833 Main Street Agawam, MA 01001 office@stjohnagawam.org www.stjohnagawam.org PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday — Thursday 9:00 - 3:00 Friday - Closed Office Phone: 786-8105 Fax: 455-3100 Administrator: Father Tomasz Parzynski Priest in Residence: Father John Lis Deacon: Deacon Michael Perkins Business & Pastoral Administrator, Director of Religious Education: Sal Circosta 455-3215 DREAgawam@gmail.com Pastoral Minister: Mary Scannell 786-4499 m.scannell@stjohnagawam.org Organist/Music Director, Director of Youth Ministry: Joe Dziok StJohnsYouthMin@gmail.com 455-3215 Secretaries: Paula Raiche p.raiche@stjohnagawam.org Exie Haynes office@stjohnagawam.org Child Advocate: Debbie Whitehead 455-3215 Chairman of Parish Council: Judith Cross-Donahue, J.D. Chairman of Finance Council: Alfred Casella, J.D. Religious Education Classes: Grades Pre-K - 6: Sundays, 9AM-10:15AM Grades 7 - 11: Sundays, 7PM-8:15PM Saint John the Evangelist Parish Sunday, December 7th, 2014, Second Sunday of Advent THE SEVEN SACRAMENTS: EUCHARIST: Mass on Saturdays 5:00pm Mass on Sundays 8:00am, 10:30am, 6:00pm Traditional Latin High Mass on Sundays at 12:30pm Mass on Weekdays: Monday-Saturday at 8:00am Traditional Daily Latin Low Mass: 6:45am on Mondays, Fridays, & Saturdays Mass on Holy Days: To be announced Eucharistic Adoration: Tuesdays 7:00pm-8:00pm & Wednesdays 8:30am - 3:00pm CONFESSION: Reconciliation - Friday from 7:15 am -7:45 am . Saturdays 7:15-7:45, 4:00 to 4:45 pm, and after the 5:00 pm Mass Sunday 7:00-7:45 am. Or by Appointment. BAPTISM: Baptisms are scheduled on the last Sunday of every month. Please call the office to schedule with Fr. Tomasz. MARRIAGE: To be arranged at least one year in advance. Please call the office. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: If you or a loved one needs the anointing of the sick, please call the rectory office for Father Tomasz, or see Father after Mass. CONFIRMATION: If your child needs to be confirmed, please contact the Office of Religious Education to enroll your child in classes. If you are an adult and need to make your Confirmation, please contact the same office and ask about the RCIA program. HOLY ORDERS: Are you thinking about a vocation to the priesthood or religious life? If so, please call Father Tomasz at the rectory office, or call Father Gary Daily and the Office of Vocations 413.452.0811. PARISH MISSION STATEMENT: We are a Roman Catholic community inspired by the Holy Spirit to follow the example of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ by sharing, growing and spreading God the Father’s love through our parish ministries, and by coming together as a community in Mass Intentions for the Week The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for the following intentions by the priest celebrant: Saturday, December 6, Sunday Vigil Mass 5:00pm Salvatore & Filomena Ragone Requested by Family Sunday, December 7, Second Sunday of Advent 8:00am Tyburski & Potkai Families Requested by Janet 10:30am Sophie Hawreluke Requested by Flood Family 12:30pm (Latin High Mass) Couture Family Requested by Mr. & Mrs. Patrie 6:00pm Robert Kanyeon Requested by Parish Monday, December 8th The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary 6:45am (Latin Mass) For All Benefactors 8:00am Theresa Barlow Requested by Harry & Cecile Denton 12:10pm Deceased Families and Friends Requested by the Ortiz-Alvarez Family 6:00pm Bishop Joseph Maguire Requested by the Scanlon Family Tuesday, December 9th, St. Juan Diego 8:00am Thanksgiving for Favor Received Requested by Parishioner Wednesday, December 10th 8:00am Bernice Coache, Birthday Remembrance Requested by Daughter, Barbara Thursday, December 11th, St. Pope Damasus I 8:00am Hugh J. Stack, 20th Anniversary Requested by Bob, Melanie, and Cynthia Friday, December 12th, Our Lady of Guadalupe 6:45am (Latin Mass) For All Missionaries 8:00am Father Thomas Schmitt Requested by the Seaver Family Saturday, December 13th, St. Lucy 6:45am (Latin Mass) For All Benefactors 8:00am Anna & Jan Muskus Requested by the Muskus Family Saturday, December 13th, Sunday Vigil Mass 5:00pm Allen & Fortier Families Requested by Family Sunday, December 14th, Third Sunday of Advent 8:00am Concetta & Joseph Ferraro and Vincente & Lauretta Spagnoli Requested by Family 10:30am Tom & Julie Kilbride on their 40th Wedding Anniversary Requested by Family 12:30pm (Latin High Mass) Donald Miskin Requested by Mr. & Mrs. Steven W. Camerota 6:00pm Francis & Mary Sawyer Requested by Joseph Dziok Weekly Offerings for November 22-23, 2014 Weekly Offerings for November 29-30, 2014 Regular Funds: $6,861.50 Maintenance: $265.00 Fuel: $150.00 Loose: $785.00 Regular Funds: $7,208.00 Maintenance: $272.00 Fuel: $1,368.00 Loose: $743.00 TOTAL: $8,061.50 TOTAL: $9,591.00 SANCTUARY LAMP December 7th—December 13th WILL BE LIT IN MEMORY OF: Bernice Coache (Birthday Remembrance) By: Daughter, Barbara In My Mother’s Arms Prayer Line If you have a serious intention that you need prayers for: surgery, sufferings, medical, illness, cancer treatment, a sick child, or anything like that, please give Betty or Pat a call and you will have countless rosaries and prayers coming your way! Betty: 786-3630 or Pat: 786-3023 Please remember in your Prayers: Please pray for the sick and dying of our parish. Remember all who are in hospitals, nursing homes and homebound. For all those who have died: Bishop Joseph Maguire Shirley C. Kilbride Irene Smedley Michael J. DeMars Mildred R. Dutton Natalie Godet Palmina Polacco ...and members of the parish. May the Lord welcome them into His Heavenly Kingdom. Note: If you have a friend or relative who has recently passed away and would like them included, please email: DREagawam@gmail.com ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST CHURCH AGAWAM, MA Eucharist Series for New Eucharistic Ministers “Totos Tuus Tuesdays” This four week series of classes are for all new Eucharistic Ministers and anyone thinking about becoming a minister at St. John's. Please make every effort to attend so that you will be well trained to serve at Sunday Masses beginning in January. All current Eucharistic ministers are welcome to attend the classes as a refresher. The classes are also opened to any member of the parish All classes will be on Mondays, in the Church, from 7PM-8PM. Tuesday Nights Eucharistic Adoration Join us every Tuesday for evening adoration in the Church, from 7PM-8PM. This will focus on the youth and young adults, but the entire parish is welcome to join us adoring Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. There will be some music, silent time, and community prayers. Please join us this Tuesday, and every Tuesday! Bring a friend! Dec. 8: The Eucharist in Scripture Dec. 15: The Theology of the Eucharist Dec. 22: Eucharistic Spirituality Dec. 29: The Eucharist and Liturgy St. John’s Over 60s Club Christmas Party The St John’s Over 60’s Social Club invites you to our Christmas party on December 18, 2014 at 1:00 in the Father Joyce Room. Our entertainment for the afternoon will be Liz Carter, a local signer and musician. She will put us in the holiday mood with some new tunes and old holiday favorites that bring back wonderful memories. Since this is the season for giving and sharing the spirit of Christ, we ask that, if you can, please bring a gift card for those in need. Please join us for an afternoon of music and laughter and great home-baked goodies! Merry Christmas to All! Happy 80th Birthday Elvis featuring Jeff Krick, Elvis tribute artist and vocalist. Sunday, Jan. 11, 2015 (Snow date 1/12/15). St. John’s Travelers is pleased to bring you this exclusive matinee show at the Hu Ke Lay in Chicopee, MA. Jeff Krick will amaze you with his talent and Elvis looks. We will sing Happy Birthday to the one and only King of Rock n Roll, Elvis. $48.00 per person. Package includes: Lovely plated luncheon at the Hu Ke Lau and reserved seating “Blue Hawaiian Show.” The menu includes fresh garden sold, rolls & butter, prime rib or baked scrod, potato & vegetable, dessert, coffee or tea. Event begins at 11:45am. The Hu Ke Lau, 705 Memorial Drive, Chicopee, MA. Contact: Emile Cote’ 1-413-335-9440 Bible Study & Faith Sharing: All are welcome, whether you’ve ever read the Bible before or not, you’re welcome to join us every Tuesday morning from 9:30-10:45am in the Father Joyce Room in the Parish Center. Please feel free to stop in and see what we're all about. We have anywhere from 12 to 20 people (men & women). If you don't think you can come every week don't worry - come whenever you can! God's Word lives and He promises that it will not return to Him void. For more information and questions please contact: Mikie Cook at (413) 786-3773. Men’s Bible Study: Are you looking to understand the bible more? Join us weekly on Wednesdays from 6:30 -7:45 pm in the lower Parish Center. Come feed off the word of God and discuss its general application and practical use in our lives as men. We will also study the Catechism teachings on each chapter we cover. For more information and questions please contact: John Lemke at (413) 262-4195. St. John’s Loaves and Fishes: Did you know we have a large group of volunteers at St. John’s that prepare a meal for local homeless of Hot Dogs and Baked Beans. They cook it, deliver it and serve it. They count on contributions from the parish. If you are able to either donate funds, or donate cans of baked beans or packages of hot dogs, they will be greatly welcomed. Please bring baked beans, hotdogs, or monetary contributions to the parish rectory. If you make a financial contribution write “Loaves & Fishes” on an envelope and put in collection. We are particularly low on Hot Dogs and are in need of them as soon as possible. Thank you so much for your continued support. ST. JOHN’S GIVING TREE Thanks to the generosity of the parish community, the blessings of Christmas are shared with others in need through our Giving Tree program. You are invited to participate in the Giving Tree program again this year. The program has begun and the Giving Tree is decorated with ornaments representing gifts for individuals in need. The tree is located next to the candle shrine for our Blessed Mother Mary. The program will conclude on 12/21 with the distribution of gifts. Additional information is available by calling Paula at the church rectory. Let us have a bare tree and a gift laden altar again this year! Christmas Flower Donations: All those wishing to donate for this year’s Christmas flowers for the Church, please ensure all donations are made by Dec. 10th so we can provide a Christmas Flower List for the bulletin. Thank you and God bless you for your generosity. Immaculate Conception Mass Schedule Monday, Dec. 8th is a Holy Day of Obligation. This means you have to go to Mass! Why? Because it is the Feast Day in which we celebrate that our Blessed Mother was conceived without original sin in her mother’s, St. Anne’s womb. The Masses which will be offered are: 6:45AM (Latin High Mass) 8:00AM, 12:10PM, and 6:00PM ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST PARISH NEWS AND EVENTS! New Class Series: Catholic Morals and Ethics Friday Nights at St. John’s in Agawam We are hosting classes on every Friday night in the St. Michael’s Conference Room in the Lower Parish Center at St. John’s on the topic of Morals and Ethics in the Church. Classes will be from 6:30-8:30 with a coffee break in the middle. All ages welcome! Dates and Topics: Oct. 3: Introduction to Morals and Ethics Oct. 17: What’s Wrong with Abortion Oct. 24: Euthanasia: Is Killing Ever Kind? Nov. 7: Death Penalty & Capital Punishment Nov. 14: Human Cloning & How Life is Made Nov. 21: Birth Control & Artificial Contraception Nov. 29: What is Environmentalism? Dec. 5: Same Sex Marriage and Sexuality Dec. 12: Feminism and the Church Dec. 19: War and Just War Doctrine Lesson and Carols: A Christmas Celebration Sunday, December 7th at 3:00PM With reception in Parish Center following St. John the Evangelist Church, Agawam The Catholic Women’s Club The Catholic Women's Club of Agawam will hold their next meeting on Dec. 8th, 2014. The Meeting will start at 6:30pm and will be held at St. John’s Parish Center. In lieu of a gift exchange this year, members are asked to bring a food store gift card (i.e. Stop & Shop, Geisler’s, Big Y, etc.) which will be given to Mary for distribution. A special Christmas Program will be performed by Ritchie Mitnick and singer Ethel Lee will round out the evening’s event. Who is a Better Boss, Moses or Aaron? Advent Leadership Retreat at St. John’s Church On Saturday Dec. 13th we will have Father Tomasz Albercht lead us on a day Advent retreat for all the staff, council members, catechists, and leaders of various ministries at St. John’s. Father Albercht will focus on the leadership of Moses and Aaron in the Old Testament. If you are interested in attending, please email or call Sal at 455-3215 or DREagawam@gmail.com Schedule: 8:00AM Mass 8:45AM Breakfast 9:30AM-11AM Session I 11:00AM Prayer 11:30AM– 12:30PM Lunch 12:30PM– 2PM Session II Parish Choirs at St. John’s Anyone with any amount of musical training is welcome to join our choir! We have Rehearsals every Wednesday night at 6:30PM in the Church. This program features choral ensemble Schola Nova, from Western Massachusetts, now in its 32nd Season. The group is exclusively dedicated to the performance of a cappella and accompanied sacred choral repertoire drawn from all historical periods. Currently numbering sixteen singers of diverse backgrounds and under the direction of Perry Larsen, Schola Nova prides itself with a display of professionalism while maintaining the group’s “Feeling of Family.” The foundation of Schola is the pure “Love of Music” and the joy it can bring to the community. The December 7th concert offering presents traditional Biblical readings used by members of the St. John the Evangelist’s congregation interspersed with beloved arrangements of carols, standard hymns, and choral masterworks by such composers as John Rutter, Herbert Howells, John Tavener, Malcolm Sargent, Bob Chilcott, Felix Mendelssohn, and Randall Thompson. Schola Nova is very pleased to be appearing at St. John the Evangelist Church for the first time; a reflection of the group’s mission to perform our sacred music repertoire in various venues throughout Western Massachusetts. We look forward to sharing your sacred space and an afternoon with all of you. A free concert with donations gratefully accepted. Visit www.scholanova.org for more information. Please see Joe Dziok for more information. YOUTH MINISTRY: Are you a teenager looking for something more in life? Do you know a teen who is? If so, consider joining our Youth Ministry here at St. John’s, the Evangelizers! We meet once a week and are in the midst of renovating the lower parish center into a youth center. Email Joe at StJohnsYouthMin@gmail.com Catholic, Coffee, & Conversation December 18th at 7:00 PM St. John’s Parish Center: St. Michael Room Topic: Jesus– God Made Man Christmas is about the birth of Jesus. We believe that he is both God and Man. How can this be? How could the baby Jesus be fully God, yet fully man? Join us for good coffee and conversation, bring a friend! From our Pastoral Minister, Mary Scannell: Pastoral Ministry Hours: Mary’s hours are Monday-Wednesday from 9am-5pm and Thursdays from 9am-2pm. Please leave any messages on her phone at 786-4499 CAPITAL CAMPAIGN Saint John the Evangelist Parish Capital Campaign How to Contribute to Your Pledge: • Food Gift Cards: Many families have called for food gift cards. The parish has assisted 92 families since September, 2014. The families receiving the food cards are very grateful, If you can donate any, please leave them in the office with my name on them. Thank you for your generosity! God bless, Mary Scannell Homebound & Hospitalized Anyone in the parish who is hospitalized or placed in any rehab or nursing facility, please notify Mary at 786-4499, including facility and room number. Bereavement Group The Bereavement group will start up again on Oct. 16th at 10AM in the foyer. Anyone who has been going through any kind of loss is welcome. There are 13 sessions listed below: Sessions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. When your Dreams Fall Apart Seasons of Grief Emotions of Grief (1) Emotions of Grief (2) When Your Spouse Dies Your family and Grief Where is God Your Greatest Resource Stuck in Grief or Moving On Growing Through Grief Grief Recovery Toolkit God’s Spirituality Hospitality Longing for Heaven The Shawl Ministry/Happy Knitters Meets on Wednesday at 10AM. This wonderful group of women have given out 475 prayer shawls to the sick, along with baby hats to Mercy Hospital. If anyone has yarn that they can donate to the group it will be appreciated. Thanks! The Prayer Shawl Group thanks everyone who donated yarn. We have given out 459 prayer shawls to the ill. It is a wonderful ministry. Come and join us on Wednesday mornings at 10AM if you’re free. Eucharistic Ministers If you are interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister, call Mary. The Visitation Group meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 11 a.m. We need more volunteers for the visitation group. Call Mary. Mailed Contributions: Pledge payments can be mailed directly to the Parish. Saint John the Evangelist Capital Campaign 833 Main Street Agawam, MA 01001 • Online @ www.ParishPay.com: Pledge payments can be made completely online through ParishPay, simply select “Capital Campaign” as the collection type. You can also save time by easily establishing recurring payments. • Mass Collection Baskets: Pledge payments can be made during Mass through the collection baskets. Be sure to specify that this donation is for the Capital Campaign, and not the regular or second collection. Thank you for your continued support of Saint John the Evangelist Parish. Your generosity is allowing us to pave the way to a very bright future! Please feel free to contact the Business Office with any questions or concerns at (413) 505-9962 or SJEBusinessOffice@gmail.com Online Collections Now Available! Donating to St. John the Evangelist is now easier and more convenient than ever thanks to a partnership with www.ParishPay.com. Parishioners and guests can log on, make a one-time or recurring donation, and never have to worry about envelopes or checks again! Easy Five-Step Process: • Log on to www.ParishPay.com • Search for Saint John’s (Zip Code 01001) • Create an account, or sign in as a guest • Select your donation type: Regular Collection, Special Collection (Fuel/Maintenance), or Capital Campaign. • Make your contribution (one-time or recurring) Please feel free to contact the Business Office at: (413) 505-9962 or SJEBusinessOffice@gmail.com with any questions. Thank you for your continued support of Saint John the Evangelist Parish! LADIZKI LAW OFFICES Breakfast Lunch Real Estate Closings & Title Examinations Social Security Disability Elder Law & Wills 46 Suffield Street • Agawam, MA • (413) 786-9000 WWW.LADIZKILAW.COM THE NEW YOUR QUALITY FUEL OIL COMPANY Local & Family Owned Since 1962 New Customer Discounts baystatefueloil.com 24 HOUR EMERGENCY OIL BURNER SERVICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS 245 Springfield St. Agawam, MA 01001-1596 Telephone (413) 786-0430 Visit Our Web Sites: saratford.com & saratlincoln.com 733-5088 WEST SPRINGFIELD Free Estimates (413) 786-8666 Showers • Anniversaries After Funerals & Special Occasions 485 Springfield St., FH Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA 413-786-0975 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. 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