J^I i'}, "H / " Ji / , ^wy»ife.iw,sig^^ mm* TTfjM 1 7[™T*> '"M^M^JJII v » V "»>»... / !i < •hi i < ./< i; gfe * tw?s^.»asy • f 1 i l l / IBSR&J55SSS BBS 91 MM IMMMMW I SS •MM « r , V* I , —-" *t«iu ^«u ace an angel of eat^h aiid de«>*i«ight, lomo carelessness, in tu« | serve forty gold medals for, living m • ^ i i W # i W ^ i N i » i * t H > ^ < ^ H ^ ; mm»i s , ' .•, L . , with me."' * #$&. Mar^orle herself, j^hsmwas sh% «o»iitej»ap pr$m •v$mm&'9&Mm!$&*"&na so we can affordi to go to San ji^W Cofld it be .that $be Was 1JJ%» Francisco, cm we?" stie asfced, hoping **han a block away at.*^te mi^ntfli $1,00. i f •#*$&, li* Advance. to turn the conversation* Bfohaps j?be was marrletl!. 3ffafl |at<l ^Xou bet tfrise.0 for three montha', • ~ : : ^oaeh tMs ironical o^oi'tftn|ty:'M®-Rnd wetfl live on the fat of the laod*. S5?a»»sseci every 'raursaay morR3Bgatai»m« jDarloig, doyou. kno% I w a s thinking; %?ust an>dded misery iaftp his bitte/*.; tnan.iS.JSj, ¥,T«.$«&, :*l.«Ji>,ItpaM-Strietlyln m of a, little Incident in our lives as t" wtik^m^i '^jlcarrlngton was not1 a,"*aafr t<? %®% came up m the car? It was about out ajad haw* He thougbt q^ckiy, %nd kk playing etioljte *me evening. . Doxyou ,%$$&. with proportionatefttefcateh,Wt$ , S 3OBO»14*0laS8H»tHa6tl»lt» remembei? that you" heat me ^eveo fc^ok out his wateh. It was almost S*1 straight games and hot* mad I got? to fifteen minutes he y?$$••|lngl|nf ifcp doorbell iiext door. > v: C r 11£BiB8M>AS; DEC, IT*'1914. I called yon a cheat and a swindlev, and I kicked over ohafes* and said Pd ,'^fttt lie ^f«s destined to'psappoin^ get a divorce, and youvyou"— ISfentr Miss Hayward tiaa gone *|& 5 By NELLIE CRAVEY GILLMORE \ ^Hamlefr.'^ Fairrington hnrrie| de«ft « o£ I've forgotten!" she laughed "Do you think we'll be ready to start %e avenue that led to the playbousev TTTTT * for Frisco in time?" tucklly h,ik ticket was t,o be called fox "Of course. But I want to talk at the bo? oulice. i t w^s a go0|vseat • Farrington turned from the bookcase f about; thai, game of euchre. 1 even with a little gesture of anjioyance, BCis and 'commanded Ja sweeping vieW^of trieft to make you believe that an ace Shakespeare^ of all volumes! How sin-- thfe audience. . would take the joker. Ha, ha t ha! As pid of Thomas to have let out his books ' After the first act their eyes m§t~* I |oote baclj andrrfemember now mean without his knowledge or consent! kicked—across the sea of faces iii the. * I was I .wonder\that you didn't pick ^oxchestra. The girl paled,flushedand,, UJ? a chair "and feH.me to the floor; I t Only last week he had,-»»issed his fa- i paled again. Then her eyes fell ft^ay" wouWi hav& served'me just right. Is vorite, much marked, copy of Boche-^ frojin the deep, ardent gaze riveted it any wonder lhat when I think of fowcauld. Presley ha4 nabbed that. * , upon her. my Tfaey Won't Go i»1& these things I call you an angel?" But tbis was, a little ^oo much, espe- "After the play Farrington stationed Francisco Exposition ie im are a" dear, good man^, and lefs cially in view^ «f the fact that "Ham- himself at the door, but Marjorie left |alk about the wardrobe I am to get. let?' was Playing that night and there by a box entrance, and he weht hom§ If I have'to have four or Ave dresses were a couple of passage^ he felt he y^ith a sinking heart to a dream hauntBy M. QUAD made"— ed pillow. .i must run over.. * Copyright, 1914, \>$ t h e Hectare "And about our old love letters," he He crossed the room impatiently and ^tThe r,ain washed sky was blushing Newspaper Syndicate;. ' interrupted as he began to walk about. pushed the call bell- It was answered pink! when he opened his shutters at "There tshTt the least doubt that I at once by the redoubtable valet, 0 the next morning. The flowers made wrote a heap of silly nonsense, but»oh "It seems still more of my books a.re^*'*ainbow of color in the garden beMrs. Bowser w a s in the front h&ll two or three occasions when you have 1< aBa *&* a i r ™B vocal with the locking around to see if lh§re was a said I did I got mad and raised a rdw. missing, Thomas. I am afraid you 1 ^> have been careless. I can't locate that {matnHaai chirping of birds, pia <jr a shirt button lying around loose Yes, sir, I remember of one letter in red calf edition of Shakespeare any-' Suddenly the door of the house for Mr. Bowser to stanriMe over and which I said I had kissed the tracks » -across the way swung open, and .a w l i e r e read her a lessQn; on estffbragance, you left in a cranberry swamRj ahd "You left orders,,sir-begging your jy°ung woman in a trim brown travelwhen he" came l'ua&ing u p the steps yet when you told me of it I howled ess s u i t c a s e ta^bahd, emerged and almost took the: door, off its hinges about divorce. My dear angel, can pardon-to accommodate any of the mfr «* » nupon n f t n tthe h f t noro11 porchyoung gentlemen"' ' « s h e entered. v you ever pardon me:?" "When I rushed off to Europe, eh?" Farrington caught a desperate breath. "What on earth"— she started to say, ' "Of course. Won't you tell me how 4 whimsical smile made its transient The northbound train left in twelve when lie seized h e ^ J ^ j a i s ixpaa and- longittakefjto go tQ Frisco?" passage across Farrington's scowling minutes, and he was still i h his bathfl danced about and ciJefi^: Abonfr five days, I think. And face. "Very well. I presume you are robe and slippers. "We'll gol We'ilr^o ,0xL j)ut in at there's aibf^er'thing, t want to refer right. I was a bit upset, I remember. Aftetf Providence had thus delectaleast three months?' ' ';•' to. One day I canie borne and found You ,b}y tossed them together again she was may go.'" The ea,t came oufcM,the! setting room you on the lounge, WJtth a sick headBut as the man started toward the' running away from him. ayS joined the w a l t ^ ' - a ^ i t ^ a s - two ache. You:tried jto get up and wel, Seven minutes later, decidedly ill door he called him, back. minutes 'before Mi:'s>'-&d%s/er" g o t - a come me,-but you'could not. You groomed, be whizzed u p to the plats 4 "By the way, are there any book- form of the G. and G., jumped out and chance* to ask ^whafcii sail meant. were dreadfully sick, but did I pity " I t means San T?rM<j%o .^pcisitionF ^you? Did I sympathize with you? stores hereabout?" sent Thomas speeding on his way in h e replied as he chucked her under" the Did I order you tea and toast and sit "No first class ones, sir." the runabout. <Mn. "Hey, little womanj. but how -beside you as a decent husband "Any—er— first class neighbors?" * / Miss Hayward was just turning from does t h a t strike you?'' should? No! I brutally told you that "A few, sir." the ticket window as he came up, and "You don't mean t h a t we are to go?" any lady who would walk around the "Good! Scrimmage around and find" again their eyes met, hers evasively, "Of course I do. I've made a ten block bareheaded ought to have seven, me a Shakespeare before night and his with the old compelling power she strike i n stocks, and a^ajr w e go to teen Mek, headaches, and I left you to I'll"— had never known how to resist I'riscoJ I couldn't T^ait to get home tb the mercy of the cook and bounced off , "Marjorie!" But Thomas had already disappeared. tell you. Does t h e good news astonish to the club. Mrs. Bowser, can you— v "Walter!" The name escaped her * * * * •• * * you?" willyou-ha! What's that?" .Marjorie Hayward was just coming unconsciously. *3t—it doesn't seem possible!" she Mr. Bowser stood stiffly erect in the out of the front door Vhen Farring- '*I just received your message, dear," J gasped. " middle of the rnom and pointed to one he said, "and that is why I am here." "1 thought it would take your breath of the back windows. The cat stood ton's man stepped up on the veranda. He displayed to her bewildered gaze His request surprised her a little, but away. Come on; letfg Jtuxre dinner. beside him and loOked'in the same dishe was very glad, indeed, to be able the faded writing on the yellowed paEh, tootsy wootsy? * Going f o see the rection. ' per. 0 to accommodate him, west and the exposition, are you?" "Yes, the glass is cracked," said" She had a copy of Shakespeare some- t"Why," she breathed wonderingly— Mr, Bowser was like a boy with a Mrs. Bowser. "A boy threw a stone where, she said, an old, battered one, "Why, I don't understand. I wrote you n e w sled, and Mrs. Bowser w a s almost from the alley." but his "master" was welcome to the that letter over nine years ago and"— "Cracked! Ruined! Destroyed!" use of it, certainly; -And with this in- •i "For some reason which i s not preshoarsely whispered Mr. Bowser,, with formation she went back into the li- ently apparent it was never mailed: his finger still pointing. "And this is brary to search for I t See, the stamp is uncanceled. I found the way you run wy house! This is What sort of people were they any- {tin the little old Shakespeare w e used theTvay my wife lo6ks after my Inter- how,, the new neighbors who bad just *to read so often together.',' 'J^ilf^il^lc^ 1 s J. J * It fas t 4 t owser z Community Silverware Bochester Nickel Plated Ware Casseroles 'Bean Pots Individual Salt and Peppers Pen Knives SLEDS AND SKATES W . T. Stiles, Hammond, N. Y. '-« Purchased at a Furniture Store are always ........ *.«.*••... , USEFUL GIFTS Our stock of Furniture was never more complete than at tae present time. The qualityis the highest and the prices are the low- , - £stst'* * moved.in the day before and were al- &^«And which I havp never onpnpri • « w books? she wondered good naturedly, tested. "A boy! A stone! And you were At last 3he came across the rusty litWith a little tle volume, stuffea'to overflowing with- exclamation Marjorie started toward right here;?' In a little -tremulous whisper. * , old letters, clippings and scraps of the'train. Farrington took her suit ••Yes. But,how could I help it?" memoranda. ^ casetfrom her. "How do 1 help it? Are. stones held it up a n d shook them out "Where are you going?" he asked. thrown when I am here? Fifty dol- in She a shower, a swarm of memories sud- lv, "To Pittsburgh. And you?" lars' worth of glass ruined. through denly aroused by the long buried sight ( your want of caret I f s no use—no of certain familiar bits of writing, i "Wherever you are—always." And they stepped aboard the movuse!" pressed flowers crumbling to atoms, "That pane-only cost 75 cents, and yet vaguely redolent still of a dear, '^ng train. I say that I can't stand in the alley dead past. > ' Oil In Greece. and prevent boys from "throwing." With a smothered sigh she caught "• The famous petroleum springs of "Mrs. Bowser, we need not discuss herself back sharply from her foolish the matter further," he said as he reflections and returned to the door Greece, described by a historian four turned away. "I came here with* a with the book. Thomas thanked "her Centuries before Christ are to be exheart full of love and kindness to find elaborately and hastened away. Mar- ploited by local capitalists after being my home a scene of ruin and desola- jorie waited till he had passed up the regarded merely as curiosities for more than 2,300 years. tion. This ends our going west" short stone walk of the house next CAPITA!* AND SURPLUS $ 3 4 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 "But you won't give up the trip be- door. Then she buttoned up her coat cause a boy cracked a pane of glass, and walked down the gravel path to v»M«M"I-'W-M"I-M"H-M"H"I"I"I"W»M' P01NTED TO ONE OF THE BACK WfHDOWS.. will you?" the gate. i: PRACTICAL HEALTH HINT. % "I will. The trip is off! There will dumb with astonishment atad xinticiba* * * *• * * * V. tion. Twice d uring the itteal he got tip be no Frisco for us. It is not the brokObesity. to go around to her and pat hex* on the en glass I look at, but the principle of Farrington took the volume eagerly, i • We are all better off for a head and ask her^hbw many, dressed the* thing. As a wife and housekeeper turning the yellowed leaves with deft \\ she wanted, and as he put kis ami. you are a flat failure. For anything fingers till he should come to "Ham- . r proper amount of fat Adipose around her going upstairs the xiat fol- you might do to prevent, this house let." But suddenly he paused, his eyes \\ tissue is a poo'r conductor of lowed on behind and winked rat her could be torn down- and carted off by narrowed curiously and his heart gave • •*heat and so prevents the bodily •• a startled jump. A brief extract from J \ heat from passing off too rapid- ; \ own whiskers and said it was some- hoodlums!" "The Merry Wives of Windsor" caught • • ly. Moreover, in case of illness * thing she never saw in flial hduse in "Biit how foolish of"— his attention. "Ask me no reason why ' J it gives the patient some reall her life before. "That^will do, woman—that will do! "Now, then, sweety," said Mr; Bow- I have given you trial after trlal,-and I *ove you, for, though love use rea- J • aerve to draw upon. But when K. J . D O N A H U E , P r e s i d e n t J N O . O. H O W A B D , V i c e - P r e s . ser its he sat down to his cigar, "in the' it has always resulted the same w a y - son for. its precision, he admits him i\ a person begins to suffer"from not for his counselor.*' | ' his fat, when he grows breathmorning you take §500 and get an out- ruin and desolation. I have no doubt W . H . G R E E N , Cashier J O H N N , OtfNmN&HAM,• Asst. Cashier fit, and if that is not enough take $:tV the back fence is broken down, the The passage was heavily-underscor- !". less and disinclined ~ to move ed, and below it were scribbled in corj j- about, he Is certainly beyond the OOO. I'll go and eagage passage, buy woodshed carried off and most of the two new trunks and what clothes 1 foundations of the house removed. roboration the initials "M. H."—"W. I', line of safety. When a very SUSCRIBE FOR T H E ADVERTISER. j | stout person stops exercising need, and within a few months from Our money will be needed right here F„" They were hers—and his! OVER eS YEARS today we land in San Francisco With for repairs. I am now going for a lit- Marjorie Hayward! The name.sent jl'the muscles begin to atrophy. PERIENCE our hats on our ears." tle stroll, and should any one call for his thoughts tumbling tumultuously : | The weaker they get the sftoner back over the past; sent the blood tin. . tbey flag under the weight they "But I never thought we could go," me you can say I am not at home unINVEST FOR SAFETY, f gling even t o his eyelids. How many • * have to carry. In that Way a she said. til noon-tomorrow." Paid Investors In First Mortyears—nearly ten—since he had called • • vicious circle is established— 5 gages on Improved Farms. "Probably not, as I didn't know how "But how can you blame me?" 1 Amounts $500up. NoloEisfof that name!. Yet how many days, in* ', * first heavy weight and shirking I' thing ? would tarn out, and I didn't 40 years, tfofipipodf, without t "Woman, the subject is closed. Good deed, h a d i t been absent from his a n y expense t o you, tfrit& want to raise false hopes. You may evening fo you—good evening!" »• muscles, then, as a result, of •? ;i>hdnedr ettfi dt 3 8 f t | t e St* heart? • have observed, Mrs. Bowser, that I \\ that, still heavier weight, and * T R A D E MARKS The minutes flew by as be sat there •• finally almost useless muscles. THE FARM MORTGAGE DESIGNS never fly off the handle, I jost coolly Bestowal of a Name. AGENCY, OGDENSBURG.NX wrapped in meditation. At last he be- % Although fat people are not al.•*.•*•.-,«, COPVRI6NT6 4 c . and calmly wait till a thing is assured "What are yon going "to name the gan again to slip the leaves absently m before I holler over i t Yes; we are off baby?" asked the interested neighbor. ways great eaters and many m^ Kffl'^BiBiS.Vioi> nlott.frSo * f i e t W an:' through his fingers, when abruptly to the great exposition, and We'll see oU Patents thin people eat a surprising "I hadn't thought of that," replied they came in contact with something "Wonts. • the Avest at last" $f quantity of food, It is nevertheMr. Groucher. "What. I have heett alien, PatentsttaSen ,tBroii«ih Mian &CQ,, 1recolyo' In her happiness Mrs. Bowser shed worrying, about is what he Is going to less in general true that those tears. ' ] eaii tne. Parents take a .Tvhble lot of •, He glanced closer, almost Indifferent- *F who eat more' than they need "Come, now, tootsy, n«ne of thatj" trouj&ile about a chtiStehingi, but the fa- ly, and started again as his gaze rest- • . are likely to grow stouts espepao lotiriatfl. 0WTiB,.t3 a he said as he rose up aiid kissed her, .iljer never manages to protect himself ed Stupidly upon an envelope stuck to ; \ iCjally If they eat a good deal of SsftVasii r JP 6 « t , 1 $ ' *'' e ° ' i I Wall newsdonrors" "You deserve all *I can do for, you against being called 'pop' or 'the Old one of the pages and addressed in full • • the sugars, starches and fat 3fl,Braaii Yon have been one of the best little man' when the infant grows older."— to himself—addressed in Marjorie Hay- \l foods/ On the other hand, the t i For Women M H N & Co. ™»HBw York Ward's clear, resolute characters half wives any man ever had, and I want Washington Star. • • nitrogenous 1oods lead to tissue I ' Have More Friends than any other Branch OOlco. C28 li" St, Washington. V.C. a score of years ago, when they; had you to know how much I appreciate | | waste. That is why physicians '/, magazine or patterns. (McCall s is the both lived in the same little western it. I've been brusque and short with sometimes treat cases of ex- •• reliable Fashion Guide monthly in Silver Lining. town. i one .million one hundred thousand you Sometimes, but you have never j ; treme obelslty by a meat diet \\ homes. Besides showing all the latest The Spinster —How many secret Without a second thought us< t o doubted my love, have youT • * Anything' thai -Increases oxida- * • designs of McCall Patterns, each issue "Never. I wish every woman had lodges did you sayr your husband be- whether he should or should not .open li tioa tends to lessen fat, and '.', ,is brimful of sparkling short stories longed to! ' It Farrington deliberately tore the letas good a husband'" • • therefore stout people should • • •and helpful information for women. The Wife-Fifteen. ter from its inclosure and read: "Arid I wish every man had as good Save Money and Keep in Style by subscribing The Spinster—My goodness! Jnst Dear Walter—I have been thinking 'l', 'practice deep breathing in order I! for McCall's Magazine at once. Coils only 50 . a wifp. There have bepn0 times when •;j tbat the body may burn up its }• cetitu A year, including any one of (he celebrated things over, and, otter all, you must be ydtl ought to h.tre taken the poker think of a man being out fifteen nights right. 1 made the mistake, and I am *.'. waste materials rapidly. If or- '.'. McCall Patterns free. Anil whacked me over the bead, but a week! I'm glad I'm an old mafd.— willing" to acknowledge it. We lOve each J; dhjary exercise, even walking, ; ; McCftll Patterns Lead all others In style,,fit, simplicity, economy atid number sold. Mare >o« neverlo.se your temper. Mm Bow- Philadelphia Ledger. other too much, do We not, to let a silly dealers sell McCall Patterns than any other two quarrel separate Us for life? Come to me '.'. has grown intolerable, you can ',', makes ser, 4o you know that sometimes 1 becombltiedi None higher thati 15 cents, Buy • ^breathe deeply while you aresit,- * from your tonight. I* shall be waiting for you, As The Way of Ljfe. dealer, or by mall from lieve you are an au^ei fwnx heaven?'' ever, ' MARJORIE, . Ttlng still. The treatment of <Sor"ftut yon mustn't heliev* it," she re- One of the foibles that poison home Fpr an itadeterminate space Walter •;f puience with medicines should McCALL'S M A G A Z I N E plied, beginning to be a lit'alarmed illfe is t h e unwillingness to yield In un- Farringtoh gat half- stunned. What • • alwayaybe directed by a physiimportant trifles. The desire always 23C-24S W. 37th St., Nfew York City' over his goody gwdness. What could i t mean? | ; dan, for there Is danger In, ex rftirr—Strop!* C<?pr, Pr<ir.inmtaUl/igijo$&& 1?uUrn C»U1oju» fr**, ' u&nt I do. I am an old kicker and to have one's own way is very f a r bad happened? „ „ „ mind „ w —,,,,«.„ JL | | >• •""•"•"f'-j-"-=>• pertrnentlng. D „ _ _ liuw. * Had she changed her about usend b l u n d e r ail* dfetesve„tojbe booted, from the way of life". log tbg latter, or bad there been some' 'H'lJ'l I l"»'H"I"M"I"H-H-t"I"I"l"M"M. Sfrwrw^^^ eaa he sold. ^•L-ST*-.«-».*»•"• / • • We prepay charges on all goods purchasedforChristmas Gifts." McGillis Furniture Co., Ogdensburg, N. Y. NATIONAL BANE OF OGDENSBURG Three per cent paid on PasslBooks in Interest Department and on Certificates of Deposit. s magazine and McCall Patterns ' «, r* Screniiflc American. ! a- \ • ' . H f « 4 * * *-. ^. „ . •-•"*'I / »-~"' - T ; I 1' \ X 1 — r; tl '!'' • «• RMtw*^^*/* ..J f -i —^ — 1 - mm
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