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Press Release
This is to inform the University of Dar es Salaam community and the public that, the University
Council at its 226th Meeting held on 21st November, 2014 approved promotions of the following
members of the academic staff to professorial ranks effective from 1st July, 2014:-
Prof. Ramadhani B. Senzota: Department of Zoology and Wildlife Conservation,
College of Natural and Applied Sciences
Since his last promotion to Associate Professor in September, 1997 Prof.
Senzota has published 17 journal papers, authored a book chapter, coauthored 4 book chapters and a consultancy report. Prof. Senzota has earned a
total of 6.36 publlications points.
The following are Journals Papers published by Prof. Senzota for this promotion:(a) Journal Papers
Newmark W D and Senzota RBM 2003. Power to detect trends in ecological indicators in the
East Usambara Mountains, Tanzania. African Journal of Ecology 41(4):294-298
2. Magige F and Senzota R 2006. Abundance and diversity of rodents at the human-wildlife
interface in Western Serengeti, Tanzania. African Journal of Ecology 44(3):371-378
Stanley WT, Rogers MA, Senzota RBM, Mturi FA, Kihaule PM, Moehlman PD and
Oconnor BM 2007. Surveys of small mammals in Tarangire National Park, Tanzania. Journal of
East Africa Natural History 96(1):47-71
Kweyunga C and Senzota RBM 2007. Impact of small scale mining on soils of the wetland
forests in East Usambara, Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Science 33: 67-78
Senzota RBM and Mbago F 2009. Impact of habitat disturbance on wetland forests of East
Usambara, Tanzania. African Journal of Ecology 48:321-328
Chansa W, Senzota R, Chabwela H and Nyirenda V 2011. The influence of grass biomass
production on hippopotamus population density distribution along the Luangwa River in Zambia.
Journal of Ecology and the Natural Environment 3(5):1-9
Senzota R 2012. Wildlife mortality on foot paths of the University of Dar es Salaam,
Tanzania. Tropical Ecology 53(1):81-92.
Direct: +255 22 2410751
Telephone: +255 22 2410500-8 ext. 2473/2009
Telefax: +255 22 2410078
Website address:
Chansa Chomba, Ramadhani Senzota, Harry Chabwela and Vincent Nyirenda 2011. The
influence of host tree morphology and stem size on epiphyte biomass distribution in Lusenga Plains
National Park, Zambia. Journal of Ecology and the Natural Environment 3(12): 370-380.
9. Chansa Chomba, Ramadhani Senzota, Harry Chabwela, Jacob Mwitwa and Vincent
Nyirenda 2012. Dry season herbivore utilization of open grasslands in Lower Zambezi National
Park, Zambia. Journal of Ecology and the Natural Environment 4(1): 33-41.
10. Senzota R 2012 Environmental status at Samunge village (Tanzania) following a sharp
increase in visitors. Tanzania Journal of Science 38(1):54-70.
11. Chansa Chomba, Ramadhani Senzota, Harry Chabwela and Vincent Nyirenda 2012.
Population status of the common hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) in Luangwa River,
Zambia. Journal of Ecology and the Natural Environment 4(9): 247-257.
12. Chansa Chomba, Ramadhani Senzota, Harry Chabwela, Jacob Mwitwa andVincent
Nyirenda 2012 patterns of human – wildlife conflicts in Zambia, causes, consequences and
management responses. Journal of Ecology and the Natural of Environment 4 (12): 303-313.
13. Senzota R 2012 Plains gerbils (Gerbilliscuis robusta) as food of the Barn Owl (Tyto alba) in
the Serengeti plains (Tanzania): thirty-six years later. Tanzania Journal of Science 38(2): 101-110.
14. Chansa Chomba, Ramadhani Senzota, Harry Chabwela, Jacob Mwitwa and Vincent
Nyirenda 2012 Does shore length influence population size and density distribution of hippotamus?
Journal of Ecology and the Natural Environment 4(6): 150-153
Chansa Chomba, Ramadhani Senzota, Harry Chabwela and Vincent Nyirenda 2013.
Historical changes in the ecology and management of the Lake Mweru wa Ntipa Wetland
Ecosystem over the last 150 years: a drying lake? Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa.
15(5): 197-211.
16. MB Hagwet, RB Senzota, M Balakrishnan and A Bekele 2014. Impacts of grazing ungulates
on vegetation and soils in areas closer to water holes in Serengeti plains, Tanzania. Journal of
Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences. 4(5): 354-361
Chansa Chomba, Ramadhani Senzota, Harry Chibwela and Vincent Nyirenda 2014. Lion
Hunting and Trophy Qualityu Records in Zambia for the Period 1967-2000: Will the Trends in
Trophy Size Drop as Lion population Declines? Open Journal of Ecology. 4(4): 182-195.
Book Chapter, Technical Reports, Consultancy Reports And Conference Proceedings
Senzota RBM 2005. Lessons Learnt in Capacity Building. Phase I completion Consultancy
Report; Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project. Vice President’s Office, Dar es Salaam.
August 2005; 68pp.
Senzota RBM and Mbago F 2005. Checklist of plants in the Salasala Bioenvironmental
Area, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Kituo cha Bio-mazingira, Salasala. 7pp+
Mahunnah RLA, Nahonyo CL, Manoko M and Senzota RBM 2006. Conservation and
taxonomic capacity in biology: status in Tanzania. Consultancy report to BOZONET. Department
of Zoology and Wildlife Conservation, University of Dar es Salaam. Pp 69+
Mohamed Nasoro, Werema Chacha, Ally Seif, Nicolous Elia and Ramadhani Senzota
2009. Birds of KIBISA: a pictorial guide. KIBISA 44pp+
Anders Arvidson, Stacey Noel, Göran Nilsson Axberg, Francis X Johnson, Emma Liwenga,
James Ngana and Ramadhani Senzota 2009. Initial Assessment of Socioeconomic and
Environmental Risks and Opportunities of Large‐scale Biofuels Production in the Rufiji District. A
report prepared for SEKAB BioEnergy (T) Ltd, May 2009 (
SEKABscluster-approach-in-Rufiji-District280509.pdf (visited on 09/05/2011)
Senzota RBM, Sabuni C, Msuha M and Mziray A 2012. Checklist of Tanzanian Mammals.
In: Gideon H, Nyinondi P and Oyema G (eds) Checklist of Tanzanian species (Version1, 2012).
Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology. Pp 221-238.
Dr. Preksedis M. Ndomba: Department of Water Resources Engineering, College of
Engineering and Technology
Since his last promotion to Senior Lecturer in July, 2011, Dr. Ndomba has
published 13 journal papers (11 of which are in international journals),
aurthored 2 book chapters, co-authored 2 conference papers, co-authored 2
consultancy reports. Dr. Ndomba has earned a total of 6.93 publications
The following are Journals Papers published by Dr. Ndomba for this promotion:(a)
Journals papers
McClain, Michael; Subalusky, Amanda; Anderson, Elizabeth; Ndomba, Preksedis;
Mtamba, Joseph; Tamatamah, Rashid; Mligo, Cosmas; Ayieko, Joseph (2013). Hydrological
Sciences Journal (2013): Comparing Flow Regime, Channel Hydraulics and Biological
Communities to Infer Flow-ecology Relationships in the Mara River of Kenya and Tanzania,
Hydrological Sciences Journal, DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2013.853121.
Michael E. McClain, Japhet J. Kashaigili & Preksedis Ndomba (2013). Environmental
Flow Assessment as a Tool for Achieving Environmental Objectives of African Water Policy, with
Examples from East Africa, International Journal of Water Resources Development,
Ndomba , Lindsay BEEVERS, Getnet D. BETRIE (2013). Comparison of Sediment Transport
Computations Using Hydrodynamic versus Hydrologic Models in the Simiyu River in Tanzania,
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 61–62 (2013) 12–21.
Ndomba, P.M. (2013). Validation of PSIAC Model for Sediment Yields Estimation in
Ungauged Catchments of Tanzania, International Journal of Geosciences, 2013, 4, 1101-1115.
Ndomba, P.M. and Nobert, J. (2013). Problems and Prospects of Hydraulic Modelling for
Environmental Flows Assessment Studies in East Africa. Tanzania Journal of Engineering and
Ndomba, P.M. (2013). Accuracy of DEM-based Topographic Data in Flood Inundation
Modelling: A Case Study of Wami River, Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Engineering and
Kaunda, C.S. Kimambo, C.Z., & Ndomba, P.M. (2012). The Development of Micro Hydro
for Rural Energy Supply in Tanzania, International Journal on Hydropower and Dams, Issue 6, pp
60-67. URL:
A. van Griensven, P. Ndomba, S. Yalew, and F. Kilonzo (2012). Critical Review of SWAT
Applications in the Upper Nile Basin Countries, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 16, 3371-3381, 2012.
URL: www.hydrol-earth-syst / 16 / 3371 / 2012 / doi:10.5194 / hess-16-3371-2012.
Ndomba, P.M. (2012). Optimizing Sediment Sampling Programme in a catchment. The
Case of Pangani River Basin, Nile Water Science & Engineering Journal, Vol.5, and Issue 2, 2012;
p.83-97. Journal home page:
Di Baldassarre, Giuliano , Elshamy, Mohamed , van Griensven, Ann, Soliman, Eman ,
Kigobe, Max , Ndomba, Preksedis, Mutemi, Joseph, Mutua, Francis , Moges, Semu , Xuan,
Yunqing , Solomatine, Dimitri and Uhlenbrook, Stefan (2011). Future hydrology and climate in the
River Nile basin. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 56: 2, 199 211. URL:
Giuliano Di Baldassarre, Mohamed Elshamy, Ann van Griensven, Eman Soliman, Max
Kigobe, Preksedis Ndomba, Joseph Mutemi, Francis Mutua, Semu Moges, Yunqing Xuan, Dimitri
Solomatine, Stefan Uhlenbrook (2011). A Critical Discussion of Recent Studies Evaluating the
Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources in the Nile basin. Nile Water Science &
Palamuleni Lobina, Ndomba, Preksedis, and Harold Annegarn (2011). Evaluating Land
Cover Change and its Impact on Hydrological Regime in Upper Shire River Catchment, Malawi.
Regional Environmental Change Journal, Volume 11, Number 4, 845-855, DOI: 10.1007/s10113011-0220-2. Available from
Julian Ijumulana, Wietske Bijker, Nicolas Hamm, Preksedis Marco Ndomba (2011).
Spatial-Temporal Uncertainty in Lake Extent Trends. Nile Basin Water Science & Engineering
Journal, Vol.4, Issue 2, 2011. Journal home page:
Book Chapters
Ndomba, P.M. and vanGriensven, A., (2011). Suitability of SWAT model in sediment
yields modeling in the Eastern Africa. Chapter 13: Advances in Data, Methods, Models and Their
Applications in Geosciences, edited by Dongmei Chen. ISBN 978-953-307-737-6, DOI:
10.5772/39013, INTECH open access publisher, sourced at
Ndomba, P.M. (2011). Developing Sediment Yield Prediction Equations for Small
Catchments In Tanzania. Chapter 12: Advances in Data, Methods, Models and Their Applications
in Geosciences, edited by Dongmei Chen. ISBN 978-953-307-737-6, DOI: 10.5772/18430,
INTECH open access publisher, sourced at
Conference Papers
Frank Joseph Wambura, Preksedis Marco Ndomba, Victor Kongo, & Siza Tumbo (2013).
Uncertainty Bounds on Runoff Under Climate Change Projections in Wami River Sub-Basin. A
paper presented at 14th WaterNET/WARFSA/GWP-SA Symposium held from 30 September - 30th
October - 1st November, 2013, at Kunduchi Hotel in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Ayeng’o, S. and Ndomba, P.M. (2012). Hydrological Analysis for Ungauged Potential
Hydropower River: A Case of Dodwe Stream in Muheza, Tanga, Tanzania. Engineering
Innovations for Sustainable Development, Workshop Proceedings of the 2nd International
Conference Mechanical and Industrial Engineering held at Naura Springs Hotel Arusha Between
16-17th February, 2012, pp.54-61
Consultancy Reports
Ndomba, P.M., Kongo, V., Richard, C., Wambura, F.J. (2013). Technical Report on
Enhancing Climate Change Adaptation in Agriculture and Water Resources: A Case Study of Wami
River Subbasin in Tanzania. Consultancy report submitted to Sokoine University of Agriculture
Ndomba, P.M., Valimba, P., & Ijumulana, J. (2012). Technical Report on the Hydraulic
Modelling of the Wami River At Matipwili. Consultancy report submitted to Agro EcoEnergy
Bagamoyo Ltd (Client).
Dr. Chales Lugomela: Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries, College of
Natural and Applied Sciences
Since his last promotion to Senior Lecturer in May, 2006, Dr. Lugomela has
published 13 journal papers, authored a book chapter, co-authored a
conference paper. Dr. Lugomela has earned a total of 6.73 publication points.
The following are Journals Papers published by Dr. Lugomela for this promotion
Journal Papers
Lugomela, C. (2006). Autecology of the toxic dinoflagellate Gambierdiscustoxicus Adachi
et Fukuyo (Dinophyceae) in central coastal areas of Tanzania. Western Indian Ocean Journal of
Marine Science. 5: 213-221.
Lyimo, T.J., Mvungi, E.F., Lugomela, C., Bjork, M. (2006). Seagrass biomass and
productivity in seaweed and non-seaweed farming areas in the east coast of Zanzibar. Western
Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science. 5: 141-152.
Lyimo, T.J. and Lugomela, C. (2006). Nitrogenase activity in intertidal sediment along the
Tanzanian Coast, Western Indian Ocean. Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science. 5: 133140.
Lugomela, C. (2007). Noctilucascintillans (Dinophyceae) in central coastal waters of
Tanzania: a new phytoplankton record in the area. Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine
Science. 6: 117-124.
Kaaya, L.T., Lugomela, C., and Mgaya, Y.D. (2007). Spatial and temporal variations in
phytoplankton species composition, abundance, biomass and productivity in the selected Momela
Lakes, Arusha, Tanzania. Discovery and Innovations. 19: 25- 31.
Bauer, K., Díez, B., Lugomela, C., Seppällä, S., Borg, A.J. and Bergman, B. (2008).
Variability in benthic diazotrophy and cyanobacterial diversity in a tropical intertidal lagoon. FEMS
Microbiology Ecology. 63: 205-221.
Mamboya F., Lugomela, C., Mvungi, E., Hamisi, M., Kamukuru, A.T. and Lyimo, T.J.
(2009) Seagrass – sea urchin interaction in shallow littoral zones of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 19: 19 – 26.
Shayo, D., Lugomela, C. and Machiwa, J.F. (2011) Influence of land use patterns on some
limnological characteristics in the south-eastern part of Lake Victoria, Tanzania. Aquatic Ecosystem
Health and Management. 14(3): 246 – 251.
Lyimo, T.J., Mamboya, F., Hamisi, M. and Lugomela, C. (2011) Food preference of the sea
urchin Tripneustesgratilla (Linnaeus, 1758) in tropical seagrass habitats at Dar es Salaam,
Tanzania. Journal of Ecology and the Natural Environment. 3(13), 415-423.
Daudi, L.N., Lugomela, C., Uku, J.N. and De Troch, M. (2012) Effect of nutrient
enrichment on seagrass associated meiofauna in Tanzania. Marine Environmental Research. 82: 49
– 58.
Mwakalobo, S.L., Namkinga, L., Lyimo, T.J., Lugomela, C. (2013). Assessment of Faecal
Bacteria Contamination in Selected Coastal Waters of Tanzania. Journal of Biology and Life
Sciences. Vol. 4 No. 2: 63 – 82.
Lugomela, C. (2013) Distribution of the potentially toxic diatom genus Pseudo-nitzschia
(Bacillariophyceae) in the near shore waters of Dar es salaam, Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of
Science. 39: 43 – 48.
Kihwele, E.S., Lugomela C. and Howell, K.M. (2014). Temporal changes in the Lesser
Flamingos population (Phoenicopterus minor) in relation to phytoplankton abundance in Lake
Manyara, Tanzania. Open Journal of Ecology. 4: 145-161.
Book Chapter
Lugomela, C. (2012). The Mangrove Ecosystem of Chwaka Bay. In: de la Torre-Castro, M. and
Lyimo, T.J. (eds.) People, Nature and Research in Chwaka Bay, Unguja, Zanzibar. Pg 69 – 87.
ISBN 978-9987-9559-1-6.
Conference Paper
Kiwango, H.R., Lugomela, C. and Casillas, A.D. (2013). Phytoplankton composition and
abundance in relation to physico-chemical parameters and nutrient concentrations during the dry
season in the Wami Estuary, Tanzania. In: Msuha, M., Nindi, S., Kakengi, V., Ntalwila, J. and
Kohi, E. (Eds.). Proceedings of the Eighth TAWIRI Scientific Conference; 6th - 8th December 2011,
Corridor Springs Hotel, Arusha, Tanzania, Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute (TAWIRI).pp. 64 –
75. ISBN: 978-9987-9567-2-2.
Dr. Ntahondi Nyandwi: Institute of Marine Sciences
Since his last promotion to Senior Lecturer in July, 1999, Dr. Nyandwi has
published 12 international journal papers, , authored a consultancy report, coauthored 6 consultancy reports, co-authored 3 book chapters, authored a
conference paper and co-authored 2 conference papers. Dr. Nyandwi has
earned a total of 6.62 publication points.
The following are Journals Papers published by Dr. Nyandwi:(a)
Journal Papers
Nyandwi, N. (2013). The effects of monsoons on the East African Coastal current through
the Zanzibar Channel, Tanzania, The Journal of Ocean Technology, Volume 8, Number 4, pp 6574.
Shaghude, Y.W., Mburu, J.W., Uku, J., Ochiewo, J., Nyandwi, N., Onganda, H., Magori,
C., Sanga, I. and Arthurton, R.S. (2012). Beach Sand Supply and Transport at Kunduchi in
Tanzania and Bamburi in Kenya, Western Indian Ocean J. Mar. Sci. Vol. 11. No. 2, pp. 135-154.
Nyandwi, N., Shaghude, Y.W., Mburu, J.W., Dubi, A.M., Sanga I. and Arthurton, R.S.
(2012). Morphodynamics of the Manyema Tidal Delta at Kunduchi, Tanzania, Western Indian
Ocean J. Mar. Sci. Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 155-166.
Nyandwi, N. (2010). The major cause of observed erosion surge on the beaches north of Dar
es Salaam city. Tanzania Journal of Science, 36:73-84.
Nyandwi, N. (2010). Geomorphological potential of coelacanth habitat across MozambiqueTanzania border. Tanzania Journal of Science, 36:113-118.
Nyandwi, N. (2009). Protection of The Coelacanth, a Primitive Fish in The Coastal Waters
of Tanzania” Ocean & Coastal Management, Vol. 52(12), pp. 655-659 DOI information:
Nyandwi, N. & Kangwe J. (2006). Ecological and engineering importance of the Bet el Ras
Beach sandstone, Tanzania Journal of Science, Vol 32 (2): 117-124.
Nyandwi, N. (2006). Coastal Tanzania, a new home to the living coelacanth: an
oceanographic analysis, Tanzania Journal of Science, Vol 32 (2): 33-38.
Shaghude, Y.W., Nyandwi, N., Muzuka, A.N.N., Dubi, A.M. and Mwaipopo, O.U. (2006).
Sediment characteristics and hydrodynamic setting of reef platform sediments of Kunduchi, north of
Dar es Salaam harbour, Tanzania Journal of Science, Vol 32 (1): 37-52.
Muzuka, A.N.N., Shaghude, Y.W., Wannäs, K.O. and Nyandwi, N. (2005). Sediment
sources and their distribution in Chwaka Bay, Zanzibar island. Western Indian Journal of Marine
Sciences, Vol. 4: 185-197.
Muzuka. A. N. N., Nyandwi, N. and Shaghude Y. W. (2004). Preliminary investigation on
the Pleistocene/Holocene sea level changes along the coastline of Tanzania, with reference to
Unguja and Pemba Islands. Boletim Geológico 43, 8-13.
Nyandwi, N. and Dubi, A. M. (2001): Episodic atmospheric changes and their impact on
the hydrography of the coastal waters in Tanzania. Climate Research, 18 (1&2), 157-162.
(b) Book Chapters
Shaghude, Y. W., Mahongo, S., Muzuka, A. N. N. & Nyandwi, N. (2012): Physical and
geological processes in Chwaka Bay. In: de la Torre-Castro, M. & Lyimo, T. (eds). People, Nature
and Research in Chwaka Bay, Zanzibar, Tanzania. WIOMSA, 41-55.
Muzuka, A. N. N., and Nyandwi, N. (2002). Lake Tanganyika Holocene record on
variability in precipitation in the Malagarasi catchment basin. In: Odada, E. O. and Olago, D. O.
(Eds). The East African Great Lakes: Limnology, Palaeolimnology and Biodiversity, Advances in
Global Change Research, 12: 415-428, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordretcht.
Nyandwi, N. and Mwaipopo, O. U. (2000). Hydrodynamics of Chwaka Bay, a shallow,
mangrove-fringed tropical embayment. In: Flemming, B. W., Delafontaine, M. T. & Liebezeit, G.
Eds. Muddy Coast Dynamics and Resource Management. Proceedings in Marine Sciences, 2: 3-12,
Elsevier, Amsterdam.
(c) Conference Papers
Muzuka, A. N. N., Kangwe, J. W., Nyandwi, N., Wannas, K. O., Mtolera, M. S. P. &
BjÖrk, M. (2001): Preliminary results on the sediment sources, grain size distribution and
percentage cover of sand producing halimeda species and associated flora in Chwaka bay. In
Richmond, M.D. and Francis, J. (eds) Marine Science Development in Tanzania and Eastern Africa.
Proceedings of the 20th Anniversary Conference in Marine Science in Tanzania. 28 June – 1 July
1999, Zanzibar, Tanzania. IMS/WIOMSA, 51-59.
Nyandwi, N. (2001): Survey for the extent of human-induced beach erosion problems in
Tanzania. In Richmond, M.D. and Francis, J. (eds). Marine Science Development in Tanzania and
Eastern Africa. Proceedings of the 20th Anniversary Conference in Marine Science in Tanzania, 28
June – 1 July 1999, Zanzibar, Tanzania. IMS/WIOMSA, 121-129.
Nyandwi, N. (2001): Reassessment of the nature of beach erosion north of Dar es Salaam,
Tanzania. In Richmond, M.D. and Francis, J. (eds) Marine Science Development in Tanzania and
Eastern Africa. Proceedings of the 20th Anniversary Conference in Marine Science in Tanzania, 28
June – 1 July 1999, Zanzibar, Tanzania. IMS/WIOMSA, 107-120.
(d) Consultancy Reports
Mazzilli, S., Hills, J., Jiddawi, N., Nyandwi, N., Shaghude, Y., Sanga, I., Babu, M. T.,
Sudheesh, K., Kyewalyanga, M., Desa, E. (2010) The participatoryapproach to coastal management
at Jambaiani, Zanzibar using Decision Support Tools: Good practice for coastal management.
UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Technology for Africa, Nairobi, 12pp.
Shaghude, Y.W., Dubi, A.M., Nyandwi, N., Muzuka, A.N.N., Shalli, M. and Sanga, I.
(2007). Report on the training course on shoreline changes, mitigation and monitoring to the DoE
staff, Zanzibar, 62pp. Report submitted to SMOLE, March 2007.
Nyandwi, N. and Kangwe, J. W. (2004) Ecological Survey of the Beach at Bet el Ras.
Report submitted to Aga Khan Cultural Services, Zanzibar.
Dubi, A.M., Nyandwi, N. and Sanga, I. (2004) Hydrographic survey at the proposed
slipway at the port of Zanzibar – Malindi harbour, Unguja island. Report submitted to Zanzibar
Ports Authority (Engineering department), February 2004.
Nyandwi, N. (2003) Assessment, Monitoring, Mitigation and Restoration activities at
Kunduchi beach, Tanzania. Case study report for UNEP/GPA, UNEP & WIOMSA, May, 2003.
Dubi, A. M. and Nyandwi, N. (2000). “Preliminary Studies for the Mitigation and Control
of Coastal Erosion at Kunduchi Beach, Dar es salaam”. Report submitted to the University of Dar es
Salaam. Research report No. IMS/1999/01, 72pp.
Kairu, K and Nyandwi, N. (2000): Guidelines for the study of shoreline change in the
western Indian Ocean Region. IOC Manuals and Guides No. 40, UNESCO 2000, 55pp.
Dr. Peter L. Mtui: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, College of
Engineering and Technology
Since his last promotion to Senior Lecturer in January, 2011, Dr. Mtui has
published 8 international journal papers, co-authored 2 conference papers.
Dr. Mtui has earned a total of 7.00 publication points.
The following are Journals Papers published by Dr. Mtui:(a)
Journal Papers
Peter L. Mtui Performance and Emissions Modeling of Natural Gas Dual Fuelling of Large
Diesel Engines International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, Volume 2, Issue 11,
November 2013; pp 317-323
Peter L. Mtui CFD Modeling of Devolatilization and Combustion of Shredded Tires and
Pine Wood in Rotary Cement Kilns; American Journal of Energy Engineering, 2013; 1(5): 51-55
doi: 10.11648/j.ajee.20130105.11
Peter L. Mtui Euler-Lagrange Modeling of Entrained Flow Gasification of Coke-Biomass
Slurry Mixture American Journal of Energy Engineering, 2013; 1(4): 43-50
doi: 10.11648/j.ajee.20130104.11
Peter L. Mtui Modeling of Rice Husks Gasification in a Fluidized Bed Reactor
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology Vol. 2 Issue 7, July – 2013, pp 1944 1951
Peter L. Mtui Numerical Modeling of Palm Oil Transesterification in Stirred Tank Reactor
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology
Vol. 2 Issue 7, July – 2013, pp 1952 - 1963
Peter L. Mtui Computational Analysis of a Fixed Bed Thermal Oxidizer for Solid Wastes
Disposal Advanced Materials Research Vol. 699 (2013) pp 326-334
Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, doi:10.4028/
Peter L. Mtui Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of Palm Fruit Pyrolysis in a Fast
Fluidized Bed Reactor: Advanced Materials Research Vol. 699 (2013) pp 822-828 Trans Tech
Publications, Switzerland, doi:10.4028/
A.A. Boateng and Peter L. Mtui CFD Modeling of Space-Time Evolution of Fast Pyrolysis
Products in a Bench-Scale Fluidized-Bed Reactor, Journal of Applied Thermal Engineering 33-34
(2012) 190 -198 doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2011.09.034
Conference Papers
Dancan A. Mwakipesile , Moses M. Mkumbwa, Peter L. Mtui. and Iddi S. N. Mkilaha,
Thermodynamic Analysis of Sorbent Control of Arsenic and Selenium from Coal Wastes
Gasification 2nd International Conference on Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (MIE'2012),
Arusha, Tanzania (Feb. 16 – 17, 2012), Proceedings: pp 332 – 338
Dancan A. Mwakipesile , Moses M. Mkumbwa, Peter L. Mtui. and Iddi S. N. Mkilaha,
Trace Metal Contamination of Kiwira Coal Mine, 2nd International Conference on Mechanical and
Industrial Engineering (MIE'2012), Arusha, Tanzania (Feb. 16 – 17, 2012), Proceedings: pp 345 –
Dr. Kennedy G. Gastorn: Department of Public Law, University of Dar es Salaam
School of Law
Since his last promotion to Senior Lecturer in July, 2011, Dr. Gastorn has
published 6 journal papers (3 of which are in international journals), coauthored 6 book chapters, and authored 4 conference papers. Dr. Gastorn has
earned a total of 7.40 publication points.
The following are Journals Papers published by Dr. Gastorn
Journal Papers
“Cross Boarder Legal Practice in the East African Community: Prospects and Challenges
from the Tanzanian Position”, Journal of African International Law, Vol. 6 No. 2, 2013, pp. 29-76.*
Constitutional Reform Processes and Integration of East Africa, (editor, al), 2013. Dar es
Salaam University Press, Dar es Salaam*
“Environmental Impact Assessment in Tanzania: An Appeal for Action” . Nyerere Law
Journal, 2003, Vol. 1, pp. 71-94
“Legal Environment for Tourist Investments on Village Lands outside Wildlife Management
Areas (WMAs)” 2003, Tanzania Wildlife Discussion Paper No. 36, GTZ Wildlife Programme in
“Effectiveness of Flexible Land Tenure in Unplanned Urban Areas in the SADC Region: A
Case Study of Tanzania and Experiences from Zambia and Namibia, SADC LAW JOURNAL,
2013:2: 160-181.
The Dynamics of Continuity and Change of British Colonial Legacy in Land Laws of
(Mainland) Tanzania”, OPEN UNIVERSITY LAW JOURNAL, 2013: 1: 149-166.
“Constitutionality of Compulsory Land Acquisitions and Compensation Practice in
Tanzania: The 2009/10 Kipawa Land Eviction and Road Sector Compensations Dispute as
Book Chapters
Constitutional Reform Processes and Integration of East Africa: Introduction, in Gastorn,
K.G. (editor, et al) 2013, Constitutional Reform Processes and Integration of East Africa, Dar es
Salaam University Press, Dar es Salaam.*
(editor, et al), 2011, Dar es Salaam University Press, Dar es Salaam.
“The Right to Health and the Paradox of HIV/AIDS Strategies, Policies and Laws on
Vulnerable Groups in Tanzania: The Case Study of Homosexuals”, ORIENT JOURNAL OF LAW
AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 2012:1: 34-48.
“The Legal Analysis of the Common Market of the East African Community as Market
Freedoms in the Open Market Economy”, RECHT IN AFRIKA/LAW IN AFRICA, 2011:1:143154.
“The Common Market of the East African Community and the Right of Access to Land by
Non-Nationals in Tanzania’, book chapter in Gastorn, K.G. (e.d et al), PROCESSES OF LEGAL
Press, Dar es Salaam, 103-128.
Conference Papers
Land Rights and Titling in Tanzania, Institute of Resources Assessment (IRA), University of
Dar es Salaam and Department of Afro-American and African Studies as the University of
Michigan, USA, effectiveness of Residential Licenses in Titling Land Tenure in Unplanned Urban
Areas in Tanzania.
Land Justice for Sustainable Peace in Tanzania, Institute of Justice and Peace, Sebastian
Kolowa Memorial University, Lushoto, the dynamic of Property Outlaws in Land Ownership and
Eviction Orders in Tanzania.
Annual SADC Law Seminar Series, Faculty of Law, University of Cape Town,
Effectiveness of Flexible Land Tenure in Unplanned Urban Areas in the SADC Region: A Case
Study of Tanzania and Experiences from Zambia and Namibia.
Legal Histories of the British Empire – “Laws, Spaces, Cultures and Empire: Engagements
and Legacies”, Faculty of Law of the British Columbia, Canada and Faculty of Law, National
University of Singapore, the dynamics of Continuity and Change of British Colonial Legacy in
Land Laws of Mainland Tanzania.
The Appointment Committee at its 20th Meeting held on 19th November, 2014 had approved
promotion of the following members of the academic staff to the ranks indicated bellow:-
Dr. Rose A. Upor: Department of Foreign Languages and Linguistics, College of
Humanities (3.45 Publication Points).
Dr. Nyimvua Shabani, Department of Mathematics, College of Natural and Applied
Sciences (3.45 Publication Points).
Dr. Egbert Mujuni, Department of Mathematics, College of Natural and Applied Sciences
(3.74 Publication Points)
Dr. Tito E. Mwinuka, Department of Design and Production Engineering, College of
Engineering and Technology (4.16 Publication Points).
Dr. Honest C. Kimaro, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, College of
Information and Communication Technologies (3.66 Publication Points).
Dr. Datius K. Rweyemamu, Department of Sociology, College of Social Sciences (4.2
Publications points).
Dr. Ambrose T. Kessy, Department of Political Science and Public Administration, College
of Social Sciences (3.0 Publication Points).
Management and the entire University Community congratulates them for their well deserved
NB: The financial package associated with these promotions will be effected once the
Government's approval is granted.
27 November 2014