Change of care arrangements form Current students Return completed form to: Reception Student Administration Students do not complete this page. Start completing the form on page 2. Please ensure that you have attached all the necessary documents. It may take up to 14 days from date of receipt of this completed document to approve your request. Section to be retained by Monash College Form received by: __________________ MCPL stamp Date:____________________________ Checklist: Section 2: parent has signed Section 3: If living with Family Friend, copy of Statutory Declaration and Photo ID attached Section 4: Parent and caregiver have signed Section 4: Copy of confirmation of accommodation arrangement attached Section 4: If living with Family Friend, copy of Statutory Declaration and Photo ID attached Section to be retained by student Form received by: __________________ MCPL stamp Date:____________________________ Checklist: Section 2: parent has signed Section 3: If living with Family Friend, copy of Statutory Declaration and Photo ID attached Section 4: Parent and caregiver have signed Section 4: Copy of confirmation of accommodation arrangement attached Section 4: If living with Family Friend, copy of Statutory Declaration and Photo ID attached IMPORTANT: This section indicates receipt of ‘Under 18 change of care arrangements form’. It does not validate its content, accuracy and/or approval. Your application will be assessed and you will be informed of the outcome by email. Official approval from Monash College will be documented on page 3. CRICOS provider: Monash College 01857J ACN: 064 031 714 CRICOS provider: Monash College 01857J ACN: 064 031 714 For information please refer to: Section 1. Student personal details Monash ID number:____________________________ Current course:____________________________ Family name:_________________________________ Given name:______________________________ Telephone: Mobile: __________________________________ ______________________________ Date of birth:_________________________________ Email address:_____________________________ Passport number:_____________________________ Nationality (as per passport):__________________ Current caregiver guardian’s name:_________________________________________ Current caregiver company (if applicable:____________________________________ Section 2. To be completed by parent Parent or legal custodian details Full Name:______________________________ Address:________________________________ Telephone:__________________________ Mobile:_________________________________ Email address: ______________________ Relationship to student: ____________________ Passport number:_____________________ Nationality:______________________________ I approve the change of care arrangements / accommodation below. ✓ Please tick as required Change of caregiver/guardianshipservice Complete section 3 Change of accommodation Complete section 4 Parent signature:____________________ Date:________________________ OFFICIAL APPROVAL MONASH COLLEGE USE ONLY – DO NOT COMPLETE THIS SECTION Approved Authority name: Date: Authority title: HAS home inspection date (if applicable): Authority signature: CRICOS provider: Monash College 01857J ACN: 064 031 714 Section 3. Change of caregiver/guardian ✓ Please tick and complete only one option Relative aged over 21: This arrangement must be approved by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP). You will need to submit Form 157N to DIBP for approval before submitting this form. Relative is defined as parent or adoptive/step-parent, brother, sister, step-brother, step-sister, grandparent, step-grandparent, aunt, uncle, step-aunt, step-uncle, niece, nephew, step-niece or step-nephew. This does not include cousin. Full Name:____________________________ Relationship to student:________________________ Address (where student will be living in Australia) :_______________________________________________________ Date of birth:_________________________ Email address: _____________________________ Passport number : ____________________ Nationality (as per passport):____________________ Telephone:__________________________ ____ Mobile:_____________________________________ Document checklist: Please attach confirmation that arrangement with relative over 21 has been approved by DIBP. OR Approved caregiver/guardianship services. Select your guardianship service and complete details below: International Student Alliance (ISA) Name: ___________________________ A&J Student care services Telephone: _______________________ Educare Services Australia Mobile: ___________________________ Email:____________________________ Caregiver/guardian signature: __________________ OR Family friend as caregiver/guardian Family friends must have known the student’s family for a minimum of two years, maintain regular contact and be prepared to provide care for the student to the same standard and quality as that provided by a caregiver/guardianship service. Full Name:____________________________ Relationship to student:________________________ How long have you known the family: _________years and ________ months Address:_________________________ Visa type: _________ Expiry: ___________________ Email : __________________________ Nationality (as per passport):____________________ Telephone:________________________ Mobile:_____________________________________ NOTE: Before a family friend can be approved as a caregiver/guardian, they must be interviewed by Monash. If the student will be living with the family friend, a home inspection is also required. There is a charge of $300 for this service which will be billed separately. Document checklist (please ensure the following documents are submitted together with this form: Copy of Statutory Declaration of family friend (if applicable) *Certified copy of photo ID of family friend (must bear signature) Certification * Monash approved certified copy process. Privacy statement: The information on this form is collected for the purposes of assessing your accommodation and welfare arrangements. You have the right to access personal information that Monash University and Monash College hold about you, subject to any exceptions in relevant legislation. If you wish to seek access to your personal information or inquire about the handling of your personal information, please contact the Monash College Privacy Officer at CRICOS provider: Monash College 01857J ACN: 064 031 714 Section 4. Change of accommodation Important: A student living in inappropriate or unauthorised accommodation may be reported to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection, who have the right to cancel the student’s visa. Change of accommodation from DD / MM / YYYY ✓ Please tick and complete only one option Monash College pre-approved Urbanest Melbourne Central Homestay (non Monash) This type of accommodation cannot be approved by a family friend as a caregiver/guardian. Homestay Accommodation Services (HAS) Family friend The family friend listed below must be the approved caregiver/guardian; an inspection of accommodation is required. Name of adult: Name of provider Date of birth: Monash Residential Services Name of contact person/host Relationship to student: Albert House Address: Relationship since: Arrow on Swanston (long-term Address: apartments only) Dudley House Unilodge on A’Beckett (U18 hostel only) Telephone: Email: Telephone: Mobile: Parent name ____________________ Parent Name __________________ Email: Parent Name __________________ Parent signature _________________ Parent signature ________________ Parent signature ________________ Monash approved caregiver/guardianship service signature Monash approved caregiver/guardianship service signature _________________________________ _________________________________ Monash approved caregiver/guardianship service signature ____________________________ Note: For non-Monash homestay or family friend accommodation, an approved person aged over 21 must live in the same premises. Document checklist You must submit the following documents with this form: Copy of letter of confirmation of accommodation (not required if accommodation is with family friend); Copy of Statutory Declaration of family friend (if applicable) *Certified copy of photo ID of family friend, if applicable (must bear signature) Certification * Monash approved certified copy process. Privacy statement: The information on this form is collected for the purposes of assessing your accommodation and welfare arrangements. You have the right to access personal information that Monash University and Monash College hold about you, subject to any exceptions in relevant legislation. If you wish to seek access to your personal information or inquire about the handling of your personal information, please contact the Monash College Privacy Officer at CRICOS provider: Monash College 01857J ACN: 064 031 714
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