Nano Research Nano Res DOI 10.1007/s12274-014-0689-3 Facile Fabrication of CdS–Metal-Organic Framework Nanocomposites with Enhanced Visible-Light Photocatalytic Activity for Organic Transformation Fei Ke1,2, Luhuan Wang1 and Junfa Zhu1() Nano Res., Just Accepted Manuscript • DOI: 10.1007/s12274-014-0689-3 on December 16 2014 © Tsinghua University Press 2014 Just Accepted This is a “Just Accepted” manuscript, which has been examined by the peer-review process and has been accepted for publication. A “Just Accepted” manuscript is published online shortly after its acceptance, which is prior to technical editing and formatting and author proofing. Tsinghua University Press (TUP) provides “Just Accepted” as an optional and free service which allows authors to make their results available to the research community as soon as possible after acceptance. 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To cite this manuscript please use its Digital Object Identifier (DOI® ), which is identical for all formats of publication. 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS (TOC) Facile Fabrication of CdS–Metal-Organic Framework Nanocomposites with Enhanced Visible-Light Photocatalytic Activity for Organic Transformation Fei Ke1,2, Luhuan Wang1 and Junfa Zhu*1 1National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory and Collaborative Innovation Center of Suzhou Nano Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230029, P. R. China. 2Department of Applied Chemistry, Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei 230036, P. R. China. A novel type of CdS-MIL-100(Fe) nanocomposite photocatalysts which show significantly enhanced photocatalytic activity for the selective oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde under visible-light irradiation. Provide the authors’ webside if possible. Junfa Zhu, Nano Research 2 DOI (automatically inserted by the publisher) Nano Res. Research Article Facile Fabrication of CdS–Metal-Organic Framework Nanocomposites with Enhanced Visible-Light Photocatalytic Activity for Organic Transformation Fei Ke1,2, Luhuan Wang1 and Junfa Zhu1() Received: day month year ABSTRACT Revised: day month year Visible-light initiated organic transformations have received much attention because they have advantages in terms of low cost, relative safety, and environmental friendliness. In this work, we report a novel type of visible-light-driven photocatalysts, namely, porous CdS nanoparticle decorated metal-organic framework (MOF) nanocomposites, which were prepared by a simple solvothermal method in which porous MIL-100(Fe) served as the support and cadmium acetate (Cd(Ac)2) as the CdS precursor. Using selective oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde as the probe reaction, the results show that the introduction of MIL-100(Fe) into the semiconductor CdS can remarkably enhance the photocatalytic efficiency at room temperature as compared to that using pure CdS. The enhanced photocatalytic performance can be attributed to the integrative effects of enhanced light absorption intensity, more efficient separation of the photogenerated electron-hole pairs, and increased surface area of CdS due to the presence of MIL-100(Fe). This work demonstrates that MOF-based materials hold great promises in the applications of solar energy conversion into chemical energy. Accepted: day month year (automatically inserted by the publisher) © Tsinghua University Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014 KEYWORDS metal-organic frameworks; porous materials; nanocomposites; photocatalysis; semiconductors 1 Introduction With the rapid development of industrialization, environmental pollution and energy shortages have raised awareness of a potential global crisis [1]. For this reason, the development of both pollution free technologies for environmental remediation and alternative clean energy supplies is an urgent task. In the last few years, the visible-light photocatalysis has emerged as a powerful tool in synthetic organic chemistry, due to its natural abundance, ease of use, environmental friendliness, and fascinating potential of applications [2-7]. Semiconductor nanoparticles (NPs) with high photocatalytic activity and strong quantum-size effect are considered to be promising Address correspondence to Junfa Zhu , E-mail: | 3 Nano Res. photocatalytic materials [8-13]. To date, most semiconductor materials are based on transition metal oxides, sulfides, or nitrides with suitable band gaps and band positions [14]. Among them, crystalline cadmium sulfide (CdS) has been extensively studied because of its narrow band gap (2.4 eV) which corresponds well with the visible spectral range of solar irradiation, size dependent optical and electronic properties [15, 16], and diverse applications, such as solar cells [17], environment purification [18], hydrogen evolution [19], and chemical sensors [20]. However, there are still several issues that limit the utilization of pure CdS NPs, including aggregation of CdS NPs in reactions, high recombination rate of photogenerated electron-hole pairs, and separation/reuse of NPs from photoreactors [21]. Therefore, it remains an important challenge to improve the performance of CdS photocatalysts. Over the years, a number of technologies have been explored to enhance the photocatalytic activity of CdS NPs, such as doping with noble metals [22], synthesis of CdS quantum dots (QDs) [23], and combination with other semiconductors [24] or carbon materials [25]. However, there is plenty of room to explore unfulfilled potentials for fabricating CdS based photocatalysts. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), also known as porous coordination polymers (PCPs), are highly ordered, nanoporous networks that are derived from metallic centers bonded by terminal organic linkers [26]. MOFs have attracted a great deal of attention in both academia and industry due to their numerous potential applications in gas storage [27], sensing [28], drug delivery [29], and catalysis [30]. In addition to these attractive applications, we are particularly interested in utilizing MOFs as active structures for light absorption and excited state applications in energy conversion [31]. When a MOF is treated as a light-sensitive semiconductor, the metal oxide cluster center can be considered as a discrete QD analogue, which is stabilized and interconnected by the organic linkers acting as the photon antenna [32]. Recently, a few important studies demonstrating the promise of MOFs in application of the conversion of solar energy to electrical or chemical energy have been reported [33]. For example, MOF-5, also known as IRMOF-1, has an absorption spectrum with an onset at 450 nm and can undergo photochemical processes upon photoexcitation of the organic linker [34]. In 2007, Garcia et al. first reported the photocatalytic activity of MOF-5 in the reaction of phenols degradation [35]. Later, Lin and co-workers reported the fabrication and energy migration dynamics of metal-bipyridine based MOFs for light harvesting [36]. Further, Long et al. reported an amine-functionalized zirconium MOF (UiO-66-NH2) used as a visible-light photocatalyst for selective aerobic oxygenation of various organic compounds [37]. However, their photoactivities are not as effective as inorganic semiconductor NPs. Compared with traditional semiconductor photocatalysts, the superiority of MOFs is their ultrahigh surface area and narrow micropore distribution which may lead to the formation of monodisperse photoactive species supported on MOFs [38]. Considering that both semiconductor NPs and MOFs have their own advantages and disadvantages in the use of photocatalysts, if one combines them together, the semiconductor-MOF hybrid materials are expected possess advanced properties of both components and overcome their shortages mentioned above. To date, there have been a few pioneering studies on the semiconductor-MOF hybrid structures for enhanced light harvesting (e.g. CdSe/ZnS-MOF [39], GaN@ZIF-8 [40]) or size-selective molecular sensor (e.g. CdTe/ZIF-8 [41], CdSe/CdS/ZnS@MOF-5 [42]) applications. However, the utilization of semiconductor-MOF hybrid structures as photocatalysts in organic synthesis has rarely been investigated. Only very recently, Wu et al. first reported the application of CdS-UiO-66(NH2) nanocomposites, synthesized by a photodeposition technique, in the photocatalytic oxidation of alcohols [43]. Unfortunately, their photocatalytic activity is relatively low due to the large CdS nanorod sizes. Herein, we report a novel CdS-MIL-100(Fe) nanocomposite that shows promising application in the reaction of photocatalytic oxidation of benzyl alcohol under ambient conditions. A series of∣ | Nano Research 4 Nano Res. CdS-MIL-100(Fe) nanocomposites with different weight addition ratios of MIL-100(Fe) have been successfully synthesized by a facile solvothermal method, as illustrated in Scheme 1. The MIL-100(Fe) supporting matrix remarkably improves the photostability and the photocatalytic efficiency of the CdS photocatalyst for the selective oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde. Therefore, the present reported CdS-MIL-100(Fe) nanocomposites are more suitable to be used as photocatalysts in industry on a large scale. Scheme 1 Illustration for preparation of CdS-MIL-100(Fe) nanocomposites via a solvothermal process. 2 Experimental 2.1 Materials Benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxylic acid (H3btc) was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC. Ferric trichloride hexahydrate, cadmium acetate, dimethyl sulfoxide, nitric acid, and hydrofluoric acid were purchased from Sinopharm (Shanghai) Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd., China. All other chemicals used in this work were of analytical grade, obtained from commercial suppliers, and used without further purification unless otherwise noted. 2.2 Synthesis of MIL-100(Fe) According to the literature [44], MIL-100(Fe) was prepared by reacting H3btc (0.8466 g) with FeCl3•6H2O (1.6263 g) in the presence of aqueous HF (0.213 mL), HNO3 (0.163 mL), and distilled water (30 mL) at 150 °C for 12 h. Then the orange solid was recovered by filtration, washed with hot water and ethanol, and finally dried overnight at 150 °C under vacuum. 2.3 Synthesis of CdS-MIL-100(Fe) nanocomposites The as-synthesized MIL-100(Fe) with the desired weight addition was dispersed in 30 mL of DMSO by ultrasonication to obtain the homogeneous MIL-100(Fe)-DMSO dispersion. Then 0.106 g of Cd(CH3COO)2•2H2O was added into the above solution. After vigorous stirring, the mixture was transferred into a Teflon-lined stainless steel autoclave (50 mL) and reacted under 180 °C for 12 h. After cooling, the obtained products were collected by centrifugation, washed with acetone and ethanol, and finally dried overnight at 100 °C under vacuum. As a control, pure CdS was also synthesized in DMSO under the same reaction conditions as that of CdS-MIL-100(Fe) nanocomposites except for the addition of MIL-100(Fe). 2.4 Photocatalytic test The photocatalytic activity of the samples was evaluated by the selective oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde under visible-light irradiation which was provided by a 500 W Xe lamp with a cutoff filter at 420 nm. In a typical process, 16 mg of as-synthesized photocatalyst was dispersed into 3 mL of toluene, and then 0.2 mmol of benzyl alcohol was added. Here we chose toluene as the catalysis reaction solvent. Although a previous study showing that the conversion rate of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde using benzotrifluoride as solvent is slightly higher than that using toluene (42% vs 38%) [21], the price of benzotrifluoride is much higher than that of toluene. Prior to irradiation, the mixture was stirred for 30 min to make the photocatalyst blend evenly in the solution. After reaction, the mixture was centrifuged at 12000 rmp to completely remove the photocatalyst particles. The remaining solution was analyzed by GC and the products were identified by comparison with authentic samples. Conversion of benzyl alcohol (BA) and selectivity for benzaldehyde (BAD) were defined as the follows: Conversion (%) = [(C0-CBA) / C0] × 100 Selectivity (%) = [CBAD / (C0 - CBA)] × 100 where C0 is the initial concentration of benzyl alcohol, CBA and CBAD are the concentration of benzyl alcohol and benzaldehyde, respectively, at a certain time after the photocatalytic reaction. 2.5 Characterization The morphologies of the samples were conducted by a JEM-2100F transmission electron microscope at 200 kV, respectively. The porosity properties of the catalysts were characterized by nitrogen | 5 Nano Res. adsorption-desorption isotherm at 77 K on a Micromeritics TriStar II 3020 adsorption analyzer. The powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) patterns of the samples were collected using an X-ray diffractometer with Cu target (36 kV, 25 mA) from 3 to 65. The UV-vis diffuse reflectance spectra were recorded at room temperature on a Shimadzu UV-2550 spectrophotometer, using BaSO4 as a reference. The electrochemical measurements were carried out in a conventional three electrode cell, using a Pt plate and an Ag/AgCl electrode as the counter electrode and reference electrode, respectively. The working electrode was prepared on indium-tin oxide (ITO) glass, which was cleaned by sonication in ethanol for 20 min and dried at 353 K. The 10 mg sample was dispersed in 1 mL of ethanol by sonication to get slurry. The slurry was spread onto the pretreated ITO glass whose boundary was previously protected using scotch tape. After air drying, the working electrode was further dried at 393 K for 1 h to improve adhesion. Then, the scotch tape was unstuck and the working electrode was obtained for further measurements. The electrolyte was 0.5 M of aqueous Na2SO4 solution without additive. The photoluminescence (PL) spectra for solid samples were investigated on a Hitachi F-4500 fluorescence spectrophotometer. The radical species were detected by electron spin resonance (ESR) spectrometry on a JES-FA200 instrument. The percentage conversion and purity of the final products were determined using GC1690 gas chromatograph with FID detector and high purity helium as carrier gas. The products were identified by comparison with authentic samples. patterns of CdS-MIL-100(Fe) nanocomposites synthesized with different contents of MIL-100(Fe). For comparison, the patterns of the pure CdS and MIL-100(Fe) as well as simulated MIL-100(Fe) are also shown. As seen, all of the diffraction peaks from the CdS-MIL-100(Fe) samples can be indexed to the hawleyite CdS phase with lattice constant a = 5.818 Ǻ (JCPDS No. 10-0454) [23] and cubic crystalline MIL-100(Fe) [45], and no peak assigned to other impurities is detected. Moreover, with decreasing the amounts of MIL-100(Fe) in the samples, the intensities of diffraction peaks for CdS get intensified. Accordingly, the peak intensities of the MIL-100(Fe) patterns become weakened, implying that the CdS content in the nanocomposites gradually increases. The CdS diffraction peaks are broad due to the small crystallite sizes of CdS NPs ( < 5 nm, calculated with the Scherrer formula using the (111) diffraction peak) in the samples, which are resulted from the slow release of S2- ions from dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), which serves as the solvent and the source of sulphur, during the formation of CdS NPs [19]. 3 Results and discussion A series of samples were synthesized by adding different amounts of MIL-100(Fe). Specifically, 0, 7.5, 15, 30, 60, 120 and 240 mg of MIL-100(Fe) were used, and the samples were named as CdS, CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-7.5, CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-15, CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-30, CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-60, CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-120, and CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-240, respectively. The crystal structures and phase purities of the as-synthesized samples were examined by PXRD patterns. Figure 1 shows the typical PXRD Figure 1 PXRD patterns of pure MIL-100(Fe), CdS and CdS-MIL-100(Fe) nanocomposites with different weight addition ratios. The simulated PXRD pattern from the crystallographic data of MIL-100(Fe) is shown as the bottom. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images, which were taken to directly monitor the morphologies of the samples and the influence of MIL-100(Fe) addition on the nanocomposite sample microscopic structures, are displayed in Figure 2 and∣ | Nano Research 6 Nano Res. Figure S1. As seen in Figure 2a, the small CdS NPs are aggregated into larger nanospheres which have diameter of ~150 nm. When an appropriate amount of MIL-100(Fe) was added during the synthesis of CdS-MIL-100(Fe) nanocomposites, the morphology of as-formed CdS-MIL-100(Fe) is quite different from that of pure CdS. It is apparent that MIL-100(Fe) serves as a support and its characteristic structure is retained. As can be seen from Figure 2c-f, the CdS NPs are well separated from each other with much smaller sizes and well spread out on the surface of MIL-100(Fe). As can be seen from Figure S1, the average size of the CdS NPs in CdS-MIL-100(Fe) is around 5 nm and there is no apparent aggregation of CdS NPs on MIL-100(Fe), indicating that MIL-100(Fe) interacts strongly with CdS NPs and thus inhibits their aggregation. The good distribution of CdS NPs on MIL-100(Fe) guarantees the efficient photocatalytic properties of CdS-MIL-100(Fe). Furthermore, it can be seen that the areas of the MIL-100(Fe) with no CdS NPs decoration markedly reduces as the amount of MIL-100(Fe) decreases. However, when the amounts of MIL-100(Fe) are decreased to 15 mg or 7.5 mg, the small CdS NPs self-assemble into spherical particles again, as shown in Figure 2g and h. These results indicate that the amount of MIL-100(Fe) added has a great influence on the morphologies of the as-synthesized CdS-MIL-100(Fe) samples. Comparing the morphologies of CdS-MIL-100(Fe) samples with different amounts of MIL-100(Fe), it is clear that the introduction of an appropriate amount of MIL-100(Fe) during the synthesis of the CdS-MIL-100(Fe) nanocomposites is of great importance to achieve a good and homogeneous distribution of CdS NPs on the MIL-100(Fe) matrix. To further obtain the chemical composition information of the CdS-MIL-100(Fe) nanocomposites, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) was carried out. It can be seen from Figure S2 that the nanocomposites are composed of C, O, Fe, S, and Cd elements. With decreasing the amounts of MIL-100(Fe), the signals of S and Cd elements in the CdS-MIL-100(Fe) nanocomposites increase gradually, while those of C, O, and Fe elements of MIL-100(Fe) decrease, which is consistent with the results of TEM analysis. Figure 2 TEM images of the as-synthesized nanocomposites: (a) pure CdS, (b) MIL-100(Fe), (c) CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-240, (d) CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-120, (e) CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-60, (f) CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-30, (g) CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-15, and (h) CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-7.5. Porosity and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area of the as-synthesized samples were examined by nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherms at 77 K (Figure S3). It can be seen that the introduction of MIL-100(Fe) clearly affects the BET surface area of the samples. Compared with pure CdS, the CdS-MIL-100(Fe) nanocomposites exhibit a significant increase in the amount of adsorbed nitrogen. As shown in Table 1, the BET surface area (SBET) of samples gradually increases with increasing MIL-100(Fe) content, from 66.1 m2 g-1 to 1536.2 m2 g-1. It is expected that larger surface area of photocatalysts can supply more surface active sites and make charge carriers transport easier, leading to an enhancement of the photocatalytic performance [19, 43]. Therefore, MIL-100(Fe) may play a vital role in enhancing the photocatalytic activity. | 7 Nano Res. Figure 3 UV-vis DRS (a) and plots of (Ahv)2 vs. photon energy (b) of pure CdS, MIL-100(Fe) and CdS-MIL-100(Fe) nanocomposites with different weight addition ratios. UV-vis diffuse reflectance spectra (DRS) were employed to characterize the optical properties of the samples. The absorption of pure CdS at wavelengths shorter than 500 nm can be assigned to the bandgap absorption of CdS [38]. The absorption band positions of MIL-100(Fe) in the UV region ascribed to the -* transitions of the trimesate ligands, whereas the absorption band in the visible region belong to the ligand-to-metal charge transfer transitions (LMCT) from trimesate ions to Fe3+ centres (Figure 3a) [38, 46]. The absorption bands of CdS-MIL-100(Fe) nanocomposites undergo a red shift compared with pure CdS. Furthermore, it can be seen from Figure 3a that the introduction of different contents of MIL-100(Fe) significantly affects the optical property of light absorption for the as-synthesized CdS-MIL-100(Fe) nanocomposites. Compared with pure CdS, all of the MIL-100(Fe) supported CdS samples show enhanced absorbance in the visible-light region (>500 nm). When the amount of MIL-100(Fe) is increased to above 60 mg, the absorbance drops. The same phenomenon has also been observed in the previous report [25]. Therefore, optimizing the MIL-100(Fe) content in the CdS-MIL-100(Fe) nanocomposites is important to get maximum visible light absorption. The band gap energy can be estimated from the intercept of the tangents to the plots of (Ahv)2 vs. photon energy [47]. As shown in Figure 3b, the band gap values of the samples are about 1.80, 2.44, 2.37, 2.22, 2.16, 2.23, 2.28, and 2.31 eV for pure MIL-100(Fe), CdS, CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-7.5, CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-15, CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-30, CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-60, CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-120, and CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-240 nanocomposites, respectively. This indicates that the introduction of MIL-100(Fe) into the CdS-MIL-100(Fe) nanocomposities can narrow the band gap of the semiconductor CdS. This may arise from the chemical bonding between CdS and the MIL-100(Fe) support. Similar phenomenon was also observed for other graphene-based semiconductor photocatalysts [21, 24]. When the amount of MIL-100(Fe) support in the nanocomposites becomes much more (CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-60, CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-120, and CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-240), the absorbance drops, resulting in the increased band gap values of CdS in the CdS-MIL-100(Fe) nanocomposities. This can be ascribed to the fact that the high weight ratio of MIL-100(Fe) in CdS-MIL-100(Fe) nanocomposites results in increased diffuse reflectivity and deteriorates the light absorption ability of the nanocomposites. The same phenomenon has also been observed in the previous report [25]. Given its favorable structure, the photocatalytic activity has been evaluated by the model reaction of selective oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde under visible-light irradiation. As shown in Figure 4, when we take a view of the overall activities in the presence of different photocatalysts with the same total amount of photocatalysts (16 mg), an interesting trend is found. For pure CdS NPs, as expected, a relatively low photocatalytic activity (40%) is observed due to the rapid recombination of photogenerated electron-hole pairs [19]. It can be seen that when a small amount of MIL-100(Fe) is added, compared with pure CdS, the∣ | Nano Research 8 Nano Res. CdS-MIL-100(Fe) nanocomposites exhibit enhanced photocatalytic performance toward the selective oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde on both of the conversion of benzyl alcohol and selectivity to benzaldehyde (Table 1). In particular, when the CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-60 nanocomposites was used in this reaction, the optimal photocatalytic performance is obtained, for which the conversion reaches the highest value (54.3%) among all the samples, and notably, the selectivity to benzaldehyde is nearly 100%. However, it is worthy to mention that the photocatalytic activity gained by the CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-60 nanocomposites is only 1.4 times than that for pure CdS NPs. At first glance, one may argue that this improvement is not significant, so that the photocatalytic activity of catalysts maybe entirely due to the presence of CdS particles. However, we should keep in mind that this activity value was measured based on the same total amount of catalysts used, which is 16 mg (see Table 1). In fact, the actual content of CdS in the CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-60 nanocomposites is only 7.84 mg, which is only 49% of the pure CdS used. If we scale up to the same amount of CdS used or use the same amount of CdS for comparison, the photocatalytic activity will be significantly higher after introduction of porous MIL-100(Fe) into the CdS NPs. A similar study reported previously for the photocatalytic activity of CdS-UiO-66(NH2) catalysts [43], where the conversion rate of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde reached 31% in the solvent of benzotrifluoride for 6 h. Further increase of the MIL-100(Fe) weight ratio in CdS-MIL-100(Fe) leads to a deterioration of the photocatalytic activity, which is also observed in other carbon or graphene-based CdS nanocomposites [19, 21, 24, 25]. Considering that the CdS NPs in the CdS-MIL-100(Fe) nanocomposites (CdS-MIL-100(Fe)30, CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-60, CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-120, and CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-240) have similar dispersivity and almost the same size, the different conversion rate of these nanocomposites clearly demonstrate that MIL-100(Fe) plays a vital role in enhancing the photocatalytic activity. The introduction of appropriate amount of MIL-100(Fe) to the CdS NPs Figure 4 Conversion rate of photocatalytic selective oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde in the presence of different photocatalysts with same total weight (16 mg) under the visible-light irradiation (λ > 420 nm) for 5 h: (a) MIL-100(Fe), (b) CdS, (c) CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-7.5, (d) CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-15, (e) CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-30, (f) CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-60, (g) CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-120, and (h) CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-240. can remarkably improve the photocatalytic efficiency. Because the porous MIL-100(Fe) can enhance the adsorption capability for benzyl alcohol, the benzyl alcohol molecules can be enriched on the surface of CdS NPs, thus resulting in the acceleration of photocatalytic reactions. However, relatively high weight ratio of MIL-100(Fe) in CdS-MIL-100(Fe) nanocomposites reduces the contact surface of semiconductor CdS NPs with the light illumination and results in a rapid decrease in photogenerated charges, ultimately reducing the photocatalytic activity [21]. Thus, there should be an optimal weight ratio of MIL-100(Fe) in CdS-MIL-100(Fe) nanocomposites. Moreover, in the blank experiments without our photocatalysts or light, the oxidation process was not observed. This result demonstrates that the photocatalyst and light irradiation are indispensable for the effective photocatalytic selective oxidation of benzyl alcohol. Since the nanocomposites of CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-60 show the best catalytic performance in the selective oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde under the visible-light irradiation, here we chose this material to evaluate the stability and reusability of the CdS-MIL-100(Fe) catalysts. After the reaction, the photocatalysts were separated from the reaction | 9 Nano Res. solution by centrifugation and washed with ethanol and then dried at 75 °C. After this treatment, the photocatalysts were used again for other consecutive runs under the same reaction conditions. As shown in Figure 5, no significant losses in the conversion of benzyl alcohol can be observed in the five successive photocatalytic cycles, indicating that the CdS-MIL-100(Fe) photocatalysts possess excellent long-term catalytic stability and reactivity. Figure 5 Five cycles of the photocatalytic oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde using sample CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-60 as the photocatalysts under the visible-light irradiation (λ > 420 nm) for 5 h. In order to further check whether MIL-100(Fe) plays an entire role in the photocatalysis, we carried out additional comparable experiments for the reaction of the selective oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde with pure CdS NPs and CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-60 nanocomposites under the visible-light irradiation which was provided by a 500 W Xe lamp with a cutoff filter at 520 nm. As can be seen from Figure S5, the photocatalytic results show that under the same reaction conditions, the pure CdS NPs only shows a very low photocatalytic activity (6.2%) under the visible-light irradiation (λ > 520 nm) for 5 h toward the reaction, while in the case of CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-60 nanocomposites, the conversion rate reaches 15.4%, which is 2.5 times than that of pure CdS. Therefore, these results clearly demonstrate that MIL-100(Fe) plays an important role in the enhancement of the photocatalytic activity of the CdS-MIL-100(Fe) nanocomposites. To understand the role of MIL-100(Fe) in the CdS-MIL-100(Fe) nanocomposites on enhancement of photoactivity, we have performed some other characterizations, including electrochemical analysis and PL spectroscopy. Figure S6 exhibits the Mott-Schottky plots for the MIL-100(Fe). The negative slope of C-2-E plot indicates that the pure MIL-100(Fe) is p-type semiconductor. The enhanced photocatalytic activity of the CdS-MIL-100(Fe) nanocomposites compared to the pure CdS can be ascribed to formation of the p-n junction between p-type MIL-100(Fe) and n-type CdS semiconductors. It can be obtained that the flat band potential (EFB) of the p-type MIL-100(Fe) is around 1.15 V vs Ag/AgCl (equivalent to 1.35 V vs normal hydrogen electrode, NHE). The calculated conduction band potential (E CB) is -0.45 V vs NHE. Because the calculated ECB of the n-type CdS is –0.52 V vs NHE [21, 24], which is more negatitive than the ECB of MIL-100(Fe) (–0.45 V vs NHE), the photogenerated electrons could transfer to MIL-100(Fe) from the CB of CdS NPs under visible-light irradiaton. At the same time, the holes could transfer to CdS NPs from the valence band (VB) of MIL-100(Fe) (Figure 7, inset). Therefore, the separation of the photogenerated electron-hole pairs is facilitated, which can be confirmed by the transient photocurrent response. Figure S7 shows the transient photocurrent responses of the same amount of pure CdS and CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-60 nanocomposites under intermittent visible-light irradiation. It can be seen clearly that the photocurrent of CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-60 is enhanced significantly compared to that of pure CdS. It is well known that the photocurrent is formed mainly by the diffusion of the photogenerated electrons to the back contact, meanwhile the photoinduced holes are taken up by the hole acceptor in the electrolyte [21, 43]. Thus, the enhanced photocurrent obtained on the CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-60 can be attributed to more efficient separation of the photogenerated electron-hole pairs than that in pure CdS NPs. This is also confirmed by the results of PL spectra. As shown in Figure S8, the PL intensity of CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-60 appears much weaker than that of pure CdS, indicating that the recombination of photogenerated electron-hole pairs is hampered in the nanocomposite system. The efficient separation of the photogenerated electron-hole pairs of CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-60 nanocomposites are beneficial∣ | Nano Research 10 Nano Res. for photocatalytic process and should contribute to its enhaced photocatalytic activity. Similar findings are also reported in previous research works [21, 24]. To determine further the advantage of the CdS-MIL-100(Fe) nanocomposites over pure CdS NPs, we have also performed the measurement of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) Nyquist plots. As shown in Figure S9, the Nyquist plots of pure CdS and CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-60 electrode materials cycled in 0.5 M Na2SO4 electrolyte solution both show semicycles at high frequencies. Considering the preparation of the electrodes and electrolyte used are the same, the high frequency semicircle is relevant to the resistance of the electrodes [21]. It is known that the high frequency arc in the Nyquist plots corresponds to the charge transfer limiting process and can be attributed to the double-layer capacitance (Cdl) in parallel with the charge transfer resistance (Rct) at the contact interface between electrode and electrolyte solution [22, 24]. Notably, the introduction of MIL-100(Fe) leads to dramatic decrease of the arc as compared to pure CdS, suggesting that the much more efficient transfer of charge over CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-60 nanocomposites than that over pure CdS. Thus, the separation of the photogenerated electron-hole pairs is facilitated significantly, which is consistent with the results of transient photocurrent responses analysis. Additionally, ESR analysis of the CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-60 nanocomposites was carried out to study the involvement of active radical species in the photocatalytic process. As can be seen from Figure 6, the characteristic peaks belong to superoxide radicals (O2•–) are observed but no nonselective hydroxyl radical signals can be detected in the CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-60 nanocomposites suspension in the solvent of toluene under the visible-light irradiation [22, 48], whereas no signals can be detected without irradiation. Because the standard oxygen reduction potential (-0.15 V vs NHE) [49] is less negative than the conduction band edge of CdS (-0.52 V vs NHE) [24], the formation of superoxide radicals is thermodynamically favorable. From these results, we can conclude that the sample can avoid the formation of strongly oxidative Figure 6 ESR spectra of radical adduct trapped by DMPO (DMPO-O2•–) over the CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-60 nanocomposites suspension in the toluene solution without or with the visible-light irradiation. Figure 7 Proposed mechanism for selective oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde over the as-synthesized photocatalysts of CdS-MIL-100(Fe) nanocomposites under the irradiation of visible light; the upper right inset demonstrates the energy band of CdS-MIL-100(Fe) nanocomposites. hydroxyl radicals under such reaction conditions, thus, the photogenerated hole and O2•– can oxidize benzyl alcohol with high product selectivity. Based on these observations, we propose a simple mechanism, displayed in Figure 7, for photocatalytic selective oxidation of benzyl alcohol over the CdS-MIL-100(Fe) nanocomposites: Under the visible-light irradiation, the electrons are excited from VB of CdS semiconductor to its CB, leaving the holes in the VB. The photogenerated electrons of CdS | 11 Nano Res. can transfer to MIL-100(Fe) owing to their intimate interfacial contact [24, 43]. According to the values of energy band (Figure 7, inset), this process is thermodynamically permissible; then the electrons react with the adsorbed oxygen to form superoxide radicals, whose existence in the system has been confirmed by the results of ESR spectra. At the same time, the adsorbed benzyl alcohol interacts with the holes to form the corresponding radical cation, which further reacts with oxygen or superoxide radical species to given rise to the product of benzaldehyde [21, 22, 50]. As a result, the efficiency toward photocatalytic redox process is improved. Table 1 Porosity properties and photocatalytic activity of pure CdS and CdS-MIL-100(Fe) nanocomposites in the selective oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde under visible light irradiation. SBET V Conversion Selectivity [m2 g-1] [cm3 g-1] [%] [%] CdS 66.1 0.07 40 95.5 MIL-100(Fe) 1598.8 0.84 3.3 100 CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-7.5 71.3 0.12 42.5 97.4 CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-15 74.9 0.14 45.8 98.1 CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-30 95.3 0.19 46.7 98.5 CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-60 326.9 0.23 54.3 99.2 CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-120 847.6 0.50 44 97.8 CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-240 1536.2 0.78 39.9 97.3 Catalyst On the basis of the results reported in the present work, the primary role of introducting an appropriate amount of porous MIL-100(Fe) in the CdS-MIL-100(Fe) nanocomposites can be summarized as follows: (i) MIL-100(Fe) is able to control the morphology of the CdS-MIL-100(Fe) nanocomposites during the synthesis process. (ii) The visible light absorption intensity is improved. (iii) The separation of the photogenerated electron-hole pairs is facilitated significantly. All of these integrative factors account for the observation of enhanced photoactivity of CdS-MIL-100(Fe) nanocomposites as compared to pure CdS toward the selective oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde under the visible-light irradiation. It is expected that our present work may provide useful information for the fabrication of other MOF-based semiconductor nanocomposites, as well as open a new doorway of utilizing semiconductor-MOF nanocomposites to visible-light-driven photocatalysis in organic synthesis. 4 Conclusion We have reported a facile solvothermal method to synthesize a series of CdS-MIL-100(Fe) nanocomposites with different weight addition ratios of MIL-100(Fe). In the synthesis process, porous MIL-100(Fe) can function as an excellent supporting matrix for the CdS NPs evenly overspreading. The introduction of MIL-100(Fe) has been found to have a significant effect on the morphology, porosity, and optical nature of the CdS NPs. The resulting CdS-MIL-100(Fe) nanocomposites exhibit excellent photostability and enhanced photocatalytic activity for the selective oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde under visible-light irradiation. The improved photocatalytic activity can be ascribed to coupling interaction of the enhanced light absorption intensity, more efficient separation of the photogenerated electron-hole pairs and larger surface area. These results demonstrate the significant potential of scale-up synthesis of such CdS-MOF nanocomposites and exploring their applications in heterogeneous photocatalysis. Acknowledgements This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. U1232102), National Basic Research Program of China (2010CB923302, 2013CB834605) and the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education (SRFDP) of Ministry of Education (Grant No. 20113402110029). Electronic Supplementary Material: Supplementary material (TEM images, EDX spectra and nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherms of CdS-MIL-100(Fe) nanocomposites, Mott-Schottky plot, photocurrent response, PL spectra, and Nyquist impedance plots of pure CdS and CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-60 nanocomposites) is available in the online version of this article at∣ | Nano Research 12 Nano Res.***-****-* (automatically inserted by the publisher). References [1] Tong, H.; Ouyang, S.; Bi, Y.; Umezawa, N.; Oshikiri, M.; Ye, J. Nano-photocatalytic materials: Possibilities and challenges. Adv. Mater. 2012, 24, 229–251. [2] Xuan, J.; Xiao, W.-J. Visible-light photoredox catalysis. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51, 6828–6838. [3] Zhang, N.; Ciriminna, R.; Pagliaro, M.; Xu, Y.-J. 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Electronic Supplementary Material Facile Fabrication of CdS–Metal-Organic Framework Nanocomposites with Enhanced Visible-Light Photocatalytic Activity for Organic Transformation Fei Ke1,2, Luhuan Wang1 and Junfa Zhu1() Supporting information to DOI 10.1007/s12274-****-****-* (automatically inserted by the publisher) Figure S1 TEM images of the as-synthesized nanocomposites: CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-120, (c) CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-60, and (d) CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-30. (a) CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-240,∣ | Nano (b) Research Nano Res. Figure S2 EDX spectra of (a) CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-240, (b) CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-120, (c) CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-60, (d) CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-30, (e) CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-15, and (f) CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-7.5 nanocomposites. | Nano Res. Figure S3 Representative nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherms of pure CdS and CdS-MIL-100(Fe) nanocomposites with different weight addition ratios measured at 77 K. Solid and empty markers represent the adsorption (ads) and desorption (des) isotherms, respectively. Figure S4 Time-dependent photocatalytic selective oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde over the MIL-100(Fe), CdS and CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-60 nanocomposites under the irradiation of visible-light (λ > 420 nm) at room temperature.∣ | Nano Research Nano Res. Figure S5 Conversion rate of photocatalytic selective oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde over the pure CdS (a) and CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-60 nanocomposites (b) with same total weight (16 mg) under the irradiation of visible-light irradiation (λ > 520 nm) for 5 h. Figure S6 Mott-Schottky plot of MIL-100(Fe) in 0.5 M Na2SO4 aqueous solution (PH = 6.0). | Nano Res. Figure S7 Transient photocurrent response of pure CdS and CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-60 nanocomposites in 0.5 M Na2SO4 aqueous solution without bias versus Ag/AgCl under the irradiation of visible-light. Figure S8 PL spectra of pure CdS and CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-60 nanocomposites.∣ | Nano Research Nano Res. Figure S9 Nyquist impedance plots of pure CdS and CdS-MIL-100(Fe)-60 nanocomposites under the irradiation of visible-light. Address correspondence to Junfa Zhu , E-mail: |
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