l~ fh '}tih'}'ou1T '''"1Cl&-''£ o "'11: l"1 "''}tifl'}'oo,)')'') dlJOl;t- ;t-~}-'l' CllJh4-~T f,1fC;A:: The Commission shall have the objective to implement transparent and investment administration system and thereby encourage and expand investment. www.chilot.me efficient ?:il.Hl ~,M.. 4.U-A ),.:J6·}- .'JIl.nt o/l.,.C & t4''' M7i.~ 'l.r Federal Negaril Gazette No . 63 14th August, 2014 .. . Page 7490 t,qc I. fllD1.7i'" eAtfJ1S 10. Powers and Duties of the Commission 11-,:,n· : The Commission shaH: ?;:s ?i/Oh'P:(. "')."",. "h€f "d/ll,n ll":':m- 1/ exercise its powers and duties specified f"tp~ under 1\,1\"1' 1:':J'LsP1' "h 'Jtl"~ 1Ih.'Hill,}-un"},.,. ~',n "d/ll'lI ll"=.:m- .~·):J'L?J1' f'"' 'm-'' ' Article 28 and other relevant provisions of the Proclamation as well as under the p'tvrr1'1 ,,,o/llC':'"' p,t,. ",f', fm""A: relevant provisions of the Investment Regulation; ~I (Dolt). 9):-Y' UlJuotf9)-:'"'e; 21 execute directives and decisions of the (JOWJ.rm " h;J' :fmo fl.I\" :,". Investment Board, and follow up their (lC~') fh:Hifl,'"uo'},.,. ,f'. ~.",. OIJ A -: implementations by other relevant organs; ilf.".}-yu ul)."o/lJt,.:I:m-') ,f'.h;J··'·"A: 1:1 f'HIt.·'" Y,IJ'e;A.. llI\O.'''' moA 31 own property, enter into contract, sue and Y,'PlI'''A: be sued in its own name; tlflon. Y,hltA: ,f'.h...ltA: 'I'II'''I~ ·""/ll/.-,·}-'} 41 undertake other related activities that are rlTl'".rfl~"A·" fl.I\0-:;" #1 f}"f'7m·'} haNI fl OIJ 1: t.fl conducive ,rh'lm''IA:: to the attainment of its objective. Ui.ffl"7.. 7f~ h~1JD 11. Organization of the Commission '.'"I:1i 'I- : The Commission shall have: ?i/fllm'}O/~"'}- h'}.~ fll'l.;-'·on o "h'}f."fl~."·I."·I: 9"h·l'A \1 a Commissioner and, as may be necessary, JltIIl.7i~r.e; Deputy Commissioners to be appointed by the Government; and J1f"l:Ii.,C'-:,",: "he; 21 12. Powers and Duties of the Commissioner If .fll"'l.1i.,? eA"l1'i' "...,qC ?il J•''''. "Ii', c;, IIlm«") 1m 1m t..r "lmt,A: r 1I'"I:ii ., 11''1 line .~. tI"'I.(}tnoJ< ImlPI.'} ~A't,. "fl~.~'"I, II The Commissioner shall be the chief executive officer'of the Commission and shall, "m.P"" fJI'"I:Ii.,· '} .rll·'·}L~/,.A: the necessary staff. subjt;!ct to the general directions of the Board, ~ ..' t,. 9' ":t'. direct and administer the activities of the : Commission. f#.1 1111." 1,'},,'?': '}h-fl h')e""" hm:~"', 11) fllI.1I h""fl"" f.·HI rJI·"(Ii.",) (M f"'uDflJI'I'm "'}F,.·hnll.,. ,,'H-"" p'A"r}e; '; 21 Without limiting the generality of sub-article IJ'li r·,'unflh·,:,""'} , ·'·'"IIlt,.·}- lip-I., ( 1) of this Article, the Commissioner shall: a) exercise the powers and duties of the Commission stated under Article this Regulation; "y, .rm-"A: www.chilot.me 10 of fJ4I.~~A ".at Y: ..7~ 1\) f1lDt1f)'1 ftii.A "cii... A1-\.,.?D f taDt "Ii).'} ~~ I\.e ODlPl:l''e OOD'} accordance with the federal civil service 1ll\OD-.f?J:f'} laws and, in the case of employees engaged "Cu.,.. ooCl1' ?J":f. "I'" "r .e+'I'~A: flO?,...t R,.., l} 1\ o? c\7(A OOW£ 1.1::" b)employ and administer employees engaged in support services of the Commission in ,'h"~ ODlPl·l fOW£LPO?"," fl....Y.IrA lP&.''''lf~ UD UD /'.f ,'h-)":f'} in the core functions of the Commission~ in ·,.h·rl\o accordance with directives approved by the I.·r Government following the basic principles noW of the federal civil service laws; .fll",.Pr J.1:t--A -: n:e:-r c) prepare and submit to the Office of the hH;J:f-f t'\(fl-l-,..e DYI:,.iI-}C ~ thL-}' fk}' Prime Minister the work program and ".,.CllA j f\R.e:-l-r -I'"?lllr'f ff.C;Jl\ i budget of the Commission, and implement th) ftlaIJ.71.,., f F Ir TC'"?lrr'l same upon approval; 00) I\tlDt7i.,. 0-I'L"".lD- 0:e:+C; f Fir d) effect payments in accordance with the TC"llrr ootl/..}, htj"!,~:r·, f.L~DYlA j approved budget and work program of the Commission; IP) hY"' hi';;: CD1lj":f ;JC O"'l. f. I. 1- "? -rf.,.,. T e) represent the Commission in its dealings with third parties; tlaIJ.7i.,., .f.CDhl\A! 6TC.y· "f nL~1.9"O'1 f Fir I.) fl1a1J.7i't-1 n";J ~.y, t'\(fl-l- I\.f. f) prepare and submit to the Office of the f'l"'l-o Prime DYI. ".iI-}·C oom1 I\h-l- I\t-"'l. 7i"r Fir ""l\ 1'~ 'I Otllf.fhL l\"I Fl\"l1'1 ~k~TC; ''''?ll~'} perfonnance and financial reports of the Commission; ~fhL'}' fl.-}' '."CllA:: rI tl"t 7i"~ Minister the (lh~.l\ u-'Ir-I'?'f'if 3/ The Commissioner may delegate part of his t'\JlO1J."/i.,. OlD-tJA'1 {ttl1' powers and duties to other officers and staff of I the Commission to the extent necessary for the .el-I\l\:: efficient performance of the activities of the Commission. If. R~+ 13. Budget fte"'l.7i'" o:e:·}, floo1"1F'}' f.oof.llt\:: The budget of the CommissIOn shall be allocated by the Government. ! . M'L"''''' oull.,il.). il te""l.11'" f-I'a:t~'1 14. Books of Accounts '}'hht\;;: ftf.,. f'l:"-o ootJ'?ll'}' .f..f.11A:: II The Commission shall keep complete and accurate books of accounts. www.chilot.me lit"" lJ.t.A );M+ ::>I&.n, .1"C ~ )"'A ~+, mi"t.r II ftJtnt7l'f. f'l."''''' ODtf~i)+'I "'Hi) 'Ih ".,JI."f O~'I~ ~~TC m~r ~'I~ FcdcraI Neprit Gazette No. 63 14· August. 2014 ... . Pate 7492 21 The books of accounts and financial documents of the Commission shall be ~~TC audited annually by the Auditor General or Otnt"~ou~ ~~ TC O'~OD1: ~oul.oulrft-:: . by an auditor assigned by the Auditor General. I~. 'Till htt:A 11&-0+ PART FOUR A ~ A ~ 1:1:n.p'T MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 15. Repealed Regulation .("H) '0''':''00',,,,, "'F..1" F..,.. . ~-rC f1\.:",.I:)' h. 1..~'c\ "'I**DtJ' fDt'kh:"C":f rhc ft:" rl~i!lfl7l~ ",F.. 1" ft·.,.. F..,.,.. "'*~'I" ~-rC f"fJ~CD- f1\.:"fol:J' h.'}O''':''OD':'' 1..1:,.... ou.,...,.:f" ~y'~sP:f fJflU Ii. ~.,o- .eu F..,.,.. hcpllIO:" +' O~F..IrA Agency Re establishment Council of Ministers Regulation The rights and obligations of the Ethiopian Investment Agency re-established under the Council of Ministers Regulation No. 269/2012 are hereby transferred to the Commission. I\flDt7i.,. "'''A~''AI: 17. Effective Date f"tKIiO:" 1.11. F..'1I Investment 16. Transfer of Rights and Obligations 11. fODil-f'T'i j&:!-P'J- ou.,.""§; rhc Ethiopian No. 269/201 2 is hereby repealed. ~1~i!/f17t~ fJflU 1l"~ +7it!:A:: 0"7.th:"C":f The ".76:" .71L"l ""rC" f2\1i .e.lfIiAI: :J"""'I" This Regulation shall enter into force on the date of publication in the Federal Negarit Gazette. Done at Addis Ababa, this 14th day of August, 2014 ~~A"CJ'''' ~"'A~ HAILEMARIAM DESSALEGN fh.+r-kJ' 4~1r"'I! .tS,,'fDhlrc\J''I! PRIME MINISTER OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA 6TofJA.h m~".e '"l. til:"C www.chilot.me
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