Higher Education Harmonization and Networking in East and

Higher Education Harmonization and Networking in East and Southeast Asia:
How AIMS Program Can Contribute to an Emerging ASEAN Community
International Conference Hall, 2nd Building, 17th Floor, Sophia University
Organized by
Sophia University
In Collaboration with the
Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization-Regional Center for Higher Education and Development
A. Background
SEAMEO-RIHED administers ASEAN International Mobility for Students (AIMS) Program. Sophia University has been
selected as one of eleven Japanese universities under “Re-Inventing Japan” Program (in support of AIMS Program)
by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan. Sophia University has started
its first academic year of the Sophia AIMS (SAIMS) Program since April 2014 with 6 partner universities in Indonesia
(Gadjah Mada University and Bogor Agricultural University), the Philippines (Ateneo de Manila University and De La
Salle University), and Thailand (Chulalongkorn University and Mahidol University), including the delivery of
“Trans-Disciplinary Human Development”, “Human Ecology: Rivers” and other courses on environmental issues as
part of SAIMS Program. Sophia University representatives also participated in AIMS Program Review Meeting held at
the University of the Philippines, Diliman, in May 2014, and the Meeting of Re-Inventing Japan Projects
(ASEAN-focused and AIMS programs) in Kyoto, Japan, in July 2014. It is timely for SAIMS Program to share some
experiences and early lessons with key stakeholders of AIMS Program.
B. Objective
The one-day international symposium aims to draw and discuss and draw strategic implications of AIMS Program in
an emerging ASEAN Community before and beyond 2015, by inviting overseas and Japanese experts on higher
education harmonization and networking. In this connection, it also aims to discuss future job market prospects and
required global or Asian human resources in an emerging ASEAN community, and challenges and opportunities in
order to advance AIMS Program further based on experiences and early lessons from SAIMS Program.
C. Expected Outputs
The one-day international symposium aims to achieve the following outputs:
1. Updated information shared on recent developments of higher education harmonization and networking in East
and Southeast Asia;
2. Views shared among key stakeholders and experts on the status, issues, challenges and opportunities in
improving and expanding AIMS Program;
3. Future Job market prospects, and requirements for global human resources shared in the context of an emerging
ASEAN community; and
4. Implementation experiences and early lessons of SAIMS Program shared among faculty members/students of
Sophia University and universities participating AIMS Program, and with SEAMEO-RIHED and MEXT, Japan.
D. Provisional Agenda (as of 12 November 2014):
Dr. Davisi Boontham, Associate Professor (SAIMS Committee Member)/Center for Global Discovery, Faculty of
Foreign Studies, Sophia University, will serve as an overall moderator of the international symposium.
Saturday, 13 December 2014
Morning Sessions
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Welcome Remarks by Sophia University
Dr. Takashi Hayashita, President, Sophia University
Opening Statement by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan
Mr. Kuniaki Sato, Deputy Director, Higher Education Policy Planning Division, Higher Education Bureau
Key Note Speech
Key Note Speech: Becoming “Mutual Power”?: Higher Education Harmonization and Networking in
East and Southeast Asia
Dr. Jane Knight, Adjunct Professor, Comparative, International, Development Education Center, Ontario
Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto
Dr. Knight will deliver a key note speech by introducing new notion of “mutual power” in higher
education from the perspectives of contemporary diplomacy, and by examining how this new notion
would be applied to stakeholders engaged in higher education harmonization and networking in East
and Southeast Asia.
Group Photo and Coffee Break
Panel Discussions: Role and Future of AIMS Program in an Emerging ASEAN Community
1) 1) Dr. Chantavit Sujatanond, Special Advisor, SEAMEO-RIHED
2) 2) Mr. Kamal Mamat, Assistant Director/Head, Education, Youth and Training Division,
Socio-Cultural Cooperation Directorate, ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community
Department, ASEAN Secretariat
5) 3) Mr. Kuniaki Sato, Deputy Director, Higher Education Policy Planning Division, Higher Education
7) 4) Dr. Taiji Hotta, Vice-Executive (Deputy Vice-President) of International Affairs/
Associate Professor, International Center, International Education Division,
Hiroshima University
5) Dr. Kazuo Kuroda, Professor, Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda University
8) 1) Dr. Jane Knight, Adjunct Professor, Comparative, International, Development Education Center,
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto
2) Dr. Yasushi Hirosato, Professor, Faculty of Global Studies, Sophia University (Former Principal
Education Specialist, Southeast Department, Asian Development Bank)
Dr. Yuto Kitamura, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Education, University of Tokyo
Six panelists, from their respective points of view and affiliations, will discuss positioning of AIMS
Program in an emerging ASEAN community as a means to promote “people-to-people” connectivity,
and a way forward in expanding its participating countries to ASEAN-wide, and diversifying fields of
study. Two commentators will share their reactions on panelists’ presentations.
Session 1: Job Market Prospects and Global Human Resources in an Emerging ASEAN Community
1) Mr. Yoshiteru Uramoto, Assistant Director General/Regional Director for Asia and
the Pacific, International Labor Organization (ILO)
2) Mr. Masafumi Sato, Visiting Professor, Kaetsu University/ Advisor, Japan-Thailand Economic
Cooperation Society (JTECS)
3) Dr. Naoki Umemura, JICA Expert/Visiting Associate Professor, Malaysia-Japan International
Institute of Technology
Speakers will discuss how future job market will look like in the context of an emerging ASEAN
community, and what types of global or Asian human resources would be required for future job
market in ASEAN by judging from their respective fields of work such as an international
organization, a private firms association, and a bilateral development cooperation agency, and share
their perspectives in developing such global or Asian human resources.
Dr. Yasushi Hirosato, Professor, Faculty of Global Studies, Sophia University (Former Principal
Education Specialist, Southeast Department, Asian Development Bank)
Coffee Break
Session 2: Sophia AIMS Program: Early Lessons and Implementation Experience
1) Presentation on “Trans-Disciplinary Human Development” and the Implementation
of SAIMS Program, by
Dr. Mikiko Sugiura, Associate Professor (SAIMS Committee Member)/Center for
Global Discovery, Faculty of Foreign Studies, Sophia University
2) Presentation on “Human Ecology: Rivers,” by
Dr. Takeshi Ito, Associate Professor (SAIMS Committee Member)/ Faculty of Liberal
Arts, Sophia University
Dr. Tak Watanabe, Assistant Professor (SAIMS Committee Member)/ Faculty of
Liberal Arts, Sophia University
Course Participants (Students)
Speakers will draw early lessons from implementation of SAIMS Program by highlighting challenges
in delivering courses, and sending/accepting students, discuss the way to meet these challenges, and
extract common challenges and opportunities for consideration by key stakeholders of AIMS
Dr. G.W. Huang, Professor (SAIMS Committee Member)/Graduate School of Global Environmental
Studies, Sophia University
Closing Session
Closing Remarks
Dr. Miki Sugimura
Vice President for Academic Affairs/SAIMS Program Director, Sophia University
Dr. Chantavit Sujatanond
Special Advisor, SEAMEO-RIHED
Reception (Location: TBD)
E. Logistics and Administrative Arrangements
The SAIMS Secretariat will be responsible for mobilizing and providing assistance to the participants to the
international symposium. All support arrangements including accommodations and technical requirements such as
documentation preparation (photo copying of hand-outs and power point materials) shall be extended to the
panelists and speakers participating in the international symposium.
F. Contacts
Vice President for Academic Exchange/SAIMS Program Director, Sophia University
7-1 Kioki Cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8554, Japan
Email: miki-s@sophia.ac.jp
Tel: +81-3-3238-3138
Ms. Satoko SHIBATA / Ms.Hanna TAJIMA
SAIMS Secretariat
Office of Global Education and Cooperation
2nd Building, 1st Floor, Sophia University
Email: sophia_aims@cl.sophia.ac.jp
Tel: +81-3-3238-3279
Fax: +81-3-3238-3554