Full Time Reserve Service Leaflet PDF 110.02 kb

Army Personnel Centre
MP 587, Kentigern House, 65 Brown Street, GLASGOW G2 8EX
0141 224 2689 /
53229(4561) 2689 / 5322
FTRS Potential Applicants
D/APC/434/(CM Ops)
25 Nov 2014
TA Regulations Chapter 10 (link on the website).
Welcome to this aide-memoir, it is intended to provide guidance to personnel seeking
Full Time Reserve Service (FTRS) or extending their existing engagements where they are
already serving on FTRS. FTRS personnel provide a valuable contribution in terms of military
output, however FTRS is an engagement, and there is no stand-alone FTRS career structure.
Individuals applying for FTRS are reminded that they are subject to Military Law while serving
on FTRS and are expected to perform duties similar to Regular Army personnel at their unit.
This Aide Memoir is set out in the normal chronological order of events, from application
through to termination.
FTRS Employment Opportunities
The employment situation for FTRS personnel is very dynamic. Whilst some career
employment groups are always short of personnel, others are well manned with only occasional
vacancies. The medium that lends itself best to advertising vacancies is the internet and the full list
of posts available for FTRS can be found on the RAOL. Details of all posts available to Reservists
are contained in the Reserve Assignment Opportunities List (RAOL). Applications may only be
submitted for appointments that have been advertised on the RAOL. Please check this regularly for
opportunities as the list is normally updated every weekend.
The Application Process
The sole method of applying for FTRS is to submit an FTRS application form (AFE 20045).
Application forms are available the FTRS websites listed at the end of this document. Members of
the Army Reserve (formerly TA) must submit their applications through their Army Reserve Units,
and their applications must be counter-signed by the TA Commanding Officer or nominated
representative. The form gives instructions on submission.
Once received applications will be acknowledged (normally by email within 5 days of receipt if
senders have not requested a delivery receipt on their email) and are considered ‘live’ until either
employment is confirmed or applicants are otherwise advised in writing. Where an email address is
provided, all correspondence will be by email. Personnel should be aware that applications do not
always result in a job offer. They should not jeopardise any current employment until a firm offer in
the form of an FTRS Commitment has been made. Only the FTRS Section can make a firm offer of
FTRS employment, although employing units can advise applicants of how they were placed on the
board subject to confirmation by APC CM Ops.
When the job advert closes, FTRS Section will send board packs to the Point of contact for
the Employing Unit selection Board. Boards can be held at Units, Regional Appointment Boards or
within the APC, depending on the appointment. The packs contain copies of individual(s) application
forms, Manning Profile Sheet, the last 3 confidential reports available and CVs if these have been
requested in the advert. The Board results are assured by FTRS Section and applicants notified of
the result as soon as possible.
The tenure of FTRS posts falls into two categories:
Lifed posts are funded for a set time and are typically for 6 to 24 months duration.
Enduring posts are permanently funded and the commitment is initially for 2 years with
extensions of up to 5 years thereafter.
The NRA for both officers and soldiers, whether in a lifed or enduring post will be 60 years.
Pre Employment Procedures
The start to end process for FTRS applications is normally between 8 to 12 weeks for the
majority of cases. That is to say, eight weeks from the initial advert date to the first day of the
Induction Course at RTMC Chilwell. This eight week target requires considerable co-operation from
applicants who will be required to attend a Preparation Day at RTMC Chilwell early within the eight
week period. Personnel who have been provisionally selected for appointments will receive a letter
advising them to contact RTMC Chilwell to load them onto the FTRS Preparation day; this must be
within 3 weeks of being advised of selection. Personnel may not attend the RTMC FTRS
Preparation day unless they have been advised that they have been provisionally selected by FTRS
When an application has been accepted, provisional employment found and the Preparation
Day at RTMC satisfactorily completed, and a number of other staff checks have been completed, an
offer of employment (known as the FTRS Commitment) will be forwarded to the applicant for
signature and return, (this must be witnessed by a commissioned officer). In some circumstances it
is possible that the offer of employment may differ slightly from that applied for due to changing
requirements, for instance the tenure offered may be shorter or longer. The commitment will
normally contain salary and pension details with details of any pension abatements (if required) and
a copy of the Job Spec.
Personnel who are offered FTRS commitments should read the commitment carefully. If
satisfactory they should sign the commitment in the presence of a serving officer (RN, Army or RAF)
and return the original signed commitment to FTRS Section.
Following receipt of the Commitment by FTRS Wing, agreed and signed by the applicant, the
Unit will be informed and the necessary JPA action taken to initiate pay etc. Assignment Orders are
not generally issued. Personnel should not anticipate commencing FTRS until a commitment has
been signed and witnessed by a serving officer.
FTRS Terms and Conditions Whilst in Service
Full details of the terms and conditions of service for personnel are to be found in the TA
Regulations, Chapter 10, which is available on the website as is the application form. Website
details at foot of page. FTRS personnel are posted to a specific appointment within a unit. They
should normally be employed in the appointment stated, and may not be moved to alternative
employment without authority of MS Reserves at the APC. Personnel serving on FTRS (FC) are
liable to serve with their units, in the appointments specified in their posting order, in any part of the
world. Personnel serving on FTRS (FC) in units may be nominated by that unit as an augmentee for
short notice deployment, exercise or operational tour, in the same way as a Regular officer or
Rank and Promotion
FTRS is a fixed term commitment, in the substantive rank held by the individual. It is not
intended to be and is not managed as a career stream. Promotion is not possible except in rare and
unusual circumstances. A full explanation of the promotion process for FTRS personnel is
contained in TA Regulations, Chapter 10. Local Rank may not be granted to FTRS Personnel
Individuals may volunteer for a post or appointment of lower rank in which case they are
voluntarily revert to the appropriate lower rank for the duration of the commitment.
Officers and soldiers serving on FTRS may be permitted to hold acting rank with the authority
of MS Reserves or receive substitution pay in accordance with normal rules as they apply to regular
officers and soldiers. Acting promotion will normally only be granted to officers and soldiers who are
qualified to hold the rank, and will only be granted for that period of the commitment that requires
acting rank to be held. Acting rank may not be authorised for the higher rank in a ranged post.
Appraisal Reports
Appraisal Reports are to be raised for FTRS personnel in a similar manner as Regular
personnel. Personnel serving on FTRS should ensure that reports are raised and where necessary
inform their local Chain of Command where reports are not raised.
Premature Termination of FTRS
FTRS personnel are strongly encouraged to complete the commitment period agreed. Any
application for premature termination of FTRS should give at least 6 months notice. Note that
terminal leave is lost where personnel voluntarily prematurely terminate their FTRS commitment.
Alternative FTRS Employment
If applications are received in a timely manner it is possible to arrange ‘back to back’ tours,
with no requirement to re-attend the RTMC Induction Course.
FTRS personnel may apply to extend in their current appointment up to a maximum of 60
months. Applications on AFE 20047 must be staffed and supported by the employing unit. Any such
application will be considered by the Army Personnel Centre and individuals will be notified whether
they have been accepted for extension. Provision must be made for unsuccessful applications that
will require the applicant to terminate employment on the original date notified in the commitment.
Where FTRS wish to terminate on the due date, or are advised by FTRS Wing that further
employment is not possible, then arrangements to dismount through RTMC are to be made. Full
details of the dismount procedure will be advised to units approximately 7 months prior to the last
day of service. All post operational tour leave (POTL), accrued annual leave and FTRS terminal
leave must be taken before the last day of FTRS. Individuals who believe that their employing unit is
not taking adequate steps to ensure that they receive their entitled leave prior to their last paid day of
FTRS are to bring this to the attention of their local Chain of Command.
DS Reid