THE HERALD STATESMAN, YONKERS, N.Y., TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1968 This Generation .- 13 The Counselor Y TRUDY Supersonic-Clad Pop Group Sound Of Many Dimensions By BARRY ROBINSON The 5th Dimension is one of the most e x c i t i n g nusic groups to emerge from southern California iThe Doors is the other) since the Mamas and the Papas. Organized three years ago, the group has hit the charts several limes, notably with "Go Where You Wanna Go" and "Up, Up and Away/' and it has achieved the upper stratum of the nightclub circuit. "We came up fast," admitted Marilyn McCoo. "We never had to go through the stage of p 1 a y i n g grubby, little lomiges and working our way up To the better clubs." The group prepared for success by investing in a wardrobe of supersonic-styled outfits. Their designer calls them "my moon people set." The clothes are ultra-mod, and then some. "We figure we'll set some styles," said Billv Davis Jr., "not follow them." The 21st Century might be . willing to accept "the "moon people" costumes for street wear. Until"then, they stick to wearing them for perform-. ances. Off-stage the g i r l s Marilyn and Florence LaRue —dress in mini-skirts with textured hose and the men—Billy Davis, Ron Townson and LaMont McLemore—lounge around in currently-in-vogue turtleiiecks, stovepipe pants and boots. During a brief visit to New York the 5th Dimension made the most of it, concertizing, appearing on TV shows, went to Broadway shows, night clubbing, and made a swift excursion to Philadelphia to tape a-TV spot. Why the flurry of publicityprone activity? The main reason was the group's new number, "Paper Cup," which isn't exactly Jtfce. their last hit, contradicting an industry formula. It met with a puzzling (perhaps puzzled) response from disc jockeys, as well as critics. One thought he heard a big beat reincarnation of the Double Six of Paris. Whatever it is, the group's sound is a mixture of several styles and musical backgrounds. Marilyn explained it this way: "Ron and I have had classical music training, so our approach, I guess you could say, is pretty much of a legitimate one. Billy has done a great deal with gospel music and so has Florence. LaMont is almost completely jazz-oriented." Said Ron: "Anyway, we tend to approach each song differently. We don't even have any one, single sound. Take the 'Paper Cup' sound. It surprised a lot of people." Right now the 5th Dimension is swimming in the pop music world and expects to stick to the show business grind for at least'another three years. If they ever split up, the singers have other things going for them. Before he joined the group LaMont was a fashion photographer and a profession il baseball pitcher. A broken arm put an end to his spores career. Marilyn has a degree in business administration : rid studied theater at U.C.L.A. Florence left teaching to sing with the group. Ron sang with the Wings Over Jordan gospel chorale, worked his way through Lincoln University (Jefferson, Mo.) conducting church choirs and toured with his own 25-voice choir. Billy has been deep into gospel singing and rhythm and blues since he was 13, a combination that worked well enough to make him the group's lead singer. Since the average age of the five Dimensions is 25, they have time for another career or two. Marilyn and Ron take an interest in the business end of the game, and the group already has its own music publishing c o m p a n y . LaMont keeps a hand in photography, Florence intends to use music to help emotionally disturbed children. Billy, well, he says singing is what he likes to do best. To Your Goo^ Health! Horoscope For Tomorrow How The Doctor Takes A Blood Pressure Reading By JOSEPH MOLNER, M.D. Q. When a doctor or nurse By CARROLL R1G1ITER takes your blood pressure, he ARIES (March 21 to April or she pumps up the instru19) A new friend who comprement until the gauge reads hends your ideas can make "-about 200 and then releases this a most interesting and the pressure. happy day for you, but take care tonight you do not argue I suppose that 4he moment with love tie. the needle starts to oscillate indicates the read the TAURUS (April 20 to May systolic pressure. But what I 20) If you study the situation don't understand is how the at home intelligently you can diastolic pressure is known. make important i m p r o v e—J.K. ments but steer clear of irate A. I can see that you've associate in p.m. been watching while your GE^nNI (May 21 to June blood pressure was being tak21) It would be wise to give en, but you couldn't figure the regular associates a pat on the method out b e c a u s e you back and come to a real meetcouldn't listen, too. ing of minds, but avoid bumptious co-worker. The systolic pressure, of course, is the "pumping presMOON CHILDREN (June 22 sure" and the diastolic presto July 21) Get into that busisure is the pressure which reness project that has every mains when the heart is not chance of success and repumping. The pressure bequires some tall thinking. tween beats, as it were. Hence LEO (July 22 to Aug. 21) vou need two figures for blood Early morning is best for hanpressure, as 130-80 or "130 dling some very personal matover 80." ter but take care later you don't start an argument at You notice that the doctor abode. (or nurse) uses a stethoscope. VIRGO (Aug. 22 to.Sept. 22) That's what tells when to read Listen to what some expert the gauge. has to suggest early in the First of all the cuff (the day, but take care in driving thing we wrap around your later on. arm) Is pumped up to 200 or LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22) so — whatever figure is necesContact good pals during day sary to be higher than your since they hold the key to your systolic pressure. True, the advancement right at this gauge .may fluctuate but that time, can solve problems. isn't significant. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. Rather, once the pressure Is 21) Make such a fine impreshigher than your own pression on a bigwig that you get sure, the cuff pressure is rethe credit or career advanceleased gradually. A thump is ment vou are seeking. heard in the stethoscope at the instant the cuff pressure falls SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to to a point equal to your systolDec. 21) A new attitude is neic pressure. So we read the cessary if you are to gain the gauge then. support and cooperation of the right people today. .Bo sure From that point on, periodic that you garner the data you thumps are heard. This is need. your pulse, or your heart CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to beats. The pressure in the cuff is allowed to decline some Jan. 201- Tap your own subconmore. The point at which the scious for the best solving of thump—the pulse—no longer present p r o b l e m s without can be heard represents your going to others for advice diastolic, or "resting" presright now. sure, so the second reading is AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 to Fob. taken at (hat moment. 19) Go directly to that wise asA physicist or an engineer sociate for advice or support could explain to you why the your require at this time. first thump is heard, and why PISCES 'Feb. 20 to March later on the pulse or heart 20) Be very sure you dig right boats cease being heard when into all that work ahead of you the cuff pressure reaches your . and give coworkers the coopminimum blood pressure. I'd eration they need and deserve. rather not try to explain that technicially. But at least now you know the mechanics of how the gauge is read. For a copy of the booklet, "Mononucleosis," send with your request a long, self-addressed, stamped envelope and 25 cents in coin to Dr. Joseph Molner, Box 158, Dept WCP, Dundee, 111. fireplace wall and then onto a ICE SKATING Q. Can you publish a list of black slate hearth. There ara places in Westchester where now water marks as well as public ice skating is allowed? scratches from a flower pot on D..M the harth. Can you tell ma A. Ice skating is made availhow I can remove them? able by the Westchester CounN..F ty Department of Parks, ReA. Water stains and scratchcreation and Conservation at V. Everit Macy Park, Ar- es frequently may be removed from slate by rubbing with a dsley; Tibbetts Brook Park in Yonkers; W i 11 s o n s Woods honing stone. One expert states that sandpaper may Pond in Mount Vernon; Twin sometimes be used, and if the Lakes in Eastchester and scratches and stains are not along the Bronx River Parktoo bad, a coat of wax may way at Bronxville Lake, Crestcover them. wood Lake and Hartsdale Pond. Skating is also allowed when conditions permit, at GARDENING Q. Please tell me where I Wampus Pond, North Castle. Evening ice skating was start- can take a course in gardening? ed at Kensico Dam Plaza, VaMrs. M..G lhalla, Jan. 5. Floodlights A. Rochambeau School, 228 were installed which are turened on at dusk and off at 9:50 Fisher Ave., White Plains, had classes, at one time, in the p.m. Since ice skating is unsupervised, it j s permitted only Adult Education Department, geared to the homemaker who when the red ball is up which wanted to learn the techniques indicates the ice is a minito correct or improve his lawn mum of four inches thick. and plantings. We were informed that if enough people NO SUCH LAW request it. (the course will be " W h e r e w e r e y o u ? I called e v e r y auto-body Q. I was told recently that it offered again. Perhaps you is a New York State law that shop in town!" can stimulate some interest children born of a mixed maramong your own friends and riage, must be the religion of m ii^Wiii; relatives. If you want a combithe mother. Is this true? nation of flower arranging, B..W gardening and some socializA. According to a spokesing with people who have simman for the Family Court, ilar interests, you may want there is no such statute. . to join the garden club in your community. Also, the . New HEARTH ACHE York Botanical Garden, Bronx By Rev. JAMES KELLER Few persons find themPark, Bronx 10459, has short Q. My roof leaked onto my A thick wallet was credited gaidening courses in the fall selves threatened with immiwith saving a bank employe and winter. nent death only to be given anfrom being wounded or killed other lease on life. by a robber who shot him durVACATION ing a holdup in Stockholm, But whether we receive one Q. My husband, the three Sweden. or more chances on the stage children and I are going to of life, the important thing is The thief made off with Puerto Rico next November to make the most of the oppor$10,000 in cash from the bank, for a vacation. I would like to tunities God sends our way. but was captured soon afterstart planning the wardrobe ward. By keeping ever in mind now. What is the weather like that each of us is on a pilgrimSaid the bank employe: "I at that time in Puerto Rico? age with heaven as our destithought it was a joke when the Mrs. R.C. man cried, 'Hand over the mo- nation, we are more apt to A. Warm and lovely. Sumlead meaningful, constructive ney." When I didn't, he whippmer clothes for all with wraps lives. ed out a pistol and shot at me. for cool, breezy evenings. The bullet ripped through a drawer and hit me in the EDITOR'S NOTE: Qwtlofil con t» "By his good life let him occepted only by moll, eoeh acoompochest, but it was stopped by show his works in the meeknied by $el»-oddre$sed stomped envelope, individual replies will be mode to my wallet containing a thick ness of wisdom." those which ore not generally suitable) check book." James 3:13 to answer in column-. 3 Minutes A Day Only Chevrolet puts so much in for the money you put out. Our lowest priced car—Nova Hard to believe. Nova's totally new looks. More powerful engines. Yet still economical to buy. Its low price includes Improved rear shock absorbers, and independent front coil suspension. Together, they soak up the road shocks. A wider front and rear tread gives you a smoother, steadier ride. New safety features offer more protection and security for your family. Take a ride, and you'll know why Chevy n Nova Coupe is Chevrolet's beautiful value leader for '68. Our lowest priced wagon-Nomad This rugged new Chevelle has 84 cubic feet of cargo area. Your choice of three all-vinyl Interiors which beautifully withstand the rigors of families, fishermen, flowerpots, \What-have-you. New wider stance for easier handling. New longer 116" wheelbase for a smoother, more comfortable ride. For power, Nomad's standard Turbo-Thrift Six or new 200-hp V8. Hitch your family to a Nomad, a star performer. Ask The Teacher Criticism Held Proper If Not Anonymous By SHIRLEY SCHRAUB Q. One of my 1st grade teachers came and showed me a Clipping which I recognized as .one from your column. It dealt with a teacher-parentchild relationship. This teacher had received it in the mail with a" caustic comment attached. My opinion of the sender is that a person who lacks the coinage and decency to speak to a teacher directly and who hides behind a screen of anonymity is a sick person in need of psychiatric care. Furthermore, such a person may well be the cause of the child's difficulties, rather than the teacher. What is- your opinion of a person who would clip a column and send it to a teacher anonymously? — Mrs. L.K., Principal A. I believe everyone has the right and the duty to think and to express his opinion. Open discussion" of opposing thoughts can often lead to improvement in any field. A person does not have to be in agreement to speak out. However, ho should not be ashamed or afraid to sign his name and be openly identified with anything ho feels is worth saying. Spelling is so important in our school, social and business lives and somehow it seems to be taken for granted. You would be surprised at the ev> eryday words Which are commonly misspelled. S h i r l e y Schraub has compiled a list of "100 of the Most Frequently Misspelled Words", which you will find most interesting and informative. You may obtain a copy by sending a long, stamped, self addressed envelope and 25 cents in coin to Shirley Schraub, P.O. Box 633, Mamaroneck, N.Y. 10543 or care of this newspaper, requesting this leaflet by name. Nov8 Coupo &nd Nomsd Station Wsgon top, ImpslQ Sport Coups bottom. Our traditionally low priced Chevrolet Impala Sport Coupe. Sure it's a big car. And that little marker on the front fender says there's a hearty 307-cubic-inch V8 under the hood. But wait. That's standard, and the gas you put In Is regular. So typical of Chevrolet to save you money. And save you care. Protective black vinyl has been inserted in the molding along the length of the body to help keep Impala safe from nicks and scratches from neighboring cars. Main thing to know about Impala: big car, little price. Untitled Document Be smart. Be sure. Buy now at your Chevrolet dealer's. Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 -.-....-....----. CHEVROLET
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