Novembre-Décembre 2014 – Numéro 21 VEILLE SCIENTIFIQUE DU CRI-VIFF SUR LA VIOLENCE CONJUGALE Le 21e numéro de la veille scientifique mensuelle du CRI-VIFF Le Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire sur la violence familiale et la violence faite aux femmes (CRI-VIFF) publie une veille scientifique sur une base mensuelle afin de fournir aux principaux acteurs-rices (chercheurs-es, intervenants-es, étudiants-es, décideurs-es politiques) impliqués dans la lutte contre la violence conjugale, l’accès aux plus récentes connaissances théoriques, méthodologiques et pratiques qui les accompagneront dans leurs réflexions et dans leurs pratiques. Cette veille scientifique réunit les publications du dernier mois sur les différentes dimensions de la violence conjugale. Ces publications sont de nature multiple : écrits scientifiques, littérature grise, articles de journaux, rapports ou fiches synthèses du CRI-VIFF et autres évènements pertinents. TABLE DES MATIÈRES Articles scientifiques Revue de presse Évènements Vidéos 2 7 7 7 « La violence, sous quelque forme qu’elle se manifeste, est un échec » Jean-Paul Sartre Nous vous souhaitons une bonne lecture ! L’équipe du CRI-VIFF 1 Novembre-Décembre 2014 – Numéro 21 Articles scientifiques1 ENFANCE ET MATERNITÉ Faulkner, B., Goldstein, AL. & Wekerle, C. (2014). Alhusen, JL., Bullock, L., Sharps, P., Schminkey, D., Comstock, E. & Campbell, J. (2014). Intimate Partner Violence During Pregnancy and Adverse Neonatal Outcomes in Low-Income Women. Journal of Women's Health, 23(11), 920-926. Pathways From Childhood Maltreatment to Emerging Adulthood: Investigating Trauma-Mediated Substance Use and Dating Violence Outcomes Among Child Protective Services–Involved Youth. Child Maltreatment, 19( ¾), 219-232. Bair-Merritt, MH., Voegtline, K., Ghazarian, SR., Gartland, D., Woolhouse, H., Mensah, FK., He- Granger, DA., Blair, C., Johnson, SB. & Family Life Project Investigators. (2014). Maternal intimate partner violence exposure, child cortisol reactivity and child asthma. Child Abuse & Neglect. garty, K., Hiscock, H. & Brown, SJ. (2014). The Case for Early Intervention to Reduce the Impact of Intimate Partner Abuse on Child Outcomes: Results of an Australian Cohort of First-Time Mothers. Birth: Issues in Perinatal Care, 41(4), 374-383. Berthelot, N., Hébert, M., Godbout, N., Goulet, M., Bergeron, S. & Boucher, S. (2014). Childhood Maltreatment Increases the Risk of Intimate Partner Violence via PTSD and Anger Personality Traits in Individuals Consulting for Sexual Problems. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 23(9), 982-998. Gonzalez, A., MacMillan, H., Tanaka, M., Jack, Delker, BC., Noll, LK., Kim, HK. & Fisher, PA. Howell, KH., Miller, LE., Lilly, MM., Burlaka, V., (2014). Maternal abuse history and self-regulation difficulties in preadolescence. Child Abuse & Neglect, 38(12). Chan, KL. (2014). Child victims and poly-victims in China: Are they more at-risk of family violence? Child Abuse & Neglect, 38(11), 1832-1839. Emery, CR., Thapa, S., Do, MH. & Chan, KL. (2014). Do family order and neighbor intervention against intimate partner violence protect children from abuse? Findings from kathmandu. Child Abuse & Neglect. SM. & Tonmyr, L. (2014). Subtypes of exposure to intimate partner violence within a canadian child welfare sample: Associated risks and child maladjustment. Child Abuse & Neglect, 38(12). Grogan-Kaylor, AC. & Graham-Bermann, SA. (2015). Strengthening Positive Parenting Through Intervention: Evaluating the Moms’ Empowerment Program for Women Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 30(2), 232-252. Jennings, WG., Park, MR., Richards, TN., Tomsich, E., Gover, A. & Powers, RA. (2014). Exploring the relationship between child physical abuse and adult dating violence using a causal inference approach in an emerging adult population in South Korea. Child Abuse & Neglect, 38(12), 1902-1913. Krans, E., Moloci, N., Housey, M. & Davis, M. (2014). Impact of Psychosocial Risk Factors on Prenatal Care Delivery: A National Provider Survey. Maternal & Child Health Journal, 18(10), 2362-2370. 1 Veuillez noter que les liens hypertextes indiqués dans cette section vous mènent, non pas à l’article en format PDF, mais sur la page du journal scientifique où vous trouverez de plus amples détails sur l’article. Dans certains cas, les journaux scientifiques fournissent un accès gratuit à l’article en format PDF, mais ce n’est pas systématique. 2 Novembre-Décembre 2014 – Numéro 21 Lannert, BK., Garcia, AM., Smagur, KE., Yalch, Carlos, DM., Carvalho Ferriani, MdasG., Esteves, MM., Levendosky, AA., Bogat, GA. & Lonstein, JS. (2014). Relational trauma in the context of intimate partner violence. Child Abuse & Neglect, 38(12). MR., da Silva, LMP., Scatena, L. (2014). Social support from the perspective of adolescent victims of domestic violence. [ESPAGNOL] Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP, 48(4), 610-617. Mailloux, S. (2014). Fatal Families: Why Children are Killed in Familicide Occurrences. Journal of Family Violence, 29(8), 921-926. Manning, LG., Davies, PT. & Cicchetti, D. (2014). Interparental Violence and Childhood Adjustment: How and Why Maternal Sensitivity Is a Protective Factor. Child Development, 85(6), 2263-2278. Nasrullah, M., Zakar, R. & Zakar, MZ. (2014). Child Marriage and Its Associations With Controlling Behaviors and Spousal Violence Against Adolescent and Young Women in Pakistan. Journal of Adolescent Health, 55(6), 804-809. Ogbonnaya, IN., Finno-Velasquez, M. & Kohl, PL. (2014). Domestic violence and immigration status among latina mothers in the child welfare system: Findings from the national survey of child and adolescent well-being ii (nscaw ii). Child Abuse & Neglect. Wilson, CK., Lamis, DA., Winn, S. & Kaslow, NJ. (2014). Intimate partner violence, spiritual wellbeing, and parenting stress in African-American women. Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health, 16(4). ADOLESCENCE ET JEUNES ADULTES Boladale, M., Yetunde, O., Adesanmi, A., Olu- tayo, A. & Olanrewaju, I. (2015). Personality Profiles and Psychopathology Among Students Exposed to Dating Violence at the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 30(1), 168190. Boothe, MAS., Wilson, RM., Lassiter, TE. & Hol- land, B. (2014). Differences in Sexual Behaviors and Teen Dating Violence among Black, Hispanic, and White Female Adolescents. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 23(10), 1072-1089. Debnam, K., Howard, D. & Garza, M. (2014). 'If You Don't Have Honesty in a Relationship, Then There Is No Relationship': African American Girls' Characterization of Healthy Dating Relationships, A Qualitative Study. Journal of Primary Prevention, 35 (6), 397-407. Edwards, KM., Dardis, CM., Sylaska, KM. & Gidycz, CA. (2015). Informal Social Reactions to College Women’s Disclosure of Intimate Partner Violence: Associations With Psychological and Relational Variables. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 30(1), 2544. Foshee, VA., Reyes, LM., Agnew-Brune, CB., Si- mon, TR., Vagi, KJ., Lee, RD. & Suchindran, C. (2014). The effects of the evidence-based safe dates dating abuse prevention program on other youth violence outcomes. Prevention Science, 15(6), 907-916. Wusu, O. (2014). Predictors and implications of intimate partner violence against married female youths in nigeria. Journal of Family Violence. DESCRIPTION ET COMPRÉHENSION DE LA PROBLÉMATIQUE Beyer, K., Wallis, AB. & Hamberger, L. K. (2015). Neighborhood Environment and Intimate Partner Violence: A Systematic Review. Trauma, Violence & Abuse, 16(1), 16-47. Bridges, AJ., Karlsson, M. & Lindly, E. (2015). The Effect of Brief, Passive Psychoeducation on Knowledge and Ratings of Intimate Partner Violence in the United States and Argentina. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 30 (2), 272-294. Cowan, S. (2014). Motivating Questions and Partial Answers: A Response to Prosecuting Domestic Violence by Michelle Madden Dempsey. Criminal Law and Philosophy, 8(3), 543-555. 3 Novembre-Décembre 2014 – Numéro 21 Elmquist, JA., Hamel, J., Shorey, RC., Labrecque, L., Ninnemann, A. & Stuart, GL. (2014). Motivations for intimate partner violence in men and women arrested for domestic violence and court referred to batterer intervention programs. Partner Abuse, 5(4), 359-374. Hussain, N., Sprague, S., Madden, K., Hussain, FN., Pindiprolu, B. & Bhandari, M. (2015). A Comparison of the Types of Screening Tool Administration Methods Used for the Detection of Intimate Partner Violence: A Systematic Review and MetaAnalysis. Trauma, Violence & Abuse, 16(1), 60-69. Emery, CR., Wu, S. & Tsolmon, O. (2015). The Peril of Order? IPV, Injury, and Order in Mongolian Families. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 30(1), 62-68. Field, RM. & Lynch, A. (2014). Hearing parties' Ibarra, P., Gur, O. & Erez, E. (2014). Surveillance as casework: supervising domestic violence defendants with GPS technology. Crime, Law & Social Change, 62(4), 417-444. voices in Coordinated Family Dispute Resolution (CFDR): An Australian pilot of a family mediation model designed for matters involving a history of domestic violence. Journal of Social Welfare & Family Law, 36(4), 392-402. Finfgeld-Connett, D. (2014). Intimate Partner Abuse Among Older Women: Qualitative Systematic Review. Clinical Nursing Research, 23(6), 664-683. Forsdike, K., Tarzia, L., Hindmarsh, E. & He- garty, K. (2014). Family violence across the life cycle. Australian Family Physician, 43(11), 768-774. García Selgas, F. (2014). Gender Embodiment as Gender-Enacted Body: A Review of Intimate Partner Violence and Gender Embodiment Perspectives. Gender Issues, 31(¾), 185-201. Heffernan, K., Blythe, B. & Nicolson, P. (2014). How do social workers understand and respond to domestic violence and relate this to organizational policy and practice? International Social Work, 57(6), 698-713. Hildebrand Karlén, M., Roos af Hjelmsäter, E., Fahlke, C., Granhag, PA. & Söderpalm Gordh, A. (2015). Alcohol intoxicated eyewitnesses' memory of intimate partner violence. Psychology, Crime & Law, 21(2), 156-171. Huang, L. & Lin, Y. (2014). Determinants of Po- lice-Filed Petitions for Protection Orders in Taiwan: Comparing Predictive Factor Salience in Intimate Partner Violence Cases in the USA and Taiwan. Asian Journal of Criminology, 9(4), 301-322. Jaffe, PG., Dawson, M. & Campbell, M. (2014). Developing a national collaborative approach to prevent domestic homicides: domestic homicide review committees. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 55(1), 137. Jaspaert, E. & Vervaeke, G. (2014). Exploring the Indirect Effect of Preference Discrepancy on Intimate Partner Violence. Journal of Family Violence, 29(8), 829 -837. Khadra, C., Wehbe, N., Lachance Fiola, J., Skaff, W. & Nehmé, M. (2015). Symptoms of PostTraumatic Stress Disorder Among Battered Women in Lebanon: An Exploratory Study. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 30(2), 295-313. Morgan, K., Williamson, E., Hester, M., Jones, S. & Feder, G. (2014). Asking men about domestic violence and abuse in a family medicine context: Help seeking and views on the general practitioner role. Aggression & Violent Behavior, 19(6), 637-642. Nnawulezi, NA. & Sullivan, CM. (2014). Oppression Within Safe Spaces: Exploring Racial Microaggressions Within Domestic Violence Shelters. Journal of Black Psychology, 40(6), 563-591. O'Doherty, LJ., MacMillan, H., Feder, G., Taft, A., Taket, A. & Hegarty, K. (2014). Selecting outcomes for intimate partner violence intervention trials: Overview and recommendations. Aggression & Violent Behavior, 19(6), 663-672. 4 Novembre-Décembre 2014 – Numéro 21 Parker, EM. & Gielen, AC. (2014). Intimate Part- ner Violence and Safety Strategy Use: Frequency of Use and Perceived Effectiveness. Women's Health Issues, 24(6), 584-593. Rodriguez-Menés, J., Puig, D. & Sobrino, C. (2014). Poly- and Distinct- Victimization in Histories of Violence Against Women. Journal of Family Violence, 29(8), 849-858. Whitaker, MP. (2014). Linking Community Protective Factors To Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration. Violence Against Women, 20(11), 1338-1359. Wilson, CK., Lamis, DA., Winn, S. & Kaslow, NJ. (2014). Intimate Partner Violence, Spiritual WellBeing, and Parenting Stress in African-American Women. Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health, 16(4), 261-285. Sawyer, S., Parekh, V., Williams, A. & Williams, B. (2014). Are Australian paramedics adequately trained and prepared for intimate partner violence? A pilot study. Journal of Forensic & Legal Medicine, 28, 32-35. Sweet, PL. (2014). ‘Every bone of my body:’ Do- mestic violence and the diagnostic body. Social Science & Medicine, 122, 44-52. Sygel, K., Kristiansson, M., Furberg, R. & Fors, U. (2014). Reactions on display/intimate partner violence (ROD/IPV)-A study of a new interactive computer simulation program for the treatment of men convicted of intimate partner violence. The International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 13(4). Valdez, CE. & Lilly, MM. (2015). Posttraumatic Growth in Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence: An Assumptive World Process. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 30(2), 215-231. Valpied, J., Cini, A., O'Doherty, L., Taket, A. & Hegarty, K. (2014). “Sometimes cathartic. Sometimes quite raw”: Benefit and harm in an intimate partner violence trial. Aggression & Violent Behavior, 19(6), 673-685. Vatnar, SKB. & Bjørkly, S. (2014). An Interaction- al Perspective on Coping with Intimate Partner Violence: Counterattack, Call for Help, or Give in and Obey Him? Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 23(9), 881-900. Wearing, M. (2014). Domestic Violence Working with Men: Research, Practice Experience and Integrated Responses. Australian Social Work, 67(4), 607609. RÉALITÉS PARTICULIÈRES Beck, J., Clapp, JD., Jacobs-Lentz, J., McNiff, J., Avery, M. & Olsen, SA.The Association of Mental Health Conditions With Employment, Interpersonal, and Subjective Functioning After Intimate Partner Violence. Violence Against Women, 20(11), 1321-1337. Cambron, C., Gringeri, C. & Vogel-Ferguson, MB. (2014). Physical and Mental Health Correlates of Adverse Childhood Experiences among Low-Income Women. Health & Social Work, 39(4), 221-229. Canning, V. (2014). Women, asylum and the harms of detention. Criminal Justice Matters, 98(1), 1011. Choi, GY. & Byoun, SJ. (2014). Domestic violence against migrant women in South Korea: Addressing the needs of a uniquely situated victim population in domestic violence policy. International Social Work, 57 (6), 645-660. Fogel, CI., Gelaude, DJ., Carry, M., Herbst, JH., Parker, S., Scheyette, A. & Neevel, A. (2014). Context of Risk for HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infections Among Incarcerated Women in the South: Individual, Interpersonal, and Societal Factors. Women & Health, 54(8), 694-711. Kim-Godwin, Y., Maume, M. & Fox, J. (2014). Depression, Stress, and Intimate Partner Violence Among Latino Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers in Rural Southeastern North Carolina. Journal of Immigrant & Minority Health, 16(6), 1217-1224. 5 Novembre-Décembre 2014 – Numéro 21 Lewis, RJ., Milletich, RJ., Derlega, VJ. & Padilla, MA. (2014). Sexual Minority Stressors and Psychological Aggression in Lesbian Women’s Intimate Relationships: The Mediating Roles of Rumination and Relationship Satisfaction. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 38(4), 535-550. Lipsky, S., Kernic, M., Qiu, Q., Wright, C. & Has- in, D. (2014). A Two-Way Street for Alcohol Use and Partner Violence: Who's Driving It? Journal of Family Violence, 29(8), 815-828. Lorvick, J., Lutnick, A., Wenger, LD., Bourgois, Parson, N. & Heckert, C. (2014). The Golden Cage: The Production of Insecurity at the Nexus of Intimate Partner Violence and Unauthorized Migration in the United States. Human Organization, 73(4), 305-314. Roe-Sepowitz, DE., Hickle, KE., Dahlstedt, J. & Gallagher, J. (2014). Victim or Whore: The Similarities and Differences between Victim's Experiences of Domestic Violence and Sex Trafficking. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 24(8), 883898. P., Cheng, H. & Kral, AH. (2014). Non-Partner Violence Against Women Who Use Drugs in San Francisco. Violence Against Women, 20(11), 1285-1298. Ludwig-Barron, N., Wagner, KD., Syvertsen, JL., Ewald, IJ., Patterson, TL., Semple, SJ. & Stockman, JK. (2014). “When You Get Old Like This … You Don't Run Those Risks Anymore”: Influence of Age on Sexual Risk Behaviors and Condom Use Attitudes Among Methamphetamine-Using Heterosexual Women with a History of Partner Violence. Women's Health Issues, 24(6), 620–628. Moya, EM., Chávez-Baray, S. & Martinez, O. (2014). Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Health: Voices and Images of Latina Immigrant Survivors in Southwestern United States. Health Promotion Practice, 15(6), 881-893. Nava, A., McFarlane, J., Gilroy, H. & Maddoux, J. (2014). Acculturation and Associated Effects on Abused Immigrant Women's Safety and Mental Functioning: Results of Entry Data for a 7-year Prospective Study. Journal of Immigrant & Minority Health, 16(6), 1077-1084. Øverup, CS., DiBello, AM., Brunson, JA., Acitelli, LK. & Neighbors, C. (2015). Drowning the pain: Intimate partner violence and drinking to cope prospectively predict problem drinking. Addictive Behaviors, 41, 152-161. Sabina, C., Cuevas, CA. & Zadnik, E. (2014). Intimate partner violence among latino women: Rates and cultural correlates. Journal of Family Violence. Seo, J., Lloyd, D. & Nam, S. (2014). Work-Family Conflict and Intimate Partner Violence in the South Korean Military: Mediating Role of Aggression and Buffering Effect of a Counseling Resource. Journal of Family Violence, 29(8), 839-847. Wright, AMT. (2014). An exploratory study of self-selected versus other arranged marriages. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering, 75(5-B(E)). MILIEUX DE PRATIQUE PROFESSIONNELLE Gribaldo, A. (2014). The paradoxical victim: Intimate violence narratives on trial in Italy. American Ethnologist, 41(4), 743-756. Kettner, M., Cappel-Hoffmann, S., Makuch, D., Schmidt, P. & Ramsthaler, F. (2015). IPV – Bridging the juridical gap between scratches and DNA detection under fingernails of cohabitating partners. Forensic Science International: Genetics, 14, 110-115. Mujuzi, JD. (2014). The Ugandan Domestic Violence Act: The Drafting History and Challenges to Its Implementation. International Journal of Law, Policy & the Family, 28(3), 257-273. 6 Novembre-Décembre 2014 – Numéro 21 Potter-Efron, RT. (2014). The use of neuroplastic change principles in domestic violence treatment: An experimental program. Partner Abuse, 5(4), 458468. Vidéos 12 capsules présentées par L’Alliance des maisons d’hébergement pour femmes violentées et en difficulté de la région 03 dans le cadre d’un projet des 12 jours d'action contre la violence faite aux femmes. Capsule # 1 Introduction - 12 jours d'action contre la violence faite aux femmes. Revue de presse Campagne contre la violence conjugale. Le Devoir Douze jours pour dénoncer l’horreur de la vio- Capsule # 2 Les bons gars -12 jours d'action contre la violence faite aux femmes. lence faite aux femmes. Le Devoir La violence conjugale dont personne ne parle. Capsule # 3 Les bonnes sources d'information 12 jours d'action contre la violence faite aux femmes. Huffington Post La violence dans l'indifférence. La Presse Capsule # 4 Les fausses justifications - 12 jours d'action contre la violence faite aux femmes. Les mots qui blessent. Lefil, Le journal de la com- munauté universitaire Capsule # 5 Vedette malgré elle - 12 jours d'action contre la violence faite aux femmes. Les victimes de violence psychologique ne sont pas folles. Courrier Laval Capsule # 6 Statistiques - 12 jours d'action contre la violence faite aux femmes. Victime de violence conjugale : Une femme ré- clame près de 200 000 $ à son ex. Journal de Montréal Capsule # 7 Chicane de couple - 12 jours d'action contre la violence faites aux femmes. Violence conjugale en pleine rue à Trois-Rivières. La Presse Capsule # 8 Nature de l'homme - 12 jours d'action contre la violence faite aux femmes. Violence conjugale: pour briser le silence. La Presse Capsule # 9 Responsabilisation des victimes - 12 jours d'action contre la violence faites aux femmes. Capsule # 10 Les féministes - 12 jours d'action contre la violence faite aux femmes. ÉVÈNEMENTS Capsule # 11 Oubli des enfants et victimes collatérales - 12 jours d'action. Capsule # 12 Finale - 12 jours d'action contre la violence faite aux femmes. Congrès, colloques - 37e congrès de la Société de criminologie du Québec. Thème provisoire: L'éducation et la criminologie, des leviers d'action et de recherche pour une justice éclairée. Du 28 au 30 octobre 2015. - European Conference on Domestic Violence. Irlande, du 6 au 9 septembre 2015. Date limite pour soumettre : 10 janvier 2015. 7
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