CS COLUMN USER REFERENCE GUIDE F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. TABLE OF CONTENTS CS COLUMN ................................................................................................................................... 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................................................. 2 CS COLUMN OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................... 3 PRESETS .................................................................................................................................... 4 MEMBER DESCRIPTION TAB ............................................................................................... 5 USER/JOB INFO TAB ........................................................................................................... 15 MENUS ...................................................................................................................................... 16 FILE MENU ............................................................................................................................ 16 EDIT MENU ........................................................................................................................... 18 VIEW MENU .......................................................................................................................... 19 WINDOW MENU ................................................................................................................... 21 HELP MENU .......................................................................................................................... 24 INPUT INTERFACE................................................................................................................... 25 GRAPHICAL INTERFACE .................................................................................................... 26 MEMBER INTERFACE.......................................................................................................... 28 CALCULATION WINDOW AND OUTPUT ............................................................................ 32 BASIC ENGINEERING .............................................................................................................. 39 F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Page | 2 CS COLUMN OVERVIEW CS Column performs single member sizing analysis for columns and tall wall studs. The program defines design criteria for axial loads, wind loads, and bracing conditions when designing solidsawn lumber, glulam, and Structural Composite Lumber (SCL) columns. CS Column Main Screen F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Page | 3 PRESETS The first time using CS Column, set the program Presets to establish default values, as well as define how the program analyzes a Standard Column, Standard Wall Stud, Custom Column, or Custom Wall Stud. Parameters entered as default Presets can be modified for individual columns on the main Input Interface screen. Selecting Edit > Presets displays the Presets window. Edit Menu: Presets Presets Window F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Page | 4 MEMBER DESCRIPTION TAB The Member Description tab displays basic default values for member measurements, loads, bracing, and supports. Presets: Member Description Tab F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Page | 5 TYPE Select Standard Column, Standard Wall Stud, Custom Column, or Custom Wall Stud from the Type list. Preset Member Description Tab: Type SPACING If Standard or Custom Wall Stud is the member Type, enter stud Spacing in feet-inchessixteenths format. Spacing is only available for stud members. Preset Member Description Tab: Spacing TRANSVERSE LOADS Enter the default horizontal Wind Load in plf (pounds per linear foot) for columns and psf (pounds per square foot) for studs and select an applied load direction. Preset Member Description Tab: Transverse Loads F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Page | 6 BUILDING CODE Select the default Building Code from the list. Preset Member Description Tab: Building Code EDGEWISE DIRECTION Select the Edgewise Direction to determine the orientation of the column or stud. Select the X or Y axis to indicate where to align the strong axis of the member. Preset Member Description Tab: Edgewise Direction DEFLECTION LIMITS Select 120 or 180 Deflection Limit from the list, or type a custom value into the field. Preset Member Description Tab: Deflection Limit F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Page | 7 REPETITIVE MEMBER Check Repetitive Member when at least three wall studs are present which applies an increased capacity of 15%. NOTE: Repetitive Member is only available with Standard and Custom Wall Studs Preset Member Description Tab: Repetitive Member AXIAL LOAD ECCENTRICITY Input a percentage of the column dimensions, applied to both X and Y directions, to allow eccentric loading for applied gravity loads. Eccentric loading is any loading that is offset from the exact center (or centroid) of the member. This induces bending into the member in addition to the compression forces. For columns that support the end of a beam that bears on top of the full width of the column, the beam rotates slightly as it deflects under load. The rotation can induce bending forces into the column. To account for this, it is common for designers/engineers to add an eccentricity of about 1/6 of the column width (measured in the direction of the beam span). For other conditions (i.e. brackets on the side of the column), there may be even more eccentricity. Preset Member Description Tab: Axial Load Eccentricity F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Page | 8 WET SERVICE Check Wet Service if the member will be constructed in a humid environment. Certain reduction factors may be applied for specific design values. NOTE: In general, in the continental USA & Canada, most areas of enclosed buildings or portions of non-enclosed buildings not exposed to rain and under non-leaky roofs are considered Dry Service. Some exceptions are swimming pool areas or other areas exposed to high humidity due to moisture sources (i.e. a hog refinement facility or a greenhouse). Preset Member Description Tab: Wet Service TEMPERATURE Select 100°F, 125°F, or 150°F from the Temperature list to identify the environment in which the column will be used and apply a reduction according to section 2.3.3 of the NDS. Preset Member Description Tab: Temperature BRACING If Custom Column or Custom Wall Stud is selected, specify Unbraced or Continuous braced column from the Bracing x-direction and Bracing y-direction lists, or enter a custom value. Preset Member Description Tab: Bracing F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Page | 9 SUPPORTS If Custom Column or Custom Wall Stud is selected as Type, specify Pinned, Fixed, or Free from the Top Support and Base Support lists. NOTE: Pinned and Fixed are the only options available for Base Supports. Preset Member Description Tab: Building Code EDIT PRODUCT LISTS Click Edit Product Lists to define default products used for Column and Stud member analysis. The PST – Product Priority window will display. Preset Member Description Tab: Edit Product Lists Edit Product Lists F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Page | 10 Usage Select Floor Beam, Floor Girder, Floor Joist, Roof Beam, Roof Girder, or Roof Joist from the Usage list. NOTE: Throughout CS Suite, the term "Beam" refers to Dropped Beams, and "Girder" refers to Flush Beams. Edit Product Lists: Usage Copy To Select a usage category from the Product Priority window and then select Copy To. Choose a target usage from the list to replace eligible products. Edit Product Lists: Copy To F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Page | 11 ADD PRODUCTS Select Add Products to launch the PST-Add Products window. Preset Member Description Tab: Edit Product Lists Select the lumber Type from the list. Select a Species, Grade, Thickness, and Width and then click Add to List. NOTE: Products available in the Products Type list depends on the licensing agreement between the EWP supplier and lumberyard. F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Page | 12 Add as FLAT Check Add as FLAT to specify a “flat” versus “on edge” orientation. Add as FLAT Left: Standard On-edge Orientation and Right: Flat Orientation F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Page | 13 Click OK to apply the changes and return to the Product Priority window. Preset Member Description Tab: Edit Product Lists Products selected in the Add Products window will display in the Product Priority window. Preset Member Description Tab: Edit Product Lists F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Page | 14 USER/JOB INFO TAB Enter Designer name and Company Info in the User/Job Info tab. Information entered here will display on all outputs. This same window displays if JOB INFO is selected from the icon toolbar. Preset Member Description Tab: User/Job Info Tab F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Page | 15 MENUS The Menu Bar is located at the top of the screen in CS Column. Many of the menu items also have Hot Key combinations, and several common menu items are available in the Icon Toolbar. Menu Bar and Icon Toolbar FILE MENU The File menu contains common commands for file functions. CS Column uses a .kyc file extension. File Menu NEW Select File > New to create a new file. OPEN Select File > Open to launch explorer and search for CS Column files. CLOSE Select File > Close to close the current active file. F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Page | 16 SAVE Select File > Save to save the current active file. SAVE AS Select File > Save As to launch explorer, then choose a location, enter a new file name and save the CS Column file. PRINT SETUP Select File > Print Setup to define the default printer and printer configurations. PRINT PREVIEW Select File > Print Preview to open a preview of the current calculation before printing. PRINT Select File > Print to send the current calculation to the default printer. RECENT FILES The bottom portion of the File Menu displays the most recently opened files. Selecting a file from the list will open that file. EXIT Select File > Exit to close all open files and exit CS Column. F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Page | 17 EDIT MENU The Edit menu contains an Undo command. Edit Menu PRESETS Select Edit > Presets to access the program presets for CS Column. This same window launches by clicking the corresponding toolbar icon. For detailed usage information, reference the PRESETS section of this manual. JOB INFO Select Job Info to launch the User/Job Info window. This same window launches by clicking JOB INFO on the icon toolbar, or accessing the User/Job Info tab in Presets. F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Page | 18 VIEW MENU The View menu contains items to control the Toolbar and Status Bar. View Menu TOOLBAR If a checkmark appears next to Toolbar, the icon toolbar is visible at the top of the CS Column window. View Menu: Toolbar Visible View Menu: Toolbar Not Visible F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Page | 19 STATUS BAR If a checkmark appears next to Status Bar, the Status Bar is visible at the bottom of the CS Column window. View Menu: Status Bar Visible View Menu: Status Bar Not Visible F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Page | 20 WINDOW MENU The Window menu provides arrangement options and access to open files. Window Menu CASCADE Selecting Window > Cascade arranges all open jobs in a cascading fashion. Window > Cascade F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Page | 21 TILE Selecting Window > Tile arranges all open jobs in a grid pattern to display as much of each file as possible. Window > Tile CLOSE ALL Selecting Window > Close All closes all open windows. F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Page | 22 CURRENT OPEN FILES The bottom portion of the Window Menu displays the current open files. Selecting a file from the list displays the file in the active window, indicated with a check mark. Window > Current Open Files F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Page | 23 HELP MENU The Help menu contains links to helpful information. Help Menu WHAT’S NEW Select Help > What’s New to display the current release notes for the installed CS Column version. ABOUT CS COLUMN Select Help > About CS Column to display the current CS Column version number, copyright information, technical support contacts, licensed user, registration number, and the security expiration date. Help > About CS Column F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Page | 24 INPUT INTERFACE The main screen in CS Column is the Input Interface divided into two parts: Member Interface on the left and Graphical Interface on the right. Input Interface Main Screen F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Page | 25 GRAPHICAL INTERFACE The right side of the screen contains a graphical representation of the member and contains two tabs. MEMBER VIEW TAB The Member View tab displays a graphical representation of the designed column or stud with geometry, orientation, applied loading, and the number of plies. Input Interface: Graphical Interface Member View Tab F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Page | 26 LOADS VIEW TAB The Loads View tab displays a graphical representation with all applied loads and load combinations used in the analysis. Select a load case from the list to display the magnitudes of the axial and transverse loading on the diagram. This function provides a visual check to ensure the X-Y axis orientation loads are applied in the correct directions. Input Interface: Graphical Interface Loads View Tab F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Page | 27 MEMBER INTERFACE The left side of the input interface is the Member Description, containing essential input sections for column specifications. Except for the Height and Axial Loads fields, the Member Description tab is prepopulated with the information from the Presets, although all settings can be changed for individual members. For detailed information on the variables in this section, reference the Presets section of this manual. Input Interface: Member Description Tab F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Page | 28 HEIGHT Enter a dimension in the Height field. Input Interface: Height AXIAL LOADS Enter Dead, Live, Snow, and Roof Live Axial Loads in the fields. Input Interface: Axial Loads F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Page | 29 PRODUCT LIST / PLIES SELECTION The Product List window contains selected products for the program to analyze. To select additional products, click Edit. Information for adding products is located in the Presets, Edit Product List section of this manual. A blue question mark indicates an unevaluated product. Click Analyze to evaluate products in the list. Input Interface: Product Section After analysis, products with a green checkmark are acceptable, and products with a red X indicate that the product and ply solution does not support the applied loads. For detailed information on the analysis, click Calc Sheet. Input Interface: Analyzed Product Section F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Page | 30 After pressing Calc Sheet, the Calculation window displays on a new tab next to Member View and Loads View. Calc Sheet: Calculation Window with New Tab on Right Calc Sheet: Calculation Window with New Tab on Right F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Page | 31 CALCULATION WINDOW AND OUTPUT The Calculation window displays information on the analyzed products. The Print Preview and Print buttons are only available for the Calc Sheet and Detailed Calc Sheet tabs. Calc Sheet: Calc Sheet Window CALC SHEET TAB The Calc Sheet Tab contains the input data and analysis summary. F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Page | 32 DETAILED CALC SHEET TAB The Detailed Calc Sheet tab contains the product, section properties, design values used for calculations, geometry of the column, and detailed calculations for each load case/combination. Each load case contains sections labeled: Design Parameters, Load Case Factors, Adjustment Factors, Adjusted Design Values, and Design Checks, followed by a table summarizing values for the interaction equations. Calc Sheet: Detailed Calc Sheet Tab F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Page | 33 DIAGRAMS TAB The Diagrams tab contains the forces on the column or stud in either direction, at any location, and for any load combination. Selecting a load or load combination from the list displays the diagram. Calc Sheet: Diagrams Tab F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Page | 34 Calc Sheet: Diagrams Tab – Wind Load Example F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Page | 35 CALC SHEET OUTPUT Once the input for all the variables is complete, a product selected, and the Calc Sheet reviewed, click Print Preview to review the output or Print to output the final document. Calc Sheet Output: Print Preview and Print Calc Sheet Output: Print Preview Window F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Page | 36 MEMBER DATA This section details all of the input conditions, including standard loading, pinned and bracing conditions, and deflection criteria. Calc Sheet Output: Member Data BEARINGS AND REACTIONS This section details the supports for the analyzed member, as well as reporting the maximum gravity and lateral reactions determined from all the evaluated load cases. The locations correspond to the diagram to the left. MAXIMUM LOAD CASE REACTIONS This section reports the dead, live, snow, and wind load breakdown of the maximum reactions shown in the previous section. The locations correspond to the diagram on the left. Calc Sheet Output: Bearings and Reactions and Maximum Load Case Reactions F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Page | 37 PRODUCT This section details the product and number of plies selected. Passed and failed designs are also noted in this section. Calc Sheet Output: Product Data (Passed Design) Failed designs are noted as No Solution and the primary mode of failure is listed. Calc Sheet Output: Product Data (No Solution Design) ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN This section provides the engineering summary for calculated engineering values, their locations, and the loading combination used for these calculations. If a member fails, more than one mode of failure may be present. The axial capacity displayed in the calculation reflects the worst case loading condition, usually Dead Load only, and should not be used for design purposes without further evaluation. Calc Sheet Output: Allowable Stress Design F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Page | 38 BASIC ENGINEERING This section is dedicated to the basic equations used to determine whether the selected column or post will support the applied loading. For these calculations, it is assumed the user has a certain level of background training or education with engineering mechanics. For this reason, not every step is detailed here. The very first line of the detailed output is the species, grade, and size of post selected. Section Properties have the following variables defined: 4 Ix = moment of inertia (in ) in the X direction 4 Iy = moment of inertia (in ) in the Y direction 3 Sx = section modulus (in ) in the X direction 3 Sy = section modulus (in ) in the Y direction Rx = radius of gyration (in) in the X direction Ry = radius of gyration (in) in the Y direction 2 A = cross sectional area of the column (in ) Design Values shows the unadjusted species specific engineering properties used in future calculations. Fb = allowable bending stress (psi) Fc = allowable axial compressive stress (psi) Fv = allowable shear stress parallel to grain (psi) Ft = allowable axial tension (psi) Fc = allowable compressive stress (psi) perpendicular to the grain E = modulus of elasticity (psi) Emin = minimum reference modulus of elasticity (psi) F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Page | 39 Column Definition summarizes most of the variables input prior to analysis. These include the applied axial loads, the wind loading, bracing and support conditions, deflection criteria and others. From there the output proceeds through a series of calculations repeated for various load cases. Each load case is differentiated by a double underline. These are the variable definitions for each evaluated load case: D = the total axial dead load as input (lbs) L = the total axial live load as input (lbs) Lr = the total axial live load from the roof (lbs) S = the total axial snow load as input (lbs) W = the applied wind load (psf or plf) The following example uses the last load case: D + 0.75 W + 0.75 L + 0.75 S Design Parameters is the first section for each separate load combination. Some of these factors have x and y subscripts designating which direction is evaluated. This example only examines those in the x direction, since the y direction is calculated in a similar manner. Because the example column is square in cross section, all the values will be similar in the y direction. Kx,y = buckling length coefficient determined by the support conditions. These can be found in Appendix G of the NDS. Lx,y = actual length of the column in inches Ecc-x = axial load eccentricity calculated by multiplying the column dimension by the percent eccentricity input on the main screen F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Page | 40 The remaining items are “flags” for factors used to adjust certain design values. Load Case Factors depicts the coefficients used in the selected load case/combination. The load evaluated in this example takes only 75% of the total Snow load; therefore, 0.75 appears next to the Snow factor in this section. Refer to section 1605 of the IBC for more on load combinations. Adjustment Factors are the various coefficients that used to modify the design values for the chosen species of lumber. Table 4.3.1 of the NDS for dimensional lumber determines the applicability of these factors. A different table must be used for each type of column. All tables can be found in the NDS. Some factors have design properties listed in parenthesis to the right. One adjustment factor may have a different value that is used with different design properties. For this example, these values are defined in the following manner: Cd = Load Duration Factor from Table 2.3.2 Cm = Wet Service Factor from Tables 4A through 4F of the Supplement. Notice that Cm appears six times in this table each time with a different subscript following the m. These letters refer to the design value to which they will be applied. For example Cmb is the moisture factor for bending stress; Cmc is the factor applied to compressive stress, etc. Other adjustment factors have similar subscript designations. Cp = column stability factor is calculated using section 3.7.1 CL = beam stability factor is calculated using section 3.3.3 Cr = repetitive member factor from section 4.3.9 Ct = temperature factor from Table 2.3.3 Cf = size factor using section 4.3.6 and Tables 4A and 4B of the Supplement F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Page | 41 Cfu = flat use factor from section 4.3.7 and Tables 4A, 4B, 4C and 4F of the Supplement Ci = incising factor from section 4.3.8 Adjusted Design Values show the design values for the species of lumber multiplied by the appropriate adjustment factors. Table 4.3.1 depicts which factor should be applied to which value. This section also includes additional values that have been calculated for specific properties such as Fb*, which is a special value used in determining CL according to section 3.3.3. Design Checks is where the engineering example begins.These tests eventually determine whether the chosen column will support the applied loading. Small variations in final answers may exist due to rounding practices. Vmax = max shear applied from the wind load = where: l = height of column (ft) w = applied wind load converted to plf * 0.75 = Vall = 39 lbs = the allowable shear found by using the equation: = where b and d are the x and y dimensions respectively. Fv’ is taken from the Adjusted Design Values section Next, check to make sure the applied loading does not exceed the allowable loading. The result is printed immediately to the right. For the next few calculations, refer to Chapter 3 of the NDS. Beam slenderness ratio, Rb = (le * d ) / b2 where: le is determined from Table 3.3.3. F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Page | 42 (To simplify this calculation, the only equations used are those in note 1 at the bottom of the table.) In this case lu = Lx,y from Design Parameters. Ly = 108 in and Ly/d = 19.6 therefore: Le = 1.84 * Ly = 198.72 which determines Rb = (198.72 * 5.5) / 5.52 = 6.01 Column slenderness ratio = le / d =108 / 5.5 = 19.64 le = 198.72 and was actually calculated in the process of finding R b FcE1 = and is used to determine Cp = = 853 psi FbE = and is used to determine CL = = fc < FcE1 = 124 psi < 853 psi = Passed where fc =P/A = 3750 / 5.5 2 = 124 psi fb1 < FbE = 38 psi < 13,285 psi = Passed where fb1 =M/S = 1044.14 / 27.729 = 38 psi Where M 2 = (w * l ) / 8 2 = (8.59 plf * 9 ft ) / 8 = 1044.14 in-lbs F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Page | 43 The next section is a table showing the applied axial loads and moments and their respective Combined Stress Index, or CSI. For load cases without a wind component, there are only two entries in this table; one at the bottom connection of the column and one at the top. For load cases with a wind component, CS Column divides the member into 10 equal intervals, regardless of height. In this example, the intervals are spaced every 10.8 inches. The following values are calculated at mid-height, or 54.00 inches. The first column indicates the height of the associated values in the same row. The second column indicates the NDS equation used to determine the CSI’s (combined stress indices). P is the axial load applied for this load combination P = D + 0.75 L + 0.75 S = 1,500 lbs + (0.75 * 3,000 lbs) = 3,750 lbs The value is negative indicating the member is in compression. Mx 2 2 = [(w * l ) / 8] * 12 = [(8.59 plf * 9 ft ) / 8] * 12 =1044.14 in-lbs Again, the value is negative due to the direction of the applied loading. My would be calculated in a similar manner. Since no load acts in this direction My = 0. The CSI’s are calculated according to equation 15.4-1 of the NDS. It’s a cumbersome equation that won’t be repeated. Suffice it to say the first term addresses compression, the second term addresses bending about the strong axis, and the third term addresses bending about /around the weak axis. CS Column adds an additional check, however, it is based on pure compression (fc/Fc’). The primary CSI, which is the last column in the table, reports the larger of these two values. The remaining CSI terms are determined in a similar manner and reported accordingly. In this example, at a location of 10.80 inches the total CSI reported is 0.22, which is the value obtained by the pure compression check. If the NDS formula is applied, the total CSI equals 0.19. Since 0.22 is the governing value, it is reported in the CSI-P column. Because the governing value does not entail the usage of the Mx and My CSI’s, these values are reported as 0. F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Page | 44 At a location of 54.00 inches, the total CSI reported is 0.23, which is obtained by applying the entire equation 15.4-1. The first term is 0.05, the second term equals 0.11, and the third term is 0.07; the sum is 0.23. The individual terms are reported in the CSI-P, CSI-Mx and CSI-My columns, respectively. Moving to the second table, the first column again addresses the locations where the associated properties are evaluated. The following properties are evaluated at 54.00 inches. Vx = 0 because no shear is applied in this direction Vy = 0 because shear force is 0 at the mid-point in this example. Vall = 4,517 lbs from earlier calculations CSI-V = Vmax / Vall = 0 / 4517 =0 Deflection Checks are the final investigations covered by this example. This section is only found once at the end of the detailed report; it does not appear with every load combination. Since there is no lateral component applied in the X direction, only the Y direction is shown here. F-COLUMN USAGEUG 14 v1.0 2014 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Page | 45 Controlling LC is the load combination used for maximum deflection checks. According to Table R301.7 of the 2006 IRC and note a, the wind load may be reduced to 70% of the given value in determining deflection. The max deflection is calculated according the formula in the column on the right. Allowable deflection = (9 ft * 12) / 180 = 0.6 in L is the height of the column in inches. Actual ratio = (l * 12) / Actual deflection = (9 ft * 12) / 0.14 = 7714, but because this number is limited to three significant digits 999 is used. Allowable ratio is simply the deflection limit imposed by the input on the left screen. For deflection at any location along a uniformly loaded beam: Deflection = w * 0.75 l 3 x 2lx 3 x 4 E * I 24 * 2 12 11.46 * 0.75 (9 3 * 4.5) 2(9 * 4.53 ) 4.5 4 = 1,100,000 * 76.26 24 * 2 12 Which eventually leads to 0.00126 feet. Converting this to inches yields 0.014. 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